Ben Skywalker, what is your experience?


Sep 3, 2000
For months I have seen you pick on people and claim to be an "authority" on graphic cards. This beef is no longer about my Voodoo5. If it makes you feel better to say that your GeForce2 is better, than good for you. Hey I will even say it. GEFORCE2 KICKS MY VOODOO5'S ASS IN RAW SPEED! The issue now is attitude and credibility.

I see you still haven't listed your education level or experience working in the graphics industry. Please list your degrees, and what university you attended. What company did you work for, and what skills do you have? What products have you helped develop? What software can we find your name on? Please give us a list of your accomplishments in this field. You cut and paste very well, but you seem to have no actual knowledge.

You are asking me to believe that you are some sort of expeert that knows more about graphics than anybody else. I have seem many posts that you have made to other people too, and you always seem to cut and paste, and run your mouth, but where are your credentials. Please provide us with some sort of proof so we know you have credibility.

Cmon Ben, if you are such a video expert, you must have some sort of formal training, and experience in the industry. Please provide sources that we can verify, and prove that you know what you are talking about.

Otherwise you are just a cut and paste loser!

Any response other than a full list of college degrees, work experience, hardware development, software development, and credits in the graphics industry will be considered an admission of being a poser!

Make sure all the sources can be verified. Afterall, if you are truly an expert, you should have no problem with people seeing your accomplishments. You should be proud right?

I'm sure there are many people who would love to know what incredible things you have accomplished in the graphics industry! I am looking forward to it.......


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
Ben is very Tom-esque in his way of expressing his opinions. He's very entitled to his views of graphics cards, but once he forms an opinion its set in stone, and he views anyone who has a different opinion than him as an idiot. He'll go to great lengths to prove his view of graphics cards right, he certainly knows his stuff, but he's very adept at twisting things around to fit his own opinion.


Sep 3, 2000
Orbius- << &quot;but he's very adept at twisting things around to fit his own opinion&quot; >>

LOL ! You got that right. That is an understatement, but thanks for acknowledging it. I think the guy is an ass, and I know quite a few people that would agree.

And *Sharkeeper*, I am no graphics expert and never claimed to be, and I haven't insulted people for months the way he has. I did start a thread yesterday that was kinda Flaming, but I have just posted &quot;I'm sorry&quot; to everyone in there (Except Ben Skywalker) and I am really sorry if I offended anyone. I just got fed up with GeForce2 and Radeon owners trashing the Voodoo5.

But I'm over it now. In fact who cares! My only beef is with this guy and his attitude towards others. And yes I am vocal, because the guy is a horse's ass, and I want him to know it. He will certainly know it now, and I bet he is looking for some kind of fake credentials to post at this very moment. Heh!

I won't even respond to him anymore, because it's not worth it. I got my point across. He's nothing! I also just realized his initials are B.S.-Heh! That's perfect!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
&quot;For months I have seen you pick on people and claim to be an &quot;authority&quot; on graphic cards.&quot;

When have I claimed to be an authority on graphics cards exactly? We'll ignore that though.

List of degrees regarding 3D technology- none.

List of 3D hardware worked to help develop- none.

Software worked on- none commercialy released.

With a resume like that how are you going to argue

And I have never claimed otherwise. Companies I have worked for, several, under what field exactly is it that you are looking for? You seem to be under the impression that I am supposedly an engineer which is something I have never claimed or implied, I work with 3D visualization technology, and have for many years. I am fully self educated on the subject matter, what exactly does that prove? I have never claimed anything else. I can assure you that many of the most knowledgeable members on this board also are &quot;non educated&quot;(do a search on NCNE) in many areas of their expertise.

For that matter, I have no degree in English either, so I must not be familiar with the language? I don't have any certifications involving computer repair, so I must not know how to do that either. The fact of the matter is that outside of engineering there weren't any degrees involving 3D visualization when I started, that is a comparitively newly available degree and still is only available at a few schools.

Most of my familiarity comes from &quot;new&quot; feature support on consumer level graphics cards that have been available in visualization packages for quite some time. Most recently that would involve FSAA and hardware T&amp;L, both far from new features in the visualization market but ones that seemed to have caused much confusion amongst most of the people who were witnessing it for the first time.

Combine that with an understanding of how 3D graphics work and the ability to download SDKs from the vendors sites and also and MS and anyone can have the same understanding.

