Baby on the Way


Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Basically, my fiance is 5 months pregnant and every day I am more protective over her and the baby's wellbeing. We go to the doctor about once a month and so far so good. I just have all these fears and hopes and just wish everything will turn out ok. I know those here in ATOT have some comments or experiences they can share. Just looking maybe for some advice for pre-baby, like things to do to help prepare. I have been a complete wreck lately!!

UPDATE: Found today it's a BOY!!!WOOT!!!


Dec 4, 2000
i dont have a baby(that i know of :Q)
but it would seem prudent to
1.Save cash
2.get a baby room ready
3.a dime bag, at least.


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2003
99.9% of the time, things turn out better than you fear. Go to the childbirth classes (both of you) but don't freak out at all the 'this could go wrong' lists. Relax. Go out to dinner (avoid spicy foods after the first few months). Go swimming- my wife loved this later in the pregnancy because it supported her!

You've got your ticket to an incredible adventure. It won't always be fun but it will be worth it in the end.


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2005
Don't dwell on the negatives of the *what if's* The what if's almost always are nothing. This is a joyous time, prepare, read, just go with the flow. Before you know it, the baby will be here. Congrats.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by: griffis
Basically, my fiance is 5 months pregnant and every day I am more protective over her and the baby's wellbeing. We go to the doctor about once a month and so far so good. I just have all these fears and hopes and just wish everything will turn out ok. I know those here in ATOT have some comments or experiences they can share. Just looking maybe for some advice for pre-baby, like things to do to help prepare. I have been a complete wreck lately!!

congrats on the new baby!


Someone made a good point on another baby thread yesterday... start buying diapers now.
I can understand why you are worried, but try to channel that nervous energy and thoughts into something positive... cherish this time you have with your fiancee. Embrace the fact that you are both experiencing this wonderful event together.

Best of wishes to you, you will be a great dad


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
I completely understand what you are going through, my GF is due November 14th(estimated) with our first child and we have been busy preparing a babies room and many other things for when the baby (A girl, who will be named Emily...or Obi-won kenobi if I had my way ) arrives.

Luckily for us, we have both of our families for sponging..I mean support (I love all the free babies things save me some dough) so that's helps out alot.

Good luck and congrats.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Thanks for all the tips guys> The money thing is in the bag, I am thankfully able to make a descent living for both of us while she works part time and finishes school. We have been spending alot more time together. I find this great because we have both become closer to each other in ways we could never imagine.

Originally posted by: LolaWiz
Someone made a good point on another baby thread yesterday... start buying diapers now.
I can understand why you are worried, but try to channel that nervous energy and thoughts into something positive... cherish this time you have with your fiancee. Embrace the fact that you are both experiencing this wonderful event together.

Best of wishes to you, you will be a great dad

I know, I really do focus on negative, thats a good point! I dont mean too, I am just like everyone else!! I want everything to turn out to be good and make things easy on her as much as possible!!

Any other piece of advice I should consider?!


Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Originally posted by: fLum0x
Originally posted by: griffis
Basically, my fiance is 5 months pregnant and every day I am more protective over her and the baby's wellbeing. We go to the doctor about once a month and so far so good. I just have all these fears and hopes and just wish everything will turn out ok. I know those here in ATOT have some comments or experiences they can share. Just looking maybe for some advice for pre-baby, like things to do to help prepare. I have been a complete wreck lately!!

congrats on the new baby!



Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Stumps
I completely understand what you are going through, my GF is due November 14th(estimated) with our first child and we have been busy preparing a babies room and many other things for when the baby (A girl, who will be named Emily...or Obi-won kenobi if I had my way ) arrives.

Luckily for us, we have both of our families for sponging..I mean support (I love all the free babies things save me some dough) so that's helps out alot.

Good luck and congrats.

Yeh the free stuff from both families has been nice. Mostly mine since they have been grandparents for about 5 years now so they are able to help out with experience!! Thats great, mine is due on Feb 14th!! Valentines Day FTW!!


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
You are just being a good father and (soon to be) husband. Your paternal instincts are strengthening, just don't let them get the better of you.

Do you have any idea how many guys out there could care less when they get a woman pregnant? She's lucky to have you. Just be kind to yourself.


Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by: griffis
Thanks for all the tips guys> The money thing is in the bag, I am thankfully able to make a descent living for both of us while she works part time and finishes school. We have been spending alot more time together. I find this great because we have both become closer to each other in ways we could never imagine.

