Best/Cheapest 120hz Monitor?

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Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
I really dont follow monitors too much.

Whats a good reliable and cheap 120hz monitor in the 21 inch or close range? What are some recommendations?

I just want a quality made monitor that is priced relatively cheap in the $150-$200 area. I dont need anything above 23 inch or anything over $250.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Sub-$200 on a 120Hz monitor just isn't going to happen right now. It's a specialty product, so the volume isn't there to bring prices down that far.

The best you can do right now is the 22" Viewsonic VX2268WM, which is about $225. However do note that it's a 2.5 year old monitor and is on its way out, which is why it's so cheap.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Its funny I was just going to post and ask how good the Viewsonic VX2268WM is because I was just looking at that. Its only $211 before tax at

I think that is pretty much my only option. I dont really care if its 2.5 years old, I dont need to or want to spend over $250 for a monitor so.... It looks like those Samsung 2233rz's arnt even made anymore.

Whats wrong with that vx2268wm that differs from newer monitors? I didnt realize all newer 120hz monitors were so expensive. What am I losing by going with a 2.5 year old model?

I only do basic stuff and a little gaming. As long as I can see the screen and have 120hz in games, thats all I really care about.
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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Its funny I was just going to post and ask how good the Viewsonic VX2268WM is because I was just looking at that. Its only $211 before tax at

I think that is pretty much my only option. I dont really care if its 2.5 years old, I dont need to or want to spend over $250 for a monitor so.... It looks like those Samsung 2233rz's arnt even made anymore.

Whats wrong with that vx2268wm that differs from newer monitors? I didnt realize all newer 120hz monitors were so expensive. What am I losing by going with a 2.5 year old model?

I only do basic stuff and a little gaming. As long as I can see the screen and have 120hz in games, thats all I really care about.
Later generation monitors have better response times and better backlighting, not to mention better resolutions. The 1st generation monitors such as the Viewsonic and Samsung weren't that great, but as long as you're not trying to use them for 3D you'd probably be okay.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
I generally play my games at lowest resolutions possible anyways.

Right now I run a CRT(Yes, I still run a CRT) specifically so I can run at 120hz @ 1024x768. Ive been waiting for prices to drop for a few years now and I think its finally time to ditch my old Viewsonic PS790 CRT in light of new electricity billing coming about around here....

And no I dont watch movies from or do any 3D crap on my monitor(I have HDMI output to my HDTV for that).

I dont know, I guess in reality, I dont even really game all that much anymore. I dont even play FPS currently, only League of Legends and just started Skyrim... Maybe I should just pick up some 60hz LED from costco and be done for a while. I am fairly sure I would hate my life going to below 100hz in gaming through....

Anyways, thanks for the input.
Nov 26, 2005
You can get some really good deals on CRTs off craigslist. Just be careful out there. I bought 2 Viewsonic P225F monitors a few months ago, ran them out of frequency range and blew them. Brand new, each one would of cost 800$ for input response 120Hz LCDs can't beat them. It was immediately obvious when i jumped in on UT3


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
You can get some really good deals on CRTs off craigslist. Just be careful out there. I bought 2 Viewsonic P225F monitors a few months ago, ran them out of frequency range and blew them. Brand new, each one would of cost 800$ for input response 120Hz LCDs can't beat them. It was immediately obvious when i jumped in on UT3

I know, through work and school crap, and just with friends, ive gamed plenty on 60hz monitors. One time we tested it for a week gaming on a 60hz monitor. After that week, went back to the CRT, it was like night and day. It was like jesus set my eyes free. So completely smoother its not even comparable, and thats basically why I stuck with the CRT so long.

Part of it is, trying to sorta save on electric bill a bit. Electric companies are adopting more strict billing methods soon here in So-Cal. Otherwise, id probably just continue using the CRT. And ya, ive seen lots of CRTs for sale for $20-$40 on craigs lol.
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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
I generally play my games at lowest resolutions possible anyways.

Right now I run a CRT(Yes, I still run a CRT) specifically so I can run at 120hz @ 1024x768. Ive been waiting for prices to drop for a few years now and I think its finally time to ditch my old Viewsonic PS790 CRT in light of new electricity billing coming about around here....

And no I dont watch movies from or do any 3D crap on my monitor(I have HDMI output to my HDTV for that).

