AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

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Nov 27, 2001
PSA - Get off your god damn dragon mount when talking to the fishing/cooking dailies, quest givers, mailboxes, etc - nobody gives a rats ass you have a dragon mount and it only gets in the way of other people trying to talk to the npc or check their mailbox.

I only use gryphon mounts now... the big thing for me is that Stormwind has relatively small doors, and most mounts cannot enter, so you must manually dismount. I'd rather run through the door and be automatically dismounted, so I just use the relatively small gryphon to accomplish that.


Nov 27, 2001
Now this is the problem that they're talking about...

I'm in Throne of the Tides, and we're having a bit of trouble on Naz'jar simply because we have no class with a quick enough interrupt! We only have a mage, a warlock and a boomkin. Mages and warlocks have a relatively long CD on their interrupts and boomkins are even longer. The other problem is that the boomkin "pillar of light" makes it pretty hard to see Geysers beneath you... hard enough that I actually have to pay attention rather than just see the blue hue beneath my feet :\.

Two of the DPS leave and we get a rogue in... who fails to interrupt anything.

I fucking hate Throne of the Tides... just give me Blackrock Caverns for each heroic and I'll be happy. Hell, I prefer H-SFK over that place and that's saying a lot.


Hmm, looks like a few heroics were "nerfed" in 4.06, although... I don't really consider them to be nerfs so much as "fixes." The problem is that heroics can be really bad with certain group compositions... like I mentioned above with Throne of the Tides. Removing Ashbury's Mend Flesh and reducing the damage on Naz'jar's Shock Blast simply makes it so it isn't as necessary to have interrupters in your group. Also, they removed a core hound pup from the Beauty encounter on heroic.... which makes it easier for groups that lack CC (that can do beasts).

Unfortunately, some aspects will be a "nerf" to some group comps. Now a group that can CC both core hound pups will have an easy time on Beauty as there will be no lava pools for the tank to move out of. Ashbury's Mend could cause wipes if people kept letting them get off, and that danger is now gone.
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2001
World of Warcraft PTR Patch 4.0.6


•Many tooltips have been updated to reflect any changes made via recent hotfixes.
•The guild reward Armadillo Pup now requires revered faction instead of exalted.
•All guild banners now reward bonus reputation in addition to honor and experience.
•Guild bank vouchers that players unlock as guild rewards now correctly state that they can only be used by Guild Leaders.
•Many rare creatures that went into hiding upon Deathwing's emergence into Azeroth have made a return! In addition to finding new homes in a post-Cataclysm world, they drop new, improved loot, provide a healthy experience bonus, and respawn much more quickly when killed. Happy hunting!

Dungeons & Raids

•Level 85 players can now choose any normal dungeon via the Dungeon Finder. Choosing Random Dungeon will still not add Blackrock Caverns or Throne of the Tides into the rotation.
•Blackrock Caverns
•Beauty now spawns with only two pups in Heroic difficulty. Not to worry though, the missing pup has been adopted by a wonderful, if not insane family.
•Grim Batol
•Faceless Corruptors now move 10% more slowly.
•Players may still use spell and abilities while afflicted by Forgemaster Throngus's Impaling Slam.
•Valiona's Devouring Flame damage has been reduced by 20%.
•Halls of Origination
•The duration of the Flame Wardens' Raging Inferno has been reduced by 80%.
•Anraphet's Nemesis Strike now does 75% of weapon damage, up from 50%. In addition, the damage-over-time effect applied by this ability does 15,000 damage every 2 seconds, up from 9,000.
•Earthrager Ptah's Flame Bolt now deals more damage per second on Heroic difficulty.
•Setesh seeks a portal every 25 seconds, up from 20.
•Lost City of the Tol'vir
•Lockmaw no longer tolerates fighting in his treasure room.
•Shadowfang Keep
•Baron Ashbury
•Sadly, in his hubris he has forgotten how to Mend Rotten Flesh.
•Lord Walden
•Conjure Poisonous Mixture now deals more initial damage.
•Frost Mixture is now area-of-effect damage.
•Toxic Catalyst now deals less damage over time.
•The Stonecore
•Stonecore Earthshapers' Dust Storm does slightly less damage.
•The warning time for Thrashing Charge has been increased by 1 second. In addition, Thrashing Charge now happens 4 times, down from 5.
•The visual for Rock Borers spawning during the submersion phase is now different from the Thrashing Charge visual.
•High Priestess Azil
•She grew! She's now 175% the size of a human, up from 125%.
•Gravity Wells should kill Devout Followers more quickly.
•The cast time of Force Grip is now 1.5 seconds, up from 1.
•The size of the warning visual for Seismic Shard has been increased to more accurately reflect the area it affects.
•The ground phase lasts longer and has fewer stalactites.
•There is now a precast visual on the ground to make it clear how far away a player must get to be clear of Shatter.
•The cast time of Shatter has been increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.5.
•Shatter damage is now reduced by armor, but has been increased by 33.3% (repeating, of course) as a result.
•Bug Fixes
•Fixed a bug that made Ozruk's Shatter knockback component 10-yard range while the damage had a 15-yard range. Both are 15 yards now.
•Throne of the Tides
•The damage done by Lady Naz'jatar's Shock Blast and Naz'jar Tempest Witch Chain Lightning has been reduced.
•Tainted Sentries Swell damage has been reduced.
•The damage of Blight of Ozumat has been reduced by 25% per stack.
•The Vortex Pinnacle
•Desperate Speed cast by Temple Adepts has had its duration reduced significantly.
•The visual effects in this encounter have been adjusted to make the wind direction easier to read.
•Cyclones now knock players straight up, and players hit by a cyclone cannot be hit again for a few seconds.
•Skyfall Stars are now summoned to help him defeat players.
•Static Cling has had its cast time increased to 1.25 seconds, up from 1.
•Grand Vizier Ertan
•His health has been reduced slightly.
•He now knocks away players standing too close to him when he retracts his Cyclone Shield, which now inflicts Nature damage if it touches players.


•Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp and Ancient Hysteria can no longer be cast while in Arenas.
•The Battle for Gilneas
•The time it takes to capture a flag has been reduced to 5 seconds, down from 8.
•Strand of the Ancients
•The damage done by Antipersonnel Cannons has been doubled.
•The missile speed of Rocket Blast (Antipersonnel Cannons) has been increased by roughly 50%.
•Some Antipersonnel Cannons could shoot the platform they were spawned on. These spawn locations have been fixed.
•The Battleground Demolisher no longer has two additional seats and now only has room for the driver.
•A PvP duration flag has been added to Battleground Demolishers. This should make it so crowd control effects cast on unmanned demolishers does not last an extended amount of time.
•There should no longer be a discrepancy in time when the Battleground Demolishers spawn at the start of each round.
•The Battleground Demolishers spawned on the docks no longer despawn when the north graveyard is taken by the offense.
•Massive Seaforium Charges should now be useable in rated Battleground matches.
•The duration of the Teleport debuff has been lowered to 10 seconds, down from 20.
•The radius of the Seaforium Blast has been lowered to 10 yards, down from 20.
•The Teleporters on defense will now teleport players based on which line of gates have been destroyed, rather than directly behind that gate. For example, if a player clicks the Teleporter at the Blue gate when one of the beach gates has been destroyed, it will put the player behind the Red gate.
•Tol Barad
•Players will now be teleported out of the Tol Barad micro dungeons 15 minutes before the beginning of the next battle.


•The draenei racial trait Gift of the Naaru now heals 20% of the target's health over 15 seconds, rather than a scaling value.
•The dwarven racial trait Stoneform now reduces all damage taken by 10%, rather than increasing armor by 10%. It also increases the dwarf's size when used.
•The gnomish racial trait Escape Artist now has a 1.5-minute cooldown, down from 1.75.
•The human racial trait Every Man for Himself has been reverted back to a 2-minute cooldown, down from 3 minutes.
•The night elf racial trait Shadowmeld can now be used while shapeshifted.
•The tauren racial trait War Stomp can now be used while shapeshifted.
•The worgen racial trait Darkflight now has a 2-minute cooldown, down from 3, and is no longer on the global cooldown. In addition, the movement speed bonus now stacks with existing bonuses, but cannot be activated while Sprint or Dash is active (and they cannot be activated while Darkflight is active).

Death Knights

•Icebound Fortitude now breaks stuns when used, in addition to providing immunity to them.
•Necrotic Strike's absorption effect is now reduced by the target's resilience. In addition, its debuff duration has been reduced to 10 seconds, down from 15.
•The spell hit bonus previously given by Virulence (Unholy) has been rolled into the Runic Focus passive effect that all death knights possess.
•Talent Specializations
•Bone Shield now has 4 charges, up from 3.
•Crimson Scourge has been redesigned slightly. Instead of a 50/100% chance to make the next Blood Boil free when Plague Strike is used on a target with Blood Plague, the talent now gives a 5/10% chance to provide a free Blood Boil when the death knight lands any melee attack on a Blood Plagued target.
•If Death Strike is used while a Blood Shield is already active, the new absorb will stack with the old one instead of replacing it.
•Scarlet Fever now applies via Blood Plague, rather than Blood Boil.
•Will of the Necropolis no longer refunds a Blood Rune when it resets Rune Tap's cooldown. Instead it makes the next Rune Tap free while Will of the Necropolis is active.
•Chilblains now also causes Chains of Ice to root the target for 1.5/3 seconds.
•Howling Blast now deals 40% less damage to all targets other than the primary target of the spell.
•Hungering Cold now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Might of the Frozen Wastes now also increases all melee damage by 4/8/12% while wielding a two-handed weapon.
•Blightcaller (Mastery) has been redesigned and renamed Dreadblade. It increases all Shadow damage by 2.5% per point of mastery.
•Death's Advance (new talent): While both Unholy Runes are depleted, movement-impairing effects cannot reduce the death knight below 75/100% of normal movement speed.
•Desecration is now also triggered by Necrotic Strike.
•Runic Corruption procs while the aura is already active now add 3 seconds to the existing aura duration, instead of simply refreshing/overwriting the existing aura.
•Sudden Doom is now triggered only from main-hand auto attacks, and is normalized according to weapon speed rather than having a fixed percentage chance.
•Unholy Might (passive) has been reduced to a 5% Strength increase, down from 10%.
•Virulence has been redesigned. It now grants 10/20/30% additional disease damage.
•Glyph of Dark Succor (new glyph) raise the minimum healing done by Death Strike from 7% to 20% of maximum health, but only while in Unholy or Frost Presence.
•Glyph of Death's Embrace no longer refunds Runic Power when self-healing via Lichborne.
•Swordbreaking and Swordshattering now reduce disarm duration by 60%, up from 50%.


