AT World of Warcraft Thread (WotLK, where do you play, General BS and all that)

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Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: jhbball
I'm still farming Baron's mount. God, I hope this thing still drops.

yes it still drops, the upped the drop rate to 1/100 up from 1/5000

I knew that much. You'd be crazy to "farm" it @ 1/5000. On the bright side, I'm up to 8k gold. Should be enough to get my trade skills up when I finally buy the xpac.


Oct 14, 2002
I had a blast LANing pretty much non stop from Wednesday at midnight till Saturday afternoon. In that time, we got about 300 quests done, ran approximately 10-12 five mans, earned 7.5 million XP, made it to 75, and are about halfway done with our professions of choice. Tons of Red bull, Cuban espresso, American Coffee, and a bunch of other crap that my body wanted to kill me for. Great times!

Another guy in my guild is insane though. He managed to earn server first to 80 for Shamans.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Anubis
how badly is it "cutting your cash flow"?

i ask because i dont even have a gathering prof, nor am i an enchanter and ive made like 2000 gold lvling to 76 just doing quests and selling the rewards
hell i purchased the Armored Brown Bear and made all that gold back in less then a day of questing

Well, it's more that I'm an enchanter/skinner, and all my leather is going to a friend (who is skining/leatherworking). Now, he has made me some gear, so it's not too bad, but I also haven't been able to sell any of the leather that I've gotten.

I should just sell all the rewards, but since I need the mats I've been just DEing stuff.

Since the expansion I've made about 500g and another friend (who is mining/engineering and doesn't sell anything on the AH) has made about 1500g.

I haven't looked at prices, but I think it might be cheaper in the long run to sell all the quest rewards and buy the mats from the AH or wait til 80 to just DE greens from dungeons/etc (which will probably give more than 1-2 dusts at a time).

So far I haven't sold any enchants (I really only took it to enchant myself & guild/friends), and I don't really plan on it.

I do need to find a tailor though, I want some 20 slot bags and they seem easy to make.. 15 frostweave cloth and 4 infinite dust (I think it's 4, might be 2) per bag.


Feb 28, 2003
I fully intended to go nuts with this game over the weekend but ended up at the bars on Friday... and then on Saturday. I'm not even 72 yet (about 20% to go). I guess the consolation prize is that I played a lot yesterday and still had about 300K rested xp when I logged last night.

From what I've been reading it seems as if a lot of you guys finished off one starter zone and then went to the other. Is this the way it is supposed to progress or did you just want to deal with the lower level mobs encountered in the other starter zone?


Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Anubis
as for Percentages, 5% of all playes at lvl 60 before TBC saw the inside of Naxx 2% actually killed KT

That was why I quit vanilla WoW, and that's why Wrath brought me back.

Put that 5%-2% in context. There hadn't been a new 5-man since DM. No new 10-mans. Meanwhile that tiny minority of the playerbase that is the progression raiding guild got BWL, world dragons, ZG, AQ40, AQ40, and then finally Naxx. 95% of the game was funding content for 5% of the game to enjoy.

TBC was a step in the right direction with more 10-mans and heroics, and creating a 10-man version of every Wrath raid instance was enough to get me back in the game.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2003
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: rivan
Originally posted by: Anubis
Rivan, it has less to do with them doing it all on beta and more to do with it being STUPIDILY EASY, because well it is. Naxx is 2+ years old, i could go in there blindfolded and tell people how to do every boss as i did that content back before TBC came out, the other 2 raids are also easy, hell they were PUGGED on beta without my issue in those PVP Blues they gave you

So you're saying that I could, at 80 (or lower?), throw together a PUG in blues and knock the place over?

If that's the case, then there's probably something else up Blizzard's sleeve. It'd be totally out of character for them.

That really depends on your gear lvl, SK/nihl were in Full T6/sunwell and replaced basicially nothing, im in Full T6/Sunwell and im lvl 76 and i have replaced nothing as well. simply because that gear was somewhat insane, so we/they in effect have a huge gear advantage, those that do not will have a harder time. but yes it should still be puggable at 80 (the non heroic anyway) and the heroic with people that 1) arnt bad and 2) have decent gear

So if I'm a full time raider picking up full time raiders I can PUG it. Great. That's very different from a real PUG, and 90% of the people you pick up for a PUG won't have full T4 gear, much less T6, at least on my server.

From my point of view, the other extreme's been a problem thus far, where the only way to see most of this stuff is if you're willing to work your ass off to a) get yourself into a "raiding guild" which (by necessity) has to be a bunch of pricks about scheduling, then b) commit to the part-time job that is 25-man raiding. The very vocal raiding minority has had it their way for several years.

