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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'm wondering whether or not Lucas will make Palpentine Anakin's farther... or if not if we'll be introduced to Anakin's father or know who he is.

I think either its going to be Palpentine or it'll be nobody. I hope that its not Palp because that just makes it too perfect and neat to where everything fits together.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2002
Originally posted by: neomits
I'm wondering whether or not Lucas will make Palpentine Anakin's farther... or if not if we'll be introduced to Anakin's father or know who he is.

I think either its going to be Palpentine or it'll be nobody. I hope that its not Palp because that just makes it too perfect and neat to where everything fits together.

They already established that Anakin didn't have a father in Episode 1.



Senior member
Apr 7, 2002
In backstory, there's a reason as to why there is only 1 master 1 apprentice in the Sith world. It was explained in the Zahn books, iirc. I think it creates jealousy and one would end up killing the other. I think it was easy for Sidious to take Dooku as his apprentice, because he had been a Jedi for a long time and had that training. Maul must have taken longer to train.

The reason that there is only one Sith Master and one apprentice is not really complicated, but it takes a little while to explain. Years ago, there were just as many Sith as there were Jedi. However, the Sith, being evil, eventually started fighting amongst themselves, and all but one master was killed (as Mace Windu said in Episode 1: "All the Sith were destroyed"). None of the Jedi knew of the surviving Sith.

To avoid all of that (the Sith killing eachother) happening again, the lone surviving Sith decided that there would always be only two, a master and an apprentice. The Sith also wanted to remain in secret. It is a lot easier to hide two people than a whole group of them.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2002
What's up with the silver bullet ship? Come on, CGI is supposed to seem atleast somewhat realistic. Have some texture on that shiny piece of garbage. Traveling through sand, rain, dirt, space dust, molecular clouds, etc... has to do some corrosion and/or wear and tear on the ship. A titanium like ship will stand out as synthetic more than add to the futuristic atmosphere. It's really distracting.
Don't you think that they would have developed a material that doesn't exist here (remember, Star Wars happens "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...") that would not corrode easily? Even the ships that had textures in the other movies only got burn marks when hit with laser blasts. I think that they are sufficiently advanced to build things that don't easily rust or corrode, and that ship wasn't old either.

Boba Fett, why do you die so easily?
Boba Fett didn't die, Jango Fett did. And it wasn't exactly easy. It took quite a few attempts to kill him.

Jedi's, why do you die so easily?
Ummm... because they are only mortal. No matter how powerful in the Force they are, they still can be killed by a well placed blaster bolt. And I doubt even the best Jedi would deflect the sheer number of shots they were facing with their Lightsaber.

I could dissect and refute the rest of your post, but I am too tired at this point.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2002
Originally posted by: fatbaby
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
Well the Federation = The Empire isn't it? (At least it will be)



Palpatine go crazy and kill everyone w/clones and then build death star and everyone who opposes him go hide or surrrender

Thats why you don't see battle droids in 5, 6, and 7
There is no episode seven.
A New Hope is episode 4
The Empire Strikes Back is episode 5
Return of the Jedi is episode 6

Ok heres my n00b question:

How teh fux0r can those star destroyers hover in an atmosphere?

You cleary see humans standing upright on tatooine, which means the gravitational field is the same as the earths. Now those star destroyers must way at least 100000 tons, keeping something like that in a stationary hovering position requires a LOT of lift...But since the boosters on a stardestroyer are located at the rear, how does one generate that lift?
The same way every other ship/speeder hovers in Star Wars: anti-gravity generators. Almost every single ship in the Star Wars movies takes off from a stationary landing pad, and doesn't thrust up like a space ship. Therefore, there is some kind of anti gravity technology in use.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Ok heres my n00b question:

How teh fux0r can those star destroyers hover in an atmosphere?

You cleary see humans standing upright on tatooine, which means the gravitational field is the same as the earths. Now those star destroyers must way at least 100000 tons, keeping something like that in a stationary hovering position requires a LOT of lift...But since the boosters on a stardestroyer are located at the rear, how does one generate that lift?
The same way every other ship/speeder hovers in Star Wars: anti-gravity generators. Almost every single ship in the Star Wars movies takes off from a stationary landing pad, and doesn't thrust up like a space ship. Therefore, there is some kind of anti gravity technology in use.

Thats kind of right. The ships that are shown in Episode II are MUCH MUCH smaller than the Imperial Star Destroyers that you know of in the original trilogy. You could say that they are sort of the battle ships of the imperial navy (The ISDs (Imperial Star Destroyers)) And you also saw the Super Star Destroyer in Empire. That could be considered an aircraft carrier or something. The ships in episode II are a lot smaller called Vicotry Class Star Destroyers. Their benefit was that they could land and go into a planet's atmosphere. So not only are the a lot smaller than the ones you are used to... they also do have anti-gravity/lift technology. How do you think they have those speeders float. They don't use actually rocket lift like we know of. There is some other technology.


