AT World of Warcraft Thread (WotLK, where do you play, General BS and all that)

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Apr 8, 2001
so, i'll possibly be doing some ulduar action tomorrow with a high level guild. anyone got a good link where I can do some crash reading


Dec 28, 2004
God damn it, we're doing Mimiron tonight and he's bugging out in P4. If tanks move out to avoid laser barrage, the laser will go crazy and just kill everybody.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
I dont see the appeal to raiding... too much like hard work :/ i'm in an "elite" raiding guild (only by association) but I just have no desire to get these awesome t7 t8 gears etc, just happy with my kit from HCs.. :S
So besides from dual spec, this patch is pretty meh. Even then, I find prot warrior to be the best all round anyhow.. Both in PVE and PVP (or at least.. in WSG flag running anyway ) so infact i didnt really benefit at all from this patch

oh well qq


Apr 8, 2001
Replenishment Change For Arenas
Quote from: Zarhym (Source)
We are making a hotfix (any minute now probably) so that Replenishment in arenas will only affect the character and not the whole team. It will continue to function as it does currently outside of arenas.
We feel Replenishment is balanced for larger groups, but just makes too much of a difference on smaller arena teams. Making the rules work differently in PvP and PvE isn?t a solution we like to use often, but in this case we think it fixes the issue cleanly, while still making the talents in question useful to the character who takes them. Alternatives, such as nerfing the amount returned by Replenishment in arena or making it not function at all, seem like more punitive choices from which we want to stay away.

Recent In-Game Fixes - 04/23
Quote from: Bornakk (Source)
Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted.
? Fear Ward will now properly be consumed whether a player is sitting or standing.
? The Rogue talent Savage Combat should now properly be removed after leaving an arena match.
? Greater Blessing of Wisdom and Mana Spring Totem will no longer stack as intended.
? The trash mobs before XT-002 Deconstructor have gone through additional changes that should make them a little easier to get through.
? The Ocular in Icecrown should be killable again using the quest item Eyesoar Blaster.
? The quests "Shatter the Shards" and "The Guardians of Corp'rethar? should be completable again whether or not you are involved in Argent Tournament quests.
? The trash mobs before Mimiron have gone through additional changes that should make them a little easier to get through.
? The Priest ability Serendipity is now properly consumed when a spell finishes casting and does not affect a second spell.
? Nature?s Swiftness should properly affect Rebirth.
? The damage of XT-002 Deconstructor?s Gravity Bomb ability has been reduced.

Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
Mana regeneration in 3.1
You are rarely in a situation to compare Int and Spirit directly. More often you are choosing say Spirit vs. Crit, and Crit is already much better for Balance druids. I don't know that many priests really stack Spirit because of the Innervate potential, so a change like this wouldn't affect them much (though I get your point overall).

Really though the greater issue is that we don't put a lot of regen stats on PvP gear, and ultimately we don't want to. That makes Innervate a lot better in PvE than PvP. PvP Balance druids seem to have mana problems. Solving that through Innervate, the ability you get that, you know, is supposed to give you mana, is an attractive solution.This is a bigger discussion, but we have muddied the waters by converting Int into a regen stat and Spirit into a damage stat for so many casters. Long term, we would like to clean that up somewhat. Regen in general has always been just a little too confusing in WoW. We think we can make it a more straight-forward concept without losing any depth. (Source)

Stealth nerfs in 3.1? A true stealth nerf would be something we were trying to hide, or at least waiting to see if players discovered it. There aren't many changes like that, particularly in this day and age. When we make hotfixes, we are patching the server. This isn't a big orchestrated change like launching a new client patch so we don't always know the exact minute or second when the change goes in.

If it's something we intended, we'll let you know pretty quickly. If it's a bug, we'll let you know once we figure out if it's going on.

We made changes to Conflagrate, Death Strike and Exorcism lately. We have not made any changes to shaman damage, hunter trap arming time or many of the other questions that have popped up lately. If any of those are bugs, we'll let you know as we verify that. (Source)

Druid (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Part of the problem is that Innervate scales with buffs. So we can either have it give too much mana in PvE or too little in PvP. Right now it's the latter -- we're pretty happy with Balance mana regen in Ulduar, but it's too low in PvP.

We'd like to make a change where Innervate always restrores about the same total mana (say 15,000 at level 80). That's good for PvP but not overpowered for PvE, and has the added bonus of being more useful to non-Spirit based casters as well. "Innervating the hunter!" (Source)

Paladin (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Paladin mechanics
We're not talking about combo points here. But we keep running into problems with say Judgement, Divine Storm, Crusader Strike, and now (until recently) Exorcism and perhaps even Hammer of Wrath all being unrelated. You can use one per global cooldown leading to just a ton of damage without there being much an opponent can really do. There is no poison or disease to cleanse. There isn't a self buff someone can remove. They often don't even have time to respond because the attacks are coming right on top of each other. Yes the abilities all have cooldowns, but that's small consolation to someone who may be in triple digit health by the time you unload.

