ATI hires HRC PR Firm

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Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: josh6079
Wow, I checked just a couple pages into the thread--all I can say was "The Crucible"?....went directly to the last page and I'm still in Salem? WTF?

Guys, both companies are using tatics right now to compete in advertising. That is the bottom line. Whether one is better at it, or in this case actually, morally worse about it, does not matter as it is still coming from a biased source--the advertiser.

The main problem I see, and this is something that I think Anandtech might even be involved in, is using website benchmarks as advertising for the company. It would really draw sales if you could convince an audience that a product actually does better than the competition. If for some reason a harware review website gets substantial payments from either AEG or HRC so that their "reviews" show support for the corresponding briber/marketing company, you've got a completely scewed retail market.

I don't care if some Anandtech poster/member is telling me to purchase hardware while linking things to the manufacturer's website--I can typically tell the difference between someone who is either REALLY closed-minded and just sticks with one company or who is trying to pursuade me to buy something.

Personally, what did everyone expect? ATI vs. Nvidia has been going on forever and that is what ultimately gives us better products. As long as all of us here remain smart buyers, who cares what advertising they try. I swear, everytime I see those Media-Flash ads like "Ultra Fast!" and "Can support an insane resolution of XXXX x XXXX" I can't help but laugh. No matter what they try the factors of price, performance/support for their needs, and customer service are always what the smarter buyer looks for and while they can be advertised they cannot convince us within just those three main parameters.

Nvidia Owners--Most (here anyway) seem to have EVGA cards. Why? Price, Performance and most definatley the customer service of EVGA.

ATI Owners--Here many don't seem to flock on one company like Nvidia purchasers do with EVGA, but they have their cards because of the Price, and Performance that were offered to them.

While the price of most cards is advertised, most of the time they also say very vague things like, "Unreal 3D graphics!" with too much exageration to it. C'mon, if they're unreal then what are they? Fake graphics? People can spot most marketing gimmicks.

Performance is something that I'm afraid of companies advertising. Most of the time, this is left up for the review sites to find out. However, like I mentioned before, if these reveiw sites start to become a form of advertising, then we're in for some expensive testing on our own parts.

I said the same thing in the AEG thread, and was accused of being AEG affl.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: BFG10K
Originally posted by: Crusader
None of the ATI viral marketers hold a candle to that guys charisma or wit.

Trollo was one of the biggest trolls ever created on the internet; there's nothing "charismatic" or "witty" about him. Furthermore the arguments he presented had a child-like IQ to them.

Like when he pimped the unreleased 1.2 Far Cry patch for nVidia's SM 3.0 path and then proclaimed the 1.4 patch that allows HDR + AA on ATi cards wasn't valid because it wasn't available.

And this sort of crap is just one of many arguments he presented in his four year "reign" here.

Simple fact is that Rollo brought life to this place,
No, he trolled the forums for four years, got people banned, lied, attacked peoples' personal lives, and threatened to sue Anandtech. He also had multiple accounts and came back on yet another account after his original ones were banned and he was banned again.

That's not "bringing life" to the place, that's a blatant violation of multiple posting guidelines.

So I dont quite understand why so many consider him the devil.
I have my suspicions as to why you say that and it has a lot to do with your registration date.

I seem to remember you registered just in time to defend the AEG thread and Trollo was on his last legs, with the title "Crusader" at that. I consider that more than coincidental.

Hot, loud cards with bloated/buggy drivers, no single slot solution in sight and poorly marketed to boot.. err, woot?
Funny, ATi's base driver is smaller than nVidia's and ATi's combined driver is smaller than nVidia's new control panel version. As for no single slot solution, you are simply trolling and you know it.

But then you're the same nVidia troll that you were when you first registered to defend the Trollo AEG club back in February and I suspect you're just another account for Trollo.

