ATI hires HRC PR Firm

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Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
Originally posted by: apoppin

I also updated the General Hardware {ancient} thread

ATi did say they would NEVER use Viral Marketing and said they would take the "high road" . . . now we know what they meant.

how do i sign up?


That's all you have to say about this? I remember when the AEG thing came out, it seemed like you spent the whole night on this forum spouting off about how viral marketing was evil, anyone who didn't absolutely condenm Nvidia/AEG was morally bankrupt and how you would never buy an Nvidia product again. Now all we get is a thumbsdown?


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
you are an ATI shill and have always being. don't flipflop and try to act innocent. I've never seen you make a pro Nvidia statement.

BFG10K has a 7800GT I think so that is as much a pro-NVidia statement as you can get.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: golem
Originally posted by: apoppin

I also updated the General Hardware {ancient} thread

ATi did say they would NEVER use Viral Marketing and said they would take the "high road" . . . now we know what they meant.

how do i sign up?


That's all you have to say about this? I remember when the AEG thing came out, it seemed like you spent the whole night on this forum spouting off about how viral marketing was evil, anyone who didn't absolutely condenm Nvidia/AEG was morally bankrupt and how you would never buy an Nvidia product again. Now all we get is a thumbsdown?

What we have right now from HRC and what happened with AEG are so far two completely different things. Some of you guys are taking this way too far and jumping to conclusions with nothing to go on.



Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Originally posted by: fierydemise
Nelsieus let me try to clear up the events for you,
When the AEG news surfaced many people reading the news had their suspicions about Rollo a few said it would explain quite a few things but no one made outright accusations. The AEG news calmed down then when a consumer blog posted a series of correspondences with an nVidia marketing person it flared up again, again no accusations were leveled against Rollo but plenty of people expressed suspicions. For the most part the debate was on the ethicality of secret viral marketing in general not Rollo, Rollo then chose to reveal himself to clarify the AEG program this is when the real firestorm started. Then the blind accusations against people started and it stayed that way for a few weeks (IIRC) finally the mods banned Rollo and put an end to it. Since then blind accusations have been made by people on both sides without proof, this in bad for the forums in general my suggestion would be a vacation for anyone who accuses someone else of being a shill without providing proof but the mods give us relatively free reign here in video so I don't expect that to happen.

Hey fierydemise,
First off, I just wanted to thank you for a post that exerted a calming peace. Don't exactly know what that'll mean to you, but it was refreshing seeing someone not arguing with someone else and such.

I want to start by giving my stance on this issue. Just like with nVidia and AEG, I remain neutral on this issue of "viral marketing." Like I said before, it really doesn't affect me, nor my buying decisions, and thus whatever works, is ultimately what a company will go with.

When the AEG "scandal" (as some like to call it ) came out, there was a receptance of outrage by many members, particularly on this board. Many members were outraged with the concept of this kind of marketing, and to play off this "frusteration," I witnessed several particular members milking the situation for all it was worth; bashing nVidia, bashing AEG, and overall using it as their own marketing ploy to spread FUD. I saw so many rumors and conspiracy thoughts travel around by people captivated enough by this issue, yet coincidently are nowhere to be found when the tables turned. Such methods ultimately worked, and overall, I'd say that nVidia's reputation was a little hammered (atleast in this board).

A few months later, and to little surprise, ATI has announced a similiar involvement including viral marketing, as well. But one thing is different. The receptance. Yes, we have members in this thread outraged on this topic just as they were with nVidia and AEG. But what I haven't seen is a protest against ATI, a thread discrediting ATI products, similiar outrage omited by particular members who just happened to feel that way about nVidia and AEG. Instead, I'm actually seeing posts defending ATI and these practices from the same people who were quick to attack nVidia, claiming that AEG is "worse at viral marketing" than HRC (give me a break!). I've seen standards being compromised because members aren't willing to bash a company for practises that they were otherwise open to bash when it was someone else. I've seen respones to this issue treating it as if it's "fair game," and "justified" because atleast ATI wasn't the "first" to announce it (as if that makes a difference).

