Average American: Want a raise? Too bad....income could decline next 30 years

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Nov 10, 2003

If a hurricane or natural disaster hits just about any part of Sweden, I'd expect to see the entire community come together and help each other and fix things. Now the same is true for much of the sane parts of the US, but just look at Katrinia. You have jackasses that will just sit on their asses and scream and yell for years afterwards how it was someone else that had to come in and help everyone and fix everything afterwards. You still to this day have whole sections of the area that no one has lifted a finger to clean up- "Wahh, why doesn't someone else come do it!?"

Here, we're breeding entire generations of entitlement-mentality morons who think it's everyone else's responsibility to provide everything for them from cradle to grave. <snip>

LOL. I have to jump in about this section. You better watch out or certain posters will run to the mods and cry "racist".

Go look at the Japanese earthquake thread (a few years old) and see what I mean.


Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
No the problem is that you couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag.

You've shifted the goal-posts to say the US has to exactly resemble some other place, when the original question (that YOU came up with, yet you don't seem to be able to remember) is if we more closely resemble one place or the other. Not "are we in every way just like such and such place?" that you've tried to shift the question into.

You're lack of logic and being able to follow anything makes it impossible to really discuss anything with you.
No, political noise generator with keyboard and too much free time that could better be spent listening instead of talking, I never said it had to be exact, I was simply calling bullshit on your incredibly, remarkably, and unbelievably stupid claim that the US more closely resembles Somalia than Sweden. That you lack even the base intellectual honesty to just fess up and admit you were exaggerating for effect and didn't intend it literally, you have instead doubled down on stupid and decided to try and prove that yes, in fact, the US, the still richest and most productive country on the planet is most closely resembles place overrun by warlords under constant bloodshed, is a pretty solid indicator nothing you say should be taken seriously. My point was never that they aren't exact, it is they aren't even fucking close and you are a liar or a moron if you claim otherwise.

Through all the rest of your blather that doesn't mean shit, you finally get to the one thing that does. Yes, your "let's just be socialists like Sweden and we'll become Sweden!" is overly simplstic bullshit. It's also not the reason Sweden is successful- it's the people, its the culture. You could put most any system in place in Sweden and the native populace will do well because their culture values the hard working and self-reliant more than it does the freeloading dipshit.

And the fact is, they like a lot of the rest of Europe are moving more toward privatization, more favorable business conditions and responsible government than they are toward the types of extremes of government spending, top-down authoritarianism and mountains of red tape and debt that many people here are pushing for in the misguided belief that that's what Sweden does.

Finally get nothing, I held that opinion from the start. I will also again note that in talking instead of listening you have once more attributed to me a position I never took in saying we'll become Sweden, and so again you are lying or stupid, your pick. Fuck me, maybe I spoke too soon about illiteracy not being a problem.

LegendKiller already largely covered what is going on with Europe, I'm not going to rehash it, but in the future do enough research to at least know the basics before starting an argument. They would be less humiliating.


Nov 17, 2002
This stupid country cant even manufacture its own chicken nuggets anymore. We deserve to fail.

So close, and yet so far. We are perfectly capable of manufacturing our own chicken nuggets. Our problem is that we have too many greedy companies -- i.e., executives & investors -- who are perfectly happy to sacrifice America's well being if they can save a fraction of a penny on each nugget. Even worse, we have a great number of brainwashed Americans who cheer that greedy behavior, embracing the amoral dogma that unbridled business profits are the most important value to pursue. They are willing to slowly destroy their own country in their worship of wealth.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
So close, and yet so far. We are perfectly capable of manufacturing our own chicken nuggets. Our problem is that we have too many greedy companies -- i.e., executives & investors -- who are perfectly happy to sacrifice America's well being if they can save a fraction of a penny on each nugget. Even worse, we have a great number of brainwashed Americans who cheer that greedy behavior, embracing the amoral dogma that unbridled business profits are the most important value to pursue. They are willing to slowly destroy their own country in their worship of wealth.

Absolutely 100%


Jun 23, 2005
It's fucking experience.

Also, college graduate != capable. This has been shown to be true in every instance. Vast majority of college graduates have no practical or marketable skills. A degree is a useless piece of paper.

What is a person with a BA in Philosophy or Art History or English or Foreign Studies or Women's Studies (etc, etc) really qualified to do?

Pretty much nothing, which is why we have people with college degrees doing entry-level unskilled grunt work. Hence the downward salary skew.