If you want to test me, then by all means fire away. I don't know everything, very far from it, and have never claimed otherwise. I make mistakes, and will gladly admit when I do. If you want to see how much I know then why not ask some particulars about subjct manner, a degree does nothing except prove that I could make it through school.

&quot;Any response other than a full list of college degrees, work experience, hardware development, software development, and credits in the graphics industry will be considered an admission of being a poser!&quot;

What am I posing to be exactly? Someone who spends a great deal of time keeping up on 3D technology implementations? That I am, I would imagine that I do spend quite a bit more time on the subject then most others do, though definately not all. I still don't understand what your point is, I work with visualization and have never made any attempt to hide that, I am in no way any sort of engineer, nor do I or have I worked for any of the major graphics card companies or any of the big games publishers.

&quot;Cmon Ben, if you are such a video expert, you must have some sort of formal training, and experience in the industry.&quot;

Why? If I needed help with general computer hardware that was over my head on this board and could only contact one person it would be Russ or Red Dawn, degrees be d@mned.(I'm not sure if Red Dawn has a degree, but Russ doesn't involving computers).

If I could contact one person on this board with general help on programming it would be BoberFett, again, degree be d@mned.

If I wanted to know something about starting up a web site that was hopefully going to grow into a multi million dollar business I would want to contact Anand, and although he has recently graduated from High School, he has a few years to go before he has an official &quot;degree&quot; saying he knows anything from a University. That certainly doesn't change my view on him in any way or any of the other people on this board who have educated themselves in particular technology aspects.


No flames, I promise

&quot;He's very entitled to his views of graphics cards, but once he forms an opinion its set in stone, and he views anyone who has a different opinion than him as an idiot.&quot;

Not true, OneEng, jpprod, Repa and Beast that I can think of off the top of my head have proven me wrong before and changed my mind on different topics, I have no problem admitting that at all. I have no idea what level of education any of them have in their particular field and quite frankly could care less. Whether they hold a PhD or have never stepped into any class room is irrelevant, they know their stuff and that is all that matters.

I don't think anyone that disagrees with me is an idiot, quite the contrary. I have had several disagreements with some very respected and knowledgeable people in several different venues, it doesn't mean I think they are idiots. Hardware T&amp;L and various FSAA technologies that still many very intelligent people disagree with me on, I don't think them idiots, we just need to wait for more proof on the subject then is currently available.

&quot;He'll go to great lengths to prove his view of graphics cards right, he certainly knows his stuff, but he's very adept at twisting things around to fit his own opinion.&quot;

Thank you very much for the compliments I go to great lengths because I believe I am right, if I didn't I certainly wouldn't. If I am disproven then I have no problem admitting it, and would rather be proven wrong and be more accurate then have my views unchallenged and remain wrong on a subject. Twisting things around, that is something I do when in a discussion but we both do it a decent amount I would say(along with almost anyone else who argues with any &quot;skillz&quot.

&quot;Ben is very Tom-esque in his way of expressing his opinions.&quot;

Do I come across that way to most people? I know you and I seem to go at it a lot more then we agree, but do I come of as so pompous? I assure you that is not my intention, I just greatly enjoy discussions about 3D technology and feel strongly about it. Even when we are in flaming mode, I am smiling as I am sitting at the old PC, no ill feelings are held at all.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
Voodoo and Orbious are known zealots. Ben works with 3d graphics as his profession I believe. Ben always proves what he says but zealots like you cant believe it.



Sep 3, 2000
Ben????? Hmmmmmmm. How can this person admitting he is not the &quot;GOD&quot; of graphic knowledge, and admitting he has no expertise in that field, be the same guy who comes across as the most arrogant pig I have ever seen on here. I may have just recently started posting, but believe me, I have been reading for a long time.

I am confused. What have you done with the real Ben Skywalker? I am calling the police! Even though I don't like him, that's no reason for you to kill him and take over his identity!

Doomguy, get the hell out of here. This doesn't concern you. Does it look like we are talking about benchmarks anymore?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I wouldnt go so far as to say Orbious(sp?) is a zaelot, but VS seems a bit childish to me.
Never mind the comment about VS being a bit childish, in light of his recent posts he seems like a PO'ed brat who belongs in kindergarden.

Ben is very knowledgeable when it comes to GFX stuff, and typically has his facts straight, though I will agree he is a bit narrow minded sometimes, but heck, who isnt?

