Bad Bosses

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Apr 8, 2000
Originally posted by: kranky
One frigid Friday night in December I was working late in the office trying to get all the paperwork caught up before the weekend. It was snowing like mad, with more snow in the forecast and I just wanted to get done and get home. About 7 PM my phone rang and it was the boss, asking me to come to his office.

Now I had been working there about a year, and in all that time I had NEVER been invited to his office. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, which was typically the reason for such an invite, so I was kind of puzzled.

When I walked in, he was reclining on the leather couch.

"Well, kranky, how are things going?"
"Um, fine."
"Working late?"
"Finishing up the orders."
"I'm going to an used equipment auction this weekend in New York City. Thought you might like to come along."

I cannot fathom why in the world he would ask me to hang with him for the weekend. And I'm thinking that spending 48 hours with this guy would be a fate worse than death, and I ain't gonna do it.

"Oh, I can't. I have some plans for tonight and tomorrow."
"You could learn a lot about the business. Good opportunity."
"Gee, sorry, but I have other plans and it's too late to change them now."
"I'd let you drive my Cadillac. And I will pay for your expenses."

And then I understood. He didn't want to drive in that weather, but was bound and determined to get to that auction so he could buy a bunch of junk cheap. So... why not see who is still at work at 7 PM on a Friday, and find a lackey to chauffeur you 800 miles to NY and back in a blizzard? Oh, and saying he'd pay my expenses was a backhanded way of saying I wouldn't be on the clock, too. But I truly believe he thought that just dangling the carrot of getting to drive a Cadillac would make me swoon and jump at the offer.

He could also be hitting on you


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Argo
He could also be hitting on you
Not a chance. He didn't fool around at work. His wife and two sons all worked there.

One more...

A big job was running behind and he needed people to work over Memorial Day weekend to get caught up. A lot of people were traveling out of town and weren't able to work, which irritated him to NO end because the rules said overtime can be made mandatory. I guess enough people just told him they couldn't work and that was it.

So he arranged with the Boy Scouts to come in on Saturday for a "plant tour". The Scout leaders jumped on the chance because it was a big company with lots of interesting machinery to watch. The plan was for the Boy Scouts to tour the place from 9 AM to noon.

When the Scouts arrived, he took them around and let them operate the wrapping and packing machines. This was quite exciting to the Scouts since kids that age rarely get to control giant machines that make a lot of noise. In fact, they liked it so much he offered to let them stay as long as they wanted. He offered to bring in lunch from a nearby fastfood joint; dinner too, if they wanted.

No regard to child safety, labor laws, etc.

You can guess the real reason he "let" them come in. That work had to get done!


Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: kranky
I once worked for a guy who, I am convinced, was insane. I only worked there two years but I could fill a book with the stories.

Just one...
My company (let's call it NutHouseInc) was located on a long, dead-end road in one of those industrial parks. It was the next-to-last building on the road. The owner of my company owned the land on both sides of the road. One day he got a brainstorm and decided that he was going to charge the company located at the end of the road (let's call them NormalPeople) a toll for driving past his building. So he wrote them a letter saying that beginning next month, they would have to pay him for the use of the road.

The folks at NormalPeople no doubt had a good laugh and threw the letter away. He wrote them again a week later reiterating his demand for money in exchange for them using the road in front of his building. Not surprisingly, again there was no response.

Well, the first of the month came and he ordered one of his workers to pull a bulldozer across the road so no one could get to NormalPeople's building. The first person arriving for work at NormalPeople asked to have the bulldozer moved. Our leader told him that he was not moving the bulldozer because NormalPeople failed to pay the toll.

The guy from NormalPeople called the cops. The cops asked our leader to explain the bulldozer. He told the cops that since he owned the land on both sides of the road, then obviously the road belonged to him as well, and NormalPeople was notified of the need to pay for using the road. And since they didn't pay, he wasn't going to let them use it any more.

I think the cops wondered if it was some Candid Camera type show because it was such a bizarre situation. They didn't get into the legal aspects of his "theory" but they told him to move the bulldozer at once, keep it off the road, and if they had to come back he was going to jail.

He moved it but still felt that NormalPeople was getting away with something for not having to pay.

You might wonder why he never pondered why none of the companies on the road AHEAD of him ever charged HIM a toll, and the answer is that, in his mind, they weren't as smart as he was.

LOL that's fantastic!

OK, my boss is crazy...but not THAT crazy. Wow.

Oh, BTW- the road is owned by the city or county. An individual can not own a section of street.


Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Argo
Originally posted by: kranky
One frigid Friday night in December I was working late in the office trying to get all the paperwork caught up before the weekend. It was snowing like mad, with more snow in the forecast and I just wanted to get done and get home. About 7 PM my phone rang and it was the boss, asking me to come to his office.

Now I had been working there about a year, and in all that time I had NEVER been invited to his office. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, which was typically the reason for such an invite, so I was kind of puzzled.

When I walked in, he was reclining on the leather couch.

"Well, kranky, how are things going?"
"Um, fine."
"Working late?"
"Finishing up the orders."
"I'm going to an used equipment auction this weekend in New York City. Thought you might like to come along."

I cannot fathom why in the world he would ask me to hang with him for the weekend. And I'm thinking that spending 48 hours with this guy would be a fate worse than death, and I ain't gonna do it.

"Oh, I can't. I have some plans for tonight and tomorrow."
"You could learn a lot about the business. Good opportunity."
"Gee, sorry, but I have other plans and it's too late to change them now."
"I'd let you drive my Cadillac. And I will pay for your expenses."

And then I understood. He didn't want to drive in that weather, but was bound and determined to get to that auction so he could buy a bunch of junk cheap. So... why not see who is still at work at 7 PM on a Friday, and find a lackey to chauffeur you 800 miles to NY and back in a blizzard? Oh, and saying he'd pay my expenses was a backhanded way of saying I wouldn't be on the clock, too. But I truly believe he thought that just dangling the carrot of getting to drive a Cadillac would make me swoon and jump at the offer.

He could also be hitting on you

That's what I thought too...he wanted your man-hole!


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2005
My Persian boss when I was 14 (pretending to be 18) made me wear an xs t-shirt that did not fit. He also made us wear hair nets, even though he was the only one shedding in the ice cream. He ALSO masturbated behind a one-way mirror on the door while we were working. We found out when another girl was running to the bathroom and pushed it open suddenly. Three of us quit right then.


Sep 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: kranky
I once worked for a guy who, I am convinced, was insane. I only worked there two years but I could fill a book with the stories.

Just one...
My company (let's call it NutHouseInc) was located on a long, dead-end road in one of those industrial parks. It was the next-to-last building on the road. The owner of my company owned the land on both sides of the road. One day he got a brainstorm and decided that he was going to charge the company located at the end of the road (let's call them NormalPeople) a toll for driving past his building. So he wrote them a letter saying that beginning next month, they would have to pay him for the use of the road.

The folks at NormalPeople no doubt had a good laugh and threw the letter away. He wrote them again a week later reiterating his demand for money in exchange for them using the road in front of his building. Not surprisingly, again there was no response.

Well, the first of the month came and he ordered one of his workers to pull a bulldozer across the road so no one could get to NormalPeople's building. The first person arriving for work at NormalPeople asked to have the bulldozer moved. Our leader told him that he was not moving the bulldozer because NormalPeople failed to pay the toll.

The guy from NormalPeople called the cops. The cops asked our leader to explain the bulldozer. He told the cops that since he owned the land on both sides of the road, then obviously the road belonged to him as well, and NormalPeople was notified of the need to pay for using the road. And since they didn't pay, he wasn't going to let them use it any more.

I think the cops wondered if it was some Candid Camera type show because it was such a bizarre situation. They didn't get into the legal aspects of his "theory" but they told him to move the bulldozer at once, keep it off the road, and if they had to come back he was going to jail.

He moved it but still felt that NormalPeople was getting away with something for not having to pay.

You might wonder why he never pondered why none of the companies on the road AHEAD of him ever charged HIM a toll, and the answer is that, in his mind, they weren't as smart as he was.

LOL that's fantastic!

OK, my boss is crazy...but not THAT crazy. Wow.

Oh, BTW- the road is owned by the city or county. An individual can not own a section of street.

You can own a private road, but you have to construct it yourself - it can't be paid for with taxpayer dollars.


Apr 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Landroval
My Persian boss when I was 14 (pretending to be 18) made me wear an xs t-shirt that did not fit. He also made us wear hair nets, even though he was the only one shedding in the ice cream. He ALSO masturbated behind a one-way mirror on the door while we were working. We found out when another girl was running to the bathroom and pushed it open suddenly. Three of us quit right then.

Ok, you win by a landslide. That's insane!


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
you know, I completely forgot about my ahole boss before reading this thread...

I worked at a GoldenSpoon. Asian owners. They were absolutely the CHEAPEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER WORKED FOR.