Please let it be known, I'm not saying that I desire an anti-ATI persona going around. I don't want to see a company being trashed because of something I consider not that important. What I want are members who truly feel passionate about this issue to speak out just like they did with nVidia and AEG, and for members who seemed to have such strong feelings about nV / AEG, yet aren't compelled with those same feelings in this situation, to be be delt with by responses asking "why the change in opinion?"

The magnitude that the nVidia/AEG story generated was quite substantial. And I'm just a bit curious to see where some of those "outraged" members are know. Are they hiding behind a rock, waiting for this issue to go away, because it casts their associated company in a bad light? Are they defending these practices on damange control, after they so prominently vocalized the poor standards in which nVidia was involved with in the same situation?

These are the issues I'm trying to bring up with this thread. I don't want a witch-hunt, and I don't want baseless allegations. I just want some kind of integrity and credability to take over, and move whatever fanboyism one experiences. Perhaps that's asking too much from some of the members here, but let it be know that such members have been revealed, and will be taken into account from now on (if they weren't already).

Anywho, I suspect this issue is long from over. Again, I want these boards to be a place where one can come without worrying about if what they're told is accurate, or if it's influenced by nothing other than FUD. And I believe the first step in this process is acknowleding the problem, so we could all work to resolve it. If that means getting rid of some certain members, then I hope this thread will bring that process closer to existence.



Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Nelsieus it is also interesting to note that many of the members who were so outraged at the witch hunts are now turning right around and accusing people left and right. In video hypocrisy is rampant just like politics, the difference is politics actually affects people the video card that some random person on the internet gets does not. Its all so sad, people are arguing over video cards as if not more vehemently then people debate politics.

Anyway now for my shameless plug, anyone who wants to see some change in video help me lobby the mods I posted a thread in FI entitled "Video needs help"
Jun 14, 2003
so what, its just normal business doing what it wants to do.

honestly why people treat viral marketing as something new, big, bad and ugly i dont know, its been around for ages, just get on with your lives it wont kill you
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Bull Dog
Originally posted by: thilan29
And it starts...

Shame on ATI for hiring a PR firm that does viral marketing, although it probably helps their bottom line, didn't they learn something from the backlash against NVidia/AEG??

Hell, at least they are open about it.

so were nv

kinda..... it wasnt like AEG hid their affiliation or anything, it was up on their website for anyone who cared to look. but i dont know if they issued a press release though
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: munky
They didnt invent viral marketing, they're just really good at marketing in general and keep coming up with new strategies, to the point where they can sell crap products based on marketing alone. What do you think generated all the sales for the P4 the last few years?

if i can sell turds because im the ****** at marketing strategy, then by god i will sell turds.... anyone with some common would do the same, if it makes money...its gold
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
For the eleventy billionth time: It is SOP for corporations, and if ATI wasn't running an in house program before this, then this is simply the inevitable come to pass.

Now you douches can stop with the ATI is a moral company horse shat. There are no moral corporations, period.

exactly.... big business doesnt let a little thing called ethics/morals stand in the way of the chance to increase its bank balance.

if the law says nothing about the legality of it, then its fair game.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Topweasel
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: redbox
what I find funny is ATI has a good card and everyone has said that marketing is the only thing they are missing, and they need to listen to Nvidia and Intel more. Now when they do it everyone is angry about it. You can't have it both ways people.


No People are Angry not at ATI but ATI fanatics who started virtual lynch mobs when the AEG info broke out and ended up getting other people kicked. I didn't like the fact that Rollo lied to everyone including people who supported him, but he was banned not because he was a part of this but because the lynch mob demanded it after he confessed. Now I never had an issue with Nvidia doing this, I don't have a problem with ATI doing this either. But I will call out every single user who tries to brush this off, after being so venomous about it before.