And why should he have to list his credentials?
His facts are, as already mentioned, almost allways correct(OK, I know a fact isnt a fact if its not correct, but you know what I mean), as any decently knowledgeable member will testify to.

If you have nothing better to do than whine about people just cause they know more than you do, please, at least do it somewhere else.


Sep 3, 2000
Sunner, take a hike dude! This wasn't about anybody knowing more than anybody else, it was about his attitude and............ah forget it, you haven't read whats going on. Try not to speak unless you read what is actually happening in the thread!

I said I was sorry for my flaming in the other thread, and this thread doesn't concern you Sunner. I actually think the whole thing is funny now, and you seem to be the only one who is PO'ed.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
&quot;How can this person admitting he is not the &quot;GOD&quot; of graphic knowledge, and admitting he has no expertise in that field, be the same guy who comes across as the most arrogant pig I have ever seen on here.&quot;

I think you may be misreding what I was saying. If you judge expertise by a degree that someone holds then you are right. 3D graphics card companies are moving towards doing in real time what takes people who work with visualization in several cases months to render on multi-CPU(sometimes in the thousands of CPUs as is the case with Pixar) render farms. No new technologies on any of the cards are new to me, I was using them all years ago and am using features now that will not be hardware accelerated for several years to come. Anyone who works with 3D visualization can say the same, we see the features and spend a long time working with them, several years on average, before general consumers will.

Yes, I think I know quite a bit more about FSAA then most of the hardware review sites, I would have to be thick to spend as much time looking at magnified shots of various techniques to not have some of it sink in. Is that arrogant? Perhaps. I also am very stubborn on hardware T&amp;L acceleration and have on numerous occasions admitted to being a zealot on the subject. The level of geometric complexity available utilizing hardware T&amp;L is leaps and bounds beyond what software can give us, that I know to be a fact. Again, that may be arrogant but I feel that I have spent enough time dealing with the subject that I do speak with some authority on the matter. Also, every person that I have spoken to that works with visualization agrees with me on that point, hardware T&amp;L support can push graphics moreso then any of the new technologies that have been recently introduced.

I do spend a great deal of time keeping up on the newest 3D real time technologies, something that is needed no matter who you are if you don't want to fall behind. Someone who gained their degree in '98 would be lost for a few months while he caught up if he didn't track the technology of the last two years with some level of frequency.


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
Doomguy- Did I rub your rhubarb the wrong way sometime or something, everytime I post anything, you seem to pop up with an attitude.



Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
Thats very concilliatory of you Ben, damn this is very friendly, I bet after a few beers you'd even admit that the Geforces T&amp;L isnt worth a damn .


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
A thread about attitude eh?
Interesting you should say that considdering your attitude, showing up all of a sudden and calling a respected member of this BBS an arrogant pig etc etc.

Oh and BTW, Im not PO'ed, just a tad annoyed.


Sep 3, 2000
Hey Sunner, Get over it dude. Ben knows damn well he has an attitude, and I am certainly not the first to suggest that, as you can plainly see. I will give him credit for his post admitting he is not the world's expert on graphics, and I even made a fairly friendly gesture, joking about him being taken over by somebody else. So why do you continue to try and stir things up again.

You and Doomguy need to get over it!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
&quot;I bet after a few beers you'd even admit that the Geforces T&amp;L isnt worth a damn .&quot;

Why you little....



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Whatever, Im not the one acting like a 10 year old.

But by all means, I have some other stuff to attend to now anyway.


Sep 3, 2000
Wow, I can feel the negative energy slowly fading away. We may have a breakthrough here. It seems as if both the primary participants have made their most recent comments in much more civil ways.

Of course, now one of the other guys will prob cuss me out for saying that. haha


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
IMHO jpprod and ben know the most about 3d on this forum. They both know what they're talking about. Voodoo let me ask you what experience do YOU have? NONE you're an inmature 12 year that has nothing better to do than piss everyone off.


Sep 3, 2000
&quot;This claim is an outright lie that is still being circulated by VoodooSupreme's cronies. The truth is that VoodooSupreme has commented that his memoranda epitomize wholesome family entertainment. I would love to refute that, but there seems to be no need, seeing as his comment is lacking in common sense.

