ATI hires HRC PR Firm

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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: munky
They're taking a page out of the Nvidia and Intel playbook: why waste money on expensive hardware that nobody buys when you can make cheap mediocre hardware and get sales by marketing? That's too bad, because after a certain point, the more marketing a company does, the more BS slips between the lines, and the less likely I am to buy their products.

So you're giving up computing then?



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
what a shock :Q

i'll never buy ati products again. :|


funny stuff. creig, apoppin, ackmed, crazydingo, joker, janoo etc, etc, etc..... what cards will you all buy now :laugh:

welcome to the real world fols


Golden Member
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
I dont like this at all. Hopefully we dont get any smucks around here taking free stuff and trolling for it.

AEG seems to be much worse (going by their website) but I still dont like it.

You mean people who do this...get free stuff?


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
What really bugs me about this is

A.) For Nvidia Fanboys and People like myself who don't have an issue with this marketing I can just shrugg it of and go hmm.... In the end the news only gives us another angle to look at when dealing with certain people.

B.) All the the ATI fanboys Who trashed this practice in the past, can either be silent about it or just say comments like "I am disapointed in ATI" (not pissed or angry like before). This allows them to walk away mostly unscuffed. Why? Because Why should I care I don't mind this type of advertising, what about the others wel the Nvidia Fanboys can't say anything because their guys did it first.

But I have a feeling this thread will die off quietly soon without ever seeing a retraction From Appopin, Munky, and Akmed, And without us hearing much from people like 5150joker and Sickbeast.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: beggerking

its the exact same practice worded differently.

don't see you advocate to ban Joker? exterron?

How do you know they go about it in the same manner? I dont doubt they both generally do the same thing, try to put ATi and NV both in a positive light. However, AEG's website shows much more aggression and things that I do not think should be done.

From AEG's site;
- Message board monitoring and response
- Strategic seeding viral assets to ensure they are spread far and wide
- Optimization and re-purposing of existing content, creative and assets
- Viral programs
- Strategic counsel and implementation: Fires, Misinformation, Rumors, Leaks

Compare the two sites;

Do you really think they both say the same thing? AEG's is much worse.

Why would I want Joker banned? If he is not taking free hardware, like rollo was, why should be be banned for his opinion? Has he said he is taking free hardware? I have not been keeping up.

bolded text indicate you are contradicting yourself.

Yes I read it and they do basically the same thing.

how do you know Joker isn't and Rollo was? you never had proof/disproof of either, yet you were so loud in that thread even accused me of being AEG aff.

I'd rather believe Rollo, who admitted being with AEG, than to trust Joker, who doesn't admit but is so biased beyond belief.

I didnt contradict myself. Try reading it again. I said I dont doubt that they generally do the same thing, which is true. The second bolded part is me saying that do you "think they say the same thing". Obviously the websites do not say the same thing. And obviously both firms are supposed to put NV and ATi in a good light.

So you don't doubt that they are the same thing, but you doubt it when I say they are the same thing???
How do I know rollo was? Because he admitted it, and I had a very trusted member of another forum tell me. I never accused you of being AEG, please find a quote. You'd rather believe rollo? You mean after he lied time and time again, and he only admitted to it after he was busted? Uh, ok. I was never for banning rollo until he got busted. I would be for banning Joker as well, if he was taking ATi hardware as part of a program. Or anyone else. I do not think it has place in forums.

so you are taking people at face value?.. I remember you accused me of being AEG aff because I asked you fanATIcs not to witch hunt.. in which I 've never admitted being with AEG. so there goes your credibility.
Try as you might, you cant turn me into a flip-flopper. I stand by what I said then, and I still do now. If anyone is taking ATi hardware to make a certain kind of post, topic, or anything like that, I would want them banned as well. The simple fact is, we do not know of anyone who does that. Another fact is, AEG's website has much more "offensive" (or whatever word you want to use) information on how they do their business. HR does not say that they spread misinformation, fire, rumors, forum posting, or anything else that AEG does. I find it funny that someone calls me a tr

no one has power to "make you" a flip-flopper.. you made yourself one. ya, ya ,ya, whatever you say. you called for Rollo to ban even before this AEG thing, and Joker is worse than Rollo ever was, and now you are defending him? whatever you say, you flip flopper.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Ackmed, you always assume the worst about nv but seem to want to give ati the benefit of the doubt.



Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: DeathReborn
5150 and crew went after me during the AEG lynchings but simply couldn't pull it off. Anyone notice how the "adverts" in 5150's sig disappeared for a while? I don't have any problems with munky, appopin or BFG but 5150 and extelleron have both been guilty of advertising (for free perhaps) and diverting threads to suit their agenda's. 5150 does post facts, albeit sometimes only the facts that suit him but at other times has come out with sayings that just were OTT "needles in the eyes" springs to mind.

