Being black sucks (at least for me)

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Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Arkitech
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
so a black guy complains about being discriminated against by whites and everyone like "oh man i feel so sorry for you" and yet, i remember a couple weeks ago i posted that i felt that black people discriminated against asians and i was blasted as being racist.

so what is it??

is it a double standard?? of do you people actually believe that only black people are discriminated against??


I've noticed similar attitudes before, I've seen asians/whites/jews slammed when they complained about being victimized by racism. Regardless of your race being discrimated against is no joy.



Feb 12, 2001
I really don't get racism in general. Sure, people from different backgrounds have certain cultural differnces. Preferring rap or rock music, or playing baseball or basketball, or whatever. None of that stuff really matters. Also, interests cross plenty of times. Some of the coolest people I've met at the race track have been black guys, and I've never once had trouble talking to a black person in one of my classes at school. Actually, I often find black people to more friendly and outgoing than white people. The black people here at work act identically to the white people, as far as I can tell. You couldn't tell the race of anyone here without looknig at them. Maybe it's my location out here in California, but although there's a distinction made based on race, there's no value put on it. It's about as significant as hieght. Sure, you'd notice if a really tall guy moved in next to you, but you wouldn't care. It's pretty much the same with race in my neighborhood.


Jul 21, 2001
Unfortunately for blacks, their negative conditioning starts at an early age. Look at the people that would be their role models: sports athletes and musicians. Athletes stay in college for 1 year (sometimes skip it entirely) keeping fame and fortune. This sends the message that education is only a roadblock to fame and fortune. Instead of hitting the books to get into and finish college, they'll focus on athletics hoping to hit the lottery.

Looking at hip hop music today, there's really no need for further explanation

I did see a song recently by Nas that was rap over classical music. It had a positive message and the chorus went soemthing like, "I know I can, be what I want to be, if I work hard at it....etc" Black children need more of this.

just my 2 cents


Feb 15, 2000
This is a common view today, but I disagree with it. That of course is easy for me to say, being white My grandfather wasn't a slave. But it seems to me that the more you emphasize your differences revolving around color, the more you separate yourself and the more potential for racial tensions exist. I am speaking about all races, white to brown and everything in between, btw.

Now CULTURAL differences are another thing, culture is what makes us who we are. I think the line between CULTURE and RACE has been blurred so that they are nearly indistinguishable. My wife's culture is very different from my own, and we have our discussions on that. But, I am not in any way prejudice towards her because of her color or the fact her physical makeup is different (darker eyes, hair, skin, shorter height, etc... ). One cannot help their physical makeup and should no way be ashamed of it, but they can modify and work within their culture towards positive change. Culture and race should be distinct identities, in the perfect world. Obviously we are not there yet.

Originally posted by: LeeTJ
I'm not sure i agree. I think it is good to have a strong sense of identity. i can see where black leadership would want to encourage it because pride in their heritage was a weakness for black people for a long time. a lot of other ethnic groups feel pride in their ethnic heritage. Pride in ones own ethnic heritage is not the same as hatred for another ethnic group.

Originally posted by: wyvrn
I understand race relations in this country still need a great deal of improvement. I am speaking from experience because I am white and my wife is Asian, and we get our share of looks. Some of my family (born on southern farms) still get very uncomfortable around my wife, because they are ignorant of her culture and really just don't know what to say. The more time she spends with them, the more they realize she is a wonderful person, but it takes time.

HOWEVER, I get upset when I see famous black people, such as Halle Berry (who is the most fantastically gorgeous woman I have EVER seen, she does it for me) and Samuel Jackson during some AA awards who on TV say "I am just so glad to be receiving this award from my own". It was made clear to me by the show they were referring to people of their own color, because everyone on the show was African American. . I am sorry to say I do not recall the name of the awards show, I caught it in the middle one night and was so disgusted by those comments that I turned it off! When anyone (regardless of color) refers to "their own" and purposefully separates themselves from the general culture BECAUSE of their color, that just ends up furthering the race barriers we deal with in this country. I really hope for a world where color will not matter in people's minds, but I think all sides of the issue tend to promote racial inequality without recognizing that they are doing so.

