Best Buy - 11/29 Black Friday Ad

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Senior member
Sep 25, 2000
I just did the return/rebuy on my 4200 as well as the MS keyboard and mouse which will be Christmas presents. The only 'problem' that I had was that the CSR wouldn't accept my 10% off coupon as it says it can't be combined with other offers which he said this sale constituted. Couldn't really argue with him because they could pretty much interpret "other offers" any way they like.

For the people that were at the front of the lines but couldn't get them because BB didn't have them stocked, like Zap, I would have raised hell with a manager and asked for a rain check. Their add stipulates that they were going to have at least 10 per store. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the definition of "Bait and Switch." I don't know if there's anything you can do about it now though. The sale on the 4200 is Fri. and Sat. so maybe they'll have more in tomorow, but I wouldn't bet on it. I guess you could go tell the manager that you'll be contacting Corporate to let them know you were mistreated but I'm not sure how far that'll get you. Good luck.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
The 4200 is a Friday and Saturday sale, that is why there were not tickets, but it clearly states that each store must have 10 minimum on hand, I would have first searched all the washing machines, then complained...


Oct 2, 2002
Got in on the 75gd hd and ti4200 deals. Same thing here with the HDD, it is an 80gb, rather have a 75gb with 8mb cache as a surprise, but shouldn't complain for $50. don't need the ram though, probably e-bay it.


Jan 12, 2001
Did anyone get the Norcent 48x12x48 CDRW drive? If so, what kind of drive is it? Is it a Lite-on? The reason I asked is I decided against fighting the crowds this morning and instead went ahead and purchased the Buslink drive that was $25 after rebates last week. I went to buy the drive wednesday night and they were out of them. However, they told me they would be getting some in on a truck that night and went ahead and let me purchase the drive and come back and pick it up later. Anyway, when I was there wednesday evening I saw that they had plenty of the Norcent CDRW drives on the shelves. So, I'm sure if I had shown up really early and waited out in the cold Friday morning I could have perhaps gotten one of those, but I decided a warm bed was alot more comfortable that braving the 25 degree temperatures at 3:00 A.M. When I was there wednesday night I also noticed that while there were none of the Ti4200 cards on the shelf, behind the counter were several large boxes. One of them was open at the top and I could see that the boxes contained the Ti4200 cards. So, I'm sure somebody probably managed to get some of these cards as well at my local Bestbuy this morning. After seeing these I was tempted to try and get in on the deal myself. However, considering the fact that I already have a Visiontek Ti4600, I decide it wasn't worth standing out in the cold this morning. Anyway, I went in later today to pickup my Buslink drive and I'm quite happy with it as it is indeed a Lite-on and also is a 48x28x48 as opposed to the 48x12x48 that it says on the box. So, I'm thinking that I made the right descision after all.

As for the comments by those who got the 75Gb drive about it actually containing an 80GB drive, I've actually had similar experiences in the past when buying Western digital drives. In fact, if I recall correctly when I purchased my first Western Digital drive many years ago I had a similar experience. The box was labeled as something like a 1.6GB drive (this was way back when 1.6GB was a decent size drive) and inside was a larger drive and a note similar to the one all of you got. So, it seems this practice is not new to Western Digital. Personally I believe that Western Digital is probably the best hard drive manufacturer at this point in time and it's the only brand of drive I buy.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2001
no, its not a lite-on drive. its apparently a rebadged acer/benQ drive. Not sure how good it is though. If someone here has purchased it and tried using it, can you let us know your impressions on it?


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: hesse
Just came back from BB... Someone told me to go to return desk to pick-up my Ti4200. I've already ordered it online on Wed for in-store pick-up. The girl @ the return desk was VERY VERY RUDE. I was waiting on line... the guy that the girl was helping was done... so I stepped forward.. and this girl said "I am not ready. You gotta wait." So I waited for 15 sec.. The guy in front of me is now gone... so I looked at her... and she said... "I said that you gotta wait. You have to wait until I call you..."... Hmmm.... new policy?? :disgust: So I wait... she starts rolling her eyes... She starts talking to other CS guys... Then she finally said... "Ok.. next..." So I step up... Show her my receipt... and she said... "You cannot pick this up right now. We are not doing this. Come back @ 3:00PM..." :|

My wife is trying to calm me down... So I stepped out... And... I decided to find the manager. I know who the manager is since I've been there several times. I found the manager... showed him my receipt. And this guy says... "This is not the CONFIRMATION. This is the RECEIPT. We need a CONFIRMATION email."... So I ask... "Well... I have my BB credit card. You should be able to look it up!!" But he insists that I need to bring the CONFIRMATION email... :disgust: So... I said.. "Ok.. I will be back with it... Can I pick it up if I come back with it?"... and he said... "Come back after 2PM..." ... OMG....

