ATI RV530 & RV515 specs revealed

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Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Here's the problem(s) with your link Dravyn:
1. Although ATI gained and nVidia lost market share, where the transfer occurred is at the ultra low end. (integrated, $50 cards, etc.) ATI posted $9,000,000. lost that quarter with these "great" gains- nVidia posted record profits in the millions. nVidia now has 73% of the performance market- where the profit margin is. I doubt they care much if ATI makes $.50 per on the $5/each integrated market when they are owning the big bucks enthusiast market.

2. No one here really cares about integrated graphics and ultra low end. So instead of posting the stats of computers your grandma buys, I posted the stats of cards WE buy.

I was familiar with your stat, just don't deem it relevant as the shift helped neither ATI nor us. (ATers)



Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek

Edit: If you think i am going to apologize to you you can forget it. Im not being a stubborn kid or anything. Whenever i insult someone or screw up on the forums, i will almost always apologize in PM or in the thread; i see no reason why you deserve an apology.

No, I don't expect that. I do expect you to continue to support Rollo, Keys et al and call all what you consider Atifanatics stupid and tell them to stfu. Usually the subject will surround Rollo and his 5800u or 6600 sli (even though wildly off the thread topic) and I expect this to happen in threads that are discussing ati in a potentially positive way. Personally I call this continual thread crapping, but I guess you must think of it as supporting your friends. As far as your useful driver thread? never even read it - the newest from ati work fine for me. Anyways I'm the one wildly off topic.
That is unfair to Keysplayer of late. Keys has been very relaxed and non-combative from my observations.

But lord, Intelia, could you please quit?

Fark, wish we could start a new video forum and rename this one to P,N,&V. :disgust:
Feb 19, 2001
Rollo simply relies on the PERFORMANCE % numbers and nothing much more.

This is what 3dfx did. 3dfx had one market only, and it was the enthusiast market. How did ATI survive all these years? It had a huge laptop and OEM market. That said Rollo, you need to stop pointing at that 73% because ATI's still out there and I say the number from theregister showing ATI rising while NV dropping is far more important.

And sure while performanc refers to us, we don't buy based on what OTHERS buy. We buy what is worth our $$$. If we can only afford an X800XL, so be it.


Mar 31, 2003
Hay smart guy what if he has a 19" LCD I know you probably only have a Dell with a CRT but some can't nor do they want tp play at those res. If your listed at the orb whats your name I well check it out.

Oh no, you insulted my system. I think i am going to go off into a corner and cry. If you moved your mouse the extra fraction of an inch you would see what i am running.

Now answer this. Why would someone buy SLI with a 19" monitor that supports only up to 12x10. It would seem to me that if you have the money to buy SLI you should have enough to invest in a monitor to take advantage of it.

Keys et al and call all what you consider Atifanatics stupid and tell them to stfu.

Creig and Ackmed seem perfectly capable of having a sensible discussion, i dont recall ever telling them to STFU. You and a select few other seem incapable of having a civil discussion and have to flame and bring up posts and ideas from >2 years ago.

I really feel bad for this kid hanging out at the forums . Must really be lonely(GameGeek)

Because you are really keeping this thread on pace :roll:

For the record i am not a kid, and it would seem pretty sorry that a 54 year old and her husband have nothing better to do then post all day on a forum in which they have been proven wrong time and again.

And sure while performanc refers to us, we don't buy based on what OTHERS buy. We buy what is worth our $$$. If we can only afford an X800XL, so be it.

Last i checked an X800XL was not considered on par with integrated graphics. So as Rollo said that link hardly applies to this forum.

This is what 3dfx did. 3dfx had one market only, and it was the enthusiast market. How did ATI survive all these years? It had a huge laptop and OEM market. That said Rollo, you need to stop pointing at that 73% because ATI's still out there and I say the number from theregister showing ATI rising while NV dropping is far more important.

Ummm no. Believe it or not 8500's and what not had a lot of sales. But they didn't really survive. The 9700 was their last ditch effort to stay in the game, and they won BIG.

s far as your useful driver thread? never even read it - the newest from ati work fine for me. Anyways I'm the one wildly off topic.

Ok, what do you want me to do? Cry to myself because one person doesn't read it. I could care less. The newest from ATI work fine huh. What in the world do you think i link up in that driver thread!?



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: DLeRium
Rollo simply relies on the PERFORMANCE % numbers and nothing much more.

This is what 3dfx did. 3dfx had one market only, and it was the enthusiast market. How did ATI survive all these years? It had a huge laptop and OEM market. That said Rollo, you need to stop pointing at that 73% because ATI's still out there and I say the number from theregister showing ATI rising while NV dropping is far more important.

