Asus P4S533 Problem


Junior Member
May 3, 2002
Just got the new sweet Aus P4S533 and I slapped it together w/ a P4 2.0A processor and 512 MB High Performance DDR 2100 RAM stick from Mushkin. Anyways, I booted it up and I was able to get into the BIOS but it didn't recognize my new Western Digital 120gig HD. Powered her down, unplugged her, grounded myself and made sure the IDE cables were tight. From then on I wouldn't get any video or beeps of errors but I could get the num lock on the keyboard to light up. I have gone as far and just have power (I do need to have all three power connections for the P4 mobo connected, right? I do.), CPU, Fans, Memory, and Video Card (Leadtek ti4400) and I still get nada...

Any ideas/suggestion?



Senior member
Mar 13, 2002
hey man welcome to the club. i can assure thatl i am the first one in the USA to RMA a P4S533. check my post from last week. anyways, thats the same problem i had. what kinda PSU do you have? see if the there is anything board grounding in the case or not. also see if there is a message that appears that says CMOS battery low or something. most likely sound like a shortage.



Junior Member
May 3, 2002
I saw the thread you started so I am going to try to remove the AUX power (HD shaped power connector) and also check from anything grounding out.
I get the same thing as you, the system whirls up (CPU fan,fans, HD, DVD, LED on the MB) but does nothing - it did work once and I did get into the BIOS. I am going to also try resetting the BIOS - worse comes to worse Ill take it out of the case and try it on an anti-static bag.
I have a Enermax 430 Watt Power Supply...I slapped a SB Live! in the box but I think Ill take it out and hook up the onboard audio to see if I can hear anything...

Ill keep you in the know - did you get yours working?

/hey man welcome to the club. i can assure thatl i am the first one in the USA to RMA a P4S533. check my post from last
/week. anyways, thats the same problem i had. what kinda PSU do you have? see if the there is anything board gro
/unding in the case or not. also see if there is a message that appears that says CMOS battery low or something. most
/ikely sound like a shortage.


Apr 10, 2002

I have gone as far and just have power (I do need to have all three power connections for the P4 mobo connected, right? I do.), CPU, Fans, Memory, and Video Card (Leadtek ti4400) and I still get nada...

Any ideas/suggestion?


Same board, mine works fine
Plug in a speaker and listen to the boot self-test cycle and see what it says.
Do a CMOS clear
Try unplugging all but the most minimal connections (eg remove all USB, LED's, fan monitoring) and just keep the speaker/powercables, IDE and power switch.


Senior member
Feb 10, 2002
I was considering the same mobo. I have a Chieftec case w/ 420 watt PS that is P4 certified. Thinks it will be OK? thanks


Junior Member
May 3, 2002
Thanks for the ideas - quick question - do you have all of three of the power connectors connected?


Sep 15, 2000
I have the P4S333, pretty much the same.
You should connect the ATX one (big one) and the 12v one (small square one).

The regular power connector is only to be used if you do not have an ATX connector on your power supply.


Junior Member
May 3, 2002
Thanks for the info - Ill make sure I just have those two connected.
BTW - have you or anyone else found out if temporarily having all three connected blows the MB?

Again thanks,


Junior Member
May 3, 2002
I believe that there is a significant issue with some of the P4S533 boards just released as I have spent the last few days trying to get 2 different ones to work. I ordered (1) from Googlegear and (1) from Newegg and also ordered matching P4 1.8GHz Northwoods to go with each. I have tried Crucial, Kingmax and Nanya memory sticks, 2 different chassis with Enermax and Antec 400w+ power supplies and both GeForce4 and Ati 8500 AGP video cards in every possible combination to the same constant result: "System failed CPU test" coming out of the speakers. (side note: I do like the POST reporter feature!)

I have been using the P4S333 model, so I'm very familiar with the power plugs and which ones to use. Also, I have verified that the new processors work fine in the P4S333 as well as an Abit SD7-533 that I have for testing, so it's NOT a processor issue.

I've tried clearing the BIOS, both jumper and jumper-free modes and verified all other jumpers are in the correct position (voltage etc.).

I've been building systems for many years and have used every major brand of mainboard, never touch a component without a grounding strap on etc. so I think I can say that this is a board problem with some certainty.

I would recommend folks hold off on purchasing one of these for a few weeks until the issue has been isolated.