Furthermore, it's not like there is much skill involved to that rotation ("GC SEZ RETS R FACEROLLERZ"). You hit the buttons and damage happens. Sure you can come up with other situations where a player just hits their buttons and unloads a lot, but in a lot of cases they do have other considerations to deal with. Warriors have to watch Overpower opportunities. Enhancement shamans want to follow up Stormstrike with Nature damage. Frost mages want the Frost Nova (or whatever) before the Ice Lance.To some extent, Holy paladins even have the same issues. Simple does not have to mean boring. Having few buttons doesn't have to mean having few options.

Again, we've come a long way with paladins. Their aren't horribly broken. No class is. They just need a little more tweaking. (Source)


Senior member
Mar 3, 2006
Originally posted by: DirthNader
Originally posted by: 1ceHacka
I hear most guilds wipe on flame the loot.


Does the iLevel bonus to vehicles make that big of a difference? Or are they just idiots? Seriously, go practice in WG if you can't manage the vehicles.

It was a joke. You can do flame with 15 semi retarded people.


Feb 28, 2003
Anyone else starting to have attendance problems now that the 'ease' of Ulduar has been introduced? I had a feeling our guild of quite a few bad players would duck for cover once reality set in. Imho Naxx set up quite a few guilds for failure with this new content which probably means the masses will start crying and everything will eventually be released to be just as easy as Naxx.

Background... We wiped a number of times on Tuesday. Last night we only had 12 show up. 12.... lowest ever. I can only assume this is because we have way too many 'I'll wait for others to figure out the content' as opposed to 'hell yes, I want to learn the new fights' type of players. I knew that was the case but have been with this guild since pre-BC. Funny thing about that, when I look around I only see 4 or 5 of us from back in the day left. The majority have seen nothing more than late BC 'easy mode' versions of those raids and Naxx. Wake up call has been served.

No biggy, I got to play the noob some more last night and had a blast.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Not us, we've had more people than before. We have to bench a lot more people than we ever did in Naxx.


Apr 8, 2001
Anyone have experience with usb headphones? I need to get a new pair and was interested in getting one that connects via usb for ease of connection. Any downside to these types?


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
Originally posted by: lupi
Anyone have experience with usb headphones? I need to get a new pair and was interested in getting one that connects via usb for ease of connection. Any downside to these types?

I have a Plantronics usb model that's great. Boom mic and everything fits comfortably and just works. Plus it doesn't get annoying/painful until I've played for like 4-5 hours where most other sets I've used hurt within an hour or two. If you want the model PM me and I'll respond tonight from home.


Nov 27, 2001
Hmm seems they nerfed that trash before Deconstructor... probably a good thing . Weaken that damn saw blade a tiny bit and maybe remove a mob or two (out of the total of 10 or so) and it'd be fine, but it certainly doesn't help that nothing in that pack is a humanoid. I mean you can root them, but re-rooting may not be as easy when your only druids are healers or tanks . Although maybe some trapping could work, but would be awkward if not done properly.

Originally posted by: Beev
Not us, we've had more people than before. We have to bench a lot more people than we ever did in Naxx.

We've only ever had more than 25 people sign up on the first night of Ulduar. After wiping on Razorscale for a bit, we've never got over 20 sign ups. This reminds me of way back when BWL came out and half the people would never sign up to work on Razorgore. Sadly enough, we had to combine forces with another group (note, not guild... we had a group system back then) because even they had noob members that wouldn't go. Once we killed him, people finally pulled their head out of the sand after smelling the sweet aroma of loot in the mornin'.

If only we could get people to really try... this sub 3k DPS on Decon is going to drive me crazy.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
Arena QQ (about paladins and what not) is getting a bit old. Personally I hope Arena would DIAF (for various reasons) but I suppose some people like it.


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2008
Originally posted by: lupi
Anyone have experience with usb headphones? I need to get a new pair and was interested in getting one that connects via usb for ease of connection. Any downside to these types?

Is there any particular reason you want USB? Otherwise I would recommend getting a good pair of headphones (like ATH-AD700) and a Zalman mic.

Not USB, but it works pretty well. Most headsets are shit and overpriced.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Anyone else starting to have attendance problems now that the 'ease' of Ulduar has been introduced? I had a feeling our guild of quite a few bad players would duck for cover once reality set in. Imho Naxx set up quite a few guilds for failure with this new content which probably means the masses will start crying and everything will eventually be released to be just as easy as Naxx.

Background... We wiped a number of times on Tuesday. Last night we only had 12 show up. 12.... lowest ever. I can only assume this is because we have way too many 'I'll wait for others to figure out the content' as opposed to 'hell yes, I want to learn the new fights' type of players. I knew that was the case but have been with this guild since pre-BC. Funny thing about that, when I look around I only see 4 or 5 of us from back in the day left. The majority have seen nothing more than late BC 'easy mode' versions of those raids and Naxx. Wake up call has been served.

No biggy, I got to play the noob some more last night and had a blast.

