Best 19" Flatscreen Monitor for 300-500???

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Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Doomguy: Hahaha! You KDS bias. Like it all you want, why should I be accused of ignorant and bias for simply not recommending them??? Jesus Christ.

The Wildcard

Platinum Member
Oct 31, 1999
Hmm well i got the Sony g400. it has some geometry problems, but all flat screen monitors have a little. Some people don't see any, some people, like me....notice them all and are so annoyed by them. But, the extreme sharpness, colors and brightness offsets the little inconsistencies. It's just like the infamous " 2 horizontal lines " that every Aperature Grill monitor has. Some people swear seeing it everytime they just even GLANCE at a monitor and well some people don't even see it at all.

So in the end, LOOK AT THE MONITORS YOURSELF. Go to your local retailers, ie. Best Buy, Comp Usa, or even those local small shops. In teh end, let your eyes be the judge and not these posts.


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
I agree that there is no reason to flame LXi. He has stated that his position simply reflects his opinion and I respect that. I hope he did not view my comments as flaming. I was simply curious. We can all gain by remaining polite and respecting each other.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
dennilfloss: I respect your curiousity and I never viewed it as flaming. Unlike some other guy.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
lxi: Ha I thought kds was a bad brand too! I got a hitachi 751 as my first 19 inch and I didnt like the look of it even though it was highly recommened. SO i sent it back and got a kds trintron and it blew te hitachi away. I'm very picky about monitor quality. I've seen a sony g500 and it dosent look better than the kds. You keep telling people NOT to get the kds thats what why you're wrong. Remember how you were saying kds got the rejects? Why did you make it up? Because you dont like kds and you dont want anyone else to get one. How would sony see if a tube is a reject without building a complete monitor and looking at it? You cant!!!


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Doomguy: Your post is full of bias. I didnt make that the reject thing up, I actually heard about this from a friend who has relations with KDS, as well as a few people on this forum. I have no comment towards that, but it's not something I would buy for myself nor recommending it to my friends. My position is clear, I dont have nothing against them, I just dont recommend them because I think there are better monitors out there.

<<How would sony see if a tube is a reject without building a complete monitor and looking at it? You cant!!! >>

Do you work for them? If not then that statement is just BS. They definitely have a way of checking their tubes before putting together a monitor. Im tired of this pointless argument, now stop this trolling before the mods take action.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
LXi: No they cant check the tubes before they go out thats why trinitron tubes from kds as well as sony both sometimes have dead pixels. There was a thread about this acouple of days ago I believe.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
There are ways to check requirements, the quality standards and such, they cant just put out a monitor without even knowing if the tube works or not. Just like how Intel make sure their CPU run at a particular clock speed at a certain temperature and only that temperature, not only that, they also have to make sure the CPU will last for a long time. Now back to monitors, the only thing KDS has is the Sony tube, every other electronic part is made by themselves. The tube doesnt mean everything.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2000
Everyone has their own opinion.
I don't agree with LXi, but thats his opinion and I respect that.
I have a KDS 195TF, its quality and thats my opinion.


Senior member
Mar 20, 2000
I agree, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You guys should respect that instead of bag and yell at the guy. Plus, he stated that he didnt really like the company not that everyone who owns one is &quot;bad&quot;.


Apr 29, 2000
Doomguy wrote :

<< lxi: Ha I thought kds was a bad brand too! I got a hitachi 751 as my first 19 inch and I didnt like the look of it even though it was highly recommened. SO i sent it back and got a kds trintron and it blew te hitachi away. >>

You are comparing apple with orange here.
Hitachi 751 is an Invar Shadow Mask monitor, and you compare

What you have seen here is a Trinitron tube blow away Shadow
Mask tube, not KDS blows away Hitachi.
For some ppls this is true, as Trinitron tube has better color
saturation, while Shadow Mask are much better in text quality.
For me, I'll take a Trinitron tube over a Shadow Mask tube anytime.


