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Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: JeffSpicoli
Well then, its obviously different tastes as I prefered the comics far more to the movie. In fact, I thought the movie was on par with most movies i've seen, at best. Alas, its a good thing we're all different. Wouldn't wish to be clones now
OK, we're all different. But AOTC still sucked, unless you are a Star Wars geek and believe Lucas can do no wrong.

BTW, I swear I heard Jar Jar say "Me so horny".

I thought TPM was REALLY awful, but I really enjoyed AOTC....so I believe Lucas does do wrong and that AOTC was a good movie....


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2000
well Attack of the Clones got off to a slow start, but the last half of the movie made up for the slow start and the crappy Episode 1. I really at one point was like blah... ok another ok star wars movie. But it quickly picked up the pace.

Jar Jar in AOTC didn't bother me. Maybe if they did his character in Episode 1 like that he wouldn't have been so bad. But mesa this mesa yousa mesa every 2 secs was annoying.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
I still didnt like Jar Jar.. he said "Muy Muy" something-or-other, and I'm like HOW the F*CK does this floppy eared jackass alien know Spanish..

and they should have picked a different character than Jar JAr to speakin front of the senate recommeding giving emergency power to the chancelor.. jar jar sounds like a retarded fool

I agree, I would have prefered a longer fight with anakin at the end, instead he (relatively quickly) gets his arm sliced half off and lays there while yoda owns up.

did anyone notice that when Padme and Anakin kiss at the hut their shadows merge and look like a shadow of Darth Vader?

u talking about the very end marriage scene? I didnt see it, I"m looking at the ftf mpeg right now.. must have been an earlier scene, or cropped off in this screener

regarding the Boba/Jengo thing... the cloning alien said Jengo wanted an unaltered clone with no accelerated growth, so it would have been a child... so it couldn't have been a clone that died in the arena scene, the clone was the kid


Senior member
Feb 3, 2002
all i can say is YIKES portman is hot...
as for mind control..it is possible but i dunno about lucas wanting to make her a "weak mind"


Platinum Member
Nov 7, 2001
This episode sucks. The lines were so corny! I could not take the romance lines that Anakin was using. Can that guy act?!


Senior member
Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: JeffSpicoli
Well then, its obviously different tastes as I prefered the comics far more to the movie. In fact, I thought the movie was on par with most movies i've seen, at best. Alas, its a good thing we're all different. Wouldn't wish to be clones now
OK, we're all different. But AOTC still sucked, unless you are a Star Wars geek and believe Lucas can do no wrong.

BTW, I swear I heard Jar Jar say "Me so horny".
Ummm... no. I thought the movie was great, and most of us that do like it know that Lucas can do wrong (e.g. Episode 1). But this movie made up for it in my opinion and then some. When watching fantasy movies, remember to let your imagination play around a bit. Trying to think critically while watching fantasy/sci-fi would drive anyone mad from the various mistakes.


Senior member
Jul 24, 2001
Okay gotta throw in my .02--

First up, MASTER Yoda... now we know why he is MASTER!!!:Q

Jango wanted someone to call son... to learn how to follow in daddy's footsteps, who better than himself. Dooku didn't arrange for the Clone Army, Sidious did it as part of the plan... to catapult him into power. There was no REAL seperatists movement. At least not to the extent that Palpatine claimed. And Anakin lost his arm because he lost control... despite his power he is still an Apprentice.

I agree that some of the humor could have been cut without too much loss... but remember that there was some mixed in throughout the entire series. The whole Threepio head thing, ehh... should not have been allowed!

Anakin wiped out an entire Tusken tribe!!:Q

BTW did I mention Yoda!!!

All together I'm satisfied with this sequel to the series... much better than TPM


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
hm... from most of the ep2 comments i've been reading off ATOT the last few days, it sounds like i should just download cd2 and skip the first half.



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000

boba *IS* jango's clone. they said that jango requested an unaltered clone of himself, WITH NO GROWTH ACCELERATION.



Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
I haven't seen the movie yet but I do want to point out one thing with the corny romance lines: Take any one person from this board and drop them into a completely different area of the world and make them use the native language for their romance lines. They are going to be corny. A Jedi doesn't even spend 10% of the time that we do thinking about the opposite sex. He may be older but I bet socially, he is a 13 year old. (AKA I highly doubt he's had much experience in the courting arena.)


Senior member
May 15, 2001
hmmm....i didnt expect senator Palpetine to be Darth Sideous....i mean those jedi can probably sense the presence of 'the force' or something like that...
and who exactly order the clone armies to be made 10 years ago ?
and i didnt expect to see the part where yoda giving orders in the middle of a battle field...and of course the other scene when he's 'flying'....haha


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
This movie was great. It had a little more comedy than the originals but not much. Star Wars always had a little bit of cornyness about it.

