Big phones are uncomfortable.

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Jun 24, 2004
For all the talk of how revolutionary* iOS was when it first launched - or how different iOS 7 is versus 6 - it's still a static icon grid home screen like any desktop system which came before it. It's not ideal for mobile devices, with tiny touch targets (though I know you can scale some things up with accessibility) and a lot of wasted space.

Windows Phone's live tile system, on the other hand, has it's advantages and disadvantages like anything else, but it's easier to use on mobile devices than either Android or iOS. Android has plenty of launchers, themes, apps, and other customizations (especially if you are rooted), though, whereas with iOS you are very limited with the UI. More display area might help iOS, but an uptick to screen size in order to play catch-up won't make the iPhone massively better than the competition.

Apple's hardware is pretty good, though, and I like the physical construction of nearly all their products. Not a fan of iOS or OS X, though.

* Apple does deserves credit for making capacitive, multi-touch displays on smartphones a success, though

Oh god those touch targets. My wife has an iPad mini and I am constantly hitting the wrong thing. Why do they have to make everything so damn tiny? Plus it always registers the touch at the very tip of your finger rather than the center like in Android or WP, so I'm always hitting the thing above what I'm trying to hit.

Between that, the lack of any sort of contextual menu system (long-press or a menu button), putting app settings in the Settings app instead of inside the apps themselves, and the iOS 7 shift key, I wonder what Apple's software team was smoking when they designed iOS. Like you, I love how well made the hardware is but the software is so weird, and I don't understand how it is somehow considered "more intuitive" than its competitors. Maybe that argument has gone away more recently, I haven't kept up with the iOS/Android fanboy wars.
Feb 19, 2001
You are equating "using a case" as "open minded', which is not true.

Sarcasm failed.
No one's saying you must use a case. It's pretty obvious open-mindedness refers to your ability to understand that some people want and need to use a case whereas others. Accepting that phone use is about different strokes for different folks is open-mindedness.

The fact that you've spent your past posts trying to tell people a certain phone size is just fine for you and its a matter for them to be open-minded and how cases aren't necessary is the exact opposite of open minded.

Good job creating a failed strawman argument.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
The fact that you've spent your past posts trying to tell people a certain phone size is just fine for you and its a matter for them to be open-minded and how cases aren't necessary is the exact opposite of open minded.

Good job creating a failed strawman argument.

The fact that you think it's a fact you can twist words of others is the true failed strawman argument. Whatever that means!

At the end of the day, it's impossible to have an intelligent conversation with bias people, regardless of who you think is the bias one.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Let's face it, there is a certain degree of fanboism at play here. Some will go to the extreme to defend a certain brand associated with certain size. Just the nature of the beast. I mean, seriously? Male thumb length?

Whoever mentioned male thumb length in this thread did not just make it up. It's from Apple's TV ad for the iPhone 5.

I'm curious though if Apple finally did decide to release a larger screen, what they are going to say about it. I just know it's going to be amazing! ^_^


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Moto X vs iPhone 5

The Moto X is "only" 72% screen - with the G3 pushing it to near 77% I believe, it'd be pretty amazing if LG could release a G3 Compact with a 4.7" screen and close to the same percentage of screen. The phone would be nearly as one-handable as an iPhone while still having a usable screen size.


Apr 23, 2004
Yeah iphone fans justifying its puny size is hilarious! What are you going to say when iPhone6 has a 5 inch screen?
Feb 19, 2001
Yeah iphone fans justifying its puny size is hilarious! What are you going to say when iPhone6 has a 5 inch screen?
I'm not justifying the puny size. I'm pointing out there's a significant difference in size between an iPhone 5 and a Galaxy S4.

On one hand we have openwheel who says the S4 isn't significantly larger. How can you say that and then at the same time claim the iPhone is puny? If it's not significantly larger, then there's no significant difference meaning you can't have one be significantly smaller either. So which is it? Is the iPhone too small or is it roughly the same size?

My point is that if someone can feel the iPhone is too small, then someone can feel that 5" phones are too big. I'm not trying to defend anyone's choices. You're free to choose what you want, but to come into this thread claiming there's only 1 correct preference is ridiculous.

Before you choose to respond, I suggest you read the OP again.

Even Apple iphones are moving towards bigger sizes from what I have heard. I feel like bigger phones are more harder to hold. Combine that with putting a case on, it makes it pretty uncomfortable.

Ok, I may be exaggerating since the S4 is comfortable to hold without a case, but really a case is pretty much essential for such an expensive gadget.

I know that phone companies put out Mini versions of some of their flagship phones, but the specs of those phones are horrid compared to their main counterparts.

  1. OP is unhappy with the trend to larger phones
  2. OP personally feels that larger phones are more difficult to hold. He doesn't say it applies to you or anyone else, but himself.
  3. OP has looked at mini phones, but finds the specs insufficient.
  4. OP is open to choices such as mini phones but it sounds like if the specs were more flag-ship like and not so much neutered, he'd purchase a smaller version of an S4.

Nowhere does the OP deride those who want larger phones. No where does he tell you that you can't buy a 5.5" phone. It may be selfish of him to want something more suitable for him, but don't we all?

Instead the responses here are absolutely absurd. People are foaming at their mouths talking about how others are not open-minded and that you have to get used to large phones? And that any other preference indicates bias? The OP posted his opinion on phones. Why can't people just let him have his opinion?


