awkward "trust in god" comment

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Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
So, I knew someone who died from a terminal illness. He was in his early 20's. As you might imagine, people prayed like absolute crazy for this kid and he still died. Anyway, on to the point:

One day, that kid's dad was talking to a stranger, and this stranger mentioned that he has survived the same illness. He said that he had faith in god and that god had saved him due to all the prayers. The stranger wasn't aware of the other guy's loss.

How must that father have felt to hear this? This stranger said god saved him because he prayed and kept the faith, so god found favor in him but let this other guy's son DIE. If shit like this doesn't make people at least question their faith, then I don't know what else can.

I spoke in a general way to protect people's privacy, but this fucking happened right infront of my face and I BIT MY TONGUE.

Kevin Trudeau does pretty much the same thing. Except where religious people say "you must not have prayed enough", Trudeau says "you must not have believed enough".

Mar 11, 2004
IMHO the atheists are worse. I've met plenty of stupid religious people and plenty of stupid atheists. Generally the religious people are nice, decent folk. If anything, their religious beliefs reinforce a basic moral system. On the other hand, atheists are so convinced of their intellectual superiority over the rest of humanity that they come off as a bunch of smug d-bags whenever the topic of religion comes up.

Oh no, someone able to see bullshit for what it is and calling it as such, well those smug bastards!

I'm just going to laugh at the rest. I'd mention stuff like confirmation bias but I honestly don't think you understand what that is at all.

Look at USSR, Red China, Cambodia under atheist Pol Pot, and North Korea. Atheist societies fell behind religious societies in technological advancements and human rights.

Yep, because its clearly for God that those advancements were made and no religions have ever had a hand in atrocities. No crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, empiricism (believe in Christ you ignorant savages!!!), genocide or anything!

FYI those aren't atheist societies at all, they actually force people to worship the state/government instead. Its literally the exact same thing that religions have done for as long as they've existed. They "fell behind" because they were already behind and then bloody revolution and civil wars, well that tends to not be the best thing for progress.

Hell if that's your best argument, well then shit, what do all the Nazis that helped our space program say about that?


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
The fact that some of you automatically assume that I am religious just because I pointed out the idiocy in this thread just proves my point about the atheists in this forum - you're as retarded as the religious people you mock.

For the record, I never said that all religious people were mindless drones, just the ones who believe that everything that happens in life is preordained by sky fairies.

Not sure why you're getting all worked up about it though.
Mar 11, 2004
The fact that some of you automatically assume that I am religious just because I pointed out the idiocy in this thread just proves my point about the atheists in this forum - you're as retarded as the religious people you mock.

Where did I make any such assumption? Oh that's right, I didn't. What now you hypocrite?

Likewise, I'm just pointing out the idiocy in your posts.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
You'd think he would give some credit to the doctors and pharmaceutical companies who really saved him.

Praying never did anyone harm. However hospital deaths accounted for 29 percent of all deaths in 2010. So yeah, thank you medical science for not making me part of your unlucky 81 percent.

And death by medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. More people die at the hands of medical malpractice than auto accidents by a factor of six. This doesn't even account for those who are seriously harmed and injured. My unwavering belief in big pharma and doctors has paid off. Thank you Jesus.
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No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Praying never did anyone harm. However hospital deaths accounted for 29 percent of all deaths in 2010. So yeah, thank you medical science for not making me part of your unlucky 81 percent.

And death by medical error is the sixth leading cause of death in the US. More people die at the hands of medical malpractice than auto accidents by a factor of six. This doesn't even account for those who are seriously harmed and injured. My unwavering belief in big pharma and doctors has paid off. Thank you Jesus.

Well, everyone is terminal and it is a fact that sick and dying people generally go to the hospital so it would make sense that some portion of the people who go there will die there. I'm not sure that the statistic "29% of all deaths were hospital deaths" means a whole lot more than jack shit quite frankly.

