ATI RV530 & RV515 specs revealed

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Hmmm, a few things do not make sense in that post. If you were not trying to keep up with the jones, then why are you putting your money elsewhere? Keeping up with the jones is more than a computer upgraded... LMAO.

The best gaming for the money is called on-board video... It doesn't cost a dime and I bet you would get a big "high" out of it. Yeah, I dunno, I am not here to defend Rollo. In fact, I do not even know the guy. But I do think your post is pretty much BS.


'scuse me? I don't understand your "logic". I don't own a Hummer, Harley or a Cadillac. I don't wear designer jeans, have a plasma screen television, or live in a townhouse. How exactly am I " keeping up with the Jonses' "?

And as far as the gaming, I have a level of performance that I would like to maintain without spending exorbitant sums of money. Obviously, onboard video is not up to that level.

It's YOUR post that was BS (and I think you know it, too).


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Creig
And you don't pimp Nvidia like you own the company?
I pimp it like a guy who's bought and used a lot of their products lately and liked what I saw.

Actually, I was going to wait and see what the next gen cards had to offer before I decided what upgrade path to take. But I ended up getting one of the ATI refurb X800XT PE cards for $229.
That is an awesome deal. Good job.

As I'm sure you know by now, I'm a "best bang for the buck" kinda guy instead of "must have the latest of everything". It'll go along nicely with my 2.5GHz Barton for now, then possibly get swapped over to an AMD X2 and one of those nice peforming ULI AGP/PCI-E M1695 boards once they become widely available and there are a couple models to choose from.

I could afford to " keep up with the Jones' " if I wanted to, but choose not to. I have other things I'd rather spend that money on. And besides, I get more pleasure from seeing how much gaming per dollar I can get for my investment.
I wasn't trying to say you can't afford cards, just that for years now you've chosen not to buy them. (but spend a lot of time defending/attacking them)

Never said there was any shame in it. But who do you honestly think has a better insiders view to ATI/Nvidia timetables? You, or Kristopher?
I never questioned Kubicki's info, only the timing of the launch. Especially when Kubicki himself alluded to there not being parts available as of those launch dates- if there's none available in October, how sad is that?

Since May, people have been posting "Don't buy nVidia's next gen card until ATIs card comes out!" and "How can you make a smart choice without comparison?!?!".

It turns out now people had to wait 4 months, minimum, to make that comparison. What if it's 5-6 (or more) till there's product in the retail channel at MSRP or lower? Is it worth waiting half a product cycle to make a comparison to a card that's a new design and likely to have driver issues for a while?

And what do we know about the card?

Well, it's apparently hot and large. Dual slot out the door.

The design apparently has issues as well, a rumored 4th re-taping as we speak, in the midst of another delay.

Does any of this inspire confidence in anyone for the value of "waiting"? ATI has been losing millions, I wonder if the design/spec is even finalized because they'd let the press launch reviews and stop the dollars walking out the door if they could.

My "hunch"? The R520 is ATIs "5800U"- a stock overclocked part to try and compete at a new die size before the process is mature.

A person could wait and see. The could also snap up a 7800GTX and see stellar performance on a single slot, cooler, quiet board now. A person can spend their whole life waiting, and in the case of this card, it feels like we have.

My $.02



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000

'scuse me? I don't understand your "logic". I don't own a Hummer, Harley or a Cadillac. I don't wear designer jeans, have a plasma screen television, or live in a townhouse. How exactly am I " keeping up with the Jonses' "?

And as far as the gaming, I have a level of performance that I would like to maintain without spending exorbitant sums of money. Obviously, onboard video is not up to that level.

It's YOUR post that was BS (and I think you know it, too).

I dunno, you tell me. Where does all your money go? Do you only make minimum wage? You said you save money in one area just to spend it in another... That is pretty retarded, because who doesn't do that? We all have a limited number of funds and choose what we spend them on. I am just trying to explain to you, that you must be trying to keep up with the jones in some area... What area is it?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777

'scuse me? I don't understand your "logic". I don't own a Hummer, Harley or a Cadillac. I don't wear designer jeans, have a plasma screen television, or live in a townhouse. How exactly am I " keeping up with the Jonses' "?

And as far as the gaming, I have a level of performance that I would like to maintain without spending exorbitant sums of money. Obviously, onboard video is not up to that level.

It's YOUR post that was BS (and I think you know it, too).

I dunno, you tell me. Where does all your money go? Do you only make minimum wage? You said you save money in one area just to spend it in another... That is pretty retarded, because who doesn't do that? We all have a limited number of funds and choose what we spend them on. I am just trying to explain to you, that you must be trying to keep up with the jones in some area... What area is it?

Let's see... Saving for my daughter's future college education, paying on our mortgage, socking money into my 401k, making truck and car payments, normal household bills....