Viral marketing is just that, Viral. It's commonplace and almost always the consumer never knows about it. While ATI employing a Viral Marketing PR firm probably won't damage thier sales, it will add a tarnish to their reputation (claiming never going to do it and then doing it anyway.

Just to make this clear, i'm not slinging mud at people, just commenting on what i've seen. I'm not going to call for bans over this issue until proof of wrongdoing by anyone involved.


They've been after me as well. what a bunch of crap!


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: redbox
Could someone please provide links to these said lies that Rollo, Joker, Munky, Ackmed, and the rest of the fanboys supposedly said.

You will not find any lies from me. I have the same stance now, that I had then. I do not like any of this. I just think that AEG goes much farther than HR, from the details on their websites. How anyone can think they do the "exact same thing", is beyond me.

Rollo did lie time and time again about being in AEG. he got busted, and got banned, twice. He also got banned twice from Rage3D, and banned from HardOCP. Its not hard to re-reg, and hide an IP addy. I dont doubt hes back posting again in all three forums.

Stop accusing Rollo and say something about Joker!


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: nullpointerus
Originally posted by: Ackmed
I dont like this at all. Hopefully we dont get any smucks around here taking free stuff and trolling for it.

AEG seems to be much worse (going by their website) but I still dont like it.

You mean people who do this...get free stuff?

Some, apparently people who post like this anyways, Apoppin, 5150Joker, Monkey, Akmed and people like them were enviess of Rollo, and eventually they got him banned for this. I think I might petition to have him re-instated.

To me Rollo looks like the smarter person now, because at least he was getting something for the crap he said (a lot wasn't crap but the way he said it was horrible). But then Again they migth be part of this HRM stuff.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Topweasel

This is part of the problem. Where do you live Akmed. As far as I know most places and especially in the USA you are innocent till proven guilty. Untill Rollo Confessed you had nothing but Accusations from others along with your own personal feelings. what you did was blantant McCarthyism.



Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: Topweasel

This is part of the problem. Where do you live Akmed. As far as I know most places and especially in the USA you are innocent till proven guilty. Untill Rollo Confessed you had nothing but Accusations from others along with your own personal feelings. what you did was blantant McCarthyism.

I didnt accuse him of being in AEG, get your facts straight. I simply voiced my distaste for the AEG program until he was caught. Then I was for him, and anyone else being banned over it. AT agreed, and he was banned, twice.

And for the record, I dont have anything against a PR firm doing some public releations for either NV or ATi. Most large companies have a private PR firm. What I have a problem with is the "viral" parts of the program. AEG goes well beyond what I think any company should do to promote any product. Spreading fires, misinformation, rumors, and poting on public forums is not acceptable. Does HR do this? Not according to their website, but we do not know what goes on behind closed doors. If HR does use the same tactics, I will be just has harsh with them, as I have been with AEG. However, their website does not say they use the same tactics, other than "viral campains", and AEG has "viral programs". Thats the only "negative" thing their websites have in common. And its not even negative if you know what it really means.

you are funny ! Ackmed..
you said you didn't accuse Rollo, but a few posts back you just said:

How do I know rollo was? Because he admitted it, and I had a very trusted member of another forum tell me.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: munky
A sig by itself is not enough evidence, at least not to me. We've got another Nv supporter who's sig is fitting for a billboard, but I dont suspect him of being AEG.

Haha, QFT. I was thinking the SAME thing. And he suspects other people of being shills.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: thilan29
Originally posted by: munky
A sig by itself is not enough evidence, at least not to me. We've got another Nv supporter who's sig is fitting for a billboard, but I dont suspect him of being AEG.

Haha, QFT. I was thinking the SAME thing. And he suspects other people of being shills.

And I remembered Rollo admitted he was receiving hardware for testing, not for participation in AEG. But none of you believed him. Why should I believe Joker's sig advers now?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Did some of you guys even bother to read the original link? It says viral marketing, and that's as vague as you can get. Your friend telling you that he likes his new ATI card and that it's fast is viral marketing.

Unless something explodes out of the closet with HRC + ATI planting shills on forums like AEG, I don't see why everyone is so upset and declaring this the ATI AEG? I don't see anything conclusively unethical here.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
Wow, I forgot how annoying beggerking was.......

I remember an Ati exec commenting something along the lines on "we do not participate in this sort of activity...." how the times have changed!

What'd I'd be curious about is if these inductees will declare themselves similar to how Ati beta testers and Employees on various message boards do.



Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: RobertR1
I remember an Ati exec commenting something along the lines on "we do not participate in this sort of activity...." how the times have changed!

But by "this sort of activity" did they mean undisclosed forum shills or just viral marketing in general? If in general, then this is indeed pretty lousy of them to break their word, but if they meant the former, then I'm just not seeing it yet.


