Biden is the best president ever!

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Apr 8, 2013
lol the amount of oval office under the desk handys is definitely in no short supply.

Yes, Mr. President, whatever you say!

He will go down in history as the president with the most gaffs, ridiculously horrible - and even racist statements than any in the history of the US. Enjoy cheering that on in the present

Add you'll go down in history as the world record holder for being humiliated the most times on internet discussion boards.

At least he got to be POTUS.
Reactions: cytg111 and Leeea


Golden Member
Sep 16, 2010
China The USA’s goals and “assertive behavior present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to alliance security.”
.... speak in a more unified voice about USA’s human rights record, its trade practices and its military’s increasingly assertive behavior

Not that China isn't bad, but still an order of magnitude behind the US! Who started a nonsense war that killed a million people less than 20 years ago? Ok, let's criticize China, but the real threat to world people since at least 1970s has been the USA.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2012
He will go down in history as the president with the most gaffs, ridiculously horrible - and even racist statements than any in the history of the US.
I honestly believe if you polled a large group of people in the world and asked them which modern US President you were referring to, without prior context, the vast majority would say Donald Trump. Think about that.


Feb 1, 2008
Biden's ongoing problem, which Joe has had as kid, is his stuttering. Joe still has an issue with stuttering. I suppose every child that stutters would have that problem in some respects over their entire life. Joe overcame his stuttering issue for the most part, but the stuttering still lingers and can be apparent when Joe speaks. That's the only problem with Joe, but still Joe handles it much better than the ramblings of the former president who did not stutter per se but did have massive, ongoing, continuous, room clearing brain farts. Brain farts so lethal that they still linger on to this day.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
We are comparing to Bush and Clinton here.

GW Bush empowered and equipped a team of horrific advisers and white house leaders. He gave a group of profoundly evil people the levers of power. Bush's white house team would use those levers of power to trick, lie, and spread misinformation in order to trigger a war with Iraq where the military industrial complex would be the only winner. They succeeded in tricking 79% of Americans, the majority of both houses of congress (including Biden).

Bush's great failure was having a circle of leadership who's first loyalty was the military industrial complex and their pocketbook. We have already seen from Biden's profoundly competent white house leadership team he has avoided that fate.

There is no disputing Clinton was a great president. However Clinton had it much easier. His party controlled both houses early in his presidency. He did not have a republican faction that was claiming he was not the legitimate president. He did not have cable news on air every night spreading lies and propaganda about him and America. He did not have to prevent a civil war. He did not have a dangerous Chinese government attacking American interests in the cyber realm and deploying propagandists across the internet. He had a Russia that was not sure what it was. In short, he lived in the time of the "peace dividend" of the cold war.

Basically, my argument is Clinton came to power when it was easy time and certainly did great things. Clintons remaking of the mortgage market would empower and create home ownership to a massive swath of America that never dreamed they could own a home. Truly a great achievement.

Biden has come to power in the hard times, and is doing great things. His party does not fully control the senate, and he is still managing to push through legislation that is changing America and the world. He has not only managed to make a vaccine available to everyone in America months faster then anticipated, he also continues to insure the vaccine production is ramped up in order to save the rest of the world. Biden came to power in a time when the economy was a disaster, and there was no peace dividend to help him turn it around. Yet despite the previous administrations efforts Biden has turned it around.

In short, Clinton was given the victory of the cold war and spent it wisely on America. Biden was given shit and ashes, and is saving both America and the world with it. This makes Biden the greater president.
Clinton set up the country for the 2008 mortgage crisis, NAFTA, China's ability to become the economic power it is today, allowing Bin Laden to prepare for Sept 11, 2001, and as a direct result of those actions or inaction helped pave the road for someone like Trump to be able to become president.

Yeah times were good, that is when you prepare for the bad times instead of partying like it's always going to be 1999.
Reactions: Leeea


May 11, 2002
lol the amount of oval office under the desk handys is definitely in no short supply.

Yes, Mr. President, whatever you say!

He will go down in history as the president with the most gaffs, ridiculously horrible - and even racist statements than any in the history of the US. Enjoy cheering that on in the present

You misunderestimate COVIDFEFE!
Reactions: Leeea


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
this must be satire

Biden has late stage dementia and his handlers pulled him out of his scheduled press conference with putin so america doesnt get walked through the coals on the world stage.

And yet, he somehow massively improved from the Orange One.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
I honestly believe if you polled a large group of people in the world and asked them which modern US President you were referring to, without prior context, the vast majority would say Donald Trump. Think about that.