And sure while performanc refers to us, we don't buy based on what OTHERS buy. We buy what is worth our $$$. If we can only afford an X800XL, so be it.

Errrrrr, yeah.

LOL If ATI is losing many millions with their growing market share, and nVidia is making many millions with their declining market share- how is gaining "better' in this intance for the companies involved?
I've got news for you:ATI doesn't care what it's market share is, they look at the steady fall of their stock prices and the millions of dollars they are in the red every quarter. nVidia on the other hand, laughs and enjoys record profits every quarter.

As far as "we" go- I honestly do not care if ATI makes every integrated gpu on the planet from now until time ends. Know why? Because unless I end up living in a refridgerator box behind WalMart, you won't see me using integrated. :roll:

BTW- I use "roll" so much, they should have a "roll-o" smiley here.

Can anyone HONESTLY say they give a fat rat's a$$ about the integrated market on this board? This is an enthusiast board- low end is a joke for Circuit City pre-assembled buyers. We all know how to build PCs and wouldn't be caught dead with the crap* ATI is primarily selling these days.

And BTW, the X800XL isn't part of "low end"- it's a BIG part of the 27% performance ATI holds down these days.

*and by "crap" I mean "useless to us"- integrated and ultra low end stuff- not X800XLs and such



May 12, 2005
Rollo I don't game but I downloaded Fear Demo. I am a little confused though as people were saying the graphics weren't that good . I think there fantastic. Also using Fraps with my eye candy all turned to max @ 1280X1024 with fraps I get 56FPS avr. Now that seems high according to what I have read.


Senior member
May 15, 2005
I probably won't be able to use my brand new ATI x800xl for at least a month, because I haven't bought the rest of my computer parts yet. When all said and done it could be a couple months from now, so should I sell it and get an R520 or hold onto it?


May 12, 2005
Originally posted by: nombrecinq
I probably won't be able to use my brand new ATI x800xl for at least a month, because I haven't bought the rest of my computer parts yet. When all said and done it could be a couple months from now, so should I sell it and get an R520 or hold onto it?

You a big boy make up your own mine.
I have some really nice memory I will be selling On the Cheap Corsair Bh5 2-2-2-5 or Ballistics 2-2-2-5 PM me if interested


Golden Member
Dec 16, 2001
Originally posted by: nombrecinq
I don't want to make my own mine up. that case, let me help you out. You WILL buy my used 9800 Pro for $200
Seriously...the X800XL is very good card. Would it be worth the hassle of selling it or returning it for a replacement? The next time you build a PC, you may want to consider buying the video card LAST since video card prices drop so quickly ESPECIALLY after a new generation of cards is released.


May 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Hay smart guy what if he has a 19" LCD I know you probably only have a Dell with a CRT but some can't nor do they want tp play at those res. If your listed at the orb whats your name I well check it out.

Oh no, you insulted my system. I think i am going to go off into a corner and cry. If you moved your mouse the extra fraction of an inch you would see what i am running.

Now answer this. Why would someone buy SLI with a 19" monitor that supports only up to 12x10. It would seem to me that if you have the money to buy SLI you should have enough to invest in a monitor to take advantage of it.

Keys et al and call all what you consider Atifanatics stupid and tell them to stfu.

Creig and Ackmed seem perfectly capable of having a sensible discussion, i dont recall ever telling them to STFU. You and a select few other seem incapable of having a civil discussion and have to flame and bring up posts and ideas from >2 years ago.

I really feel bad for this kid hanging out at the forums . Must really be lonely(GameGeek)

Because you are really keeping this thread on pace :roll:

For the record i am not a kid, and it would seem pretty sorry that a 54 year old and her husband have nothing better to do then post all day on a forum in which they have been proven wrong time and again.

And sure while performanc refers to us, we don't buy based on what OTHERS buy. We buy what is worth our $$$. If we can only afford an X800XL, so be it.

Last i checked an X800XL was not considered on par with integrated graphics. So as Rollo said that link hardly applies to this forum.

This is what 3dfx did. 3dfx had one market only, and it was the enthusiast market. How did ATI survive all these years? It had a huge laptop and OEM market. That said Rollo, you need to stop pointing at that 73% because ATI's still out there and I say the number from theregister showing ATI rising while NV dropping is far more important.

Ummm no. Believe it or not 8500's and what not had a lot of sales. But they didn't really survive. The 9700 was their last ditch effort to stay in the game, and they won BIG.

s far as your useful driver thread? never even read it - the newest from ati work fine for me. Anyways I'm the one wildly off topic.

