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Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2001
I'm a sucker for ground-combat sequences. I think more of that, and better areial views of the marshalling yards with tons of clones in them woulda been cool


May 16, 2001
The same actor playes both Palpatine and Sideous... so unless they do something dumb, they have to be the same person.


Senior member
Apr 22, 2001
Originally posted by: LordJezo
The same actor playes both Palpatine and Sideous... so unless they do something dumb, they have to be the same person.

do they say that in the credits? It obviously is but I wonder if they hide it, I thought they just list the actors names not who they played.


Dec 12, 2000
if u watch any of the star wars 4,5,6 yes palatine is the evil emperor, so yes, they are ths same now. looks like he's been planning for quite some time, he sees everything that happens, except where vader picks him up and throws him over the railing like a rag doll. i wonder why the emperor didnt just use the force to levitate, since vader wasnt using the force to push him down further or anything, cuz he was attending his son


Senior member
Apr 22, 2001
Just browsing http://www.theforce.net/ which is an excellant resource.

cbs interviews

here is a summary of cut scenes

SW2: Deleted Scene Depository
Padme's Address
After the attempted assassination on Padme in the opening, Padme and Palpatine address the senate. A particularly lengthy a moving speech opposing the Military Creation Act.

Concentrate, my Young Padawan
A short scene involving Anakin meditating outside Padme's door. You may have seen this as a Lucas Select photo.

Don't Talk Back
Anakin had more of a conflict with Obi-Wan, including a shot featuring the line, "I've heard this lesson before."

The Lost 20
Jocasta Nu (the Jedi archivist) tells Obi-Wan of the 20 Lost Jedi and about the "great" Count Dooku at length in the scene where he is looking for clues in his adventure. A bust of Dooku can be seen.

Explaining the Lost Jedi
Yoda and Mace discuss the lost Jedi who abandon the Order with Obi-Wan. Anakin's Warning Signs
Mace converses with Obi-wan on the platform before and after Obi-1 get's in his Starfighter. Obi-Wan tells Mace of his aprehensions of Anakin taking Padme back to Naboo and he feels a disturbance in Anakin's feelings. You might have seen this shot in the SW Insider magazine.

More Remorse for Tusken Slaughter
There was more to the extended "work shop" scene with Annie and Padme after he killed the Tuskens. Anakin cries (which we saw) - but continues on where he talks of his remorse for doing it and Padme tells him that he is only human.

Padme Wants Obi-Wan
After Padme's capture on Geonosis, she pleads with Dooku to free Obi-Wan.

Up for Sentencing
In one scene filmed but forgotten, Padme and Anakin are brought before the Trial of Genoisians and sentenced to die in the Arena.

Dooku Uses 2 Sabers
Dooku fights Yoda with TWO lightsabers. Picture 1 Picture 2.

Padme's Family Scenes
Padme's family scenes were presented in some detail. All of her family was cast, but in the end they were deleted from the final cut of the film.

Padme Finishes Threepio
The still naked C-3P0 and the scene of Padme putting on his coverings. (Petersen)

Padme and Beru
Taramidala saw a promo pic at one point of Padme and Beru in the kitchen on Tatooine. I seem to remember thinking that they had a scene or two together. Unfortunately, all plot development there was cut and the Lars scene reduced to significant cameos. Picture here.

Attack of the Massifs
Obi-Wan was originally going to be attacked by Mountain beast. We saw Obi-Wan walking down a path on Geonosis whe he was quickly drawing his lightsabre, swirling it in a fast move! He obviously killed the attacker and put the sabre back on the belt. (Hankytonk and Isopren)

Join me, Amidala
After Anakin and Amidala are captured, Dooku meets with them at the round table and tries to convince Amidala to join the separatists. (DarthZod)

Boba Will Return
Boba Fett flying away from Geonosis, no doubt his heart filled with vengeance for the Jedi, who have just killed his father. The scene I recall reading about was Boba putting on his father's helmet and jetpack and blasting from the arena. (Obiwan_1138)