Nov 16, 1999
I really do feel for you, it's very hard to be honest and not get flamed even when you specify that it's a personal opnion. This is one of the things we are supposed to given in the united states and most other countries except maybe china and some other places with crazy leaders. It seems some people would be more happy in a dictatorship where the only one with freedom to give a personal thought is the dictator and no one else. Go ahead, give your thoughts on what you think is the best monitor and if people don't like it then they are the ones who end up loosing information that may help them sometime. I don't like KDS monitors. I don't like the trinitron tubes because they can show a line down the screen in certain situations. They are a great tube just the same and for games where it's not noticed they look good. But a tube is not all that makes up a monitor. KDS is cheaper, they don't have the same quality in the makeup of the parts that control the tube. If they did they couldn't be that cheap. So they may use resistors and caps with a 10% tolerance where the sony's and viewsonics use a 5% or a 1% and have much tighter calibrations that hold better with less deviation over time. You see lower power trasformers and other parts that can be running closer to their max than in good quality monitors and it is the same in other parts as well such as power supplies, sound/video cards, refrigs, home stereo and many many other things you buy. You get what you pay for and that isn't a guess. It's a fact. I've matched KDS with Viewsonic's at the Office Depot store and the Viewsonic's put the KDS to shame. Just because they don't use the heavenly built sony tube doesn't mean they don't look good. In fact they look great and really the video card has just as much to do with overall picture clarity and color as the tube and monitor as a whole. When using the Matrox cards most monitors look great but then you put a ATI or Voodoo2 into the mix and even good monitors can look noticeably worse. You have to take everything into account with computers, not one part is the all important part. They effect each other in many areas.
I prefer Viewsonics for 3 reasons. I've never had one fail on me. When I called about the rebate and general questions they were very quick to answer and helpful in general, very nice to talk with. And last but not least they do look great. I play games mainly and really like the picture. I do have to admit with their older monitors they had a problem with being darker but with their new models that isn't a problem at all. They look very good. They have a very stable picture and have very good refresh rates. I have 3 friends who after seeing this model I have went and bought the same one. 2 others have the 21&quot; 815 model and love them. I have another friend who has a Panasonic monitor, they are also a very good monitor, reliable and have a good picture. Sony's are very good also, I'm def. not knocking them or Mit. monitors. I just don't like the tube. And this is a PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Got it! I'm just speaking from PERSONAL experience with viewsonics. I've used them from my first 386/40mhz AMD cpu based computer. I've been using computers for a very long time and have seen many different brands of monitors. I've seen CTX models fail time and time agian. I've seen the Mag monitors picture go bad very quickly after being bought. I've never seen these problems over the many years of computer use with viewsonics. I've seen Sony's fail but that was more a shipping problem than the monitor, the guy's replaement lasted around 3 years and started to distort and needed to be repaird. After that it worked another 2 years before he sold it still working.
The 19&quot; PS790 I have (I prefer the PS line of viewsonics) has a small footprint, it doesn't use much desk space because of the new short neck tubes. It's easy to configure and has a lot of controls for adjustment. It's price is very reasonable. I really think though you need to save a bit of money and don't buy a cheap monitor. If you get a good quality one it will last you and it will also be more pleasing to the eyes. You do spend all your computer use looking at it so it's really in your best interest to buy a quality one. If you don't you may end up paying more money in the long run replaceing it or on shipping charges getting it fixed. If you buy a good one the first time chances are you will save money in the long run. That is if you plan on keeping it and not selling it off over the first few years. I buy mine to last at least 5 years min.
Good hunting and I hope you find a good monitor. I suggest you go to stores like the office depot or other stores that show many different monitors, look them over, play with them and see how easy they are to work with. Make up your own mind. You are the one who is going to be using it so look at things that are important to your preferences. That is the most important thing in the end. I wish you well in your search.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
ccc: You're absolutely correct, in my opinion, Shadow mask tubes and Aperture Grille tubes SHOULD NOT be compared directly against each other. Because they're really two different things. And that leads to a few types of people, some might think the AG tubes blow away the Shadow mask, others likes Shadow mask more, and there are people who simply detest the two damper wire lines.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I'd say go with the iiyama vision master pro 450, I think they are best in my opinion. Anand seems to like this monitor too.
But best thing to do is go a shop that has the ones you like and compare.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
The question isnt why kds monitors are so cheap the question is why sony monitors are so expensive. Samsung monitors are made in Korea too and they are cheap!Are they high quality? Yes! Sony is just an overpriced brand. Viewsonic monitors are also pretty cheap and good.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2000
I'm running a KDS VS-195 19&quot; monitor now. I compared this model to a 19&quot; sony, viewsonic, samsung, panasonic, and a couple others. My choice was the KDS because the price and picture quality are on target. I've had this monitor for roughly a year now and have never had an issue with it. It's crystal clear .26dpi show colors brightly, and I have no problem with it ever running hot (and I've left this on for 3 days while I went out of town).

