AZ Secretary of State says Kari Lake committed felony

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Jan 14, 2013
If you read what I said would not my answer be obvious? Would not it be clear that the recognition that the situation is hopeless is the one realization that changes everything?

The problem, as I see it, is that you are a person of hope, that some plan you dream up can solve everything, can deal with the dangerous lunatic right and save us from authoritarianism.

But in my opinion that is a desperation born of fear. You fear the loss of that which you hold sacred, the American tradition of democracy as you conceive it to have been but is now threatened by right wing fascism. And for this you have a plan. I asked you what your plan is but you ask me instead to remove your hope that plans are needed and that they can save you from this horrible fate.

You ask me to give you assurances that the right can be dissuaded from their plan to do the very same thing. They are also in the same business as you, saving the American system of government they imagine made them feel special and privileged and which they fancy you threaten. They have a plan born of hope. We can see what it is.

It is an insanity born of desperation and fear and the delusion it can be saved.

Even without stating your plan, I know it is useless because because all plans are built of the hope to preserve whatever form of personal madness your mind via random past experiences has determined will be effective. Plans are the product of fear which manifest as authoritarian need.

My personal opinion is that you don’t clearly articulate what your plan is but instead seek appeal to me to support you out of my own fear of loss.

So I have a plan that can save the world, yes, but the guarantee of its effectiveness has to be earned. Die to all plans. “There are a million paths in life you can walk and they all lead nowhere.” There is nowhere to go, nothing to achieve, nothing to perfect, nothing to save.

It is all there within you when you see this. All plans are the creation of fear and create what we fear. Planners are fucked and fuck everything and everyone.

A Sufi saying just came to mind: Be in the world but not of it.

Now. This is only JUST IN CASE you can't talk people like Ron DeSantis and Trump and the millions and millions of self-hating Nazis that are the current base of the Republican party to step off the ledge and love everyone a bit more, including themselves. I mean on the SLIM chance that doesn't happen before the Republicans give us any real warning signs that they want to oppress people and overthrow democracy and install their white christian nationalism on the rest of us. JUST IN CASE you can't talk them out of it in time. simply a contingency plan.

The key is the Dems have to coordinate this among governors, federal legislators and state legislators, mayors of big cities, a lot of levels for the plan below to take shape and be effective - have discussions on how to approach the military and national guard in a unified way, put your allies in the military on a list and the MAGATS on the other list, have people ready to stand up and resist the inevitable illegal power grab, have lawyers across states and the federal level coordinate. Basically, exactly not like how the Dems completely fucked up this debt ceiling thing that could have been seen coming a mile away and they flubbed it big time.

According to pseudo intellectuals that think the worst of the GQP like DeSantis will respect democracy, they think STANDING UP TO AN ILLEGAL COUP is a coup itself. Those people are idiots and the very reason, along with people like you, that fascist and nationalist dictatorships have constantly arisen and SEIZED power in modern history, all around the world. So fucking get better, like quickly.

When the GQP states start making rules where they can overthrow elections, as they have, Dem governors all need to say this is authoritarian, and this will never happen in this state. Loud and together, so it has to be covered. Press conferences all on one day saying these actions are illegitimate.

Dems also have to have a plan both legally (which they probably are like they did with Gore) but also with messaging for if this is attempted at all in the next election or two. Every single Democratic governor, Senator, House Member, in the executive branch, etc.. - all have to come out and say that such a move is illegal, authoritarian and they will not accept the results of these meddled elections. Everyone, or the vast majority, have to be on the same page. And they have to come up with reason/theory both based in legalese as well as even make a few things up that sound sane, you know, how like standing up to fascism should sound - but all ending with the point, these results will not be accepted and they are illegitimate authoritarian grabs at power, and we will not stand for it. If it ends up in the Supreme Court, or any kangaroo conservative court and they lose, the Dems need to all be on the same page, the SC is illegitimate due to the corruption and the stealing of a seat from Obama. That and those rulings are null and void.

If the republicans start to try to federalize the overthrow of abortion rights and other fundamental freedoms, which is all going to happen if they get any more power, the democrats again have to do the same thing - to each thing say this is not going to work, and every Dem across state and federal office (or the vast majority) have to announce they will refuse to follow these laws, and they have contingency plans to do so. Ditto with voting rights assaults. Lawyers across states better be working together already to get everyone on the same page. A piecemeal response to this stuff is barely better than nothing. It has to be a unified front and plan across a huge swath of Democratic leaders on multiple levels. That’s what a plan is, getting states and federally elected officials on the same page.

