Best 120MM 80 mm Fans


Senior member
May 14, 2005
Ok well i need 1 120 MM Fan 3 80MM Fans

I do not care about noise if it sounds like a plane taking off i dont care, the more air the fans moves the better.
Also wat is a good fan control thingy


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2003
I dont want to sound like a fanboy (get it?), but...



Oh, you don't care about noise? Then get like Tornadoes. Your computer will sound like a vacuum cleaner, but at least it'll be well ventilated.


Jun 5, 2005


Jul 13, 2005
Im sorry to dissapoint you but vantec fans are crap....bottom line!!
There figures for air displacement are not accurate and they are noisy.
Also the thermaltake Smart fan when cranked all the way up sounds like a jet engine...its loud!!

I would personally go with any of the Coolermaster fans!!!

99 times out of 100 anything over 40-50cfm will not make any appreciable difference in the CPU temps!!



Jun 5, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Im sorry to dissapoint you but vantec fans are crap....bottom line!!
There figures for air displacement are not accurate and they are noisy.
Also the thermaltake Smart fan when cranked all the way up sounds like a jet engine...its loud!!

I would personally go with any of the Coolermaster fans!!!

99 times out of 100 anything over 40-50cfm will not make any appreciable difference in the CPU temps!!

Did you read that he doesn't care about noise?

That is why I mention that fan controller does come handy especially in the moment where you want complete (near) silence.

I for one dislike Coolermaster fans. They are loud when they are full speed! Their air displacement is accurate but their noise level isn't! and I have three of them on my computer. When I turned them down with my Coolermaster fan controller, it was like heaven and earth!!!!! Also, their 120mm fan doesn't worth crap. It is really quiet but it doesn't move any air. My temp went to North of the temperature scale at top speed! So much for your BEST fans!


Jun 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Bushman5
Ok well i need 1 120 MM Fan 3 80MM Fans

I do not care about noise if it sounds like a plane taking off i dont care, the more air the fans moves the better.
Also wat is a good fan control thingy

eh...I'm not sure what you meant by "a good fan control thingy" but a fan controller is a medium for you to adjust fan speed so you can have a decent airflow sans an ultra high pitch noise to get the temperature that you want. In addition to controlling the fan, some manufacturers have added other features such as LCD temperature screen, multi-card reader, extra USB/Firewire ports, and light controller. The screen is probably the most important feature since it's the only physical medium you have that is more or less accurate other than the motherboard BIOS and temperature monitoring software depending how you planted the sensor.

Sometimes, the fan controller have more fan ports than the motherboard say if you want to mount all four fans onto your can't because most motherboard only have two Fan ports: one for CPU and only one more for the case. That's it. If you are lucky, sometimes it comes with three ports.

That's when the fan controller comes in. Most comes with four ports then some comes with five, six or even seven like the Sunbeam's Chromatic Windmill Fan Controller. Plus, it will make your case look a bit "cooler".


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
I would reccomend staying clear of sleeve bearing fans if noise is not an issue.

Get quality ball bearing fans of your choosing. There are many and prices vary quite a bit.
High quality used, server pulled fans that have been tested by the e-tailer are a real option.
Papst, Nidec, NMB,Delta,Sanyo Denki can be found via Google for a song of the new retail price. We are talking $20+ fans selling for $3-$4.

Most top shelf BB fans will undervolt to <5V. For that trick you need the good old fashioned Sunbeam Rheobus at <$10. It can handle 20watts per each of it's four channels.

PWM controllers + sleeve bearing fans can(but not allways) generate a very irritable clicking when undervolted.(Google PWM if your not sure what it means)

Quality BB fans run very smooth. My Sanyo Denki fans are vibrationless...NADA!!

OP, you list no case type. Consider modding the three 80mm fan ports to 92mm=much more air w/o the 80mm high pitched rip. Consider new Delta Triple Bladed fans if money is not tight.

We just had a thread on grommet mounting fans for noise reduction. Ppl buy poorly made sleeve bearing fans that vibrate/click when undervolted or the sleeve bearings wear for increased clearence in a year because of poor fit at point of manufacture.......Then treat the syptom with grommets or silly-cone gaskets. Syptomatic treatment! That's what it is!

All the time and money of making poor fans work well could have been spent buying the quality goods in the first place.




Senior member
May 14, 2005
would it be a good idea to put 2 80 mm delta fans infront and 1 120 mm 220 cfm in the back ?