Thanks, Tom


Mar 19, 2001
Well I got my P4S533 this AM..also got another 1.6a.
Ill be putting it together tomorrow and hopefully wont have any problems with it....
I hope to do some side by side runs with the P4S333/1.6a combo I already have


Senior member
Feb 10, 2002
Cool...Good plan hubsoxman. I will be building soon but now I think I will buy the mobo last and hope this is resolved by then (about June). i certainly hope so


Junior Member
May 3, 2002
*** UPDATE ***

Thanks to all of the advice in the thread I started and the one started by DinoGucci - I have been able to get my original P4S533 up and running.
Let me share with you what I did so hopefully others aren't as frustrated.

Here are my part specs:
Pentium 2.0a
Asus P4S533
512 meg of Mushkin 2100 DDR High Performance
120 Gig Western Digital Drive
Thermtake Volcano 7+
Lian Li 60 USB
Enermax 430 PS w/ switch
Toshiba DVD
Mistumi 3.5"

I put the system together, it booted once and then after going into the BIOS to look around - disabled the onboard audio - rebooted and I didn't get a screen. I did have power and the LED on the MB was on.

First thing I did after getting home and reading through all the help was unplug the P4 connector that has the HD drive type end. So I had the ATX Power Connector and ATX12V1 (the 4 sqaured power connector) conencted. The system booted again and my BIOS was back to defaults. Ok. Didn't make any changes, killed the power and booted up again. BAM! It was dead again!!

So I checked and made sure nothing was grounded. For the hell of it, I plugged in the fan monitor for the Enermax power supply. Pulled that off and it worked as I slowly plug one more item back into the motherboard. Even the fan monitor for the CPU which works just dandy.

Now the Lian-Li USB has the nifty in front USB ports....well I plugged the leads into the ASUS and it won't boot again. Grrrrr! So I unplugged the Lian-Li leads and it worked. Two USB ports is not something I wanted to live with, so I slapped in the USB card from ASUS. It booted and I was back in biz.

So to sum it up, connect only the two standard P4 power connectors and unless the Enermax PS I have is evil bad - don't plug in the PS fan control. And beware of using USB connectors other than ASUS.

Thanks again all!

Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999
good info

but your post is a bit confusing:
" For the hell of it, I plugged in the fan monitor for the Enermax power supply. Pulled that off and it worked
as I slowly plug one more item back into the motherboard......"

errr, you mean you originally plugged in the fan monitor, then unplugged it after second no boot? And that
was final step to working? this contradicts " as I slowly plug one more item..." - what item?
this implies fan monitor uses wrong voltage for mobo.



Junior Member
Apr 29, 2002
Have had my P4S533 up and running for 3 days now. First day with all three power plugs in, no prob, but after seeing all the posts, took the 4 pin HD connector out to be safe. All seems to be working fine (P4 2.0, Maxtor 740x 80 G, Voodoo 3, Corsair 512 2700 Win98SE). The only problems I have had are my Gainward 750 had the garbled image problem and the Asus Probe Software thermometer for my cpu gives different readings than the BIOS thermometer. The Bios one fluctuates where as the Probe one flatlines at 40C.


Junior Member
May 4, 2002

Hi folks,

I purchased & assembled my Asus P4S533 motherboard a few days back, here's my spec:

Pentium 4 2.0A GHz
Asus P4S533
WinFast GeForce4 64MB Graphic card
512 meg of Samsung PC2700 DDR High Performance
20GB Maxtor 7500RPM
ATX Casing
360W Power supply
LG 52x & Liteon CDRW
Sony 3.5"
MS Windows 2K

I too plugged the USB leads from the front casing into the Asus similiar to bknichol and at least the Secondary IDE won't recognised the CD & CDRW.
After unplugging the USB front casing wires from Asus everything works OK. The problem comes with my D-link DFE-538TX 10/100 PCI adaptor. Mine come without the Lan.

The Windows 2K (this m/c is for my brother-he prefers win2k than xp) recognise the hardware but upon loading the driver it refused to recognise the card. I then went into dos and do a DIAG on the card, again the Diag software says no Lan card installed!

I have not even overclock the damn think yet! Whats wrong?? Any guru out there can help here?? Apart from that everything seems a ok!

thanks & regards,


Junior Member
May 3, 2002
Bozo Galora,

/but your post is a bit confusing:
/" For the hell of it, I plugged in the fan monitor for the Enermax power supply. Pulled that off
/and it worked as I slowly plug one more item back into the motherboard......"