•Barkskin is no longer dispellable.
•Entangling Roots now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Healing Touch is now trained at level 78, up from level 3.
•Hibernate now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Lacerate damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.
•Mangle (Bear Form) weapon damage (at level 80+) has been reduced to 235%, down from 300%.
•Mangle (Cat Form) weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased to 460%, up from 360%.
•Maul damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.
•Moonfire mana cost has been reduced from 18% to 9%.
•Mount Up: This guild perk now applies to Flight Form and Swift Flight Form as well.
•Nature's Grasp now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Nourish is now trained at level 8, down from level 78.
•Omen of Clarity can no longer trigger from helpful spells (aka heals), unless the Restoration talent Malfurion's Gift is chosen.
•Prowl is no longer broken by enemies using Demoralizing Shout or Demoralizing Roar.
•Rake damage has been reduced by 10%.
•Rejuvenation is now trained at level 3, down from level 8. In addition, its mana cost has been reduced from 26% to 16%.
•Rip damage has been reduced by 10%.
•Shred weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased to 450%, up from 350%.
•Skull Bash's lockout time has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 5.
•Soothe is now instant cast, down from 1.5 seconds.
•Worgen and troll druids now have new art for Swift Flight Form.
•Talent Specializations
•The Shooting Stars buff duration has been increased to 12 seconds, up from 8 seconds.
•Sunfire mana cost has been reduced from 18% to 9%.
•Total Eclipse (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 33%.
•Wild Mushroom is now instant cast, down from 0.5 seconds. In addition, the radius of detonation has been increased to 6 yards, up from 3, and damage done increased by 15%.
•Berserk (instant Mangle proc) now has a new Spell Alert identifier. In addition, Berserk no longer breaks Fear or makes the druid immune to Fear.
•Infected Wounds now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Pulverize weapon damage percent has been reduced to 80%, down from 100%.
•Empowered Touch now also affects Regrowth. In addition, after Tree of Life is no longer active, this talent will only refresh the most recently cast or refreshed Lifebloom, and will not refresh other copies of Lifebloom.
•Natural Shapeshifter has been reduced to a 3/6-second increase to Tree of Life's duration, down from 5/10.
•Nature's Bounty no longer affects Swiftmend, but now has a new effect. When the druid has Rejuvenation on 3 or more targets, the cast time of Nourish is reduced by 10/20/30%.
•Symbiosis (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 16%.
•Tree of Life no longer grants immunity to Polymorph. In addition, its duration has been reduced to 25 seconds, down from 30.
•Wild Growth healing has been increased by 30%, and the cooldown has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10.
•Glyph of Entangling Roots redesigned. It now reduces the cast time of Entangling Roots by 0.2 seconds, rather than making it instant cast.
•Glyph of Regrowth now causes the heal-over-time effect to refresh itself on targets at or below 50% health, up from 25%.
•Glyph of Wrath now increases damage done by Wrath by 10% and no longer requires Insect Swarm on the target.


•Aimed Shot! weapon damage has been increased to 200%.
•Aspect of the Wild, Aspect of the Hawk, and Aspect of the Fox can now be cast while mounted.
•Cobra shot cast time is now affected by haste.
•Concussive Shot duration has been increased to 6 seconds, up from 4.
•Deterrence now provides 100% chance for melee attacks to miss instead of 100% parry chance. This means that attacks that cannot be parried, notably some rogue abilities, can now be prevented by Deterrence, and the hunter will gain the benefit of Deterrence even if disarmed.
•Dust Cloud's cooldown and duration have been modified to make it closer aligned with Tailspin (same effect, different pet).
•Freezing Trap now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Kill Command's damage has been increased by 20%.
•Kill Shot's attack power scaling has been increased by 50%.
•Master's Call now has a 35-second cooldown, down from 1 minute, and its range has been increased to 40 yards, up from 25. In addition, the visual effect is more obvious.
•Steady Shot cast time is now affected by haste.
•Wing Clip now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Talent Specializations
•Chimera Shot's attack power scaling has been increased by 20%.
•Wild Quiver (Mastery): Chance for this to trigger per mastery has been increased by approximately 17%.
•Black Arrow damage has been reduced by 25%.
•Explosive Shot damage has been reduced by 25%.
•Hunter vs. Wild has been increased to 5/10/15% Stamina, up from 4/8/12%.
•Into the Wilderness (passive) has been reduced to a 10% Agility increase, down from 15%.
•Serpent Spread can now only affect up to 4 targets per Multi-Shot, down from unlimited.
•Pets now have 70% of the master's armor, rather than a different value based on which type of pet they are.
•Shale Spiders now correctly have a special ability (Web Wrap).
•Bad Manner (monkey) now properly breaks from damage.
•Glyph of Concussive Shot redesigned. It now limits the maximum run speed of the target while Concussive Shot is active.
•Bug Fixes
•Cobra Shot now properly increases the duration of the Serpent Spread Serpent Sting.


•Arcane Barrage mana cost has been reduced by 8%.
•Arcane Blast mana cost has been reduced by 12%.
•Counterspell lockout duration reduced to 7 seconds, down from 8.
•Fireball mana cost has been reduced by 25%.
•Flame Orb now ignores critters.
•The mana costs of Arcane Brilliance and Dalaran Brilliance have been reduced by approximately 16%, making them roughly equal to the cost of Mark of the Wild.
•Polymorph now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Ring of Frost: Radius shrunk to 8 yards, and inner "safe" radius is now 4.7 yards (exactly matching graphic). Dispelling the effect of Ring of Frost will now make the target immune to being refrozen for 3 seconds. If a second Ring of Frost is cast by the same mage while the first is still active (via Cold Snap), the first will now disappear and cease functioning. In addition, Ring of Frost now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•When a mage uses the Invisibility spell, it will now also cause their pet Water Elemental to become invisible.
•Talent Specializations
•Slow now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Firestarter now allows the mage to cast Scorch while moving (regardless of which armor spell is used), and no longer eliminates Molten Armor's critical strike chance reduction.
•Flashburn (Mastery) benefit per mastery has been increased by 12%.
•Living Bomb mana cost has been reduced by 22%.
•Deep Freeze damage done has been reduced by 20%.
•Fingers of Frost can no longer be dispelled and now also increases Ice Lance damage by 15%.
•Frost Specialization now only grants 2 base points of mastery (instead of 8), reducing all Frost damage to frozen targets by 15% from previous values. However, Frost Specialization now increases base Frostbolt damage by 15%.
•Bug Fixes
•Ring of Frost can now be cast, and works properly, on transports (this includes elevators, trapdoors, etc.).


