AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
I've been doing the firelands dailies, yet I don't really see anything interesting to purchase on wowhead other than the commendations, which I've already maxed out my reputations with argents a while back.

Other than the chest that has random items in it, is there any reason to keep doing these? I wasn't sure if Blizz has announced adding more items that can be purchased or not (i.e. mounts, companions, etc.). They are really easy (much easier than argents IMO), and take no time at all but I still would rather not waste my time if the rewards are worthless.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
I think the game was at its pinnacle in TBC. It was a proper evolution and improvement on Classic, but maintained the level of commitment to make the game a challenge.

The most fun I had was still definitely classic. I think that is to do with the novelty and how fresh it all was, progressing through the raid content as it was released was amazing. TBC was definitely the best expansion and it has been downhill ever since.

I renew every expansion, level up a character and do some casual raiding and end up unsubbing in 2-3 months. The game is just no good anymore. The new content is great, but the raiding, particularly community wise, is atrocious now. The changes they made to the game have changed the raiding scene and the game community at large for the worse.

I just wish the game would die already so it would force an about face or something new to come out.

Completely agreed. I also loved classic and TBC, at that time I was in one of the highest ranked guilds in the US and everything felt new and fresh back then. Now? Dailies are just stupid and not fun, so I don't do them. They rehash content over and over, how many times have I fought onyxia again? 3? ZA/ZG again? Really blizzard? High end raiding has degraded into basement dwelling idiots staring at combat logs / sims for hours at a time and theorycrafting. They take the game like a job instead of what it should be -- fun.

My biggest gripe is that blizzard needs to think out of the box and make content quicker, and rehashing a 2 year old instance isn't new content. Dailies are stupid so I don't even see why they bother with this, I mean seriously does anyone find grinding the same 5 quests for 27 days fun?

Game sucks and I finally cancelled my sub.
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Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
It seems that many of us have packed our bags and left the WoW community. I'm curious from those who are still playing post patch 4.2 and their thoughts of the game thus far. Better/worse?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
It seems that many of us have packed our bags and left the WoW community. I'm curious from those who are still playing post patch 4.2 and their thoughts of the game thus far. Better/worse?

I have had a "meh" feeling about the whole expansion but I still play. The only reason I really play is because there is never anything on basic satallite and it's to damn hot outside.


Oct 11, 2005
I have had a "meh" feeling about the whole expansion but I still play. The only reason I really play is because there is never anything on basic satallite and it's to damn hot outside.

^ This. Haven't raided in Cata other than a few BH runs. Leveling some lowbies and doing some pvp on my mage. Time constraints and set schedules are my enemy right now so that's all I can be bothered with.


Nov 27, 2001
It seems that many of us have packed our bags and left the WoW community. I'm curious from those who are still playing post patch 4.2 and their thoughts of the game thus far. Better/worse?

I'm not really sure if I'm just in one of my usual WoW slumps or if I simply don't want to play anymore. I only log on for raids at this point, but I'm not really needed for all of them. So I usually don't even play anyway.

Most of the Firelands bosses aren't really that interesting. Hunter guy is alright, but the running back and forth (to let the stacks drop easily) is never fun as melee. Beth'tilac is okay, but I find being on the webs is a little annoying when meteor AoEs litter almost the entire melee area :|. Gatekeeper is okay. Rhyolith is kind of fun to "drive", but it's more exciting when I ignore the raid leader. Being on auto-pilot and not watching out for volcanoes for yourself makes it kind of dull. Alysrazor is boring except for the tornadoes. All I do is interrupt and kill adds... it's like trash for an entire boss fight. :\ Staghelm is probably the worst fight in the instance... he's just so boring. Ragnaros isn't too shabby... he's got some mechanics and stuff that you need to watch out for, but I've already had my epic Ragnaros kill way back in vanilla... I don't need another one.


Golden Member
Apr 29, 2005
yup, in the same boat here. Cancelled my account a few weeks/month back (and I had stopped playing well before then) and I don't miss it at all.


Sep 2, 2002
dont quit on me .. this is pretyt much my only insight on what players think of wow! I haven't subbed since March 2010. I logged into my friend's account a few months ago and a rush of boredom hit me as soon as i walked around Stormwind in a LFD queue. 5 mins in and logged off.

WoTLK was my favorite expansion. Probably a little too easy for the serious players but I had tons of fun and leveled and geared 5 toons. I had a lot of fun Instant Queueing heroics to help gear randoms and friend's alts.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2006
I've been doing the firelands dailies, yet I don't really see anything interesting to purchase on wowhead other than the commendations, which I've already maxed out my reputations with argents a while back.

