BBB - nowhere close

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Mar 17, 2008
I see no path to voting rights. The country has kind of made our bed on that: Republicans appointed Republican justices who struck down southern voting rights. Eliminating the filibuster would lead to Republicans passing stuff like a national abortion ban later. And erasing climate legislation, and voting rights, and probably everything else democratic.

If a climate bill gets passed soon, and the filibuster remains, it should stick for 10 years at least.

Edit: Except there's no filibuster on that. Hmm.
What about something something like this?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That’s very unlikely but even if they do, who cares? The soonest they could do it would be 2025.
I see this pessimism as part of the self destruction created by fear. Of what use is hope if it is going to fail? But everything under the condition that it must continue is bound to fail, for every thing that exists must end. This is all concern about the preservation of ego, the preservation of what we have identified with. To separate from that, to die to the specifics of family and culture is to eliminate hope for them but it also opens up the possibility of what we all share, sometimes named the universal. To die to personal treasure, the hope for one’s habituated notions of sacred cows is what cleans the dust off identification via recognition of something greater.

Every loss is a gain. To think of loss as loss or as loss is gain can be fed by the habit of belief.

Everything is hopeless. Acceptance ends despair. When the defeat of ego via hopelessness is complete, there is left what can’t be taken, the true self, one’s being, unattached and free. Who needs hope when one has ended desire in attainment of what the heart seeks.

I got a glimpse of this and it changed everything. Good will is a transcendental state facilitated by loss of ego belief. I started my sojourn down that road because I was handed the moral dicta that I should not be selfish, that I should not seek to satisfy my ego.

Just my fucking luck to be given a hopeless task.

And a beautiful thing about Biden and many other Democrats is that they have cultivated an attitude of optimism that might make them too unskilled in the art of self destruction and thus too stupid to fail. I have decided to entertain that possibility. The utter absurdity of optimism might accidentally bring us something good. Too early to rationally shoot one’s self in the foot.

And anyway it is always darkest before the dawn.


Mar 17, 2008
But will Manchin & Sinema?
Also republicans will just eliminate them when they gain back power.
I think so, could maybe even get a crossover?
Its not the point though IMO, without it you gonna lose 2022 and 2024, and then its game over. Game Over. Minority mafia rule for you and whatever fallout follows from that round the globe when the worlds biggest military power goes 100% policy for sale.

Its about buying time for you to deal with this neo fascist Q bull shit. If you dont. Game over.


Feb 15, 2002
I think so, could maybe even get a crossover?
Its not the point though IMO, without it you gonna lose 2022 and 2024, and then its game over. Game Over. Minority mafia rule for you and whatever fallout follows from that round the globe when the worlds biggest military power goes 100% policy for sale.

Its about buying time for you to deal with this neo fascist Q bull shit. If you dont. Game over.
I agree, the problem is democracy may end in 2025. I just don’t have faith in the Dems to stop it from happening. The House is definitely going to the republicans, they’ve made sure of that with gerrymandering and voter suppression which will then seal their victory in 2024 as well. I don’t want to be a pessimist but so far I haven’t seen anything that will work to stop it. I don’t have faith that Garland is the right man for the job. I pray I’m completely wrong.
Reactions: cytg111 and Ken g6


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2010
Then its game over is it not?
Without voting rights, its gonna turn Q 2022/2024.

Yes, at least in the House for sure. It's already guaranteed because of gerrymandering.

And the Voting Rights act wouldn't help...GOP sympathetic state legislatures would just ignore it as an "illegal federal order" or whatever excuse they want to use.


Jan 25, 2000
Yeah, how things could have been different if they had beaten Susan Collins or some other marginal R and had a seat out two cushion.

I think too that Obama was too timid and squandered his big win and majority. The ACA was important, but more should have been done while the majority was there. Too much wishful thinking and wasted time chasing bipartisanship.
For the first time in my life, I donated to two of the most competitive Senate challengers. Collins absolutely should have lost, but for some weird reason, Mainers decided to stick by her.

It's not that Obama was too timid, but the opposite. He knew from 1994 how difficult it is to pass a universal health care bill in the U.S. and he basically staked his entire legacy on doing it. He had the election mandate, and a solid Senate majority to work with. What he couldn't have anticipated is how tribal Americans are and were deceived into rejecting "rationed and socialized" health care. Never mind the ACA left American's private insurance system largely unchanged. Obama knew that passing the ACA was a once in a generation (or more) achievement.