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: abs0lut3
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Im sorry to dissapoint you but vantec fans are crap....bottom line!!
There figures for air displacement are not accurate and they are noisy.
Also the thermaltake Smart fan when cranked all the way up sounds like a jet engine...its loud!!

I would personally go with any of the Coolermaster fans!!!

99 times out of 100 anything over 40-50cfm will not make any appreciable difference in the CPU temps!!

Did you read that he doesn't care about noise?

That is why I mention that fan controller does come handy especially in the moment where you want complete (near) silence.

I for one dislike Coolermaster fans. They are loud when they are full speed! Their air displacement is accurate but their noise level isn't! and I have three of them on my computer. When I turned them down with my Coolermaster fan controller, it was like heaven and earth!!!!! Also, their 120mm fan doesn't worth crap. It is really quiet but it doesn't move any air. My temp went to North of the temperature scale at top speed! So much for your BEST fans!

I love your sense of humor.
Coolermaster fans are one of the few that both the dba and the cfm are very accurate!!


Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
I've always liked the CM fans. I just hate the fact that I haven't seen any 92mm CM LED fans. Oh well though.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2004
you dont want a loud pc even my panaflo 92mm high annoys me. trust me you will regret it get nexus 120mm and 80mm


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Bushman5
would it be a good idea to put 2 80 mm delta fans infront and 1 120 mm 220 cfm in the back ?

Would you link a pic of your case please.

Most users do not need anymore than 150cfm of intake. A huge hot server might but not a stand alone home rig.

At most 120cfm intake and 100cfm exhaust. That is what i would shoot for. Some ppl like a slight negative case pressure, i on the other hand think a slight positive case pressure of filtered air makes more sense as the internals stay cleaner.

Two 80mm fans driving 100cfm of air will not be tolerable. Even two 92x38 paired to drive 100cfm will be a bit much. If you want or need 100++cfm of intake, mod the case for a 120x38 fan or buy a different case.

Use a good fan controller.........You WILL need it on cool days and for general surfing.



Senior member
May 14, 2005
its a cheap standard case made by omega. 2 80 mm mounth thingy infront 1 120 mm at back and 1 80mm on side window. i did a cabelin job and all the cables are outta the way. only problem is the face dosent come off easily and the area to mount the 2 80 mm is coveredb by a thick grill its almst impossible to get air in and the 120mm area isnt that far off. so im gonna have to tae the dremil to it and make clear holes,

I rather negative air pressure. im gonna use filters and take a black take to the case and block up eveyr hole possible to try and prevent dust

also forgot to mention im buying a col master power supply that has a 120mm fan on it. will this be too many fans at the back ?


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
If the front intakes can not be modded easily to accept 92x38s, i would consider just replacing the left side cover fan with a 120x38 and call it a day.

Without pics it's a hard call but put the new side cover 120x38 toward the front of the case from where the side cover 80mm is. The 80mm on the side cover won't be used, remove it and install the 120 where the 80 was but just to the front a bit.

Do one thing at a time. Do get a fan controller.

Good luck.



Golden Member
Mar 14, 2004
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: abs0lut3
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Im sorry to dissapoint you but vantec fans are crap....bottom line!!
There figures for air displacement are not accurate and they are noisy.
Also the thermaltake Smart fan when cranked all the way up sounds like a jet engine...its loud!!

I would personally go with any of the Coolermaster fans!!!

99 times out of 100 anything over 40-50cfm will not make any appreciable difference in the CPU temps!!

Did you read that he doesn't care about noise?

That is why I mention that fan controller does come handy especially in the moment where you want complete (near) silence.

I for one dislike Coolermaster fans. They are loud when they are full speed! Their air displacement is accurate but their noise level isn't! and I have three of them on my computer. When I turned them down with my Coolermaster fan controller, it was like heaven and earth!!!!! Also, their 120mm fan doesn't worth crap. It is really quiet but it doesn't move any air. My temp went to North of the temperature scale at top speed! So much for your BEST fans!

I love your sense of humor.
Coolermaster fans are one of the few that both the dba and the cfm are very accurate!!

jedi, I hope your right, you recommended them to me the other day and I bought 4.



Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
I've never understood obsession with high CFM, at least in non-overclocked systems. Nexus fans only push 37cfm, and I undervolted my 2 120mms to 600-650rpm so they don't even push that much. Still cools my system more than adquately.


Senior member
May 14, 2005
my machine is heavily overclocked and builds up alot of heat inside the case as i live in a EXTRMLY hot country AND MY ROOM ISNT AC


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Bushman, link a pic of your case or atleast a full name and model number.

