ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA

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Aug 6, 2007
Originally posted by: tigersty1e

So my question is, is there a way to overclock the board and processor while keeping the PCIE freq stock?

As my previous post, I raised this query with Asrock TSD who assured me that, according to their trusty oscilloscope, the PCIE frequency is indeed fixed.

To put their reply to me into context, I sent a pic of my CPU config screen in BIOS, showing the FSB at 290, and the PCIE at 100 and PCI at 33.33Mhz, then a second picture of Sisoft SANDRA reporting FSB 290, PCI at 36 and PCIE at 108.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: keeleysam
Originally posted by: Mr Vain
Originally posted by: keeleysam
I just built three systems yesterday using this board, but I'm having a bit of an issue with all of them. Instead of having the FSB be 266MHz, it is running at 251MHz. If I go in the BIOS and set the overclocking mode to any mode but auto to try and set it to 266MHz, it won't boot the OS. On POST, it shows the correct full speed for each CPU, but those speeds are not what it actually runs at.

Two of these systems are using Xeon X3210 chips, the other is using an E6700. All have 2GB of Micron D9 ram, and good power supplies.

Please help!

These Xeon's are not on the CPU's supported list.

Try one of the older bios or the modded bios.
These are new installs on what vista or XP?
Need more system specs cpuz shows your VGA at 4X AGP 2?

It does not just happen on the Xeons, it also happens on an E6700.

The Xeons are actually supported, as are any B3 chips, they just aren't listed, as they aren't tested.

I've tried the 1.7 BIOS which came with it, and the latest 2.0 BIOS, and both have done the same thing.

Full specs:
-ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA
-Intel Xeon X3210 -OR- Intel Core 2 Duo E6700
-HP 2 x 1GB DDR2-667 (Micron D9 chips)
-160GB Seagate PATA drive
-Cooler Master eXtreme 550W PSU
-nVIDIA GeForce2 MX-400 AGP 4x video card
-Some cheap Rosewill case
-Clean install of Windows XP Professional.



Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: tigersty1e
Originally posted by: Stumps
Originally posted by: tigersty1e
I'm running BIOS 1.4 or 1.5 (can't remember).

I've got a 1950 xt PCIE coming soon. Do I have to flash my bios to an earlier version?

Also, I'm going from AGP to PCIE. Is it just a matter of changing the VGA option in the BIOS or do I have to do a fresh intsall?

No, why would you have to do that? you should try upgrading to bios 1.80 or 2.00 as they are more stable and allow for slightly higher overclocks.

you won't need to reinstall windows, just change the VGA options in the bios.

yeah, I meant to say upgrading to the most curent BIOS version.

I have my board slightly overclocked and I'm getting issues with my PCIE card also being overclocked.

Here's the problem I made in the video card forum

Now I think I've found a solution but I'm at work so I can't try out the solution yet. But here's the solution I found on one of the reviews on newegg...
Pros: To continue with my rant about this card. As I mentioned earlier my first card was bad and rma it for a replacement. Just got the replacement card, but the same blocky discolored artifacts persisted in 3D games.

Cons: sorry not cons, but Solution: I found out later that it's my system as a whole. My system consist of a E4400 @ 2.57Ghz and Asrock 4CoreDual motherboard. The motherboard has got both AGP and PCI-e X4 slots. When I overclock my cpu to a FSB of 285MHz the PIC-e was getting overclocked as well even though it was shown as not overclocked. The solution is to set the FSB and PCI-e frequencies to AUTO mode. Everything is fine after that. I'm running Vista 32bit version with Catalyst 7.7.

Other Thoughts: The card is HOT! So use either ATI Tools or ATI Tray to change the fan speed. I have to monitors and saw that the GPU temperature went up to 75C while gaming. (idle is 45C with room @ 20C) The voltage modulator temperature get to 80C. (kind of scary) I'll need to do something about that. Good Luck gamers.

So my question is, is there a way to overclock the board and processor while keeping the PCIE freq stock?

Set the PCI-E to Async, it will remain at 100mhz when you overclock the FSB.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Stumps
Originally posted by: tigersty1e

So my question is, is there a way to overclock the board and processor while keeping the PCIE freq stock?

Set the PCI-E to Async, it will remain at 100mhz when you overclock the FSB.

I did.

The video card still produces artifacts like it is being OCed.

The video card only works when the option is set to Auto.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Lozzo
Originally posted by: tigersty1e

So my question is, is there a way to overclock the board and processor while keeping the PCIE freq stock?

As my previous post, I raised this query with Asrock TSD who assured me that, according to their trusty oscilloscope, the PCIE frequency is indeed fixed.