Ok, what do you want me to do? Cry to myself because one person doesn't read it. I could care less. The newest from ATI work fine huh. What in the world do you think i link up in that driver thread!?


I only see what you say your running the Orb tells me exactly what your running .

You have never ever proved anything only in your minds eye . Thats a small world your living in little boy. Get out meet people have fun . Get away from the keyboard and live . Its a big world out there trust me enjoy it.

When you get to be my age you don't sleep much than chat online. I make me living online so .The forums make time pass.



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek

Keys et al and call all what you consider Atifanatics stupid and tell them to stfu.

Creig and Ackmed seem perfectly capable of having a sensible discussion, i dont recall ever telling them to STFU. You and a select few other seem incapable of having a civil discussion and have to flame and bring up posts and ideas from >2 years ago.

So what idea did I post from 2 years ago? As usual an fos flaming to support your habit of denigrating ati.

s far as your useful driver thread? never even read it - the newest from ati work fine for me. Anyways I'm the one wildly off topic.

Ok, what do you want me to do? Cry to myself because one person doesn't read it. I could care less. The newest from ATI work fine huh. What in the world do you think i link up in that driver thread!?


Wow a link to Ati. If I am having problems with Ati drivers I look here, even has a guy from Ati driver section helping answer questions. They also have an area for nvidia drivers, but I haven't really had need to use it.



Mar 31, 2003
I only see what you say your running the Orb tells me exactly what your running .

What the hell kind of broken sentence is that. Are you trying to type english??

You have never ever proved anything only in your minds eye . Thats a small world your living in little boy. Get out meet people have fun . Get away from the keyboard and live . Its a big world out there trust me enjoy it.

#1. A majority of my time is spent either, out with friends, working, or playing baseball. Next time i need a life lesson from all trolling Intelia ill ask :roll:
#2. Still think im a little kid huh. I posted a thread in OT a while back about a servant trip i went on with my church. I would hardly consider a senior in high school a little kid, the picture i linked to in that post proves it. So stop talking down to me like im 3.

Wow a link to Ati. If I am having problems with Ati drivers I look here, even has a guy from Ati driver section helping answer questions. They also have an area for nvidia drivers, but I haven't really had need to use it.

Ok now read the VERY LAST post in that thread. I clearly explained why i could only link to ATI. Im very sorry my thread isn't helpful to you. Post in there so i can improve it then. Additionally i cannot believe you are comparing my little forum thread to an entire website. Finally, you keep critiquing all those threads i get stickied, yet you haven't managed to get ONE thread stickied. Before you bash other peoples threads, why dont you at least learn enough to post one yourself.



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
I only see what you say your running the Orb tells me exactly what your running .

What the hell kind of broken sentence is that. Are you trying to type english??

You have never ever proved anything only in your minds eye . Thats a small world your living in little boy. Get out meet people have fun . Get away from the keyboard and live . Its a big world out there trust me enjoy it.

#1. A majority of my time is spent either, out with friends, working, or playing baseball. Next time i need a life lesson from all trolling Intelia ill ask :roll:
#2. Still think im a little kid huh. I posted a thread in OT a while back about a servant trip i went on with my church. I would hardly consider a senior in high school a little kid, the picture i linked to in that post proves it. So stop talking down to me like im 3.

Wow a link to Ati. If I am having problems with Ati drivers I look here, even has a guy from Ati driver section helping answer questions. They also have an area for nvidia drivers, but I haven't really had need to use it.

Ok now read the VERY LAST post in that thread. I clearly explained why i could only link to ATI. Im very sorry my thread isn't helpful to you. Post in there so i can improve it then. Additionally i cannot believe you are comparing my little forum thread to an entire website. Finally, you keep critiquing all those threads i get stickied, yet you haven't managed to get ONE thread stickied. Before you bash other peoples threads, why dont you at least learn enough to post one yourself.


No please enjoy your driver thread, I certainly will not interupt that. In return please keep out of threads where your input is limited to telling others that they know nothing, have done nothing and should leave your poor friend alone or most importantly stfu. :beer:


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Intelia

And I doubt ati well release a flawed card like nvidia did with there very bad IQ

:laugh: I wouldn't call the the 7800gtx flawed by any stretch, but in the context it did make me laugh. :beer:


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Matt2
Originally posted by: Intelia
THIS link right here

Whats this mean it means that every GPU release since 9700Pro ati has had the NO. 1 performing GPU . Late yes but it still goes down as an ATI win .

