Be my neighbor and buy a house for as little as $15,000

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: funboy42
Originally posted by: jrich312
Originally posted by: funboy42
I have mentioned and answered your question several times throughout the thread. As for jobs check out and put in Jackson, Miland, Trenton, Union City, Dyer, and other surrounding cities and see what jobs may be up your alley. I am disabled and not working plus cannot search for everyone and I am sorry. But careerbuilder is in the Jackson paper and can give you a detailed idea of the jobs here and around the area.

I don't get it. Why are you disabled? Why can't you work? You post ALOT on here and your online ALOT. Which means you could work an office job of some sort. Also 10-1 says the house was bought and paid-in-full with insurance settlement for your 'injury'.

You also mentioned that you'd go out and meet realtors for people if they covered your gas expense. If thats true then obviously you get around pretty good.

Don't mind me fellas. I just don't like people who pray on the system and exploit it so they get a free ride.

I get around with a cane and a wheelchair. There are times when I can do small trips that wont matter either way because I will be in pain regardless. I just thought I would try my best to pass it forward to my fellow members here since Im the only one close and I made this thread.

Yes my house was paid for though the settlement. I had a choice. I can take the money and go through surgery even though 2 specilists and one doctor said that because of where my injury is there is a slim chance it can be fixed and I will be in for a lifetime of operations. Also there is the chance that I wouldnt ever be able to walk again. I am sorta able to get around now but there is the chance I wont be able to again which means my wife wil lhave to carry me everywhere, wipe my ass when I sh1t, and because I used up all of the money on my back we would then be stuck forever in the sh1tty trailer we were living in. OR take the money and buy a house, have it be paid off, pay off all my out standing bills, buy everything my kids and we will need till my back desinergrates to the point I cant get around at all any more. I took the later and feel it was a solid choice. I dont dont know where you get off saying I am working the system but I have dis papers I have to present to any employer that states I basicaly cant do anything more then sit. I have no real job sjills since all of my other skills was mechanical or manual labor so doing an office job is out of the question and if I was to luckly get one it wouldnt pay jack. If you can point me in the right direction to a job that I can do that will only allow me to sit for no more then 6 hours at a time and can do anything else I am all for it. Be helpful then trying to start a flame war.

Further more for your information I am not on goverment aid right now and are living off my settlement which I will have to do for three years till I can get on SSI. So if you can kindly show how I am taking advatage of some system feel free to prove so. I have been nothing but truthful during this intire time and I like how you come in here in a different screen name so we dont know who you really are to flame your ass for coming in here trying to make up sh1t about me which is not true. Im not asking NOR HAVE I EVER asked for help from anyone here. During our crappy time my story got out from other members and alot have come to our aid when we needed it and CAME TO MY HOUSE and saw first hand I was telling the truth.

So you can go piss off and if I want to go hobble down to a house to help someone out here and want to do it while in great pain I have ever fvcking right to do what I want to try to help some out here that has helped me. And find it wierd that once someone finds out your on government aid that your scum of the earth and have always been on it. I was not always on aid and was doing my best to keep us afloat and went on it for hope it will be means to an end. I went from a huge 7 bedroom house got into finacial troubles and went into the trailer to lessen my bills and try to get back where I wanted to be. I never in a million years wanted any help and was trying my damnness not to go on it till I got hurt and couldnt work anymore. So sue me for not wanting my family to live on the street and have my childreen taken from me. Now I am doing better again for my family and you want to comne in here and bring up sh1t that happened years ago. You have me pissed off to no end and I want to put that hard time behind us but asshats like you have to keep bringin git up and ANYTHING I do it because I took advantage of everyone here or am on the system. Would you care to read all my medical records???? Would you care to see a picture of the wheelchair I have to use, would you care to talk to all my friends and family that have to see me and how I get around would that make you feel better about yourself???????????

God damnit go fuckyourselfplease.

OH and yes I am on the internet alot because I have 3 choices of what I can do. Go sit infront of the radiaton box and vegitate my life away or go on the internet and atleast interact with people, look stuff up that intrests me, or sit in the corner and twiddle my thumbs since I can do anything else. Yeah I faked it all and Im going to the golf course to play a few rounds, going to the movies, the arcade, bowling, park, zoo, six flags. All the stuff my kids want to go do AND CANNOT!!!!!!!!!! Sorry kids daddy faked his injury and cant do any of the stuff you ask me to do. Its better to have all of this money and do absolutly nothing and have you all live a living hell because I faked it all. Goddamn this free riding the system is the sh1t and everyone should go do it.