I'm also curious, what does the 81% represent in the "statistic" you quoted about hospital deaths? Because I can't figure it out. Is 81% supposed to be the percent of deaths that weren't hospital deaths? If so, that totals 110%.
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Dec 7, 2009
I can't believe all the anti-religious fervor going on in this damned thread. God has a special place in hell for you heathen infidels full of fire and brimstone where you will choke and cough and burn and suffer for all eternity. But he loves you. He loves you and he needs money! He's got the whole creation of the universe thing going, but somehow has trouble with money.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
Well, everyone is terminal and it is a fact that sick and dying people generally go to the hospital so it would make sense that some portion of the people who go there will die there. I'm not sure that the statistic 29% of all deaths were hospital deaths means a whole lot more than jack shit quite frankly.

Which is why I included the paragraph about medical malpractice. You know, the thing that kills only slightly less people than heart disease or cancer. Obviously the article won't mean "jack shit" to you either.

10 Things You Want To Know About Medical Malpractice
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Jan 4, 2001
People find comfort in religion in situations like terminal illness because we don't like to feel powerless. Prayer makes us feel like we're helping our loved one, even though it accomplishes nothing. If the person happens to get better, it just affirms their faith.

Of course this isn't how the universe works. The best metaphor for life I've come across is a game of poker. There's some order and skill to it, but a lot of the outcome depends on random chance and luck. Some folks just get dealt a bad hand, while others players at the same table always seem to hold a straight flush. Then there are some folks who are just really good at bluffing. All you can do is just play your cards to the best of your abilities and try to enjoy the ride.
Just look at how many large rocks are whizzing around the local Solar System, and how many have hit this planet. Or how the ecosystem has undergone immense changes from time to time, particularly in how it went from a low-oxygen environment to what we have now.

The Universe just doesn't give a damn about us. We're localized orderly pockets of molecules, which are able to observe that, and many of these localized pockets don't like being called localized orderly pockets of molecules.
Plenty of other pockets of molecules (or atoms, or plasma) go about their business without caring about the nature of their existence; many of them aren't even capable of caring. Likewise, the rest of the Universe also doesn't care.

But we're here just the same. Deal with it.

Praying never did anyone harm. However hospital deaths accounted for 29 percent of all deaths in 2010. So yeah, thank you medical science for not making me part of your unlucky 81 percent.

And death by medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. More people die at the hands of medical malpractice than auto accidents by a factor of six. This doesn't even account for those who are seriously harmed and injured. My unwavering belief in big pharma and doctors has paid off. Thank you Jesus.
It certainly can if you do that in lieu of something that's has genuine use, beyond a morale boost.

IMHO the atheists are worse. I've met plenty of stupid religious people and plenty of stupid atheists. Generally the religious people are nice, decent folk.

Not if you're gay, for one.
Or of the wrong religion. Or of the wrong grouping withing the same religion. Or if you don't pray enough. Or don't pray properly. Or hold the wrong opinions. And so on.

If anything, their religious beliefs reinforce a basic moral system.
So simple and basic, in fact, that there's no disagreement at all on how it should be followed, and no contradictions in behavior, or in the rules themselves.

(Any Christians here work on Sunday? I sure hope not.)

On the other hand, atheists are so convinced of their intellectual superiority over the rest of humanity that they come off as a bunch of smug d-bags whenever the topic of religion comes up.
On the other hand, faith-based religious folks are so convinced of their intellectual superiority that they simply say "because I believe it, and faith is all that's needed," effectively saying, evidence isn't needed. It's to be believed and accepted just because.

Smugness comes oozing from the religious as well.
"You don't believe in God? Well, I'll pray for you. [Subtext: You poor misguided fool, you'll rot in damnation forever. At least I won't.]"

"You don't believe in God? How can you be a moral person? [Subtext: Everyone who doesn't believe in God would feel absolutely nothing negative from murdering or harming another person, therefore you are nothing short of evil.]"

"How can you know love without religion or Jesus? [Subtext: Love is impossible without being part of my religion.]"

"You're an atheist, so don't really know anything about the world. [Subtext: My beliefs come from a higher power, and I have faith in those beliefs, therefore there is a zero percent chance I am incorrect. This is not smugness.]"

Been there, heard that.