Other than the chest that has random items in it, is there any reason to keep doing these? I wasn't sure if Blizz has announced adding more items that can be purchased or not (i.e. mounts, companions, etc.). They are really easy (much easier than argents IMO), and take no time at all but I still would rather not waste my time if the rewards are worthless.

Yes, there are 3 separate vendors that sell 365 item level gear. There is something for everyone there unless you are already geared out full in FL gear. Once you get both shadow warden's and druids opened, you have the option to open 3 further "factions" with the Tree Ancients, Moonwell, and Armorers. You are able to preview the items once before you select which one to complete.

As far as everyone quitting, I am actually having a good time with Firelands. The bosses have very interesting mechanics, that are somewhat challenging. Plus, its always a good time going back to BWD/BOT and smashing them in one night on under geared alts.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2010
I came back around FL time and so far I have killed the normal FL bosses and did all the new daily zone. Without a solid group however to raid and the boringness of PvP to me anymore, I am thinking about quitting and just finishing up all the unplayed games I have from Steam sales.

Shannox is a snoozefest, Beth'tilac is boring if you have at least decent aoe to kill the spiderlings, Lord Ryolith is interesting the first time you learn to actually drive him sanely but boring afterwards, Alsrayzor is fun if you go up and boring if you stay down, Baleroc is Brutallus 2.0 which was fun when it was difficult, Majordomo is a joke with all the available CDs, and Ragnaros is Kil'Jaedan 2.0 with meatballs. Even on heroic mode, the only really difficult bosses seem to be Baleroc (huge DPS difference) and Ragnaros. Not worth my sanity with the current group I am in to really continue even though I am getting the embers for the staff (main is a mage).

Friends are the only reason I have stayed around as long as I have, but even they are beginning to get bored with logging on and there being nothing really exciting to do. The most fun I have had since coming back was doing MC up to Sunwell with like 3 close friends...think it is time to hang up the robe and wizard hat. Might try the new Star Wars MMO and see if it interests me more than WoW has in the past few years.


Apr 8, 2001
I think part of the problem is that the things people like most in wrath were toned down or restricted in cat, and the bad things in wrath were soo bad people were already. Preparing themselves to move on.

I do have a separate question though, just respeced aff for the first time in a long time, what's the method for using soul swap (glyphed)?


Apr 8, 2001
I think part of the problem is that the things people like most in wrath were toned down or restricted in cat, and the bad things in wrath were soo bad people were already. Preparing themselves to move on.

I do have a separate question though, just respeced aff for the first time in a long time, what's the method for using soul swap (glyphed)?


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
I do have a separate question though, just respeced aff for the first time in a long time, what's the method for using soul swap (glyphed)?

Shortly before your target dies, use Soul Swap

Target New Target - Cast Soul Swap again.

It counts for all DoT's - so in the case where you may be swapping, it's more reason to use Agony instead of Doom.


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2011
I had actually cancelled my account at the end of January. I got a new monitor a couple months ago and wanted to try WoW on it (healer on 19" monitor does not leave much screen real estate). I had someone cast a scroll on my account, played for 14 days during which 4.2 happened, which caused me to resub for the dailies. Got bored with those, so I geared out my paladin for BG healing. Once that was done, I moved on to something else.

I let it charge for a 2nd month a few weeks ago because I'm a ... hmmm ... semi-completionist. I dislike having characters 80+ without professions at 450+. And I know it doesn't matter if I'm not playing. But it bothers me. So, for the last few nights, I've been spending a few hours leveling mining/skinning on a couple toons. Oddly enough, this has been rather enjoyable because I had 10 80s by the end of wrath, so I never got the chance to go see some of the Cata zone changes. As someone who could previously rattle off a leveling sequence and tell you where you should be level-wise after a specific zone, seeing the changes to those zones was actually pretty interesting. It definitely messed up my skinning leveling though...some of the mobs I'd used previously were (re)moved!

Anyway, my shaman is the last toon with sub-450 profs, and they're at 330ish. I'll probably knock those out tonight and then cancel my sub again, hopefully for good this time. It's only attempt number...who knows?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
I had actually cancelled my account at the end of January. I got a new monitor a couple months ago and wanted to try WoW on it (healer on 19" monitor does not leave much screen real estate). I had someone cast a scroll on my account, played for 14 days during which 4.2 happened, which caused me to resub for the dailies. Got bored with those, so I geared out my paladin for BG healing. Once that was done, I moved on to something else.