Here you are witch hunting again just as you were in the AEG thread. you are the troll here.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
Originally posted by: munky
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
Originally posted by: munky
Originally posted by: Topweasel
What really bugs me about this is

A.) For Nvidia Fanboys and People like myself who don't have an issue with this marketing I can just shrugg it of and go hmm.... In the end the news only gives us another angle to look at when dealing with certain people.

B.) All the the ATI fanboys Who trashed this practice in the past, can either be silent about it or just say comments like "I am disapointed in ATI" (not pissed or angry like before). This allows them to walk away mostly unscuffed. Why? Because Why should I care I don't mind this type of advertising, what about the others wel the Nvidia Fanboys can't say anything because their guys did it first.

But I have a feeling this thread will die off quietly soon without ever seeing a retraction From Appopin, Munky, and Akmed, And without us hearing much from people like 5150joker and Sickbeast.

Perhaps you should re-read this thread - - where you're defending Rollo's FUD as the truth. Will I get a retraction from that?

Whether or not you want to aknowledge it, most of the AEG mud slinging was a response to Rollo's campaign to dig up dirt on Ati while covering up Nvidia's blunders. There's nothing like that happening now because no Ati supporter on this forum pisses people off as much as Rollo did with the methods he used to further his agenda. There are more examples than I can remember, but here's a few old threads that you should read:

Should I wait for a retraction from all the Rollo defenders? There will not be any retracion from me for Rollo bashing, because he got what he deserved.

I'm amazed at the strong hate that several members seem to be displaying about a member who is no longer apart of these boards. I saw some of his posts, and while yes, some were spreading around FUD, I never saw anything that would make me hold such a strong grudge that to this day I could not let go of.

I'm begining to think that Rollo was used as the scapegoat for all the ATI trolls to justify their actions. Such that, whenever they wanted to bash nVidia, they could just say it was in response to Rollo. Well guess what, he's not here anymore. That excuse won't work.

And where is your proof that Rollo was even an AEG agent? Does everyone who trolls for one company automatically become placed in either the AEG or HRC stereotype. I guess that means I should assume you, Ackmed, and 5150 Joker are all proudly employed by HRC.

Rollo was an nVidia troll, but that doesn't mean we need ATI trolls to counter that fud. I think that's a big mis-interpretation from people like you, Ackmed, and Joker. When one person trolls, they instantly become discredited, and we all move on. What has happened instead is that we now have a group of soldiers acting as if there is some kind of ATI vs. nVidia war, in which they have been called to fight for ATI.

Topweasel, and myself, are concerned, for lack of a better word, about the fact that many of the AEG screamers have seemed to be relatively quiet about the news of HRC. Instead of blasting off against the immoral practices, they seem to be giving HRC the benefit of the doubt, something they seemed to omit with any regards to AEG.

I could easily say that this issue has esculated because of a strong presence of ATI trolling, the exact thing you claim with about AEG and Rollo. But we all know the real reason why these two issues have generated frusteration. Or atleast I do.

Rollo did openly admit to being an AEG shill, after denying it for a long time. I'm not gonna hunt for the thread, and it's probably deleted by now, but anyone who was here when it happend knows it. In light of that fact, there's no need for me to comment on the rest of your post...

He might of, or not have; that's really not the point. Because regardless of if he did or not, there were people associating him with AEG far before he admitted it. From my understanding, he didn't announce it right when the news of AEG surfaced. Just like nobody would expect you, Ackmed, or Joker to either.

Actually, for me the whole AEG scandal was largely ignited by Rollo's trolling. Maybe it isn't to you because you didnt personally get into numerous flame wars with him, or you just didn't read enough of his posts to see the whole picture, or you're just trying to downplay his role in the whole thing. When the story first surfaced, I commented on it as a sad practice, but with more people aware of it, viral marketing would lose its effectiveness. You won't find posts of me rallying an angry mob against Nvidia just because they used viral marketing when the news first broke out, so don't expect that reaction from me about Ati. However, when numerous people on several forums correctly identified Rollo as an AEG's agent, that brought the whole issue much closer to home, and his lying response to it only made things worse, along with several Rollo defenders.