You don't have to explain yourself to thye random jerk that pops up here. I broke my neck in Feb of 04 and, but not for good luck would be totally disabled or dead. They tell me I got a whole page in a GWU medical textbook. I think they lied to me. Sounds like you are doing just fine to me. I also think of the people who do get injured in accidents at work or otherwise and get abandoned by the system. Good for one that got some compensation! It will never be enough!


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Fanboy
It all depends on what you value. If you want peace and quiet, wide open spaces, and a big house for cheap, hit the country. I personally prefer the energy of the city. I live in DC and Metro everywhere. I meet all sorts of interesting people, since they are always coming and going from around the world. Nights are exciting and fun.

This part of the US has its downsides: hellish traffic, a hectic pace of life, litigation out the yin-yang, and high cost of living. But it offers much in return.

In the end, it's a subjective decision.

I was working in WashDC before my assignment to Kiev and later retirement. I was making some $150K and my wife was making some $35K in DC. After our assignment to Kiev (3 years), I retired to Gadsden, AL in 2004. Our quality of life is three times better here on my retirement income ($65K) than it was in DC and that was in 1995 - 2001! Another issue for me that is never mentioned in the so called quality of life surveys is the propensity for nuisance traffic and other tickets. In DC I kept my criminal and civil attorneys telephone numbers programed at all times and used them about twice a year. Here, I haven't had the need for either in two years! We were renovating a property in Georgia and I got the first speeding ticket that I had gotten in years. After that, I got a radar detector and kept it on. It was constantly going off while in Georgia. Once we crossed the border back into Alabama, it went silent (except for garage doors) and has been relegated to the glove compartment. Cops here in Alabama have better things to do than write nuisance tickets and that is a major quality of life issue for me. Cops should be protecting the public, not collecting illegal taxes while ruining the insurance rating of the citizen!

I thought I was going to enjoy it more as we were just reassigned on rotation from Ottawa. I figured with the warmer weather and slightly longer days, it would be great on the beltway. We had been there less than a month and decided to go out to Potomac Mills after work. Potomac Mills closed then at 10:00 PM. We left at about 18:00 hrs and arrived at Potomac Mills at 21:45! Just in time to turn around and start back. Took us about 30 minutes to get back to Arlington. The traffic just got worse while we lived there. I do understand the drive for excitement and welcomed it a lot more in my twenties and thirties. I used to love Manhatten. After Vietnam and San Salvador, I had become satiated with the adrenalin rush. By the DC assignment, I was looking for quiet pastures. When Haleys (I think) comet through, we had to drive out to Manassas just to see it.


Senior member
Mar 6, 2000
I don't know you from Adam, but from what I've seen you seem like a genuine person who suffered a tragedy but have made the best of a crappy situation. And then you share a nice area with what could be a great deal (depending on a persons preference). And then some small minded pr!cks decide that they can't say anything nice, can't just ignore it, but must indeed flame on.

IGNORE THE MORONS!!!! There are some of us, who if I could figure out a way to make a living there (thinking of mailorder) would be packing in a heartbeat. Thank you for the info.

I also think that if the real idents of Snoogums Boogums and jrich312 can be definitely determined they should have a permanent ban. Such outright nastiness and stupidity have no place here. I like coming to Anandtech to see (well HotDeals ) cool tech ideas and other points of view. Closeminded pr!cks like that stifle the ideas and sharing that make this place fun.





Nov 13, 2001
I would like to ignore it but it just never goes away and some asshat has to keep bring up the bad times for me. I never asked for help here and the community was so nice to help us but several felt it was wrong of me to take it. It hasnot quit since then. No matter what I do if it hints that I can move any part of my body or I buy something they want to start sh1t saying Im faking it "LOOK he moved his toe, he faking it. He can go back to laying down asphalt." Or "See he bought soap. Hes using the money he got from the forum members and bought soap. Hes faking it and you all bought into it."

