Barry Bonds Indicted For Purjury And Obstruction Of Justice.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
George Bush called it "a sad day for baseball." He's wrong. It's a great day for baseball. They no longer have any excuses for closing their eyes to the way they've let integrity of the game go to hell, and they can start to do something about returning it to it's formerly respected place in American society. Story

Barry Bonds indicted on perjury, obstruction charges

Posted: Thursday Nov 15, 2007 6:49 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Barry Bonds, baseball's home run king, was indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice Thursday and could face prison instead of the Hall of Fame for telling a federal grand jury he did not knowingly use performance-enhancing drugs.

The indictment, culminating a four-year investigation into steroid use by elite athletes, charged Bonds with four counts of perjury and one of obstruction of justice. If convicted, he could be sentenced to a maximum of 30 years in prison.

Shortly after the indictment was handed up, Bonds' personal trainer, Greg Anderson, was ordered released after spending most of the past year in prison for refusing to testify against his longtime friend.

"During the criminal investigation, evidence was obtained including positive tests for the presence of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances for Bonds and other athletes,'' the indictment said.

In August, when the 43-year-old Bonds passed Hank Aaron to become baseball's career home run leader, he flatly rejected any suggestion that this milestone was stained by steroids.

"This record is not tainted at all. At all. Period,'' Bonds said.

Bonds finished the year with 762 homers, seven more than Aaron, and is currently a free agent. In 2001, he set the season record with 73 home runs.

Late in the season, the San Francisco Giants told the seven-time National League MVP they didn't want him back next year.

Bonds could not immediately be reached for comment. One of his attorneys, John Burris, didn't know of the indictment before being alerted by The Associated Press and said he would call Bonds to notify him.

"I'm surprised,'' Burris said, "but there's been an effort to get Barry for a long time. I'm curious what evidence they have now they didn't have before.''

Bonds' defense attorney, Mike Rains, declined comment because he hadn't seen a copy of the indictment.

"However, it goes without saying that we look forward to rebutting these unsupported charges in court,'' Rains said. "We will no doubt have more specific comments in the very near future once we have had the opportunity to actually see this indictment that took so long to generate.''

Bonds is scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on Dec. 7.

Bonds has never been identified by Major League Baseball as testing positive for steroids.

The White House quickly weighed in on the indictment.

"The president is very disappointed to hear this,'' Bush spokesman Tony Fratto said. "As this case is now in the criminal justice system, we will refrain from any further specific comments about it. But clearly this is a sad day for baseball.''

Bush, who once owned the Texas Rangers, called Bonds to congratulate him in August when the Giants' outfielder broke the home run mark. "You've always been a great hitter and you broke a great record,'' Bush said at the time.

Former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, who is investigating drug use in baseball, declined comment. So did Hall of Fame vice president Jeff Idelson.

Bonds was charged in the indictment with lying when he said he didn't knowingly take steroids given to him by Anderson. Bonds is also charged with lying that Anderson never injected him with steroids.

"Greg wouldn't do that,'' Bonds testified in December 2003 when asked if Anderson ever gave him any drugs that needed to be injected. "He knows I'm against that stuff.''

Anderson's attorney, Mark Geragos, said the trainer didn't cooperate with the grand jury that indicted Bonds.

"This indictment came out of left field,'' Geragos said. "Frankly I'm aghast. It looks like the government misled me and Greg as well, saying this case couldn't go forward without him.''

Prosecutors promised Bonds they wouldn't charge him with any drug-related counts if he testified truthfully. But according to the indictment, Bonds repeatedly denied taking any steroids or performance-enhancing drugs despite evidence to the contrary.

For instance, investigators seized a so-called "doping calendar'' labeled "BB'' during a raid of Anderson's house.

"He could know other BBs,'' Bonds replied when shown the calendar during his testimony.

Asked directly if Anderson supplied him with steroids, Bonds answered: "Not that I know of.'' Bonds even denied taking steroids when he was shown documents revealing a positive steroids test for a player named Barry B.

Bonds said at the end of the 2003 season, Anderson rubbed some cream on his arm that the trainer said would help him recover. Anderson also gave him something he called "flax seed oil,'' Bonds said.

Bonds then testified that prior to the 2003 season, he never took anything supplied by Anderson - which the indictment alleges was a lie because the doping calendars seized from Anderson's house were dated 2001.

Bonds became the highest-profile figure caught up in the government investigation, launched in 2002, with the raid of the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO) - the Burlingame-based supplements lab that was the center of a steroids distribution ring.

