ATi R520 Slated For Oct 5th Launch

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Senior member
Aug 3, 2005
Originally posted by: dug777
true dat.

as we've already seen it hasn't damaged their bottom line or market share OVERALL yet either

Well ATis stock price has plummeted, and they have been showing negative profit, so I wouldnt say they seem to be doing well. The cause of this may not be the G70, but ATi is in a financial down right now any way you look at it.

Edit: though it is true that their market share hasn't taken much of a hit, but the high end market share belongs to nvidia.

I'm so looking forward to the official reviews and stuff. It's gonna be an exciting read with some insight into the new architecture and the all important performance figures.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Well seeing how late ATi is with this part, it better blow away the 7800 GTX - would be embarassing for them if it doesn't. Also the XF (crossfire) system of requiring a master card sucks, they should have incorporated the XF circuitry on all cards rather than a select few which may be hard to come by.

And if crossfire will not work on the NF4 chipset, then I doubt many people will switch over to new boards for it. I know I wont.


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2004
nVidia also has a nice spot in the mid-end market.

Their 6800 Arcitecture already has the SM 3.0, DX 9.0C etc. They don't need to release a new gen budget line really, they just push it back, it has all the feature sets already. nVidia was very smart to support all that new stuff last gen. Its put them leaps and bounds ahead.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: munky
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: SickBeast

Just out of curiousity, how can they produce the Xbox 360 GPUs without issue when they are very similar and have 24 pipelines? It just doesn't make sense.

this is appears to be a lot like the situation with nvidia and nv2x hurting nv30, doesn't it?

AFAIK, Ati only designed the xbox360 gpu, they're not responsible for manufacturing it. M$ buys the design, and can produce it wherever and however they want, cutting in Ati on the share of profits for every unit sold.

Plus, something tells me all the "smart" people at Ati were busy designing the xbox360 gpu, so that left only a bunch of "n00bs" to design the r520.

I noticed you made a mistake. You said all the smart people were with ATI. But the truth is that they are all at nVidia. But I think everyone reading just assumed you made a typo, since ATI and nVidia are practically spelled the same and the keys being close to each other on the keyboard. So it is quite easy to see how you made that mistake and we will not condemn you for it. Just be a little more careful next time



Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: g3pro
I know the truth. ATi is 6 months behind nVidia with an inferior part.

You dont hold one oune of credibility here. With your claims of having a R520 months ago. You dont know the truth. Its not been six months. Will it be six months? We dont know. Do we know the R520 will be inferior? Nope. So in conclusion, you dont know squat, just like the rest of us.

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003

Ok Ackmed. You're right and we are all wrong and ignorant. You have done you're job. You can go now. Someone once said, "Never wrestle with a pig in the mud. Eventually you will find out that the pig enjoys it.". I think someone here even has this in their sig.
Words to live by here at good 'ol AT Video.

I dont recall speaking to you? The comments I postd about, are ignorant. As I said, we do not know when it will ship, how many will ship, etc. What we have in the first post, is rumor from a website. Im sorry if I dont take every thing I read as 100% fact.

What I was speaking about was this ignorant comment;

Originally posted by: Genx87

Translation: Mass production wont start until end of oct which means mid December before we see decent volume in the channel. And that is the best scenario.

Pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.

Tanslation: Genx87 has NO idea if the cards will see "decent volume" as late as Dec. And we sure dont know if thats the best case scenario.

Whats pathatic is even believing this, and then someone posting "QTF" after it. Because its FAR from the truth. Which is all I said.

Might I suggest you take off the shades kensplayer, and you may understand. If you dont agree that he doesnt know what the facts are, then you are as ignorant as he is. Simple as that. Sorry to be blunt, but you have a hard time understand simple logic sometimes.


Dec 16, 2004
Eventually, ATI will release it's next gen cards. I predict they will be slightly better in some games, slightly worse in others. If it is significantly better, then there will be fewer of them for more money. ATI will not go under because they released late. In 6 months we will not remember any of this, because harware cyles are so fast it doesn't matter. In 3 years we will think all the hardware we have right now is a joke.

I recently ordered a 7800 GTX, because I needed a good card soon even though I have a preference for ATI. In some ways I hope that the new line of ATI will suck and be very expensive, because I wasn't able to wait for them. That's human nature. But they will be good and competitive and reviewers will tell us how wonderful they are.