Ki and Plo in Action
Filmed but not used, Ki-Adi and Plo Koon mission to blow up the Trade Federation Control Core. Thanks to Thodge for this one, and you'll remember call sheets detailing the attack and this is why when the battle ends they are to be escorted in. It is a shame, I wanted to so Plo rock the rock! The first and major scene happens during the arena battle. When Kenobi and Windu are fighting back to back Obi wan says "We need to shut down these droid's" to which Mace replies "already taken care of". The apparently you see a group of jedi, led by Plo Kloon, fight there way into a parked battle ship and shut down the droids. The droids shut down and the jedi cheer, but then the droids power up again. (Blakeley)

Jar Jar's once had more scenes, including diplo-dialect (more mature language than Gungan) scenes. Also the laughter after he says, "Dellow Fellagates." (Hubzilla)

You Big Tease
A fantasticly written scene about Anakin teasing Padme about having Jedi powers. (bleh19)

Analysis Droid
The droid is still referenced in the film, but the SP-4 Analysis Droid (formerly PK-4) was set to appear in the film as well but was ultimately cut. (Hook)

More Jango Fighting!
Part of the Obi-wan Jango fight has been deleted. I'm not talking about the storyboards, but, when Obi-Wan comes through the doors, he ignites saber, deflects two bolts, and then the fight really jumps to him taking a swing at Jango who takes off. Now, part of the footage that was inbetween those two parts was even in the commercials and the trailer! However even if that had stayed in there was still a jump. They did film it of course, it's seen in the Fett making of documentary. (Tomcat84)

The Red Wire
Obi-Wan was supposed to be pulling the chord on the assassin droid on Coruscant which makes it begin to fall. He tangles more wires together and it regains flight. (Rick)

Calm Him Down
Mace and Jango on both sides of the Reek trying to get to the dropped lightsaber underneath it. Mace Force-calms the Reek. (lilmacumd)

Bar Bouncer
Another deleted scene was before anakin and obi wan enter the bar, they are greeted with a bouncer who says jedi are not permitted to enter. The old rumor was that Anakin ignites his lightsaber to intimidate him but Obi-Wan uses a Jedi mind trick to enter. (JZ)

Sidious to Dooku
I'm not sure if this was a scene, but you can get a lot of ideas of lost scenes from the toys. The Count Dooku figure comes with a hologram of Darth Sidious. So I would reason to guess that there was a planned scene with those two in some manner. Maybe, on the Solar Sailer? (Red Two)

Obi-Wan Avoids Zam's Shots
The scene was supposed to start when Zam Fires shots at obiwan. Obiwan senses the first shot and ignites his lightsaber with 1 hand and deflects many bolts while holding onto the assasin droid at the same time. As the droid get closer to Zam, the shots get harder to deflect. Obiwan can now see the mysterious assasin a little more. One of her shots finally hit the droid and and it hits and Kenobi goes falling towards the lower levels of Coruscant and Zam manages to escape. (ZachMX)

Speeder Obstruction
Among the things I noticed missing from episode 2 was a scene that is in the novelization, and I noticed it in some behind the scenes video. During the chase on Coruscant, a flag obstructs one of the front engines of the hot rod. Obi-Wan leans out over the front of the speeder to remove it, and is almost thrown off. In the behind the scenes footage, there's a red cloth draped over one of the engines. I don't remember which BTS footage this was on (I've seen a ton of it over the past couple of weeks) but if I find it again, I'll let you know. (Sio)

Boba Fett: Quick Thinker
I seem to recall a spoiler a couple of months ago about some deleted Jango/Boba dialogue. After Boba uses the Slave 1 tail guns to run interference and Jango manages to escape, he tells his surrogate son that he did a "Nice job", or "Quick thinking" or something to that effect. This didn't show up in the non-digital cut. (Damn)