I dont know, I guess in reality, I dont even really game all that much anymore. I dont even play FPS currently, only League of Legends and just started Skyrim... Maybe I should just pick up some 60hz LED from costco and be done for a while. I am fairly sure I would hate my life going to below 100hz in gaming through....

Anyways, thanks for the input.
Coming from a CRT you probably won't like the fact that there are pixel response times, but otherwise there's nothing there that the Viewsonic would be a poor fit for. Certainly it's the only thing that's going to come anywhere close to a CRT.


Jan 18, 2012
Seeing as there's a thread about it may as well ask.

When are the new line of 120hz monitor's due exactly? i've been looking to go from my CRT to one but i am not quite sure if there's a new line coming out from anyone soon or not.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
I would say that the current generation is the new line. It was only in the last few months that 120Hz monitors were released with support for NVIDIA's LightBoost technology.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
Planar sa2311w has been going for around $280 lately which is close to your $250 limit. I'm still quite happy with mine.

3 year warranty and they are based in the US if that matters. They used to offer free 2 day advanced shipping for rma's not sure if that is still the case though.


Senior member
Apr 13, 2011
I really dont follow monitors too much.

Whats a good reliable and cheap 120hz monitor in the 21 inch or close range? What are some recommendations?

I just want a quality made monitor that is priced relatively cheap in the $150-$200 area. I dont need anything above 23 inch or anything over $250.

Get a used samsung 2233RZ. You can get them very cheap (got mine for about $130) and has decent image quality once you get the color temperature right. 1680x1050 also means its easier to get close to 120fps with a high end GPU.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Get a used samsung 2233RZ. You can get them very cheap (got mine for about $130) and has decent image quality once you get the color temperature right. 1680x1050 also means its easier to get close to 120fps with a high end GPU.

A family member has that same monitor and I was considering it.

Honestly, after reading various reviews the viewsonic VX2268WM is supposed to be slightly better samsung 2233rz.

Also, I would love to know where you got it for $130. I dont see them for sale anywhere, I looked already.

I am highly considering that Planar sa2311w now though.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
The monitor is the most important component of your PC, DONT go cheap IMO! If you can spend a lot on only 1 component, make it the monitor, get a 27" IPS/PLS panel or a great 120 hz 27" screen. This is one thing that you shouldnt' go cheap on.

I think its ridiculous when someone has a GTX 580 and pairs it with a cheap trash wal mart 100$ TN panel.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
The monitor is the most important component of your PC, DONT go cheap IMO! If you can spend a lot on only 1 component, make it the monitor, get a 27" IPS/PLS panel or a great 120 hz 27" screen. This is one thing that you shouldnt' go cheap on.

I think its ridiculous when someone has a GTX 580 and pairs it with a cheap trash wal mart 100$ TN panel.

Well, ok. First, I dont want or need 27", that is ridiculously unneeded for me. In fact, the smaller the better. I game at lower resolutions anyways. I was initially searching for a 19" or 21" 120hz monitor to begin with, but it doesnt even look like they make them that small anymore.

Second, I agree, why would anyone buy a gtx 580 and pair with with a $100 piece of crap. That just doesnt make sense. In fact, why would anyone who games not run a 120hz monitor. Its absurd to me when some people buy dual-sli video cards, spend $800 and then run it on a 60hz monitor. That stuff gives me a good laugh.

That is not really what I am trying to do. Just trying to replace my CRT with something a little more energy efficient that can do 120hz.

Right now I think it is between the Planar and viewsonic. Maybe I will just keep my eye on the Planar and see if it goes on sale anytime soon. That Planar seems to have good reviews and its price point on newegg is at least within realm of what I wanted to spend, sort of.
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Nov 26, 2005
If you are serious about gaming, then blackened23 makes a good point. If not, test a few out and see which you like. I tried a total of 3 LCDs before I chose my current. And to point out, it is a 27" and it is F*ng fantastic. Really makes a difference but like I said, it's on a serious side of gaming competitvely - and on the same token you don't have to buy a 27" as a competitive gamer but the monitor is important. But like I said just try a few out and return the ones you don't want

Papa Hogan

Senior member
Feb 1, 2011
If you are serious about gaming, then blackened23 makes a good point. If not, test a few out and see which you like. I tried a total of 3 LCDs before I chose my current. And to point out, it is a 27" and it is F*ng fantastic. Really makes a difference but like I said, it's on a serious side of gaming competitvely - and on the same token you don't have to buy a 27" as a competitive gamer but the monitor is important. But like I said just try a few out and return the ones you don't want

I'm interested. Which monitor did you choose and how much was it?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
I still have yet to purchase a monitor. The decision was between the Planar 23" 120hz and Viewsonic 22" 120hz. The issue I have now is, the Planar 23" seems to be out of stock like everywhere that has it for a reasonable price. Both newegg and tigerdirect had it for $280 but damn, both OOS with no determined re-stock.

