
Apr 25, 2001
Thanks to Turkish for starting the list.

Please post additions/corrections/username changes or pm them to me.


1st - NFS4, cr4zymofo, tailes151, Boztech
2nd - BaboonGuy, Adica, Platypus (fka CorporateRecreation), rky60, BrokenVisage, Ricemarine, Aftermath
3rd - Joph, alexeikgb, mwmorph, franksta, Raduque
4th - dataxpress, Engineer, reverend boltron, jmdeathsquad, Arkaign
5th - CADSortaGuy, tami, Fenixgoon, Night Blade, ni4ni
6th - Sysadmin, Mandos, Cabages
7th - PlatinumGold, FelixDeKat, Paratus
8th - Nimloth, ts3433, Cadop
9th - Quasmo, MisterJackson, Captante, MrPickins, woodman1999
10th - andrey, toant103, Steve, classy, Yossarian, jcuadrado, Dimmu
11th - Rock Hydra, Spydermag68, HydroSqueegee
12th - brtspears2, bjc112, Chode Messiah, PrayForDeath, Aztech, Rachael
13th - freesia39, loosbrew, TWills, EngenZerO, Evadman
14th - CKY, DigDug, buck, NetGuySC, thirdeye
15th - Savarak, jlmadyson
16th - Megatomic, InlineFour, rivan, ActuaryTm
17th - Dementedlemur, clamum, K1052, moonbit
18th - Shimmishim, Toastedlightly, JLee (CadetLee), Geekbabe, JRock
19th - Tinkerhell, handoverfist
20th - illkid, Mday, johnjohn320, TheHeartless, DainBramaged, slycat, Xyl3ne, Hav0k99
21st - LordMaul, anton, anno, AgaBoogaBoo, blueshoe, Vegitto, zinfamous
22nd - Forsythe, chambersc, Mill
23rd - Turkish (The Boss/Xiety), icejunkie, sao123, BlancoNino, rbV5
24th - KpocAlypse, 40Hands (BroeBo), dman
25th - Mr N8, Frogdog, casimec, DigitalCancer
26th - BlinderBomber
27th - Piano Man
28th - urameatball, ISO, ElFenix, Phlargo, tanishalfelven, 440sixpack, Train
29th - jonnyGURU, DingDingDao, Shawn, Cuda1447, MBentz, akshatp, Andy22
30th - Yo_Ma-Ma, no0b, ed21x, Jassi, Josh123
31st - edmicman, Kalvin00


1st - Falloutboy525, blurredvision, Shmee
2nd - Le Quebecois, BlueBelle, kermalou, Gamer X, Horus, Razgriz, acegazda, DonIsHere, RESmonkey
3rd - kertmit2004, mosdef, sparkyclarky, nick1985, MercenaryForHire
4th - tkc204
5th - Elita1, Cal166
6th - Tsaico, simms, JM Aggie08
7th - Dean, Bryophyte, AbAbber2k, SarcasticDwarf
8th - ggavinmoss, thirtythree, bleeb
9th - BuckMaster, Mustangrrl, FriedPixel, Beef Taco, shawn130c, Kreon
10th - WombatWoman, shud, shocksyde
11th - SSP, kevinf2090
12th - AndyHui, JohnCU, labgeek, eminemrh25, thestrangebrew1
13th - Warthog912, cscpianoman, rodneyxiii
14th - SZLiao214, 50
15th - Mo0o, Pliablemoose, atybimf
16th - SendTrash, abracadabra1, WeiWei
17th- darkswordsman17, jakedeez, giantpinkbunnyhead, FuryofFive
18th - MegalodoN, MrSanderzX, Meractik, ta8689, ussfletcher
19th - virtualmike, dullard, ItsPat, pray4mojo
20th - Fingolfin269, lizardth, MBrown, gwrober, Xanis, AccruedExpenditure, Pantlegz1
21st - cpuman, tweakmm, alevasseur14
22nd - tastyeel2121, PsharkJF, Crazymofo, Chapbass
23rd - Juno, speg
24th - SexEPid, MikeD, bobbybe01, Frew, CraKaJaX, MattCo
