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Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Is there a particular tank I should be aiming for? I'm also not rushing in, I tend to move a few squares at a time with my lance but I seem to attract bad luck- stuff like missing with a melee attack. I'll try more missiles, maybe I'm relying too heavily on lasers.

If you have a ton of mediums its kinda worst of both. You don't have a lot of rolls like missiles, but the damage packets are also small enough that it takes a couple in the same location to really hurt it. As goodrevrnd said, pay attention to facing. Notice how the circle at the base of the mech lights up? It'll tell you if you're rolling on front, side or rear armor. If you notice the left side is beat up, try to get shots on the left side of the mech, its more likely to hit left side locations. Also about tanks- vehicles really don't like physicals. But I often use called shot on them. They have almost no structure, but a lot of armor. If you can put all your damage on one location you can pop them quick.


Golden Member
May 26, 2004
I'll pay more attention to facing, that's something I was largely ignoring so far. I did the 3rd 'main' mission last night after which you get to buy unlimited griffin parts- I sold off 5 light mechs to afford one but I still have no heavy or assault types. At least it seems like RNG went more my way, I still lost a pilot during the mission and had a couple of mechs wrecked but I didn't have to reload my game.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The 1.1 patch changed some things up a bit. The stability changes were needed but still not perfect. I much prefer the mechanics in the RogueTech mod where-in it isn't a straight up gauge that you fill up and then simply fall down, but it seems to be a check against the pilot every time they are hit with something, with negatives for previous checks (thus a gauge still) in which if you fail the check, you fall down, and you can fail the first check or succeed against a check when the gauge is completely full and stay upright (at least that is how it seems to me with my limited playing with the mod).

Feneant2, I also never seemed to get many heavies. I think I had maybe 10-12 missions in which there were heavies or larger worth getting in my playthrough (130 hours). Really, I gave up on the search for bigger, and simply searched for optimizing what I had. While I could have probably done better with some different mechs, in my entire playthrough I only lost 1 mech in 1 mission, and didn't lose a single pilot. You need to embrace what you have and simply work with it. Get multi-shot and penetrating shot on at least 2 pilots, and give them either the evasion or bulwark (then max out their tactics for the indirect fire bonuses). Get these two pilots in 2 support mechs are LRM boats with either 2x LRM15's or 2x LRM20's (if you can find something big enough, I never had a catapult or similar heavy mech, and simply used 2 shadow hawks with 2xLRM15s for almost the entire campaign (up until the last 3 missions)). You should be able to relatively easily get 2 shadow hawks as they seemed to be very common (in my playthrough at least). I forget the variant I used, but one of them can easily fit an LRM15 in the CT and one in the LT (I believe), and then put 5 tons of ammo, some jump jets (I think I had 3) and the rest as armor. With the heat changes, you shouldn't have an issue with 2xLRM15s and no extra heatsinks (the mech's engine gives you a standard 30 heat dissipation and the 2xLRMs only generate 28 heat, this even lets you jump around a bit on planets that don't have negatives to heat dissipation and still fire all weapons every round, for 20 rounds before you run out of ammo... and I didn't face a single mission that went 20 rounds of straight combat). You keep these two mechs back slightly (maybe 3-4 spaces), and always, always move their max each round (or close to it) and land in a forest (if possible).