This is BB @ Paramus, NJ. I've had a few bad experience with them. Especially the mananger guy. He's very rude...

I will go back this evening. I should be able to get all adjustments since the deal is NOT early-bird deal. I will get my adjustment and use my coupon. Since it's evening... they won't be that busy... so in worst case.. I will do return and rebuy...

Will update you guys later...

Very sleepy and very mad...

Ok.. My story will be long... so if you want a short and quick answer... "I did return/rebuy but BB @ Paramus sucks."

Now... for those of you who are interested... here is my story...

Went back to BestBuy @ around 7:30PM. Very quiet compared to this morning... Went straight to Return/Exchange desk. Showed my CONFIRMATION email print-out... and said "I want this price adjusted since you guys are selling @ lower price." Now... yes.. this was a mistake. I woke up to early this morning and worked whole day... So I wasn't myself.

Anyway... this girl (different girl) named "Liz" (remember this name... the story gets very very interesting) said " is a totally different company. So I cannot adjust the price for you if you bought it from" :Q Now... my second mistake. When I placed an order through, it clearly said that they will adjust the price if the item is selling at lower price when I pick it up. I totally forgot about this-which turns out to be a GOOD mistake. So.. I said.. "Alright then. I would like to return and rebuy." And she said that I could do it. Wow.. That was easy... I thought I would get my card and my rebate and walk out of the store in 10~15 min. So I waited. She asked for the BB card and the driver's license. BB card is on my wife's name. So my wife hands her BB card and drivers license. She takes it... and... DISAPPEARS for 15 min!

My wife started getting angry... She has nothing against with people who are sick.. But my wife has been mad since this morning... and this girl is walking around the store with her credit card and license while sneezing and rubbing nose.. for 15 min! I tried to calm my wife down... but I got frustrated so I kinda yelled at her... and my wife got REAL mad... since we were supposed to go have a dinner after this since it's my wife's b-day...

Anyway... this girl comes back... sneezing rubbing her nose... and my wife's card and license on one hand and TWO BFG GeForce4 boxes on the other hand... Now.. my wife is going crazy..... Get the idea? Credit card and license on one hand and two GeForce4 boxes on the other while sneezing and rubbing her nose..

Now... two boxes she brought are GeForce 4 MX 440 and GeForce 4 Ti4600! Wow... so I just look at her.. and see what she's doing.. She found out that it's not GeForce 4 MX 440.. Good... And she starts the return process with GeForce 4 Ti4600!! :Q Now... I had to think hard... 'Should I just stop her from doing return and rebuy... and ask for price adjustment one more time.. so that I can get Ti4600 @ 150?'... But I couldn't... with my wife besides me. So I told her that it's not the right card... and she said... "ok"... She disappears again.. still with my wife's credit card and driver license on her hand.. walking around the store... for another 15 min. She finally came back with empty hands.. and says.. "We are out of stock!" :Q:|:disgust::frown: Wow... wow... wow...

So I asked her... "What are you talking about? How can it be out of stock when you guys are supposed to hold it for me?" and she said.. "We don't have it in stock... so I will give you your money back." Now I am really pissed off... "Can't you read this CONFIRMATION email? What does it say? Doesn't it say that you are holding one for me?"... And she said "Hey.. I can read.. and yes it does say that... But we don't have it! So you get your money back and that's it! It sold out in 15 min this morning!" I was starting to lose my control.. Now it's clear that this girl never checked backroom... and went to regular shelf to see if they have one.... Does she even know what "In-Store Pick-up" means?? "That is totally not acceptable. You are out of stock when you are supposed to hold it for me? I want my card and I will get it!!" She started to roll her eyes... with an expression on her face.. saying "Why do I have to deal with this jerk!"... Well.. Well... "There is nothing I can do for you, ok?"... Now I am very mad.... and... said.. "I want to talk to your manager!" She threw her hands down... And went to her manager who was right there. She starts talking to him.. laughing and stuff... BTW... this is a diff manager. I guess this guy deals with her dept.