I can only take so much and when I start to do something nice I ALWAYS get these asshats to pop in and start talking crap about me or my family and I seriously have had it. I have explained myself during the rough times we had 3 years ago. I sold off everything I owned but my computer 3 years ago and to most even keeping that wasnt right. Even though I needed it and my internet connection so I can keep incontact with the people here I was still to sell my computer that I was using to sell my stuff in the FSFT forum, Not thinking one fvcking time that if I sold my computer too I wouldnt be able to sell any of my stuff anymore

Im sorry for ranting but im just sick of being remembered the time we were less then an inch from becoming homeless. I had to fight workerscomp in court, my case worker to keep us afloat because all ahe wanted to do was get us kicked off, going cold turkey off paxil, my son bugging me to take him bowling because I promised I would before I got hurt and couldnt understand why I couldnt take him any more, selling of all my movies, selling off all my rc stuff, selling off anything that wanst bolted down, selling off several of my cars including my wifes, asshats on the internet trying thier best to disprove our need of help, and then my trailer was starting to come apart and I couldnt put it back together living with huge ammounts of mold. All the stuff I so want to put behind me a push forward on the good run I am having right now.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Don't listen to the morons. They dont know just how hard it can be to be disabled. My mother in law is disabled and widowed and has had a very tough time getting enough benefits just to get by. and it took a few years. without us to support her she would have been out on the street! I know that any amount of money is not worth being disabled in any way. Some ignorant fools dont understand that


Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
I grew up in San Diego and live in the SF East Bay. In general, the San Francisco Bay Area sucks as a place to live. San Diego is nice but has the worst housing prices in the country so the option is not their to move back. I'm white and I take BART into downtown Oakland to work. One time, on a rush hour train (so standing room only) there was a black kid lying on the seats. Well I tapped on his shoulder and asked him to move. Well some black woman, who didnt even know the kid, unloaded on me. I didnt feel like putting up w/ it so I got into a arguement w/ her, quite loud in fact. I basically got her to admit that the only reason she went after me was because I was white. This isn't the first time that i've seen or been in situations where blacks have been racists to whites.

So, who has more racism now?

The fact is there is racism from every one now. Asians against blacks and hispanics, whites against blacks and hispanics, blacks agains white and hispanics, hispanics against blacks and whites. This doesnt excuse it, just points out that the Klan may be in TN but be a white person walking through Compton or Richmond or Bayview/HuntersPoint and you will see the exact same attitude, just without the sheets and a different color'd skin.

On a additional note, a PM for my company just moved from somewhere outside Oakridge TN to Bellingham WA. Apparently he is VERY liberal and could not standliving around so many conservatives and/or religious folks. Amazing how someone whos viewpoint is supposed to represent tolerance becomes intolerant of his neighbors.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2000
What this thread needs is more discussion on hot deals and fewer hot tempers.
I just got my real estate assements for property taxes - I've a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath house, about 650 sq. ft., real old and in need of repair or tear down, about 2 miles south of Oldtown, Alexandria, VA. Last year it was assessed at $330K, this year $440K. I rent that house out. In theory I made $100K on it last year. I'm looking for a hot deal in Northeast Missisppi so I can do a Starker exchange when I retire in a few years. I've already got 150 acres. Then I want to live on my govt. pension.
That entire area here is crazy with traffic, I commute 1 mile, often by foot or bike, next to parkland. Many of my coworkers commute for two hours per day, unless there is heavy traffic, I think they are crazy because they are basically working a 10 hour day for the same salary as my 8 hour day.
At least I've got nice scenery, beautiful people, and a safe environment .


Senior member
May 12, 2001
Originally posted by: RedChiefsome black woman, who didnt even know the kid, unloaded on me. I didnt feel like putting up w/ it so I got into a arguement w/ her, quite loud in fact. I basically got her to admit that the only reason she went after me was because I was white. This isn't the first time that i've seen or been in situations where blacks have been racists to whites.

So, who has more racism now?

Holy crap!

A black lady yelled at you on the subway?

Screw it.

Obviously white people are the most discriminated people in the US.



Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Gilby
Holy crap!

A black lady yelled at you on the subway?

Screw it.

Obviously white people are the most discriminated people in the US.

Obviously you missed my point.

Whites arent the only ones who are racist. The black woman on BART only yelled at me because I was white.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2003
Originally posted by: RedChief
I grew up in San Diego and live in the SF East Bay. In general, the San Francisco Bay Area sucks as a place to live. San Diego is nice but has the worst housing prices in the country so the option is not their to move back. I'm white and I take BART into downtown Oakland to work. One time, on a rush hour train (so standing room only) there was a black kid lying on the seats. Well I tapped on his shoulder and asked him to move. Well some black woman, who didnt even know the kid, unloaded on me. I didnt feel like putting up w/ it so I got into a arguement w/ her, quite loud in fact. I basically got her to admit that the only reason she went after me was because I was white. This isn't the first time that i've seen or been in situations where blacks have been racists to whites.

So, who has more racism now?