I am giving nV a try because I never have and they have the best card now. If my nV card disappoints me I will consider waiting around for ATI cards in the furture. The next time around I will surely consider ATI.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: g3pro
I know the truth. ATi is 6 months behind nVidia with an inferior part.

You dont hold one oune of credibility here. With your claims of having a R520 months ago. You dont know the truth. Its not been six months. Will it be six months? We dont know. Do we know the R520 will be inferior? Nope. So in conclusion, you dont know squat, just like the rest of us.

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003

Ok Ackmed. You're right and we are all wrong and ignorant. You have done you're job. You can go now. Someone once said, "Never wrestle with a pig in the mud. Eventually you will find out that the pig enjoys it.". I think someone here even has this in their sig.
Words to live by here at good 'ol AT Video.

I dont recall speaking to you? The comments I postd about, are ignorant. As I said, we do not know when it will ship, how many will ship, etc. What we have in the first post, is rumor from a website. Im sorry if I dont take every thing I read as 100% fact.

What I was speaking about was this ignorant comment;

Originally posted by: Genx87

Translation: Mass production wont start until end of oct which means mid December before we see decent volume in the channel. And that is the best scenario.

Pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.

Tanslation: Genx87 has NO idea if the cards will see "decent volume" as late as Dec. And we sure dont know if thats the best case scenario.

Whats pathatic is even believing this, and then someone posting "QTF" after it. Because its FAR from the truth. Which is all I said.

Might I suggest you take off the shades kensplayer, and you may understand. If you dont agree that he doesnt know what the facts are, then you are as ignorant as he is. Simple as that. Sorry to be blunt, but you have a hard time understand simple logic sometimes.

What you fail to recognize is I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anybody in here. My comment was strictly directed at you for you're abusive and insulting attitude that you speak with CONSTANTLY and in every forum you belong to. Yes, I know who you are in several forums and you are the same. The only credit that can be given to you is that you act like a "expletive" and are consistent about it. You're favorite words are "ignorant" and "idiotic". Well, there are quite a few choice words that can be used to describe you, but I won't in here.

To everyone else: Extremely sorry for the OT. It's just that Ackmed can't understand the basic architecture of social behavior. And can't understand why I snap at him when he makes a comment towards someone else. This is a public forum.

Munky: I think you will find that your 32pipe dream card will reside only in R580 if we are lucky.

BTW: Kris (AT Editor) Just confirmed that R520 will in fact be no more than 16 pipes at 600MHz core and 700MHz mem. HERE


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Hey guess what what, you replied to me, saying I was trying to be "right", and make everyone else "wrong". So obviously you were trying to "disagree" with me. Despite you claiming not to. I dont care if you know my other nick names, I act the same way everywhere. Guess what? Your hero Rollo has other names, on other forums too. On no!!! Different names means nothing, you cant register the same name on every forum. Again, simple logic you fail to miss. Calling someone ignorant, isnt rude. Its a commonly used word. Try learing the true meaning of the word You try to take the high road, yet try and troll me, and reply to me when I am not even talking to you. Good job being hypocritical, again. Continue to "snap" at me all you want, it just shows how childish you can be. Dont expect a response next time you try these drama queen rants.

btw: I didnt say in this thread that the R520 wont be 16p/600/700. So why even bring that up? For the 3rd time (try and let it sink in this time) what I said was that we DO NOT KNOW, when the card will ship, how many will ship, etc. Yet. And that trying to say that Dec is the best scenrio, is igrnorant. And believing everything that you read on the internet is just not smart.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Hey guess what what, you replied to me, saying I was trying to be "right", and make everyone else "wrong". So obviously you were trying to "disagree" with me.
No. It's called sarcasm.

Despite you claiming not to. I dont care if you know my other nick names, I act the same way everywhere.
Already established that I know this.

Guess what? Your hero Rollo has other names, on other forums too. On no!!! Different names means nothing, you cant register the same name on every forum.
Rollo is a friend. You're correct in saying different names mean nothing. I just let you know that I know all of yours. Never said you had to have the same name now did I einstein.

