Attention AnandTech MODS


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Well after sitting on these forums for a few years I have noticed the same types of posts over and over, that some stickies could help eliminate.

There really should be some stickies to cover some of the basics, or a guide section placed on the website,

Video Cards
Building a budget PC

etc... etc...

And anything else anyone has seen the numerous posts over, which is the best one to get?

Really wouldn't you all agree it's kind of pointless having the same posts over and over from people asking which is the best to get, when a few nice stickies would eliminate the needs for all these posts.

Personally I think it's time for some people to step up and make some stickies, or guides for some of the hardware that most people are always asking, "Which is the best"?

Thanks for your consideration!



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DasFox
Well after sitting on these forums for a few years I have noticed the same types of posts over and over, that some stickies could help eliminate.
If you've been sitting on these forums for a few years you should know that "stickies" would do nothing but encourage more posting of threads, not less.
You can post a thread on some obscure topic, and bingo...
Everyone posts a thread related to the obscure topic. :laugh:

BAN STICKIES! :thumbsup:



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Blain
Originally posted by: DasFox
Well after sitting on these forums for a few years I have noticed the same types of posts over and over, that some stickies could help eliminate.
If you've been sitting on these forums for a few years you should know that "stickies" would do nothing but encourage more posting of threads, not less.
You can post a thread on some obscure topic, and bingo...
Everyone posts a thread related to the obscure topic. :laugh:

BAN STICKIES! :thumbsup:

Not 100% true, I made the Linux sticky in the OS section, and since then you don't see anymore, "What's the best Linux" to use posts from people, and if you do, it's no where what it used to be, before this sticky was made.

As long as the TITLE of the posts is done well, it will attract the attention and create less.

All we have to do is try, watch, and see, let the posts show they work, talking about it, doesn't do it any justice, without putting it into practice.

Sorry I don't agree.


Dec 25, 2004
Stickies only work over a long period when the information in them is kept updated. That's something I rarely see with stickies on various forums.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Ahh a different breed of thinkers, LOL, ok.

Well what I'm suggesting is possibly AnandTech possibly putting up it's own stickies.

I mean what's with this members only contribute something, why not the people running this place put up something, and maintain it?


Oct 9, 1999
Look at the stickies in the MB forum. They get so long, you can never read through them.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Blain
Look at the stickies in the MB forum. They get so long, you can never read through them.

Yes TRUE, so what can be done is remove old replies that have been answered.

Hmm :roll:


Jan 10, 2006
Stickies do work. Look at the LCD sticky.

Do you know what we need a sticky for in GH? PSUs. I hate watching people go "OMFG IS MY PSU ENOUGH?" Half the responses are links to the PSU calculator, or "it's fine" or "go buy a Sparkle/FSP"

Then there's the "Will my 480W antec make it?" or a "What should I replace my 350W with?"

We get like 20 of those EVERYDAY. I personally hate the "Is my PSU enough" because almost everyday you see a system config you saw a few days ago asking for a PSU checkup.

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
We don't necessarily need stickies, just some well put together FAQs. Or maybe one sticky with links to FAQs, or merely a collection of links to places for people to do their own research...

Multiple links just gets cluttered.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: atomicacid55
Stickies do work. Look at the LCD sticky.

Do you know what we need a sticky for in GH? PSUs. I hate watching people go "OMFG IS MY PSU ENOUGH?" Half the responses are links to the PSU calculator, or "it's fine" or "go buy a Sparkle/FSP"

Then there's the "Will my 480W antec make it?" or a "What should I replace my 350W with?"

We get like 20 of those EVERYDAY. I personally hate the "Is my PSU enough" because almost everyday you see a system config you saw a few days ago asking for a PSU checkup.

Originally posted by: Fullmetal Chocobo
We don't necessarily need stickies, just some well put together FAQs. Or maybe one sticky with links to FAQs, or merely a collection of links to places for people to do their own research...

Multiple links just gets cluttered.

Yes or something like a FAQ as mentioned by Fullmetal Chocobo, taking care of the most common areas, people are always asking for. This also has possibilities.

PSU posts are one that I know pop up all the time, "what's the best", "is this one okay for my specs", etc, etc.

You see this stuff day after day, and some stickies would eliminate the need for all the redundancy.

OK let's CONSIDER that word carefully ---> redundancy.

What's the POINT of a forum, to share, and learn, but what good is it, if it's just going to be the same things over, and over, and over?

There comes a point when a forum needs to have a system where growth takes place so all members, old, and new alike can have growth.

