ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA

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Jan 21, 2008
Stick, when you posted your 3DMark06 scores, what cpu were you using and how fast was it clocked? Im trying to convert it to Q6600 numbers and wondering if I can get around the same performance (around 9500) and wondering if it would play about the same in Crysis.

I saw the MSI 112 stream processor 8800GTS 640 on newegg; its pretty cheap and I think I might get that one. I have to pull the trigger today, so its between that and the Sapphire 3870


Jan 21, 2008
You know me from the hardforums, do you see difference at all in image quality between your x1950pro (was it pcie?) and the 8800GTS as far as desktop colors and images are concerned?
Oct 10, 2007
the EVGA SSC has a higher memory clock - 1800mhz. And the EVGA core clock is a whopping 1mhz faster!! That G80 GTS should still be as fast or faster than a GT at high resolutions in most games. Good price after rebate.

Looks to be the same size as the EVGA SSC. Wide as a mobo? That's one small motherboard!


Jan 21, 2008
Lol, yeah, Im pulling the trigger on it... I have a raidmax scorpio 868 window case so I should be fine (I hope). I already moved the hard drive to the bottom slot and I found a smaller pci slot fan to use (should I use one with the new card btw?) How are temps at idle and under load? I know 3DMark06 scores really dont matter but Im hoping to >9000 and do well in Crysis. Its comforting to know there's no artifacting whatsoever, as even if the 8800GT works on this board with the new revision, it might suffer some 2D artifacting problems like the 3870 seems to.

I have a feeling this will be my last gfx card til my next mobo update.

BTW, the reason im rushing the upgrade even more is that my gecube x1950pro pcie 512mb card seems to be showing some glitches...or maybe its the drivers? With the new 8.1 drivers the screen would freeze upon boot up, with 7.12 its behaving better, but like 1/10 times my screen will totally go dark upon bootup and wont come back unless I turn the computer off and back on (sometimes all I have to do is turn my monitors off and back on.) It happens on both dvi ports! Whats weird is that the monitors say there's still a signal being sent to the monitors. I dont know if this a gfx card issue or a catalyst issue, but it sure is irritating even though it happens infrequently. makes me wonder if the card will die on me one day. So back to reliable nvidia (well except for the 7950GT agp which is likely xfx fault.)

BTW, did you notice any image quality differences between your 1950pro and the 8800GTS at all in photographs or desktop wallpaper in terms of color saturation or dynamic range (like the smooth gradient of blue skies) or not. Its a minor issue for me at this point, as the graphical glitches of the ati card are more alarming.


Jan 21, 2008
Oh btw I forgot to ask, is the DX10 vs 10.1 issue of any concern? Ive heard that nvidia already incorporates all 10.1 features into their forceware but just wanted to be sure.


Jan 21, 2008
Ok, I searched high and low and still cant find that pcie setting for turning off downstream pipeline. From what I understand, this is absolutely necessary to stop artifacting with the 8800GTS and the 3870 cards. I went into advanced and chipset config but it just isnt there. Can anyone point out where it is in the list? I have everything set to auto, including the pcie clock...maybe thats the problem?


Jan 21, 2008
OMG! What an up and down day it has been for me!

I got the gfx card today, somehow, with ground shipping that took only one day! (Since it shipped from NJ and Im in NY.)

First impression was that this card is not so big after all; actually its an inch shorter than my x1950pro! It does take up two slots, but barely. One thing which I didnt like was the large amount of white paste between the card and the cooler; looks like MSI applied too much of that? Some of it looks like its caking as well. Dont know, maybe this is normal for these kind of cards? Maybe someone else who has the 8800GTS can let me know about that.

I also see abrasions on the metal plating around the cooler, as if its been scraped along its side; but hopefully this is just a minor cosmetic issue.

I got rid of my IDE hard drive and that prehistoric ribbon cable it uses to get more airflow (just using one SATA 2 drive now), moved my audigy 2 zs card down to the bottom pci slot... and guess what?! I had enough room to squeeze in my dual slot pci cooler between the gfx card and the sound card! It fits in with about half an inch of room to spare!

Ok, now that I got all that out of the way, I boot up my computer and-- uh oh! One of my two dvi lcds isnt working. Not even at POST! I get into XP with a single display and then try to switch ports, but the other monitor doesnt work in the other port and the port which was actually working is sending an "out of range" error to the monitor that wasnt working originally!