•The mana costs of Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings have been increased by approximately 217%, making them roughly equal to the cost of Mark of the Wild.
•Crusader Strike weapon damage percent has been increased to 135%, up from 115%.
•Divine Plea now lasts for 9 seconds, down from 15. It grants 4% mana per tick, instead of 2%, for a total of 12% mana, up from 10%.
•The duration has been lowered to 1 minute, down from 2.
•Lay on Hands now causes Forbearance on the target. It used to only cause it when cast on the paladin. This was an old design from when Divine Protection caused Forbearance and the paladin didn't want to prevent a tank from using their defensive cooldown.
•Lay on Hands cannot be a critical effect and will not be affected by most abilities which modify healing (such as Beacon of Light).
•Since only Divine Shield, Lay on Hands and Hand of Protection cause Forbearance, the tooltips have been adjusted to better explain the mechanic.
•Holy Wrath no longer counts nearby critters when dividing damage among its targets.
•Inquisition is no longer dispellable.
•Rebuke can now be trained by all paladins at level 54. Existing characters will need to visit their trainer, even if they had talented Rebuke before.
•Seal of Truth: All single target attacks (including Judgement, Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism, and Templar's Verdict) can now trigger this seal.
•Talent Specializations
•Denounce now has a spell overlay.
•Protector of the Innocent heals for 30% less.
•Vindication no longer allows Hammer of Justice to interrupt stun-immune targets. With Rebuke baseline, this functionality is no longer necessary.
•Act of Sacrifice will no longer cause Cleanse to remove movement impairing effects from vehicles the paladin is riding.
•Divine Purpose: The chance for applicable abilities to generate Holy Power has been reduced to 7/15%, down from 20/40%, but instead of generating 1 Holy Power, the next applicable ability used consumes no Holy Power and acts as if the paladin has 3 Holy Power.
•Hand of Light (Mastery): A percentage of the damage done by Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm is done as additional Holy damage.
•Repentance is no longer broken from damage done by Censure (Seal of Truth).
•The Rebuke talent has been replaced with a new passive talent, Sacred Shield. Paladins who had Rebuke before will automatically have Sacred Shield. Sacred When reduced below 30% health, paladins gain the Sacred Shield effect. The Sacred Shield absorbs X damage and increases healing received by 20%. Lasts 15 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds. Undispellable.
•Zealotry is no longer dispellable.
•Glyph of Divine Plea now adds 6% mana, for a total of 18% over 9 seconds.
•Bug Fixes
•Word of Glory will no longer reset the swing timer.


•The duration of Levitate has been increased to 10 minutes, up from 2.
•The mana cost of Power Word: Fortitude has been reduced by approximately 68%, making it roughly equal to the cost of Mark of the Wild.
•The mana cost of Power Word: Shield has been increased by approximately 31%, but its effect has been increased by 208%.
•The mana cost of Renew has been reduced by 24%.
•The mana cost of Shadow Protection has been reduced by approximately 65%, making it roughly equal to the cost of Mark of the Wild.
•Mind Control now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Mind Sear can now be channeled on friendly targets in addition to enemy targets. In addition, Mind Sear's damage has been increased by roughly 15%.
•Prayer of Healing effectiveness has been reduced by 15%.
•Talent Specializations
•Divine Aegis: Critical effects from Prayer of Healing now award a bonus amount in addition to the default, always-proc Divine Aegis effect.
•Focused Will now procs when the priest is critically hit, in addition to its current effect.
•Improved Power Word: Shield now also increases the amount absorbed by an additional 15/30% when cast on oneself.
•Pain Suppression is no longer dispellable.
•In addition to Strength of Soul's existing effects, when Power Word: Shield is placed on oneself, the priest becomes immune to silence, interrupt, and dispel effects for 2/4 seconds.
•Blessed Resilience will now proc when the priest is critically hit, in addition to its current effect.
•Chakra states now last 1 minute, up from 30 seconds.
•Binding Heal and Holy Word: Serenity now refresh the duration of Renew on the target, in addition to the other direct heals.
•Binding Heal, Flash Heal, Greater Heal can now trigger Chakra: Serenity.
•Mind Spike can now trigger Chakra: Chastise.
•Circle of Healing effectiveness has been increased by 30%.
•Desperate Prayer now heals the priest for 30% of their total health, up from a very subpar value.
•Guardian Spirit: The absorb/heal from this ability can now never exceed 200% of the maximum health of the target.
•Holy Concentration now increases the amount of mana regeneration from Spirit while in combat by an additional 15/30%, down from 20/40%.
•Holy Word: Chastise now has a 30-second cooldown, up from 25. In addition, it properly breaks from damage.
•Lightwell's health has been increased by 50% (for PvP purposes).
•Serendipity now has Spell Alert and Floating Combat Text feedback support.
•Surge of Light can now also proc from Flash Heal and Greater Heal, and can now also critically hit.
•Shadow Orbs benefit from mastery has been increased by approximately 16%.
•Glyph of Mind Flay no longer requires Shadow Word: Pain to be on the target.
•Glyph of Pain Suppression has been renamed Glyph of Desperation and now allows Guardian Spirit to be cast while stunned, in addition to Pain Suppression.
•Glyph of Psychic Horror now reduces the cooldown of Psychic Horror by 30 seconds, down from 60.
•Glyph of Spirit of Redemption has been converted into Glyph of Prayer of Mending, which increases the healing done by the first charge of Prayer of Mending by 60%.