A forum shouldn't just be redundant information, but new as well, to help shape things for the better, and as PC geeks we should all, especially us, the techno geeks living on the edge for the betterment of technology, should understand this.

Compare internet forums, to our high-end machines, it's like a Volkswagen against a Ferrari, does our technology on this forum show the latest in technology like a PC does, or even some sort of innovation, or creative thinking to bring it close?

How backwards we are, when we spout the latest technology of the 21st century on our desks, and floors, but our form of communication doesn't even come close with this technology.

When we have such a system that shows no means of improvement, now consider that one when you ponder.

Yes having real updated, and maintained stickies for products, shows some form of better communication, but I personally believe that AnandTech should be providing this information to the community, not just members.

Members aren't the only ones that make up a forum, the people who own, and run it should take responsibility for the sharing of information to bring truth, and credibility.

That has always been one of the biggest faults of online forums, allowing information to be spread at times, that mislead, and misguides people into wrong thinking, and choices.

Ideas, opinions, sharing, these are all admirable concepts, BUT when they lead us into false areas, and wrong choices, THEN that is another concept all together, that we should be there to also, help, and protect.


Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Originally posted by: DasFox
Originally posted by: atomicacid55
Stickies do work. Look at the LCD sticky.

Do you know what we need a sticky for in GH? PSUs. I hate watching people go "OMFG IS MY PSU ENOUGH?" Half the responses are links to the PSU calculator, or "it's fine" or "go buy a Sparkle/FSP"

Then there's the "Will my 480W antec make it?" or a "What should I replace my 350W with?"

We get like 20 of those EVERYDAY. I personally hate the "Is my PSU enough" because almost everyday you see a system config you saw a few days ago asking for a PSU checkup.

I personally believe that AnandTech should be providing this information to the community.

Well that's awefully humble of you... If you want a basis of information, go to the Anandtech site, not the forums. The forums are here for people to ask questions, get answers, and put out information. People ask the same questions over and over, and they get the same answers over and over. "RTFM & ask Google" will answer most all of peoples' questions. Welcome to the forums. That's how it is.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Fullmetal Chocobo
Originally posted by: DasFox
Originally posted by: atomicacid55
Stickies do work. Look at the LCD sticky.

Do you know what we need a sticky for in GH? PSUs. I hate watching people go "OMFG IS MY PSU ENOUGH?" Half the responses are links to the PSU calculator, or "it's fine" or "go buy a Sparkle/FSP"

Then there's the "Will my 480W antec make it?" or a "What should I replace my 350W with?"

We get like 20 of those EVERYDAY. I personally hate the "Is my PSU enough" because almost everyday you see a system config you saw a few days ago asking for a PSU checkup.

I personally believe that AnandTech should be providing this information to the community.

Well that's awefully humble of you... If you want a basis of information, go to the Anandtech site, not the forums. The forums are here for people to ask questions, get answers, and put out information. People ask the same questions over and over, and they get the same answers over and over. "RTFM & ask Google" will answer most all of peoples' questions. Welcome to the forums. That's how it is.

LOL, yes of course, that is how it is, but if you are a newbie, and let's try to remember what that is like, and you just show up here, and have no clue of this world, then it's not going to seem very inviting, or educational.

So what are we saying, LET'S HANG ONTO GEEK TRADITION?

Let's all be pc snobs, ---> GO RTFM, didn't you see that question posted 20 times on the damm forum, why the hell didn't you use the search feature before asking your stupid question, and all the nice replies go on, and on, etc...

Well don't you think as geeks, maybe we all need to change that attitude, and start moving our attitudes a little more into the 21st century a little?

Personally that lame geek attitude is old, and it really needs to be buried, and I'd hope some would agree too, the geek attitude is old and long over due for a burial.

It's time people to move on, and make changes.

There is nothing wrong with the AnandTech staff in maintaining a simple FAQ, or sticky to cover some basics, or as you put it, that information is for the site, then to have this type of information laid out and on the site, as a constant section run, and maintained by AnandTech, because there isn't one.

So maybe that is real the consideration, on the website, for us to point the newbies to, and then the ONE nice BIG Sticky that points to this.



Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Roguestar
Or they could fix the search function.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
terthread=y">Eewww. Don't know if you wanna go there.</a>


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: DasFox
Well after sitting on these forums for a few years I have noticed the same types of posts over and over, that some stickies could help eliminate.

There really should be some stickies to cover some of the basics:

Video Cards
Building a budget PC

etc... etc...