Professionals with actual marketable skills (mechanics, plumbers, IT workers, other craftsmen, etc) are not having trouble.

I hear this a lot, yet when baby boomers entered the work force back in the day they were getting the start to full blown careers with things like liberal arts degrees and even high school degrees. They had retirement in the form of social security to look forward to and most were even able to support a family with one job in start contrast to the practical dual income necessity of today. The baby boomers are those at the top of the food chain now and lament kids today don't know how easy they have it. Though if they had to start from scratch with the job market in it's current state with modern college costs/loans and degree expectations by the private sector, I really have to wonder if they would be having the easy time of it they did in the 60's without complaint.


Nov 11, 1999
The only way that the 99% is getting a "raise" out of our capitalist masters is to take the money as taxes & redistribute it as socialist benefits.

Other than that, the beatings will continue until morale improves.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
You love going on about this 'offshoring' thing, while never addressing what that actually is. So you're an engineer I take it? Who off-shored a job that they would otherwise have given you, and if so... WHY? Where else in the world is so much of a better business climate that it made sense to pack up and move there? Who else is it that has sense enough to do EXACTLY what that article says: "..encouraged highly educated foreigners to come to ____ and start businesses...

So if someone else is doing that TO US, and businesses are taking them up on it with glee because the business climate here sucks that much in comparison- then what (other than bonehead laws and policies and clueless business-hating politicians that do the exact OPPOSITE) is stopping us from doing the same thing in reverse?

How about you answer that, and then tell me how the assholes in government creating 90 trillion dollar unfunded debts aren't involved?

No, I know, it's all just a conspiracy to rob you of a job when all the nations entrepreneurs got together, shook hands and agreed "Hey, let's screw that Engineer guy out of a job. Let's pick up and move our operations to Timbuktu. You know, not because business conditions make it financially advantageous- but just to screw over Engineer for shits and giggles."

Once again, "freely" giving jobs away to whom, where and why? And what reason why we can't play the same game in reverse? Make our business climate so favorable that not only do all those jobs come back, and US businesses have no incentive what-so-ever to offshore decent jobs, but the opposite happens and foreign businesses are flocking to IN-source their jobs to here?

What do you think it'll take to get that situation to happen? Another few trillion in debt tossed on top of the debt your grandkids's grandkids won't be able to pay off?

you got that right, why outsource when you can change the laws to do this here.






Our corporate bought and paid for FDA
United States Food and Drug Administration

In the United States of America, which was otherwise unaffected by the scares, the US distributor of White Rabbit candies recalled the product when samples found in Hartford showed traces of melamine.[127] The candy's maker and subsidiary of Bright Foods, Guan Sheng Yuan, issued a recall to the 50 countries to which it exported.[128]
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said while food containing melamine below 2.5 parts per million generally did not raise concerns, its scientists were "currently unable to establish any level of melamine and melamine-related compounds in infant formula that does not raise public health concerns".[129] On 12 November 2008, the FDA issued a general alert against all finished food products from China, saying that information received from government sources in a number of countries indicates a wide range and variety of products from a variety of producers have been manufactured using melamine-contaminated milk was a recurring problem.[130] In late November, after FDA found traces of melamine in one Nestle and one Mead Johnson infant product, the FDA concluded melamine or cyanuric acid alone, "at or below 1 part per million in infant formula do not raise public health concerns" in babies
And of course if a company wants to do the right thing other corporations get scared and use the federal government to stop them.

Government regulators are keeping you safe from mad cow disease by refusing to allow private meatpackers to inspect all of their meat. You might think I'm joking, but I assure you that I am not.

I refer you to the case of Creekstone Farms. Creekstone attempted to test all of their beef for mad cow disease, but state regulators refused to sell Creekstone the necessary testing kits to test all of their meat.

The firm then built a first-of-its-kind testing facility directly at their meatpacking facility, and hired the necessary personnel to do the testing. However, when they tried to buy the test kits, the government still refused to sell them. The state claims that testing all the meat is unnecessary, but this begs the question, why not allow Creekstone to buy the kits and do it themeselves ... even if it is unnecessary?

Obviously, the state took this position because other meatpackers didn't like the thought of competition from Creekstone; they then put political pressure on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to prevent Creekstone from conducting their own inspections.

The USDA was happy to oblige because they did not want to see other meatpackers inspecting their own meat as this would put USDA inspectors out of work.
But cheaper is better and always low prices is what the corporate koolaid bootlickers brainwash, oops I mean tell us and it is unAmerican to question our corporate overlords.