Man, now Im really pissed! I switch back the ports so that the one monitor works again, but the other is still showing a blank display. I go into bios and set the pcie settings and come back and... no dice! Im about ready to call newegg to send the card back and then I think-- well lets download the nvidia display drivers... who knows, maybe that will change things.

It did! After I download the latest WHQL drivers, and set up my dual display config, now BOTH monitors work as good as ever! I dont know if it'll become an issue in the future (hopefully not!) but at least for now everything works fine. I just found it strange that one of my displays doesnt get detected (still doesnt in POST) unless and until the nvidia display driver is loaded. Maybe other people with newer nvidia cards and dual displays can chime in here.

I ahd more surprises in store for me when I started BMing. As you know, I run a Q6600 and that gets underclocked on these asrock boards. I can change the bios setting from auto to manual and that takes care of that, but asrock told me that might cause some system stability issues so I put it back on auto. So basically I have a 2.3GHz Q6600 and for some reason I cant fathom my 2GB of DDR2-667 memory is running at 192MHz at a 4:3 ratio to cpu fsb with 3-3-3-9 timings. No time to mess with that right now, I wanted to 3DMark06 this baby!

I found the results absolutely amazing. Not so much the score of 9037 on a pcie 4x board:

Main Test Results3DMark Score 9039 3DMarks

SM 2.0 Score 3715 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 3536 Marks

CPU Score 3562 Marks

Detailed Test Results
Graphics Tests
1 - Return to Proxycon 29.87 FPS

2 - Firefly Forest 32.046 FPS

CPU Tests
CPU1 - Red Valley 1.187 FPS

CPU2 - Red Valley 1.709 FPS

HDR Tests
1 - Canyon Flight (SM 3.0) 36.027 FPS

2 - Deep Freeze (SM 3.0) 34.688 FPS

Anyone else find those close to identical scores very interesting? Maybe Im maxing out the potential of this card with my cpu?

It'd probably be around 9500 or even higher at default Q6600 speeds (I tested default speeds with my 7950GT awhile back and it gave me a 300 pt boost on 3DMark06 and over 3800 points on the CPU part of the test.)

But the big deal... the really big deal here is that the card BARELY even got warm... even though it comes overclocked straight out of the factory-- at 575/1700! I kept atitool and rivatuner running on my other monitor to monitor temps and they started at 50C and didnt even make 60C until I looped 3DMark06 about 5 times! Only then did it reach 61C on the very last test-- Deep Freeze. Ive never ever had a card that didnt warm up to at least 75C, on the first run of 3DMark06, let alone five! I dont know what to make of this. Is the cooler on this card THAT good? Ive never had a dual slot cooler before so I havent a clue if thats what it is. Is it the dual pci cooler sitting under the card thats helping out? Who knows! All I can say is that, after such an up and down few hours, I am very pleasantly surprised with this card! After all the reports of it being a hot card, I anticipated at least 90C but never even got to 60C-- and yes, there was no artifacting whatsoever. I shudder to think how high I can overclock this baby; but with the results I've just obtained...I'm very optimistic.


Junior Member
Oct 17, 2007
has anyone got this card to work?

BFG GeForce 8800GTS OC2 640MB HDCP Enabled Dual DVI PCI Express (580MHz Core Clock) (1700MHz Memory Clock) (1350MHz Shader Clock)
Oct 10, 2007
that card is way overpriced if you are buying new for what newegg is trying to sell it for... it is an older 96SP model. MSI has a 112SP version clocked at 575/1700/1350 for only $289 plus a $20 rebate.


Junior Member
Oct 17, 2007
its from the uk and is priced £150

im just wondering if it works ok with no problems


Apr 22, 2007
What email addres did you guys use to get in contact with asrock and get a reply back ?

As I've updated my bios from 2.00 to 2.20 and now when I boot I get this message "MAC address are invalid in both cmos and flash!" on the POST screen. I've contacted asrock 3 times in about 3 weeks and still got no reply from them. I've searched around and a lot of people have solved the problem with some MAC tool from the asrock websit but when i run it I get this error "Write MAC funtion call fail!" Has anybody got any ideas how to fix this ?



Nov 9, 2007
Originally posted by: stevvie
What email addres did you guys use to get in contact with asrock and get a reply back ?