If you're going to cop out of responding to the rest of my post, whatever. It really had nothing to do with Rollo admitting his relationship with AEG or not, but moreso the result of his nVidia trolling which resulted in many members (you, Ackmed, and Joker) jumping on this bandwagon to try to do some kind of justice for ATI.

But again, whatever. I'll take your absent response as a mutual agreement.

My responses to posts can get very thorough, so dont jump to any conclusions just yet.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: BFG10K
Originally posted by: Topweasel
But I will call out every single user who tries to brush this off, after being so venomous about it before.

People in my eye sights are, Munky, Joker, Turtle, BFG, Appopin, and a few other that will occur to me later. Honestly though I doubt we will hear from them on this as its a lose lose, they either have Put down the same company they Idolize or they come off as a hyppocrite.
Oh you are just too funny, accusing me of being an ATi shill when ironically I've been accused of being an AEG member in the past.

I tell it like it is and that appears to cause some kind of reasoning short circuit with the trolls in both camps.

you are an ATI shill and have always being. don't flipflop and try to act innocent. I've never seen you make a pro Nvidia statement.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: BFG10K
Originally posted by: Topweasel
But I will call out every single user who tries to brush this off, after being so venomous about it before.

People in my eye sights are, Munky, Joker, Turtle, BFG, Appopin, and a few other that will occur to me later. Honestly though I doubt we will hear from them on this as its a lose lose, they either have Put down the same company they Idolize or they come off as a hyppocrite.
Oh you are just too funny, accusing me of being an ATi shill when ironically I've been accused of being an AEG member in the past.

I tell it like it is and that appears to cause some kind of reasoning short circuit with the trolls in both camps.


Yeah Topweasel, you have really got to get some facts straight. I don't want to seem like BFG's Robin character, but he has always provided help on both ends and even backed himself up with corporate evidence (Nvidia driver release notes, nHancer capabilites--remember that Gstandfor--and all the like). I have yet to see him blatantly say "I love Nvidia" or "I love ATI". Put your pistol back in its holster and quit shooting "fanboy" like you've got parkinson's disease.

From what I've seen, you are Pro-ATI as well. BFG is an fanATIc and so are you.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
Originally posted by: munky
Originally posted by: Topweasel
What really bugs me about this is

A.) For Nvidia Fanboys and People like myself who don't have an issue with this marketing I can just shrugg it of and go hmm.... In the end the news only gives us another angle to look at when dealing with certain people.

B.) All the the ATI fanboys Who trashed this practice in the past, can either be silent about it or just say comments like "I am disapointed in ATI" (not pissed or angry like before). This allows them to walk away mostly unscuffed. Why? Because Why should I care I don't mind this type of advertising, what about the others wel the Nvidia Fanboys can't say anything because their guys did it first.

But I have a feeling this thread will die off quietly soon without ever seeing a retraction From Appopin, Munky, and Akmed, And without us hearing much from people like 5150joker and Sickbeast.

Perhaps you should re-read this thread - - where you're defending Rollo's FUD as the truth. Will I get a retraction from that?

Whether or not you want to aknowledge it, most of the AEG mud slinging was a response to Rollo's campaign to dig up dirt on Ati while covering up Nvidia's blunders. There's nothing like that happening now because no Ati supporter on this forum pisses people off as much as Rollo did with the methods he used to further his agenda. There are more examples than I can remember, but here's a few old threads that you should read:

Should I wait for a retraction from all the Rollo defenders? There will not be any retracion from me for Rollo bashing, because he got what he deserved.

I'm amazed at the strong hate that several members seem to be displaying about a member who is no longer apart of these boards. I saw some of his posts, and while yes, some were spreading around FUD, I never saw anything that would make me hold such a strong grudge that to this day I could not let go of.

I'm begining to think that Rollo was used as the scapegoat for all the ATI trolls to justify their actions. Such that, whenever they wanted to bash nVidia, they could just say it was in response to Rollo. Well guess what, he's not here anymore. That excuse won't work.