If terrifying ignorance counts as a gaffe this is one of my favourites.

Reactions: Saylick and Leeea


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Donald made every type of gaffe.
The dangerously stupidly ignorant gaffe was his favorite. But also the angry hostile, running off at the mouth gaffe was a good one. Mispronouncing words was a daily gaffe. getting someones name wrong. someplace wrong. not being up on current events. And by current I mean most of the 20th century.
Saying two opposite things at the same speech. in the same sentence.
Trying to attack someone and making himself look stupid.
Scientific gaffe.
Medical gaffe.
Trying to suck some Soviet Dick and fucking it up gaffe.

That orange sack of pig shit made up whole new gaffes thanks to his ineptitude.


Jul 17, 2003
Clinton set up the country for the 2008 mortgage crisis, NAFTA, China's ability to become the economic power it is today, allowing Bin Laden to prepare for Sept 11, 2001, and as a direct result of those actions or inaction helped pave the road for someone like Trump to be able to become president.

Yeah times were good, that is when you prepare for the bad times instead of partying like it's always going to be 1999.

Pathetically false talking point debunked long ago. How unsurprising a desperate partisan toolbag like you would dig it up!

In reality, Clinton was fixated on OBL. Tried to kill him, and the whole time he encountered republican resistance and claims of wagging the dog while doing so. Richard C. Clarke and his people said as much, told Congress that Clinton was absolutely right. And what did you pisshead republicans do? Pretended like OBL wasn't your problem, nothing but crickets as Bush took the "AQ determined to strike inside America" memo and didn't read it, told the person who gave it to him "Alright fine, you covered your ass." Then after 9/11 happened and the white washing of Rove and Cheney began in earnest, it was 'no one could have ever predicted this,' -- except that we did. We ran FAA and NORAD training scenarios in 1997 for just such an attack.

Reminder; Cheney, Rumsfeld and the sock puppet Bush then invaded Iraq over fabricated and manipulated intelligence, based on the lie AQ and Sadaam were in cahootz, the WMD boogeyman.

21 years have come and gone, and you idiots are still completely full of shit over 9/11. May you republican assholes be driven from government for good someday. Pretty amazing your kind thinking they have anything to stand and act indignant about, given that republican "leadership" only seems to produce failure, inequity and death. Take your Clinton disgust and stick it up your ass poseur.
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Nov 17, 2019
you don't get to be a Rhodes Scholar by being a 'blithering idiot'

I drove several roads today. Don't make me a scholar.

Which of these symptoms have you noticed? Be specific in your answer and cite events/instances:
  • memory problems, particularly remembering recent events.
  • increasing confusion.
  • reduced concentration.
  • personality or behavior changes.
  • apathy and withdrawal or depression.
  • loss of ability to do everyday tasks.
I think I have all of those.
Reactions: Homerboy
Nov 8, 2012
LOL this guy sounds totally competent and someone you can totally trust to run nuclear bombs, declare wars, and command our troops.



Feb 11, 2005
You must make glorious propaganda parrot for dear leader Putin.

Actually not having a press conference with Putin diminishes Putin since Biden is deliberately showing that he does not consider Putin to be his equal. It also robs Putin of the chance to pull the shit he pulled with Trump.

They why agree to it only to back out? was that some grand strategy? it makes the US look weak to agree and then back out


Feb 11, 2005
That is not what dementia looks like. At all. Like *AT ALL*.
Do you see him drop the ball? Train of thought? You cant hold speeches like that with dementia, even early onset dementia. Dementia is all about that concentration and coherent line of thought.
So no. Biden does not have late stage dementia. You might be suffering from something if you swallowed that bullshit though.

He loses his train of thought constantly. He reads the speech off a teleprompter and yet still forgets where he is and what hes reading.


Oct 18, 2005
He loses his train of thought constantly. He reads the speech off a teleprompter and yet still forgets where he is and what hes reading.
Serious question:

Have you reviewed and compared decades of his speeches to arrive at this conclusion?
Reactions: Muse


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
Clinton set up the country for the 2008 mortgage crisis, NAFTA, China's ability to become the economic power it is today, allowing Bin Laden to prepare for Sept 11, 2001, and as a direct result of those actions or inaction helped pave the road for someone like Trump to be able to become president.

Yeah times were good, that is when you prepare for the bad times instead of partying like it's always going to be 1999.

So you are saying Clinton threw the softball or setup the alley-oop that Bush absolutely fucking crushed with the whole economic collapse that occurred 7 years after Clinton left office? Okay, I can say that is a tangible debate to be had but I think there is a lot of disinformation there. As for Bin Laden, I think the Clinton admin handed the Bush administration a fuck ton of stuff and said "watch this guy."