As soon as R520 xt pe is released to work with crossfire ATI will again be no. 1 for 2005 thats the bottom line.

And I doubt ati well release a flawed card like nvidia did with there very bad IQ

I totally disagree.

If you're coming into the game 3 months late, you BETTER have the fastest card.

I don't care what anyone says, not everyone who bought a GeForce 7 series card already is going to plunk down another $500 for ATI's probably only marginally faster R520 which means less sales for ATI.

The only way ATI is going to save face this time around is with the mid-range cards. The X900XL better be around $250 and better be just as fast as NVidia's mid-range that will probably be floating around $300.

ATI's low-end always sucks, so don't expect too much.

GeForce 7 series is not flawed nor is the IQ "very bad".

So just like how nVidia did with the 5800U and 5900U with the 9700Pro and 9800Pro?

nVidia got beat and never got back up.... oh wait, the 6800 and 7800 oops.



Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Budarow
IMO...if price and image quality is approximately equal, all ATI has to do is beat nVidia by a couple of FPS on average and the vast majority of sales will instantly go ATI's way.
Didn't work that way with the R4XX cards did it?

Even if Crossfire is not ready, the vast majority of peeps would still buy ATI's offering if it topped nVidia by a couple FPS
That's not what the real statistics say:
NVIDIA extended share from 70 percent to 73 percent from the first calendar quarter of 2005 to the second calendar quarter of 2005 in the Performance DX9 Desktop GPU segment as reported in the Mercury Research Second Quarter PC Graphics Report 2005
Looks like those "little bit faster" X800s just aren't selling very well.

(i.e.,the VAST majority of peeps will NEVER utilize SLI or Crossfire) because it generally makes no sense to use SLI/Crossfire becasue faster cards coming out every year...somewhat patient buyers need only wait a short time period before a single card solution will beat last years TOP SLI/Crossfire solution and at a fraction of the cost. It's been that way since dual 3DFX's Monster cards.
Those of us who don't have any patience get to game like everyone else wishes they were. Something to think about.

And then we look at this. Which was public about oooo, 22 days ago. Showing the Q2 market share results.

Seems ATi is quite far ahead, and id suspect still quite ahead even with the 7800GTX and GT launch.

I dont think nVidia could have made 10.9% of the market share in just 22 days.

Here's the problem(s) with your link Dravyn:
1. Although ATI gained and nVidia lost market share, where the transfer occurred is at the ultra low end. (integrated, $50 cards, etc.) ATI posted $9,000,000. lost that quarter with these "great" gains- nVidia posted record profits in the millions. nVidia now has 73% of the performance market- where the profit margin is. I doubt they care much if ATI makes $.50 per on the $5/each integrated market when they are owning the big bucks enthusiast market.

2. No one here really cares about integrated graphics and ultra low end. So instead of posting the stats of computers your grandma buys, I posted the stats of cards WE buy.

I was familiar with your stat, just don't deem it relevant as the shift helped neither ATI nor us. (ATers)

That is all very true, tho what youve said about eh 73% of the performance is just talkinga about the X800 and 6800 up, what about the mainstream. Intergrated and low end might not produce the most healthy profits because of its low margins. But the mainstream is where the big bucks are at and where the best margins are and also where they are gonna be selling a lot too.

ATi have 54% of the market while nVidia have the rest, it is close but i would think its enough to cut out the market share of the 6800 and X800 up. As the 6800 and X800 dont sell in the millions.

Overall in the desktop segment as a whole, from intergrated to discrete, from mobile to high end GFX cards, ATi has the overall market share.



Senior member
Aug 17, 2004
Why are you guys even bothering to reply to inteltroll? I can ignore her posts ok, but its harder to filter out replies to her posts.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Originally posted by: Matt2
Originally posted by: Intelia
THIS link right here

Whats this mean it means that every GPU release since 9700Pro ati has had the NO. 1 performing GPU . Late yes but it still goes down as an ATI win .

As soon as R520 xt pe is released to work with crossfire ATI will again be no. 1 for 2005 thats the bottom line.

And I doubt ati well release a flawed card like nvidia did with there very bad IQ

I totally disagree.

If you're coming into the game 3 months late, you BETTER have the fastest card.

I don't care what anyone says, not everyone who bought a GeForce 7 series card already is going to plunk down another $500 for ATI's probably only marginally faster R520 which means less sales for ATI.

The only way ATI is going to save face this time around is with the mid-range cards. The X900XL better be around $250 and better be just as fast as NVidia's mid-range that will probably be floating around $300.