25th - Soccer55, BDawg, Spamela, HomerJS, Aimster, OdiN, Ronstang, TheFirm, 911paramedic
26th - daniel1113, Mwilding, sonoma1993, BIGk
27th - Skiguy411, UNCjigga, sniperruff, jamesbond007, vi_edit, TheSiege
28th - LolaWiz, ohnnyj, potato28, Xyo II, dingnecros, antyler
29th - Smbu, VoteQuimby, YetioDoom, LiuKangBakinPie, ctbaars


1st - whitecloak, jhurst, Phoenix86, Elevenpog
2nd - Bryan, mztykal, TomC25, arcenite, dds14u
3rd - Johnnie, DesolationWilliams, AcidicFury, narutofan36, firewall, MrLee
4th - Davegod75, flyboy84, Pathogen03, The Godfather, JMWarren, Icepick, Monel Funkawitz
5th - shilala, keeleysam, jimbob200521, Kroz, brownzilla786, actuarial, soulcougher73
6th - Nocturnal, frischauf, dennilfloss
7th - Smiz, SnipeMasterJ13, Miklebud, z1ggy
8th - JBT, khny83, nerp
9th - Hammer, Ornery, AkumaX
10th - toph99, JW310, Feldenak, chuckywang
11th - Total Refected Power, zeeliv, Fearlss1, warcrow, FinalFantasy, pontifex, WyteWatt, dude8604, dank69, soxfan
12th - Mwink, hzl eyed grl, Fearless1, CyberTiger, jnetty99, MegaWorks, faboloso112, Mallow
13th - BrianM, CRXican, badboyeee, cheesygoldfish, OVERKILL, mooglekit, thelanx, bladder23
14th - v3rrv3, Raspewtin, Fausto, NathanBWF, GregGreen, JaYp146
15th - SUOrangeman, linuxboy, JulesMaximus, suicidalpigeon, Kodiak, Britboy, Trippin315, asadasif, myjaja, zylander, mcurphy, InflatableBuddha
16th - zbalat, natethegreat, Rubycon, Indohottie, nightfox
17th - elkinm, AmphibSailor, kstu, OpenThirdEye, Bibble
18th - radiocore, drum, IAteYourMother, cKGunslinger, Cutterhead, EGGO
19th - hg321, Lithium381, Pyromidion (last two are twins!), shamrock1313, blue1friday2
20th - whoosh, glen, Mardeth, thehstrybean, dugweb, smut, pcgeek11
21st - Edski, halik, scorpmatt
22nd - Kalster, archcommus, Midlander, paulney
23rd - Exman, Pippy, rcpratt, Malfeas
24th - DaWhim, Stallion, NeonAura, Runes911, paulxcook
25th - Trader05, Detayned1447, Tick, Mixolydian
26th - igowerf, gigapet, Zenmervolt, Amdiggidy, Bumrush99, TangoJuliet (alkohoLiK), Specop 007, dainthomas
27th - Vikaden, IamDavid, homestarmy, BigFatCow
28th - E lectricie, otispunkmeyer, eits
29th - SLCentral, ArMs, MooseKnuckle, Viper0329, Brian23, Amplifier, Keyvan, BriGy86, Zaitsevs
30th - xcript, Mikey, morkus64, heinz256
31st - qulAKle, DaTT, DCpaul, Duddy


1st - pg22, raptor13, bigd480, Slap, logic1485, Babbles
2nd - Paulson, Entity, randomlinh, tomcat, bakwetu, Digobick, Squisher, Staples, Vortec4800, Nithin, csyberblue, lsd
3rd - konichiwa, Sphexi, Tarrant64
4th - Narse, techfuzz, alocurto, lokiju, bockchow, Budman, Zolty, crownjules, alyssa, Paladin3
5th - ladyninjane, NaughtyusMaximus, skywhr, freeway, aphex, bobert, Mojoed
6th - LemonHead, DnetMHZ, RedPickle, Mathlete, ruffilb