The issue is that if you look back over some of my older letters, you'll see that I predicted that he would convince innocent children to follow a path that leads only to a life of crime, disappointment, and destruction. And, as I predicted, he did. But you know, that was not a difficult prediction to make. Anyone who has bothered to learn even a little about VoodooSupreme could have made the same prediction.&quot;

haha, I think I've read that somewhere, but all you've done is substitute his name. Why are you copying stuff anyway, what does it have to do with any of this?

&quot;convince innocent children to follow a path that leads only to a life of crime, disappointment, and destruction.&quot;

Holy crap Sharkeeper, I thought they were arguing over video cards. The weird thing is that everything he said about this Skywalker guy not being an expert is true, and Skywalker even admitted it. I would say that means VoodooSupreme won this argument in the ultimate way. No disrespect to Ben, but he was called out, and had to admit he really knows no more than anybody else who is mildly educated about video cards.

So why are you trying to start trouble again. I don't remember him saying anything about you sharkeeper. I just read his reply to yours and he was very civil and even said he did not mean to offend anyone except for the Skywalker guy. I think you might be Ben Skywalker with a different name. Either way, it looks like he got deep inside you without even directly addressing you. He must really have powers like you said. haha

And Doomguy, you are like most kids I see in forums these days. You latch on to anybody that agrees with you, in an attempt to build yourself up, and lash out at anybody that disagrees with you. You have said nothing that is relevant. Atleast these guys have something to say, but all you do is make quick little &quot;You Suck&quot; type comments. That shows you have no mind of your own. You are a follower and not a leader. I feel sorry for you.

Anyway, I can't believe you guys are going on and on when both Ben and Voodoo have stopped. Let me guess, since I am saying this, that makes me one of his cronies. Whatever you say. This may piss you guys off, but from an outside observer's point of view, it looks like Voodoo got the best of all you guys. It's amazing that one guy, on one day, could make so many people look so foolish.



Sep 3, 2000
Obviously it's a joke, but why mess with a guy who has said he was sorry to everyone else. If he has a beef with Ben, than so be it. I thought Voodoo was a dick too, but since the guy apologized (which is more than most people do after flaming) I actually have respect for him in some sick way.

I don't like to see a guy attacked by everybody else, when he apologized to everyone else except Ben. And he even seems to have chilled out on that. Hey man, I have a Geforce GTS, and what some Voodoo fanatic says isn't going to change my opinion. But I personally think he actually had a good point about the attitude thing. Not just Ben, but a lot of people have an attitude problem. Maybe he went about in the wrong way, but atleast he spoke up.

Of course, now I will get flamed, and be called Voodoo's boyfriend by somebody, but that only proves my point. It also makes me laugh.

I'm through with this thread anyway. Have fun guys. I think you are all crazy.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
Esis: Please go away. I cant believe you defend such a troll and asshole. We dont need members like you and voodoo.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
&quot;I would say that means VoodooSupreme won this argument in the ultimate way.&quot;

What argument? There was no argument except in his mind. Never have I stated anything that contradicts what I posted in this thread, there was no argument to be had. He asked a question and I answered it.

&quot;No disrespect to Ben, but he was called out, and had to admit he really knows no more than anybody else who is mildly educated about video cards.&quot;

I said no such thing. Try reading my actual words instead of what you want to. I think that anyone could easily learn as much as I have, I certainly don't think most people want to spend(waste) the time though.

&quot;Holy crap Sharkeeper, I thought they were arguing over video cards.&quot;

Trust me that I am not Sharkeeper and he is not me, I use one handle everywhere. The post he made was using a complaint generator, you simply type in a name and it spits out a complaint about the person. It is fairly common when a thread starts to turn into a flame war around here that someone will post one of those to lighten the atmosphere. It is a joke, and a not too rare one on these boards.


Sep 3, 2000
Ben, now you are trying to deny what you said? You clearly do not know that much about video cards, and repeating what you have read other people in the industry say does not impress me either. You are the kind of guy that will always insist whatever you have is best, only because it's what you happen to have purchased. Is your life really that empty, that your only satisfaction comes from thinking you have the best video card? My god, that's sad!

For the record, some of your own words about your experience are...

&quot;List of degrees regarding 3D technology- none.

List of 3D hardware worked to help develop- none.

Software worked on- none commercialy released.

With a resume like that how are you going to argue&quot;

There is plenty more where that came from. We can all read it, it's right there where you posted it. I think Voodoo should post it again from time to time, to remind any naive kids like Doomguy, that they should not listen to your rants because you are just another person in an online forum, no different than the rest.