People in my eye sights are, Munky, Joker, Turtle, BFG, Appopin, and a few other that will occur to me later. Honestly though I doubt we will hear from them on this as its a lose lose, they either have Put down the same company they Idolize or they come off as a hyppocrite.

ok we dont really need the names, but i must disagree with BFG, ive seen his posts here since 2003 and i dont think hes got any preference at long as the card he buys doesnt make a sound, its golden

Appopin jus likes to use smileys alot........ an awful lot and i havent seen him round here for a good while actually.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: nullpointerus
Guerilla marketers, violent disagreements, lynch, no thanks.

I already get this stuff on the big screen.
that's why i visit video.


Originally posted by: Gstanfor
It's rather interesting that at least two prominent ATi supporters appear to have dropped off the edge of the world since these threads started up isn't? Especially since they had so much to say in the AEG threads...
Probably looking for instructions from a 'higher' source.

are you surprised? exactly the same thing happened with Rollo and the rabid nVidia supporters - for a few days . .. don't worry, the ATi guys will be back.

and i am still here . . . for you to beat on.

UNaffiliated with any programme
and just disappointed with ATi unless they make their programme TRANSPARENT . . .

obviously they are copying nVidia's success with it.

and i'm off to work

thats an energetic post if i ever saw one



Golden Member
Nov 12, 2005
I don't know about all of this people. The companies are the ones doing the viral marketing and we all start pointing the finger at each other. Seams to me we should all stand together as computer enthusiasts and focus our hate towards the companies them selves. I understand the need for marketing but there has to be a limit. Instead of flaming our hearts away we should voice our opinion to these companies


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: thilan29
And it starts...

Shame on ATI for hiring a PR firm that does viral marketing, although it probably helps their bottom line, didn't they learn something from the backlash against NVidia/AEG??

backlash??? a few hardware freaks got pissed off and now look how bad their 7900 series are selling!!! The are probably going to go under soon.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: BFG10K
Originally posted by: Topweasel
But I will call out every single user who tries to brush this off, after being so venomous about it before.

People in my eye sights are, Munky, Joker, Turtle, BFG, Appopin, and a few other that will occur to me later. Honestly though I doubt we will hear from them on this as its a lose lose, they either have Put down the same company they Idolize or they come off as a hyppocrite.
Oh you are just too funny, accusing me of being an ATi shill when ironically I've been accused of being an AEG member in the past.

I tell it like it is and that appears to cause some kind of reasoning short circuit with the trolls in both camps.


Yeah Topweasel, you have really got to get some facts straight. I don't want to seem like BFG's Robin character, but he has always provided help on both ends and even backed himself up with corporate evidence (Nvidia driver release notes, nHancer capabilites--remember that Gstandfor--and all the like). I have yet to see him blatantly say "I love Nvidia" or "I love ATI". Put your pistol back in its holster and quit shooting "fanboy" like you've got parkinson's disease.

From what I've seen, you are Pro-ATI as well. BFG is an fanATIc and so are you.

Wow guy, you're blowing things way out of proportion. If you are classified as a fanATIc/Nvidiot because you like a card that is an ATI/Nvidia make, so be it. Yes, I am happy with my X1900XTX. Before it was out, I was happy with my 7800GT's. You are not the first to call BFG a fanATIc, he has been called both a fanATIc and an Nvidiot.

All I thought about Topweasel's statement was that he said it without really knowing that right now, BFG has a 7800 series NVIDIA card, an X800 card, and a very common consensus to buy what is worth getting for themselves. You have just labeled me as a fanATIc. Okay. Does that automatically make you an Nvidiot in my eyes? No. If these were the days when the 78 series had no competition you probably would have said I was an Nvidiot too. I'm just saying I have yet to see BFG take a firm stance on any company. Topweasel labeled him with a group of other highly veiwed "fanATIc's" and I believe he did so wrongly. That was it.

