ATI hires HRC PR Firm

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Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: fierydemise
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
I could've used that kind of support back when I was getting flailed with accusations from everyone and his cousin. What really kills me is Ackmed saying that AEG is worse than HRC. W.........................T...............................F............... is that?

Both companies use the word "viral". End......of.......story......
Keys I did defend you when I saw it but I sorta stayed out of video while the witchhunts were in full swing.
It is pretty sad that people have turned completely around (not that that is at all unusual in video) with people who were against the witchhunts making accusations and people trying to show how HRC is better then AEG.

Once again, you were with the witchhunt gang. You attacked me as well as Keys, who tried to calm everyone down.



Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise
This is sad you guys, you're trying to pin down the affiliations of people who you've never met (and most likely never will). I said this back before Rollo came out and I'll say it again now because it seems pertinent. Until you can show proof that any person (Crusader, Begger, Joker, Ackmed or the rest of them) is a marketing shill, shut up and don't come back till you have any proof.

Shut up fierydemise. You were one of those who witch hunted in the other thread.

I don't remember witchhunting, I commented on some some suspicious circumstances in FI a couple times but never participated in the outright witchhunts. I actively discouraged it and have the PMs to prove it if you really feel the compulsion to see them.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: fierydemise
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise
This is sad you guys, you're trying to pin down the affiliations of people who you've never met (and most likely never will). I said this back before Rollo came out and I'll say it again now because it seems pertinent. Until you can show proof that any person (Crusader, Begger, Joker, Ackmed or the rest of them) is a marketing shill, shut up and don't come back till you have any proof.

Shut up fierydemise. You were one of those who witch hunted in the other thread.

I don't remember witchhunting, I commented on some some suspicious circumstances in FI a couple times but never participated in the outright witchhunts. I actively discouraged it and have the PMs to prove it if you really feel the compulsion to see them.



Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise
Originally posted by: beggerking
Shut up fierydemise. You were one of those who witch hunted in the other thread.

I don't remember witchhunting, I commented on some some suspicious circumstances in FI a couple times but never participated in the outright witchhunts. I actively discouraged it and have the PMs to prove it if you really feel the compulsion to see them.

The suspicious circumstances where how Crusader showed up out of no where and just started defending Rollo (after claiming to have been watching these forums for so long, I did defended him once too. If you want to continue this PM me because I really don't want to derail this thread any longer.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: fierydemise

The suspicious circumstances where how Crusader showed up out of no where and just started defending Rollo (after claiming to have been watching these forums for so long, I did defended him once too. If you want to continue this PM me because I really don't want to derail this thread any longer.

I defended Rollo for his honesty , so am I suspecious to you?

The point is, you tried to "seek out" AEG members like its some sort of witch hunt, which is utterly unnecessary and childish as did Ackmed, Apoppin etc.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2004
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise

The suspicious circumstances where how Crusader showed up out of no where and just started defending Rollo (after claiming to have been watching these forums for so long, I did defended him once too. If you want to continue this PM me because I really don't want to derail this thread any longer.

I defended Rollo for his honesty , so am I suspecious to you?

The point is, you tried to "seek out" AEG members like its some sort of witch hunt, which is utterly unnecessary and childish as did Ackmed, Apoppin etc.

Rollo's honesty? Are you kidding?
He lied about AEG, lied about receiving hardware, downplayed AEG as 'beta testers' and lied to get someone temporarily banned.

Rollo finally got the well deserved ban.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: orangat
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise

The suspicious circumstances where how Crusader showed up out of no where and just started defending Rollo (after claiming to have been watching these forums for so long, I did defended him once too. If you want to continue this PM me because I really don't want to derail this thread any longer.

I defended Rollo for his honesty , so am I suspecious to you?

The point is, you tried to "seek out" AEG members like its some sort of witch hunt, which is utterly unnecessary and childish as did Ackmed, Apoppin etc.

Rollo's honesty? Are you kidding?
He lied about AEG, lied about receiving hardware, downplayed AEG as 'beta testers' and lied to get someone temporarily banned.

Rollo finally got the well deserved ban.

Get the fact straight!
Honesty about receiving hardware, never admitted to AEG.
unlike Joker, who doesn't admit yet advertise in his signature


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: beggerking

Stop accusing Rollo and say something about Joker!

Learn to read, please. I didnt accuse rollo of anything in my post. He admitted to it, after he lied several times.

Why would I say something about Joker? Is he taking free hardware, to post anti-NV posts? I wouldnt have a problem at all asking for a ban of Joker if he did. There are not any "teams", despite what you think.