As for the shadow, I thought it was before Anikan and Padme were hugging. It was a profile shadow of him. Very nice effect.

I was a little disappointed to see Jar-Jar as much as we did. I had hoped we would see him killed.

Yoda is _THE_ master Jedi!

I thought it was great. Totally better than Jedi, IMHO. Was it better than ANH? Hard to say because ANH is more of an entity than a actual film.

Anyway coolest part was totally Yoda. The audience went NUTS during that scene. I must have yelled "Holy s***" a half dozen times during that part.

Who knew R2D2 could fly?

For all those complaining about bad acting, it's Star Wars for God's sake! Like Luke or Solo were Shakespearian actors in 4 - 6? Christopher Lee (Sauraman, um, I mean Goober um whatever his name was) was great. His voice is god!

Ok the scene where Darth's mom dies was stupid. The scene right after rocked. A l

Thank God for no stupid midichlorian crap. I guess Lucas will delete that part from EP1: The Special Edition.



Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2000
i thought it was pretty good. i can't complain. it is star wars though. not a real big movie for acting like something like a beautiful mind and whatnot. so don't be expecting amazing acting. that's not what star wars is about. besides, yoda is awesome. that alone should make up for it. and the fights were pretty nice. btw, i like that multicolored dress of padmé's a the lake. that's a beautiful dress.


Golden Member
Feb 13, 2001
It's Jango, not jingo and Boba Fett is his unaltered clone. There.

On a 1 to 10 scale, I think I would have to call SW:AOTC a 7. I liked it overall but it just wasn't a compelling movie 100% of the time. More like %30 of the time. For a star wars movie, I was a bit disappointed by the atmosphere of the movie. Alot of Tatooine and Naboo really didn't look all that convincing or it looked way too natural (read Earth 2002). Tatooine was still cool, but I noticed a few of the backgrounds were about as convincing as politicians. Naboo was annoying to me, because the switches between Obi wan and Anakin/Padme were sudden and surreal. It looked like we were watching two completely unrelated movies at once. One a sci-fi/action flick the other a Period time romance. A bad one at that too. Other's have covered anakin in detail so I'll leave him .

Obi wan's story was faar more interesting than the Anakin's. I actually felt interested in these bits, unlike the romance which you kinda tune out. The acting in Obi wan's is much better too. The environments were also far more alienesque and futuristic. Little bits, but on the whole they make the movie good on their merit alone.

I didn't like that damn factory sequence either (sorry there's lotsa things I don't like). One minute we're watching star wars the next Indiana Jones! It was also a little sloppily done. Missing bits and the like. Dragged on for a little too long too. And while the spaceship flybys were cool and all in the intro, it was obvious they kept doing it just because of that. 2 was enough, 4 is excessive.

The battle scenes were quite entertaining, although the Jedi in the background seemed curiously inept. I noticed they often covered up the extra jedi with clones marching in front etc. It would have been nice to see them receive some attention too, but in all respects it doesn't really detract from the scenes. Samuel Jackson was a little unconvincing in his action scenes. It wouldn't be hard really to top his scenes for Best Action Sequence or whatever it is. But they were as always in star wars movies, fun and intense. Obi Wan vs Jango was quite good too. The asteroid scene was slick and filled it out nicely. As an Australian I almost had to laugh when little Boba spoke.

Yoda vs Count Dooku. Great, nuf said. People went nuts when they saw this. It was damn good! Go Yoda go! I love the way he then reverts to the hobbling jedi. His appearance causing his opponents to underestimate him. This bit was interesting for me too, because way way back in time I had heard that Yoda levitated and just force controlled his saber in front of him. Cos he lacked physical strength but had great force power.

The last scene where anakin and padme get married? That's what it looked like anyway. Once again the switch was surreal and you felt like it was another movie.

Still I liked the movie overall. It was far better than Ep1 (Less of Jar-Jar can only be good) and advanced the story well. Good action sequences and an intriguing plot made up for the crap romance parts. They were bad for romance scenes let alone a movie.

hmmm....i didnt expect senator Palpetine to be Darth Sideous....i mean those jedi can probably sense the presence of 'the force' or something like that...

But do remember Senator Palpatine becomes Emperor Palpatine. Also the force is unbalanced at the time of these movies. That's why the Jedi aren't as great as they were in Ep1 (and in Ep1 they were diminished as well). So the dark side being stronger than the light side, Sith are able to mask themselves from Jedi. The balance doesn't get restored until the end of Return of the Jedi. It's the sub plot beneath the main movie, well it's the underlying plot anyway.