Originally posted by: Arkitech
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.



Apr 5, 2002
I am not trying to be get that out of your head before I say what I am about to say.

I am 20, and go to DeVry in Columbus, Ohio. I am a senior, and have 3 classes left in teh CET degree program.

Why is it that 99% of the black people that go there drop out after the first few terms? At the beginning of a new term, black students are everywhere, then as the semester goes on.... you see less and less.... My class (roughly 38 people) has zero black people in it, yet we started with 5 or so. Is it just coicidence?

Again, I am only stating the obvious, as I have seen it myself.

Is it because their high schools didn't prepare them enough? Do they have the wrong mind set about computers/electronics?

I in NO Way am racist, I am just curious. I asked my Sociology professor (he happens to be black) the same question, and he seriously couldn't give me an answer. He said something about Ohio not having many black people or something....

There is only one or two black guys that are in the latter semesters, and they are both African.....(real African, like immigrated to get an education type African).

Could someone try to explain this without the jokes and stupid comments? (or DeVry jokes )



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
I agree, it isn't a simple matter. for me it's like this, my son, when he was 16 months old, we had invited some college kids over. this was his first time having strangers over and he was freaking out because they were touching his stuff. i picked him up, picked up his toys and made sure he understood that they were HIS TOYS. i spoke to him very gently until he understood, they were his and that wasn't going to change. after that he didn't mind that others would touch his toys.

same is true of race i think. once a group of people can affirm and take pride in their ethnicity the less likely they are to take exception to snides and remarks.

racism only works when both sides are convinced of one sides superiority. that blacks perceive whites as superior is the basis for a lot of the so called racism. now i'm speaking in general here and not about arkitech's experience in particular. i can see where he would get worn down by it and be upset by it, BUT he isn't truly a victim of racism because he hasn't let it stop him from getting what he wants out of life.

anyway, there is a point there somewhere, just not sure if i can articulate it correctly.

Originally posted by: wyvrn
This is a common view today, but I disagree with it. That of course is easy for me to say, being white My grandfather wasn't a slave. But it seems to me that the more you emphasize your differences revolving around color, the more you separate yourself and the more potential for racial tensions exist. I am speaking about all races, white to brown and everything in between, btw.

Now CULTURAL differences are another thing, culture is what makes us who we are. I think the line between CULTURE and RACE has been blurred so that they are nearly indistinguishable. My wife's culture is very different from my own, and we have our discussions on that. But, I am not in any way prejudice towards her because of her color or the fact her physical makeup is different (darker eyes, hair, skin, shorter height, etc... ). One cannot help their physical makeup and should no way be ashamed of it, but they can modify and work within their culture towards positive change. Culture and race should be distinct identities, in the perfect world. Obviously we are not there yet.

Originally posted by: LeeTJ
I'm not sure i agree. I think it is good to have a strong sense of identity. i can see where black leadership would want to encourage it because pride in their heritage was a weakness for black people for a long time. a lot of other ethnic groups feel pride in their ethnic heritage. Pride in ones own ethnic heritage is not the same as hatred for another ethnic group.

Originally posted by: wyvrn
I understand race relations in this country still need a great deal of improvement. I am speaking from experience because I am white and my wife is Asian, and we get our share of looks. Some of my family (born on southern farms) still get very uncomfortable around my wife, because they are ignorant of her culture and really just don't know what to say. The more time she spends with them, the more they realize she is a wonderful person, but it takes time.

HOWEVER, I get upset when I see famous black people, such as Halle Berry (who is the most fantastically gorgeous woman I have EVER seen, she does it for me) and Samuel Jackson during some AA awards who on TV say "I am just so glad to be receiving this award from my own". It was made clear to me by the show they were referring to people of their own color, because everyone on the show was African American. . I am sorry to say I do not recall the name of the awards show, I caught it in the middle one night and was so disgusted by those comments that I turned it off! When anyone (regardless of color) refers to "their own" and purposefully separates themselves from the general culture BECAUSE of their color, that just ends up furthering the race barriers we deal with in this country. I really hope for a world where color will not matter in people's minds, but I think all sides of the issue tend to promote racial inequality without recognizing that they are doing so.

