Best headphones for gaming?

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Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
I hate to directly contradict another member, but... HD555. "Gaming" headphones are (as most good headphones) good for games, but they're overpriced for what they are, and inferior to equivalently priced standard stereo headphones for music. Note that the only positive reviews of these headphones are from sites that don't review real audio hardware. The HD555 and 595 are great gaming headphones, and they're good all-rounders for music too.

No offense to current Icemat Siberia owners, of course.

Aren't the 5.1 headphones really just a gimmick? You only have two ears, so a pair of standard headphones with a decent gaming soundcard like an Audigy (configured for headphone use, of course) ought to be able to give you perfect surround sound if the software is doing what it is supposed to in terms of sonic imaging. I'd forget the Zalmans and either go with some Senns or some Grado SR-60 headphones. I personally lean towards the Grados just because I like their old school looks. They've got personality.
qft. Granted, the software DOESN'T do what it's supposed to (at least, not as well as it could), but it works well enough for stereo headphones to work fine in games. Besides, "5.1 headphones" don't do what they're supposed to either, and decent stereo headphones will work perfectly with surround sound processors (and sound good with music).

If any of you need evidence for what batmanuel is saying, download some binaural recordings and try them on half-decent stereo headphones. It's really quite amazing.


Apr 17, 2002
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
nothing beats the 497 at 39 dollars. only grado 60 in its normal price range of up to 80ish and higher really. its generally known the next jump in quality requires quite a huge jump in price. plus the 497 comes with a nice detachable cord on both ends and is very long ..great for pc use.

39 at amazon right now

lucky you

got my 497 and a free pair of MX400 buds for $39.50 a while ago


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
Calm down, I'm not trying to "enlighten" a member who is obviously better than I am (as evidenced by the fact that they have contributed so many more posts!).
i am cool as ice, you gotta try harder to piss me off your reply seemed somewhat offensive, but thats not to say i hold a grudge or anything

"Stop hijacking the thread", you say, following that with three paragraphs of argument.
at least i tried to keep my rants and replies short (before you started quoting word for word, giving me an impression that you are here to argue) and combined it in few replies editting my post. try not to bump it too many times if not necessary.

I attempted to point out that a smiley does not change the basic meaning, then you rambled on for several paragraphs while agreeing with my point. Sheesh.
nope, you dont quite seem to get it yet. your point was smiley does not change the meaning, which i never questioned or argued against. what i said instead, was it changes the tone of the voice the messages are written. in contrast to my smiley which was my attempt to hint that i was saying my last sentence in a teasing way, yours only came way after the whole smiley argument started, and thus comes my accusation of "trying to cover it up after the whole thing is over".

I had the probably in there to imply that there ARE those who wouldn't on these forums ('probably' doesn't mean the same thing as 'definitely'), but that most would.
you are probably right on that, but your reply coming just a 3 posts below mine seems to go directly against my lighthearted tease. that combined with your strongly opinonated "trust me" type of reply, seemed somewhat assertive.

you seem to know a lot about the audio gear, possibly more than i do. your suggestions are sound and i agree with them mostly, and arguing about posting etiquette is not what this thread is about. i will be the first one to stop this little pointless argument, but there is something i still find odd. my question is why you would reply with such an acute cynicism to my genuninely innocuous question disagreeing with your opinion. i saw some undue sentiments headed my way and replied to you accordingly.

that was an obvious joke, as you could tell.

why is that? i am a poor college student and still using hd-650/ppx3. i would NEVER trade my rig for any super computer. music >> FPS for me.
now, did you find that any offensive? perhaps capitalizing NEVER was unneeded, but i was careful enough choose the word "for me", not for everyone.

why settle with R-10, you could always go with orpheus
hd650 is cream of the crop as far as "consumer grade" goes and doesnt cost a thousand with a very decent amp. realistically, it does cost you a fortune. but what irks me is "those who can would probably rather buy a new high-end computer". if one knows enough about good headphone rig, he would be a damned fool to give it up for some pansy FPS game

there, i already pointed out i am not trying to be totally unrealistic and that the wealthy preferring a gaming rig over music listening setup is not too agreeable.