Anyway... I think manager was asking her if she checked the backroom.. and she was saying that she checked everywhere and she couldn't find it... After 5 min of disucssion.. she FINALLY goes into the backroom... and TADA~~ There is my card with MY FREAKING NAME ON IT!!!!! She came back... without saying anything... starts puching things on her screen... so I asked.. "Where did you find this? Didn't you say that you were out of stock? What is this?" And she said.. "I didn't see it." Wow... If she had said "I'm sorry. I forgot to check the backroom. I apologize.." Then I would have been fine... even after going through all this shitz..... How could she just say "I didn't see it.." So.. I was really mad.... started yelling at her.. and she finally said "sorry..."...

Ok..ok.. I got my card. There are many who couldn't even get it... so.. I am ok.. This girl kept punching things on her screen while I was thinking.. without letting us know what the heck she was doing... I was getting worried...

She all of sudden shows my wife two receipts and told her to sign them. My wife was like..."What the hell are these for?" They were for returning the item. Since I was worried about how she had been behaving.. I looked at the receipt... and THERE YOU GO!! The price is adjusted!! Instead of 211.xx that I originally was supposed to pay... the receipt said "-153.69"... Yup... the price was automatically adjusted. My wife couldn't believe it. She said to CS girl.."Didn't you say that you couldn't adjust the price?? Shouldn't we get 211 credit?" And this CS girl said.. "I cannot do it.. but they did it automatically...." What the hell does this mean?? OMG!!! How can she even be working there!! She kept asking my wife to sign it... so my wife kinda gave up...and tried to sign the receipt... and... the pen that this girl gave my wife was a MARKER!!! Now..this is WAAAAAYYYYY TOO MUCH!! My wife kindly asked the girl for another pen.. But this girl said that that was the only pen she had... I've never seen someone sign the receipt with the MARKER!!

So my wife signed it... we bought the item back... But... I had to get my 10% using the coupon... So I gave her the coupon while she was processing the rebuy. She doesn't even look... scans the coupon... register says "HOLIDAY MAGAZINE COUPON 0.00". Of course... I don't think I am supposed to get this 10%... This girl looked at the register... frowned.. and punches in 10% off manually...

We threw a few "yells" at her and walked out of the store... with the card and the rebate form. I ended up paying 143.09. So my final cost will be 88.09. (199.99 - 55.00 instant rebate - 10% off + 6.0% NJ tax - 55.00 mail in rebate)...

What a day...what a day... I think I will still go back to BB if they have a good deal... But I wish CircuitCity have better deals...since they are waaayyy too friendly...

If you ever go shop at BB @ Paramus, NJ... just remember my story... You should get what you want... But you have to fight hard.

I am thinking about either calling or writing to Paramus BB, BB headquarter and BBB. I won't let this just pass by... I will let people @ BB know how important it is to PROPERLY EDUCATE THEIR EMPLOYEES...

My wife had a point.. She said that the girl that we were dealing with was representing the entire BB. If she messes it up... then she's messing up the entire company... They need to know that...

Well... thanks for reading this long story... I was just too mad... Hope I won't have to write something like this again...



Junior Member
Dec 29, 2001
Got most of the goods deals. DVD Player, CD-Burner, 150 CR-Rs, etc. My wife goes out every year for the sales so she hooked me up by going to BB first. Almost got screwed on the 75GB WD drive tho. When they handed her the bundle they gave her the wrong memory (they gave her the $5 256MB Kingston by accident). Didn't figure it out till she got home @930. By the time she got back to BB they were out of the correct memory.

Here's the good deal. My wife is an awesome haggler. Me, I'm the guy who says OK and walks away. Anyhow, she calls me on the phone while she's talking to the manager and plays it up about how ticked I am about her messng up the deal. Long story short, buy the time she called me the third time we got the 75GB WD HD for $49.99 without any rebate crap. So in the end I wound up paying $5 more for memory and HD but having better memory and fewer rebates to mess with.

As a side note the way they treated my wife definitly vindicates them in my eyes. I haven't dealt with BB since I got screwed on the 128 MB GF 4600 earlier this year. I hope this manager is indicative of a new management style at BB.