Maybe that is what made you think I was ("am") a fanATIc in your eyes. But dam, I'm sick of looking on these Anandtech Video forums and seeing nothing but aimless "fanboy" accusations. I bought the X1900XTX because I wanted to see how it would compare. I did so because I quite honestly didn't trust anyone on the web to tell me truthfully. I sold one 7800GT to a friend, and gave one to my brother, the cards that I used to have and respected. God forbid anyone has ever gotten rid of older hardware. Sorry beggerking, it wont happen again.:roll:

Right now, a lot of people are having such heated debates because the competition between the graphics throne is like a tag team match for female mud wrestling. Nvidia is the best!, then ATI comes up with something (in this case, the X1 series), then Nvidia is the best again (probably the Quad-SLI capability--yeah, that would be nice if G80's could be x4!), then ATI will probably come up with something. It is a constant non-monopoly which is what it should be. There are no "Kings" as some would blindly say, and there really are not as many fanboys as people think there are. Kind of like diagnosing imaginative children with A.D.D. Of course they're not concentrating on what you want them to, they're 8! Once again, I'll state it clearly:

1) People who are happy with their product are NOT fanboys.

2) People who bash the opposing product, while pointing out flaws that are shared with their own products ARE a fanboys.

3) People who speculate or give opinions about what "the other side" is like, without saying or making it knowledgeable that they are speculating or opinionating ARE fanboys.

I'm not going to add to the pointing fingers group, but I will say that so far I've only seen one fanATIc and one Nvidiot fanboy in these forums. (Sorry I missed the Rollo days and I barely got a glimpse of the FallenAngel nights). The rest, is just aimless accusations that always seemed to end up in pages worth of nothing but flames.

Sorry if I've offended you Topweasel when I disagreed with you, or Gstandfor when I mentioned your name in that and even when disagreeing with your methods of using the nHancer AA+HDR circus, or CaiNaM when you were arguing with Joker, etc. Truth is, when I've needed help with things, I've never received a negative feedback of PM's from many supposed Nvidiots and fanATIc's. Some just know what they're talking about a little more than others.

So, I'll be a fanATIc if it means being happy that my X1900XTX is better than my 7800GT's SLI, and in the future I'll be an Nvidiot if G80's come in Quad and kill any other DX10 card.


Golden Member
Nov 12, 2005
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: BFG10K
Originally posted by: Topweasel
But I will call out every single user who tries to brush this off, after being so venomous about it before.

People in my eye sights are, Munky, Joker, Turtle, BFG, Appopin, and a few other that will occur to me later. Honestly though I doubt we will hear from them on this as its a lose lose, they either have Put down the same company they Idolize or they come off as a hyppocrite.
Oh you are just too funny, accusing me of being an ATi shill when ironically I've been accused of being an AEG member in the past.

I tell it like it is and that appears to cause some kind of reasoning short circuit with the trolls in both camps.


Yeah Topweasel, you have really got to get some facts straight. I don't want to seem like BFG's Robin character, but he has always provided help on both ends and even backed himself up with corporate evidence (Nvidia driver release notes, nHancer capabilites--remember that Gstandfor--and all the like). I have yet to see him blatantly say "I love Nvidia" or "I love ATI". Put your pistol back in its holster and quit shooting "fanboy" like you've got parkinson's disease.

From what I've seen, you are Pro-ATI as well. BFG is an fanATIc and so are you.

Wow guy, you're blowing things way out of proportion. If you are classified as a fanATIc/Nvidiot because you like a card that is an ATI/Nvidia make, so be it. Yes, I am happy with my X1900XTX. Before it was out, I was happy with my 7800GT's. You are not the first to call BFG a fanATIc, he has been called both a fanATIc and an Nvidiot.