7th - Thraxen, neonerd, d3n, isekii, SacrosanctFiend, xSauronx, Systxm, judasmachine, kgokal, Exterous, BarkingGhostar
8th - Schola, rlism, SmoochyTX, UnoSigmaPi, Inspector Jihad, Murloc, IBMJunkman
9th - shelaby, DP, ravana, FoBoT, JujuFish, calvinbiss
10th - hypersonic5, soybomb, poop, Semidevil, Svnla, Jahee, Tizyler, octopus41092
11th - Armyranger4ever, AgentOrange, ricochet, opticalmace, daw123
12th - DrNoobie, venk, Unheard
13th - iamme, tkim, MiniThug, KingHam, Jeeebus
14th - piku, Amol, Nikamichi, SofaKing, Descartes, Sealy, Quintox, natep, AntiFreze, HCl
15th - benchiu, KoolDrew, leftyman, Hafen
16th - speed01, PrinceofWands, Beev, ultimatebob, newb111
17th - Namuna, Mellman, Soccerman06
18th - ChinamanatNCSU, TonyG, mchammer187, Gamingphreek
19th - yokomo, jlbenedict, Locut0s, danzigrules
20th - VoodooExtreme, Stojakapimp, AdamSnow, Lumathix, sciwizam, chin311, spasticnationboy, AznAnarchy99, Snuffaluffaguss, xBiffx
21st - EvilYoda, BoberFett, Xionide, Yreka
22nd - gqstyle09, Belldo, pinkeywear, Krazy4Real, Vich, Freshgeardude, SuperSix, coxmaster
23rd - heat23, intogamer, eldorado99, K3N, RapidSnail, kalrith, Arcadio, dotcom173, PlasmaBomb, Cruisin1
24th - b0red, pyonir, Sheepathon, goodoptics, blamb425, radtechtips
25th - dcdomain, brandonb, Raiden256
26th - carmann, shinerburke, Trimper, Eli, M0rph3us1337, dudeman007, H2Opolodude, nissan720, kmrivers, Sheik Yerbouti, zCypher
27th - DrumminBoy, Otaking, n yusef, Koharski, HAL9000, Wingznut
28th - Emos, yovonbishop
29th - Wedesdo, eshtog, Thor_Sevan, jaqie
30th - hdeck, Pastfinder


1st - SagaLore, minendo, Azndude51, DfiDude, bamacre, evident
2nd - CraigRT
3rd - Nitemare, JC, prvteye2003, Mem, Buttzilla, middlehead, avi85
4th - dquan97, Pablo
5th - MereMortal, SurgicalShark, Twista, Confused, FreshPrince, UncleWai, Atomic Playboy, UnklSnappy
6th - Badbry, TheBoyBlunder, cobalt, Zeeky Boogy Doog, Heller, zanejohnson
7th - Renob, mitchafi, funkymatt, dbravo223, Kaelyn, Gothgar, alkemyst
8th - digitalsm, Goosemaster, JoeKing, SparkyJJO, Roguestar
9th - bluewall21, KPSHAH316, swatX, Nick5324, chris7b, thepd7, robphelan
10th - dave127, notfred, GrantMeThePower, Cookie
11th - MazerRackham, snow_patrol, jtusa4, Brainonska511, thecoolnessrune, digitalme
12th - Chaotic42, sonz70, brainwrinkle, MajorMullet, 5to1baby1in5
13th - jadinolf, wfbberzerker, malak, Bushwicktrini, Red Squirrel
14th - warcleric, TheSource, wasssup, TraumaRN
15th - BlamoHammer, Sukhoi, ddviper
16th - Argo, Leros, Hyperlite, Jinny
17th - Xyclone, KillyKillall, Homerboy
18th - KarenMarie, Crucial, HiTek21, shortylickens, bella ragazza, lil buttercup
19th - Maleficus, TheNinja, Spooner, Ciber, Stiganator
20th - azim, BigJ, Hough NutZ, mitaiwan82, Radiohead, theknight571, slsmnaz, Chiropteran, SolMiester
21st - SirFishAlot, state 08x(fka EDIT409), Albis, cpals, DrawninwarD