Ultimately, Obama paid the price of spending all of his political capital on ACA with Mitch McConnell capitalizing on the partisan backlash and becoming the obstructor in chief. We all will pay a price (see SCOTUS) for a generation, but that doesn't mean we would have been better off without the ACA.

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
Manchin will change his tune when he figures out that most of his constituents want a lot of what is in the bill, and that they are going to vote him out of office.

Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.
Reactions: repoman0 and iRONic


Oct 18, 2005
Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.
That’s a long way of saying we like our shit hole state.
Reactions: Fenixgoon


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.
Manchin has been coddled for almost a year now despite his being a proven liar. Biden and the Senate Dems have done everything but give Manchin a public blowjob and he still shits on them and shits on the people of West Virginia.


Jan 8, 2001
Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.
How about we take a $10,000 out of the federal budget dedicated to WV for every West Virginian - would that help sell the deal? Would you care then? That's only around $17B out of your economy - and you still get to stand up for your guy. I mean, do you really care??


Mar 17, 2008
I agree, the problem is democracy may end in 2025. I just don’t have faith in the Dems to stop it from happening. The House is definitely going to the republicans, they’ve made sure of that with gerrymandering and voter suppression which will then seal their victory in 2024 as well. I don’t want to be a pessimist but so far I haven’t seen anything that will work to stop it. I don’t have faith that Garland is the right man for the job. I pray I’m completely wrong.
So basicly we’re predicting end of democracy as we know it some time after 2024.
NATO will cease to be.
Right wing puppets will find their way to power in Europe and split EU up.
Bannon rubs one off.
Democracies throughout the EU is replaced by autocratic puppets.
End of the will of the people.
Thanks Facebook.


Sep 4, 2005
Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.

What a bunch of snowflakes, sorry you got your feelers hurt.


Mar 17, 2008
Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.

Late stone age is strong in this one.
Reactions: Fenixgoon

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
The given decency is sadly unsurprising.

Imagine for a moment you are from a state you are reluctant to tell other people outside of it where you're from.

Why? Because you're repeatedly informed throughout your life you're little better than a 3rd world citizen due to where you're from.

Almost everyone from WV whom goes outside its borders experience this.

People think West Virginians cannot read for some reason as well, so those who don't even go outside its borders can become acquainted with the pleasant behavior waiting for them.

Bette Midler single handedly all but guaranteed BBB will go nowhere since what she said made national headlines.

At home, Manchin has attained sainthood of sorts due to all of this. Even people here who didn't like him before will now stand behind him. If he runs again he'd likely get the highest percentage of votes he's ever gotten before. If he were to vote for BBB in its present form right now it's political suicide and he wouldn't win. Saying he won't vote for BBB is probably the largest political gain that's ever happened for him.

I am explaining to you all what it's like to be from here and an average of what we deal with to enhance your perspective. Carry on the insults, I don't really care, just say something one of us haven't heard before so it's at least entertaining and not boring.

Just remember he's working for us, he doesn't care what anyone outside WV wants, and us being treated poorly will not get you what you want. You aren't going to behave poorly and give us dollars as compensation. The poor attitude portrayed above is one reason why you aren't getting what you want. Look in a mirror, thank yourself and know you're very smart.

Merry Christmas. =)
Last edited:


May 15, 2000
The given decency is sadly unsurprising.

Imagine for a moment you are from a state you are reluctant to tell other people outside of it where you're from.

Why? Because you're repeatedly informed throughout your life you're little better than a 3rd world citizen due to where you're from.

Almost everyone from WV whom goes outside its borders experience this.

People think West Virginians cannot read for some reason as well, so those who don't even go outside its borders can become acquainted with the pleasant behavior waiting for them.

Bette Midler single handedly all but guaranteed BBB will go nowhere since what she said made national headlines.

At home, Manchin has attained sainthood of sorts due to all of this. Even people here who didn't like him before will now stand behind him. If he runs again he'd likely get the highest percentage of votes he's ever gotten before. If he were to vote for BBB in its present form right now it's now political suicide and he wouldn't win. Saying he won't vote for BBB is probably the largest political gain that's ever happened for him.

I am explaining to you all what it's like to be from here and an average of what we deal with to enhance your perspective. Carry on the insults, I don't really care, just say something one of us haven't heard before so it's at least entertaining and not boring.

