Attack dog Cheney


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
"America has been in too many wars for any of our wishes, but not a one of them was won by being sensitive," Cheney said.

He accused the Massachusetts senator of having a "fundamental misunderstanding" of the world.

"Those that threaten us and kill innocents around the world do not need to be treated more sensitively, they need to be destroyed," he said.

He accented some form of the word "sensitive" a half-dozen times in his speech and drew laughter from the partisan crowd.

I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side and lives up to American values in history.

Anyone with half a brain can see the latest mocking and attacks from Cheny and Bush are not only taking Kerry out of context, they are mis-interpreting him completely. I guess they have contempt for the American people and assume they are stupid?

Kerry was not talking about being sensitive to the enemy, but to the nations that would be allies or are on the fence. Trying not to upset moderate Muslems like Bush calling the war a "crusade" is a good idea. Do we want a war on terror or a war against all Muslems?


Senior member
Apr 27, 2004
Is this kind of like liberals making up nonexistent no-bid contracts?


Mar 24, 2000
And the "Anyone but Bush" is quite a well-thought out, intellectual, logical argument, eh?

and drew laughter from the partisan crowd.
I'm sure this is a concept you're familiar with.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: alchemize
And the "Anyone but Bush" is quite a well-thought out, intellectual, logical argument, eh?
After his performance over the last three and a half years, yes it is a well thought out and logical argument.

and drew laughter from the partisan crowd.
I'm sure this is a concept you're familiar with.[/quote] I bet that crown would have laughed when the Abu Gharib pic first came out before they realized how politically damaging it was to their boy!


Jul 17, 2003
After his performance over the last three and a half years, yes it is a well thought out and logical argument

What a sad fact for you neocon fluffers.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: kage69
After his performance over the last three and a half years, yes it is a well thought out and logical argument

What a sad fact for you neocon fluffers.
Alchie, Cad and the like aren't Fluffers, they actually post their own thoughts (unlike Rip). Fluffers are idiots that post in threads made by others whom they agree with and post nonsense like "Flaming Libbies" without adding any other content of their own for the shear purpose of keeping the thread "UP".. hence the name "Fluffer".

Nick1985 is a good example of a "Fluffer"


Dec 12, 2003
He took what Kerry is saying and distorted and twisted it to suit his right-wing nutjob audience. Nothing new here. Kerry should respond immediately with the actual facts, however.


Jul 17, 2003
Alchie, Cad and the like aren't Fluffers, they actually post their own thoughts (unlike Rip). Fluffers are idiots that post in threads made by others whom they agree with and post nonsense like "Flaming Libbies" without adding any other content of their own for the shear purpose of keeping the thread "UP".. hence the name "Fluffer".

I wasn't refering to them posting their own thoughts, but rather their unwavering support for an administration that is about as lame as it gets. It's one big mess, but they strive in vain to maintain it with misdirections, points taken out of context, hearsay, or simple ignorance. They 'fluff' it up, hoping that others will buy it (and sadly, some do).
But I do agree, I don't consider Cad & Co. to be on the same level as say, Rip or nick.


Apr 25, 2001
This is actually a "good" way to trick people, and quite popular in speech circles.

You first establish a key word or phrase as being silly, wrong, etc. This can be done by ridiculous usage of the word, like saying "These terrorists kill thousands of our citizens...I don't think the solution is to be more SENSITIVE (accented with incredulous tone)." Continue to repeat this approach for multiple uses of the word or phrase. Now your audience will associate this word or phrase with a stupid idea or concept. Once this happens, use some quote, any quote, from the person you wish to paint as foolish, that contains this word or phrase. Your audience will hear the word or phrase and associate the quote, and the person quoted, with the concept of silly or wrong ideas.

It's really quite useful...of course it's pretty dishonest speech writing, but it's a great way to trick your audience.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: alchemize
And the "Anyone but Bush" is quite a well-thought out, intellectual, logical argument, eh?
After his performance over the last three and a half years, yes it is a well thought out and logical argument.

Logic needn't be convoluted to be sound: it doesn't get any more logical than that.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: daveshel
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: alchemize
And the "Anyone but Bush" is quite a well-thought out, intellectual, logical argument, eh?
After his performance over the last three and a half years, yes it is a well thought out and logical argument.

Logic needn't be convoluted to be sound: it doesn't get any more logical than that.

Indeed. Often the simplest logic is the best.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: alchemize
And the "Anyone but Bush" is quite a well-thought out, intellectual, logical argument, eh?