To put their reply to me into context, I sent a pic of my CPU config screen in BIOS, showing the FSB at 290, and the PCIE at 100 and PCI at 33.33Mhz, then a second picture of Sisoft SANDRA reporting FSB 290, PCI at 36 and PCIE at 108.

What BIOS version are you at and what BIOS version did those Asrock fellows test their motherboard?

Even though my BIOS read 100 for the PCIE freq, the video card produced artifacts instantly.

The only change I did was to put the option to AUTO and magically no more artifacts.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2004
Sorry if this has been answered before, but there are 36 pages. You understand.

I have a CPU that has 266 FSB, but when I set everything to Auto, the FSB goes to 256. It basically is gettin underclocked.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: tigersty1e
Sorry if this has been answered before, but there are 36 pages. You understand.

I have a CPU that has 266 FSB, but when I set everything to Auto, the FSB goes to 256. It basically is gettin underclocked.

I have the same problem, but mine go to 251.


Aug 6, 2007
Originally posted by: tigersty1e

What BIOS version are you at and what BIOS version did those Asrock fellows test their motherboard?

Even though my BIOS read 100 for the PCIE freq, the video card produced artifacts instantly.

The only change I did was to put the option to AUTO and magically no more artifacts.

They never told me which bios, although I did ask in an earlier email is it possible that the PCI/PCIE lock is borked in any particular bios versions.

Currently using 1.80 here. Not had the time or inclination to flash to 2.00. My board did originally have 1.40 when I got it, and I can't remember if I noticed all this malarkey with the PCI/PCIE frequency then....

As above though, according to Asrock TSD the PCIE is, or can be, fixed. I wonder if the artifacts are due to summat else.. Maybe the chipset does not run Async as well as it could, in which case locking the PCIE is useless anyhow....

As for the frequency when everything is set to Auto, my CPU (E2160) is a 200FSB chip, and the bios runs it as such.

I need to reply to that last email from AsrockTSD anyway. Methinks I'll give them a link to this thread.


Senior member
Aug 20, 2007
Hi there. First post here, wondering if you guys could help me..

I own the Asrock 4CoreDual-VSTA motherboard, with a Pentium D 830 cpu.
I seem to be having a problem with temps on my cpu. Before, I had the same cpu in a biostar board, with a aftermarket HSF and artic silver. My temps stayed around 30° idle, and 40° load.
When I got the new Asrock board, my temps jumped to 45°idle, and near 60° load. I am using the same HSF, and same artic silver. I have reseated the HSF at least 5 times now. Made sure everything was cleaned with rubbing alcohol before any thermal paste. Even added another two case fans, which brings my total up to 5 fans(all 120mm), and still can't get my temps to drop.
Now the really weird part of all of this is, when I take me cpu back down to stock speeds(3.0Ghz) the temp is the same as running @ 3.7Ghz. I'm lost on that one..
I have nothing controlling the speeds of any fans, including the HSF. I've double checked everything I know to.

Anyone have any ideas?

Or is this common in this board. Any one else's temps rise when using this board?

Thanks for the time..

(BTW: great site you got here. Looks like you guys help alot of people)


Junior Member
Jul 22, 2007
I wouldnt worry about that too much, most motherboards temp sensors are off by at least a couple of degrees, some are off by a lot, my old Asus P4P800 SE, for example always reported higher temps than the exact same CPU/heatsink/case/everything I had running in my Gigabyte 8ik1100. The only way to be sure what the actual temp is, to use an external thermometer of some sort. There are high end ones the review sites use, and I've seen ads for laser or IR based wireless ones (point and shoot) but havent tried one of those.

So unless you start to get rebooting or shutdown issues, its probably just the mobo temp sensors being off by some amount.


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2007
karmaKiller... I have the same issues with a E4400. Temps are pretty high, 45-50C on idle and 70C at full load. The temps are exactly the same whether its running at the stock 2ghz or OC'd to 2.66. Its Orthos stable so I'm alright with it, for now...

on another note:

I have found, recently, that running my memory at 667 actually is more stable than 533 at 1:1. I think my old and relatively weak (Kingwin 450W, 18@ 12V) is unable to provide the juice i need to run at 1:1 and some games like F.E.A.R. are causing a BSOD. Everyting else is 100% stable at 1:1 except for those few games which require premium power. Running at 667 4:5 has solved my gaming blue screen issues- unfortunately it provides 10% less memory bandwidth.


Senior member
Aug 20, 2007
Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one here...

Thanks for the replies.
I'm really not sure what to do now. I really do like this board. I'm still running a AGP card, so this fits my needs perfect. Eventually I'll upgrade to PCI-e, but for now this works and runs everything great IMO.