Dec 10, 1999
Hey... I work at in the PC department at a local BB and I've gotta say that if anyone had a beef with service in my department it had nothing to do with the employees. We worked harder than we've ever worked before from 5am to 12am, some working 14 hour shifts - not to mention the hundreds of man-hours per store put into preparations. Every single customer I dealt with personally I gave 110% of my attention and effort, and I can say the same for my co-workers.

Yaknow what was interesting? Not once, not a single time did I hear a customer say "Thank you" or "Please". Only one or two times did a customer looking for an out-of-stock item NOT give me (or my manager) a 3 minute speech about "proper business". After hearing from several hundred people how to do my job properly you'd hope I'll be twice as good at it tommorow. 90% of the people I put my personal time on the line for - skipping a lunch and even sacraficing half of my only 15 minute break - gave me nothing but negativity and an "entitled" attitude back for the energy I put into helping them. For every angry story I read here about a customer being wronged by the company I've got 10 three-page stories I can share from the opposite point of view.

I mean really... After today I'm not questioning my line of work or my company's business ethics or integrity, I'm questioning the society I live in.

Please, don't pass judgements on a company (or even a single store) because of the actions of a few people on a day like Black Friday. Remember that these people are human too and they never get paid enough (espically in a non-commission environment like Best Buy) to put up with the kind of abuse that they recieve on a daily basis, let alone today. I guarantee that the average joe would be driven to absolute rage if put in a situation like holiday retail. Retail's one of the easiest way to lose faith in humanity and the few that can deal with it and keep their heads up are unique indeed.

The many (or maybe few) people out there that are working hard to make YOU happy don't deserve to be treated like dirt and, as human beings, they're not obligated to give you anything until they put that blue shirt on. Even then, for god's sake be humane, they aren't personally responsible for the thousands of logistical b0rks that are bound to occur on a day like this. Trust me, it's not easy being on the front lines of a the retail war, stuck smack between the corporation fighting for your cash and the consumers fighting to hold onto said cash and still get stuff they think they want.

And, before you ask, this really is my peronal opinion and has absolutely nothing to do with my perception or employment with said company. Until I was scheduled to work in the afternoon I was a customer like anyone else, no employee discout or special treatment at all today. I waited 2.5 hours in the 40 degree cold (freezing for Florida) in the wee hours of the morning to get my hd/ram deal and STILL missed out on a number of things I had planned on buying. I'll live, and with a fatter wallet no less.

Anyway... I just couldn't hold that in after what I saw today. It sucks that some of you guys didn't get what you want, but that's life. Sorry for the rant, move along, nothing to see here.


Junior Member
Dec 29, 2001
Dude, I was complimenting BB's employee.

As a side note, as aconsumer I generally become very reluctant after a bad experience to revisit an establishment. I once was served a raw hamburg at Wendy's and it was almost a year before I went back. Welcome to free enterprise.

If it makes you feel any better life ain't much better as a computer programmer. I get shat on all the time by the customer but I know I just have to suck it up to keep the customer happy.


Dec 12, 2001
Well...well..well... guys... I guess I should have said...

"Oh, thank you for trying to find my card even though you went to the shelf not the usual storage area to look for it. And I also thank you for not saying sorry for not paying attention to how customers feel when they are faced with situations like this. I really appreciate it. I hope you sell my card which is at where it is supposed to be... I am too dumb to even argue about this.. So if you say you don't have it even if your company promised that you would hold it for me by making me pay that much of money... then I think I should just give up... Thank you....Thank You!!"

My parents work at retail store and they keep promises and they try THEIR BEST to make customers happy.. Because they are the ones who feed their children and pay their mortgage. They never say that they do not want to help customers just because they have been working 12 hours a day for 7 days... you know...

When we shop, we want to get the most out of our money... because we worked our ass off for it..just like how you guys did it. If you keep promises and if you show even a bit of consideration... We won't bark at you. We will love you. Did I mention about the other store that was tooooo friendly? Remember the old TDK 24/10/40B CD-RW deal a while ago? That deal was waaayyyy more complicated and frustrating for retailers... but people at this store kept smiling at me and tried to DISCUSS the situation... Did I say "consideration"? Yes... Consideration...

If you yell at customers who's just trying to get some help.. because that customer stepped forward without being called... If you throw hands down and roll your eye in front of the customer who just want to be treated fairly... Well..then... how should that customer feel about that store? Thankful?? Really?