Just remember he's working for us, he doesn't care what anyone outside WV wants, and us being treated poorly will not get you what you want. You aren't going to behave poorly and give us dollars as compensation. The poor attitude portrayed above is one reason why you aren't getting what you want. Look in a mirror, thank yourself and know you're very smart.

Merry Christmas. =)

He’s working for you? Can you explain how he’s working for you when polling in WV shows a majority of west Virginians support bbb?

I get that you want to stick together, especially because everyone outside of your state shits on you, what I don’t get is why you wouldn’t support policies that can help you and your fellow west Virginians. At some point it’s stops being about pride and turns to foolishness.

Do you think “liberals” or whoever you think the “haters” are bad people or stupid, or idiots for wanting to help their fellow Americans better themselves? Do you think these “haters” are doing things out of hate or spite?

So help us understand that side of your reasoning because that’s the part that doesn’t make sense.


Aug 4, 2000
Nope. The BBB could say everyone in WV gets a million dollars each and due to how Manchin has been treated the majority of West Virginians would stand by him. A lot of us don't even like Manchin, but he's a West Virginian and we're standing by our own. That's just how we roll. Like it or not, we don't care.

I am proud of WV for backing Manchin. You see, the dems tried to buy everyone off with giveaways and handouts and you were just to supposed to take it like they do in other corrupt socialist countries. But Manchin and every Republican knows that this pork barrel boondoggle was just a steaming heap of wasteful garbage we could not afford topped off with the loss of our right to private banking so they could "go fish".

Of course this legislation was reprehensible and thanks to you guys, its now relegated to the dustbin of history.
Reactions: iRONic


May 15, 2000
I love it! Helping your fellow Americans is now called hand outs and giveaways.

Don’t bother making America great again people, that’s just another hand out and giveaway! In the meantime please keep passing tax cuts and deregulations that primarily benefit political donors and big businesses.


Tell me you are a brainwashed stooge for the rich without telling you are a brainwashed stooge for the rich.
Reactions: iRONic


Jun 30, 2003
I love it! Helping your fellow Americans is now called hand outs and giveaways.

Don’t bother making America great again people, that’s just another hand out and giveaway! In the meantime please keep passing tax cuts and deregulations that primarily benefit political donors and big businesses.


Tell me you are a brainwashed stooge for the rich without telling you are a brainwashed stooge for the rich.
but it's totally not a handout if the president declares a tradwar that completely tanks agricultural exports and the federal government proceeds to provide funds to the tune of ~$25B!


Oct 18, 2005
and us being treated poorly will not get you what you want.

You really need to look at what industry and your elected officials have done to your state. To be very blunt treating you poorly has given them exactly what they want. Is that really the future you want?


Mar 17, 2008
The given decency is sadly unsurprising.

Imagine for a moment you are from a state you are reluctant to tell other people outside of it where you're from.

Why? Because you're repeatedly informed throughout your life you're little better than a 3rd world citizen due to where you're from.

Almost everyone from WV whom goes outside its borders experience this.

People think West Virginians cannot read for some reason as well, so those who don't even go outside its borders can become acquainted with the pleasant behavior waiting for them.

Bette Midler single handedly all but guaranteed BBB will go nowhere since what she said made national headlines.

At home, Manchin has attained sainthood of sorts due to all of this. Even people here who didn't like him before will now stand behind him. If he runs again he'd likely get the highest percentage of votes he's ever gotten before. If he were to vote for BBB in its present form right now it's political suicide and he wouldn't win. Saying he won't vote for BBB is probably the largest political gain that's ever happened for him.

I am explaining to you all what it's like to be from here and an average of what we deal with to enhance your perspective. Carry on the insults, I don't really care, just say something one of us haven't heard before so it's at least entertaining and not boring.

Just remember he's working for us, he doesn't care what anyone outside WV wants, and us being treated poorly will not get you what you want. You aren't going to behave poorly and give us dollars as compensation. The poor attitude portrayed above is one reason why you aren't getting what you want. Look in a mirror, thank yourself and know you're very smart.

Merry Christmas. =)

This is the problem with these generations of human beings, they have not tasted real poverty they have not tasted real war famine disease tyranny.

For some god forsaken reason they inherently believe that it CANT POSSIBLE get any worse than it is now.

Strap in mongrels.
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