With the nerfs you will have a little harder time as you won't knock mechs over quite as easily (I think everything got about 10-20% more stability), but it shouldn't be that hard (I had no problem knocking down at least 1 mech every turn, and once I got a heavy that could put 1xLRM15 + 1xLRM20, it became even easier). Focus on finding LRM15++ or LRM20++ which have stability damage bonus. And get them on those support mechs as soon as possible as they will really help. The idea with the multi-shot and penetrating shot skills is that you split your fire on 2 mechs when they are braced or in the woods (situational for the woods), this way you are still getting max damage ability from the mech since the penetration shot will still allow the full 4 damage on the mech in the forest or bracing. Otherwise concentrate fire on one mech/vehicle, starting with the two missile boats (once you have scouted the enemy), otherwise, use a scout (preferablly something like a wolverine which has full front armor, a couple (2-3) medium lasers and a LRM10 or SRM6 + heatsinks) to get into view range, and then have the missile boats pound the target(s), and finish up with another mech that is mostly medium laser/SRM based to get the kill (as it will typically have a free focused fire on a downed mech, and focused fire with a mech that has 4-5 medium lasers or more is typically deadly on most things that took enough general damage to get knocked over in the first place). In the beginning, refit the blackjack removing the AC's and putting on jump jets and heatsinks (you need 5 or 6 heatsinks to use those 4 medium lasers). A Vindicator is also very good with 3-4 medium lasers and a LRM10/15 (fool around with what works best for your playstyle, but ideally you want enough LRMs or SRMs to be able to do enough stability damage for knocking a non-bracing mech down either every turn or at least every other turn and to burn through the target's evasion while still doing some relatively decent damage). At some point you will get a Highlander, which becomes your kill mech, leaving you to decide if you want another bigger damage dealer/brawler (like a battlemaster as it has good speed for an assault so still scouts well, and if setup properly has enough armor to soak up the hits for being your only mech spotted for a few rounds each mission) or go for some more speed like a wolverine or black knight for scouting and rely more on their evasion to prevent damage. Don't be afraid to use the Shadow Hawks to take some damage every now and then (they do have some armor after all, and nothing in the arms, so if they get blown off, nothing lost). The idea is to present mechs to take damage so that force the enemy to spread the damage across all your mechs and not let them concentrate on one. And once you start taking lots of damage, start positioning your mechs such that they force the enemy to shoot at a side of the mech that has more armor left on it.

Use focus fire on your mechs that have lots of lasers from time to time. Putting 100+ damage on a critical area is crucial to survival. Sometimes the best idea is to neuter the enemy if you can't grantee a kill. Things like a panther with his PPC in the right arm, or look at several of the mediums that have most of their missile ammo in a single location and hit that location. The key is to mitigate the damage that they can cause, while maximizing the damage that you can cause. I have jump jets on all my mechs, as I want to be able to use the times where I can jump over the enemy and perform a focus shot on their rear center torso for a one turn kill. Again, always look for the play that minimizes the they can do to you while you still maximize your damage potential. That may mean going behind a rock that prevents 3 enemies from being able to have direct line of sight while you kill the one enemy that did have direct line of sight., etc.... Certain threats need to be killed/neutered at certain points before they can do damage. Never get within view rage of a 60ton vehicle without having firepower to kill it (there are 3 possibilities, it is a SRM carrier, a LRM carrier, or a plain old medium tank, the first 2 options are SERIOUS threats). Don't let anything with an AC20 get close to you, kill it with LRMs as fast as possible, and/or focus fire to destroy the AC20 (same principal with a mech that has 5+medium lasers). Typically I consider those the biggest threats along with LRM boats (which stock, typically don't have a ton of armor).
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Golden Member
May 26, 2004
Wow, thanks for that awesome write up. I'm going to restart from the beginning as I get a feeling this play through is ruined. Actually, before I do that I ordered an SSD to add to my laptop because I use a Lenovo Legion with a 128GB SSD and a 1TB 5400 RPM where my games go and it's taking about 5 minutes between hitting the Battletech icon and starting a mission. The game has the longest load times I've seen in a while so I hope this'll help, especially when I have to reload.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
One thing I'd add if whatever you use for a scout it is ideal that it is the same weight class or less than your missile boats due to the way initiative works. I like sensor lock and ace pilot (move after shooting) for my scouts. You want your scouts to move first so you don't have to reserve. Also mediums supposedly are harder to hit than heavies. I used a dragon with ac/20 2 mlas 2slas as my scout for a long time. Its very fast for its weight and pilot tree gets you extra evasion. Sensor lock while cautiously moving up. Once I got engaged it makes a fairly good finisher. If you want JJ building a medium is probably a better choice though as medium JJ weigh a lot less.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Just had my own drop ship land on top of one of my mechs. Good times.