- Spoons fall on ground. Wash spoon, reuse.
- People change their mind on yogurt orders. That's OKAY. Just put it back in the machine, wash the cup, wash the spoon. Chocolate AND vanilla? THAT'S OKAY. Just put it all in chocolate, you can't taste it anyway.
- OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Put that kids cup on the scale. It's 4.3 ounces! That's .3 over, do it again.
- We would ble CONSTANTLY understaffed. Most GoldenSpoons had 4 employees at any given time, and 2 to close. We had 2 employees MAX, with only 1 to close.

Can't even think of other sht to say about here right now, been too long.

One of my other bosses was a coke addict and took out his aggression on us.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2002
I'm stuck in a foreign country and instead of having my weekend off I get to reinstall a system that took a week to configure of said weekend and not being paid anymore for it.


Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: kranky
Originally posted by: Argo
He could also be hitting on you
Not a chance. He didn't fool around at work. His wife and two sons all worked there.

One more...

A big job was running behind and he needed people to work over Memorial Day weekend to get caught up. A lot of people were traveling out of town and weren't able to work, which irritated him to NO end because the rules said overtime can be made mandatory. I guess enough people just told him they couldn't work and that was it.

So he arranged with the Boy Scouts to come in on Saturday for a "plant tour". The Scout leaders jumped on the chance because it was a big company with lots of interesting machinery to watch. The plan was for the Boy Scouts to tour the place from 9 AM to noon.

When the Scouts arrived, he took them around and let them operate the wrapping and packing machines. This was quite exciting to the Scouts since kids that age rarely get to control giant machines that make a lot of noise. In fact, they liked it so much he offered to let them stay as long as they wanted. He offered to bring in lunch from a nearby fastfood joint; dinner too, if they wanted.

No regard to child safety, labor laws, etc.

You can guess the real reason he "let" them come in. That work had to get done!

friggin' ingenious!


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
Originally posted by: kranky
Originally posted by: Argo
He could also be hitting on you
Not a chance. He didn't fool around at work. His wife and two sons all worked there.

One more...

A big job was running behind and he needed people to work over Memorial Day weekend to get caught up. A lot of people were traveling out of town and weren't able to work, which irritated him to NO end because the rules said overtime can be made mandatory. I guess enough people just told him they couldn't work and that was it.

So he arranged with the Boy Scouts to come in on Saturday for a "plant tour". The Scout leaders jumped on the chance because it was a big company with lots of interesting machinery to watch. The plan was for the Boy Scouts to tour the place from 9 AM to noon.

When the Scouts arrived, he took them around and let them operate the wrapping and packing machines. This was quite exciting to the Scouts since kids that age rarely get to control giant machines that make a lot of noise. In fact, they liked it so much he offered to let them stay as long as they wanted. He offered to bring in lunch from a nearby fastfood joint; dinner too, if they wanted.

No regard to child safety, labor laws, etc.

You can guess the real reason he "let" them come in. That work had to get done!
BWHAHAHA That man is a sick genius. Someone give him a raise.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Landroval
My Persian boss when I was 14 (pretending to be 18) made me wear an xs t-shirt that did not fit. He also made us wear hair nets, even though he was the only one shedding in the ice cream. He ALSO masturbated behind a one-way mirror on the door while we were working. We found out when another girl was running to the bathroom and pushed it open suddenly. Three of us quit right then.



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I worked for a boss with serious rage issues. I've seen him throw a monitor across the room, kick printers, throw 3 year old style tantrums complete with foot stamping, scream untill his face was literally purple with his veins bulging out. The girls who worked in the art dept. with me used to leave in tears every night of their first week until they got used to him. The guy is crazy but he's incredibly talented and really good at his job so they won't fire him. He doesn't actually harass anyone specifically, he's just a madman.


Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: venk
Originally posted by: kranky
Originally posted by: Argo
He could also be hitting on you
Not a chance. He didn't fool around at work. His wife and two sons all worked there.

One more...

A big job was running behind and he needed people to work over Memorial Day weekend to get caught up. A lot of people were traveling out of town and weren't able to work, which irritated him to NO end because the rules said overtime can be made mandatory. I guess enough people just told him they couldn't work and that was it.

So he arranged with the Boy Scouts to come in on Saturday for a "plant tour". The Scout leaders jumped on the chance because it was a big company with lots of interesting machinery to watch. The plan was for the Boy Scouts to tour the place from 9 AM to noon.

When the Scouts arrived, he took them around and let them operate the wrapping and packing machines. This was quite exciting to the Scouts since kids that age rarely get to control giant machines that make a lot of noise. In fact, they liked it so much he offered to let them stay as long as they wanted. He offered to bring in lunch from a nearby fastfood joint; dinner too, if they wanted.

No regard to child safety, labor laws, etc.

You can guess the real reason he "let" them come in. That work had to get done!

friggin' ingenious!