Trust me, that's plenty right there. I'm not going to talk about my finances on an internet forum, but I've been working at my present company for 14+ years now and make CONSIDERABLY more than minimum wage.

I'm not trying to outshine my neighbors in ANY area. While I may not have the "best", what I have is still very nice. And that's good enough for me.


Senior member
May 15, 2005
I have an x800xl also and I'm wondering if I should sell now and get a new XL sometime in September.


May 12, 2005
I would hold off on the high end . I think the Premium R530 is going to be great. get one of those buy a crossfire M/B with the money you save and than get the R530 crossfire video card and have a real nice system on the cheap. If you can get a good price for it now go for it.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
My "hunch"? The R520 is ATIs "5800U"- a stock overclocked part to try and compete at a new die size before the process is mature.

A person could wait and see. The could also snap up a 7800GTX and see stellar performance on a single slot, cooler, quiet board now. A person can spend their whole life waiting, and in the case of this card, it feels like we have.

My $.02

Didn't you really like the 5800U though

If the 6800/7800 series is the 9700 Pro/9800 Pro of 2004/05/06, so much the better, as I already own one *I am aware that this blanket statement is quite true, but it has been pretty close so far*. But I am going to continue to hope that ATI at least brings the same performance to the table as a the 7800 series, just so nvidia will launch a higher end part and push more prices down. Although if most of this speculation is true, then the R520 will be very expensive, and it won't help us out much if nvidia only has to release another $600 video card to stay about even with the competition.

At least if ATI gets these mainstream parts out at good prices in good quantities it should stir the pot a little...


Mar 31, 2003
You too really need to stop trolling. Neither of you has posted anything useful in a while.

Both of those specs look promising. Lets hope ATI can deliver these cards on time and in sufficient numbers.



Senior member
Jul 25, 2005
Ghaa, c'mon ATI, get the R520 out already. I might actually be building a PCI-E system very soon here, and as much as i love nVidia and the 7800 series cards it would at least be nice to have something else out there to choose from, and keep prices down from both companies trying to compete.


Senior member
Jan 15, 2004
Originally posted by: g3pro
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Wow, just wow. I cant think of anything else to say. I didnt know who he was before this, but Ill remember that name for sure now, and not take anything he says seriously.

I don't find it surprising that you lack the intelligence to see my post was mocking the bulls*** you and Creig spout off every day you post to this forum.

Whoops. :roll:


Ackmed = pwned.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
You two really need to stop trolling. Neither of you has posted anything useful in a while.
Nice link, KeepItRed. Welcome to the Internet, have you found any more incredibly outdated photoshops that you would like to 'pwn' us with? Most of his post was on topic, don't get on the bashing bandwagon, please.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2005
Originally posted by: ZobarStyl
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
You two really need to stop trolling. Neither of you has posted anything useful in a while.
Nice link, KeepItRed. Welcome to the Internet, have you found any more incredibly outdated photoshops that you would like to 'pwn' us with? Most of his post was on topic, don't get on the bashing bandwagon, please.

Ok? How is Geforce related to ATI?


Senior member
May 15, 2005
So what should I do with my brand new x800xl that I haven't used yet? Should I eBay it to instead get an R520?


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
I'll be skipping this generation. The only upgrade I'd consider is a very cheap 6800GT and OC to Ultra if my X800XL becomes inadequate. I'm hoping this X800XL will carry me into the post R520 era, but the lack of ANY OC headroom is gonna make it a tough road ahead.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
So what should I do with my brand new x800xl that I haven't used yet? Should I eBay it to instead get an R520?

Hey bud, don't take this the wrong way. But you are asking a question that involves pure opinion. You could get 5,000 answers to this question and be split 50/50... My advise is to do some research and decide for yourself what you should do with this card. Again, no offense, but it seems like some of these posts are pretty much like "Should I wipe my butt with Charmon ultra bright? Or should I use regular Charmon?" I mean, the decision is up to YOU

Anyway, please do not take offence, because this really isn't directed at you, but I wanted to take the opportunity to voice that people should make up their own minds on subjective things.

For the record, I would keep the X800XL :thumbsup:


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: ZobarStyl
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
You two really need to stop trolling. Neither of you has posted anything useful in a while.
Nice link, KeepItRed. Welcome to the Internet, have you found any more incredibly outdated photoshops that you would like to 'pwn' us with? Most of his post was on topic, don't get on the bashing bandwagon, please.


You'll have to forgive KeepItRed. He's a high school student, and most of us opened our mouths inappropriately at that age. Now kids have the internet, so the embarassment of looking foolish is removed.