Cream of the crop as far as "consumer grade" goes isn't really cream of the crop.

I'd rather have an HE90/HEV90 (or HE60+somethingelse) than a high-end computer, but do you REALLY think most people on these forums agree with us? If so, run a poll. The results would surprise you.

I'd also rather have a $8k speaker rig than an HE90/HEV90. I'd take a similarly priced used car, too. Most of us DO have better things to spend our money on.
now, maybe thats just the way you like to post things.. but was such a enormous hyperbole necessary, considering someone else already made a reference highly impractical suggestion questioning the logic in my reply, and i explained my standpoint on that? all you achieved there, if anything, was repeating what Muscles already said except with much more exaggeration. "better way to spend money" is subjective, and i could argue spending couple hundred extra on ergonomics of LCDs is not a very wise choice. but thats totally beside the point, i wasnt trying to tell people how to spend their hard earned money.

to sum it up... we werent talking about the same aspect of the smiley use, so your claim of me agreeing with you on that is clearly false. i will stop agruing about it, but just let me know why you started out getting so defensive with such a cynical reply.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
nothing beats the 497 at 39 dollars. only grado 60 in its normal price range of up to 80ish and higher really.
The Grado SR60 is only $69 from a decent retailer, actually, and if you shop around it can be as low as $60. It's not necessarily better than the 497, though, so the HD497 stands as a great value.

at least i tried to keep my rants and replies short (before you started quoting word for word, giving me an impression that you are here to argue) and combined it in few replies editting my post. try not to bump it too many times if not necessary.
Err... that implies that my replies have been long and that I've bumped the topic several times, neither of which are true (with post length in relation to you, at least). Did you mean to imply that, or was it accidental?

nope, you dont quite seem to get it yet. your point was smiley does not change the meaning, which i never questioned or argued against. what i said instead, was it changes the tone of the voice the messages are written. in contrast to my smiley which was my attempt to hint that i was saying my last sentence in a teasing way, yours only came way after the whole smiley argument started, and thus comes my accusation of "trying to cover it up after the whole thing is over".
Right, it does change the tone. No argument here. But changing the tone for the statement that people would be fools to pick high-end rigs over high-end headphones just says that you mean the same thing in a lighthearted-but-still-truthful manner. My objection is partly to your reaction afterwards, which consisted solely of you asking me if I knew what a smiley meant. I did, which is why I saw that you still at least BELIEVED as you did (although obviously you didn't actually think people who bought $2k rigs instead of $2k headphones were fools).

The last sentence in your post just doesn't make much sense. What exactly am I trying to cover up?

you are probably right on that, but your reply coming just a 3 posts below mine seems to go directly against my lighthearted tease. that combined with your strongly opinonated "trust me" type of reply, seemed somewhat assertive.
And your posts coming just 1 or 2 below mine, combined with the length of the replies, makes them seem somewhat assertive.

that was an obvious joke, as you could tell.
HD650s aren't a joke

And on a more serious note, "HD650s" isn't a joke. What did you mean to quote?

now, maybe thats just the way you like to post things.. but was such a enormous hyperbole necessary, considering someone else already made a reference highly impractical suggestion questioning the logic in my reply, and i explained my standpoint on that? all you achieved there, if anything, was repeating what Muscles already said except with much more exaggeration. "better way to spend money" is subjective, and i could argue spending couple hundred extra on ergonomics of LCDs is not a very wise choice. but thats totally beside the point, i wasnt trying to tell people how to spend their hard earned money.
Uh... where's the hyperbole? $8k is a pretty accurate price for the HE90/HEV90, maybe even a little on the low side. If you're referring to the headphone itself, it really is just "the best," the "cream of the crop," no exaggeration involved there. Remember, the OP originally said that he wanted the best out there, and the HE90 is that.

to sum it up... we werent talking about the same aspect of the smiley use, so your claim of me agreeing with you on that is clearly false. i will stop agruing about it, but just let me know why you started out getting so defensive with such a cynical reply.
You seem to be somewhat confused on the definition of agreement. Two parties don't have to actively get together and say "I agree" for them to agree with each other; if they share the same views on something, they are said to agree on that (or be in agreement, whichever).

