Asus P4C800-E Deluxe + Kingston HyperX PC3500


Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
I have 2 x 512mb sticks of Kingston HyperX PC3500 I picked up cheap a few weeks ago. I've decided to go with the Asus P4C800-E Deluxe MB. Anyone out there running this combo and at what ram settings?


Jun 11, 2000
Hi. I have the HyperX3500 512mb kit ( 2x 256MB module) installed on the Asus P4C800-E, bios 1009 and P4 2.8C. The tightest setting I can have is 2-3-2-5. BIOS corrupts if set at 2-2-2-5. Default setting since I am not into overclocking.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
It hardly makes any performance difference anyways. You cant tell. Anyways, I got P4P800 deluxe, and runing my Hyperx 3500 dual channel at 2-3-3-6.


Jun 2, 2003

Does anybody know for sure that 3500 (which runs at 433MHz) will activate the Dual Channel in this mobo? Since the mobos spec says 400/333MHz to activate dual channel.

The answer maybe out there somewhere, but I'm in a real hurry to order.

I appreciate your help.


Feb 2, 2000
Originally posted by: sillious
Does anybody know for sure that 3500 (which runs at 433MHz) will activate the Dual Channel in this mobo? Since the mobos spec says 400/333MHz to activate dual channel.

The answer maybe out there somewhere, but I'm in a real hurry to order.

I appreciate your help.

Yes it will work in DC mode.



Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
Thanks for the replies. I purchased the P4C800-E Deluxe this week. Except for no round IDE cables and SPDIF out module, it came with most of the accessories you may need, including SATA power cables. I?m running it with a P4 2.4Ghz 800, 2 x 512mb HyperX PC3500 (unmatched but same batch and revision) in dual mode, Enlight 430W PS, and my old Geforce2 Ultra. The new Geforce FX 5600 Ultra rev2 though looks promising. I had no problems installing Win XP Pro & SP1, board drivers, DirectX 9, Nvidia drivers, and Win XP updates using the default bios settings. I flashed the bios to v1.010 using EZ Flash; download the bios file, unzip it to a floppy, change the name to PC4800ED.rom, reboot, and hit Alt + F2 during post. I suggest you do this first before messing with the bios. If it becomes corrupted, as mine did, you can reflash v1.010 from the floppy. CPU-Z, v1.17, showed the ram timings set by SPD were 2.5-4-4-8. I used Sisoft Sandra Max3 for memory bandwidth benchmarks, buffered and unbuffered.
All ram settings, except 1*, were with dram burst length set to 8, dram idle timer to auto, dram refresh mode to auto, performance (acceleration) mode to turbo (enabled), hyper-threading enabled, and spread spectrum disabled.
Here?s a good guide to bios settings. Bios Optimization Guide

FSB---DDR Volts--Bios Ram Settings--Boot to OS--CPU-Z Mem Freq---Mem BW, Mb/s, buff / unbuff
210------2.55V-----------2.5-4-4-8---------------Yes-------------420Mhz-------------4836, 4838 / 2560, 2611
217------2.85V-----------2.5-4-4-8---------------Yes-------------289Mhz-------------3987, 3974 / 1745, 1788
Kingston suggests 2-3-3-7.
210------2.55V-----------2-3-3-7------------------Yes------------ 420Mhz-------------4902, 4930 / 2783, 2815
217------2.85V-----------2-3-3-7------------------Yes-------------289Mhz-------------4061, 4061 / 1955, 1972
I don?t know why but CPU-Z showed 2-2-3-5 as 2-3-2-5 and 2-3-2-5 as 2-2-3-5. Has anyone else observed this?
210------2.55V-----------2-2-3-5------------------Yes-------------420Mhz-------------4987, 4978 / 2898, 2949
217------2.85V-----------2-2-3-5------------------Yes-------------289Mhz-------------4099, 4095 / 2026, 2046
210------2.55V-----------2-2-3-5-4*--------------Yes-------------420Mhz-------------4945, 4961 / 2846, 2926
210------2.55V-----------2-3-2-5-------------Bios corrupted
210------2.85V-----------2-3-2-5-------------------Yes------------420Mhz--------------4987, 4970 / 2850, 2936
210------2.85V-----------2-2-2-5-------------------Yes------------420Mhz--------------5027, 5011 / 2968, 3046
211------2.85V-----------2-2-2-5-------------------Yes------------281Mhz--------------4032, 4031 / 2046, 2072

As you can see I could get the FSB over 210 but then the ram freq and mem bandwidth suffered. Looks like the best setting is 2-2-2-5 at 2.85V, but how long can this ram handle this voltage. There?s not a big difference between this setting and 2-2-3-5 (CPU-Z showed 2-3-2-5) at 2.55V. I also ran MemTest86 on these, and depending on the ram settings, it picked up 6 to 90 errors in just the first 5 tests.
I?m a little disappointed in this ram. I?m not a heavy overclocker but I expected it to at least run at its rated mem freq of 434Mhz. I will probably RMA these back to Kingston and try to swap them for a matched pair.