Again, simple logic you fail to miss. Calling someone ignorant, isnt rude. Its a commonly used word. Try learing the true meaning of the word
Call someone ignorant to someone's face next conversation you actually have with a human. See if you don't get punched in the face for it.

You try to take the high road, yet try and troll me, and reply to me when I am not even talking to you. Good job being hypocritical, again. Continue to "snap" at me all you want, it just shows how childish you can be. Dont expect a response next time you try these drama queen rants.
You have never even seen the high road as you're manners indicate in here. I can talk to whomever I wish in here. Once again, it is a public forum. This is not nearly as dramatic, or should I say traumatic as it is for me as it looks like it is for you.

btw: I didnt say in this thread that the R520 wont be 16p/600/700. So why even bring that up? For the 3rd time (try and let it sink in this time) what I said was that we DO NOT KNOW, when the card will ship, how many will ship, etc. Yet. And that trying to say that Dec is the best scenrio, is igrnorant. And believing everything that you read on the internet is just not smart.

Yeah about that. How about, everything after the name "Munky:" is directed towards "Munky". It was a response to something he mentioned above but I didn't feel like making another post. Pretty simple these things that you miss.

Hey guess what what? LOL.

:::::Sound of Ackmed breaking keyboard over his knee:::::
Wait, that would be a good thing!



Golden Member
Oct 18, 1999
Wow, who pissed all over this thread?

R520 wont blow the GTX out of the water. However, i have a strange suspicion
it will hold its own... meaning, it wont be to far behind. Hell, it might even be slightly ahead.. 600 mhz core and 700 mhz memory is going to do some damage on the 3d benches. Cant wait to see how this pans out. Better late than never.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Venomous
Wow, who pissed all over this thread?

keys as usual pulled off a vicious personal attack, thread must be about Ati. :brokenheart:

So Wavey Dave was right as usual and I suspect that the r520 was always designed as a 16 pipe card. If reports are right and the big hold up was a soft ground issue, this could be a nice card. I still think the 7800gtx will be faster, but the new ati gpu's should be cheaper to produce, once they get humming. Hopefully will make for a nice price war in the upper mid range. So how long can nada last?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Venomous
Wow, who pissed all over this thread?

keys as usual pulled off a vicious personal attack, thread must be about Ati. :brokenheart:

So Wavey Dave was right as usual and I suspect that the r520 was always designed as a 16 pipe card. If reports are right and the big hold up was a soft ground issue, this could be a nice card. I still think the 7800gtx will be faster, but the new ati gpu's should be cheaper to produce, once they get humming. Hopefully will make for a nice price war in the upper mid range. So how long can nada last?

And here is ronnn as usual, not seeing the bigger picture and making blanket statements and of course not a single word about Ackmeds behavior. Typical.



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Hey guess what what, you replied to me, saying I was trying to be "right", and make everyone else "wrong". So obviously you were trying to "disagree" with me. Despite you claiming not to. I dont care if you know my other nick names, I act the same way everywhere. Guess what? Your hero Rollo has other names, on other forums too. On no!!! Different names means nothing, you cant register the same name on every forum. Again, simple logic you fail to miss. Calling someone ignorant, isnt rude. Its a commonly used word. Try learing the true meaning of the word You try to take the high road, yet try and troll me, and reply to me when I am not even talking to you. Good job being hypocritical, again. Continue to "snap" at me all you want, it just shows how childish you can be. Dont expect a response next time you try these drama queen rants.

btw: I didnt say in this thread that the R520 wont be 16p/600/700. So why even bring that up? For the 3rd time (try and let it sink in this time) what I said was that we DO NOT KNOW, when the card will ship, how many will ship, etc. Yet. And that trying to say that Dec is the best scenrio, is igrnorant. And believing everything that you read on the internet is just not smart.

Wow, you have some issues man. You do not think it is wrong to call someone "ignorant"? Even if you were right, you would still be wrong. What is it like to not have any friends?

And Ronnn, anyone who is reading this thread can see you just tried to crap on Keys'. That was a low blow and is quite obvious that you and ackmed share the same bunk bed.