Bonds has long been shadowed by allegations that he used performance-enhancing drugs. The son of former big league star Bobby Bonds, Barry broke into the majors with the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1986 as a lithe, base-stealing outfielder.

By the late 1990s, he'd bulked up to more than 240 pounds - his head, in particular, becoming noticeably bigger. His physical growth was accompanied by a remarkable power surge.

Speculation of his impending indictment had mounted for more than a year.


Associated Press Writer Chris Weber in Los Angeles contributed to this report.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense. It's been sad days for baseball since the steroid issue surfaced. We need some closure, and the list from the Mitchell investigation is supposed to come out soon as well, and then hopefully then we can move past this bullshit that has put a stain on America's past time.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.


Golden Member
Oct 24, 2006
One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys. Quick! Federal Grand jury! Prosecute!



Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

So when you get a flat tire, do you complain the GOP did nothing to inflate your tire, or for placing the metal screw you ran over?


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

Man I know what you mean, the roids are a GOP problem. :roll:



Sep 26, 2000
It is turning out that "Game of Shadows" was right on the mark.
And if you have read it, you would have NO sympathy for Bonds, who is a miserable human(and I use that term loosely in his case) being as well as a drug addict.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

And they haven't cured the common cold either.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
It's a sad day for the taxpayers and for justice in America that our courts are wasting time on steroids in sports. Bonds allegedly committing perjury is bad. A prosecutor convening a grand jury to investigate steroid use in sports is worse. Government should keep its nose out of sports and stop wasting money on any aspect of sports.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: techs
It is turning out that "Book of Shadows" was right on the mark.
And if you have read it, you would have NO sympathy for Bonds, who is a miserable human(and I use that term loosely in his case) being as well as a drug addict.

Techs, for once I totally agree with you!


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
George Bush called it "a sad day for baseball." He's wrong.

Once again Harvey's hated for all things Bush gets dragged into even a Barry Bonds thread of all things.

How exactly is Bush wrong on this anyways?


Golden Member
Oct 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Harvey
George Bush called it "a sad day for baseball." He's wrong.

Once again Harvey's hated for all things Bush gets dragged into even a Barry Bonds thread of all things.

How exactly is Bush wrong on this anyways?

Easy.... bush owned the Texas Rangers. The Texas Rangers play in Texas. Everything in Texas is bigger. Bonds felt compelled to be bigger. Bonds took drugs.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

Let me repeat what I said earlier, Dave. You're a disgusting troll :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

You seek to blame "Bush & Co." for everything from your toilet flushing a bit slow to a light bulb burning out in your house. You and those like you are disgraceful.

GWB didn't make Bonds do what is alleged. The steroid problem which affects professional sports across the spectrum certainly didn't start in 2000 and your heroes sure in the hell didn't make it an issue when they had the bully pulpit.

PS I personally find Bonds detestable and I think he's guilty as hell, but this is only an indictment, not a conviction. Let's let a jury make the final decision.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

I wish for once you would just STFU. This has nothing to do with republicans, or them making money off of the game.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

I wish for once you would just STFU. This has nothing to do with republicans, or them making money off of the game.

Dave, I think you need to take a vacation from AT, you are quite clearly insane. In fact, I'm wiping out my sig to quote your insanity right here so that it will be a reminder for you that you need honest-to-goodness help from a psychiatrist. Except you cannot afford one because you work 150 hours week at some crap job and blame this on the republicans.

Also, a few days ago I said Pabster's partisan ship was worse than yours, but until he blams the democrats for a particularly smelly fart, as you would do the right, I will retract that.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

I wish for once you would just STFU. This has nothing to do with republicans, or them making money off of the game.

Dave, I think you need to take a vacation from AT, you are quite clearly insane. In fact, I'm wiping out my sig to quote your insanity right here so that it will be a reminder for you that you need honest-to-goodness help from a psychiatrist. Except you cannot afford one because you work 150 hours week at some crap job and blame this on the republicans.

Also, a few days ago I said Pabster's partisan ship was worse than yours, but until he blams the democrats for a particularly smelly fart, as you would do the right, I will retract that.

Please try and keep up.

That crap insanity job that I was working 11 to 16 hrs a day is gone 3 weeks now.

I stand by my assertion that Republicans certainly knew of the steroids problem.

Hell the steroids came from a roid pusher in Texas.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

I wish for once you would just STFU. This has nothing to do with republicans, or them making money off of the game.