You admitted that you have no formal training and no expertise in this field whatsoever. But you do speak well, and are a master of twisting words around, like many people have already said. I will give you that. It looks like Voodoo is completely satisfied with your admission, and he hasn't even posted again. But then why would he? Yes Ben, you were called out, and you were forced to admit the truth about yourself.

Futhermore Ben, if you were really so confident that you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't have to go overboard in your posts. Whenever someone questions you or disagrees with you in other threads, you end up posting &quot;message after meassage&quot; and going &quot;on and on&quot;. Don't you see? Don't you understand? People who are actually confident and feel good about themselves, don't have to defend their viewpoints over and over. People who are confident and feel good about themselves don't spend all their time in forums trying to impress young boys they are experts on computer toys. People who are confident and feel good about themselves can walk away and not be threatened by other people's different opinions or views. You are obviously not a very confident person Ben Skywalker. There is nothing more to say.

And DOOMGUY, you once again show that you have very little intelligence and a very small vocabulary. You are the most insignificant human being I have seen on these forums. Anybody that disagrees with you has no place in this forum, according to your twisted logic. If I was driving down the highway, and saw you and a cockroach crossing the road, and I had to swirve to avoid one of you, in order to save the other, what would happen?

Well, lets just say the cockroach would make it to the other side of the road. Enough said!

I had no intention to come back to this thread, but I recieved a couple emails from friends (who are also members here) saying that the two of you were addressing me, so I came back to make this one final comment.

I had not flamed anyone, and simply gave my view on what was happening. In return, I got narrow minded posts from both of you, and have since read many other posts you both have made to others, showing quite well that you are both very troubled individuls. Now I have spoken my mind, and said what needed to be said.

It's over guys, move on. Not only will I not return to this thread myself, but most people are smartly staying away as well. I will not see any future posts you make. It's unfortunate that this place is no different than most forums out there. A few narrow minded people like yourselves can make this just another hell-hole for the rest of us.

Have fun kiddies!

A note to anybody that comes in here, since I won't be back. I will leave you guys to check this prediction. I bet that neither Ben or Doomguy can walk away without posting some sort of come back. As you can see, they both addressed me, and I simply responded. I certainly had the right to do that. Now we are even.

But I bet they can't walk away like I am doing. Just wait and see though, maybe they will suprise you.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2000

I'll say this, if those who argue about video with unless you can back it up STFU. If you don't like what he says fine but he has provided proof 95% of the time via either benchmarks, links, or other. Same goes for jjprod, Soccerman and other respected members. Can you do the same?

As for the complaint generator,


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
&quot;Ben, now you are trying to deny what you said? You clearly do not know that much about video cards, and repeating what you have read other people in the industry say does not impress me either.&quot;

OK, try me. What do you think they give you when you go to school on this subject? Books. Do you think they appear only to those enrolled in schools? You are truly ignorant if you are under the impression that you can't obtain the same level of education on your own that you could going to school. Test my knowledge if you think I don't know what I am talking about. I said I have no formal education, I didn't say that I didn't know what I was talking about, perhaps you need to study the English language and learn some basic words and what they mean before you try and flame people. No matter, what I say is what should matter, not who I am. It doesn't matter who posts the information, if it is correct that is all that matters.

You are the kind of guy that will always insist whatever you have is best, only because it's what you happen to have purchased. Is your life really that empty, that your only satisfaction comes from thinking you have the best video card? My god, that's sad!&quot;

How much research did you do on hardware performance relating to API specific calls under various OSs when combined with the specific processor and chipsets utilizing different software packages before you make your purchases? In particular on the last part the level of support that developers plan on offering in OpenGL applications with vendor specific extensions? How much time did you spend looking at driver specific issues relating to the applications that you use most frequently? How much time did you spend researching the level of support for given features that your planned purchase had gained inside the industry? I buy which part is going to offer me the best return on my investment. I don't have close to the best video card currently, I know that.

There is plenty more where that came from. We can all read it, it's right there where you posted it. I think Voodoo should post it again from time to time, to remind any naive kids like Doomguy, that they should not listen to your rants because you are just another person in an online forum, no different than the rest.

Because I haven't been to school on the subject? You must be a true genius to deduce that because I don't hold a degree in what you think I should. Prove what I say wrong, then we'll talk. I have no problem admitting it if you can. All that matters is what I say, not who I am.