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
This is sad you guys, you're trying to pin down the affiliations of people who you've never met (and most likely never will). I said this back before Rollo came out and I'll say it again now because it seems pertinent. Until you can show proof that any person (Crusader, Begger, Joker, Ackmed or the rest of them) is a marketing shill, shut up and don't come back till you have any proof.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: RobertR1
Wow, I forgot how annoying beggerking was.......

I remember an Ati exec commenting something along the lines on "we do not participate in this sort of activity...." how the times have changed!

What'd I'd be curious about is if these inductees will declare themselves similar to how Ati beta testers and Employees on various message boards do.
seems clear to me. they already have beta testers and employees posting around. fill in the blanks


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: fierydemise
This is sad you guys, you're trying to pin down the affiliations of people who you've never met (and most likely never will). I said this back before Rollo came out and I'll say it again now because it seems pertinent. Until you can show proof that any person (Crusader, Begger, Joker, Ackmed or the rest of them) is a marketing shill, shut up and don't come back till you have any proof.

I could've used that kind of support back when I was getting flailed with accusations from everyone and his cousin. What really kills me is Ackmed saying that AEG is worse than HRC. W.........................T...............................F............... is that?

Both companies use the word "viral". End......of.......story......



Senior member
Aug 5, 2005
ATI makes great cards, but god damn there software was always such viral cr*p(not drivers). I cannot think of any spywear I've had that was harder to get rid of than their control panel garbage from a TVwonder I had. Hiring this firm could not make their softwear any worse.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: Topweasel

This is part of the problem. Where do you live Akmed. As far as I know most places and especially in the USA you are innocent till proven guilty. Untill Rollo Confessed you had nothing but Accusations from others along with your own personal feelings. what you did was blantant McCarthyism.

What I have a problem with is the "viral" parts of the program. AEG goes well beyond what I think any company should do to promote any product. Spreading fires, misinformation, rumors, and poting on public forums is not acceptable. Does HR do this? Not according to their website, but we do not know what goes on behind closed doors. If HR does use the same tactics, I will be just has harsh with them, as I have been with AEG. However, their website does not say they use the same tactics, other than "viral campains", and AEG has "viral programs". Thats the only "negative" thing their websites have in common. And its not even negative if you know what it really means.

Direct to Consumer Marketing - There are times when you want to communicate directly to consumers, bypassing editors and reporters to deliver your message straight to your audience. High Road has proven experience conducting viral campaigns, online communications and attention grabbing consumer events that help clients rise above the noise and get their messages heard.

Ackmed, you will read and bash what you want to, you will overlook what you want to, and you will flop around with FUD on whatever you want to. I'm not going to play that game, because arguing with a fanboy is useless. The important thing is that everyone knows your a fanATIc, and so from now on, when they read any message by you, they will instantly discredit it and anything you have to say.

You can attack me if you want, but it, too, is useless, because your reputation has already been damaged. And I think by continuing to attack me, it would further harm it, because people will continue proving you wrong on just about every point you make.

Good day to you.


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
I could've used that kind of support back when I was getting flailed with accusations from everyone and his cousin. What really kills me is Ackmed saying that AEG is worse than HRC. W.........................T...............................F............... is that?

Both companies use the word "viral". End......of.......story......
Keys I did defend you when I saw it but I sorta stayed out of video while the witchhunts were in full swing.
It is pretty sad that people have turned completely around (not that that is at all unusual in video) with people who were against the witchhunts making accusations and people trying to show how HRC is better then AEG.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: RobertR1
Wow, I forgot how annoying beggerking was.......

I remember an Ati exec commenting something along the lines on "we do not participate in this sort of activity...." how the times have changed!

What'd I'd be curious about is if these inductees will declare themselves similar to how Ati beta testers and Employees on various message boards do.

and you were one of those extreme anti-Rollo troll in the other thread.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: fierydemise
This is sad you guys, you're trying to pin down the affiliations of people who you've never met (and most likely never will). I said this back before Rollo came out and I'll say it again now because it seems pertinent. Until you can show proof that any person (Crusader, Begger, Joker, Ackmed or the rest of them) is a marketing shill, shut up and don't come back till you have any proof.

Shut up fierydemise. You were one of those who witch hunted in the other thread.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Well, the video forum has been a pretty kind place lately. Not too many gratuitous flamefests. So may be people are having a hard time summoning up their last reserves of bile to vilify ATI with the same level of zeal displayed earlier against NV.

But rest assured, if someone *DOES* deny being part of ATI's viral marketing program and is later shown to be a liar, they'll get ridden out of town on a pole. I'll bet money on it.

It's just a bit too early to preemptively burn people at the stake.
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