ATI's low-end always sucks, so don't expect too much.

GeForce 7 series is not flawed nor is the IQ "very bad".

So just like how nVidia did with the 5800U and 5900U with the 9700Pro and 9800Pro?

nVidia got beat and never got back up.... oh wait, the 6800 and 7800 oops.

Exactly how late was the GeForce 5800U to market? If you don't know exactly, please don't answer.

Ahh, found it. The GeForce 5800 series official launch date was November 18th 2002. It did not reach reviewers hands until January 27th 2003. And scattered availability there afterwards.

Now, I truly believe that anyone who brings up the 5800U in a comparison with today's situation is truly ATI biased. It's like they're saying, "So ATI is late. So what? Just look at Nvidia's 5800U!. Nyah, Nyah, Nyah." WTF type of issue is this? It's like in the ATI fanboy codebook.

Section: 4 Paragraph: 9 Subset: B states:

Whenever someone mentions how late we are to the game, alway's mention the 5800U. Even 10 years from the fact and no matter the circumstances, it's always good to take a shot at nvidia even if it has little to do with the current conversation and even if nobody else has mentioned a 5800U.."

For more nvidia stabs, see Chapter 23 under the "Taunts" section.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Overall in the desktop segment as a whole, from intergrated to discrete, from mobile to high end GFX cards, ATi has the overall market share.

ATI doesn't hav e the high end market share. They are selling 2.7/10 gpus in the high end, while nVidia sells 7.3/10.

That is almost all nVidia. Given the news of the day (another ATI product delayed, insider trading lawsuit) I think whatever number of integrated chips ATI is dumping on the market to bolster market share may well be the least of ATIs worries.



Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Overall in the desktop segment as a whole, from intergrated to discrete, from mobile to high end GFX cards, ATi has the overall market share.

ATI doesn't hav e the high end market share. They are selling 2.7/10 gpus in the high end, while nVidia sells 7.3/10.

That is almost all nVidia. Given the news of the day (another ATI product delayed, insider trading lawsuit) I think whatever number of integrated chips ATI is dumping on the market to bolster market share may well be the least of ATIs worries.

Yea just read that, looks like ATi, well the execs of ATi have really skewed the results of its market share havent they.

Not good for us as the consumers is it...

Hope everything turns out alright as i do like to see competition, even if its not this gen from ATi at least we do know what next gen might be.

Well i got me 7800GTX so im happy until next gen. Hopefully ATi could pull though the R600 if they cant with the R520.


Golden Member
Sep 18, 2004
mid-low range cards are very important at their share of profits. Afterall that is the median price range.

Once again, the longer the wait, the less competitive ATi will be (unless they already have an overkill solution against Nvidia but I highly doubt it).

and Intellia should stop posting.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Drayvn
Overall in the desktop segment as a whole, from intergrated to discrete, from mobile to high end GFX cards, ATi has the overall market share.

ATI doesn't hav e the high end market share. They are selling 2.7/10 gpus in the high end, while nVidia sells 7.3/10.

That is almost all nVidia. Given the news of the day (another ATI product delayed, insider trading lawsuit) I think whatever number of integrated chips ATI is dumping on the market to bolster market share may well be the least of ATIs worries.

Yea just read that, looks like ATi, well the execs of ATi have really skewed the results of its market share havent they.

Not good for us as the consumers is it...

Hope everything turns out alright as i do like to see competition, even if its not this gen from ATi at least we do know what next gen might be.

Well i got me 7800GTX so im happy until next gen. Hopefully ATi could pull though the R600 if they cant with the R520.




Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Exactly how late was the GeForce 5800U to market? If you don't know exactly, please don't answer.

Sort of like saying exactly how late is the r520 to market. If you don't know exactly. please don't answer.

No official launch date, so not late. But no one can deny that Nvidia has easily the fastest card with no competition. I suppose this could do a 180 when the r520 is released. If this is so, Nvidia will than be seen as late.

So to answer your first question: Ati had a preceivable lead with the 9700 and 9800 series, until the 6800 series came out. More than one month for sure.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Exactly how late was the GeForce 5800U to market? If you don't know exactly, please don't answer.

Sort of like saying exactly how late is the r520 to market. If you don't know exactly. please don't answer.

I read an article somewhere last night where they had an interview of one of the ATI big dogs saying they had hoped to launch the R520 in June.

Unfortunately, I had consumed a 22oz bottle of 10.5% "Old Ruffian" barley wine style ale prior to reading it, so I have no recollection of where I saw it.

(recommend the Old Ruffian though- good stuff!)
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