Since a US top-10 alliance guild transferred to our server we have had no motivation to do 25-man ulduar (they cleared it on the 2nd day I believe). Also, out of our old SWP-farming crew only about 12 or so are left. Our guild is big but it is mostly casuals and baddies. Since the patch we've only done 2 nights of 25-man uld. While I don't think heroic ulduar is massively difficult (especially normal modes), we simply have too many unreliable people in our guild being carried, which doesn't fly in Uld. We are focusing on trying to get all the hard modes in our A-team 10-man group at the moment.

I would say heroic ulduar is about as hard as SSC was at the beginning of BC (when people had only crafted/quest/dungeon/kara gear). It will be farmable (but not pugable) soon enough. It's definitely harder then non-heroic. 10-man ulduar is about as difficult as ZA in my opinion, meaning it's not hard but there is no margin for carrying baddies.

I think WoW is losing its charm. I took a break from feb until the patch came out and I'm not having any more fun really, since TBC days. PvP is so uber-competitive that its just not fun unless you are the top .1% whom arena/bg 8 hours a day to the exclusion of raiding. There's no point in racing for achievements because the hardcore guilds clear them so rapidly there is no chance to compete. Doing 25-mans is a real drag because 2/3 of the raid expects to be carried through and its just frustrating. 10-mans are fun for now since we have a good group, but eventually not being able to get the better gear will make it feel pointless. I'll probably keep raiding till we can kill Algalon then quit until the icecrown comes out...


Feb 28, 2003
I think one reason its losing its charm is because it really seems like a lot of boss mechanics are some form of rehash of past boss mechanics. About the only way they can tune difficulty is throu boss hp, adds, added boss damage, and other gimmicks. For example, flame leviathan is cool but he's really just the big bad wolf.
And we all know naxx is a rehash.


Nov 27, 2001
Only problem I ever have with raiding is when I feel like some of the members just end up holding other ones back, which becomes frustrating for me, because I do a fairly admiral job and end up nowhere, because I get held back.


Dec 28, 2004
We have a small guild w/ core raiders. I think we're at around 30-35 actual players, and 5 of those are retired raiders who just hang around. Recruits get 3 raids to prove themselves worthy or get gkick. We sit and switch 2-3 people a night at most, we always have the same 25 people, which makes clearing content and learning easy. If it weren't for the god damn Mimiron laser bug in P4, we could've killed him last night. His ass is ours come Sunday.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Glayde
Find new people to raid with then.

Well, I think you could say a problem is also that we just tend to say, "ugh, there are people doing too little DPS", but we never do anything about it. As much as low DPS or bad healers or bad tanks are a problem, you're just as much at fault if you sit back and let it hinder you. I'm not an officer or anything, so I can't really do as much about it, but I was thinking about going through everyone's setup to see what things they should change.

Amusingly enough, one reason why I didn't look around more is that I didn't want to raid all hardcore like, but to be honest... I raid something almost every single day. Like Tuesday was U25, Wednesday was U25, Thursday was Naxx25, Today is U25, tomorrow is U10, Sunday is Naxx25 and I forget what Monday is, but I'm fairly certain there's a raid then too . Although you may see it as silly to still go to Naxx25 on my Shaman, I still have 3 upgrades there (MH, belt, bracers and I did get the bracers yesterday finally) and I'd be kicking myself if CG dropped and I wasn't on my Shaman to get it. Ulduar may have better items (MH fist off Mimiron, OH off Hodir or MH off Hard FL), but gotta get to them first .


Dec 28, 2004
Originally posted by: Beev
We were incredibly slow on Hodir. Anyone see anything we can do to improve? Hard mode seems impossible.

Looks like a lot of people in the raid are dying to stupid shit and taking damages that can be avoided. First, too many in the raid are getting hit by falling ice block 'cause they don't move when small blue circle appear underneath them. Second, people are being dps whores and not killing the ice block NPCs fast enough. All ranged dps should be on ice block NPC after flash freeze. Melee dps should break ice block NPC if any are near them. And there are number of people, the same people, who get ice block during flash freeze because they don't get in the big blue circle. And always be on the move so you don't get the damage debuff stack. Cast and move, or jump around.


Apr 8, 2001
not a bad night. killed 6 of 14 on normal 10 man. could have gotten 1 or 2 more but we lost over an hour as one priest left after first boss due to computer vid card dieing and a second priest DC'ed after 3rd or 4th and took a bit to get another. Managed to snag 4-5 achievements for it also.


Apr 8, 2001
anyone else doing the tournament? I finished the 0/25 second tier today and saw it opened a whole lot of other ! around. haven't had time yet to see what they actually are though.


Dec 28, 2004
Originally posted by: lupi
anyone else doing the tournament? I finished the 0/25 second tier today and saw it opened a whole lot of other ! around. haven't had time yet to see what they actually are though.

Argent tourney's just more dailies for people to do and gain rep with major factions. It's rather boring and repetitive.


Dec 28, 2004
Noblegarden just started and the biggest dbag asshole in my guild got half the meta done already... in less than 30 min after event started, and bragging about getting the rabbit's foot twice from eggs. I hope he gets hit by traffic, too bad he never leaves home and has a L80 for every class. Me, I'm still looking for my 1st egg.
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