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Venomous
Wow, who pissed all over this thread?

keys as usual pulled off a vicious personal attack, thread must be about Ati. :brokenheart:

So Wavey Dave was right as usual and I suspect that the r520 was always designed as a 16 pipe card. If reports are right and the big hold up was a soft ground issue, this could be a nice card. I still think the 7800gtx will be faster, but the new ati gpu's should be cheaper to produce, once they get humming. Hopefully will make for a nice price war in the upper mid range. So how long can nada last?

And here is ronnn as usual, not seeing the bigger picture and making blanket statements and of course not a single word about Ackmeds behavior. Typical.

Whats typical is your constant attempts piss all over ati threads - why not stfu?


Jan 11, 2002
For the record, I'm "Rollo" or "Jethro Bodine" pretty much everywhere.

Ackmed is "Emilee" at Rage3d, and "Fallguy" at HardOCP.

I for one, wish ATI wish just launch their products already so we could actually discuss real parts. For a GPU that taped out last year, this one is having a lot of trouble making it to market this year.

I know if I had been waiting to upgrade since June based on some rumors about 32 pipe wonder cards this "We'll have some 16 pipe cards that might be as fast in late4 October or November" stuff would piss me off.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
The man at b3d has been consistent in saying will be a 16 pipe card, so really only those who place faith in the inquirer or vr zone expected a 32 pipe wonder. Now if the soft ground issue is totally solved - yields should be good. As I said months ago - I expect the 7800gtx to be faster in most if not almost all games - but that Ati will compete very well at almost all price points. Should be some nice cards coming out the door.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Venomous
Wow, who pissed all over this thread?

keys as usual pulled off a vicious personal attack, thread must be about Ati. :brokenheart:

So Wavey Dave was right as usual and I suspect that the r520 was always designed as a 16 pipe card. If reports are right and the big hold up was a soft ground issue, this could be a nice card. I still think the 7800gtx will be faster, but the new ati gpu's should be cheaper to produce, once they get humming. Hopefully will make for a nice price war in the upper mid range. So how long can nada last?

And here is ronnn as usual, not seeing the bigger picture and making blanket statements and of course not a single word about Ackmeds behavior. Typical.

Whats typical is your constant attempts piss all over ati threads - why not stfu?

Typical for you to think so. Why should I stfu? At least one person in here agrees with what I have said to Ackmed. (Notice I did not say a word about ATI yet you try to make it look like I am pissing on an ATI thread.)

The following displays the only things I have said in this thread with regard to ATI and nothing about any of it was to slam ATI but to discuss. Here is my dialogue with Munky:

What do you hope for Munky? (Me asking Munky what he wants to see happen)

Munky: I think you will find that your 32pipe dream card will reside only in R580 if we are lucky. (Self explanitory)

BTW: Kris (AT Editor) Just confirmed that R520 will in fact be no more than 16 pipes at 600MHz core and 700MHz mem. HERE (Posted link to Kris Kubicki's thread)

The only "pissing" I did was toward Ackmed and his pathetic manners in here. Got it?
So, I think that you must think that since this took place inside an ATI thread, you must think it's because its an ATI thread.

So maybe it's you who should stfu and pay attention instead of throwing me into the biased corner. And all I can think is since you have no comments about Ackmed's behavior, you must think nothing is wrong with his remarks. Hence, you must be very similar to him.

See ArchAngel777's post above. You have been schooled.



Golden Member
Oct 21, 1999
Well, I can see Ackmed?s frustrations with some of the posts in this thread. Someone stating ? ?QFT that?s almost 6 months behind NV?s full production launch? ? ???

The 7800 was reviewed June 22 -- less than 3 months ago. If the R520 makes it out by the end of the month -- that will be only ~ 3 months after NV?s launch. I expect we?ll see R520 cards very shortly after the R520 announcement.

Anyway ???.

We really know virtually nothing of the R520 architecture, so even if it turned out to be a 16 pipe card, the expectations are that it is going to be a completely new architecture. It may have some sort of pooled shader architecture, so it is going be tough to judge the performance of the card beforehand based on a simple ?16 pipe? card description. The R520 is expected to have a quite large transistor count -- so I don?t see how ATI could almost double the transistor count and not be much faster than a X850 XTPE. ATI always said they wanted to make a SM3.0 card that could actually do dynamic branching without killing performance, so we?ll have to wait and see what type of new architecture they bring to the table.