I do not lead a monastic life, living in a sound proof world all to myself. My little office during the year can be 4C to 45C and i have no AC on hot days and will use a heating pad or very small space heater on rare occasions with cold winter mornings. I can hear children coming home from school laughing/yelling and several delivery trucks during the day. I'm running an Intel CPU that needs air. A little fan noise is not a big deal to me.

We need pics of your case. No one cares how it looks. Your going to have to cut on part of it anyway.

As i stated earlyer in this thread. Use ball bearing fans because they generally undervolt better. Try to use 32 or 38mm thick fans because they will move more air with lower sound pressure. For fan control(you will need/want it) use a basic Sunbeam Rheobus. You can buy one for less than $10US. For fans. Shop used as there are many good used high quality server pulled fans out there that have lots of life left in them. They can be bought for $3 to $5US.
I have made several filter set-ups, we can discuss them once we see the case.

We need to see your case.

EDIT: I just noticed that you are still using the retail HS on you OCed AMD. You should up-grade the CPU's HSF. If you go with a large side cover fan a XP-90 would be a good choice because the air flow will be right. The XP-90 is inexpensive.



Senior member
May 14, 2005
yea im just dreading removing the HS a d applying thermal paste and the whole process. movin my parts alone took 2 hours


Jun 5, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: abs0lut3
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Im sorry to dissapoint you but vantec fans are crap....bottom line!!
There figures for air displacement are not accurate and they are noisy.
Also the thermaltake Smart fan when cranked all the way up sounds like a jet engine...its loud!!

I would personally go with any of the Coolermaster fans!!!

99 times out of 100 anything over 40-50cfm will not make any appreciable difference in the CPU temps!!

Did you read that he doesn't care about noise?

That is why I mention that fan controller does come handy especially in the moment where you want complete (near) silence.

I for one dislike Coolermaster fans. They are loud when they are full speed! Their air displacement is accurate but their noise level isn't! and I have three of them on my computer. When I turned them down with my Coolermaster fan controller, it was like heaven and earth!!!!! Also, their 120mm fan doesn't worth crap. It is really quiet but it doesn't move any air. My temp went to North of the temperature scale at top speed! So much for your BEST fans!

I love your sense of humor.
Coolermaster fans are one of the few that both the dba and the cfm are very accurate!!

well I dislike your ignorance and your fan-boyism for that matter but I wasn't here to promote anything.

OP's case happened to be the same setup that I use but not necessarily the same case.
here are some pictures of my case:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4

It's a FMI/CompUSA case based upon the Chen Ming except the rear fan accepts 120mm instead of the usual dual 80mms. Originally, I have 4 3-LED CM 80mm: two on the front, one of the side to replace stock and one CPU on top of an ATT framed alu fin copper core HSF plus a no-name brand molex 120mm. Yes, the very CM that I dislike. The 80mms are great so I wonder why the 120 just crapped out. I don't mind putting the 120 on CM Stacker 830 though but just not enough power to let out the air at the moment.

Currently, and this is the reason why I dislike the CM 120 so much, I have three 80mm CMs: 2 in the front blowing in plus one on the side blowing out (to negate the powerless CM) and I had replaced the HSF with TR2TT M12 full copper (stock paste) but converted from 80mm to 120mm and use a no-name brand UV blue ball bearing 120mm fan with box rated at 69.15CFM@2400rpm/39.29db on CM Aerogate I fan controller. I had the CM 120 on the HSF before and it was running hot because the CM was just not pushing enough air into the heatsink which made my P4 3.2E shoot past 48-52C underload instead of 40-45ish according to Speedfan. Case is at 34-35C. If I switch the CPU Fan with the CM fan and turned all the fan down, you can say I have a silent tower but it will crash as soon as I put some load onto it and I live in a pretty ventilated room in addition to South City/DC foggy weather so it's always cool around here just isn't cool enough for the computer. Especially when I have 9800 Pro with stock fan running. Yikes!

OP, if I can give you a suggestion, get an Air Duct made from the side of your case directly onto your CPU. That should negate your case inability to dissipate heat. I'm in process of waiting for some $$ to come in so I can replace that stupid CM 120 fan and cool off my case right away.

Good luck!



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Bushman5 if that box of yours is really cooking inside, some might think this is crazy, but I'd open up the side case and put a small fan on the side blowing in. I use to do this before and boy talk about everything getting cooled off great.

Sounds like to me you should look at something like this. Get a Vornado, but becareful don't turn it on to high, LOL.

P.S. And this won't be noisy either.
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