You or I may not agree with it, but I can't see how it isn't at least potentially a perfectly valid, well-thought-out position. If one believes, hypothetically, that Bush is the worst modern president, and has done tremendous harm to this country, domestically and abroad, ABB is a reasonable philosophy.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Todd33

Anyone with half a brain can see the latest mocking and attacks from Cheny and Bush are not only taking Kerry out of context, they are mis-interpreting him completely. I guess they have contempt for the American people and assume they are stupid?

Kerry was not talking about being sensitive to the enemy, but to the nations that would be allies or are on the fence. Trying not to upset moderate Muslems like Bush calling the war a "crusade" is a good idea. Do we want a war on terror or a war against all Muslems?
Yes! Goodness knows no liberal spokesperson has ever attempted to ridicule a Republican or Conservative based on a misinterpretation! I'd wager that greater than 60% of the "proof" that "Bush sucks" is based on fumbled speeches and misquotes. This is politics, not a Mr/Ms Congeniality contest. You pick a weakness or flaw on your opponent and attempt to spin it in you favor. This works both ways, from both sides. This is about as big a non-issue as some of the stuff Riprorin posts. I'd set my goals higher, if I were you.

And just a little pet-peeve of mine - about Conservatives "assuming Americans are stupid." What about the fact that every Kerry-supporter or Bush-basher calls him stupid and says 'I can't believe this idiot was elected'? He was elected. (and if you want to be one of those that claim the election was 'fake' or he didn't get the popular vote, fine. Either way, he had ~48% of the entire nation of voters (those who actually voted that year) supporting him) So does that mean that half the nation is stupid? By your logic, it does. They are either stupid for voluntary voting for him, or they are stupid for 'being duped' by the 'brilliant' political campaign that lied and cheated to get him in. Either way, it looks to me as if it is mostly the liberals that are sitting on their high-horses, looking down at the masses with scorn, not vice-versa.

EDIT: based on feralkid's comment below


Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Todd33

Anyone with half a brain can see the latest mocking and attacks from Cheny and Bush are not only taking Kerry out of context, they are mis-interpreting him completely. I guess they have contempt for the American people and assume they are stupid?

Kerry was not talking about being sensitive to the enemy, but to the nations that would be allies or are on the fence. Trying not to upset moderate Muslems like Bush calling the war a "crusade" is a good idea. Do we want a war on terror or a war against all Muslems?
Yes! Goodness knows no liberal spokesperson has ever attempted to ridicule a Republican or Conservative based on a misinterpretation! I'd wager that greater than 60% of the "proof" that "Bush sucks" is based on fumbled speeches and misquotes. This is politics, not a Mr/Ms Congeniality contest. You pick a weakness or flaw on your opponent and attempt to spin it in you favor. This works both ways, from both sides. This is about as big a non-issue as some of the stuff Riprorin posts. I'd set my goals higher, if I were you.

And just a little pet-peeve of mine - about Conservatives "assuming Americans are stupid." What about the fact that every Kerry-supporter or Bush-basher calls him stupid and says 'I can't believe this idiot was elected'? He was elected. (and if you want to be one of those that claim the election was 'fake' or he didn't get the popular vote, fine. Either way, he had ~48% of the entire nation of voters supporting him) So does that mean that half the nation is stupid? By your logic, it does. They are either stupid for voluntary voting for him, or they are stupid for 'being duped' by the 'brilliant' political campaign that lied and cheated to get him in. Either way, it looks to me as if it is mostly the liberals that are sitting on their high-horses, looking down at the masses with scorn, not vice-versa.

Just to keep the numbers straight; Bush got 48% of voters who actually went out and voted.

Not 48% of "the entire nation of voters".

A small difference in phrasing, I agree, but an important one .


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2003
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger

And just a little pet-peeve of mine - about Conservatives "assuming Americans are stupid." What about the fact that every Kerry-supporter or Bush-basher calls him stupid and says 'I can't believe this idiot was elected'? He was elected. (and if you want to be one of those that claim the election was 'fake' or he didn't get the popular vote, fine. Either way, he had ~48% of the entire nation of voters (those who actually voted that year) supporting him) So does that mean that half the nation is stupid? By your logic, it does. They are either stupid for voluntary voting for him, or they are stupid for 'being duped' by the 'brilliant' political campaign that lied and cheated to get him in. Either way, it looks to me as if it is mostly the liberals that are sitting on their high-horses, looking down at the masses with scorn, not vice-versa.