Just a few more comments about this board. I don?t think the manual mentions this. It drove me crazy for about an hour. When it first boots up it beeps for every usb device you have connected and turned on. I had my mouse, printer, and scanner on today and when it booted up it beeped 3 times. I thought this was the bios beep code that means ?Main Memory Read/Write Test Error?. I checked each chip individually and even borrowed some Corsair memory from a friend and got the same results. Then I remembered reading about this on another thread.

Also the onboard sound is not bad. I think it sounds better than my SB Live 5.1 Has anyone though gotten Instant Music to work? If yes, how?



Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
The default was the bios factory setting when I first fired it up; everything set to auto, spread spectrum enabled, dram timing by SPD enabled, and hyper-threading enabled. CPU-Z showed the ram settings were 2.5-4-4-8, 200 FSB, and mem freq 400. I'm assuming the ddr voltage was 2.55V.


Senior member
Apr 13, 2002
I just picked up a pair of hyperx 512k modules, khx3500/512R at Best Buy.

What does the R mean?

Someone said revised, revised to what? They are the 2.6v, which I just read are supposedly bad and have lots of problems that the 2.5v version does not, but no one has really explained why to me???


Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
To be more specific, it has a SPDIF out port on the rear panel and a SDIF out connector on the board that is available for a SPDIF audio module that is not included.


Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
Is the batch number on your dimms followed by A00 or A02? Mine are A00. I read on another thread that A02 is revision 2. Has anyone actually confirmed this with Kingston?


Senior member
May 2, 2003
I e-mailed Kingston tech support in an effort to get a definitive answer on the compatibility of my two 512 MB sticks of HyperX 3500 with the Abit NF7-S mobo Rev. 2.0. I have heard of issues with various revisions of this memory with NF2, Springdale and Canterwood chipset motherboards.

My sticks are labelled as follows:

1215466 - 2.5V

Here is what Kingston replied with:


Dear John,

Thank you for your interest in Kingston Technology.

We have not tested your particular mother board with our HyperX memory. However, I can confirm that our Hyper X memory is specifically engineered and tested for higher speeds and for system over clocking. Unlike other gamer modules, each of Kingston's memory chips are custom-packaged and tested at their rated speeds. This means that every HyperX memory chip is verified to reliably support the top speed of 333MHz to 434MHz on high-end Advantest® memory testers before they are included on premium quality HyperX memory modules.

Best Regards,
Mike Nguyen
Customer Service/Sales Support
Kingston Technology Company


Seems like the answer is that it does the rated speed on the tester, but not necessarily on any specific board. I was hoping for a little better answer than that, especially considering the popularity of this Abit board, and for how long it has been on the market.


Senior member
Apr 13, 2002
Originally posted by: MadScientist
Is the batch number on your dimms followed by A00 or A02? Mine are A00. I read on another thread that A02 is revision 2. Has anyone actually confirmed this with Kingston?

The numbers read 9905200-011.A00, and the the model number is KHX3500/R.

I have read in several reviews on motherboards, reviewers comments, specifically saying Kingston has revised this memory at least twice from the original release. The articles said the original releases would not even run to their own specifications often, let alone overclock. One article said one revision did much better than the first chip run for this hyperx 3500 series.

Several articles indicated serious problems for this memory with Epox and Abit motherboards as well, either it would not run stable or would not run spec, or not overclock at all. I saw all three comments.

I see there parts KHX3500A AND KH3500K out there as well??



Jul 25, 2003
Well, the list of approved ram by Asus is here. I see K4H560838D-TCC4 but not the one you mention. I think 2700 will work but you may have to run it at 333mhz instead of 400.


Senior member
Oct 29, 1999
Well I'm running with Corsair memory stable at 2-2-2-5-8 on P4C800-E.

PAT & Turbo enabled, it's possible to do with the right RAM !


Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
My Kingston PC3500 memory will also run stable at 2-2-2-5-8 at 210 FSB and Turbo enabled, no reboots or crashes, even when rendering in Bryce3D and playing Unreal Tournament at the same time, but I have to bump the voltage up to 2.85V. I just don't feel comfortable leaving the voltage that high for long periods of time, so I am now running at 2-2-3-5-8 at 2.65V and 210 FSB.
What FSB are you running and what is your DDR voltage? I'd also be interested in knowing what mem freq does CPU-Z, v1.17, see at the 2-2-2-5-8 settings and what your mem bandwidth benchmarks (buffered and unbuffered, no other programs running) are from Sandra Max3. And does the Corsair memory pass all the MemTest86 tests with no errors at these settings?


Senior member
Oct 29, 1999
My Kingston PC3500 memory will also run stable at 2-2-2-5-8 at 210 FSB and Turbo enabled, no reboots or crashes, even when rendering in Bryce3D and playing Unreal Tournament at the same time, but I have to bump the voltage up to 2.85V. I just don't feel comfortable leaving the voltage that high for long periods of time, so I am now running at 2-2-3-5-8 at 2.65V and 210 FSB.

Interesting, I'm running at the same FSB 210. CPU is at 3165MZH 2-2-2-5-8. The thing is Corsair warrents the DDR voltage up to DDR 2.80V I beleive. I've run hours of memtest & Prime95, no errors at all.

Funny though I'm running at DDR 2.75V, no issues in any games or benches.


Platinum Member
Jul 15, 2001
Maybe we should sell our Kingston and Corsair memory and buy Mushkin. Check out this Review.

The following is from Mushkin's website. Although it is for the P4C800, it probably also holds true for the P4C800-E Deluxe.

ASUS P4C800: Intel i875 Canterwood Dual Channel DDR chipset
The ASUS P4C800 is fully compatible with the Mushkin Black Level2 PC3200 and PC3500 DIMMS. The P4C800 will give the highest performance when the memory is running in synchronous mode. That is, especially with the new generation of 800 MHz FSB processors, it is advisable to only use the top grade of memory available.

USER TIPS: The P4C800 uses a different DIMM slot layout than the P4G8X, keep in mind that for dual channel operation either the blue or the black channel need to be populated, or else, all four DIMM slots need to be filled with matching pairs in the blue and black channels, respectively.
The P4C800 uses an AMI BIOS that does not correctly read the SPD and will, at DDR400 mode, automatically set the latencies to 2.5:4:4 (CAS: tRCD: tRP), at least with the current BIOS versions but an update may fix this. The ICH5 does not support RAID functionality, instead, an extra Promise PDC20378 SATA RAID controller is on board. Also, the 3Com Gigabit Ethernet controller does not support CSA technology.

Important: If PC2700 memory is used in combination with an 800 MHz FSB CPU, it will run at 320 MHz instead of 333 MHz. For any performance use we do not recommend this asymmetric mode unless the system is overclocked. We have been running the PC3500 without any problems at 2:2:2-6 in DDR400 mode with a burst length of 8 for highest bandwidth. Please keep in mind this is only one example of overclockability - overclockability of your system may vary. See the product page of your particular memory module for guaranteed timings and frequencies. At Auto, the DDR voltage is already at 2.68V, the same was measured at the 2.55 and 2.65V setting. At the 2.75V setting, the board will supply 2.78V which is the highest we can tolerate without compromising the longevity of the DIMMs

The P4C800 overclocks easily up to 300 (1200) MHz FSB, however, beyond 301 MHz, a dramatic performance hit occurs


512MB PC3200 Dual Pack (2x256MB)*
1GB PC3200 Dual Pack (2x512MB)*
512MB PC3500 Dual Pack (2x256MB)*
1GB PC3500 Dual Pack (2x512MB)*

*Since memory modules have to be installed in pairs, we recommend using 2 x 256 MB or 2 x 512MB for each channel for the best performance and stability. When all 4 DIMM slots are populated with non-matching pairs of DIMM, the "Dynamic Mode" is turned off.


Jun 22, 2003
I have the HyperX PC3500 512(2.6v) on my ABIT IC7 and can overclock my 2.4C to 3.01ghz using stock voltage on my CPU and memory. I just move FSB to 250 and divider to 5:4. I've had no problems with the 2.6v HyperX memory.


Aug 4, 2003

I don't want to hijack here but:

Can you tell me what settings you are using, as I am trying to tighten my timings on my P4C800-E Deluxe using Corsair 3200LL TWINX.

Currently, it won't even let me set my timings manually to 2-3-2-6, although CPUZ shows 2-3-2-6 if I set my timings to SPD.
For some reason, the fastest manual settings I can use are 2-3-3-6.

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