•Blind now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Combat Readiness now lasts for 20 seconds, down from 30 seconds, but the Combat Insight stacking buff lasts 10 seconds, up from 6 seconds.
•Crippling Poison now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Sap now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Smoke Bomb now lasts for 5 seconds, down from 10 seconds.
•Stealth is no longer broken by enemies using Demoralizing Shout or Demoralizing Roar.
•Talent Specializations
•Deadly Momentum critical strike bonus now lasts for 15 seconds, up from 10.
•Main Gauche (Mastery) now provides a chance to deal an attack for 100% of main-hand damage. This attack can trigger Combat Potency.
•Restless Blades now also reduces the cooldown of Redirect.
•Revealing Strike now increases finisher effectiveness by 35% (45% glyphed), up from 20% (30% glyphed).
•Vitality now increases attack power by 25%, up from 20%.
•Executioner (Mastery) has been increased from 2% to 2.5% per point.
•Find Weakness now grants 35/70% armor reduction, up from 25/50%.
•Preparation no longer resets the cooldown of Evasion.
•Sanguinary Vein now gives a rogue a 50/100% chance for their own Bleed effects to not break their Gouge.
•Shadowstep's cooldown has been increased to 24 seconds, up from 20 seconds.
•Sinister Calling now grants 30% Agility, up from 25%, and increases Backstab and Hemorrhage damage by an additional 40%, up from 25%.


•Chain Heal's effectiveness has been increased by approximately 10%.
•Hex now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Purge now dispels a single effect instead of two.
•Tremor Totem has been redesigned. The totem is now usable under Fear, Charm, or Sleep effects, and pulses much more rapidly, but lasts 6 seconds and has a 1-minute cooldown.
•Talent Specializations
•Elemental Combat
•Earthquake damage has been increased by approximately 10%.
•Flametongue Weapon damage now scales from attack power instead of spell power (for Enhancement shaman only).
•Purge no longer has its mana cost reduced by Mental Quickness.
•Cleansing Waters no longer fires its heal effect twice when a shaman removes a Magic and a Curse debuff with a single cast.
•Deep Healing (Mastery) has been increased to 3% per point, up from 2.5%.
•Greater Healing Wave mana cost has been increased by 10%; healing done has been increased by 20%.
•Mana Tide Totem has been redesigned. The totem no longer multiplies the Spirit of those affected by it. It instead gives a flat amount of Spirit equal to 400% of the casting shaman's Spirit, exclusive of short-term Spirit buffs affecting the shaman when the totem is dropped.


•Curse of Exhaustion now reduces movement speed by 30%, down from 50%. Its range has been increased to 40 yards, up from 30.
•Demon Armor and Fel Armor no longer cost mana and last until canceled.
•Drain Mana has been removed from the game.
•Fear now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Fel Armor now increases the warlock's maximum mana by 10% instead of regenerating health.
•Seduction (Succubus) now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Talent Specializations
•Unstable Affliction's silence effect has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 5.
•Demonic Rebirth now highlights summoning spells when active.
•Demon Soul: Imp redesigned. It now increases the critical strike chance of all non instant cast Destruction spells by 30%, rather than increasing critical strike damage. Duration reduced to 20 seconds.
•Felstorm (Felguard) damage has been reduced by 20%.
•Immolation Aura damage has been reduced by roughly 30%.
•Inferno no longer increases the radius of Hellfire, but instead increases the duration of Immolate by 6 seconds in addition to its existing effect.
•Master Demonologist (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 33%.
•Burning Embers damage has been reduced by 15%.
•Fiery Apocalypse (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 8%.
•Improved Soul Fire now increases Fire and Shadow damage done by 4/8%, rather than 7/15% spell haste. In addition, this talent has been moved to tier-3 Destruction, switching places with Aftermath.
•Shadow and Flame can now proc from Incinerate in addition to Shadow Bolt.


•Charge now shares diminishing returns with stun effects.
•Cleave damage has been reduced by 20%.
•Hamstring now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Heroic Strike damage has been reduced by 20%.
•Inner Rage has been redesigned. It now reduces the cooldown on Heroic Strike and Cleave by 50% (to 1.5 second) for the next 15 seconds. 1-minute cooldown. It still cannot be used during Deadly Calm. This ability was originally designed to help warriors with rage capping, but the Heroic Strike and rage normalization changes seem to have solved that problem on their own. This new design will still allow warriors to burn off excess rage faster, at their discretion.
•Slam cast time is now affected by haste.
•Talent Specializations
•Juggernaut no longer increases the cooldown on Charge, but instead increases the duration of the Charge stun by 2 seconds. In addition, Charge is usable in all stances, however, the talent now causes Charge and Intercept to share a cooldown.
•Lambs to the Slaughter: Instead of granting 10/20/30% damage to the next Mortal Strike, Overpower, or Execute, it now grants a 10% buff to any Mortal Strike, Overpower, Slam, or Execute that stacks 1/2/3 times.
•War Academy no longer buffs Heroic Strike or Cleave. It now buffs Mortal Strike, Raging Blow, Devastate, Victory Rush and Slam.
•Bloodthirst damage has been increased by approximately 30%.
•Raging Blow weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased from 110% to 145%.
•Unshackled Fury (Mastery) now grants 5.6% benefit per mastery point, up from 4.7%.
•Charge's stun continues to not trigger diminishing returns for Protection warriors who have the Warbringer talent.
•Glyph of Rapid Charge has been changed from a 7% reduction to Charge's cooldown, to 1 second off of the cooldown. This change is primarily to clarify the exact cooldown reduction this glyph provides.