PS. Doesn't it make you feel kinda of odd knowing that an 8 year old can do your job?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh, why not a couple more?

Once he decided to retile the top floor hallway. Got the maintenance workers started about 9 AM but neglected to consider that the three people who worked there would have no way to (1) get to the bathroom or (2) go to lunch. The maintenance people had glue all over the floor from wall to wall. The people trapped in the rooms there called the office to have something done, and he told them they would have to wait until the maintenance people were done, sometime around 2 PM. Of course, they were seen as whiny complainers, and it never crossed his mind that it was his idea that was stupid.

Once at a industry convention, he was invited to dinner with some other big shots. They went to a four star restaurant since everyone was on an expense account. According to eyewitness accounts, he first flipped his tie over his shoulder before eating (to keep stains off it), then tucked his napkin into his collar, and for the grand finale, when they brought over the dessert cart, he didn't understand the concept and chose four desserts before saying "I don't think I could eat any more than that."

He had a real complex about dealing with suppliers. He always thought that they were screwing him, and he couldn't stand to be outwitted. So it wasn't that unusual to completely run out of raw materials which brought production to a halt, while he fought with a supplier over the equivalent of a penny per ton of something. He always thought they needed him more than he needed them, not grasping the fact that many of the suppliers were 50 or 100 times the size of our company. Then once the problem got worked out, and the materials showed up, everyone would have to work overtime to catch up. The cost of the overtime far outweighed any savings due to the negotiating, but all that mattered is that he got that extra penny per ton taken off the price.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2002
Originally posted by: grr8scott
I used to work for a guy who said "Expect your employees to steal from you" and then would find that he took computers, and other goodies home with him.

Hey...I think I remember that guy!

...on another note, I used to work for grr8scott, who was a pretty good boss, considering the sh*thole we later discovered we were working in. (howya doin', man?)
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Argo
Originally posted by: kranky
One frigid Friday night in December I was working late in the office trying to get all the paperwork caught up before the weekend. It was snowing like mad, with more snow in the forecast and I just wanted to get done and get home. About 7 PM my phone rang and it was the boss, asking me to come to his office.

Now I had been working there about a year, and in all that time I had NEVER been invited to his office. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, which was typically the reason for such an invite, so I was kind of puzzled.

When I walked in, he was reclining on the leather couch.

"Well, kranky, how are things going?"
"Um, fine."
"Working late?"
"Finishing up the orders."
"I'm going to an used equipment auction this weekend in New York City. Thought you might like to come along."

I cannot fathom why in the world he would ask me to hang with him for the weekend. And I'm thinking that spending 48 hours with this guy would be a fate worse than death, and I ain't gonna do it.

"Oh, I can't. I have some plans for tonight and tomorrow."
"You could learn a lot about the business. Good opportunity."
"Gee, sorry, but I have other plans and it's too late to change them now."
"I'd let you drive my Cadillac. And I will pay for your expenses."

And then I understood. He didn't want to drive in that weather, but was bound and determined to get to that auction so he could buy a bunch of junk cheap. So... why not see who is still at work at 7 PM on a Friday, and find a lackey to chauffeur you 800 miles to NY and back in a blizzard? Oh, and saying he'd pay my expenses was a backhanded way of saying I wouldn't be on the clock, too. But I truly believe he thought that just dangling the carrot of getting to drive a Cadillac would make me swoon and jump at the offer.

He could also be hitting on you

Hahahaha, that was one thought. The other was ... danlging a corrot in front of you, where the carrot is a Cadillac.... Why the hell would anyone find that tempting? Unless it's a Rolls, BMW 7 series, exotic, etc.... who the hell wouild have that be the determining point?


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: kranky
I once worked for a guy who, I am convinced, was insane. I only worked there two years but I could fill a book with the stories.

Just one...
My company (let's call it NutHouseInc) was located on a long, dead-end road in one of those industrial parks. It was the next-to-last building on the road. The owner of my company owned the land on both sides of the road. One day he got a brainstorm and decided that he was going to charge the company located at the end of the road (let's call them NormalPeople) a toll for driving past his building. So he wrote them a letter saying that beginning next month, they would have to pay him for the use of the road.

The folks at NormalPeople no doubt had a good laugh and threw the letter away. He wrote them again a week later reiterating his demand for money in exchange for them using the road in front of his building. Not surprisingly, again there was no response.

Well, the first of the month came and he ordered one of his workers to pull a bulldozer across the road so no one could get to NormalPeople's building. The first person arriving for work at NormalPeople asked to have the bulldozer moved. Our leader told him that he was not moving the bulldozer because NormalPeople failed to pay the toll.