This is not true, we are not all pricks and some raiding guilds are VERY casual 2-3 nights a week for 2-4 hours

Not everyone's a prick, you're right. In my experience, though, guilds who are/were farming T6 gear (or other raids, even raiding in other games) were led by highly motivated people who don't really care a lick about the guy who can only make a raid once a month. With a single huge exception in my experiences those guilds have a jackass at the controls. The rest have been chock full of people who will throw you under the bus to get an extra .02% DPS increase.

I'm not suggesting raiders should have nothing, and maybe you're (and the above-labeled douches) right about the new "end-game" content being weaksauce. If it is, I'm sure enough of an outcry will be made that the dungeon difficulty will be put through the roof such that the people who don't play 30 hours a week won't ever see it.

You know what I'd love to see? Percentages of accounts that have historically done these high end raids. Myself, I just did AQ40 for the first time. Haven't done AQ20 yet, but it's surely PUGable now (and I might be able to get a group now that there are achievements). Hopefully around 80 my little guild can hit the Sunwell. I want to know what % of the player base is really this "hard core". I know they make a whole lot of noise, but that's sort of expected - they're much more organized, motivated and outspoken about what they want from the game.

WTF im a douche now? I dont think instances need to be impossibily hard i just dont feel they need to be a joke either, Personally im more of a fan of making shit really overtuned and then nerfing it down like they did in TBC with Gruul/mag/heroics

BT pre 3.0 really was not that hard and neither was SSC and TK, Sunwell was the only really stupid hard instance that was pretty much given to raiders because we were bored at farming BT for the past 9 months

as for Percentages, 5% of all playes at lvl 60 before TBC saw the inside of Naxx 2% actually killed KT
Pre 3.0 the numbers were about the same for Sunwell, Higher for BT like 20% ish IIRC
Wow progress has them listed on their main page

No, you're not a douche - but you might be right about the state of the end-game content (like the douches originally linked who've already finished it and are bitching about being "done").

As for BT and higher being hard, I wouldn't know. I wasn't geared enough to make it through ZA apparently, so never even tried BT (I left the game for a year or two, only recently back and only recently 70.) What I do know is that I never once, even post-nerfs, saw anyone recruiting for a BT PUG. Or a Hyjal PUG. Or a SSC PUG. The PUGs I saw being recruited for stopped at Kara and once in a great while ZA. I'm not in a gear-driven guild (been there, done that) and just have a different gaming reality than you, I guess.

I'm talking about accounts - real people, not characters - there's (probably) a huge difference. I'd imagine you saw the inside of BT with more than one or two characters.

How does that site track who's been inside a given dungeon, beyond perhaps gear sourcing?


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
I fully intended to go nuts with this game over the weekend but ended up at the bars on Friday... and then on Saturday. I'm not even 72 yet (about 20% to go). I guess the consolation prize is that I played a lot yesterday and still had about 300K rested xp when I logged last night.

From what I've been reading it seems as if a lot of you guys finished off one starter zone and then went to the other. Is this the way it is supposed to progress or did you just want to deal with the lower level mobs encountered in the other starter zone?

if you do Starter Zone A and then go to Starter Zone B all the quests are still Yellow as you will only have liek 2 lvls on them, even doing GREEN quests you still get 20K XP

you dont have to do them both, i have guildies that did not, not doing them both is faster lvling but if you do them both you make more money


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Personally, I just wanted to see both zones. The easy exp helped as well. I don't think that I got any less exp from quests at 73-74 than at 70 for the same level quest.

I'd like to hit every zone eventually and do all the quests.


Oct 14, 2002
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
From what I've been reading it seems as if a lot of you guys finished off one starter zone and then went to the other. Is this the way it is supposed to progress or did you just want to deal with the lower level mobs encountered in the other starter zone?

The first 3 tiers have 2 zones each. You can opt to do both zones for a tier or skip one of the zones entirely. As it stands, I finished BT and HF 100% and am only about 50% through Dragonblight. With that completed along with the 5 mans I am 75 and half way to 76. Blizz made it so you have many options basically. Just do whatever you have the most fun doing.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: rivan

I'm talking about accounts - real people, not characters - there's (probably) a huge difference. I'd imagine you saw the inside of BT with more than one or two characters.

How does that site track who's been inside a given dungeon, beyond perhaps gear sourcing?

the sites that track that stuff do armory scans, and group by guild and all that, they are pretty acurate

no ive only seen the inside of BT with 1 char, i only had 70, and only 1 60 when 60 was the lvl cap

i really hate lvling alts

and yes pugging of instances really depends on the server, We ran SSC and TK pugs long before they were nerfed before sunwell was released


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2002
First time posting since launch night! Impressions/thoughts/rants/random shit:

1) Taking my sweet ass time; I just dinged 73.

2) I think I'm one of the few people that play WoW with the game music on. The tunes in this expac so far as AMAZING imo. Give them a try if you haven't done so yet.

3) The new lands "feel" vastly more epic than they did in BC. The general art design is stellar.