Yoda! Yoda! Yoda!
Oi! Oi! Oi!

I didn't like that damn factory sequence either (sorry there's lotsa things I don't like). One minute we're watching star wars the next Indiana Jones! It was also a little sloppily done. Missing bits and the like.

Hehe, when I saw that scene I was like, "welp, this part will be in the video game for sure."


Jul 23, 2001
I just saw this at the midnight showing, and it was really good!! Some really awesome special effects and an Epic battle in the end, and even Yoda gets in on the action. Despite some bad dialogue and some inconsistencies, the movie is a lot of fun and I enjoyed watching it and would see it again! We even got to see the trailer of the original star wars movie before it started; and it was cool to see how far they have come since then. I was really impressed by how the cities and planets were depicted and the space scenes and asteroid fields looked. I also enjoyed the humor they added and one of the best things is that jar jar isn't in it very much at all! Definitely much better than the first one!

I'd definitely recommend it for everyone to see! It just sucks now that the next one won't come out for quite a while!!


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2000
I love this movie! After Episode I'd totally lost all expectation on future episodes of star wars. But this is really one big pleasant surprise.

YODA!!!!!!!!!! (that's the only thing I can say after the movie outside of the theatre....

One thing I didn't like is the fact that R2 flow.....What the hell? It makes the R2 in episode 4 looks almost like a disabled droid........

The profile shadow of Anikan looks like Darth Vadar. No question about it.

Obiwan-kenobi's investigation is the best part IMHO


Jun 5, 2001
This movie really sucked. They should've spent more time on the story instead of 6 minutes in a chase scene in the beginning, and all the "nifty" little CG sequences all around. The movie was so totally overrated. I know that most people, and I say most because some people just have petty minds, who like this movie are just hardcore Star Wars fans. If George Lucas doesn't do a kicka$$ third movie to completely redeem himself, then I think he should just disown the first three, and say there was only one Star Wars, the original trilogy.

Boba is Jengo's son. Don't be stupid, it's so completely obvious.

Yoda fight scene is retarded. He has trouble moving, and then he jumps around like he's Spider-Man.

Dooku is stronger than Yoda (muscles), therefore in certain scenes, should've easily overtaken him. Don't give me that Yoda was using the proper techniques or anything, it's just lame how that was made.

I hope George Lucas sees my rant and comes to my door to "kick my a$$" like in Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, so that I can really give him what he deserves, a huge kick in the crotch.


Jul 18, 2000
and they should have picked a different character than Jar JAr to speakin front of the senate recommeding giving emergency power to the chancelor.. jar jar sounds like a retarded fool
No, Jar Jar was actually central to this. He is a weak minded creature who I'm convinced Palpatine used the mind trick on to get him to make the motion to give him emergency powers. That whole scene where they are discussing the powers and Palp keeps looking to Jar Jar and saying something along the lines of "If only a noble Senator would introduce such a bill in the Senate" had me cringing because you just know Jar Jar has the mental capacity of a 3 year old and that he can be easily controlled.


Jan 24, 2002
It's amazingly hilarious to see that the most notable person in the movie was a character done in CG.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
No, Jar Jar was actually central to this. He is a weak minded creature who I'm convinced Palpatine used the mind trick on to get him to make the motion to give him emergency powers. That whole scene where they are discussing the powers and Palp keeps looking to Jar Jar and saying something along the lines of "If only a noble Senator would introduce such a bill in the Senate" had me cringing because you just know Jar Jar has the mental capacity of a 3 year old and that he can be easily controlled.
Exactly. I noticed this too, almost saw it coming before you even noticed JarJar was there.

It was kind of weird that the cloners said that Sifo-Dyas ordered the army, but Jango Fett said Tyrannous (Dooku) made the deal with him. I'm not sure Sifo-Dyas is Siddeous, because Obi-Wan seems to think he had been killed longer than 10 years ago.

It's really interesting how you see the dark side weaken the light side thoughout this movie. Anakin's transition was pretty evident, you could definatly tell it in his fighting technique (he attacked, light Jedi rarely attack, they use the force for defense). It might have been cool to see how he fought both before and after his mothers death and the slaughter of the sand people.

Who else thinks N'sync's part was still in the movie? Lucas said all along that their uncredited cameo would be short, and that you'd never catch it. So rather then reshoot and reedit the shot with them in it, why not just tell the world he took it out, but keep it in there because no one would notice anyway (and they certainly wouldn't be looking for it). The battle on Geneosis was pretty crazy, it'd have been hard to pick them out of it.
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