And anything else anyone has seen the numerous posts over, which is the best one to get?

Really wouldn't you all agree it's kind of pointless having the same posts over and over from people asking which is the best to get, when a few nice stickies would eliminate the needs for all these posts.

Personally I think it's time for some people to step up and make some stickies for some of the hardware that most people are always asking, "Which is the best"?

Thanks for your consideration guys, and let the STICKIES BEGIN!


Stickies are always a great idea and all. But you will need someone who is dedicated to coming up with a proper guide. Who is also willing to update it and keep the information accurate and professional. At least IMO.

I'm not sure that even if being on the forums for a couple years a statement to make some changes with stickies would just "happen".

If we had stickies for everything, there would be no need to ask questions.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
Originally posted by: Tarrant64
Originally posted by: Roguestar
Or they could fix the search function.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<b">Eewww. Don't know if you wanna go there.</a>

Oh, I've seen it. I knew what can of delicious worms I was opening when saying that .

Pandora brand .


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Roguestar
Originally posted by: Tarrant64
Originally posted by: Roguestar
Or they could fix the search function.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<b"><b">Eewww. Don't know if you wanna go there.</a>

Oh, I've seen it. I knew what can of delicious worms I was opening when saying that .

Pandora brand .



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Not stickies for everything, but a few that cover the basics, or as it was mentioned that AnandTech has this on the website somewhere.

I don't see why this is left up to the responsibilities of the members only, are we getting paid?

You run a site, and a forum, you need to take on some responsibility yourself.

I contributed a sticky for the OS section for Linux, so I believe I have done my part, and now have a voice to speak, where now is AnandTech contributing something?

Just saying I gave you a forum, now you do it, isn't enough.

Let's be honest here, are we saying is a non-profit organization, and makes no money, to at least pay people to do this?

Look we're doing our parts as memebers, sharing, but also asking, what can you do to please help us as well on the forum to make it better for everyone?

That's not to much to ask for, I would hope?



Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: DasFox
Not stickies for everything, but a few that cover the basics, or as it was mentioned that AnandTech has this on the website somewhere.

I would like to assume those browing the forums and those who are actual members have basic knowledge to get started and don't need a sticky to tell them where or how to get information.

I don't see why this is left up to the responsibilities of the members only, are we getting paid?

A lot of the information comes from members who have contributed I'm sure a lot of time in providing what they can to help those on forums. Especially those who have managed to get themself a sticky for their efforts.

You run a site, and a forum, you need to take on some responsibility yourself.

I have no response to this. lol. Bold statement though.

I contributed a sticky for the OS section for Linux, so I believe I have done my part, and now have a voice to speak, where now is AnandTech contributing something?
Maybe they do more than you think. to you for your sticky in the OS section for Linux. There is no requirement however on the forum that members go above and beyond to come up with a guide or walkthrough on how to get things done.

Just saying I gave you a forum, now you do it, isn't enough.

I'm sure the mods are pretty busy babysitting users. Just like any mom, they wish they had time to do everyone's biddings.

Let's be honest here, are we saying is a non-profit organization, and makes no money, to at least pay people to do this?

To be honest, I don't care. And yeah, you have a voice now. But technically so does everyone else. Part of this topic can go straight to Forum Issues.

Look we're doing our parts as memebers, sharing, but also asking, what can you do to please help us as well on the forum to make it better for everyone?

Again, the mods do what they can. At least I like to think so. The forums are just fine as is. It's been that way for awhile, and will be most likely for awhile.

That's not to much to ask for, I would hope?
Nah, it's not too much. It's just asked too much.


See bolded above.



Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Roguestar
Or they could fix the search function.
LOL. Using a Search function, I've found two-year-old posts I made to another technical forum.

Here, I can't find a post I made last week. Sad, but pretty much true.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Well in ONE reply to your big reply.

Originally posted by: Tarrant64
I would like to assume those browsing the forums and those who are actual members have basic knowledge to get started and don't need a sticky to tell them where or how to get information.

No unfortunately a lot of new members don't have basic knowledge, and are clueless with computer parts, that is why you see numerous posts on a daily basis asking, "Which Is The Best" or something to this effect.

There truly is a need to meet this demand.



Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: DasFox
Well in ONE reply to your big reply.

Originally posted by: Tarrant64
I would like to assume those browsing the forums and those who are actual members have basic knowledge to get started and don't need a sticky to tell them where or how to get information.

No unfortunately a lot of new members don't have basic knowledge, and are clueless with computer parts, that is why you see numerous posts on a daily basis asking, "Which Is The Best" or something to this effect.