Blasted Droid
R2-T7 an R2 Unit is a sneak preview figure that is to get blasted at some point, and while a significant role may have been reduced, he can still be seen just behind Padme and her Captain Typho just prior to the Senator's ship exploding. He is blown to pieces and can be seen smodering in the debris. (Mike)

Cut Bail Organa Line
In the clone war trailer we see Bail Organa saying "we have to stop them before they are ready". Now, I have seen the film twice and did not see this in there. (Luke)

Throwing Sabers
I remember a spoiler report that said Anakin force-threw a lightsaber into an enemy (or something), like it was a spear. I think this was in the Droid factory (or the Arena). I hope you remember hearing about this too or maybe I am just being delusional. (Kip)

Aurra Sing Cut?
And does anybody know why George Lucas went back on his statement to Michonne Borriague that Aurra Sing would be more prominent in Ep. II? (Chris)

Not a Little Boy
In one of the trailers, Padme calls Anakin "Ani" and he petulantly replies something like "Stop calling me that; It makes me sound like a little boy." Probably dropped because it's adequately covered in other dialogue. (David)

Man if the dvd comes with a 4 hour directors cut I think true sw fans would be in heaven. Lucas has already said the (released) version is not the movie he expected., on MTV TRL Star Wars Special w/Dorkson Daily.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I believe I heard the first weekend grossed 110 million but don't quote me on that. I think this movie is going to have more "staying power" in the theaters than PM. This one has a lot more than the Star Wars name going for it.


Senior member
Apr 12, 2002
whatever happened to the scene in which nsync was supposed to be there...i totally forgot abt that...any input would beappreciated.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: XFreebie
if emperor/senator palpatine is the strongest/top dark force person, then he could have used the dark force to invsibly put his seed into anakin's mother, hence anakin has no real father and is a bastard, yet has the highest mitochondria count since he is a direct decesndant of the force (dark). hey politicians like spreading their seed, bill clinton and the evil empire

Its midiclorians, not mitochondria, thats part of cellular reproduction asshat


Senior member
Apr 12, 2002
Originally posted by: spamsk8r
Originally posted by: XFreebie
if emperor/senator palpatine is the strongest/top dark force person, then he could have used the dark force to invsibly put his seed into anakin's mother, hence anakin has no real father and is a bastard, yet has the highest mitochondria count since he is a direct decesndant of the force (dark). hey politicians like spreading their seed, bill clinton and the evil empire

Its midiclorians, not mitochondria, thats part of cellular reproduction asshat

ROFL didnt understand earlier how mitochondria was there in the discussion.



Dec 12, 2000
i forgot the name of em but i remembered the word was something like mitochondria, they have similiar function anyway...


Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Ramsnake
whatever happened to the scene in which nsync was supposed to be there...i totally forgot abt that...any input would beappreciated.

yah, i saw something about that, what happened?


Feb 15, 2001
there were about 200 jedi in the collesium battle from the book so i guess they were killed off screen.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Fritzo
I just thought of a theory as to why Jedi's in episodes 4, 5, and 6 seem to disintegrate when they die after seeing episode 2: Does anyone think that in episode 3 the Jedi's were given a drug to cause them to disintegrate so their bodies wouldn't be cloned? I dunno...I'm bored and my geek is showing

That might be reserved for Jedi Masters. I mean, we have seen Yoda, Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan turn in to "ghosts". Now, you can debate whether Obi-Wan was a Jedi Master at his old age, but both Yoda and Anakin/Vader definitely were.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2002
Originally posted by: Nemesis77
Originally posted by: Fritzo
I just thought of a theory as to why Jedi's in episodes 4, 5, and 6 seem to disintegrate when they die after seeing episode 2: Does anyone think that in episode 3 the Jedi's were given a drug to cause them to disintegrate so their bodies wouldn't be cloned? I dunno...I'm bored and my geek is showing

That might be reserved for Jedi Masters. I mean, we have seen Yoda, Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan turn in to "ghosts". Now, you can debate whether Obi-Wan was a Jedi Master at his old age, but both Yoda and Anakin/Vader definitely were.