The fact is there is racism from every one now. Asians against blacks and hispanics, whites against blacks and hispanics, blacks agains white and hispanics, hispanics against blacks and whites. This doesnt excuse it, just points out that the Klan may be in TN but be a white person walking through Compton or Richmond or Bayview/HuntersPoint and you will see the exact same attitude, just without the sheets and a different color'd skin.

On a additional note, a PM for my company just moved from somewhere outside Oakridge TN to Bellingham WA. Apparently he is VERY liberal and could not standliving around so many conservatives and/or religious folks. Amazing how someone whos viewpoint is supposed to represent tolerance becomes intolerant of his neighbors.

What was his name? I work and live in Bellingham. Did he happen go to work for Heath Tecna?


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: kof
What this thread needs is more discussion on hot deals and fewer hot tempers.
I just got my real estate assements for property taxes - I've a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath house, about 650 sq. ft., real old and in need of repair or tear down, about 2 miles south of Oldtown, Alexandria, VA. Last year it was assessed at $330K, this year $440K. I rent that house out. In theory I made $100K on it last year. I'm looking for a hot deal in Northeast Missisppi so I can do a Starker exchange when I retire in a few years. I've already got 150 acres. Then I want to live on my govt. pension.
That entire area here is crazy with traffic, I commute 1 mile, often by foot or bike, next to parkland. Many of my coworkers commute for two hours per day, unless there is heavy traffic, I think they are crazy because they are basically working a 10 hour day for the same salary as my 8 hour day.
At least I've got nice scenery, beautiful people, and a safe environment .

That was the basic plan that I worked. The Starker didn't work out because I had to go ahead and buy and Starker takes some time. You getting better than 8K a month rent on the Alex prop? You must have one you live in too. With income like that, it may be worth keeping the rental. Sounds like the house I was renting in Arlington. The people who owned it were great and are still good friends. They will make a good sock full on it when they sell. I should have purchased when I moved there in 1995. That was just after the devaluation though and some were paying up to 17K at the closing to SELL the house.



Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: kof
What this thread needs is more discussion on hot deals and fewer hot tempers.
I just got my real estate assements for property taxes - I've a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath house, about 650 sq. ft., real old and in need of repair or tear down, about 2 miles south of Oldtown, Alexandria, VA. Last year it was assessed at $330K, this year $440K. I rent that house out. In theory I made $100K on it last year. I'm looking for a hot deal in Northeast Missisppi so I can do a Starker exchange when I retire in a few years. I've already got 150 acres. Then I want to live on my govt. pension.
That entire area here is crazy with traffic, I commute 1 mile, often by foot or bike, next to parkland. Many of my coworkers commute for two hours per day, unless there is heavy traffic, I think they are crazy because they are basically working a 10 hour day for the same salary as my 8 hour day.
At least I've got nice scenery, beautiful people, and a safe environment .

That was the basic plan that I worked. The Starker didn't work out because I had to go ahead and buy and Starker takes some time. You getting better than 8K a month rent on the Alex prop? You must have one you live in too. With income like that, it may be worth keeping the rental. Sounds like the house I was renting in Arlington. The people who owned it were great and are still good friends. They will make a good sock full on it when they sell. I should have purchased when I moved there in 1995. That was just after the devaluation though and some were paying up to 17K at the closing to SELL the house.

I think he's talking about the fact his rental was assessed 110K higher this year than last year, hence his 100K in theory that he made reference to.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: esquared
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: kof
What this thread needs is more discussion on hot deals and fewer hot tempers.
I just got my real estate assements for property taxes - I've a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath house, about 650 sq. ft., real old and in need of repair or tear down, about 2 miles south of Oldtown, Alexandria, VA. Last year it was assessed at $330K, this year $440K. I rent that house out. In theory I made $100K on it last year. I'm looking for a hot deal in Northeast Missisppi so I can do a Starker exchange when I retire in a few years. I've already got 150 acres. Then I want to live on my govt. pension.
That entire area here is crazy with traffic, I commute 1 mile, often by foot or bike, next to parkland. Many of my coworkers commute for two hours per day, unless there is heavy traffic, I think they are crazy because they are basically working a 10 hour day for the same salary as my 8 hour day.
At least I've got nice scenery, beautiful people, and a safe environment .

That was the basic plan that I worked. The Starker didn't work out because I had to go ahead and buy and Starker takes some time. You getting better than 8K a month rent on the Alex prop? You must have one you live in too. With income like that, it may be worth keeping the rental. Sounds like the house I was renting in Arlington. The people who owned it were great and are still good friends. They will make a good sock full on it when they sell. I should have purchased when I moved there in 1995. That was just after the devaluation though and some were paying up to 17K at the closing to SELL the house.