Hell, after I got this monitor, my two roomates went out and got KDS as well. They couldn't believe the picture quality compared to their Sony 17&quot; monitors. Granted, mine isn't even using a triniron tube.

So, as a KDS user, I would recommend you at least give them a fair shake. My monitor was inexpensive (got it for $343 shipped, and a year ago!) and still hasn't let me down. Also, KDS warrenties this particular model (and maybe others, just can't speak factually for them) for 3 years, and if you call for an RMA in the time period allotted, they ship a monitor to use while yours is being worked on. Ain't nothin' wrong wit dat


The Wildcard

Platinum Member
Oct 31, 1999
The KDS VS-195 series are not bad monitors at all. In fact, if i had to go with an Invar Shadow Mask tube with a good price, it'd either be Samsung or KDS. Hitachi monitors are expensive.

In addtion, my friend did have the KDS VS-195SN short neck monitor and i was surprised at the bright colors and sharpness. I remember him playing Soldier and Fortune and the colors and graphics were great. He did, however, have some problems with the monitor, including some very annoying wavy lines. But he said they dissappeared after a couple of months, so i susptect it was magnetic interference. The monitor also had some problems remembering the different screen size settings at different resolutions and refresh rates.

All in all, however, it's a freat monitor for the money.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
CyStar: I cannot believe you actually think the lowly VisualSensation(VS)line monitors looks good. Gee, I've seen them and they dont look very good, no offense to KDS, but they're absolutely nothing without those Sony tubes.

The_Wildcard: You think they look good? What kind of tubes do they use for the VS line? I mean what brand of tubes, I know its shadow mask, but did KDS made them?

The Wildcard

Platinum Member
Oct 31, 1999
Hmm I would have to disagree with you LXi. The VS line is not bad at all, especially for the price. You can get a 19&quot; KDS VS-195 monitor for like $230 or so. That's damm cheap and for that money, you get very good quality.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Better than say the Samsung/Hitachi flat shadow masks? I know you can get the flat 19&quot; Samsungs for under $300.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2000
[CyStar: I cannot believe you actually think the lowly VisualSensation(VS)line monitors looks good. Gee, I've seen them and they dont look very good, no offense to KDS, but they're absolutely nothing without those Sony tubes.]

Uhm, I really don't care what you believe or not. This monitor has been a dream. Never had any distortion, problems, etc, AT ALL. Zero. The colors are bright and crisp, and the resolution is crystal clear as well. Perhaps you saw a store monitor where the screen hadn't been cleaned? I'm not sure, but I can only attest that this VS-195 monitor has never had an issue at all, and anyone who see's this monitor says the same thing. I've never had anyone slant the picture.

So, I'm sorry you don't believe me, as I'm not trying to sway anyone's opinions. All I was replying too was someone asking about a decent inexpensive monitor, of which I said the KDS VS-195 model was a good choice for me.



Oct 9, 1999
Anyone have any opinion on the Samsung 900NF? It seems to be what I'm looking for... flat, 16x12@85... I was going to look for a FD trinitron.... and hopefully get over the 2 lines (i couldn't before). At ~$440 before any onvia coupons (and outta stock), it seems like a pretty good deal.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
CyStar: Hey, dont get me wrong, no offense to you, your choice, or KDS. I'm just saying their VS line isnt the most impressive shadow mask monitors out there, I've seen better looking ones from Samsung and Hitachi.

lnguyen: The 900NF is a great monitor, it's DiamondTron NF, purely flat, 2 damper wires just like FD Trinitron. Whichever looks better is solely personal opinion. After coupons and discounts this monitor can be had for as low as $350. Great deal.
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