EDIT: based on feralkid's comment below

If you recall Bush run as a "centrist uniter yadda yadda"and a large part of the electorate swallowed that line, hook and sinker. So based on that fact Bush and Cheney are right to assume "Americans to be stupid", after all if they weren't Bush and Cheney wouldn't be in the White House.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Bush at USS Ronald Reagan christening March 2001

"Precisely because America is powerful, we must be sensitive about expressing our power and influence. Our goal is to patiently build the momentum of freedom, not create resentment for America itself. We pursue our goals; we will listen to others; we want strong friends to join us, not weak neighbors to dominate. In all our dealings with other nations, we will display the modesty of true confidence and strength."


Bush at Unity Conference August 2004

"Now, in terms of the balance between running down intelligence and bringing people to justice obviously is -- we need to be very sensitive on that."

Mr. Cheney's case of foot-in-mouth disease is making its way through the news channels.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by: arsbanned
He took what Kerry is saying and distorted and twisted it to suit his right-wing nutjob audience. Nothing new here. Kerry should respond immediately with the actual facts, however.

Amazing that his company pleaded guilty to fraud while he was the CEO and the press barely brings it up. I just hope Edwards nails his butt during the debates.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: alchemize
And the "Anyone but Bush" is quite a well-thought out, intellectual, logical argument, eh?

You or I may not agree with it, but I can't see how it isn't at least potentially a perfectly valid, well-thought-out position. If one believes, hypothetically, that Bush is the worst modern president, and has done tremendous harm to this country, domestically and abroad, ABB is a reasonable philosophy.

Reasibable is hardly the word in my opinion. I think you have to be emotionally ill not to see what a disaster Bush is.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Painman
Bush at USS Ronald Reagan christening March 2001

"Precisely because America is powerful, we must be sensitive about expressing our power and influence. Our goal is to patiently build the momentum of freedom, not create resentment for America itself. We pursue our goals; we will listen to others; we want strong friends to join us, not weak neighbors to dominate. In all our dealings with other nations, we will display the modesty of true confidence and strength."


Bush at Unity Conference August 2004

"Now, in terms of the balance between running down intelligence and bringing people to justice obviously is -- we need to be very sensitive on that."

Mr. Cheney's case of foot-in-mouth disease is making its way through the news channels.

Hahhaa, that's actually shown in today The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
They first shown the speech given by Kerry on some event, talking about fighting more effective, more thoughtful, more sensitive, etc etc
And the second clip they show Cheney in front of the crowd seizing Kerry's speech and ridiculing him for talking about fighting more sensitive war, etc etc, essentially calling him a p*ssy
Then the third clip, showing president Bush in front of the same crowd at the same place, the next day, giving speech about being sensitive about intel & bringing terrorist to justice, etc etc
and Stewart close this by saying: "Am I hearing this correctly? Did I just hear Dick Cheney calling our president a p*ssy?"
that's really hillarious stuff, Cheney cought with a foot in his mouth, essentially calling Bush a p*ssy
didn't they coordinate anymore? Where's that discipline campaign planning run by the efficient-well-oiled Republican machine? Did it broke down somehow?


Nov 11, 1999
Coincidentally, I just heard the actually Kerry quote on the news as I finished reading...

The "sensitive" term was clearly in reference to how we treat our friends and allies, people whose goals and desires are much the same as our own. Which is a perspective requiring some thought, rather than Cheney's invocation of knee-jerk emotional faux patriotism.

Which reminded me of something Clinton said the other day on the Daily Show, that Democrats benefit when the electorate is actually thinking. Cheney's efforts, of course, are designed to keep people's minds operating on a lower, emotional, gut level sort of mode...

Republican strategists obviously realize that they can't campaign to the middle, as in 2000, so they'll attempt to alter voter turnout instead. Energize their base, discourage the other side from participating by demeaning and ridiculing opposing candidates... They're desperate, and their tactics reveal their fundamental weakness and dishonesty...


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
You know what.......................I think I just figured this all out and sadly, it would mean a Bush win......................

If you recall a thread a few weeks back, I stated that I thought if Cheney had the best interests of his party in mind, he should resign and allow Bush a new V.P. candidate since he has no futre (i.e. a v.p. is usually thought of as a possible Pres. in training and the future of that party) and has a huge "baggage factor" that IMHO can't help Bush or the Reps.

Now, in agreement with this thread...............I think the Reps. and Bush are using Cheney as an "attack dog" would play into their hand perfectly........................let Cheney go out and campaign, let him get all worked up and in heated debates with Kerry/Edwards and KABLAM!!!!!!!! There goes heart attack #5 or #6 not sure which, but it would probably kill him and even if it didn't would mean a replacement......................probably McCain.....................and there you have it...............not only the McCain votes would swing............but also a sympathy vote............

Couple the above with the probable capture or killing of OBL just weeks prior to the election and what do you think will happen?????
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