And where is your proof that Rollo was even an AEG agent? Does everyone who trolls for one company automatically become placed in either the AEG or HRC stereotype. I guess that means I should assume you, Ackmed, and 5150 Joker are all proudly employed by HRC.

Rollo was an nVidia troll, but that doesn't mean we need ATI trolls to counter that fud. I think that's a big mis-interpretation from people like you, Ackmed, and Joker. When one person trolls, they instantly become discredited, and we all move on. What has happened instead is that we now have a group of soldiers acting as if there is some kind of ATI vs. nVidia war, in which they have been called to fight for ATI.

Topweasel, and myself, are concerned, for lack of a better word, about the fact that many of the AEG screamers have seemed to be relatively quiet about the news of HRC. Instead of blasting off against the immoral practices, they seem to be giving HRC the benefit of the doubt, something they seemed to omit with any regards to AEG.

I could easily say that this issue has esculated because of a strong presence of ATI trolling, the exact thing you claim with about AEG and Rollo. But we all know the real reason why these two issues have generated frusteration. Or atleast I do.



Senior member
Apr 13, 2006
molehill ------> mountain.

I think its clear Ackmed has an agenda. no big deal, he likes ati and will do anything to promote them. He should really send a resume to HR and see if he can get in on the focus groups.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: munky
Rollo did openly admit to being an AEG shill, after denying it for a long time. I'm not gonna hunt for the thread, and it's probably deleted by now, but anyone who was here when it happend knows it. In light of that fact, there's no need for me to comment on the rest of your post...

You didn't believe him when he denied, then why did you believe him when he admits? double standard..


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: Topweasel

This is part of the problem. Where do you live Akmed. As far as I know most places and especially in the USA you are innocent till proven guilty. Untill Rollo Confessed you had nothing but Accusations from others along with your own personal feelings. what you did was blantant McCarthyism.

I didnt accuse him of being in AEG, get your facts straight. I simply voiced my distaste for the AEG program until he was caught. Then I was for him, and anyone else being banned over it. AT agreed, and he was banned, twice.

And for the record, I dont have anything against a PR firm doing some public releations for either NV or ATi. Most large companies have a private PR firm. What I have a problem with is the "viral" parts of the program. AEG goes well beyond what I think any company should do to promote any product. Spreading fires, misinformation, rumors, and poting on public forums is not acceptable. Does HR do this? Not according to their website, but we do not know what goes on behind closed doors. If HR does use the same tactics, I will be just has harsh with them, as I have been with AEG. However, their website does not say they use the same tactics, other than "viral campains", and AEG has "viral programs". Thats the only "negative" thing their websites have in common. And its not even negative if you know what it really means.

you are funny ! Ackmed..
you said you didn't accuse Rollo, but a few posts back you just said:

How do I know rollo was? Because he admitted it, and I had a very trusted member of another forum tell me.

Hey Begger, read Ackmed's quote again. Topweasel said Ackmed accused Rollo of being part of the AEG program(BEFORE Rollo admitted it). Ackmed however didn't accuse Rollo of being part of the AEG until he himself admitted it and someone at another forum said. So Ackmed didn't contradict himself.

Accusing Rollo after he admitted it is different from accusing him before he admitted it. Although after he admitted it it's not really accusing but more like reiterating it.


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Begger I hope you realize your accusing people left and right of being marketing shills without any proof, your being just as bad the witch hunts that went on when the AEG debate was in full swing.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: thilan29
Originally posted by: munky
A sig by itself is not enough evidence, at least not to me. We've got another Nv supporter who's sig is fitting for a billboard, but I dont suspect him of being AEG.

Haha, QFT. I was thinking the SAME thing. And he suspects other people of being shills.

And I remembered Rollo admitted he was receiving hardware for testing, not for participation in AEG. But none of you believed him. Why should I believe Joker's sig advers now?