Originally posted by: Arkitech
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: edro13
I am not trying to be get that out of your head before I say what I am about to say.

I am 20, and go to DeVry in Columbus, Ohio. I am a senior, and have 3 classes left in teh CET degree program.

Why is it that 99% of the black people that go there drop out after the first few terms? At the beginning of a new term, black students are everywhere, then as the semester goes on.... you see less and less.... My class (roughly 38 people) has zero black people in it, yet we started with 5 or so. Is it just coicidence?

Again, I am only stating the obvious, as I have seen it myself.

Is it because their high schools didn't prepare them enough? Do they have the wrong mind set about computers/electronics?

I in NO Way am racist, I am just curious. I asked my Sociology professor (he happens to be black) the same question, and he seriously couldn't give me an answer. He said something about Ohio not having many black people or something....

There is only one or two black guys that are in the latter semesters, and they are both African.....(real African, like immigrated to get an education type African).

Could someone try to explain this without the jokes and stupid comments? (or DeVry jokes )


Yes, because they were sold a bill of goods.

God i hate Devry and other such "tech" schools. their only goal is to get the money.

they prey on minorities because minorities are more likely to get government funds. they push hard on minorities to join their program. they promise more than they can deliver and they push people without the backgrounds in order to get the money.



Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Arkitech
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.



Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Arkitech
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.

wat the hell, i didnt know people still did crap like that. i live in so cal and i never see things like that anymore


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
so a black guy complains about being discriminated against by whites and everyone like "oh man i feel so sorry for you" and yet, i remember a couple weeks ago i posted that i felt that black people discriminated against asians and i was blasted as being racist.

so what is it??

is it a double standard?? of do you people actually believe that only black people are discriminated against??

Yes, unfortunately, there is a double standard. It's part of the blame game I talked about above. But remember NOT to play the same game. People are individuals and deserve to be judged as such... not as a skin color.

mb, but one also should ignore what they observe in life. it has been my observation that an overwhelmingly large number of black children (small children) make mocking chinese type sounds when they see me and very few white kids have ever done that. well not since i lived in atlanta back in the early '70's.

so, should i pretend that i have never observed those things? should i ignore the facts because it is politically correct to do so?

I think it has less to do with skin color and more to do with family structure and income levels.
Blacks are less likely to come from a 2 parent home and are more likely to come from a family with a lower income level.

take a white and black family with 2 parents who make the same amount of money and I'm sure that the children will be brought up simularly.

I'm not sure whay people think it is funny to make strange noises at asians. When thepeople do that to me I just do what they did in South Park. Hold your eyes open wider with your hands and say "I think I'll use my credit card" and "You all come back now, ya hear"


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Arkitech
Somedays I feel like I come from another planet. I'm not black enough for some people and not white enough for others.

One of my co-workers (who is black) labeled me a sell-out because I did'nt use slang and I listened to rock music every now and then. Another co-worker of mine (who is white) once told me that some of the other people in the office were intimidated by me. That really floored me because 98% of the time I'm always in a good mood. I always go out of my way to hold a door for someone or just try to greet people in my work area. But yet some people still refuse to talk me if I say good afternoon, certain women hold their purses tighter when I get on the elevator. Its maddening, I just wish people would see me for a human being instead of a black guy.

and before anyone asks, no I do not:

wear braided hair
drive a vehicle with flashy rims and tinted windows
listen to Nelly, 50 Cents, Ja Rule and whoever the latest thug rapper currently is
use ebonics
smoke weed/grass
blast music while driving
wear extremely baggy pants that fall off of my waist
wear shirts with the designers name imprinted on the front or back
sell drugs
have a parole officer

have you ever thought about saying "i feel really sad that you think i'd steal your purse." ?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: gotsmack

I'm not sure whay people think it is funny to make strange noises at asians. When thepeople do that to me I just do what they did in South Park. Hold your eyes open wider with your hands and say "I think I'll use my credit card" and "You all come back now, ya hear"




Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Arkitech
Somedays I feel like I come from another planet. I'm not black enough for some people and not white enough for others.