Golden Member
Aug 29, 2001
Glenway Crossing in cincy,
got hard drive bundle, video card, ram, keyboard and mouse deals

I don't really even want the video card, don't if If it's worth eBay...


Dec 10, 1999
Eh, I wasn't really criticizing anyone at all, I understand the beefs you guys have. It was really just a venting after spending an otherwise beautiful Friday cooped up in a computer department with only 6 employees and an average of 100 customers at any given time.

Just one reply though...

Originally posted by: hesse
If you keep promises and if you show even a bit of consideration... We won't bark at you.
Well, that's understandable. The truth is though that the fault really lies in the structue of the company that allows things like online item order pickup to fubar like that. Barking at low-level grunts - or even the store's manager in a great deal of cases - for the corporation's broken promises won't accomplish much, other than the satisfaction of having dumped a good deal of anger on a representitive of said corporation. Of course if that's the primary goal then I guess ya can't go wrong there...

The behavhior of an emlpoyee of any company really is the responsibility of their employer. It's very tough for a company like them to attract and retain quality employees at that level. Those that have the best CS skills (read: tolerance, understanding, and patience with customers) generally move up the ranks in time, leaving the entry level to be filled with fresh talent. Until they begin to offer more than $7/hr for retail grunt work it'll be a fact of life across the industry - which is why your customer experience will vary wildly from store to store, from company to company in the retail market. With big companies that's just the way things are, and loyal, skilled employees can be tough to come by and hold on to when there are other options available to them.

The small-business, hometown store model is really the ideal for customer service precisely because of what you mentioned - those working have a direct, vested interest in improving every aspect of their business. I wish I could say the same for employees of large multi-national corporations, but it's just not true in most cases - some people just don't care, for whatever reason. Of course there are alot of ways to fix that, like offering bonus pay for specific things like customer satisfaction surveys, "exit polls", loss prevention improvement, profit sharing, stock options, etc. That's the most a "company" as a whole can do to provide their entry level, front line employees incentive to provide good customer service.

Anyway.. Yeah.. After having a horrible experience like that I'd either avoid the place until things blew over, avoid their CS desk, or have a discussion with the department manager/store manager about that employee. Honestly, an employee that rude - under any circumstance - should be talked to by their supervisor and reprimanded or questioned as to whether they value their position at the company.

It's too bad that people like that are in positions that stressful and with that much public contact, but it's the trade off that one makes for lower prices and a huge nationwide brick+mortar infrastructure.

Eh. I'm gonna shut up now and go back to lurking.


Jan 12, 2001
The truth is though that the fault really lies in the structue of the company that allows things like online item order pickup to fubar like that. Barking at low-level grunts - or even the store's manager in a great deal of cases - for the corporation's broken promises won't accomplish much, other than the satisfaction of having dumped a good deal of anger on a representitive of said corporation. Of course if that's the primary goal then I guess ya can't go wrong there...

Well, also the truth is that part of the fault lies with people trying to find ways to get these deals without having to actually go out early on Black friday and wait in line. I mean lets face it the idea of these sales it to get people to come out early and shop with the hopes of possibly getting in on one of these deals. The whole buy earlier, return, and rebuy thing is basically a gimmick we all use to try and get around or subvert the rules of the sale. Now, I'm not saying that those who bought early and returned and rebought did anything wrong. In fact, I congratulate all of you who got your card. However, I think you have to realize that if they give you a bit of hassle over this that comes with the territory. If you want to play this game, then grow up and take it like a man and don't go around whining like a little sissy just because they seemed a little reluctant to allow you to subvert the rules of the sale.


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Did anyone notice that the return policy didnt change. I bought the EMachine for a Christmas present but after 14 days Im stuck with it? It wont be opened until christmas day. So what should I do if there is a problem when I open the box?

I got to BB @ 5:30am and the line was around the building. I didnt get what I wanted because I was in line getting the Emachine while everyone else was grabbing up the GeForce4...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2001
Eh, I wasn't really criticizing anyone at all, I understand the beefs you guys have. It was really just a venting after spending an otherwise beautiful Friday cooped up in a computer department with only 6 employees and an average of 100 customers at any given time.
You must be a rare find. I hope BB values you (they probably don't). Most of the BB employees that I've run into haven't been worth a cr*p.

I've been in the store when it was empty and needed help with something while there were 6 employee's just shooting the sh*t and ignoring me, including the assistant manager. When I finally asked for help, it was like I was a father asking his son to take out the garbage. You can really tell that they're on the clock.