Democratic leaders across the state level have to prepare a unified front when and if these lines are drawn and the fascists double down and they get crossed enough times. They will have to say, together, this has gone too far and we have planned for this, to band together and attempt to negotiate a peaceful divorce/separation. The values of red states and blue states do not align, and we are better off as two sovereign nations with a peaceful solution. Also at some point announce a relocation plan to help political asylum refugees from the fascist state to the democratic state in financial and bureaucratic ways.

If violence breaks out there should definitely be plans for this in place on how to rally the National Guard and other resources already in the pipeline. All peaceful avenues of a negotiated split should be planned and attempted with violence as a last resort.

If these and more points are not implemented, the other result is we ALL live under fascist rule.

I have never proposed not trying to win democratically, but as most of us should be aware, the current system is rigged. And nobody here has proposed a single plan based on the reality of what we live in now to get that done. It’s just - oh we’ll win elections and expand the court. Because that’s going so well, and it’s not a plan at all. It's just a broad statement. And they have NO plan for if the GQP keeps or gains enough power to change the balance. It’s just a bunch of hopes and dreams that it will all work out ok.

Imagine thinking Ron DeSantis will respect democracy if he gets power, and the only way to stop the arrival of fascism is to pre-emptively attack. We are not dealing with people that live in reality.
Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
'There should be plans! Everyone needs to coordinate and make a plan! Governors across the country and feds need plans! Lawyers and Dems need a plan! They all need to form a united front with their messaging! That's my plan!' do what, exactly? You've been asked before and still not defined what these plans are and how to execute them and what to do if they fail. It's a bunch of bloviated nonsense that means nothing. It's not a plan.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jan 14, 2013
'There should be plans! Everyone needs to coordinate and make a plan! Governors across the country and feds need plans! Lawyers and Dems need a plan! They all need to form a united front with their messaging! That's my plan!' do what, exactly? You've been asked before and still not defined what these plans are and how to execute them and what to do if they fail. It's a bunch of bloviated nonsense that means nothing. It's not a plan.

You are a fucking idiot at this point. Yes there has to be plans in regards to a legal response, in place for military coordination, as I mentioned. And yes everybody has to be on the same page across the states and multiple levels of government.

One of the big reasons why grabs for power succeed it's because the other side is caught with their pants down and looks like an uncoordinated mess with no real response, as we see with the debt ceiling negotiations. You can't have the Democrats in disarray while the Republican sieze power. That's exactly what the power seizing side wants - confusion and chaos because they have a fucking plan. An idiot like you and FSKIM want to be caught with our pants fucking down. I don't know why but it's fucking completely mentally insane.

It has to be united coordinated and planned.

That is a plan and you keep saying this shit because you're a fucking asshole that just wants to be right and completely lies and misrepresents everything I say. You can't even take a direct answer from fskims that proves you completely wrong because you have such a giant stick up your ass.

So now that I've put forth a plan that combines legal, military, and nationwide coordination and response, What's your plan you fucking moron?
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Now. This is only JUST IN CASE you can't talk people like Ron DeSantis

The key is the Dems have to coordinate "……….

So fucking get better, like quickly.
Thank you for the effort you put into this. As I said, plans arise out of fear. They are driven by feelings deeply buried that manifest as compulsive thinking.

As I I said I have no hope at all that I can change a single conservative bent on achieving any of his or her plans by any means imaginary any more than I can convince you you’re on that same path.

All this unity and coordination you demand is all dependent on others realizing your needs for it. How do you plan to make them see it. How do you convince others that yours is THE PLAN. I can afford to waste one suggestion. Perhaps the cohesion you desire can be achieved by calling everyone you wish to appeal to join in such a noble endeavor a fucking moron.

Good luck with that. Perhaps you may be entering the territory of the limits of rage. Perhaps you could ask yourself what feelings you have that impels you to manifest such frantic behavior. Do I smell the aroma exuded by sacred cow under death threat?

I think that the Republican threat to democracy will be met by democrats in the form of each reacting externally according to the level of the conscious awareness of each. As I said, what will be will be. The factor under my control is confined only to how my conscious awareness reacts to that. Do I accept what will be or am I going to scream at clouds? People like me make lousy crusaders.