4) I'm Blacksmithing/Enchanting. After looking at the AH, I've decided that I won't be able to afford materials for leveling my BS for another few months. lol @ 20g for a single Cobalt Bar...

5) I'm tanking level 75 bosses with 0 DEF. I guess 340 resilience acts as DEF? I think I missed the boat on that stat conversion. I thought I'd be getting obliterated with zero DEF.


Jan 25, 2008
DKs are so redonkulous. Playing with a friend who is also one and we've duo-ed pretty much everything. Three manned Ramparts! :Q Heading out of Zangar soon.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
xboxist: I've also heard that the game music is good, but I'm usually in TS when I play and can't hear people speaking over music (or vice versa). I also agree on your 3rd point. It seems to have a darker feel to it, which it a nice change from BC, which seemed very whimsical.

The way I see it: BC (with blood elves and draenei) = fancy looking art with bright colors. Lich King (with death knights) = darker art with grittier looking gear/weapons.

Some of the new weapon models are really awesome looking.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
From what I've been reading it seems as if a lot of you guys finished off one starter zone and then went to the other. Is this the way it is supposed to progress or did you just want to deal with the lower level mobs encountered in the other starter zone?

The first 3 tiers have 2 zones each. You can opt to do both zones for a tier or skip one of the zones entirely. As it stands, I finished BT and HF 100% and am only about 50% through Dragonblight. With that completed along with the 5 mans I am 75 and half way to 76. Blizz made it so you have many options basically. Just do whatever you have the most fun doing.

Awesome that is what I was hoping for. I'm leveling my rogue first (started in HF) and have my Paladin parked at BT until he gets fully rested. Going on a different path to the finish will hopefully make the experience a lot less unpleasant with different leveling paths.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2008

Coming up for air after taking last week off . Got to L79 before I had to come back to work today.



No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Tremulant
xboxist: I've also heard that the game music is good, but I'm usually in TS when I play and can't hear people speaking over music (or vice versa). I also agree on your 3rd point. It seems to have a darker feel to it, which it a nice change from BC, which seemed very whimsical.

The way I see it: BC (with blood elves and draenei) = fancy looking art with bright colors. Lich King (with death knights) = darker art with grittier looking gear/weapons.

Some of the new weapon models are really awesome looking.

you could just boost TS/Vent or lower the wow music in the sound options, its what i did lowered it in options so i can hear it yet still hear people on vent,
hell ive always played with the music and sounds on lol


Platinum Member
Oct 8, 2006
I'm sitting at 78 at the moment, with about 30 bars to 80. I barely played yesterday due to some moving, only got in 2-3 hours or maybe less.

I did a /who 78-80 rogue last night a couple of times. I seem to be one of about 15 rogues in that level range, whereas there were already over 49 80s on my server. The other classes, except a death knight had over 30 or 40 in that level range. It seems that the rogue population is deteriorating or is it just me?


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: invidia
I'm sitting at 78 at the moment, with about 30 bars to 80. I barely played yesterday due to some moving, only got in 2-3 hours or maybe less.

I did a /who 78-80 rogue last night a couple of times. I seem to be one of about 15 rogues in that level range, whereas there were already over 49 80s on my server. The other classes, except a death knight had over 30 or 40 in that level range. It seems that the rogue population is deteriorating or is it just me?

no the rogue pop is fine, your server just happens to have less UBER NREDS who play rogues

you also play on one of the largest raiding realms which is why you have so many at 80 allready

how are those 1000 person queues?


Oct 14, 2002
My only real complaint about the xpack is that duel spec did not come as a part of the initial release. I wanted to level my main while being able to switch from Tree to Laser Turkey as much as I want. It's a small complaint and I realize the decision to even permit duel spec wasn't finalized until the release date was near so it's not a big deal. Still would have been cool though.


Platinum Member
Oct 8, 2006
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: invidia
I'm sitting at 78 at the moment, with about 30 bars to 80. I barely played yesterday due to some moving, only got in 2-3 hours or maybe less.

I did a /who 78-80 rogue last night a couple of times. I seem to be one of about 15 rogues in that level range, whereas there were already over 49 80s on my server. The other classes, except a death knight had over 30 or 40 in that level range. It seems that the rogue population is deteriorating or is it just me?

no the rogue pop is fine, your server just happens to have less UBER NREDS who play rogues

you also play on one of the largest raiding realms which is why you have so many at 80 allready

how are those 1000 person queues?

Last night, I first logged in at 6:40pm. I didn't get in until around 8pm. The queues began around 3pm and lasted until about 1am. The peak that I heard was 1500ish.


Jax Omen

Golden Member
Mar 14, 2008
I'll vouch for Anubis that on Ner'Zhul there were T5-raid pugs going on before 3.0.2 and post-3.0.2 there were SWP pugs, BT pugs, and MH pugs. No idea how successful they were, I didn't go, but yeah.
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