•Find Herbs, Fish, and Minerals are no longer canceled upon entering an Arena or rated Battleground.
•A socket has been added to all crafted epic armor pieces that did not already have one.
•Alchemist's Stones for Agility, Strength, and Intellect have been added.
•The number of herbs required to create flasks has been reduced, while the Volatile Life needed has been increased slightly.
•The drops from Tiny Treasure Chests have been improved slightly.
•Archaeology fragments now have a hard cap of 200 per race. Players will not be able to collect additional fragments until they complete artifacts to take them down below 200 fragments. Players with more than 200 fragments will not lose additional fragments in 4.0.6, but in a future patch we may remove any fragments above 200.
•Archaeology finds now grant a guaranteed skill point up to 50 skill, and then no longer grant skill gains, as opposed to granting up to 100 skill very slowly.
•Multiple spawn locations now exist for the Confectioner's Sugar (daily quest item) in Stormwind.
•The Electrified Ether recipe now creates 2 to 3 Electrified Ether instead of 1.
•The Heat-Treated Spinning Lure buff duration has been increased to 20 minutes, up from 5. In addition, the recipe now creates 2 at a time.
•Synapse Springs now increase Agility, Strength, or Intellect (whichever is highest for the character).
•Volatile Air now has an increased chance of dropping from rich mining nodes and Pyrite.
•Meta gems with the Chaotic and Relentless prefixes now have a requirement of 3 red gems.
•New meta gems have been added: Agile Shadowspirit Diamond (Agility/3% critical damage), Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond (Strength/3% critical damage), and Burning Shadowspirit Diamond (Intellect/3% critical damage). These new recipes are unbound and can drop from any Cataclysm creature. The new meta gems have a requirement of 3 red gems equipped.
•Vivid Dream Emerald (new gem) provides resilience/spell penetration and can be purchased for 3 Illustrious Tokens.
•The 500 to 510 skill-up range for Leatherworking has been improved.
•Darkglow Embroidery (Rank 2) now increases Spirit instead of restoring a flat amount of mana.


•Bell of Enraging Resonance can now trigger from any damage spell instead of only critical strikes.
•The Fury of Angerforge internal cooldown has been drastically reduced so this trinket will build up charges much faster.
•The cooldown on the Horde Battle Standard has been adjusted to 10 minutes to be consistent with the Alliance version.
•Left Eye of Rajh: Chance of triggering increased.
•Mandala of Stirring Patterns now grants Intellect instead of Mastery.
•The PvE warlock 4-piece set bonus (Fel Spark) now increases the damage done by the next 2 Fel Flame spells by 300%, rather than increasing the critical effect chance of one by 100%.
•The PvP hunter 4-piece set bonus has been increased to 10% Focus regeneration, up from 5%.
•The PvP priest 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned. When Power Word: Shield is cast on the priest, movement speed reduction effects are temporally suppressed for 4 seconds.
•The PvP warlock 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned. It now reduces the cooldown of Death Coil by 30 seconds.
•The PvP warrior 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned. It now reduces disarm duration by 60% (does not stack with any Weapon Chains).
•PvP trinkets will now clear disarm and silence effects.
•Right Eye of Rajh: Chance of triggering increased.
•Weapon Chains now reduce disarm duration by 60%, up from 50%.

User Interface

•For opening cinematics there is now a streaming option interface in the login screen for play-on-demand.
•Players can now individually remove raid world markers.
•The Reputation Pane now saves which reputation categories are expanded or collapsed.
•Character Info Window
•The Character Info window (C) now saves the order and expand/collapse state of stat categories separately for each talent specialization.
•Character movement speed is now displayed on the Character Info window (C) with all other stats.
•The Haste display on the Character Info window (C) now shows the total haste percentage, rather than only haste from haste rating.
•There are now number displays on the summary page and dropdown menu.
•Ready Flash has been added to the race icons.
•Guild Interface
•A View All button has been added to the profession display regardless of whether Show Offline Members is checked.
•Online members can now be sorted to the top of the View Crafters list.
•The guild reputation cap is now displayed in the tooltip.
•Real ID & Chat
•Real ID login notifications now include character and game icons.
•Players can now right-click close a chat window tab even if it's not the current tab.
•There is now an option to auto-pop whispers into a new tab.
•Popped out whisper windows now show online/offline status messages.
•Unit Frames
•Predicted healing (previously only available for Raid Frames and raid-style Party Frames) has been added to the following unit frames: Player Frame, Party Frame, Target Frame, Focus Frame.
•Addon Changes
•Canceling buffs are only restricted during combat.
•The direction of spell flyouts are set via attribute.
•Console commands have been added to the login screens: ExportInterfaceFiles art, ExportInterfaceFiles code.
•Bug Fixes
•Many bugs... handled them!

Quests & Creatures

•Tol Barad Peninsula
•A new achievement, Just Another Day in Tol Barad, has been added for completing all of the Tol Barad daily quests.
•Crazed Guards now drop Rusty Rifles.
•The spawn rate of Alliance and Horde Infantry for the quest "The Leftovers" has been increased.
•The Magnetized Scrap Collector for the quest "Magnets, How Do They Work?" will now be correctly removed from players' bags upon completing the quest.
•Both the Baradin's Wardens and Hellscream's Reach Commendations are now Bound to

Account items.
•Quest turn-in NPCs have been added to Baradin Base Camp and Hellscream's Reach in Tol Barad Peninsula for the Tol Barad bonus quests. This will allow players to turn in these quests if the original quest givers in Tol Barad are not available.
•Kill credit for the Tol Barad bonus quest bosses will now be granted to players who have helped attack them, even if they are not in the same group. These bosses include Problim, Archmage Galus, Warden Silva, and Svarnos.
•The Farson Keep Prisoner summoned for the quest "Walk A Mile In Their Shoes" will now only be visible to the player who summoned him.
•Spawn rates at Rustberg Village have been increased.