As I've updated my bios from 2.00 to 2.20 and now when I boot I get this message "MAC address are invalid in both cmos and flash!" on the POST screen. I've contacted asrock 3 times in about 3 weeks and still got no reply from them. I've searched around and a lot of people have solved the problem with some MAC tool from the asrock websit but when i run it I get this error "Write MAC funtion call fail!" Has anybody got any ideas how to fix this ?

the similar problem happen for me today after updating my bios to 1.8a(4core dual sata II)
do you have another problem(e.g lAN dosent work, ...)


Nov 9, 2007
Originally posted by: Microsystem
Originally posted by: stevvie
What email addres did you guys use to get in contact with asrock and get a reply back ?

As I've updated my bios from 2.00 to 2.20 and now when I boot I get this message "MAC address are invalid in both cmos and flash!" on the POST screen. I've contacted asrock 3 times in about 3 weeks and still got no reply from them. I've searched around and a lot of people have solved the problem with some MAC tool from the asrock websit but when i run it I get this error "Write MAC funtion call fail!" Has anybody got any ideas how to fix this ?

the similar problem happen for me today after updating my bios to 1.8a(4core dual sata II)
do you have another problem(e.g lAN dosent work, ...)

It solved
Thanks jimmor for solving this problem


Junior Member
May 30, 2007
So after all that beutiful but sometimes worrying times with this marvelous multifunction and sometimes malfunction board from Asrock, i took miserable 175 Dollars and bought Asus Commando from Asus series Republic of Games. I can only tell you it does worth every cent. Everything works now like charm, my PCIe bus isnt crippled now and i overclocked my Q6600 to 3Ghz without any problems. Commando is diamond amongst boards. 4CoreDualVSTA is still serving in my girlfriend computer...


Apr 22, 2007
I've just noticed something a little strange. I was playing Test Drive Unlimited and something wasn't right, it seemed a little laggy/jerky so I quit and started CPUZ and sure enough my 7600GT was running at 1X not 4X. I double checked with GPUZ and Everest. I rebooted and it went back to 4X. Strange, I'm not sure what cuases this but I've seen this a few times.


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2007
Hi Timzak, been a while since we last talked, I see you have done a little upgrading...
So have I...

I am still running an E4300 dual core CPU at 266FSB
have now installed 2GB OCZ Gold DDR2-800 at 533MHZ running at IT command rate
and Asus 7300SE PCI Express Video Card
2 SATA drives, 500 and 250GB, 1 ATA drive, 160GB
1 External SATA 120GB
Ultra X-Connect 500 Watt PSU

Dual-Booting Windows XP and Vista, but runs best in Vista

My onboard sound quit working, but I have installed a lowly Sound Blaster 5.1 digital card

I am however eyeing the ASROCK Conroe1333/DVI as a possible future upgrade as this was my 1st Intel board since the 386SX days, and I want another socket 775 board in case I ever
have CPU or motherboard failures. I had a very weird experience the other night, it turned out to be video driver related, but almost had me thinking it was my motherboard. Whew!

Anyways, I will be on here from time to time, talk to you again some time...



Junior Member
Sep 8, 2007
Originally posted by: WillyWanker
No, nothing changed. I followed the CMOS clearing instructions in the manual -- disconnect power, wait 15 seconds, seat jumper, wait 5 seconds, remove jumper. This did nothing. Are you saying I should do it differently than that? Should I disconnect the power and leave the jumper on for 5-10 mins? Or disconnect, insert and remove jumper, then wait 5-10s mins before powering up again? Hell, I'll try it both ways.

OK, long story short, flashed BIOS from version 1.7 to version 2.0, with a PD 805 and 2x 1 GB DDR RAM. After the flash, the system wouldn't start. Did all the usual tricks, nothing worked.

I contacted ASRock and they told me to buy a new BIOS chip. I did, and guess what, that didn't work either.

Without too many options left, and not having a compatible CPU to swap in, I pulled out the DDR RAM and put in a stick of DDR2. The system immediately booted up, and continues to work just fine after removing the DDR2 and putting the DDR back in.

Needless to say I'm infuriated over this. Not only did I buy a BIOS chip I didn't need, but the problem is obviously in the BIOS itself -- for some reason it refused to boot up the first time under v2.0 using DDR. I'm glad I had a stick of DDR2 lying around that I was able to test, but what if I didn't? The entire machine would still be one big doorstop.

Simply unbelievable. Let it be a warning...
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