I think he's talking about the fact his rental was assessed 110K higher this year than last year, hence his 100K in theory that he made reference to.
Yeah, must be. Like a stock increase on paper.



Platinum Member
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: RedChief
Originally posted by: Gilby
Holy crap!

A black lady yelled at you on the subway?

Screw it.

Obviously white people are the most discriminated people in the US.

Obviously you missed my point.

Whites arent the only ones who are racist. The black woman on BART only yelled at me because I was white.

Racism is like a highly contagious disease.
Once you're infected, you will never be able to recover completely.

I would never thought of myself as a racist, but I probably am.
Why? I grew up as a minority and as long as I could remember, people have been calling me names and looking at me funny.
Today, eventhough I don't get the same treatment anymore, I'm still cautious and nervous everytime I get "stare" or when I hear jokes about my race

It still hurts!


Golden Member
Dec 21, 2001
Home was built in 1920, when was it last renovated?

Newbern is out in the middle of nowhere, but if someone were to buy this, I would suggest buying it in a week or two. If you don't want to keep it, sell it quick for a little more. No inside photos of this home?

Read something about lead in this thread, yeah I bet it has tons of lead and asbestos lol


Senior member
Dec 28, 2001
Originally posted by: McGyver
Originally posted by: steaming79
i'll admit...those ARE cheap. especially since i'm a bay area native. but isn't TN like racist country?....

full of hicks?

Absolutely full of them, friendly, helpful, wave when they pass you on the road hicks. I wouldn't trade a redneck neighbor for anything.

My neighbor up the road does backhoe work for a living, he's your fairly typical hick, lives in a (very nice and clean) trailer, drives a pickup, drinks Coors Light, and works for a living. After the remnants of the last hurricane came thru here a big tree fell on my house, luckily the roots were holding it some so it "laid" on my house more than fell, only ruining about 4 feet of my roof cap, but how to get that big tree OFF my house?

Make an insurance claim? Wait possibly weeks while crews who did that stuff got out to me, even this far north the damage from that dying hurricane was noticable? Nah go walk to my neighbor and ask him for some help, he was at my house 20 minutes later with his backhoe and picked that big old tree up and set it down on the ground, no muss no fuss, and it cost me? "nothing man we're neighbors" so I dropped him off a case of Coors Light the next day. $250 to get a roofer to replace the shingles lost on the cap and cut up that tree with my chainsaw, I turned the big root hole into a flower bed and edged it with landscaping timbers.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Dixiesys
Originally posted by: McGyver
Originally posted by: steaming79
i'll admit...those ARE cheap. especially since i'm a bay area native. but isn't TN like racist country?....

full of hicks?

Absolutely full of them, friendly, helpful, wave when they pass you on the road hicks. I wouldn't trade a redneck neighbor for anything.

My neighbor up the road does backhoe work for a living, he's your fairly typical hick, lives in a (very nice and clean) trailer, drives a pickup, drinks Coors Light, and works for a living. After the remnants of the last hurricane came thru here a big tree fell on my house, luckily the roots were holding it some so it "laid" on my house more than fell, only ruining about 4 feet of my roof cap, but how to get that big tree OFF my house?

Make an insurance claim? Wait possibly weeks while crews who did that stuff got out to me, even this far north the damage from that dying hurricane was noticable? Nah go walk to my neighbor and ask him for some help, he was at my house 20 minutes later with his backhoe and picked that big old tree up and set it down on the ground, no muss no fuss, and it cost me? "nothing man we're neighbors" so I dropped him off a case of Coors Light the next day. $250 to get a roofer to replace the shingles lost on the cap and cut up that tree with my chainsaw, I turned the big root hole into a flower bed and edged it with landscaping timbers.

thats what good ole folks do ya know!!!



Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
Hmm.. Maybe I should buy it with cash and have a vacation place to go to...
The problem is: who's going to look after the house thoughout most of the year?
Mar 3, 2006
Originally posted by: HankD
Um Brita?

Is that the filter thing you put on your faucet? Would that get rid of the all the lead? And the lead is only harmful if consumed, right? Things like taking a shower and washing your hands wouldn't be harmful?


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: O Hammer O is my gamertag
Originally posted by: HankD
Um Brita?

Is that the filter thing you put on your faucet? Would that get rid of the all the lead? And the lead is only harmful if consumed, right? Things like taking a shower and washing your hands wouldn't be harmful?

People thats why you get the house inspected and make them a offer according to what the inspector finds. If the pipes need to be replace or there is lead or asbestos bring that up and make your offer
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