Now off to get my cheap made in China chicken mcnuggets while I wait for my flight that had outsourced maintenance done so I can save a few bucks on my ticket.


"FAA still does not have comprehensive data on how much and where outsourced maintenance is performed."​
Translation: The FAA does not require airlines to report exactly where they send their aircraft for which kinds of repairs. So, FAA inspectors are not sure which of the roughly 700 foreign repair shops they should inspect.
"There is no standard for all FAA offices regarding initial inspector visits, which can cause safety issues to go unchecked."​
Translation: The FAA's inspectors didn't even show up at some foreign repair stations to monitor their work for as long as three to five years.
"Problems existed [at foreign repair stations that the inspector general investigated], such as untrained mechanics, lack of required tools and unsafe storage of aircraft parts."​
FAA officials told the inspector general they would correct those problems. "He has made recommendations that FAA improve its oversight, and we take those recommendations seriously," says Gilligan of the FAA.
But so far, FAA officials have not put those changes in place.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
The only way that the 99% is getting a "raise" out of our capitalist masters is to take the money as taxes & redistribute it as socialist benefits.

Other than that, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Good to see that you are only begging, Jhnnn.



Nov 11, 1999
Good to see that you are only begging, Jhnnn.


In a democracy, the Will of the People isn't expressed as begging, but rather as demands. Economic realities do, however, force us to reconceptualize, to change the economic structure if we're to prosper as a nation and as a people.

Otherwise, only a very, very few will prosper enormously at the expense of everybody else. This economic catastrophe has been unfolding for the last 30 years. I've been fortunate that it has passed me by, as have the upper middle class in general, but that doesn't mean it won't keep pushing the vast majority of us down if we let it, if we continue to believe the propaganda of the financial elite.

God Mode

Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2005
The middle-class thought they were invincible and that there would always be a sucker to pick up after them and this is the result.

If you have a large subset of people wanting to earn a lazy living with investments without contributing to actual labor or production, the actual producers/corporations will gobble up everything while the middle and lower classes get slowly wiped.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
The middle-class thought they were invincible and that there would always be a sucker to pick up after them and this is the result.

If you have a large subset of people wanting to earn a lazy living with investments without contributing to actual labor or production, the actual producers/corporations will gobble up everything while the middle and lower classes get slowly wiped.

1% (investor class who owns 90% of all stocks) is a 'large subset'?

Where the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.....

God Mode

Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2005
1% (investor class who owns 90% of all stocks) is a 'large subset'?

Where the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.....

Who said only stocks? Having a store(s) is an investment. Real estate etc etc. The guy on top who takes the most without contributing into everyday work is the reason for this mess. These guys and the plethora of middle-class Mc Scrooges leave nothing for others to flourish.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Who said only stocks? Having a store(s) is an investment. Real estate etc etc. The guy on top who takes the most without contributing into everyday work is the reason for this mess. These guys and the plethora of middle-class Mc Scrooges leave nothing for others to flourish.

Middle class and upper middle class 'owners' aren't the ones shipping out masses of jobs and causing most of the issues. They, themselves, are being driven out by the big boys (WalMart, etc).

God Mode

Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2005
Middle class and upper middle class 'owners' aren't the ones shipping out masses of jobs and causing most of the issues. They, themselves, are being driven out by the big boys (WalMart, etc).

They have the bulk purchasing power and indirectly demanded that corporations do what they do. The "owners" did not give a damn if a walmart or mega-replacement business wiped out their fellow class little by little.

All to get the most money they can without thinking of the long-term consequences. When I see a middle to upper middle class businessman, I see a greedy man trying their hardest to drive out others and make it to the wealthy class.

What happens when we have a society of non-working profiteers and a bunch of servant class workers? Our current direction and reality.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
They have the bulk purchasing power and indirectly demanded that corporations do what they do. The "owners" did not give a damn if a walmart or mega-replacement business wiped out their fellow class little by little.

All to get the most money they can without thinking of the long-term consequences. When I see a middle to upper middle class businessman, I see a greedy man trying their hardest to drive out others and make it to the wealthy class.

What happens when we have a society of non-working profiteers and a bunch of servant class workers? Our current direction and reality.

I once read something that showed the 7 steps of life of every empire and their subsequent collapse. Every single one had those 7 steps and step #6 was to (paraphrased) to rely on the slave labor of conquered lands to provide your goods and services. We are at 'Defcon' (step) 6.