I think this is going to force me to purchase the Viewsonic that I have found for $209 shipped free from a site. I dont know what else to do. Tigerdirect said they might get some Planar's in sometime starting next week but..even if they arrived the beginning of the week, it would still be a good week or more before I had it in my hands.

Every other site carries the Planar for like $350+. I am not paying that. Maybe I will wait until next week and see if either places get some in.

EDIT: I have unfortunate news for anyone considering the SA2311. I contacted one of the reps from Planar and the person informed me they are not longer making the SA2311 model and no more will be distributed to anyone. This is why Newegg and Tigerdirect are both OOS. DOH! I am unwilling to pay over $300 for one so, it looks like I will have to go with the Viewsonic.
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Nov 26, 2005
I'm interested. Which monitor did you choose and how much was it?

I tried 3 in all.

2 Acer:
Acer 27"
Acer GD235HZ
1 Asus:
Asus VG278

I play Unreal Tournament III, and imo there is nothing faster paced when in DM. Both of these Acer monitors displayed jitter VS the Asus. At one point, I had both 27" monitors hooked up, running the same pictures on both screens, in-game, standing still looking at a gun rotating, and to me the Acer had stutter to it. So to be sure I got a second opinion. My test subject also said the Acer had very noticeable stutter to it. I sent back the two Acer America monitors and kept the Asus. And this is coming from a guy who was very pissed off with Asus a few yrs back and vowed never to buy another Asus product again. So much for that, lol
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Papa Hogan

Senior member
Feb 1, 2011
Now if I could just see a comparison between yours and the samsung S27A950D that I ordered. You don't have one, do you?? You could save me $700 plus return shipping.

edit: Why were you so pissed at Asus? Bad service on a M/B warranty or something?
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Elite Member
Dec 8, 2010
I dont know, I guess in reality, I dont even really game all that much anymore. I dont even play FPS currently, only League of Legends and just started Skyrim... Maybe I should just pick up some 60hz LED from costco and be done for a while. I am fairly sure I would hate my life going to below 100hz in gaming through....

Absolutely. 120hz is useful for two things: (1) 3D gaming and (2) fast paced games that your PC can run at well over 60 fps (preferably 100+) and you like to be competitive in them. Mainly applies to online FPS games like BF3, COD, Quake.

If these don't apply to you currently your money is better off in the pocket or in a monitor that's higher resolution and size the Viewsonic 120hz monitor.

I play Quake on a 120hz 22" Samsung (yes, people still play it in case you were wondering!), but everything else on a 27" 1080p Iiyama.
Nov 26, 2005
Now if I could just see a comparison between yours and the samsung S27A950D that I ordered. You don't have one, do you?? You could save me $700 plus return shipping.

edit: Why were you so pissed at Asus? Bad service on a M/B warranty or something?

I did try to take a 1080p video of them side by side but it would of took a super wide angle to get in really close to see the stutter emitted by the Acer.

No I don't' have the S27A. I wish I did though!

It's been so long but I remember them giving up on fixing a ton of bios issues on a ROG board. I was reading in a forum and there was a guy doing his own fixes for it, but no official support/fixes to it from Asus. I think this was during 45nm quad core tech by Intel so it might of been a P45 or X48 based board. I remember paying close to or over 300$ for the board. I ended up buy a Gigabyte UD3R board for 115$ and it blew away the Asus board in terms of Overclocking :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
I ended up going with the Viewsonic 22" 120hz. Should be here in a week. It was only $209 shipped so... I would have purchased the Planar 23" if it was still in stock at a reasonable price, but it is no longer in production. Newegg and Tigerdirect will not be receiving any more.

I think the Viewsonic will be good for my needs. Reading the reviews on it, it seems decent. Of course there are some negatives about it but, I am just looking for a basic 120hz monitor. I have a family member who owns the Samsung 2233rz 120hz monitor and it seems pretty sweet. Hes very happy with it. In the reviews, they talked about the Viewsonic having slightly better colors and quality over that one so..... I think I will be happy.
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