I let it charge for a 2nd month a few weeks ago because I'm a ... hmmm ... semi-completionist. I dislike having characters 80+ without professions at 450+. And I know it doesn't matter if I'm not playing. But it bothers me. So, for the last few nights, I've been spending a few hours leveling mining/skinning on a couple toons. Oddly enough, this has been rather enjoyable because I had 10 80s by the end of wrath, so I never got the chance to go see some of the Cata zone changes. As someone who could previously rattle off a leveling sequence and tell you where you should be level-wise after a specific zone, seeing the changes to those zones was actually pretty interesting. It definitely messed up my skinning leveling though...some of the mobs I'd used previously were (re)moved!

Anyway, my shaman is the last toon with sub-450 profs, and they're at 330ish. I'll probably knock those out tonight and then cancel my sub again, hopefully for good this time. It's only attempt number...who knows?

My Hunter needs to get to max it, do it.


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2011
So I just installed altoholic last night again. I knew I was nearing 365 days /played across my account, but I didn't realize how close I was. I'm at 362, account expires on the 30th. Gonna try and get as many of my remaining alts to 85 as I can in that time...have 2 still at 82 and 3 at 80.

And just for the sake of ridiculousness, I hope I end on 365 days...


Senior member
Oct 12, 2010
I really would hate to see the amount of time /played has been put into my accounts if I could add in my sold accounts and current account that I have. I know people have some crazy amounts of single character days, but I spread it out on numerous alts. If I took a guess from pre-beta to now would be around 700 to 800 days played (sadly that might be low) and most of that was in classic/TBC farming for materials to raid.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2008
I really would hate to see the amount of time /played has been put into my accounts if I could add in my sold accounts and current account that I have. I know people have some crazy amounts of single character days, but I spread it out on numerous alts. If I took a guess from pre-beta to now would be around 700 to 800 days played (sadly that might be low) and most of that was in classic/TBC farming for materials to raid.

When did it come out, 2004? So in 7 years you've spent over 2 of them sitting in front of a computer playing WoW?

Wow. That's like 28% of your life.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2010
When did it come out, 2004? So in 7 years you've spent over 2 of them sitting in front of a computer playing WoW?

Wow. That's like 28% of your life.

Yeah now that I think about it that does seem exaggerated due to many times just walking away and logging off due to AFK. So probably at least 200 of those are "additional time." Still a lot of my life, but I have had a ton of fun doing it and know when to stop playing and spend time with friends/family.


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2008
TBC was meh for me. Mainly because I couldnt commit the time to raid higher than Kara/ZA

WotLK was my favorite because I got a chance to raid all the way to ICC without committing the time serious raiders commit, but that's what HM's are for. For Cata I took a 3-4month break and fell far behind enough that people would only invite you into raid groups if you had the achievments and the guilds on my server are terrible so I couldn't go the "carry" route.

I still log in once a week or so to do a BG or random heroic. I actually got a few friends together and am thinking of just starting a new character all together soon, should be refreshing.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2006
I actually got a few friends together and am thinking of just starting a new character all together soon, should be refreshing.

This. I started a baby druid yesterday (haven't leveled a toon from 1 since TBC), and so much has changed. Obviously the starting areas are a little different, but from what I could gather just in getting to level 15, is that flight points are now automatically learned for the areas that you have available to quest. For example, I was just getting out of Durotar quests when the barrens FP's were available as well as the Azshara ones. I actually enjoyed the time I spent leveling, just took it slow and did some BG's whiled I quested.


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2011
from what I could gather just in getting to level 15, is that flight points are now automatically learned for the areas that you have available to quest. For example, I was just getting out of Durotar quests when the barrens FP's were available as well as the Azshara ones.

They also added a ton of FP's. I play alliance, for example, and Wetlands used to just have the on FP way off to the side. I think there's 4-5 there now. There's definitely a lot less running involved.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
They also added a ton of FP's. I play alliance, for example, and Wetlands used to just have the on FP way off to the side. I think there's 4-5 there now. There's definitely a lot less running involved.

yea there are a ton now, when i posted beta SS of them it made a lot of people go WTF

there are 2 in desolace that are so close to each other they are withing the draw distance. you can see them from each other and ride there on an epic land mount about as fast as you can fly


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
They also added a ton of FP's. I play alliance, for example, and Wetlands used to just have the on FP way off to the side. I think there's 4-5 there now. There's definitely a lot less running involved.

Except with all the new FP's, you take the scenic route because of retarded intermediates. It's sometimes faster to run.
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