Edit to fix some weird stuff in the post.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Opinion is an integral part of politics. Despite your desire that dissenting ideas/opinions not be expressed here, you don't get to make that call.
Here is my opinion: Joe Biden is displaying symptoms of dementia. This is a common condition in elderly people, yet most here will lose their minds and start shouting "trump" at the mention of the idea.
I got to listen to Biden after the G7 thingi and what I saw was a complete mastery of material, great organization, cogent answers to intelligent questions, etc. I saw him hesitate and fumble at first, answering a question on Putin being a killer, then answer brilliantly, because, a truthful answer would not have been appropriate in that context. He finessed it nicely in the end. I didn’t see any signs of cognitive failure.

Trunp, on the other hand spoke in word salads easily because he showed no signs of thinking about anything other than presenting himself as the biggest asshole he could muster, and at which he was very good.

The only way I can figure your assumption of dementia is not liking his answers and assuming only somebody stupid would answer that way.

The only sign of dementia I saw was from the reporters asking about Putin being a killer. Everyone knows the answer to that.
Reactions: Muse


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Opinion is an integral part of politics. Despite your desire that dissenting ideas/opinions not be expressed here, you don't get to make that call.
Here is my opinion: Joe Biden is displaying symptoms of dementia. This is a common condition in elderly people, yet most here will lose their minds and start shouting "trump" at the mention of the idea.
thats because for 5 years we got a ridiculous amount of deflecting and denying when an obviously evil stupid crazy man fucked up everything he did on a daily basis, and now most of those same people whether they be politicians or pundits are trying to tell us its suddenly a problem when an honest, decent human being is clearly doing his best but maybe isn't in the prime of his life any more. There's no evidence of actual dementia, maybe just that he wasn't fully prepared for a meeting.
We're incredibly tired of the hypocrisy. Maybe YOU were not one of the people claiming every day that Donald was wonderful or perfect, but plenty of Americans were doing just that. The rest of America was fed up with five years of very obvious, lazy, low effort lying and we're still a little sore.
No one in the GOP holds republican presidents to any kind of standard and its irritating. Donald twice broke serious constitutional laws and literally nothing happened to him. Both his impeachment hearings were a joke and he was not forced to testify. And those were from the exact same people who wanted to disembowel Clinton for infidelity. Because Democrats actually have some standards and try to enforce them once in a while. Its unpleasant having morals and values in a nation full of criminals and monsters.

SO, from time to time you're going to get some pushback when you try to tell us things that have no evidence but lots of speculation. For reference, just about anything Fox News says nowadays is suspect.
Reactions: dank69


Jul 17, 2003
You know it's funny. I don't recall the magats having much to say when Trump confused Iraq with Syria, after he ordered those missile strikes no less. Or when he didn't know the difference between the Baltics and the Balkans. Or when he didn't know the difference between the UK, Britain and England. Or when he thought Frederick Douglas was still alive. Or when he mused windmills cause cancer. Or when he stared directly at the sun on TV. Or when he suggested covid could be cured by injecting bleach. Or when he repeatedly forgot the names of people he worked with. Or when he got his own wife's name wrong.

Weird. One could be forgiven for thinking magats are just completely full of shit hypocrites, a cult locked in their own little world.
Reactions: Leeea


Jan 14, 2013
Biden is no orator or as quick on his feet as others or as he once was, but he is far more composed than Trump ever was. People like Trump because he wasn't afraid to be a dbag, and their inner dbag related well to that. Now that Biden is in and he's not a dbag, they dunno what to do, so they just call him an Alzheimer's patient.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
You know it's funny. I don't recall the magats having much to say when Trump confused Iraq with Syria, after he ordered those missile strikes no less. Or when he didn't know the difference between the Baltics and the Balkans. Or when he didn't know the difference between the UK, Britain and England. Or when he thought Frederick Douglas was still alive. Or when he mused windmills cause cancer. Or when he stared directly at the sun on TV. Or when he suggested covid could be cured by injecting bleach. Or when he repeatedly forgot the names of people he worked with. Or when he got his own wife's name wrong.

Weird. One could be forgiven for thinking magats are just completely full of shit hypocrites, a cult locked in their own little world.

No sometimes they conveniently forgot or ignore. Many times they deflect or rationalize.
After 5 years of that horse crap I was so tired I couldnt even argue with them anymore. Stupidity has more endurance that logic. Blind belief requires much less effort.
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