I'm not sure how my reply could appear cynical at all. If you meant that it appeared rude, that is probably because the first paragraph was meant to point out the apparent contradiction in your post (which was on the rude side, but I thought it was worth noting), and the second paragraph was only there to illustrate why emoticons do not change the basic meaning (tone, yes, but not basic meaning) of a paragraph. As I have said before, the 'insult' is throwaway-- not meant, only there as an illustration. yeesh.


Jun 16, 2000
Sony headphones are so much better than Sennheiser.. either Sony or Grado would get my vote.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
Sony headphones are so much better than Sennheiser.. either Sony or Grado would get my vote.
Generalizations are extremely dangerous. Some Sony headphones are better than some Sennheiser headphones, some Sony headphones are worse than some Sennheiser headphones. The only case where you can go on manufacturer is Grado, because all modern Grados have a similar sound signature.

Example: the Sony MDR-V6 is a generally good sealed headphone; the Sony MDR-V600 is one of the worst headphones available for sale. The Sennheiser HD600 is a good, well-rounded high-end headphone; the Sennheiser HD500 is an awful, muddy mess.


Dec 1, 2004
w00t and svi, do you have any personal experinces with either? or just coming from reviews? i'm just curious because they are both good, but what happens when they are against each other.


Senior member
Jul 22, 2002
HD590. I bought them for gaming (Q3) and they did not let me down. They are more comfortable than HD555 and HD595 which comes in handy for those long gaming sessions.

I would definitely stay FAR from Grados, the comfort is just not on par with Senn at all. I myself use a pair of Alessandro MS2i (basically a Grado) because I have stopped gaming, and they do beat out the HD590 in clarity of sound and punch of the bass - but the comfort is not good enough for longer sessions.... unless you mod them with something like the C-pad, but those are very expensive.

Oh yes - and 5.1/surround headphones are crap. Sorry, but they are.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
The Grado SR60 is only $69 from a decent retailer, actually, and if you shop around it can be as low as $60. It's not necessarily better than the 497, though, so the HD497 stands as a great value.

yea i know.. the grado and 497 are on equal footing, i didn't put it clear enough in the post. its more complex because of the grados weird design and sorta higher pitchiness or something some people prefer, but some people do not. but at the497's amazon price, one can't beat it.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
icemat siberia vs hd555 anyone?
The difficulty with that comparison is that people are very unlikely to own both-- very few people own $1xx hi-fi headphones and high-end "gaming headphones." I've heard both and owned the 595 (VERY similar to the 555, only a little better across the board), but I haven't heard the Siberia for long enough to feel comfortable giving you a full comparison, and I certainly haven't heard it for long enough to want to insult happy owners.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
If you want isolation, you shouldn't be looking at either. Both are open-back headphones.

Most of the time when people say they want something that's more clear, they mean the output is muffled-sounding (upper bass/low mids boost) or that they want more upper mids and treble. The MDR-V6 (NOT V600) and HD280 both have fairly quiet low mids and forward upper mids, and they both isolate fairly well, so take a look at them. Listen before you buy if you can, buy from somewhere with a liberal return policy if you can't.


Dec 1, 2004
thanks a lot svi for your help, just one more question, off hand do you know where i can listen to high end headphones?


Jun 26, 2002
svi...coud you please help?

I want a pair for counterstrike at about 3-5 hrs of gaming per setting...
right now I only have nForce onboard sound...the setting is living room where tv will be on...and I have no idea about the open/closed air, cover/around ear specs of headphones...

go for the pc 155 (supposedly better than pc 165 some posts) with usb soundcard and mic so it's all convenient for me


go for the hd 555 that most ppl say are more comfortable and can pinpoint the location of the enemy more easily....but I'd need to buy a sound card...prolly a cheap Audigy...and some sort of clip on mic (like clip on the front of the shirt?) ppl talks about that I don't know where to buy...