22nd - ThisisMatt, Jugernot, Choralone, JimmyEatWorld, Corporate Thug, Coquito, Jackhammerz, Juice Box, shortspanishguy, slatr
23rd - zbose, TechnoKid, Lazee, roid450
24th - hpkeeper, JasonSix78, bubbadu, amdhunter, yh125d
25th - guyver01, mexkn, Toki, ELopes580, JDrake, Umberger, AnitaPeterson
26nd - MeanMeosh, alien42, SilentZero, Fayd
27th - SpongeBob, Amnesiac, Darthvoy, WaTaGuMp, thawolfman
28th - lesterjr, Nanotech, dahotboykj, pulse8, cmdavid, y2kc, jupiter57, Scouzer, mrrman, GlitchNY, narzy, Schmide
29th - moomoo40moo, skychief, Whoozyerdaddy, lyssword
30th - Kenazo, Ferrari355, JDub02, ArJuN, herm0016
31st - AmericasTeam, Joemonkey, Unkno, Eeezee, Mrfrog840, theman, BillGates


1st - AudiPorsche, MikeyIs4Dcats, Ryuson99, Hyperblaze, TheLonelyPhoenix, Turin39789, nobody554
2nd - hkbudak, Ikonomi, Wheatmaster, Gl4di4tor, themusgrat
3rd - ngvepforever2, cloude27, GML3G0, TuxDave, manohartvs, iamwiz82, oppie1, Elias824, gothamhunter, twinrider1
4th - Wolfsraider, bharok, Zoblefu, sdifox, RearAdmiral
5th - duragezic, Beast1284, Shalmanese, Weyoun
6th - Psychoholic, theNEOone, Nightfall, MegaVovaN
7th - booger711, aeroguy, suse920, Merlyn3D, jemcam, misle, jaedaliu, fatpat268, chrisg22, miketheidiot
8th - nightowl, Adul, Black88GTA, Analog (fka yellowfiero), mdrollas, LeiZaK, toonces, indamixx99, Darwin333
9th - ViperGTS, eakers, purplehayes, DAGTA, Vonkhan, mobobuff, Howard, thescreensavers, lightpants
10th - madmacks, Dedpuhl, amdfanboy, Tylanner, MSCoder610, CptFarlow, cherrytwist
11th - bastula, DefRef, phreakah, yllus
12th - Regs, cjgallen, CarlKillerMiller, Jittos
13th - TonyH, AAjax, upsciLLion, radioouman
14th - Killrose, MidasKnight, JHoNNy1OoO, rnp614, Lasthitlarry, RollWave, legoman666, F1N3ST
15th - TheBDB, jEnus
16th - Assassin, Number1, WT
17th - Pyxis, Squeetard
18th - markymark618, MmmSkyscraper, xarmian, mcvickj, pmoa, Kwaipie, Uppie1414, microAmp, joesmoke, WackyDan
19th - Farbio, Silex, Teliasen, pancho619, jst0ney, bret, jman19, TechBoyJK, Lothar
20th - maleficent, BubbleHead, bornstar18, MrDudeMan, dafatha00, Ladiesnhan, jhayx7, cheezy321, dreadpiratedoug
21st - Tauren, Saulbadguy, Don Rodriguez, Slvrtg277, stuman19, ComputerWizKid
22nd - cw42, MadHatter, thebigdude
23rd - lavagirl669, randumb, frx218
24th - Twofootputt, jlarsson, The Pentium Guy, Kenny
25th - visgf, compslckr
26th - AsusMan, moshquerade, Anand, cricky, StevenYoo, Jodell88, Terabyte
27th - Shenkoa, b0mbrman, Toasthead, 2cpuminimum
28th - Carrot39, Skyclad1uhm1, Doug3737, AVAFREAK182
29th - Nik, GrimReefer, RossGr, necine, SWScorch, cjmtfd102401
30th - werk, joohang, GundamW, TheGoodGuy, WTT0001, Excelsior, AnyMal, kingshoc, beemercer


1st - bigbootydaddy, Jeff7181, rival, jammur21, OVerLoRDI, MAKENITO
2nd - Grant, Chrono, ItmPls, senseamp (SuperTool)