Huh?? There is a very big difference between someone's rig specs and posting hot deals in their sigs. The hot deals can be verified just by going to the site. However, you can't verify anything about someone's rig specs. IIRC(and this is just an example, I'm not making a big deal out of it), Rollo bragged about buying some SLI set and was asked to post up a receipt of the sale. He couldn't do it though and obviously we know why...cause he didn't buy it.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: geo1

I posted about this at B3D several hours before it appeared here (if I'm reading the times right).

"viral marketing" covers a very wide range of activities, not all of them offensive in my view. And, yes, I said the same thing re AEG. . .I was one of those who refused to throw "viral marketing" under the bus generically.

Transparency is the key, in my view. Will HRC/ATI be better that way? Too soon to tell. As I said at B3D, a good start with these High Road people would be in they actually show up in the community and talk about what they are doing, and what they won't do, rather than have to be dragged into the light as was the case with AEG.

To me viral marketing means aeg, rollo and his 3 other buddies. Sad if ati is following this example.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: orangat
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise

The suspicious circumstances where how Crusader showed up out of no where and just started defending Rollo (after claiming to have been watching these forums for so long, I did defended him once too. If you want to continue this PM me because I really don't want to derail this thread any longer.

I defended Rollo for his honesty , so am I suspecious to you?

The point is, you tried to "seek out" AEG members like its some sort of witch hunt, which is utterly unnecessary and childish as did Ackmed, Apoppin etc.

Rollo's honesty? Are you kidding?
He lied about AEG, lied about receiving hardware, downplayed AEG as 'beta testers' and lied to get someone temporarily banned.

Rollo finally got the well deserved ban.

Get the fact straight!
Honesty about receiving hardware, never admitted to AEG.
unlike Joker, who doesn't admit yet advertise in his signature

When was he honest about receiving hardware?? Did he admit to being a "beta-tester" for NVidia?? He lied about where he got his hardware from....So where exactly are those facts you are telling people to get straight???

Let me see if I understand you:
He did receive hardware but wouldn't say where he got it from?? So he was honest about that?? Makes no sense...if he was honest about it he would have also not lied about where he got it from.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: munky
Rollo did openly admit to being an AEG shill, after denying it for a long time. I'm not gonna hunt for the thread, and it's probably deleted by now, but anyone who was here when it happend knows it. In light of that fact, there's no need for me to comment on the rest of your post...

You didn't believe him when he denied, then why did you believe him when he admits? double standard..

1. Because his posting habits made him a suspect long before he admitted
2. Because he would be insane to admit being an AEG shill when he really wasn't

calling that a double standard is a stretch by far...


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Topweasel
My point is accusations including you started way before his outing, And while I over reacted because I saw someone I reconized as someone trashing Nvidia for this process. In the end your more thoughtout posts where sensible to some degree in your reasoning, I still find especially with statements like all form of viral marketing (which you really can't dislike, sales in stores, cuopons, movie tickets, even radio play are forms of viral marketing, us talking in this forum about the features of each card is another viral marketing, just with AEG the hope is to jump start more) being dispised, you current statements in regards to ATI seem to be even weeker almost like a fiegned attempt to keep from coming off as a Hyppocrite.

I just want to see some hatred or appologies. Not some Fake Crocodile tears Like some Gold digger that just killed her 70yr husband and got away with it.

I did not accuse Rollo or any other member of being an AEG marketing shill. I only spoke out against Rollo and others like him once he admitted to being a marketing shill after the failed nVidia coverup. I had heard rumblings about Rollo being in AEG before he came out but did not ever once commented on them. I only commented on Rollo and his AEG connection after he admitted he was part of the nVidia AEG program. If you find posts of me accusing anyone of being anything but a fanboy then please provide the link. Until then stop accusing me of saying things I do not have any recollections of ever stating. Everything I've said should be archived so dig away at will. I do not think you will find anything. But until you do, which you will never, stop putting words in my mouth.