God Mode

Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2005
I once read something that showed the 7 steps of life of every empire and their subsequent collapse. Every single one had those 7 steps and step #6 was to (paraphrased) to rely on the slave labor of conquered lands to provide your goods and services. We are at 'Defcon' (step) 6.

Tis the nature of man.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
We need to at least TRY to change this, the problem is that so many simply are unwilling to see a problem. Instead just try and justify what is going on as a good thing or what should happen.


Jun 19, 2000
They have the bulk purchasing power and indirectly demanded that corporations do what they do. The "owners" did not give a damn if a walmart or mega-replacement business wiped out their fellow class little by little.

All to get the most money they can without thinking of the long-term consequences. When I see a middle to upper middle class businessman, I see a greedy man trying their hardest to drive out others and make it to the wealthy class.

What happens when we have a society of non-working profiteers and a bunch of servant class workers? Our current direction and reality.
Congrats, your brainwashing has been a complete success. You are incapable of thinking on your own, your thoughts are provided to you by the progressive collective. As a retired middle class former owner of one store in a franchise of thousands I can readily recognize your idiocy. Your biggest accomplishment to date may be picking your own nose but that makes you wholly and completely unqualified to understand the world around you.

Dumbasses like yourself will never accomplish anything unless someone gives it to you or you find a means to take it. The problem in this nation is your mindset. You will be a servant class worker all your days and you'll blame it on everyone but yourself. Your education was a complete and utter failure. But by all means keep picketing to get your wages doubled at McD's. I'm sure you're the best at wrapping fish filet sandwiches.

Whatever you do, please don't breed.
Apr 27, 2012
The only way that the 99% is getting a "raise" out of our capitalist masters is to take the money as taxes & redistribute it as socialist benefits.

Other than that, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Excellent! Advocating for socialism and wealth redistribution. You don't have a right to other peoples money.

Gotta love how big government supporters are now unhappy that big government doesn't work so well.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
Congrats, your brainwashing has been a complete success. You are incapable of thinking on your own, your thoughts are provided to you by the progressive collective. As a retired middle class former owner of one store in a franchise of thousands I can readily recognize your idiocy. Your biggest accomplishment to date may be picking your own nose but that makes you wholly and completely unqualified to understand the world around you.

Dumbasses like yourself will never accomplish anything unless someone gives it to you or you find a means to take it. The problem in this nation is your mindset. You will be a servant class worker all your days and you'll blame it on everyone but yourself. Your education was a complete and utter failure. But by all means keep picketing to get your wages doubled at McD's. I'm sure you're the best at wrapping fish filet sandwiches.

Whatever you do, please don't breed.

Seems someone hit a nerve... you don't even begin to try any sort of discussion lol, just attacks


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
This stupid country cant even manufacture its own chicken nuggets anymore. We deserve to fail.

I agree with this, we are just too spoiled, set in our ways and too sympathetic to the people and morals that keep us down. Like saving other countries, feeding their kids, keeping stupid and lazy people alive.
We deserve to fail and China has earned the right to take us over..it had to be said.


Jun 19, 2000
Seems someone hit a nerve... you don't even begin to try any sort of discussion lol, just attacks
Nope, no nerve. The statement below deems him too ignorant to have any form of discussion with. He's too ignorant to even understand who provides jobs. He can't comprehend what it took for that middle class businessman to even open his business.

When I see a middle to upper middle class businessman, I see a greedy man trying their hardest to drive out others and make it to the wealthy class.


Nov 11, 1999
Excellent! Advocating for socialism and wealth redistribution. You don't have a right to other peoples money.

Gotta love how big government supporters are now unhappy that big government doesn't work so well.

In a Democracy, the People have the right to levy taxes and to redistribute money. Money is, after all, a creation of the State itself, having no intrinsic value w/o the State to back it up. Witness Confederate money.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
Nope, no nerve. The statement below deems him too ignorant to have any form of discussion with. He's too ignorant to even understand who provides jobs. He can't comprehend what it took for that middle class businessman to even open his business.

So he clearly hit a nerve, these are the kind of reactions that get us no where. How do you know any of this, he may just be ignorant on some basic information. Heck for me it's the actual small business owners, those that still are working to make things work. It's them and their employees that seem to be the ones that are doing well.

Now obviously there are problems especially when it comes to competition, growth, and the drive to really become really well off or rich. But this really depends on the business owner and business practices.
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