I don?t believe that 16 pipes is written in stone yet either. ATI has been very secretive about the architecture and there could be some misinformation floating around -- even quite high up in the food chain, even though that is where all the bets seem to be going right now.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003

The only "pissing" I did was toward Ackmed and his pathetic manners in here. Got it?
So, I think that you must think that since this took place inside an ATI thread, you must think it's because its an ATI thread.

Ok so you agree that you were pissing in this thread. Well please stfu next time. This only happens in a thread that is going against your nvidia fan boy emotions.



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Blastman
Well, I can see Ackmed?s frustrations with some of the posts in this thread. Someone stating ? ?QFT that?s almost 6 months behind NV?s full production launch? ? ???

The 7800 was reviewed June 22 -- less than 3 months ago. If the R520 makes it out by the end of the month -- that will be only ~ 3 months after NV?s launch. I expect we?ll see R520 cards very shortly after the R520 announcement.

Anyway ???.

We really know virtually nothing of the R520 architecture, so even if it turned out to be a 16 pipe card, the expectations are that it is going to be a completely new architecture. It may have some sort of pooled shader architecture, so it is going be tough to judge the performance of the card beforehand based on a simple ?16 pipe? card description. The R520 is expected to have a quite large transistor count -- so I don?t see how ATI could almost double the transistor count and not be much faster than a X850 XTPE. ATI always said they wanted to make a SM3.0 card that could actually do dynamic branching without killing performance, so we?ll have to wait and see what type of new architecture they bring to the table.

I don?t believe that 16 pipes is written in stone yet either. ATI has been very secretive about the architecture and there could be some misinformation floating around -- even quite high up in the food chain, even though that is where all the bets seem to be going right now.

So being frustrated over something like that gives him the right to call people ignorant?

16 Pipes is not written in stone? Uhm... It was confirmed by AnandTech... If you are not willing to give AnandTech the benifit of the doubt, why are you using his forums? Get lost if you dislike or discredit AnandTech sources.

Let us use simple logic here and not some wishful thinking. Logic states that AnandTech was under an NDA with ATI because they are one of the top reviewers of HardWare. Anand is able to confirm the details of the card and display them on their website. But you would be willing to discredit that for nothing more than some made up alternative? Seriously? Which one has more credibility or likelyhood of being correct? I think everyone who understands logic will pretty much agree that 16 pipes is set in stone. Does that mean your flaky idea is wrong? No... But since it is so far out, it is ridiculous... That is all.

By all means, you are free to believe what you want. But just look at the evidence... Does it point to 32 or 16 pipes? Does your theory have any weight behind it? No, it doesn't. It is a conspiracy theory about ATI hiding the real performance of their card... LOL, you can believe that and anyone else on this forum can if they want, but it is grossly improbable because it goes against the evidence.

Edit ** On another note, you are right that it has not been 6 months yet, that is purely speculation based on us viewing the past. It is entirely possible that we could see them next month. But the evidence points to a "full production and full availability" of December 1st for their high end part. So, that is about 5 months and 1 week is our prediction, or mine rather. But you are right, it has not been 6 months yet. The waiting game continues....


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003

The only "pissing" I did was toward Ackmed and his pathetic manners in here. Got it?
So, I think that you must think that since this took place inside an ATI thread, you must think it's because its an ATI thread.

Ok so you agree that you were pissing in this thread. Well please stfu next time. This only happens in a thread that is going against your nvidia fan boy emotions.

The word "pissing" was to quote your word, not mine. Schooled again. Are we going to move on to pwned?

Back OT:



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003

The only "pissing" I did was toward Ackmed and his pathetic manners in here. Got it?
So, I think that you must think that since this took place inside an ATI thread, you must think it's because its an ATI thread.

Ok so you agree that you were pissing in this thread. Well please stfu next time. This only happens in a thread that is going against your nvidia fan boy emotions.

The word "pissing" was to quote your word, not mine. Schooled again. Are we going to move on to pwned?

Back OT:


Back OT:


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
This 512 Ring Bus that was mentioned. Anyone else think that it could be that these 512MB cards are actually 2 separate 256MB 256-bit busses? And the R520 core has twice as many registers as R4xx? And that they are just calling it 512-bit because of this?
Just trying to spec here.
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