If you feel I said otherwise, feel free to look it up in the threads below or any other threads. I'm done with this thread because I'm not going to get into yet another hissy match over a he said she said thing. As I said before, if you want to discuss this, you could have did it over PM's. But apparently you are doing some of the same things you accuse of in others with your witch hunting and accusations. I will continue to post my opinions, though they may be pro-ATI and I will continue to help anyone who may benefit from my advice or opinions regardless of whether they use an ATI product or nVidia product.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Crusader
To keep things fair, all I can say is let the witch hunt begin for ATIs paid shills.. I think its clear who is working here for team red.

Now that we have proof of ATI participating (as if anyone doubted they were that poorly managed of a company to not already have infested the forums).. the score will be evened.

Its my theory that ATI was doing viral marketing far before Nvidia was, judging from B3D and how DaveB is a shill himself.
Though on the other hand, it wouldnt surprise me if ATI was so inept that they wouldnt even think about guerilla marketing.
As someone who works in the business world.. props to Nvidia for knowing how to run a company.. teach those canadians a thing or two about capitalism.

Hot, loud cards with bloated/buggy drivers, no single slot solution in sight and poorly marketed to boot.. err, woot?

If you have proof of who's working for HRC then reveal them oh Crusader.

And you just excused viral marketing so why would you care to even post in this thread?? And what does ATI being Canadian have to do anything??

And that last an ATI employee run over your dog or something...cause it always seems like you can only say something bad about ATI.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Originally posted by: munky

Actually, for me the whole AEG scandal was largely ignited by Rollo's trolling.
Just like I believe this issue has been ignited by trolling from that of members from the other camp (ATI).

Maybe it isn't to you because you didnt personally get into numerous flame wars with him, or you just didn't read enough of his posts to see the whole picture, or you're just trying to downplay his role in the whole thing.
No, I read his posts, saw the wars, and am not trying to downplay his role. I'm just curious why his posts were so much worse than other trolls we have on this board, and I'm wondering if maybe it's those certain trolls' affiliation that have an impact on you. Such that, I've seen you lock horns with Rollo, but can't say I've seen you debate Joker or Ackmed very often. In fact, I've never seen that, but maybe I'm just trying to "downplay" that situation.

When the story first surfaced, I commented on it as a sad practice, but with more people aware of it, viral marketing would lose its effectiveness.
So in other words, get the news out about nVidia and AEG, but when anything similiar comes out about ATI and whatever viral marketing they associate with, we'll just assume everyone knows about it. Right?

You won't find posts of me rallying an angry mob against Nvidia just because they used viral marketing when the news first broke out, so don't expect that reaction from me about Ati. However, when numerous people on several forums correctly identified Rollo as an AEG's agent, that brought the whole issue much closer to home, and his lying response to it only made things worse, along with several Rollo defenders.
Correctly identified Rollo as an AEG that just a fancy way of saying they told you, and you had no reason not to believe them? In which case, why is it so hard to believe that there might be other "viral marketing" employees inhabiting this board? After all, if this incident has hit close to home, like you say, wouldn't you be more adament about this ploy, and more enraged. You seem to be quite content with it, to be honest. Maybe the frusteration has subsided in these recent weeks, eh?

Keep bashing Rollo, but you won't get far. We're way past that point, but you still seem to be dwindling onto it, thinking it will continue to be your justification for behavior I'm dubbing fishy, for lack of a better word.



Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
And where is your proof that Rollo was even an AEG agent? Does everyone who trolls for one company automatically become placed in either the AEG or HRC stereotype. I guess that means I should assume you, Ackmed, and 5150 Joker are all proudly employed by HRC.

Uhmmm..he admitted it

He admitted it, then got banned.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
If you're going to cop out of responding to the rest of my post, whatever. It really had nothing to do with Rollo admitting his relationship with AEG or not, but moreso the result of his nVidia trolling which resulted in many members (you, Ackmed, and Joker) jumping on this bandwagon to try to do some kind of justice for ATI.

If there's one member continually spreading FUD about something be it CPUS, vid cards...whatever...wouldn't you feel compelled to counter the FUD and atleast call it FUD???