Nov 18, 2007
Thats working as intended. There are maps that show you right where its gonna land in a outline.
There are other ones that are not marked. These tend to be when you need to control a base for a bit. A dropship comes carrying infantry and you have defend it for a few turns. These aren't marked on the map and it's just luck of the draw if you are around the objective.


Golden Member
May 26, 2004
Are there particular system which are better than others for cash farming missions? I have that I can field 2.5/5 but the mission it gives me are 2-3/5. I'd like to do a few more 1-1.5/5 missions to pad my account and build up more of the argo.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Have they said anything about adding some more real content (not just new robots but a much better campaign).


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Have they said anything about adding some more real content (not just new robots but a much better campaign).

They have said there is a lot of DLC in the works. Hopefully that means scripted missions for every expansion pack rather than just downloadable mechs. What I'd really like to see is mission editing tools with steam workshop support. You'd have a never ending supply of scenarios to play with then.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
well i have the gog version so not sure steamworks will help much; also on the gog version we had to sign into paradox servers; not sure if you had to do that with the steam version.

They have said there is a lot of DLC in the works. Hopefully that means scripted missions for every expansion pack rather than just downloadable mechs. What I'd really like to see is mission editing tools with steam workshop support. You'd have a never ending supply of scenarios to play with then.


Oct 9, 1999
They have said there is a lot of DLC in the works. Hopefully that means scripted missions for every expansion pack rather than just downloadable mechs. What I'd really like to see is mission editing tools with steam workshop support. You'd have a never ending supply of scenarios to play with then.

Devs have already said steam workshop support will never happen. They do not and will not be officially supporting mods.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Ahhh Roguetech... a bit slow, tad buggy as expected from a WIP mod... But it's shaping up to be what I hoped Battletech would be or would evolve into.

Default game play rules are likely to be a couple of notches too difficult for new to strategy/new to the franchise players but for those well versed in Battletech / Mechwarrior, it's a rough slogfest which is more representative of what you read in the novels or on Sarna.

And plus it's post Helm Core so LosTech is available, including some stuff that probably shouldn't be in 3039 but is.

Adding in Endo Steel, extra cockpit mods, Electronic Warfare devices, Streaks, actual power armour, ability to mod engines... It's worthwhile just to download and play around with some of the quirky new stuff.

Oh and mech bays, getting that second mech bay is now a big thing. The ability to have mechanics work on 2 mechs simultaneously is a miracle.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Been really quiet no patches no announcements.

I think CGL have been pushing the new Battletech pen and paper stuff and HBS have been doing marketing on the side, making a concentrated "Battletech Universe" push, rather than a "Here's this standalone PC game we made".

The popularity of things like Warhammer 40k (GW posting huge profits) and crowdfunded board games have allowed HBS to stick in a great Battletech TBS and join Catalyst on a hype-wagon to bring Battletech closer to the mainstream.

Plus I think it was the end of June when something was resolved between some parties and Harmony Gold so they may be thrashing out some details behind the scenes before coming up with a new content reveal.



No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Been really quiet no patches no announcements.

HIGHLIGHTS: Players using the Custom Campaign options introduced in 1.1 can now take advantage of a new "Prologue Skip" setting to fast-track new campaigns (this is definitely not recommended for first-time players, though!). The combat Morale system in the campaign has received a significant overhaul (and is now called Resolve - more on that below). We've added a Memorial Wall in the Argo so that you can honor Dekker's sacrifice whenever you want. We've made several improvements to our save game management systems (and you can now name Manual Saves when creating them). And lastly, we added new events for you to discover during your mercenary adventures.See further details below.

Linux update: The team is still actively working on our Linux release. We hit a snafu with playback of audio (as in, “There’s no sound in the game”) but we’ve gotten support from an external party and appear to be back on track. We expect the Linux version to be available in Beta within the next few weeks.

Localized versions of the game: Players looking for BATTLETECH in French, German, and Russian still have a wait ahead of them. Our localization testing team recently discovered a bug that was preventing our translators from seeing a large quantity of content waiting to be translated. The issue has been fixed and localization is back on track. Unfortunately, release will be delayed for another couple of months.