Don’t like stinky cows, come out to the rose garden and smell the transformation manure can undergo.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Reading the replies to Lake's tweet is hilarious. The gullibility of the MAGAs just never ceases to amaze.
It can't possibility be that Lake turned off moderate voters with her extremist rhetoric and even told them to stay home, it must be an elaborate conspiracy theory!
Confirmation bias run amok.


Jan 14, 2013
Reading the replies to Lake's tweet is hilarious. The gullibility of the MAGAs just never ceases to amaze.
It can't possibility be that Lake turned off moderate voters with her extremist rhetoric and even told them to stay home, it must be an elaborate conspiracy theory!
Confirmation bias run amok.

And she barely lost. A testament to how truly fucked America is if we don't prepare for drastic action


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
You are a fucking idiot at this point. Yes there has to be plans in regards to a legal response, in place for military coordination, as I mentioned. And yes everybody has to be on the same page across the states and multiple levels of government.

One of the big reasons why grabs for power succeed it's because the other side is caught with their pants down and looks like an uncoordinated mess with no real response, as we see with the debt ceiling negotiations. You can't have the Democrats in disarray while the Republican sieze power. That's exactly what the power seizing side wants - confusion and chaos because they have a fucking plan. An idiot like you and FSKIM want to be caught with our pants fucking down. I don't know why but it's fucking completely mentally insane.

It has to be united coordinated and planned.

That is a plan and you keep saying this shit because you're a fucking asshole that just wants to be right and completely lies and misrepresents everything I say. You can't even take a direct answer from fskims that proves you completely wrong because you have such a giant stick up your ass.

So now that I've put forth a plan that combines legal, military, and nationwide coordination and response, What's your plan you fucking moron?
Are you ok? Should we call someone for a wellness check?

You need help, no joke.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jan 14, 2013
Are you ok? Should we call someone for a wellness check?

You need help, no joke.

Why do I need help? I, unlike you perhaps it is seeming, have read a few history books, and went to college and took a few history classes, and am always reading thoughtful pieces about the world in relation to our past and present. This shit has happened many times in modern history, one needs to be prepared when the signs of history repeating itself, YET again, are lighting up. If you don't think the GQP is showing signs of strong white nationalist fascism with strong echoes of what has happened many many times in other modern nations, then you are a fucking moron of the highest order. We almost literally lost our democracy to a moron like Trump the other year, it was close, and every sign points to the GQP going in that direction more strongly now, much more concerted and with a stronger purpose knowing how close they got with that schmuck in charge.

There is no reason why history can't repeat itself here, and if you can explain why, by all means do. Only naive fools refuse to learn from recent history that has happened time and time again. Nobody took Hitler or a bunch of other fucked up nationalist movements seriously either, until they seized power, and the unpreparedness was half the reason they lost. Nothing is 100% guaranteed that this will happen, but the signs are sure pretty fucking strong they might. Why wouldn't you want to be prepared?

Why are you a complete ignoramus of history Pohemi? I mean that is the most stupid of the stupid. I mean if you are aware of history on a decent level, that is worse than being an ignorant MAGAT.

At least a lot of the stupid MAGA are stupid and horrible because they are completely ignorant or just evil. But you present yourself as someone educated and not ignorant, yet you are turning out to be dumber than MAGA. Imagine having so much of history written out for you, yet being so fucking stupid about it to the point you dismiss it as feasible when the parallels are off the charts, and call anybody pointing it out crazy.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Rage harder, kid.

I've only dug into you for the one specific thing you've been doing here...and you've been doing it for months.

Now you've resorted to just pulling things out of your ass to be insulting, thinking I give two shits about a raging blowhard. Welcome to the list I guess.
Last edited:
Reactions: Meghan54


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Why do I need help? I, unlike you perhaps it is seeming, have read a few history books, and went to college and took a few history classes, and am always reading thoughtful pieces about the world in relation to our past and present.
Don't you understand that while you drone on about the danger of fascists, the sun might disappear tonight when we are asleep, you fucking nitwit. Do you realize what could happen? Think about the science, the physics the chemistry the biology. Without light hand heat we're all fucked and fucked bad. Why the fuck don't you have a plan for that, something a million times more threatening than any Nazi takeover. How dumb can you be? We need a God Damned plan and any simpleton should be able to see it. You should be beaten senseless until you can see that.