If someone posts the truth about something then that's great but you can't really sit there idly by watching someone lie his ass off or brush aside issues. I know I can't.



Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Originally posted by: thilan29
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
And where is your proof that Rollo was even an AEG agent? Does everyone who trolls for one company automatically become placed in either the AEG or HRC stereotype. I guess that means I should assume you, Ackmed, and 5150 Joker are all proudly employed by HRC.

Uhmmm..he admitted it

He admitted it, then got banned.
We've already established this. Thanks for being a day late and a dollar short.

The question still stands, though. It seems that whenever we associate a certain affiliation with one member to a company, certain other members are quick to categorize that member working for AEG, just as in Rollo's case. Rollo admitted his involvement with AEG after news of AEG surfaced. During that time, though, many were accusing Rollo of being apart of AEG with no proof at all. Thus regardless of if he later admitted it or not, he was still persecuted without proof, and my question still stands of an expectancy to do this stereotype with fanATIcs to HRC. If you say no, and were one of those people accusing Rollo of working for AEG before he admitted it, then I say hypocrite.



Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Originally posted by: thilan29
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
If you're going to cop out of responding to the rest of my post, whatever. It really had nothing to do with Rollo admitting his relationship with AEG or not, but moreso the result of his nVidia trolling which resulted in many members (you, Ackmed, and Joker) jumping on this bandwagon to try to do some kind of justice for ATI.

If there's one member continually spreading FUD about something be it CPUS, vid cards...whatever...wouldn't you feel compelled to counter the FUD and atleast call it FUD???
Not when they counter with more FUD. Honestly, where is that going to get us? Those methods have been exercised the past several months, and the tension right now could be cut with a knife.

Call it FUD, yes, then leave if you can't reply without feeling compelled to go on damange control.



Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
You didn't believe him when he denied, then why did you believe him when he admits? double standard..

Are you serious??!!! So all the while BFG has said he is not a shill so do YOU believe him?? You accused him you have double standards too cause I bet you'd believe him if he said he was a shill.

Disclaimer: The preceeding paragraph in no way represents any factual argument about BFG10K. I'm just trying to make a point to may take a while though.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Nelsieus
The question still stands, though. It seems that whenever we associate a certain affiliation with one member to a company, certain other members are quick to categorize that member working for AEG, just as in Rollo's case. Rollo admitted his involvement with AEG after news of AEG surfaced. During that time, though, many were accusing Rollo of being apart of AEG with no proof at all. Thus regardless of if he later admitted it or not, he was still persecuted without proof, and my question still stands of an expectancy to do this stereotype with fanATIcs to HRC. If you say no, and were one of those people accusing Rollo of working for AEG before he admitted it, then I say hypocrite.

Well you got your wish...5150, Ackmed, Apoppin, BFG and probably others have ALREADY been accused in this thread with zero proof. So what's different??

Personally I hate this type of marketing and hope anyone in either camp that's part of it gets banned. I come to this forum because I need tech help or because I want an honest user opinion on a product...not an advertisement for one. I'd say I'm decent with tech so I don't take one user's view as gospel but someone who is less informed might not know what to believe...that's where I find the problem.


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Nelsieus let me try to clear up the events for you,
When the AEG news surfaced many people reading the news had their suspicions about Rollo a few said it would explain quite a few things but no one made outright accusations. The AEG news calmed down then when a consumer blog posted a series of correspondences with an nVidia marketing person it flared up again, again no accusations were leveled against Rollo but plenty of people expressed suspicions. For the most part the debate was on the ethicality of secret viral marketing in general not Rollo, Rollo then chose to reveal himself to clarify the AEG program this is when the real firestorm started. Then the blind accusations against people started and it stayed that way for a few weeks (IIRC) finally the mods banned Rollo and put an end to it. Since then blind accusations have been made by people on both sides without proof, this in bad for the forums in general my suggestion would be a vacation for anyone who accuses someone else of being a shill without providing proof but the mods give us relatively free reign here in video so I don't expect that to happen.
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