3rd - Orsorum, Waylander, Konigin, FreshFish, CasioTech, AStar617, LeetViet, tk109, uclaLabrat
4th - Ctk, neutralizer, 6StringSamurai, dNor
5th - FettsBabe, nativesunshine, mxrider
6th - PCAddict, Stefan, blakeatwork, BlackAdam, xaeniac, dartworth
7th - Pretender, IndieSnob, n7, aberdeen5, Sinsear, sygyzy
8th - murphy55d, hevnsnt, AstroManLuca, ahenkel, Monoman, poundruss
9th - Vaerilis, GirlFriday, Supradude, Psylence, AgentEL, Sqube
10th - 3chordcharlie, DoggXXL, SithSolo1, slag
11th - Wuming, rudeguy, iluvtruenos, Slasher2k, Maluno, marvdmartian, NUSNA_Moebius, Chocu1a
12th - So, xSkyDrAx, pclstyle, eyecandy86, bearxor, acheron, *kjm, Mayne
13th - Sluggo, mpitts, agnitrate, Cdubneeddeal
14th - anxi80, chickadee, JDawg1536
15th - Chiboy, Sabot, kag
16th - IcemanJer, MasterLit33, Dracos
17th - eLiTeGoodGuy, Yzzim, jumpr, HaxorNubcake, MrChad, NatePo717
18th - d0wnthe11235813, mwtgg, nboy22, Gatecrasher3, ColdFusion718
19th - Sundog, Taejin, effowe, Bartman39
20th - TheMonkeyPit, hippy, surreal1221, yetti, Manuwell
21st - saxophonoia, slunk, ming2020, Doboji, CalvinHobbs
22nd - josedawg, farscape, User1001, Leper Messiah, Vitamblu, NuclearNed
23rd - iotone, OOBradm, amjohns5
24th - Cawchy87, EvixKeth, BassBomb, McLovin
25th - DanTMWTMP, tm37, QurazyQuisp, cbeavers, Gnrslash4life
26th - Kyle, Legendary, Ronin, oogabooga, Valkerie, Dark Jedi, fire400, Rhezuss
27th - RagingBitch, jalaram, Mickey Eye, EKKC, barfo
28th - ucdbiendog, ForumMaster, ketchup79
29th - Josh, AmdEmAll, Cattlegod, Lummex, AMD64Blondie
30th - maziwanka, Mike (CheapArse), Hankysmoo, markgm, Powermoloch, SampSon
31st - NakaNaka, BostonRedSox, Kinnetic, MedicBob, freakflag


1st - Pyro, focusyn, DiZASTiX, zerocool1, biostud, cmdrmoocow, memo, TecHNooB, polarmystery
2nd - HayZeus2000, meltdown75, Tiamat, Adam8281
3rd - KDOG, toolgirl, thraashman, Viperoni, wicktron, TheGeek
4th - nirgis, KLin, Snapster, Molondo, loki8481, Barack Obama
5th - horhey, AMDZen, samgau
6th - Anubis, platinumike, Journer
7th - brock, FrozenCanadian, Scarpozzi, trigun500
8th - TitanDiddly (Ned/Phasmatis Nox), TBone48, Omegachi, TheGizmo
9th - dc, Atrail, fredtam, Vic, MrCodeDude, Hellspawn, theprodigalrebel, TruePaige
10th - DeRusto, mrCide, gabemcd, joshmroest, rocadelpunk
11th - cablegod, montanafan, Occifer
12th - Schadenfroh, osage, KhoiFather, AlienCraft, sixone, Jfrag Teh Foul, CVSiN, Safeway
13th - Chewy, Cashman, HomeAppraiser, Random Variable, Pocahontas, potoba
14th - vtecluder, yankeesfan, CaesaR, mezrah, JechtShot
15th - Calin, NYHoustonman, YOyoYOhowsDAjello, altonb1, Insomniator, FM2n
16th - MDE, Deeko, Gurck, krcat1
17th - MillionaireNextDoor, toekramp, astroidea (virtualgames0), DurocShark, swtethan, SpiderWiz
18th - dmtunc99, SilverTorch, DannyBoy, chcarnage, hydroponik, knightc2