Thus far, the system of generating conclusions based on testable observations has worked quite exceptionally well. Faith based methods have no more success than one would have with pure random chance.
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Feb 2, 2005
It certainly can if you do that in lieu of something that's has genuine use, beyond a morale boost.

Studies have been done which show that prayer actually had a negative effect when the person being prayed for knew about it. Researchers chalked it up to performance anxiety. People actually felt pressure to get well, and the stress caused complications.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
I can't believe all the anti-religious fervor going on in this damned thread. God has a special place in hell for you heathen infidels full of fire and brimstone where you will choke and cough and burn and suffer for all eternity. But he loves you. He loves you and he needs money! He's got the whole creation of the universe thing going, but somehow has trouble with money.

I'm curious as to what happens once everyone on the planet is assimilated into the religious hive. Does God stop needing money then?


Jan 4, 2001
Studies have been done which show that prayer actually had a negative effect when the person being prayed for knew about it. Researchers chalked it up to performance anxiety. People actually felt pressure to get well, and the stress caused complications.
Or they got the idea of, "Oh no, my condition is so bad that they're calling on the supreme being of the Universe to help me out. FFFFFFFUUUUUUU..."


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
If two people had a terminal illness, and one of them survived, it would seem that it is in fact NOT a terminal illness.

I had a common cold earlier this year, but because I contracted it at an airport I considered it a terminal illness.


Dec 4, 2004
If two people had a terminal illness, and one of them survived, it would seem that it is in fact NOT a terminal illness.

Called a miracle bro, that's like... how it works. What shouldn't happen, does. People rise from the dead, the blind see, water turns to wine... these aren't fairy tales, this stuff still happens. I've seen dying people restored instantly, the shocked doctors who have no explanation.

Prayer; sometimes it works every time.

One of the best jokes to come from Anchorman and hilariously accurate in this case. For some people, it does work. For others, it doesn't. Now why don't people try to figure out why...

Exactly. The burden of proof is on the religious people to prove God exists, if you can't then GTFO.

God exists. The burden of belief is on you, not me. Want proof? Have faith. You will find all the proof you need, and wisdom and understanding. Choose not to have faith, you will never find proof. You don't want proof, you don't want truth. You have to want it to find it. This is simple reasoning.

You can look around and see religious people everywhere, and their prayers are never answered and their lives are not changed in the least from their weekly dose from the pulpit. Religion is made by man, not God. You won't find God in religion. Heck, even the bible says that. Yet all these bible-believing religions must skip that chapter.


Jan 4, 2001
Called a miracle bro, that's like... how it works. What shouldn't happen, does. People rise from the dead, the blind see, water turns to wine... these aren't fairy tales, this stuff still happens. I've seen dying people restored instantly, the shocked doctors who have no explanation.
Amputees have had their limbs...pretty much never grow back, ever, except when powerful hallucinogenic compounds are involved. And speaking of which...

One of the best jokes to come from Anchorman and hilariously accurate in this case. For some people, it does work. For others, it doesn't. Now why don't people try to figure out why...
Because if God does exist, he's the most horrifically evil and sadistic entity humanity's ever encountered?

You can look around and see religious people everywhere, and their prayers are never answered and their lives are not changed in the least from their weekly dose from the pulpit. Religion is made by man, not God. You won't find God in religion. Heck, even the bible says that. Yet all these bible-believing religions must skip that chapter.
I could've sworn there was something about this in those Commandment thingies.
Oh, wait, Old Testament, so those things don't count. Including that unkind stuff about "a man lying with another man."

religious logic 101.
Blind faith: Accepting things just because. (The invisible pink unicorn: I believe, therefore that's proof.)
My idea of "faith": Accepting things with reasonable evidence. (That a $20 bill will still be worth something tomorrow, or that my coworkers won't stab me to death tomorrow morning.)
Proof: Extensive and repeatable evidence shows it to be so.

So, yeah, I can see how blind faith is equivalent to proof.

A diehard drug addict also has exceptional blind faith in things. He still can't fly or walk on water.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
A diehard drug addict also has exceptional blind faith in things. He still can't fly or walk on water.

bullshit, 5 tabs of LSD and I'll be fucking FLYING.