Bug Fixes

•Worgen now work properly in the Barbershop.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
when i first read that massive wall of text i took it as they weren't gonna nerf heroics so you could steam roll them. and then they go ahead anf nerf some of them them and make some harder. however they still wont be steamrollable

this also seems very strange, why are those 2 left out

Level 85 players can now choose any normal dungeon via the Dungeon Finder. Choosing Random Dungeon will still not add Blackrock Caverns or Throne of the Tides into the rotation.
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2001
when i first read that massive wall of text i took it as they weren't gonna nerf heroics so you could steam roll them. and then they go ahead anf nerf some of them them and make some harder. however they still wont be steamrollable

Yeah, bosses like Earthrager Ptah are pretty much a joke anyway... making him harder really isn't a big deal. Anraphet also got buffed, but I'm not too sure why... I guess since his only "difficulty" is drilling into people's heads, "Don't stop moving during his Omega Stance!"

this also seems very strange, why are those 2 left out

They're 80-83 dungeons pretty much. What they're doing is giving you the chance to do them at 85 if you really want to (practice, learning the dungeon or whatever), but they won't force you to do them if you choose Random Cataclysm Dungeon since they're technically out of your level range.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2003
•Lacerate damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.

Whew, thank god. Lacerate would tick for as much as 1800 sometimes! talk about OP!



Apr 8, 2001
I think the most important thing about the big no-nerf heroics post is that so early into the game they are putting out such effort to say so. Which means they are getting incredible pressure from the player base about the level of difficulty of the current dungeons and the fun factor with them.

I remember that in the latter half of wrath is was fun to try and have the dungeon finished before the lfg debuff expired. That was also when at worse a dps queue dragged to 10 minutes. Now we have dps queues going 45+, dungeons lasting much longer than before, and high probability of not finishing a pug run.

What they need to do if they want to maintain some difficulty through the expansions life, is stagger the release of the dungeons and have them each scale at the time of release for expected average item level of the players. Of course this would take actual work on their part so don't expect it anytime soon.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Awesome blog post - a lot of it also applied to WOTLK - I can't count how many times someone in the group wasn't geared to handle the dungeon or didn't perform THEIR role in the group [ie: DW Frost Spec Death Knight does not mean you can tank, a rogue who thinks being on top of the dps charts is awesome while pulling aggro away from the tank and complaining he died, an impatient tank who thinks it's ok to chain pull because he assumes the healer will keep his ass alive, etc]

The last guild I was part of had an awesome leader - he knew the fights, he knew what it would take to beat the bosses, and we were successful within the limits of what we could control within the fight [can't control network lag, DC's, etc].


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2003
I think the most important thing about the big no-nerf heroics post is that so early into the game they are putting out such effort to say so. Which means they are getting incredible pressure from the player base about the level of difficulty of the current dungeons and the fun factor with them.

I remember that in the latter half of wrath is was fun to try and have the dungeon finished before the lfg debuff expired. That was also when at worse a dps queue dragged to 10 minutes. Now we have dps queues going 45+, dungeons lasting much longer than before, and high probability of not finishing a pug run.

What they need to do if they want to maintain some difficulty through the expansions life, is stagger the release of the dungeons and have them each scale at the time of release for expected average item level of the players. Of course this would take actual work on their part so don't expect it anytime soon.

Bingo...great post, Lupi. You hit the nail on the head with your last statement. When I ran through regular heroics and had a good mix of gear, the game had my ilvl at somewhere around 331 or 333 or something like that. It allowed me to queue for heroics and even some of us in guild attempted it. It was brutally hard...almost impossible...even with our skill levels, past play coordination, AND us beng in vent together for verbal coordination. I couldn't imagine a heroic PUG group with players with 333 ilvl attempting with extremely varied skill levels, not past play coordination, and no verbal coordination during fights.

There needs to be a sliding scale allowing players geared mostly from regular runs to have a moderate chance of success in heroics. As they progress through the heroics and gain JP/VP/PVE related gear, scale into second level of heroics or something of the sort. Or, on the other hand, just keep the same scale and if people blow through it then they blow through it. It's not like people are re-running dungeons (normal OR heroic for that matter) for storyline or even challenge. Most people are re-running dungeons tabarded for rep, drops, and sellable/disechant items.

I'll say it again as I have before...there's probably only about 1% of the population who would get their e-peen in a knot about some other player being able to aquire upper-lvl T10/11 gear without putting in some insance amount of work. The rest of the player-base take it in stride and worry about their own available play time and reasons for playing. Everyone pays the same amount of $$$ for this game and should be afforded the same opportunities for upper-level gear...while some may be able to put in 20+ hrs a week raiding others may not be able to but they could afford other things that pad their gold intake allowing them to purchase items. Both players are able to get relatively the same raids for it and the other crafts/buy-sell AH/etc to get it. Everyone's satisfied.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
Quick question. I just bought Cataclysm.
But I uninstalled my WoW game many months ago.

I want to reinstall everything...can I just install the game and the 3 expansions AND patch the game after that or I need to patch between every expansion install?


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
Quick question. I just bought Cataclysm.
But I uninstalled my WoW game many months ago.

I want to reinstall everything...can I just install the game and the 3 expansions AND patch the game after that or I need to patch between every expansion install?

Install everything, then Patch.

Alternatively, you can download a game client straight from if you have a reasonably fast and non~capped broadband connection.