Dave, I think you need to take a vacation from AT, you are quite clearly insane. In fact, I'm wiping out my sig to quote your insanity right here so that it will be a reminder for you that you need honest-to-goodness help from a psychiatrist. Except you cannot afford one because you work 150 hours week at some crap job and blame this on the republicans.

Also, a few days ago I said Pabster's partisan ship was worse than yours, but until he blams the democrats for a particularly smelly fart, as you would do the right, I will retract that.



Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

I wish for once you would just STFU. This has nothing to do with republicans, or them making money off of the game.

Dave, I think you need to take a vacation from AT, you are quite clearly insane. In fact, I'm wiping out my sig to quote your insanity right here so that it will be a reminder for you that you need honest-to-goodness help from a psychiatrist. Except you cannot afford one because you work 150 hours week at some crap job and blame this on the republicans.

Also, a few days ago I said Pabster's partisan ship was worse than yours, but until he blams the democrats for a particularly smelly fart, as you would do the right, I will retract that.



On the barry note, I don't think bonds is worthy of an asterisk, I think he should be wiped from the record books as if he never played!


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys. Quick! Federal Grand jury! Prosecute!


One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys, but he cheats by turning himself into a zombie steroid clown, setting a piss poor example for everyone who happens to enjoy honest competition.

I'd call you the idiot, and it would apply, but it's more than that. Moral dwarves like you are taking this once proud, once honorable, once noble nation into the ethical toilet. :thumbsdown:


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys. Quick! Federal Grand jury! Prosecute!


One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys, but he cheats by turning himself into a zombie steroid clown, setting a piss poor example for everyone who happens to enjoy honest competition.

I'd call you the idiot, and it would apply, but it's more than that. Moral dwarves like you are taking this once proud, once honorable, once noble nation into the ethical toilet. :thumbsdown:

I think you missed his point.

It is just not the federal government's jurisdiction. The free market aught to decide the ramifications of the steriod abuse in baseball, not the government. The government aught to be focused on things within its own jurisdiction. Considering the mess this country is in, and as much as you complain about it (rightfully so, most of the time), I would think you'd agree.

Of course, our corrupt politicians like to delve into these kinds of things to make themselves look busy, when in reality, they are just ignoring problems within their own jurisdiction.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: techs
It is turning out that "Game of Shadows" was right on the mark.
And if you have read it, you would have NO sympathy for Bonds, who is a miserable human(and I use that term loosely in his case) being as well as a drug addict.

I read that book. GREAT book. Very well researched. It is kind of sad though. After reading it you can't help but come away with the feeling that there are no more "clean" elite athletes. Only athletes who are farther ahead of the other in the testing curve.

And if you read the book... Baseball is nothing. Track and Field, cycling, football all have a MUCH bigger problem than baseball. I guess it's just that we care more about home runs than we do about 100m times.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys. Quick! Federal Grand jury! Prosecute!


One baseball guy hits little ball farther than other guys, but he cheats by turning himself into a zombie steroid clown, setting a piss poor example for everyone who happens to enjoy honest competition.

I'd call you the idiot, and it would apply, but it's more than that. Moral dwarves like you are taking this once proud, once honorable, once noble nation into the ethical toilet. :thumbsdown:

I think you missed his point.

It is just not the federal government's jurisdiction. The free market aught to decide the ramifications of the steriod abuse in baseball, not the government. The government aught to be focused on things within its own jurisdiction. Considering the mess this country is in, and as much as you complain about it (rightfully so, most of the time), I would think you'd agree.

Of course, our corrupt politicians like to delve into these kinds of things to make themselves look busy, when in reality, they are just ignoring problems within their own jurisdiction.

He lied to a federal grand jury investigating the illegal manufacture, import and sales of illegal drugs. This isn't about baseball.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Sinsear
It's a sad day for baseball because we are dealing with this nonsense.

Yep another black eye for Bush & Co.

Republicans had the last 7 years to clean Baseball's act up.

Instead they looked the other way to make more bucks from the game while knowing how corrupt it had become.

Another "Mission Accomplished" for all the GOP supporters in here.

Da-da-da-da-duh-duh-duh! Super TROLL!


edit: BTW, I'm a long-time Bond-hater. I'm a Mariners fan FFS.


Sep 15, 2003
Dave is living proof that BDS is a verifiable disease that requires treatment, and in its extreme form causes halucinations
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