There truly is a need to meet this demand.


And fortunately the amount of lazy users almost outweighs everyone else. Some might find it quicker to just ask, which is what a forum is for...discussion, instead of reading through a sticky full of more than just the answer they wanted. I feel there is 'too much' information to be put in a sticky about basic knowledge. Some things are so basic they don't deserve a sticky, and some things have some many "but if this and if that" it can get confusing.

Am I right that most if not all guides on AT are by members dedicated in giving out their knowledge and know-how? You yourself I can see you put in some hard work. If there is a demand, fill it. I think AT leaves it up to the members to do the work. And so far they have just fine. If and when someone comes up with a guide that's sticky worthy, people will vote on it, and BUMP up it goes to a sticky.

Also, when I see 10 threads in a day asking for some kind of sticky with basic knowledge of getting started with this or that, I may just join that demand.
I do see however many threads on 'multiple' topics that could be considered basic knowledge and I don't see any real efficient way to sum that up without a 1-2 page sticky.

What's the point?

Honestly, when I look at the thread dedicated on the Linux OS, I am automatically overwhelmed at the amount of information there. It's a good guide, and although well organized, some questions could be better asked and answered instead of reading through not knowing exactly what you're looking for.

I would rather see more interaction between members than a quick, "see the sticky, that's what it's there for" responses.

Better yet, you could attempt to throw up a poll for all newbies. In this poll you could find out from several users whether or not they prefer a guide to the basics where they can get most questions answered, or to just ask right out and get real opinions on the matter. I think there are a lot of different opinions to what people would consider basic knowledge and what a newbie should know.

Your right though, there is a lot of work to be done, but I am not sure that ANAND owes it to us to do it for us. We're not children. A lot of things on AT are member driven.

And another edit:

This for example. A member that's been around for awhile who may or may not know a lot about computers. Depends on whether he's an OT or whatever kind of member. These things could be covered in the basic sticky let's say. However, if you read down, several users are going to have similar answers, but still different. Or someone might have some special advice about one particular thing. It's the feedback that will get msot newbies, I think, the knowledge they need.

I am all for them reading a guide and knowing where to go from there, but I'd rather they throw up a question in the forum first about a particular item, software, gadget, pron magazine or whatever, then run off and make a purchase to later regret.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Sure interaction is the name of the game.

The problem as I mentioned before, was about giving the user REAL information, "FACTS", not just someone's idea of what they think, based on no real evidence.

When someone asks, "What's the best PSU for my pc", and the replies are obvious that they are not from technical people, then the experienced users who see this, but the newbie has no idea, then we also start getting into flames wars over who is right, and who is wrong. So now, not only is the newbie overwhelmed by the replies, but also the war that is going on trying to make heads or tails over it.

When there is an idea of what others think, most based on inexperience that really don't even know, they just think it's good, because they like it, then we are not doing a good service to others.

This topic is not about saying don't let others share, and tell us what you think, but it's about putting up some help somewhere so when someone asks, then they can get REAL answers, REAL facts, and not just some ideas about someone's own personal experience that worked for them, with no real knowledge of the components.

What you'll find out is users start to believe what they were told was the absolute truth, and follow it, or become confused with the overwhelming responses of information. Some do take things to heart, and others, wiser, take it with a grain of salt.

Do you get what I'm saying here? When you have someone say, "What's the best"? Look at all the flood of information coming in, and when you are new this can be quite a daunting task to weed through all the information, and make a choice. Sure looking at all of this from an experienced users stand point is all fine, and dandy, but we are talking about newbies, without a clue. Think now about that for a moment.

There are truly differences in parts, some better then others, and many just reference designs, not much different then the next, so personal preferences can be ok, but when the ideas fly off the inexperienced, and the PC Gods step in to battle war, and information is flying in all directions, this to the newbie starts to look like total chaos, and that too is really a major POINT here, not allowing these types of things to happen to often, and one such way is by what I'm suggesting here, giving the newbies, sound credible information, from REAL sources, not some general rantings.

All forums should start taking on the responsibility of separating Fact from Fiction. Some might, while others don't, or can't. Yes this is a challenge, but getting out some real information, by what is being suggested here as possible ideas can, and will help.

Again this doesn't mean there needs to be something here on the forum, but there should be something placed later on the AnandTech website that fills this void.

Here now is a chance for AnandTech to step up to the plate and set a "Standard" for others to follow.

sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |    |    |