We apologize to our Kickstarter Backers and to others waiting to play the game in Linux or their native language and we’re doing our best to get this work done as soon as possible. More details regarding localization can be found in this BATTLETECH Community thread:

MechWarrior Abilities Beta: We're also excited to share a big revision to MechWarrior abilities, now released in Beta form. Before putting these live, we wanted to give interested players the opportunity to try these ability revisions and share their thoughts. Thus, we are releasing this work on a separate "public_preview" beta for dedicated testing. This beta is identical to the live state of 1.2, except for the abilities revision. We'll be reviewing beta feedback on these abilities in weeks following and expect to push this revision to live in our next big release, Update 1.3. Please read BATTLETECH Lead Designer Kiva McGinn’s Dev Diary post describing the new abilities:

Note: Players switching to the public_preview beta will have all of their MechWarriors XP refunded, since the new abilities change each skill’s progress fairly significantly. This free re-spec will also be offered to players on the live branch when it’s officially released. It is highly recommended that you make a backup of your save games folder, as you will not be able to use a save game file from the new version in the case that you roll back to the live 1.2. This is especially important if you are in the middle of an iron man playthrough.

Please enjoy BATTLETECH 1.2, and also consider jumping in to the "public_preview" branch to give the MechWarrior abilities revision a spin!

-- HBS


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Yea so you wait nearly a month till finally something small is announced and then proclaim garbage. Thanks. I never said they would never announced anything again. Btw they also announced a new dlc at gamescom. More procedure missions and 3 new mech warriors. Dance if that excites you; i think i'll take a nap.



Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Just install RogueTech. Content galore, and half the fun is unwinding some of the unreasonable difficulty modifications they made.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Btw unlike some games I do have to admit that battletech was fairly well done at least with regards to interface and bugs on the initial release so it doesn't need a tone of patching. A few tweaks are nice but it could really use a lot more content - both events and campaign. I do realize that the newest patch you mention above does add some more events so that might help depending on how much they did in that area but i would love a much better more complex and more interesting campaign.


Oct 9, 1999
Btw unlike some games I do have to admit that battletech was fairly well done at least with regards to interface and bugs on the initial release so it doesn't need a tone of patching. A few tweaks are nice but it could really use a lot more content - both events and campaign. I do realize that the newest patch you mention above does add some more events so that might help depending on how much they did in that area but i would love a much better more complex and more interesting campaign.

Agreed, BT's biggest downfall will be that modders cant really add content in the form of missions and mission types or campaigns, that part of the game is locked down and not moddable, or at least i havent seen any mods adding campaigns yet.

And the base game is very much lacking in replayability and diversity in missions.

It is very much in dire need of:

1. More campaigns
2. More mission types
3. A Way to use more of 4 mechs per mission, you can have/collect 18 and keep them ready and thats half the fun of the game collecting your mechs but only using less than 25% of that makes it pointless to have that many. They have said that they wont make it more than 4 per mission for whatever reasons, but that doesnt stop them from adding missions where you drop 2-4 lances back to back in the same mission/mini campaign to give the impression you are fighting a company sized battle, the effects of the first lance mission could even dynamically effect the later missions in the mini campaign, dont destroy that secondary objective in lance drop # 1? well its still there in drop 2 then for you to deal with. etc.

Also very disappointing they are announcing DLC before even fulfilling all the kickstarter promises. Thats just bad business IMO.


Nov 18, 2007
Yea so you wait nearly a month till finally something small is announced and then proclaim garbage. Thanks. I never said they would never announced anything again. Btw they also announced a new dlc at gamescom. More procedure missions and 3 new mech warriors. Dance if that excites you; i think i'll take a nap.

It's 3 new mechs, not pilots.


Sep 5, 2000
the game needs a elder scrolls level of mission content. then it would be goty. Imagine finishing that main campaign and the map opens up to this giant thriving universe with tons of content.
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