All I thought about Topweasel's statement was that he said it without really knowing that right now, BFG has a 7800 series NVIDIA card, an X800 card, and a very common consensus to buy what is worth getting for themselves. You have just labeled me as a fanATIc. Okay. Does that automatically make you an Nvidiot in my eyes? No. If these were the days when the 78 series had no competition you probably would have said I was an Nvidiot too. I'm just saying I have yet to see BFG take a firm stance on any company. Topweasel labeled him with a group of other highly veiwed "fanATIc's" and I believe he did so wrongly. That was it.

Maybe that is what made you think I was ("am") a fanATIc in your eyes. But dam, I'm sick of looking on these Anandtech Video forums and seeing nothing but aimless "fanboy" accusations. I bought the X1900XTX because I wanted to see how it would compare. I did so because I quite honestly didn't trust anyone on the web to tell me truthfully. I sold one 7800GT to a friend, and gave one to my brother, the cards that I used to have and respected. God forbid anyone has ever gotten rid of older hardware. Sorry beggerking, it wont happen again.:roll:

Right now, a lot of people are having such heated debates because the competition between the graphics throne is like a tag team match for female mud wrestling. Nvidia is the best!, then ATI comes up with something (in this case, the X1 series), then Nvidia is the best again (probably the Quad-SLI capability--yeah, that would be nice if G80's could be x4!), then ATI will probably come up with something. It is a constant non-monopoly which is what it should be. There are no "Kings" as some would blindly say, and there really are not as many fanboys as people think there are. Kind of like diagnosing imaginative children with A.D.D. Of course they're not concentrating on what you want them to, they're 8! Once again, I'll state it clearly:

1) People who are happy with their product are NOT fanboys.

2) People who bash the opposing product, while pointing out flaws that are shared with their own products ARE a fanboys.

3) People who speculate or give opinions about what "the other side" is like, without saying or making it knowledgeable that they are speculating or opinionating ARE fanboys.

I'm not going to add to the pointing fingers group, but I will say that so far I've only seen one fanATIc and one Nvidiot fanboy in these forums. (Sorry I missed the Rollo days and I barely got a glimpse of the FallenAngel nights). The rest, is just aimless accusations that always seemed to end up in pages worth of nothing but flames.

Sorry if I've offended you Topweasel when I disagreed with you, or Gstandfor when I mentioned your name in that and even when disagreeing with your methods of using the nHancer AA+HDR circus, or CaiNaM when you were arguing with Joker, etc. Truth is, when I've needed help with things, I've never received a negative feedback of PM's from many supposed Nvidiots and fanATIc's. Some just know what they're talking about a little more than others.

So, I'll be a fanATIc if it means being happy that my X1900XTX is better than my 7800GT's SLI, and in the future I'll be an Nvidiot if G80's come in Quad and kill any other DX10 card.

?what?s that? Oh, ya that must be reason?. And what?s this?an intelligent comment not full of hate!? Wow, even an apology umm several apologies!?! This can?t be in video can it? I must be dreaming. Oh! Auntie Em.?

Come on Beggerking are you still going to call him a fanATIc?



Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Shamrock
I dont care about the trolls, or what have you, but I wanted to educate some people. Rollo was wrong in about everything moral he said. He did all those bad things. He deserved his ban, And I am glad he's gone. I wont talk about the others, but someone mentioned BFG10K. Ever since Rollo has left, BFG has calmed down, helped others (including me), provided advice, etc. He isnt with HRC. BFG has even concluded to himself that both companies (and their hardware) that they all have faults! Just yesterday he asked if nV's new drivers needed .NET, why? he's interested in hardware, NOT just ATI. BFG, you can owe me a beer later

all the ATI guys are saying that HRC is "ok" but AEG isnt? It doesnt matter HOW they get the message out, be it forum monitoring or what not....let's break this down.

"VIRAL" marketing. Got a dictionary? The word VIRAL (or VIRUS) is always defined as negative.

1. Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
2. A disease caused by a virus.
3. Anything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal

In other words, VIRAL marketing is NOT WANTED. Being a terminally ill patient, the word virus is well known to me. It is NOT WANTED here!!! It's never wanted in your body, on your PC, or on a forum. Whether it's AEG, HRC, or ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ company. Viral marketing is bad, no matter what their intent. Word of mouth, or whatever you want to call it, is different in that WOM usually comes from friends, not strangers on the internet. I've only had one problem with someone here, and that's Joker, the advertising he's done for ATI is ridiculous, almost to the point that he "seems" like he's an ATI employee, not just a fan of a video card. When I called him on his adverts in his sig, they mysteriously dissappeared a couple days after? pfft.

But in the AEG witchhunt, I saw things like "I'll never own nV again" or "the president should resign", or "how can you live with yourself for owning immoral hardware". etc. What about ATI now? you gonna never own ATI again? How can you live with yourself? Should ATI's president resign? Dont answer to me, these are rhetorical questions to answer yourself. Personally I could care less, NO ONE on these forums helps me decide what hardware to buy. I bought nV because it is easily implemented into Linux. If ATI were, I would have bought a X1900XT (they do have attractive prices). I have even recommended a few ATI cards, and installed them!

I'm not out for any witch hunt, but this forum needs cleaned up.

I'm done pick it apart if you like. Have a nice day!

Viral marketing comes in many forms...

It isn't as if when I walk up to a friend and say, "I prefer ATI cards" the response should be, "OMG viral marketing! You are bad! You are unwanted! You must die now, heathen!"


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: thilan29

Huh?? There is a very big difference between someone's rig specs and posting hot deals in their sigs. The hot deals can be verified just by going to the site. However, you can't verify anything about someone's rig specs. IIRC(and this is just an example, I'm not making a big deal out of it), Rollo bragged about buying some SLI set and was asked to post up a receipt of the sale. He couldn't do it though and obviously we know why...cause he didn't buy it.

And why does he have to post the receipts to prove he bought the rig?


Golden Member
Nov 12, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: thilan29

Huh?? There is a very big difference between someone's rig specs and posting hot deals in their sigs. The hot deals can be verified just by going to the site. However, you can't verify anything about someone's rig specs. IIRC(and this is just an example, I'm not making a big deal out of it), Rollo bragged about buying some SLI set and was asked to post up a receipt of the sale. He couldn't do it though and obviously we know why...cause he didn't buy it.

And why does he have to post the receipts to prove he bought the rig?

um because then it proves it wasn't provided to him by ATI or Nvidia.


Golden Member
Nov 12, 2005
although in rollo's defense I doubt I could provide a receipt to prove I bought my vid card that was along time ago and I have slept.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: JBT
Originally posted by: thilan29
And it starts...

Shame on ATI for hiring a PR firm that does viral marketing, although it probably helps their bottom line, didn't they learn something from the backlash against NVidia/AEG??

backlash??? a few hardware freaks got pissed off and now look how bad their 7900 series are selling!!! The are probably going to go under soon.

I meant backlash as in bad publicity...not a company in ruins...the same way ATI I don't think will be affected with what goes on in these forums.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: thilan29

Huh?? There is a very big difference between someone's rig specs and posting hot deals in their sigs. The hot deals can be verified just by going to the site. However, you can't verify anything about someone's rig specs. IIRC(and this is just an example, I'm not making a big deal out of it), Rollo bragged about buying some SLI set and was asked to post up a receipt of the sale. He couldn't do it though and obviously we know why...cause he didn't buy it.

And why does he have to post the receipts to prove he bought the rig?

That wasn't the point I was trying to make...I was just proving the difference between posting rig specs and hot deals in your sig.