Originally posted by: LolaWiz
Someone made a good point on another baby thread yesterday... start buying diapers now.
I can understand why you are worried, but try to channel that nervous energy and thoughts into something positive... cherish this time you have with your fiancee. Embrace the fact that you are both experiencing this wonderful event together.

Best of wishes to you, you will be a great dad

I know, I really do focus on negative, thats a good point! I dont mean too, I am just like everyone else!! I want everything to turn out to be good and make things easy on her as much as possible!!

Any other piece of advice I should consider?!

In another thread somene gave good advice. I'll try to paraphrase: there are two kinds of parents, those who admit that parenthood fundamentally changes their lives and those who try to maintain a single lifestyle.
The first set of people have the potential to be good parents, the second set have no chance.
You're a parent, even now, it is time to put aside childish things.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
As others have stated; stock UP and UP on diapers.

Either get the cloth (to save money and experience first hand...:evil or use the throw aways.
You can not get to much of either. For the throw-aways, figure going through close to 10/day for the first 6 months and down to 5/day for the next year afterwards.

If otherwords; stock up while they are on sale; You can always return them to the store for credit against a larger size. the packages are numbers by age group/size for easier reference.

Unless you are fashionable; in the beginning, the generics will suffice.

Get plenty of baby lotion and also stock up on baby wipes. Get 3 dispenser packs and by plenty of bulk refills. Keep one dispenser pack in the diaper bag, one in the living area and one in the babys bedroom area.

Delivery clothing and furniture will be useful in advance.

Baby bottles, brushes, nipples can be purchased in advance if desired; not critical.
Formula (if to be used) can be purchased in bulk.

Also, get a wireless baby monitoring set. Great peace of mind.

As much as you can get done in the next 3-4 months, the better. After the baby arrives, you will have less time to get all these additional items.

Keep stock of your supplies; DO NOT run out; get the replacements in advance.

The above advice comes from an expert (4 kids + 13 1/2 grandkids)


Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: griffis
Thanks for all the tips guys> The money thing is in the bag, I am thankfully able to make a descent living for both of us while she works part time and finishes school. We have been spending alot more time together. I find this great because we have both become closer to each other in ways we could never imagine.

Originally posted by: LolaWiz
Someone made a good point on another baby thread yesterday... start buying diapers now.
I can understand why you are worried, but try to channel that nervous energy and thoughts into something positive... cherish this time you have with your fiancee. Embrace the fact that you are both experiencing this wonderful event together.

Best of wishes to you, you will be a great dad

I know, I really do focus on negative, thats a good point! I dont mean too, I am just like everyone else!! I want everything to turn out to be good and make things easy on her as much as possible!!

Any other piece of advice I should consider?!

In another thread somene gave good advice. I'll try to paraphrase: there are two kinds of parents, those who admit that parenthood fundamentally changes their lives and those who try to maintain a single lifestyle.
The first set of people have the potential to be good parents, the second set have no chance.
You're a parent, even now, it is time to put aside childish things.

Totally agreed!! Luckily my partying days have been over since college ended almost 2 years ago!! I am excited, actually this past weekend I cleared out the baby's room and am getting it ready for furniture because the crib is going to be bought within the month. I do admit that parenthood will fundamentally change my life. I coudl care less about being single and partying any more as long as my baby's healthy and so is my beautiful fiance.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Originally posted by: dud
You are just being a good father and (soon to be) husband. Your paternal instincts are strengthening, just don't let them get the better of you.

Do you have any idea how many guys out there could care less when they get a woman pregnant? She's lucky to have you. Just be kind to yourself.

Wow, its sad to hear anyone would take that kind of attitude no matter the consequences. When I heard, I knew it was time for me to man-up and start taking control!!


Senior member
Sep 14, 2005
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
As others have stated; stock UP and UP on diapers.

Either get the cloth (to save money and experience first hand...:evil or use the throw aways.
You can not get to much of either. For the throw-aways, figure going through close to 10/day for the first 6 months and down to 5/day for the next year afterwards.

If otherwords; stock up while they are on sale; You can always return them to the store for credit against a larger size. the packages are numbers by age group/size for easier reference.

Unless you are fashionable; in the beginning, the generics will suffice.