Originally posted by: Topweasel
Some, apparently people who post like this anyways, Apoppin, 5150Joker, Monkey, Akmed and people like them were enviess of Rollo, and eventually they got him banned for this. I think I might petition to have him re-instated.

To me Rollo looks like the smarter person now, because at least he was getting something for the crap he said (a lot wasn't crap but the way he said it was horrible). But then Again they migth be part of this HRM stuff.

Us being "enviess" got him banned? No, his posts and his link to AEG got him banned. I am not envious of rollo at all. Trust me, I wouldnt even think of trading lives.

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: fierydemise
This is sad you guys, you're trying to pin down the affiliations of people who you've never met (and most likely never will). I said this back before Rollo came out and I'll say it again now because it seems pertinent. Until you can show proof that any person (Crusader, Begger, Joker, Ackmed or the rest of them) is a marketing shill, shut up and don't come back till you have any proof.

I could've used that kind of support back when I was getting flailed with accusations from everyone and his cousin. What really kills me is Ackmed saying that AEG is worse than HRC. W.........................T...............................F............... is that?

Both companies use the word "viral". End......of.......story......

perhaps you should actually read the bullet points from AEG's page. Also, as pointd out, viral in itself, is not a bad thing. As mentioned earlier, most people think of "virus" or something like that.

Viral Marketing Defined

What does a virus have to do with marketing? Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence. Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions.

Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as "word-of-mouth," "creating a buzz," "leveraging the media," "network marketing." But on the Internet, for better or worse, it's called "viral marketing." While others smarter than I have attempted to rename it, to somehow domesticate and tame it, I won't try. The term "viral marketing" has stuck.

As you can see, "viral" in itself, is not what most people think. If HR resorts to the same methods as AEG, then I am as apposed to HR as I am to AEG. Why do you people not understand this? Going by HR and AEGs website, they both have different methods.

Originally posted by: Nelsieus

Direct to Consumer Marketing - There are times when you want to communicate directly to consumers, bypassing editors and reporters to deliver your message straight to your audience. High Road has proven experience conducting viral campaigns, online communications and attention grabbing consumer events that help clients rise above the noise and get their messages heard.

Ackmed, you will read and bash what you want to, you will overlook what you want to, and you will flop around with FUD on whatever you want to. I'm not going to play that game, because arguing with a fanboy is useless. The important thing is that everyone knows your a fanATIc, and so from now on, when they read any message by you, they will instantly discredit it and anything you have to say.

You can attack me if you want, but it, too, is useless, because your reputation has already been damaged. And I think by continuing to attack me, it would further harm it, because people will continue proving you wrong on just about every point you make.

Good day to you.

Where in that quote does it say anything about spreading "fires, misinformation, rumors, leaks, or message board monitoring"? It doesnt. Once again, HR and AEGs site both state things that are a lot different. HR does not mention anything like AEGs does. AEG admits to starting rumors, spreading misinformation, starting fires, and monitoring message boards. HR does none of the above.

My credit? I really dont care what anyone thinks about me. You've been proven wrong on several accounts in regards to me. You claim I was trolling in a thread about 7900 cards dying. Yet, it turns out it is a real problem, no matter how hard you try to act as if its not. HardOCP did an article about it.

Your registeration date, and thinking you know me is pretty interesting though.

Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: fierydemise

The suspicious circumstances where how Crusader showed up out of no where and just started defending Rollo (after claiming to have been watching these forums for so long, I did defended him once too. If you want to continue this PM me because I really don't want to derail this thread any longer.

I defended Rollo for his honesty , so am I suspecious to you?

The point is, you tried to "seek out" AEG members like its some sort of witch hunt, which is utterly unnecessary and childish as did Ackmed, Apoppin etc.

Please find ONE post where I tried to "seek out" any AEG member. I didnt. rollos honesty? Are you being series? He lied over and over, and then over again.

Where rollo left of, several more apparantly took his spot with "new" registeration.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
i hated the aeg witch hunt but facts are facts beggar. rollo flat out lied to us and asked mods to ban people who made accusations.

i don't mind aeg/nv's "focus group" as described by b3d members but rollo was out of control.

he lied to us point blank.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
@ Ackmed.


perhaps you should actually read the bullet points from AEG's page. Also, as pointd out, viral in itself, is not a bad thing. As mentioned earlier, most people think of "virus" or something like that.


Viral Marketing Defined

What does a virus have to do with marketing? Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence. Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions.

Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as "word-of-mouth," "creating a buzz," "leveraging the media," "network marketing." But on the Internet, for better or worse, it's called "viral marketing." While others smarter than I have attempted to rename it, to somehow domesticate and tame it, I won't try. The term "viral marketing" has stuck.

As you can see, "viral" in itself, is not what most people think. If HR resorts to the same methods as AEG, then I am as apposed to HR as I am to AEG. Why do you people not understand this? Going by HR and AEGs website, they both have different methods.

Bullet point this.

Was it, or was it not you, who for the past several years been preaching that anyone who believes what they read on the internet, as ignorant?

All I am saying is, anything, and I mean anything to do with ATI, seems to be "less evil" in your eyes. I know you know this. So please, do not insult our collective intelligence here and just be freakin honest with us for a change.


Stop with the witch hunt please. You are no better than they were if you continue with this. If it's for revenge, it's all that much sadder. So, I am asking you to please stop. -thanks.


the Chase

Golden Member
Sep 22, 2005
Originally posted by: Avalon
Did some of you guys even bother to read the original link? It says viral marketing, and that's as vague as you can get. Your friend telling you that he likes his new ATI card and that it's fast is viral marketing.

Unless something explodes out of the closet with HRC + ATI planting shills on forums like AEG, I don't see why everyone is so upset and declaring this the ATI AEG? I don't see anything conclusively unethical here.

:thumbsup: We are not at the same point with ATI and any "fans" that we were at with Nvidia and their PROVEN fans.
1. It was proven AEG was real, actively recruiting, paying with real hardware, etc.
2. We have no proof that we have the same situation YET with ATI.

If you want to jump into a witch hunt and start calling out members by name then-

1. Find some evidence that HRC is actively using members on this forum
2. Dig up some proof that people are receiving free hardware to promote ATI- or receiving something, anything even.
3. Get any kind of heresay, other forum quotes or something to point to.

If you can't do any of these don't expect any kind of apologies or retractions.

If you can find enough of these to start working on-then as Kramer would say- giddyup!!


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Bullet point this.

Was it, or was it not you, who for the past several years been preaching that anyone who believes what they read on the internet, as ignorant?

All I am saying is, anything, and I mean anything to do with ATI, seems to be "less evil" in your eyes. I know you know this. So please, do not insult our collective intelligence here and just be freakin honest with us for a change.

I have said time and time again, that you shouldnt believe everything you read on the internet. When I have said that, its been in regards to rumors. Not to official sites, with methods they use to operate. C'mon, its common sense. Just because CNN has news on the internet, doesnt mean I dont believe it. What I have a problem with, is the Inq or some other crappy rumor site, posting something, and people diving right in and believing it without regard.

I am being honest. Perhaps you should try it too? Going by HR and AEGs site, do they look anything alike? AEG admits to "Fires, Misinformation, Rumors, Leaks, and Message board monitoring and response." NR does nothing of the kind according to their website. Do they do such things? I dont know, and until we have evidence that they do, we have to assume they do not. Why? Because their website doesnt mention anything of the kind.

If NR does practices these things, and its comes out that they do, I will be just as harsh to them, and the people who are in the program, as I have been to AEG, and their partners. Ill pull no punches, and even give more because ATi said they wouldnt do the same thing. Thats as honest as I can be. I dont know what else you want from me.



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Bullet point this.

Was it, or was it not you, who for the past several years been preaching that anyone who believes what they read on the internet, as ignorant?

All I am saying is, anything, and I mean anything to do with ATI, seems to be "less evil" in your eyes. I know you know this. So please, do not insult our collective intelligence here and just be freakin honest with us for a change.

I have said time and time again, that you shouldnt believe everything you read on the internet. When I have said that, its been in regards to rumors. Not to official sites, with methods they use to operate. C'mon, its common sense. Just because CNN has news on the internet, doesnt mean I dont believe it. What I have a problem with, is the Inq or some other crappy rumor site, posting something, and people diving right in and believing it without regard.

I am being honest. Perhaps you should try it too? Going by HR and AEGs site, do they look anything alike? AEG admits to "Fires, Misinformation, Rumors, Leaks, and Message board monitoring and response." NR does nothing of the kind according to their website. Do they do such things? I dont know, and until we have evidence that they do, we have to assume they do not. Why? Because their website doesnt mention anything of the kind.

If NR does practices these things, and its comes out that they do, I will be just as harsh to them, and the people who are in the program, as I have been to AEG, and their partners. Ill pull no punches, and even give more because ATi said they wouldnt do the same thing. Thats as honest as I can be. I dont know what else you want from me.