&quot;You admitted that you have no formal training and no expertise in this field whatsoever.&quot;

When did I say that? I said I had no formal training, does that equate in your mind to no level of expertise? I certainly am no John Carmack, but I have spent years working with 3D visualization technologies that are just now starting to trickle into the marketplace. I have spent considerable time reading up on all sorts of real time visualization techniques and playing around with various different implementations. I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours going over SDKs from various different companies, but because I didn't attain a degree in engineering I don't know what I'm talking about?

But you do speak well, and are a master of twisting words around, like many people have already said.

How can that possibly be? I have no degree in English, have never worked in the field of literature and have never worked for any sort of news publishing or political orginization? Don't you listen to yourself, I simply can't have the ability to twist words by your definition of required credentials.

Yes Ben, you were called out, and you were forced to admit the truth about yourself.

When have I ever said anything different? I have been asked on numerous occasions and have said the same exact thing. Why do you think I had no problem stating it again?

Futhermore Ben, if you were really so confident that you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't have to go overboard in your posts. Whenever someone questions you or disagrees with you in other threads, you end up posting &quot;message after meassage&quot; and going &quot;on and on&quot;.

You think? Check out Beyond3D and check out some of the threads over there. Occasionaly you will see topics go over 200 posts with a small handful of members compared to here because people are he!! bent on getting their point across. They also post message after message and go on and on.

Don't you understand? People who are actually confident and feel good about themselves, don't have to defend their viewpoints over and over. People who are confident and feel good about themselves don't spend all their time in forums trying to impress young boys they are experts on computer toys.

Check out my average posts per day nitwit. Hoovers just around 4. I can assure you that the percentage of my time spent on BBSs is rather small. Computer toys? That statement shows that you have no appreciation of the technology so of course you wouldn't be able to comprehend why I would want to stick to my points and not abandon them.

You are obviously not a very confident person Ben Skywalker. There is nothing more to say.

ROTFLMAO, Which is it? Am I a pompous arrogant @ss or insecure? Your double standards are quite comical. I can't know anything about 3D technology because I don't hold a degree but I can be an expert at manipulating words without any degree. I am an arrogant SOB with a confidence problem. Your logic seems to be on vacation.

I had not flamed anyone, and simply gave my view on what was happening. In return, I got narrow minded posts from both of you, and have since read many other posts you both have made to others, showing quite well that you are both very troubled individuls. Now I have spoken my mind, and said what needed to be said.

You said what needed to be said? You cross talked yourself and created all sorts of warped standards that were dependant on the situation and then made broad comments and flat out lies about people. If that is what you think needs to be said then nothing anyone will say will change your mind. You logic simply defies definition.

It's over guys, move on. Not only will I not return to this thread myself, but most people are smartly staying away as well. I will not see any future posts you make. It's unfortunate that this place is no different than most forums out there. A few narrow minded people like yourselves can make this just another hell-hole for the rest of us.

How exactly am I narrow minded? You are trying to tell me what I don't know because I didn't sit through a class on the subject so that makes you an expert on me? Talk about delusionial. You don't know me, you have nothing to base your comments on excpet what I post on this BBS and even then it seems like you have failed to look too much into that as nothing I have said in this thread is the first time. I base my assumptions on your openly double standards and you judging my level of knowledge on the lack of a piece of paper. You did forget to include though that I can't possibly know how to do any sort of computer repairs, I have never taken a single course and have no certifications.

A note to anybody that comes in here, since I won't be back. I will leave you guys to check this prediction. I bet that neither Ben or Doomguy can walk away without posting some sort of come back. As you can see, they both addressed me, and I simply responded. I certainly had the right to do that. Now we are even.

You can't attack the message so you feel the need to attack the messenger. You know that you are lieing so you hit and run and insinuate that you are somehow a better individual for doing so. Cowardice is more what I would call it. I will say again, my posts are what matters, nothing else. You have a complete inability to attack the points so instead you try and attack me. Who I am doesn't matter on this board, what I say does. If I am wrong on a point then point it out, that is what matters. If someone wants to know about the performance characteristics about a particular piece of hardware or a certain aspect and I feel that I can help I will do so. If I am wrong then that is what matters, if I am correct then that is what matters, the fact that I don't hold a piece of paper that says I do means jack sh!t.
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