The guy from NormalPeople called the cops. The cops asked our leader to explain the bulldozer. He told the cops that since he owned the land on both sides of the road, then obviously the road belonged to him as well, and NormalPeople was notified of the need to pay for using the road. And since they didn't pay, he wasn't going to let them use it any more.

I think the cops wondered if it was some Candid Camera type show because it was such a bizarre situation. They didn't get into the legal aspects of his "theory" but they told him to move the bulldozer at once, keep it off the road, and if they had to come back he was going to jail.

He moved it but still felt that NormalPeople was getting away with something for not having to pay.

You might wonder why he never pondered why none of the companies on the road AHEAD of him ever charged HIM a toll, and the answer is that, in his mind, they weren't as smart as he was.

LOL that's fantastic!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, god damn it that was hilarious. Did he ever end up in a mental institution?
Sep 29, 2004
Start a wierd co-worker thread and I'm in...

Some sumb boss stories:

Strangest thing ever I suppose. Go to customer A's house and get his ladder. Take it to B to clean hte gutters, then return the ladder. Se we get to customer A's house, open the garage door as instructed by our boss. The guy comes out and it quickly becomes very clear that my boss never asked to borrow the ladder. Talk about a wirerd situation.

But that was no big deal really. Probably the most assinine thing I ever had a boss do though.

Electrical engineer (we also did lighting layouts)
Well, another boss was atotal moron. He was one of those engineers that must have had a 4.0. If it wasn't in a book somewhere, he couldn't figure out the solution. I quit after 3 months. The example in my head was ... if a light is 10 feet from a surface, the intensisty is 4 lumens per square foot. Now if it is 20 feet away, how intense is the light per square foot of floor space? Obvious to most engineers that understand the math behind it. But sicne hte same amount of light, now covers 4 times the area .... each square foot gets 1/4 of the intensity, so 1 lumen. I spent several hours pondering life at that point wheile spending 5-10 minutes to redo the math.

EDIT: I am now a software engineer so my use of lumens/square foot probably makes no sense.


Jun 22, 2004
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Start a wierd co-worker thread and I'm in...

Some sumb boss stories:

Strangest thing ever I suppose. Go to customer A's house and get his ladder. Take it to B to clean hte gutters, then return the ladder. Se we get to customer A's house, open the garage door as instructed by our boss. The guy comes out and it quickly becomes very clear that my boss never asked to borrow the ladder. Talk about a wirerd situation.

But that was no big deal really. Probably the most assinine thing I ever had a boss do though.

Electrical engineer (we also did lighting layouts)
Well, another boss was atotal moron. He was one of those engineers that must have had a 4.0. If it wasn't in a book somewhere, he couldn't figure out the solution. I quit after 3 months. The example in my head was ... if a light is 10 feet from a surface, the intensisty is 4 lumens per square foot. Now if it is 20 feet away, how intense is the light per square foot of floor space? Obvious to most engineers that understand the math behind it. But sicne hte same amount of light, now covers 4 times the area .... each square foot gets 1/4 of the intensity, so 1 lumen. I spent several hours pondering life at that point wheile spending 5-10 minutes to redo the math.

EDIT: I am now a software engineer so my use of lumens/square foot probably makes no sense.

Do you still hate your job?
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Safeway
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Start a wierd co-worker thread and I'm in...

Some sumb boss stories:

Strangest thing ever I suppose. Go to customer A's house and get his ladder. Take it to B to clean hte gutters, then return the ladder. Se we get to customer A's house, open the garage door as instructed by our boss. The guy comes out and it quickly becomes very clear that my boss never asked to borrow the ladder. Talk about a wirerd situation.

But that was no big deal really. Probably the most assinine thing I ever had a boss do though.

Electrical engineer (we also did lighting layouts)
Well, another boss was atotal moron. He was one of those engineers that must have had a 4.0. If it wasn't in a book somewhere, he couldn't figure out the solution. I quit after 3 months. The example in my head was ... if a light is 10 feet from a surface, the intensisty is 4 lumens per square foot. Now if it is 20 feet away, how intense is the light per square foot of floor space? Obvious to most engineers that understand the math behind it. But sicne hte same amount of light, now covers 4 times the area .... each square foot gets 1/4 of the intensity, so 1 lumen. I spent several hours pondering life at that point wheile spending 5-10 minutes to redo the math.

EDIT: I am now a software engineer so my use of lumens/square foot probably makes no sense.

Do you still hate your job?

Today, yes.

my job has it's ups and downs. Monday was great. Tuesaday sucked. Today and the rest of the week look like suck.
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