YOU said something to the effect "Why should I believe 5150's hot deals??" more than Rollo's rig specs and all I'm saying is you can verify hot deals but not someone's rig specs...thats all I'm saying. Read the bolded part. I was just using it as an example.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: fierydemise
Nelsieus it is also interesting to note that many of the members who were so outraged at the witch hunts are now turning right around and accusing people left and right. In video hypocrisy is rampant just like politics, the difference is politics actually affects people the video card that some random person on the internet gets does not. Its all so sad, people are arguing over video cards as if not more vehemently then people debate politics.

Anyway now for my shameless plug, anyone who wants to see some change in video help me lobby the mods I posted a thread in FI entitled "Video needs help"

Actually if you rea these posts carefuly only one or two people Beggerking being one of them has actually tried to accuse someone of working with HRC. Their are quite a few People Munk and expeccially Joker that have been making Rollo esq type threads and comments, I am only compairing them to Rollo because his name keeps coming up as this all evil entity, yet they do the same with empunity. The Fact is if Rollo wasn't connected to AEG he would be just as hated by these people and others for those posts, The AEG thing wsa just the straw dropped on an already broken camel back.

I Am here with Nelsieus, make sure people haven't Flip-Flopped their personal ideals just because of which company was found with its hands in the cookie jar. Me I go a bit farther if people who despised the Nvidia viral marketing I want them to either show the same if not more hatred towards them or I want a confession and apology from them to the people they hurt. For me that was Apoppin, but for some its every one that I have named.

Me Personally I am not upset at ATI, or anyone actually part of this. I would be angry if someone in this list turned out to be in an ATI viral campaign. These people are the ones who got rollo banned and should be banned themselves then.

But honestly for most of them I don't hold them in high regard, in fact I question their intelligence levels, and think that they post that way for free.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: redbox
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: BFG10K
Originally posted by: Topweasel
But I will call out every single user who tries to brush this off, after being so venomous about it before.

People in my eye sights are, Munky, Joker, Turtle, BFG, Appopin, and a few other that will occur to me later. Honestly though I doubt we will hear from them on this as its a lose lose, they either have Put down the same company they Idolize or they come off as a hyppocrite.
Oh you are just too funny, accusing me of being an ATi shill when ironically I've been accused of being an AEG member in the past.

I tell it like it is and that appears to cause some kind of reasoning short circuit with the trolls in both camps.


Yeah Topweasel, you have really got to get some facts straight. I don't want to seem like BFG's Robin character, but he has always provided help on both ends and even backed himself up with corporate evidence (Nvidia driver release notes, nHancer capabilites--remember that Gstandfor--and all the like). I have yet to see him blatantly say "I love Nvidia" or "I love ATI". Put your pistol back in its holster and quit shooting "fanboy" like you've got parkinson's disease.

From what I've seen, you are Pro-ATI as well. BFG is an fanATIc and so are you.

Wow guy, you're blowing things way out of proportion. If you are classified as a fanATIc/Nvidiot because you like a card that is an ATI/Nvidia make, so be it. Yes, I am happy with my X1900XTX. Before it was out, I was happy with my 7800GT's. You are not the first to call BFG a fanATIc, he has been called both a fanATIc and an Nvidiot.

All I thought about Topweasel's statement was that he said it without really knowing that right now, BFG has a 7800 series NVIDIA card, an X800 card, and a very common consensus to buy what is worth getting for themselves. You have just labeled me as a fanATIc. Okay. Does that automatically make you an Nvidiot in my eyes? No. If these were the days when the 78 series had no competition you probably would have said I was an Nvidiot too. I'm just saying I have yet to see BFG take a firm stance on any company. Topweasel labeled him with a group of other highly veiwed "fanATIc's" and I believe he did so wrongly. That was it.