The only time I had a BB employee eager to help me is when they wanted to sell me an extended warrantee. Then, they were down right pushy. Heh. They are even worse with people that they know that aren't going to refuse so easily. When the Rio Volt first came out, they were very hard to find. I finally found one at a local BB, but they wouldn't hold it for me, so I had my mom pick it up for me because she was going to be in the area. After getting out of BB, she was practically in tears because the employee's at the service desk were ganging up on her trying to get her to buy the extended service warrantee. Come on.. BB must've had some sort of commission going for selling these worthless extended warrantees. I contacted corporate about that one. I'm sure that they received other complaints about it as well because I haven't been bombarded once with the extended warrantee since then.

You probably don't hear a lot of "thank you's" because your fellow employees (past and present) have ruined it for you. It's not so much the society (though I do have a beef with kids these days), but the view society has on typical BB employees from past experiences.

Anyway.. Like I said, I'm not slamming you. If I do come across a good employee, I always tell them thank you and I'm never rude. I'm just telling you that I haven't had very many good experiences with BB employees.



Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: BigDaddyPig
Hey Hesse, I know how you feel. Those dolts at the BB Paramus store are very rude. This is the store I shop at. I know the 2 girls you are talking about that work at the returns and they deserved to be bitch slapped. I guess I'll follow your lead and see ya at 2 pm. Let's gang up on them and cause a ruckus if they give us any bull. :|

Argh... they better not give me any crap for trying to reprice my Sandisk flash memory. I'm going to be using a 10% coupon as well. If you see an asian guy in his mid20s giving the CS people the evil eye over SmartMedia, feel free to join in.

BB Paterson told me that they wouldn't pricematch and took forever to just handle one return last year when I bought my GF3 Ti200.


Dec 10, 1999
BB must've had some sort of commission going for selling these worthless extended warrantees. I contacted corporate about that one. I'm sure that they received other complaints about it as well because I haven't been bombarded once with the extended warrantee since then.
BB doesn't do comission at all, and they don't offer any direct incentive for employees to push service plans. On the other hand though, to them a customer with a service plan is a happy customer - and eight to nine times out of ten they're absolutely right. When their product breaks a year down the road most people are quite excited at the prospect of getting a whole new one, espically for things like laptops. When you're talkin about an MP3 player or a CD-R drive (yes, they offer service plans on CD-R/DVD-RW drives) it's reaching the point of diminishing returns, but even then the $20-30 to cover the unit for 3 years is quite useful if utilized properly. For what it's worth I get those PSPs whenever I can afford it.

Different stores and managers handle things differently, of course, and each product specialist is different. Most people push them to customers to the point of customer annoyance, some just back off when they realize that the customer's not gonna bite. We product specialists are there to inform customers about their options and, honestly, most customers neither understand nor realize the potential of the service plans the store offers - thus the reluctance to take "no" for an answer.


Dec 8, 2001
Oh boy! This is why I didn't go to do my shopping that day. I would rather pay the extra few dollars than to stand in line 2+ hours in sub freezing weather and then being trampled in the mob deal and then waiting another 2 hours in the checkout line.

BTW: Did you guys hear about a group that protested buying anything the day after Thanksgiving?



Senior member
Nov 21, 2001
True, I went around, 9am still got the stereo system for 38+tax. Then hit staples and got 100cdr's far. Got the dvd player also. Wasn't freezing my butt off lie last year.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, Didn't get anything I was really interest in (for myself or Momma), did PU the 2- 75 Pack CD-Rs (Wasn't going to be a complete waste of time). Anyone find the rebate form- the one on the website is for a expired coupon


Senior member
Apr 17, 2001
did anyone got those 3.99 maganavox headphones?
i picked them up and am wondering if they are crap before i open them


Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: SpacemanSpiffVT
did anyone got those 3.99 maganavox headphones?
i picked them up and am wondering if they are crap before i open them
Whadaya expect? If you want real quality be prepared to pay for it, at least when it comes to headphones. I think I have at least 15 pairs of headphones I will NEVER use because I've come to appreciate my Etymotics ER4S earbuds. Of course, they are well over $200. I'm sure most of mine are better than those Magnavox. They're all relatively uncomfortable, don't block out ambient sound and need the plugs replaced periodically due to discontinuity (breaking of L or R channel in the cord).

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