Save my worthless ass please. We need a greenhouse and lots of kerosene. The things that terrify you don't terrify me and so I react differently. The problem, however, is that the things that terrify me is where your attention should be. My fear is what you need to fix, you damn ass.

I called my doctor. Thank God I was right. He told me to stop worrying. I think he has a plan.


Jan 14, 2013
Rage harder, kid.

I've only dug into you for the one specific thing you've been doing here...and you've been doing it for months.

Now you've resorted to just pulling things out of your ass to be insulting, thinking I give two shits about a raging blowhard. Welcome to the list I guess.
Look, you have found your brother in Moonbeam. He says the same shit you do to my posts. Look, two morons in a pod.

Don't you understand that while you drone on about the danger of fascists, the sun might disappear tonight when we are asleep, you fucking nitwit. Do you realize what could happen? Think about the science, the physics the chemistry the biology. Without light hand heat we're all fucked and fucked bad. Why the fuck don't you have a plan for that, something a million times more threatening than any Nazi takeover. How dumb can you be? We need a God Damned plan and any simpleton should be able to see it. You should be beaten senseless until you can see that.

Save my worthless ass please. We need a greenhouse and lots of kerosene. The things that terrify you don't terrify me and so I react differently. The problem, however, is that the things that terrify me is where your attention should be. My fear is what you need to fix, you damn ass.

I called my doctor. Thank God I was right. He told me to stop worrying. I think he has a plan.
Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Look, you have found your brother in Moonbeam. He says the same shit you do to my posts. Look, two morons in a pod.
Not exactly the same. He says he doesn't give two shits that you are a raging blowhard. I am trying to explain why you are so that, if there is any truth in what I say, it may offer you a way our of that condition. I sense that you are in pain and that makes me sad. You persist in the same mistake, in my opinion, differentiating the facts about the right from your reaction to those facts. We all more or less, at least those of us on the left, know the facts. I assessment is that you react to those facts with irrational terror that drives you to seek the safety of plans when there is no such thing as safety. Everybody is asleep and what happens will happen in our sleep. Only the awake will be awake. See if you can find a way to be awake. I have no answers to that.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Crime Queen just keeps on Criming! LOCK HER UP!



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Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
She shares the same delusional self-importance as MTG, Boebert, Hawley, Jordan, and so on and so forth. They're all trying to suck on the same piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of Donnie's shoe, hoping he'll notice them and give them favor.

I think Lake has been trying to get on his radar as a potential VP pick. She obviously doesn't care about proper governance or the will of the voters. She'd fit right in with him tbh.


May 30, 2008
Crime Queen just keeps on Criming! LOCK HER UP!

View attachment 81613

Clicked on this thread to see if it was about the same story

At the Georgia Republican party convention on Friday night, the Arizona Republican Kari Lake – who will go to Miami to “support” Trump – suggested violence.

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me,” Lake exclaimed to roaring cheers and a standing ovation. “Most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA,” the National Rifle Association gun lobby. “That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

Most Republicans in Congress are once again siding with Trump rather than standing for the rule of law.

A few are openly fomenting violence. The Louisiana representative Clay Higgins suggested guerrilla warfare: “This is a perimeter probe from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS [a reference to the real president of the United States] has this. Buckle up. 1/50K know your bridges. Rock steady calm.”

Most other prominent Republicans – even those seeking the Republican presidential nomination – are criticizing Biden, Merrick Garland and the special counsel Jack Smith for “weaponizing” the justice department.

All this advances Trump’s goal of forcing Americans to choose sides over him.

Violence is possible, but there will be no civil war.

Nations don’t go to war over whether they like or hate specific leaders. They go to war over the ideologies, religions, racism, social classes or economic policies these leaders represent.

Don't know if I agree with this argument or not. A "civil war" is a very big deal indeed, not something to be predicted lightly, and still seems a very long way off.

But it's not as if there aren't massive ideological differences, massive problems with racism, and increasing class-polarisation, of which the rise of Trump is one symptom.

And I find it astonishing that such wild and violence-inciting comments can come, not from fringe political figures with no real power or influence, but from people who have been elected to real political offices, and are members of a supposedly mainstream political party.
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