Senior member
Apr 12, 2002
Im a genuine Star Wars Fan......i just watched it and......STARWARS FREAKIN' RULEZ....the movie was awesome and terrific....the romance scenes werent that bad...its not like i was moved or something....but they were ok...Episode one wasnt that engaging...this episode was terrific and the action is mind numbing.....some people are too critical of the acting..i felt the acting was fine and normal....they are freakin young people in love dammit!!!!....dont be over critical....i really felt happy after watching the movie....

people who criticize the acting in the movie are people who were never fans in the first place like this b!tch my girlfriend( yeah she deserved it this time) who kept giggling during the love scenes because she found them silly and in the process trivializing the greatness of the movie i was watching. im pretty sure that people would have laughed if darth vader was newly introduced in the series with his heavy breathing and made fun of it. whew!.......Star Wars Rulez.....



Golden Member
Apr 16, 2000
Well that was at least 10x better than the Phantom Menace... although it did prove that "Attack of the Clones" was not only a stupid title, but also a completely innaccurate description of the movie. Bravo George!


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
i]They already established that Anakin didn't have a father in Episode 1.[/i]

ok, this is what happened, lord sidious ventured to the land of tatooine, used the jedi trick on shmii and then anakin popped out, is that so hard to fathom? LOL.


Dec 5, 2001
Well,I hope Starwars goes on for ever and ever but there is only episode left:-/
I saw the first one 1976 and it was an amazing film back then with all the effects.These films kick as serious,you people complaining about them need help..;-)
Why did Anakin join the dark side and in wich episode will he join them??


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
OK i saw this movie friday night.. to see episode 1 i skipped school and waited over 5 hours in line for tickets and i was left dissapointed for the most part so was not too anxious to see episode II. I DID NOT LIKE THE MOVIE! First off the acting was SO horrible! Everytime Anikin spoke i thought he was going to bust out in tears, i swear i could kick his ass from here to tatooine faster than the millenium falcon can take him there! Then natalie portman fell in love with him WAY too fast and too easy... if they had a past together from being around each other so much in the last 10 years, then ok it would have been believeable.... cuz that chemistry would have always been between them, but come on they have not seen each other for 10 years! which means anikin was still only a kid! so there is no way she could have been in love with a kid so HOW is there chemistry when they have only been around each other 2 days! maybe she thought he was cute, but love?! BAH!. Anikins scene with his mom, what are the odds she dies right after he finds her? not liek she was captured THAT day! it has been a friggen month!!!!!!! plus while she was talking she seemed to have a lot of strength lol, so ok she dies and he gets mad, why does it not show him kill all those people! i mean a pivotal moment that helps the ball roll towards darth vadarville and we don't even see it!!!!! Also someone already said thsi on the first page but come on! the big jedi fight scene, 3/4 of the Jedi's were probably the camara mans friends and family playing extra's, if you pay attention most didn't even know what to do, they were just swinging their hands hoping that when the CGI light sabers were added that it would look good...
what i did like about the movie: natalie portman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i would so marry her in a second!!!!!! (serious question, does anyone know how to send an e-mail TO natalie portman?! if so PM me PLEASE).. natalie portman, natalie portman wearing that blue dress, natalie portman kicking a beast things ass, natalie portman tell anikin to not look at her that way because it makes her "uncomfortable' HAHAHAHAHAAH~!, yoda's fight scene!!!!!!!!!! and natalie portman!!!!!!!!!!!... and i did kind of like how they made all the storm troopers altered clones of jenga/boba fett, epiosde 4,5,6 never shows a face so they played with this..

Things i noticed: i don't know if pthers noticed this as i am too lazy to ready all 5 pages of this thread rofl, so here they are...

1-Everyone should already knwo by now, Boba Fett was Jenga FettaCheese's unaltered clone! NOT his son! though i want to know if boba KNOWS he is a clone, or if he really thinks he is his son..

2-When obi and ani go into that bar after the hitwoman, obi says somethgin tot he effect of "harm will one day come to me by your doing ani" referrign to his carelessness and anikin says "no don't say such thigns master"..... as we all know anikin ends up killing obi in episode 4, is the word i am looking for Irony?

3-I am pretty sure it was in episode 4, at the very beginning of the movie? on the death star when all those generals are sitting around at the table, i think it was right before darth vadar walks in, or it was after he leaves, one of the generals says "Darth vadar is more machine than man..." this of course at the time was probably referring to his personality but now they made it out so he was referring to his robotic arm

umm i think that is it for now, i am sure there was thing else but now i forgot...

ps: is all the storm troopers in episodes 4,5,6 are superior altered clones of jenga/boba fett therefor real smart, good at what they do etc, did they SUCK! most were plain idiots rofl HAHA so they kinda ruined it there hard to believe they are are clones

in conclusion, bad acting, bad fighting, bad movie, good natalie portman <


Feb 15, 2001
hehe didn't really know who Christopher Lee was until i saw lotr and eps 2, but dang he's old!! he doesn't look all that old either, i thought he was 60. pretty agile for a oldster.

from his bio

"Is the only member of the cast and crew of Lord of the Rings to have met Tolkien. "

ps: is all the storm troopers in episodes 4,5,6 are superior altered clones of jenga/boba fett therefor real smart, good at what they do etc, did they SUCK! most were plain idiots rofl HAHA so they kinda ruined it there hard to believe they are are clones

original clone army are altered clones of jango fett. boba is unaltered clone of jango. 2nd altered clone army is cloned from boba i don't think they make the clones smart as much as they tweak them for unquestioning obedience.