Thanks man. You are pretty helpful in your posts!


Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
Eep, looks like I've missed veloc1ty's request, and it's a little too late now In any case, if anyone else wants to know, it depends on location to location, but some people like to "demo" them at Guitar Center.

Astro33, I'm not sure that I'm the most qualified to help, but sure, I'll try.

Open/closed: Closed headphones block out some noise and leak little noise, open headphones block out little or no noise, and leak some to lots of noise. Open headphones at a given soundpoint typically sound better than closed headphones at that price point, and there are fewer worthy closed headphones out there.

Cover/around: Headphones with pads that rest on the ears are supra-aural, headphones with pads that rest around the ears are circumaural. Most people find circumaural headphones more comfortable, especially for extended listening or gaming.

If you just want them for gaming, sound quality isn't the biggest issue here. Any half-decent headphone should provide good enough positioning for games, and the brain adjusts to any oddities very, very quickly. It's more important to get something comfortable and convenient, and probably to have a sound card that will do positioning properly. I assume you'd prefer to block out some noise and that you want a mic. What's your budget range?


Jun 26, 2002
Thanks svi! You are very need to go too pro...but what u say is quality w/o the marketing.

I saw a pair of hd 555's that go for about $250 here in Taiwan. And I was contemplating on getting it + soundcard + mic. So...that's budget. The pc 155's are so tempting (a very convenient and complete solution). Maybe pc 165's? since bad raps about 155's can't produce a good enough imagery to tell where the enemy is...

sum it up...
for counterstrike and WoW, good surround sound like abilities
some verbal communications needed
minimize TV noise interference
comfy for up to 5 hours
well built, won't break after couple months



Diamond Member
May 6, 2004

I am not sure how expandable your budget is, but $250 sounds awfully a lot for a pair of gaming headphones to me. I do not have hands on experience, but I would think you should be quite happy with HD-497. Here in the US, you could pick up a pair for well below $50.

Sennheiser HD-201 has been getting some attention in the entry level as of late for their great value. From what I have gathered, they are easy to drive, relatively good sounding and dirt cheap ($24.95 MSRP). Since I was in the market for a pair of new outdoor/commuting phone, I paid close attention to comparisons on these and AKG 26Ps - another contender with very good value. At the end, I ended up discarding both options and settled with shure e2c and couldnt have been happier.

Judging from your criteria, both phones should be considered for their comfort and closed nature (isolation). AKG is known to be bass heavier, and might be too much for some. Also, there are talks of different batches sounding radically different from each other. Unless the bigger size bothers you, I would say consider going with HD-201. Again, I have no hands on experience with either phones, just my observation from reading other people's impressions on them.

As for the verbal communication needs, I recommend picking up a cheap USB mic. I have a logitech one, and once you can get over the portability (or lack of thereof) issue, they should be no worse than all-in-one headset types.

Some really dig Grado SR-60, but I am in the process of selling my used pair as did not find them to my liking. In fact, I preferred HD-497 which is supposed to be in the lower price bracket. No one agrees what is a 'better sound', and rightfully so. I am just giving you my own perspective on that particular grado model. Surprisingly though, they werent all that uncomfortable as they were cracked up to be. Still, 5-6 hours on those would be painful, IMO. Also, they leak sound both ways (in and out) like no other open or closed cans out there.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2005
I agree that you can safely lower your budget ceiling if you just want them for games. You'd probably want sealed/closed circumaural headphones (comfort and noise isolation), so I'd recommend the Sennheiser HD201 ($20US) or HD280 ($80US). Both are fairly well-built (though there have been reports of headband cracking with the HD280), sound good, and isolate well enough. Get a decent gaming sound card like an A2ZS and a separate mic and you should be all set.
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