But again, thanks for the replies


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2007
I am running the 4core-dual board and I had a problem with it overheating. I ordered the MIO-Typhoon case from it has the 25cm sidefan and I dont have to worry about overheating anymore. The only thing I dont like about the case, is the cd-rom covers (seem kinda cheap).


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2007
Guys, wonder if you can help.

Just built my second system with this board after an RMA.

First RMA because board would not detect 2nd memory module, first tried matched 1gb DDR400's, then purchased matched 1gb DDRII667... only detected one chip both times. RMA, received replacement and rebuilt, same again!!!!

Am I jinxed or does anyone have any ideas?

Trying to keep my AGP 7800GS 512MB running for a while, but at the point of cermonially burning the lot and buying PCI with a different board if I cant fix this!!



Senior member
Aug 20, 2007
Hi there Egg. I'll try to help what little I may be able to.

First, have you gone into bios and checked the setting for the RAM in there?
I didn't have to, it recognized mine fine on the first power up. But something may be set wrong in there.

Next, have you checked to make sure your RAM is on the compatibility list from AsRock? I know there are some brands that won't work, though I've never run into that problem either.

Other then that, I don't know what else to try...sorry..

before you burn that GPU though, let me know


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2007
Thanks Karma, think I now have it sorted....

Read somewhere in this thread that someone had to push their ram in very hard... so thought F it, going to RMA again if does not work anyway, so...

I re-seated the modules, pushing insanely hard to the point where the board was creaking under the pressure. It booted first time, recognised the 2gb, and in dual channel mode! :Q
(I had re-seated the ram several times before this).

Everything worked fine until I tried BF2 and C&C3, kept crashing to desktop. Read the whole thread again, and discovered this board is a bit fussy. So dropped from 667 to 533 and enabled compatability mode in BIOS, all is stable now.

Just in time for postie to deliver Bioshock.

Now to offload 2gb of ddr400 and a S478 P4 3.2 to cut my losses on the upgrade.

Thanks everyone in the thread, helped me a lot.



Junior Member
Aug 28, 2007
I have the same problem. In windows is cpu frequecy 2.26Ghz, in BIOS is 2.4ghz (thats should be). I downloaded the new chipset drivers (posted by Mr Vain), and the problem stays. Even in BIOS when i change FSB the computer cant boot (freezes). Did you found the solution ?

Thanks !


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2007
Originally posted by: 2fast
I have the same problem. In windows is cpu frequecy 2.26Ghz, in BIOS is 2.4ghz (thats should be). I downloaded the new chipset drivers (posted by Mr Vain), and the problem stays. Even in BIOS when i change FSB the computer cant boot (freezes). Did you found the solution ?

Thanks !

Please tell me...

Via drivers from guru3d or viaarena...


Oct 8, 2006
Originally posted by: Lozzo
Originally posted by: tigersty1e

What BIOS version are you at and what BIOS version did those Asrock fellows test their motherboard?

Even though my BIOS read 100 for the PCIE freq, the video card produced artifacts instantly.

The only change I did was to put the option to AUTO and magically no more artifacts.

They never told me which bios, although I did ask in an earlier email is it possible that the PCI/PCIE lock is borked in any particular bios versions.

Currently using 1.80 here. Not had the time or inclination to flash to 2.00. My board did originally have 1.40 when I got it, and I can't remember if I noticed all this malarkey with the PCI/PCIE frequency then....

As above though, according to Asrock TSD the PCIE is, or can be, fixed. I wonder if the artifacts are due to summat else.. Maybe the chipset does not run Async as well as it could, in which case locking the PCIE is useless anyhow....

As for the frequency when everything is set to Auto, my CPU (E2160) is a 200FSB chip, and the bios runs it as such.

I need to reply to that last email from AsrockTSD anyway. Methinks I'll give them a link to this thread.



Oct 8, 2006
Argh--sorry for the dup. post--anyways--

I'm reading this thread with interest because I just upgraded from an x800xt pe AGP card to a x1950pro PCIE card with my 775 DualVSTA board--exact same problem (running 2.9 BIOS). Had the CUP/FSB OC'd to 295 from 266 (E6300)--everything worked great with the AGP card. Installed the PCIE card, left the OC at 295 and instant artifacts in CCC 3D preview windows as well as in games. Reset the CPU/FSB back to Auto--artifacts gone--everything back to normal. Something not right with the Async. setting on the PCIE bus....


Oct 8, 2006
I've sent a note to Asrock customer support regarding the CPU overclock/async/PCIE graphics card artifact issue.

Have any of the rest of you that have had this similar problem in this thread been able to resolve the siutation either on your own or with Asrock support??
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