19th - SuperCommando, Weeeman, cycochic, elektrolokomotive, Patt, Phokus, gw186, BAMAVOO, KidNiki1
20th - CChaos, KirbsAw, CTrain, Amused
21st - MrYAK, CptObvious, Noid, hjo3
22nd - Pokey007, MaverickBP, Chadder007, SoulAssassin, JakwoW
23rd - diddy, Ness, Judgement, junkerman123, Jon855, Fullmetal Chocobo, ZeroIQ
24th - datalink7, bdjohnson, DotheDamnTHing, deerslayer, Scholzpdx
25th - dxkj, Magikal, Darilus, seanws, spacejamz, DLeRium, bigfil, Anghang
26th - ThisIsKimbO, screw3d, quakefiend420, iwantanewcomputer, Ilmater, DVad3r
27th - UglyCassanova, StrangerGuy, veloc1ty
28th - ArkAoss, coomar
29th - pillage2001, RGN, trek, dornick, coldmeat
30th - spanky
31st - perry, knoxweather, Ryan, Harriet Tubg*rl


1st - new2AMD, fanerman91, dug777, HappyPuppy, Heisenberg, JASANITY, Theiananator, QueBert, compman25, arch113
2nd - Dragnov, DEMO24, byronface, Crono, TrueBlueLS, Slew Foot, theplaidfad, Adrenaline
3rd - creedog, N8Magic, tec699, villiageidiot111, MaxDepth
4th - Gillbot, computeerrgghh, gleong, pecel, runzwithsizorz, xtknight, scott916
5th - Roger, crab (crab453), Batti, alareau, Mike2002, mjrpes3
6th - techniauto, PurdueRy, Zargon
7th - MrsBugi (happykitten/Dezign/Tomato), DAM, Grouchyoldguy, Ynog, Gerbil333, 777php
8th - somethingwitty, Steelnewfie, ijester
9th - yos, kumanchu, NOLOVE, Mrvile, habib89
10th - amdskip, novasatori, adambooth, dawnbug, Away, Rudee
11th - mundania, Marauder911, amish, ironcrotch, tontod, Canai, queenrobot
12th - cheezmunky, ViciouS, manlymatt83 (mjuszczak), destrekor, Seru Wolf, El Guaraguao, ArizonaSteve
13th - Azraele, jdoggg12
14th - bmacd, heylookitsjerry, om3gawave (NightDarker/jndietz/pOwder), Verse914
15th - Doolie11, geno, gar3555, Accipiter22, pinoy, DomS, MrMatt, CZroe, Ichinisan (last two are twins!), Snock514
16th - Dulanic, voodoojc, Poulsonator, Srfrbum
17th - UTmtnbiker, ZePHyRaNTHeS, JohnAn2112, jinduy
18th - AutumnRayne
19th - lastig21, Zysoclaplem, Rastus
20th - Kai920, SomeDude22, ShotgunSteven, PHiuR, Snagle, IMaN00BieGF, djheater
21st - Amorphus, BigSmooth, geckojohn, OREOSpeedwagon, dabuddha, YJK76, raildogg, Codewiz
22nd - JRS4224, Philippine Mango, Bucks, goku
23rd - kyparrish, thebestMAX, illusion88, yosuke188, Newfie, WingZero94, Asparagus
24th - Sacotool, KK, S Freud, compbuilder00
25th - fir3wir3, HomeBrewerDude, salt9876, tailes151
26th - PanzerIV, FeuerFrei, Aikouka
27th - ChrichtonsGirl, Muadib, Positron, BillyBatson, The Cornballer (ncircle), tfinch2, jcovercash
28th - BChild, Cyco, Megadeth, Iron Woode
29th - DevilsAdvocate, engineereeyore
30th - cavemanmoron, Spike


1st - blackdogdeek, Harvey, episodic, pac1085, talyn00, JoeFahey, Allen Iverson
2nd - FrankyJunior, silverpig, FiddleDD, gamefreakgcb, LCD
3rd - shiznut123, VAPOR, Turbopit, loai, Gobadgrs, Lonyo, wuggle, ITJunkie