One of my co-workers (who is black) labeled me a sell-out because I did'nt use slang and I listened to rock music every now and then. Another co-worker of mine (who is white) once told me that some of the other people in the office were intimidated by me. That really floored me because 98% of the time I'm always in a good mood. I always go out of my way to hold a door for someone or just try to greet people in my work area. But yet some people still refuse to talk me if I say good afternoon, certain women hold their purses tighter when I get on the elevator. Its maddening, I just wish people would see me for a human being instead of a black guy.

and before anyone asks, no I do not:

wear braided hair
drive a vehicle with flashy rims and tinted windows
listen to Nelly, 50 Cents, Ja Rule and whoever the latest thug rapper currently is
use ebonics
smoke weed/grass
blast music while driving
wear extremely baggy pants that fall off of my waist
wear shirts with the designers name imprinted on the front or back
sell drugs
have a parole officer

I have 2 friends that are half white and half black and they're the most popular kids around. Look on the bright side, you can probably jump way higher than us>=P

I guess it's as big an issue as you make it out to be because I don't relaly see them getting treated any differently...they're both hilarious though...


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
I am not a racist. I am far from it.....but this is what I have observed from living in the south my entire life.

When I was in middle school there were quite a few smart black people in my classes. They also happened to be athletes. Over time they ended going to lower level classes. Does this mean they weren't smart enough? No. They were beat into submission by their fellow black students.

Here is one example. I was friends with a black track runner in middle school. He was awesome. He had so much potential in the classroom and on the track. He eventually went on to win the state 100m 3 years in a row. He never had a race where someone came close to beating him. He was unstoppable. During middle school he was in the highest level classes. By 9th grade he was at the bottom. Since I knew him pretty well, I know he was smart. He told me that he just couldn't stay keep making good grades. Everyday on the bus ride home, in middle school, the other black students beat the sh*t out of him. They did it because he was improving himself in the classroom. He was putting himself on another level that they could not acheive. They pulled him down. He was poor so his only choice was to ride home on that bus everyday. Eventually they got what they wanted. He made bad grades and dropped the lowest level in high school.

He ended up going to collage not because of his academics but because he was an awesome athlete. He gave up track in favor of football. He played well in college but just didn't have what it took to be a star. He at least got a good education in college.

I just have trouble understanding the "black" community that does everything they can to hold each other down. It is really sad. The only dreams these black kids have are to be superstar athletes and that is all they are allowed to pursue. If you excess in the classroom you get beat down. It is just stupid.

I know there is racism and that it does harm the black community but until they stop holding each other down nothing will change.

BTW, there were plenty of black students that went to school with me that did well but they were also labeled sellouts. They hung out with the white students because the black students would not accept them. The black students that were successful also didn't have to ride the bus home everyday. They came from families that were somewhat successful. It makes me sad that it is SO hard for a black student to rise above his surroundings and succeed.

I personally don't care what color you are. I judge you by the person you are.



Apr 5, 2002
Have you seen that new commercial where the woman and daughter are at the playground. The little black girl says "Hey, come play with us." (Those kids are all black), and as she is walking aver there the mom says, "Wouldn't you rather play with those kids?" (The kids she points at are all white) Then the little girl says "Why?". Then the voice over guy says "Imagine the power of one voice."

That commercial is so true... Your parents are the ones who spread racism. A child has no discretion either way, it is the culture, parents, and peers which shape them.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
Originally posted by: edro13
Have you seen that new commercial where the woman and daughter are at the playground. The little black girl says "Hey, come play with us." (Those kids are all black), and as she is walking aver there the mom says, "Wouldn't you rather play with those kids?" (The kids she points at are all white) Then the little girl says "Why?". Then the voice over guy says "Imagine the power of one voice." That commercial is so true... Your parents are the ones who spread racism. A child has no discretion either way, it is the culture, parents, and peers which shape them.

My mom is racist to a point. She has black friends but she will say things that offend me. My mom is 54 years old and isn't going to change. I was just smart enough to rise above her racism and she knows that I do not appreciate her comments sometimes.