Apr 5, 2013
Called a miracle bro, that's like... how it works. What shouldn't happen, does. People rise from the dead, the blind see, water turns to wine... these aren't fairy tales, this stuff still happens. I've seen dying people restored instantly, the shocked doctors who have no explanation.

On this one, did said person just go from knocking on deaths door to getting up and going to a rave (or something like this) or was it from medical treatment they got and the Dr is unsure why it happened. Most likely the latter.

As I said, I died on the operating table for 10 minutes, if not for surgeons manually pumping my heart into a rhythm I would certainly have died. Now when dead, I saw nothing. I was literally (and clinically dead) for 10 mins, my medical records show this fact. Explain why I saw nothing, and explain why medical science restored me where religious "science" would have seen me die before I even got to the table.

My priest actually said it would be better for me not to have had the transplant as my "leaving earth" was part of his plan. Yup, fucked up. The day I died and was revived, was the day I stopped being religious, and trust me, I was a big believer!


Jan 4, 2001
bullshit, 5 tabs of LSD and I'll be fucking FLYING.
What if you were on a treadmill?

On this one, did said person just go from knocking on deaths door to getting up and going to a rave (or something like this) or was it from medical treatment they got and the Dr is unsure why it happened. Most likely the latter.

As I said, I died on the operating table for 10 minutes, if not for surgeons manually pumping my heart into a rhythm I would certainly have died. Now when dead, I saw nothing. I was literally (and clinically dead) for 10 mins, my medical records show this fact. Explain why I saw nothing, and explain why medical science restored me where religious "science" would have seen me die before I even got to the table.

My priest actually said it would be better for me not to have had the transplant as my "leaving earth" was part of his plan. Yup, fucked up. The day I died and was revived, was the day I stopped being religious, and trust me, I was a big believer!
No matter what occurs, no matter what occurs, God always planned it.

Or maybe you, nephilim, are actually the second coming of Jesus. He/you just didn't want to take the time to stay dead for such a long time this time. Repairing the substantial amount of damage done by being dead, even for a short time, has got to be tedious work.
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
Isn't it funny how topics of religion can produce negative or condescending remarks, personal attacks, defensive or offensive behaviors and all other sorts of negativity. It's almost ironic considering how positive religions are supposed to be.


Dec 4, 2004
Because if God does exist, he's the most horrifically evil and sadistic entity humanity's ever encountered?

Can't possibly see how, all he wants is for us to love one another and live in peace. We cause all the problems, not God. You can't force good.

On this one, did said person just go from knocking on deaths door to getting up and going to a rave (or something like this) or was it from medical treatment they got and the Dr is unsure why it happened. Most likely the latter.

They were indeed at the hospital, dying from an overdose. The doctors did not cure them, and don't know how it happened. All the drugs in their system went away just all of a sudden.

As I said, I died on the operating table for 10 minutes, if not for surgeons manually pumping my heart into a rhythm I would certainly have died. Now when dead, I saw nothing. I was literally (and clinically dead) for 10 mins, my medical records show this fact. Explain why I saw nothing, and explain why medical science restored me where religious "science" would have seen me die before I even got to the table.

What is dead? How does biological death apply to spiritual life? What makes you think you'll see anything at all when your body dies? These are all wonderful questions that nobody on earth can answer for you. They are interesting topics of discussion though! Religion might try to answer your questions, because the religious feel like they need answers. Not everything can be answered by men. Also, I have no idea what you mean by "religious science".

My priest actually said it would be better for me not to have had the transplant as my "leaving earth" was part of his plan. Yup, fucked up. The day I died and was revived, was the day I stopped being religious, and trust me, I was a big believer!

Maybe you were a big believer in your religion, like most people? I'm not the least bit surprised when people give up religion, it's terrible for you! In fact, religion keeps men from God! I would be just as upset as you if my spiritual leader told me something like that, it doesn't make any sense. As others jokingly point out often, logic and reason often do not go hand in hand with religion. I mean, pointy hats and robes? Why? It's all silly and it's not surprising people find it a joke. But remember, religion is NOT God. That's key.
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