4th - bootymac, nullshark, kevman, rpc64, virtueixi, Xylitol, Kadarin (Astaroth33), cardiac, Brian Stirling
5th - CombatChuk, F22 Raptor (Son of a N00b), gamepad, yobarman, gocubs2k5, KeithTalent, covert24, PhoKingGuy, John Connor
6th - adams, caitlion, ggnl, mesonw, Fritzo
7th - Lily27, AnnihilatorX, LuNoTiCK
8th - jorken, BlueWeasel, psiu, ITCHY96, BullyCanadian, Dualist
9th - bigrash, Pacfanweb, DadofOne, Beau, TallBill, God On Alcohol, Flammable, torpid, HybridSquirrel
10th - TheChort, ssvegeta1010, chari, mmntech, Thebobo
11th - fishy101, SlitheryDee, Riverhound777, Raybdbomb
12th - LtPage1, BW86, Arik5405
13th - DrPizza, buzzsaw13, redly1, Rufus12, zerolus, AceHoleGoober
14th - AmitPatel, raanemaan, nakedfrog, Citrix, raystorm, snoopy7548
15th - yobarman, Bolvangar, fisher, akubi, luappaul
16th - JoLLyRoGer, alfa147x
17th - conjur, zippo, Illusions89, dbk
18th - Indolent, aplefka, wiredspider, joecool
19th - RaDragon, gcliv, SecretAgentMan, arod324, basilisk420, Mith, brunswickite, BUTCH1
20th - DorkBoy, chr6
21st - Tiles2Tech, SouthPaW1227, vrbaba, Praetor
22nd - Don Vito Corleone (DonVito), w3stfa11, NoReMoRsE
23rd - azncoffeeboi, gflores, nife4, MrDingleDangle, PetunZ, blazerazor
24th - Taggart, Fraggable, andylawcc, mugs, Coolone
25th - Red, azazyel, LanceM, Polyfluoroethylene, l0cke, Proprioceptive, Protoman25
26th - ForeverSilky, AdamDuritz99, Bootprint, TechITguy, Jawo
27th - Skiddex, furie27, Lucifer, Darkstar757, SMOGZINN, MoSuaveA, BigPoppa, RedArmy, marulee, kirbstomp90, Capt Caveman
28th - IBhacknU, DesignDawg, veggiefrog, WhoBeDaPlaya, HopJokey, local
29th - PunDogg, jaysgirl, chrisrod01, nkgreen
30th - CrackRabbit, Catalyst18, RedCOMET, Schneider879, Ktulu, ballmode, Motek, BJay, Bee4945
31st - Kyteland, AngelSentFromUpAbove, HamburgerPimp, intercollector, brigden, Aflac, Qutlass, malbojah


1st - Rocksnow, Windogg, userman
2nd - 95SS, chowmein, RandomFool, Reel, Snowgirl, jdini76, bleuiko
3rd - Spoooon, quackagator, amicold, Tobolo, daveshel
4th - baclips6, wyvrn, boomerang
5th - Balt, aircooled, artikk (fka russianpower), PinmasterJay, techgamer
6th - datdamkid, SaltBoy, secretanchitman, xein, Darien, LoKe, masshass81, jyates, bdww00, Johnlee, H T C (Hoje Tive Cá)
7th - MartyMcFly3, bobtist, Tates, Willoughbyva, JRich, alimoalem
8th - Basse, i8mywindpie, TwinkleToes77, TreyRandom, ThePresence, mean6, Robert Munch
9th - munky, happybelly, LordUnum, dpert1
10th - rayma2, Defc0n6, TheoPetro, Quiksilver
11th - SKORPI0, Abhi, Aharami, AbsoluteParadigm, MuffD, mzkhadir, munisgtm
12th - enginjon, SaigonK, xXped0thugXx, Supermanowar, SuperTyphoon
13th - Vortex22, rh71, conlan, whalen, MrPabulum, Atomicus, NiKeFiDO, ahurtt, mageslayer
14th - joeblo123, urbantechie, DaveJ, Croton, whiteinches, Ed, blustori, luckysnafu, scottish144, irishScott, heathertre, dream2hike, Summit, blue703