Apr 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Codewiz
Originally posted by: edro13
Have you seen that new commercial where the woman and daughter are at the playground. The little black girl says "Hey, come play with us." (Those kids are all black), and as she is walking aver there the mom says, "Wouldn't you rather play with those kids?" (The kids she points at are all white) Then the little girl says "Why?". Then the voice over guy says "Imagine the power of one voice." That commercial is so true... Your parents are the ones who spread racism. A child has no discretion either way, it is the culture, parents, and peers which shape them.

My mom is racist to a point. She has black friends but she will say things that offend me. My mom is 54 years old and isn't going to change. I was just smart enough to rise above her racism and she knows that I do not appreciate her comments sometimes.

Same thing with my dad and grandpa. I mean it is one thing to be prejudice about a certain community or whatever, but to say that an entire RACE is bad..... that is just ignorant.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2000
I'll just add my two bits.. I think people tend to be conformists in general and like to stick people in their little boxes and have them stay there. My advice is to do and be what you want to be and not let the "black thing" and the "white thing" define who you are. Really those sorts of definitions are just made-up anyway (at least how you dress and what music you listen to at least). So if you like certain things, do it because you like those things. If someone has a problem with that, it's their problem. The same goes for male vs. female things too, sometimes doing things that are considered in the male vs. female domain can provoke reactions from people, although I suppose less so now that before.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: edro13
Have you seen that new commercial where the woman and daughter are at the playground. The little black girl says "Hey, come play with us." (Those kids are all black), and as she is walking aver there the mom says, "Wouldn't you rather play with those kids?" (The kids she points at are all white) Then the little girl says "Why?". Then the voice over guy says "Imagine the power of one voice."

That commercial is so true... Your parents are the ones who spread racism. A child has no discretion either way, it is the culture, parents, and peers which shape them.
Yep, let's air a commercial about evil whitey. Lord knows there are no racist black people.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: edro13
Have you seen that new commercial where the woman and daughter are at the playground. The little black girl says "Hey, come play with us." (Those kids are all black), and as she is walking aver there the mom says, "Wouldn't you rather play with those kids?" (The kids she points at are all white) Then the little girl says "Why?". Then the voice over guy says "Imagine the power of one voice."

That commercial is so true... Your parents are the ones who spread racism. A child has no discretion either way, it is the culture, parents, and peers which shape them.
Yep, let's air a commercial about evil whitey. Lord knows there are no racist black people.

It could be done either way. The point of the commercial wasn't that one side is racist and the other isn't. I'm sorry you can't see it the right way.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: edro13
Have you seen that new commercial where the woman and daughter are at the playground. The little black girl says "Hey, come play with us." (Those kids are all black), and as she is walking aver there the mom says, "Wouldn't you rather play with those kids?" (The kids she points at are all white) Then the little girl says "Why?". Then the voice over guy says "Imagine the power of one voice."

That commercial is so true... Your parents are the ones who spread racism. A child has no discretion either way, it is the culture, parents, and peers which shape them.
Yep, let's air a commercial about evil whitey. Lord knows there are no racist black people.

The same people make a commercial showing a white high school student approaching a table of black girls at lunch. She asks one of the girls what time she wants to meet up to work on a school project, and the other black girls start berating the white girl about her race, and tell her to go hang out with the white girls. The white girl smiles and leaves. The black girl she was talking to stands up and asks the other black girls with force, "What's your problem?!?" She then rolls her eyes and goes after her friend.

So yes, the commercial series has focused on discrimination going both ways.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Arkitech

and before anyone asks, no I do not:

wear braided hair
drive a vehicle with flashy rims and tinted windows
listen to Nelly, 50 Cents, Ja Rule and whoever the latest thug rapper currently is
use ebonics
smoke weed/grass
blast music while driving
wear extremely baggy pants that fall off of my waist
wear shirts with the designers name imprinted on the front or back
sell drugs
have a parole officer



Mar 19, 2001
If you have a name of the realtor (or address of person showing house) please feel free to post it. I'd like to tell her how I feel about Racists.

BTW, my sister-in-law just returned from an extensive European vacation, she said the racial boundaries are much different there. Tons of mult-racial couples and very little evident discrimination. It's a shame we're still suffering from our indiscretions of more than a century ago.
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