/errr, you mean you originally plugged in the fan monitor, then unplugged it after second no
/boot? And that was final step to working? this contradicts " as I slowly plug one more
/item..." - what item? this implies fan monitor uses wrong voltage for mobo.

I apologize I was a bit fried when I wrote it - When i originally plugged the fan monitor in from the PS it worked. Reboot. It wouldn't work. Removed it and it worked since then.
After that I add one device at a time to make sure something else didn't screw up the system - everything went good until the USB connections.

Hope that clarifies!


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000
"So to sum it up, connect only the TWO standard P4 power connectors and unless the Enermax PS I have is evil bad - don't plug in the PS fan control. And beware of using USB connectors other than ASUS."

I have the Enermax 431W and the P4S333 (not the one being discussed now) with the the PS533 bios. Let me get this straight - you plugged in both the P4 ATX 12V and the AUX12V1 (EZ plug)! Why? The way I understand this is that with AMD the cpu never got enough juice and so we encountered all those famous cold boot problems especially with VIA. With the P4 ONE of these plugs is supposed to overcome that famous cold boot problem. I used either alternately to see the impact and found no major problems using one OR the other never both. I also use the PS fan control as a rule - I see no problem here. In fact I use all onboard fan controls as long as they are not high powered.

The USB thingy - I still can't get the onboard USB to work properly - slows down the whole compter to a crawl when say a USB wheel is plugged in. So I will leave it at that. I will try that ASUS USB card one later.
I am hoping that the P4S533's problems are not related in any way to that dratted ECS K75SA - that would be something.

BTW my P4S333 continues to rock except for the USB thing.
Rig: P41.6A at 2.24 Samsung PC2100 DDRAM at 187.


Mar 19, 2001
My P4S533 works w/no problem....swapped out the P4S333 and replaced with the 533 and it booted up, runs great.
I am running at 150fsb on the 533 whereas the 333 wouldnt go above 144/145.

Unfortunately now, the 333 booted up in the new PC i was making, then I all done with the OS install, touched the case with my hand to move it, PC turned off,wont turn back on..guess I killed the motherboard?


Junior Member
May 3, 2002

/Let me get this straight - you plugged in both the P4 ATX 12V and the AUX12V1 (EZ plug)! Why? The way I understand
/this is that with AMD the cpu never got enough juice and so we encountered all those famous cold boot problems
/especially with VIA. With the P4 ONE of these plugs is supposed to overcome that famous cold boot problem. I used
/either alternately to see the impact and found no major problems using one OR the other never both. I also use the
/PS fan control as a rule - I see no problem here. In fact I use all onboard fan controls as long as they are not high

I plugged both power adaptors in by the suggestion of various sites recommending processors over 2.0 gig it would be benefical. So I did.
I don't have an explanation why I can't get the system to work w/ the Enermax fan controls...if I do Ill post it here



May 23, 2000
I wanted to chime in here, as my P4533 is running beautifully. Rock solid! No problems.

Antec 635 case with 350W
P4S533 w/audio and lan
P4 1.6a (currently running at 2133Mz, I have not tried any higher)
ASUS GF3 ti200 V8200 ti200
Samsung PC2700


Golden Member
Jan 25, 2001
The only problems I have had are my Gainward 750 had the garbled image problem

I have this same problem and I don't know how to fix it. Everything else is running just fine on the P4S533... good enermax psu with all three plugs inserted.

If ANYONE knows where I can get help on the Gainward Geforce 4 powerpack (750 XP)... PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!



Junior Member
May 18, 2002
My part specs:

Pentium 1.6a
Asus p4s533
GeForce 4600
512 meg of Corsair 2700 DDR 2C
20 Gig WD
Antec 880 case (435 PS)
Toshiba DVD
Mistumi 3.5"

One of my simptomps is exactly as described in the above posts: secondary IDE controller is not working. I did not try to unplug the front case USB ports yet. Probably it will resolve the ussue once I try that.

My second problem is a bit more misterious. I cannot install drivers for SIS AGP port properly. In the system info (i have win XP), it shows that device is not working properly (question mark). Probably because of that, I cant install drivers for my GeForce either.

Anyone have similar problems?


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2002
I RMA'd mine, have been looking but haven't found any posts on other boards or this one that says they found a fix. There are a lot of posts with this problem. There are quite a few who finally got good boards tho. Good Luck. I went with the Chaintech, and have had low performance problems, but I think its drivers.
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