15th - JustAnAverageGuy, SynthDude2001, Dee67, fritolays, KMDupont64, Captain Howdy
16th - aleckz, squirrel dog, mrchan, IndyColtsFan
17th - Elitebull, LordSnailz, isasir, dragonballgtz, latino666, Sensai, DigDog
18th - klee58, winr, ShadowBlade
19th - JasonK, BigDH01, Gibson486
20th - Phil, DivideBYZero, jimmypage13
21st - OutlawWolf, 2Xtreme21
22nd - KameLeon, Viper22, o9z, naruto1988, TuffGuy, bolomite, Theb
23rd - LAUST, blodhi74, TwiceOver
24th - Special1Sauce, ChooChooChooseMe, Krueger81
25th - bradruth, SeaSerpent, gooseman
26th - EMPshockwave82, LordMorpheus, TestedAcorn
27th - Reliant, Pooht, MechJinx, MoPHo, purbeast0, AmpedSilence
28th - ElectricAmish, rdubbz420, Jokersmoker, ConstipatedVigilante
29th - BMdoobieW, MBony
30th - Valhalla1, HappyFace, The Green Bean, FFactory0x


1st - MingChia, mariok2006, XabanakFanatik
2nd - ninjja, Zorn, 733SHiFTY, mrSHEiK124, Charmed, rockyct
3rd - AMDJunkie, Tremulant, HardcoreRobot, 49erinnc, sash1 (Kauru), Sixguns
4th - Waggy, ashpool, jpeyton, CaptnKirk, InverseOfNeo, Rockinacoustic, Kraft Single
5th - Farvacola, MetalMat
6th - PG, ChaoZ, Andres3605, ribbon13
7th - GhettoFob, DannyLove, Brutuskend, SilentVixen, Krk3561, WA261
8th - AnimeKnight, thahenchman, Skippy, LASTGUY2GETPS2, Azurik, Mackie2k, bababooey
9th - oldsmoboat, placebo139, conehead433, czech09, jagec, deathkoba, zanieladie, aesthetics, Compnewbie01, SunnyD
10th - Linflas, Rage187, Syrch, ViviTheMage, mafia
11th - Missus, crumpet19, xeno2060, d3lt4, krunchykrome
12th - CPA, FrustratedUser, Aquaman, GeekDrew
13th - GTaudiophile, deejayshakur, quasarsky, schneiderguy
14th - thEnEuRoMancER, lavie, sd, trmiv, spc hink
15th - mitmot, GuitarDaddy, Cameron, Casawi
16th - DPG0wnz, Crescent13, Cooler
17th - Kenny1234, rayjayturbo
18th - UlricT, Czar, wviperw, cronos (FKA saxguy), NissanGurl, monk3y
19th - ltk007, TheVrolok, MrAnderson, Actaeon, badmouse
20th - Napalm381, josphstalinator, tamade, gtsukada, EyeMWing, thecrecarc, Mucho, sjwaste, Oyeve
21st - nateholtrop, Electrode, dmcowen674, PowerMac4Ever, Uppsala9496, skyking, HombrePequeno
22nd - Quixfire, JackRipper, DaShen
23rd - divinemartyr, xospec1alk, erub, BatmanNate, TheInternet1980, busydude
24th - MrCraphead, eelw, NINaudio, hypn0tik, PingSpike, MangoTBG, RadiclDreamer
25th - Xede, ariafrost, sciencewhiz, gsethi, Rudy Toody, T_Yamamoto
26th - prodigy69, GoldenBear, Zanix, Syringer, carpenter, MotionMan, JD50
27th - Bignate603, Koing, rbrandon, Modeps, chronodekar, Andrew1990, Joseph F
28th - djdrastic, Schfifty Five
29th - dopcombo, gistech1978, vshah, ZeroEffect, joshsquall, GunsMadeAmericaFree, Rifter
30th - Pepsi90919, Pciber, dethman, MiranoPoncho
31st - Dead3ye, franguinho, lrad50, zoiks, chibchakan, SpazzyChicken, A Casual Fitz, BoomerD
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