Get plenty of baby lotion and also stock up on baby wipes. Get 3 dispenser packs and by plenty of bulk refills. Keep one dispenser pack in the diaper bag, one in the living area and one in the babys bedroom area.

Delivery clothing and furniture will be useful in advance.

Baby bottles, brushes, nipples can be purchased in advance if desired; not critical.
Formula (if to be used) can be purchased in bulk.

Also, get a wireless baby monitoring set. Great peace of mind.

As much as you can get done in the next 3-4 months, the better. After the baby arrives, you will have less time to get all these additional items.

Keep stock of your supplies; DO NOT run out; get the replacements in advance.

The above advice comes from an expert (4 kids + 13 1/2 grandkids)

Wow eagle!! Great advice, just suprised to see people saying to buy diapers already?! Wow, thats crazy but it does make sense!! Thanks for these useful tips though!


Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
You can never be too careful. Put ALL of your effort into taking care of her. Obsess! Obsess because you must!

Seriously, though, going to the doctor regularly and avoiding alcohol, smoking, and maintaining a good diet are all she can really do. If you spend too much time worrying, you won't get to enjoy it as much.

Purchase a few items mentioned by other forumers, and you're set.


May 29, 2003
Reading this thread makes me excited to have kids for some reason

I'm sure I'll be nervous also, but am also looking forward to it.
Jan 18, 2001
yeah, that first one is a bit anxiety provoking... you're basically doomed to be worrying about something from here on out. Perfect example is you'll worry when the baby isn't sleeping (OMG is she choking?!) and you'll worry when she is sleeping (OMG has she gotten wedged under the mattress?!).

Then you'll worry about is she developing too slowly (OMG she can barely walk) and then when she does start moving around well you'll worry about her getting hurt (OMG she is going to trip and bust her head open).

Its just the nature of parenthood... GET USED TO IT! Kids are great! Don't let them worry you to death and enjoy them every chance you can.


Jul 21, 2001
get used of not sleeping.

don't spend so much time with the minute details, that you don't enjoy the time with your baby.....because they grow up FAST. everytime you look back, you'll laugh at how worried you were and how "hard" you thought things were. (ex: once they start crawling, you realize how easy it was when they were stationary. when they start walking, you realize how easy it was when they were just crawling. when they start talking, you realize how easy it was when they didn't, lol. when they start eating "real" food, you realize how easy it was to just buy formula or buy baby food jars)


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Prepare the baby's room and stock up on the things you'll need. I'd also recommend buying a book on newborns. It doesn't always have all the answers or even the right ones at times but as a general guide it's a good thing to have.

Don't stress over it. Babies are a big change to your life but they can be a great thing too. Like most things in life it depends on you and your wife and what you make of parenthood.


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: griffis
Basically, my fiance is 5 months pregnant and every day I am more protective over her and the baby's wellbeing. We go to the doctor about once a month and so far so good. I just have all these fears and hopes and just wish everything will turn out ok. I know those here in ATOT have some comments or experiences they can share. Just looking maybe for some advice for pre-baby, like things to do to help prepare. I have been a complete wreck lately!!

Talked to a few people that had kids, apparently this is very common for the guy to go through.

I am sure the girl goes through it too, but they get emotional support from the guy, the guy feels like they can't "dump" those worries on her so they get anxious all the time.

Don't worry, that will pass once the kid comes a long. Then it is sleepless nights for you.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
Catch up on your sleep me!

Hey, unless your fiance is slamming a case of beer, mainlining nasty drugs, or bungee jumping during the pregnancy, chances are one in a million that you'll have anything to worry about. Don't forget, women have been doing this for a few millenia now, and we've got it pretty much down to a science. Best advice for the delivery? Forget everything she says during the delivery (cuz chances are it's going to be nasty and aimed at you!! :laugh: ), and don't wear any bulky rings on your me on that one!!

Stocking up isn't a bad idea, though be careful with formula, since it does have an expiration date on it (make sure you're not buying stuff too early, ya know?). Remind your friends/relatives that gift cards to Walmart/Sam's Club/etc is just as good a present, since you can buy what you need with those. Also, let the relatives buy any expensive's amazing, but an outfit for your baby's Christening will cost you as much as a dress for your soon to be wife! :shocked:

Finally, relax and enjoy the pregnancy. Learn that the little things you do for her during this time will put you in a lot better stance than just being the normal guy, and bragging about how you made a baby. Foot and back rubs are a definitely plus!
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