Oct 10, 1999
"Fel Armor now increases the warlock's maximum mana by 10% instead of regenerating health."


My lock was my farming/soloing toon... sometimes I would run through 70 dungeons and my health regen would offset all my incoming damage .... (run through instance, get like 50 mobs chasing me .... cast meta and immolation aura, maybe tell felguard to go berzerk..... all mobs dead ... collect loots)
Now I will have to take it easier!
Nov 30, 2006
Quick question. I just bought Cataclysm.
But I uninstalled my WoW game many months ago.

I want to reinstall everything...can I just install the game and the 3 expansions AND patch the game after that or I need to patch between every expansion install?
Install Cataclysm off DVD and it will download current patches...enter keys for vanilla and all expansion packs and you're good to go.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I only use gryphon mounts now... the big thing for me is that Stormwind has relatively small doors, and most mounts cannot enter, so you must manually dismount. I'd rather run through the door and be automatically dismounted, so I just use the relatively small gryphon to accomplish that.

I've been using the death knight skeletal gryphon monunt because I found being able to see through my mount is really handy while questing.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
its almost as if everyone forgot how hard TBC heroics were when TBC came out. Cata Heroics aren't THAT hard but they are harder then the super easy side of the spectrum everyone was used to from wrath


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
its almost as if everyone forgot how hard TBC heroics were when TBC came out. Cata Heroics aren't THAT hard but they are harder then the super easy side of the spectrum everyone was used to from wrath


People are comparing the current experience to when they outgeared instances by 3~4 Tiers and could ignore fight mechanics and faceroll. The current set are perfectly do~able at the gear levels set.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
Why do people consider BC bad? I thought it was great, maybe I quit too soon? we were almost done with BT and I think that was the last raid at the time. I loved BC. Loved heroic shattered halls. Nothing here is as difficult as that but some of them are hard enough to make 5-mans fun again.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2003

People are comparing the current experience to when they outgeared instances by 3~4 Tiers and could ignore fight mechanics and faceroll. The current set are perfectly do~able at the gear levels set.

Heroic Cataclysm dungeons ARE NOT do-able at gear level 329 as stated in the LFD. You would need perfect timing, perfect skills, and perfect circumstances among 5 random people across umpteen # of servers to pull off completing heroics with an avg ilvl of 329. Ain't gonna happen, as a friend of mine once said. The short-term result is frustration and the long-term result is cancelled subscription.

What they are, I believe, are time sinks in their current form. You wait 30 - 45 minutes in queue...this isn't as much of a time sink as you can be questing/doing dailies/watching sun set over Darnassus (if that's your thing). The time sink sets in once you get moving in the dungeon. Multiple wipes, multiple trips from graveyard back to instance back to scene of the crime, multiple people bail, etc. all contribute to anywhere from 1 - 2+ hours wasted with no dungeon completion. Few, if any, bosses down = no real gear drop from your time spent and utter and complete frustration.

I will say it again...if heroics aren't meant to be do-able and completed within the framework of the LFD dynamic then they should be revamped and approached with a re-thinking in mind. If heroics are meant to be the elitist, massively-geared top-guild undertakings they once were, then make them that and take them off LFD. WoW knows that last option results in declining subscription revenues so I don't expect that to be the end-result. I do, however, expect continuous "tweaks" and "re-thinks" of heroic instances until they get to the point they were in WotLK. The majority player-base can only run so many regular dungeons so many times for rep/crap gear before they say, "Screw this...I'm done".


Senior member
Oct 12, 2010
Heroics are definitely doable at 329 gear. People are just using random gear that does not work for their actual spec to be able to get into the instances and then switching gear as they go.

The run backs to instances are so small now that they only add a few minutes tops if you wipe multiple times. There are even teleporters once you pass a certain location in the longer heroics. Any from classic will be able to tell you of the numerous runs back to BRD instances from Thorium Point, or run backs to raids (AQ40 pre-teleporter).

People come and go in this game due to various things, hard instances will make some people quit, but new clients will come in or people will open a new account. Blizzard is not super worried about subscription loss and has not been since TBC or even earlier due to already making more money than they will spend on every server and the production costs that have come with the game.

However I cannot give more time to the game. I got to see every boss in all the instances/25m raids and have basically seen it as a time sink without much difference than before Cataclysm. Finally took since the first closed beta until now to realize it, but I have come to think that I need to expand away from WoW. I loved the new difficulty in Cata. Not being able to walk in and clear and instance in 20 minutes or killing whole wings of a raid the first week content is out made the game feel somewhat more than the Wrath days (minus a few exceptions).

The changes that have been on the PTR makes me facepalm at how they have attempted to fix many of the problems with balance. There was almost 4 to 5 months of beta for Cataclysm with many of the same problems present on live that had been put up on the forums and tickets. Most of the team seems to just give it a half-hearted go at coding/balancing/boss encounter strategy/etc. and it has driven many of the old time raiders I know to finally call it a day and move on.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
Ok...started fresh install of Wow + all expansions at's now 2345 and still not completed pwahahahah...but just finished downloading the 5.2gb at "applying non-critical updates".

I want to play now!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Kudos to Blizzard for not requiring a group to do the Tol Barad quest "A Huge Problem" and other single quest mobs as long as you do a certain amount of damage.

And man... savage leather gold mine for anyone who can skin gators!


Feb 18, 2004
Ok...started fresh install of Wow + all expansions at's now 2345 and still not completed pwahahahah...but just finished downloading the 5.2gb at "applying non-critical updates".

I want to play now!!!!!!!
can't you play while it applies the non-critical update?

I was applying non-critical updates for like 2 months but was able to play without incident
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