Senior member
Dec 29, 2004
Originally posted by: dredd2929
I don't really care if the ATI cards are faster. I still went with nVidia because they seem to have much better driver quality, both for newer and legacy games.

hahahaha, that made my night. much better driver quality? is that a repost of something you said in 2001?


Senior member
Jul 25, 2005
And for the record my first gfx card upgrade in a computer that i persionally own was from my old vodoo 3 2000 (on a pII 400MHz) to my 6800Ultra when I got my comp last summer.


Sep 3, 2001
Originally posted by: RolloAnd what do we know about the card?

Well, it's apparently hot and large. Dual slot out the door.
And as long as its slower than the 7800GTX, you'll buy one I'm sure because it'd be just like the 5800. You'd even recomend it as a viable choice I'm sure. Because you're not slanted at all.

The design apparently has issues as well, a rumored 4th re-taping as we speak, in the midst of another delay.
Seems to me like you're really pushing this "rumor" thing, are you hoping its true?

My "hunch"? The R520 is ATIs "5800U"- a stock overclocked part to try and compete at a new die size before the process is mature.
So you'll buy one for sure and then recomend it to people as a good solution.

A person could wait and see. The could also snap up a 7800GTX and see stellar performance on a single slot, cooler, quiet board now. A person can spend their whole life waiting, and in the case of this card, it feels like we have.

My $.02
And all because it was made by nVidia.

ATI was in this same boat with the 9700Pro; "stellar performance", "single slot", cool and quiet, and all available months before the 5800U... but for some reason you were one of the only ones holding onto nVidia for dear life. I guess the one thing that will most likely be different is that the R520 will probably be faster than the competing part, unlike the 5800U.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: bunnyfubbles
Originally posted by: RolloAnd what do we know about the card?

Well, it's apparently hot and large. Dual slot out the door.
And as long as its slower than the 7800GTX, you'll buy one I'm sure because it'd be just like the 5800. You'd even recomend it as a viable choice I'm sure. Because you're not slanted at all.

The design apparently has issues as well, a rumored 4th re-taping as we speak, in the midst of another delay.
Seems to me like you're really pushing this "rumor" thing, are you hoping its true?

My "hunch"? The R520 is ATIs "5800U"- a stock overclocked part to try and compete at a new die size before the process is mature.
So you'll buy one for sure and then recomend it to people as a good solution.

A person could wait and see. The could also snap up a 7800GTX and see stellar performance on a single slot, cooler, quiet board now. A person can spend their whole life waiting, and in the case of this card, it feels like we have.

My $.02
And all because it was made by nVidia.

ATI was in this same boat with the 9700Pro; "stellar performance", "single slot", cool and quiet, and all available months before the 5800U... but for some reason you were one of the only ones holding onto nVidia for dear life. I guess the one thing that will most likely be different is that the R520 will actually be faster than the competing part, unlike the 5800U.

Joining the local trolls huh?

Seems to me that you have put all those words in Rollos mouth.

How about some information to back up any of what you are saying.

I dont remember Rollo ever recommending the 5800. I remember him saying it was a cool piece of hardware but it is outclassed by the 9700Pro. So im not quite sure at what you are trying to argue.

I guess the one thing that will most likely be different is that the R520 will actually be faster than the competing part, unlike the 5800U

Yet you call Rollo biased when at least he has SOME sort of information to back up his argument.

Instead of embarassing yourself why dont you just stop posting right now?



Sep 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Seems to me that you have put all those words in Rollos mouth.

How about some information to back up any of what you are saying.

Here?s rollo giving up his gaming (performance and IQ) superior 9800Pro for a 5800, of which today he will have you believe, if nothing other than for his own personal use, that only SLI?d 7800GTXs will do because they give him the absolute best performance and IQ.

Here?s rollo trying to convince AT members that the 5800 is a good card because you ?can?t tell the difference? in terms of game performance.

Wait a minute, I do believe an X850XT vs. 7800GTX SLI running Doom3 @ 1024x768 and I bet you ?can?t tell the difference?.

Now this is just precious. A thread where Rollo is trying hard to convince that PS2.0 is ATI gimmick. Hmm, PS3.0?

Originally posted by: Rollo
As far as the DX 9 goes, I still haven't seen anyone say they can tell the difference in image quality between PS 1.4 and PS 2.0, or that they know of any games that force you to use 2.0.

So let's not jump to judgement on issues that might not matter.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2005

You'll have to forgive KeepItRed. He's a high school student, and most of us opened our mouths inappropriately at that age. Now kids have the internet, so the embarassment of looking foolish is removed.

And how do you know this? Never knew being in gr. 12 was childish, meh probably coming from one yourself. Just look at what you said and think again.

I pimp it like a guy who's bought and used a lot of their products lately and liked what I saw.

Grade 7-...? Foolish.

P:S Your word structure is at grade 6 level.
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