But Anakin/Vader didn't fade away when he died. He only became a ghost after his body was burned. Obi-Wan and Yoda both just faded away.


Dec 10, 2000
Digital Projecters are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!
SFX are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!

Movie was Terrible .

Every time i see Darth Vader, im going to think of Hayden Christansan *SHRUG*


Senior member
Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Oakenfold
WTB: SW preview tickets, does anyone have any tickets with graphics or anything on them, I believe they would be to preview showings, I'm looking to pick
some up so please lmk if you have some.

I'm interested in reading the books now, is there any recommendation as to where to start? Which book takes place immediately after ROTJ?

What you should do is look at one of the books or online for a timeline(because they make new books that might take place before one that's already out). I believe that's the heir to the empire which is a trilogy and most excellent(or it could be Bakura, it's been a while since I've read them).
The guy that said most of the books are crap is smoking some cheap stuff, don't listen to him. The books ROCK. There are so MANY.
One of my favorites really is novels filled with short stories, like mos eisley cantina and about bounty hunters.
The books really add more depth to the SW universe.

The Truce at Bakura takes place immediately after ROTJ. The Heir to the Empire and its trilogy take place afew years after that. All very good books.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't get the "movie was terrible" posts.

First of all I don't see the need to spread the negativity you are feeling. I don't know, maybe it makes YOU feel better, if so then I guess that's fine.

Second, if the movie was "terrible" why would you go to see it. It really wasn't that much different from the other four SW movies. Surely by now you would know you don't like SW movies. I could possible see saying this movie wasn't great, but terrible, assuming you've seen another SW movie, that's strange.

Third, please tell us why it was terrible? Some specifics would be good.

Unless your post was simply meant to inflame people...

Electric Amish

Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
I saw it last night. I'd give it 2.5/5. Definitely better than EP.1.

My observations-

1) C-3P0. "This is a drag." "I'm beside myself."- Lucas, use one or the other. They contain enough corn for the entire movie. Using both within seconds of each other just makes me want to vomit.

2) Ripped-off scenes from Ep4.- Anakin/Amidala going through a door to find a retracted ramp vs. Luke/Leia going through a door to find a retracted ramp. "Obi-Wan, this droid has a message for you."

3) That God-Damned wrist roll with the light-saber that was way over-done in Ep.1

4) Bad cut-scene when jumping from Anakin on Tatooine to Obi-wan on Geonosis. The scenery was too similar. It looked like suddenly Obi-wan was on Tatooine.

5) Anakin went from an annoying little boy to a really whiny and annoying man.

6) Finally, the most anal retentive of all, the sentence/phrase structure- Using full words like "cannot" in place of it's contraction "can't" in the middle of a sentence/phrase for dramatic effect. Personally, I find that grating and would prefer the contraction in the middle of the sentence/phrase and the full word at the end of the sentence/phrase. I find that much more appealing to speech rythm and more dramatic.

Overall I liked it. The saber fight scenes were way better than Ep.1.



Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Electric Amish

Overall I liked it. The saber fight scenes were way better than Ep.1.


Yeah, but I keep comparing them to the scenes of Luke vs. Darth at the ends of Empire and ROTJ, and while the scenes from AOTC had some cool moments, they didn't have the drama of the others.

Electric Amish

Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: kgraeme
Originally posted by: Electric Amish

Overall I liked it. The saber fight scenes were way better than Ep.1.


Yeah, but I keep comparing them to the scenes of Luke vs. Darth at the ends of Empire and ROTJ, and while the scenes from AOTC had some cool moments, they didn't have the drama of the others.

No they didn't, but they are getting closer.
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