I should try it too? Oh brother....

And I suppose you think there has been total disclosure on HR's part. They have let us know every facet of their tactics with this article. Don't buy it brudda. You only see what they want you to see. No conspiracies mind you, just common sense that NO company tells you everything they do.



Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
@ Ackmed.


perhaps you should actually read the bullet points from AEG's page. Also, as pointd out, viral in itself, is not a bad thing. As mentioned earlier, most people think of "virus" or something like that.


Viral Marketing Defined

What does a virus have to do with marketing? Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence. Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions.

Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as "word-of-mouth," "creating a buzz," "leveraging the media," "network marketing." But on the Internet, for better or worse, it's called "viral marketing." While others smarter than I have attempted to rename it, to somehow domesticate and tame it, I won't try. The term "viral marketing" has stuck.

As you can see, "viral" in itself, is not what most people think. If HR resorts to the same methods as AEG, then I am as apposed to HR as I am to AEG. Why do you people not understand this? Going by HR and AEGs website, they both have different methods.

Bullet point this.

Was it, or was it not you, who for the past several years been preaching that anyone who believes what they read on the internet, as ignorant?

All I am saying is, anything, and I mean anything to do with ATI, seems to be "less evil" in your eyes. I know you know this. So please, do not insult our collective intelligence here and just be freakin honest with us for a change.


Stop with the witch hunt please. You are no better than they were if you continue with this. If it's for revenge, it's all that much sadder. So, I am asking you to please stop. -thanks.

QFT. his is My point, without knowing what people if any were involved, in the AEG witchhunt of Q106, Didn't stop the accusations and pure hatred from being slung? No. But the ATI defence when it was even suggested that they use any form of Viral marketing was trashed because there was no proof, and most said if ATI did use viral marketing they would treat them worse because ATI said they didn't use it. Now that it has been proven ATI does/did use it, How can they just alter their standards. They sound exactly like that wife who agreed to threesome if her husband got 200,000 viewers on his website. She ended up changing the number to like 2 million because of a tehcnicality.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Topweasel
My point, without knowing what people if any were involved, in the AEG witchhunt of Q106, Didn't stop the accusations and pure hatred from being slung? No. But the ATI defence when it was even suggested that they use any form of Viral marketing was trashed because there was no proof, and most said if ATI did use viral marketing they would treat them worse because ATI said they didn't use it. Now that it has been proven ATI does/did use it, How can they just alter their standards. They sound exactly like that wife who agreed to threesome if her husband got 200,000 viewers on his website. She ended up changing the number to like 2 million because of a tehcnicality.

By saying "treat them worse", are you implying that HRC is employing AEG forum influencial tactics undercover?

As I said earlier, all we know is that HRC claims they use viral marketing, which is as vague as you can get. We can't draw any conclusions here.



Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Avalon
Originally posted by: Topweasel
My point, without knowing what people if any were involved, in the AEG witchhunt of Q106, Didn't stop the accusations and pure hatred from being slung? No. But the ATI defence when it was even suggested that they use any form of Viral marketing was trashed because there was no proof, and most said if ATI did use viral marketing they would treat them worse because ATI said they didn't use it. Now that it has been proven ATI does/did use it, How can they just alter their standards. They sound exactly like that wife who agreed to threesome if her husband got 200,000 viewers on his website. She ended up changing the number to like 2 million because of a tehcnicality.

By saying "treat them worse", are you implying that HRC is employing AEG forum influencial tactics undercover?

As I said earlier, all we know is that HRC claims they use viral marketing, which is as vague as you can get. We can't draw any conclusions here.
Actually I wish I went to AEGs site earlier.

Fires, Misinformation, Rumors, Leaks

His the whole part.

- Strategic counsel and implementation: Fires, Misinformation, Rumors, Leaks

The leaks part along with the Fires part for people that have even a slight understanding of what these words mean in marketing.

Those are the types of Crisis Management issues they handle best. Building on fire, you need PR to explain that you have building to use durring the down time. Misinformation, If the wrong infomation is being passed around they can attempt to correct it. Rumors Same as misinformation, Leaks are another word of mouth things you have to worry about.

These are again things that they are here to circumvent not put out.

(No matter how good you think you are you absolutely never admit to lying)


Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed

Where in that quote does it say anything about spreading "fires, misinformation, rumors, leaks, or message board monitoring"? It doesnt. Once again, HR and AEGs site both state things that are a lot different. HR does not mention anything like AEGs does. AEG admits to starting rumors, spreading misinformation, starting fires, and monitoring message boards. HR does none of the above.