2-When obi and ani go into that bar after the hitwoman, obi says somethgin tot he effect of "harm will one day come to me by your doing ani" referrign to his carelessness and anikin says "no don't say such thigns master"..... as we all know anikin ends up killing obi in episode 4, is the word i am looking for Irony?

i think its more "you'll be the death of me" or something and yes i'm sure everyone got that one

First off the acting was SO horrible! Everytime Anikin spoke i thought he was going to bust out in tears

Acting? Come on, it's Star Wars dude. You think the acting was any good in Episodes 4 - 6?

Say this in one breath - "I really hope that old man got that tractor beam out of comission or this is gonna be one really short trip ok Chewie punch it!!!"

And on implusablities, try this MAJOR Star Wars implausabilty on for size:



Oct 17, 1999
I saw Ep II in the theater yesterday. I recommend going to see it. It was a bit long but still very entertaining and visually amazing. It offers plenty of action: explosions, murder, and mayhem to please even the most demanding consumer.

Is there a reason(s) Fett was chosen as the clone donor?


Couple of little things I liked about the film ** spoilers **

Humor. They really had some good humor that was almost un-Star Wars like. When Ani and Padme kiss for the first time and she cuts him off the romantic music cuts off too. Very funny.

When the big tin box was talking to Saruman (hehe, he will always be Saruman to me) and he had to adjust his dials to talk.

Obi-Wan to Ani, "Why do I get the feeling that one day you'll be the death of me?"

The staple line, "I've got a bad feeling about this" from Ani in the arena.

Any Gonk sitings?

Ok, the 3PO arena thing was Jar-jar stupid. But not enough to ruin the movie.


Sep 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Rogue
Did anyone also notice that the symbol of the Republic is the same as the symbol of the coming Empire? Even Obi-wan's ship had the symbol on it as well as all the clones/storm troopers. I hadn't seen anyone mention that anyone in this entire thread so far.

The wing of Obi-wan's craft is marked with a symbol of a disc with eight spokes. This ancient icon dates to the bendu monk's study of numerology wherein the number nine (eight spokes joined to one dissc) signifies the beneficent preence of the force in a unitary galaxy.

After the fall of the Galactic Republic 1,000 generations later, the Emperor will personalize this symbol by defacing the icon with the removal of TWO spokes.

Original Icon
Empire Icon at top of page


Senior member
Apr 22, 2001
BillyBatson needs to get out more he doesn't have a healthy attitude. I'm sure portman would love to hear from you.

Go read the script from this link.here
You will see all the cut scenes. Anakin actually had a lot of lines cut,which explains his sudden mood changes, but it's done to speed pace
There is speculation there will be a 4 hour director's cut on the dvd this fall.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
Just got back from seeing ep2. I saw in a digital theater

First 30 minutes I just sat there in awe. It looked GREAT! I don't does the credit belong to advance CGI or digital cinema, but it was the best looking movie I have seen!

The dialogue wasn't really good, but it was nowhere near as bad as I expected it. And the story in general was clearly better than in ep1.

In short: I liked it

EDIT: No, I didn't like it. I LOVED it !


Nov 4, 1999
guyver01 - I hadn't noticed that... Looks like Lucas is adding an elusion of the Nazi bastardization of Svastikah for the Empire's symbol...

As for the Uber's opinion of "ATTACK OF THE CLONES!"...

Better than Phantom Menace - not better than IV, V or even *gasp* VI!


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2000
I saw EP2 on Friday, and then just had to go back Saturday to see it again. I thought Hayden Christensen (sp?) did a very good job playing Anikan. He had some scenes that I thought could have been very bad scenes, but weren't, because of the job he did. Also Dooku was GREAT. A much, much better character than Maul was. Overall I thought the movie was excellant. Better than EP1, EP4 and EP6, and almost as good as EP5.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2002
I thought it was a great movie. I like the Star Wars series, I've seen them all at the theater when they've come out (although I don't remember seeing ANH all that well, I was only 4, but I do remember Darth Vader's first enterence...wow)
Overall, I'd say it definately ranks above TPM and ROTJ, I actually like it better than ANH, but that movie is an entity to itself. Of course the best still is ESB. I'm hoping Episode III rivals ESB, after being extemely disappointed by Episode I, Episode II was that much more enjoyable to watch. To those that were disapointed and/or disliked Episode II, lighten up. Could it have been better, probably. Just take it at face value. The Star Wars series has never been about the acting or dialogue. George Lucas himself admitted he's not a storyteller, he's a film maker. The purpose of the film was to entertain, and entertain it did. Unlike when I saw Episode I, I did not hear one negative comment about this one coming out of the theater. I for one was satisfied and then some with the film.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2001
I'm interested in reading the books now, is there any recommendation as to where to start? Which book takes place immediately after ROTJ?

Thanks for your help,

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