Maybe that is what made you think I was ("am") a fanATIc in your eyes. But dam, I'm sick of looking on these Anandtech Video forums and seeing nothing but aimless "fanboy" accusations. I bought the X1900XTX because I wanted to see how it would compare. I did so because I quite honestly didn't trust anyone on the web to tell me truthfully. I sold one 7800GT to a friend, and gave one to my brother, the cards that I used to have and respected. God forbid anyone has ever gotten rid of older hardware. Sorry beggerking, it wont happen again.:roll:

Right now, a lot of people are having such heated debates because the competition between the graphics throne is like a tag team match for female mud wrestling. Nvidia is the best!, then ATI comes up with something (in this case, the X1 series), then Nvidia is the best again (probably the Quad-SLI capability--yeah, that would be nice if G80's could be x4!), then ATI will probably come up with something. It is a constant non-monopoly which is what it should be. There are no "Kings" as some would blindly say, and there really are not as many fanboys as people think there are. Kind of like diagnosing imaginative children with A.D.D. Of course they're not concentrating on what you want them to, they're 8! Once again, I'll state it clearly:

1) People who are happy with their product are NOT fanboys.

2) People who bash the opposing product, while pointing out flaws that are shared with their own products ARE a fanboys.

3) People who speculate or give opinions about what "the other side" is like, without saying or making it knowledgeable that they are speculating or opinionating ARE fanboys.

I'm not going to add to the pointing fingers group, but I will say that so far I've only seen one fanATIc and one Nvidiot fanboy in these forums. (Sorry I missed the Rollo days and I barely got a glimpse of the FallenAngel nights). The rest, is just aimless accusations that always seemed to end up in pages worth of nothing but flames.

Sorry if I've offended you Topweasel when I disagreed with you, or Gstandfor when I mentioned your name in that and even when disagreeing with your methods of using the nHancer AA+HDR circus, or CaiNaM when you were arguing with Joker, etc. Truth is, when I've needed help with things, I've never received a negative feedback of PM's from many supposed Nvidiots and fanATIc's. Some just know what they're talking about a little more than others.

So, I'll be a fanATIc if it means being happy that my X1900XTX is better than my 7800GT's SLI, and in the future I'll be an Nvidiot if G80's come in Quad and kill any other DX10 card.

?what?s that? Oh, ya that must be reason?. And what?s this?an intelligent comment not full of hate!? Wow, even an apology umm several apologies!?! This can?t be in video can it? I must be dreaming. Oh! Auntie Em.?

Come on Beggerking are you still going to call him a fanATIc?

I named him in the Group with them Not because I think he is FanATIc or such, but because he was most out spoken peole about this during the AEG days, mostly as ammo against Rollo who I can't defend, but still was very outspoken about AEG, I haven't seen anythign from him about ATIs involvement with HRC thats all. While during the AEG days I saw almost nothing but pro ATI from him, it might have been him balancing out Rollo, and I really do consider him probably more balanced then I. But his words still stand even if they were only really used against Rollo and I therefore I am looking for 1 of two responces that I have outlined several times.


Senior member
Apr 13, 2006
WOW, leave BFG10K out of this. He's been equally critical of ATI and NV from what I've read. I don't remember him in the "witch hunt" thread but reading his day to day posts, I wouldn't think he's on ATI's payroll.


Aug 14, 2000
Originally posted by: beggerking

Here you are witch hunting again just as you were in the AEG thread. you are the troll here.
Witch hunting? Funny, Trollo used that term while he was denying being an AEG agent and getting others banned for "lying" about him.

Your registration date is also quite interesting as well, as is the fact that you're defending Trollo and Crusader. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out you and Crusader and two more of Trollo's alter-egos that haven't been caught out yet.

As for Crusader, he just happened to register when the AEG thread was in full swing for the sole apparent purpose to defend Trollo. Since then he's done but nothing but post pro-nV propaganda including a ridiculous signature second only to Trollo's "fair and balanced" one.

It's too much of a coincidence, don't you think?

you are an ATI shill and have always being.

I've never seen you make a pro Nvidia statement.
Blindness and/or stupidity is your problem, not mine.

From what I've seen, you are Pro-ATI as well. BFG is an fanATIc and so are you.
And you would be... what exactly? Fair and balanced? :roll:
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