My credit? I really dont care what anyone thinks about me. You've been proven wrong on several accounts in regards to me. You claim I was trolling in a thread about 7900 cards dying. Yet, it turns out it is a real problem, no matter how hard you try to act as if its not. HardOCP did an article about it.

Your registeration date, and thinking you know me is pretty interesting though.

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
"Fires, misinformation, rumors, leaks, message board monitoring..." this has nothing to do with AEG's Viral marketing. Instead, it seems you're doing some marketing of your own, by taking words out of context and trying to use them to your advantage. It would probably help if you made sure the real facts weren't as easily accesible, that way nobody could catch you in your lame attempts to try to murky up the facts.

- Strategic counsel and implementation: Fires, Misinformation, Rumors, Leaks
Crisis management has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I'm amazed you just went to the site and copy / pasted a bunch of words that you thought would aid in your FUD attempts. Lol, honestly, why on earth would nVidia hire an agency to "leak" their products, or giveout mis-information. Either you are heavely confused, or just adamently realizing that you have nothing left to argue, and thus are trying to go for whatever you can.

The only difference between AEG and HRC is that AEG uses "Viral programs," where as HRC uses "Viral campaigns." Please explain the difference that's causing you to favor HRC much more (or is the fact that they work for ATI)?

Oh, now about the article from HardOCP:
The Bottom Line

There are some ?bad? 7900 video cards out there right now if you are going to shop for the overclocked variety. Again, it seems to me BFGTech is catching less flack than EVGA and XFX, but that is not a scientific observation. Keep in mind that BFGTech does not overclock their cards as high as EVGA or XFX. If I were buying an overclocked 7900 card right now, I would be leaning towards BFGTech or EVGA simply because they have a much better reputation when it comes to warranty, support, and service.

If you have a card to RMA, return it to the card builder, not the retailer. Given the awareness level of this problem at this time I would suggest that you have a much better chance of getting a solid 7900 directly from the card builder.

Lastly, I would not let this scare me away from buying an overclocked GeForce 7900 series video card as all the players are very aware something is going on with the cards and trying their best to make sure the problem is solved. Then again, there does seem to be certain level of risk with buying an overclocked card so a non-overclocked 7900 from a reputable builder might be a smart option. Just remember that when you are buying a video card that you are paying for service, support, and warranty as well as the hardware.

I must say, I now have the verification from your sleezy actions that you really are an ATI troll. Thank you for making it so obvious.



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Interesting. Rollo always posted links to pictures of his reference cards, had reference cards in his signature, said he got his info straight from nVidia, and never hid the fact that he knew people at nVidia. In the end, he even came clean about getting some of his hardware from AEG.
What if some of the people who lobbied against Rollo/AEG were actually ATI group members, with whoever had their contract before HRC? Could be they just wanted to silence their competition, and did so, here.


Oct 19, 1999
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
What if some of the people who lobbied against Rollo/AEG were actually ATI group members, with whoever had their contract before HRC? Could be they just wanted to silence their competition, and did so, here.

Precisely. Only as i said in an earlier post it goes back much further than that, and it's not just limited to anandtech either.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
Theres nothing wrong with guerilla marketing. But if Rollo was banned the ATI shill should be banned.
Simple fact is that Rollo brought life to this place, well.. to everyone besides the ones on ATIs payroll.

The rest of us found him amusing and entertaining while still providing relevant information.
Much more information and benchmarks than any of the ATI shills have provided.

So I dont quite understand why so many consider him the devil. The guy did more than possibly anyone here has for the community.. and I believe it was as much a labor of love as it was for a video card.
He seemed like a good man to me, and it was a step in the wrong direction for forums like AT and esp OCP to ban him.

To keep things fair, all I can say is let the witch hunt begin for ATIs paid shills.. I think its clear who is working here for team red.

Now that we have proof of ATI participating (as if anyone doubted they were that poorly managed of a company to not already have infested the forums).. the score will be evened.

Its my theory that ATI was doing viral marketing far before Nvidia was, judging from B3D and how DaveB is a shill himself.
Though on the other hand, it wouldnt surprise me if ATI was so inept that they wouldnt even think about guerilla marketing.
As someone who works in the business world.. props to Nvidia for knowing how to run a company.. teach those canadians a thing or two about capitalism.

Hot, loud cards with bloated/buggy drivers, no single slot solution in sight and poorly marketed to boot.. err, woot?
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