Jan 12, 2005
The OP posted his opinion on phones. Why can't people just let him have his opinion?

It's fine to have an opinion.

It's not fine to air an opinion in public and complain if people disagree with it.

If he just wanted to have an opinion and not a discussion why bother posting?

(Not having a go at you OP, it's just I've always been a bit confused by the "I'm entitled to my opinion, don't disagree with me" posts)


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
On one hand we have openwheel who says the S4 isn't significantly larger. How can you say that and then at the same time claim the iPhone is puny? If it's not significantly larger, then there's no significant difference meaning you can't have one be significantly smaller either. So which is it? Is the iPhone too small or is it roughly the same size?
Its roughly the same size: bezels too big, screen too puny. Now, I know I didn't use 1,000 words, lots of exaggeration and a dissertation on male thumb size to say that, but there it is.
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Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
On one hand we have openwheel who says the S4 isn't significantly larger. How can you say that and then at the same time claim the iPhone is puny? If it's not significantly larger, then there's no significant difference meaning you can't have one be significantly smaller either. So which is it? Is the iPhone too small or is it roughly the same size?

You keep putting words in my mouth. You are lumping everyone you are arguing against as one. I never claimed iPhone as "puny". I claimed iPhone to have large bezels and small screen compared to S4. You keep defending everything Apple including iPhone size but the bias is extremely obvious which makes this entire discussion pointless. Yes we get it, you love Apple.

Everyone is entitled to what they like and prefer, but when preference is obviously based on brand bias, the entire discussion goes down the toilet. Words like " S4 is GIGANTIC but i forget iPhone is there" is simply gross exaggeration. You keep defending this statement as Gospel truth only uncovers you inner bias more.


Feb 14, 2002
My eyes hurt and I suffer from temporary blurry vision if I browse and read for an extended time on the iphone 5. About 2 hours of continuous viewing. I didn't have this problem with the Galaxy Nexus. Small screen strains your eyes.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
But, wouldn't you rather strain your eyes? You get to have beautifully designed large bezels, and it disappears into your pocket. You won't be able to feel it especially if you put an otter box on it. Plus, you must be able to reach all 4 corners with your average sized thumb, because you are remotely performing two surgeries simultaneously one handed. Wouldn't you just rather strain your eyes?
Feb 19, 2001
It's fine to have an opinion.

It's not fine to air an opinion in public and complain if people disagree with it.

If he just wanted to have an opinion and not a discussion why bother posting?

(Not having a go at you OP, it's just I've always been a bit confused by the "I'm entitled to my opinion, don't disagree with me" posts)
If you read the two posts carefully the OP made in this whole thread, you can see that he's not complaining about people who disagree with him. Both posts make it clear he's looking for a smaller phone and he wishes there were more options for people who want smaller phones. If anything the thread was open for discussion to begin with.

Compare this to Post #4 where clearly the post reads as a guy foaming at the mouth who's visibly upset anyone can have a viewpoint that big phones can be uncomfortable.

OP made a fair post, and just because it's not everyone's cup of tea doesn't mean he shouldn't post it. If anything, you can find posts from the opposite side of the aisle more along the lines of "this is not only my opinion, but its the truth, and you can't disagree with it or else you're stupid"

Oh please. Most people toddler-proofing their phones from themselves aren't traveling internationally to the wilds of the earth with no access to resources all the time. Let's dredge up every extreme while we're at it.

If you're being jostled around in public- put the freakin' phone away, pay attention to your surroundings.

If you're with your kids: put the phone away.

if you're jumping out of a taxi in the rain, onto your 3rd flight in 3 days, etc- put the phone away.

Like I said, all most people need to do is stop trying to tweet or do whatever it is they feel is so damned important when they're engaging in activities that increase the likelihood of dropping the phone. (Or being the annoying jackasses I see people being who keep their minds/eyes glued to their damned phones all the time rather than engage in the real world.) When you're seated IN the taxi or plane securely- THEN use your phone- not while jumping out of it. No adult toddler-proofing needed.

Its a matter of getting used to things, as well as also not being so closed minded. Your perception quickly changes. My perception of phones shifted up with the Note 2... the Notes to me are just "normal" sized. Small phones look way too small to me. Today saw my friend's Lumia or whatever (one of the first Winphones I've seen in the wild) and that seemed to me positively ginormous- my N3 seems small next to it. But I can see where I could even get used to that size being 'normal'.

My Note 12.2 seemed to me like a realllly biiiiig tablet when I first got it. Now it doesn't seem big at all... its my new norm. I now look at a 10" tablet as slightly too small for me, and 7" feels really puny.

Next we have "blah blah blah I don't want to look at numbers. I throw out my opinion (which is fine) but anyone who disagrees is stupid."

Let's face it, there is a certain degree of fanboism at play here. Some will go to the extreme to defend a certain brand associated with certain size. Just the nature of the beast. I mean, seriously? Male thumb length?

Face it, it's ridiculous for anyone to claim iPhone 5S as "forgets its there" while S4 as "gigantic". That's just wild exaggeration. We can chase chicken and egg all day, but at the end, the Apple boys will prefer 4 inch, and everyone else will prefer whatever they desire.

Honestly, in the end some people will view 5" as huge, others will view it as small, and some others will view it just right. Why does it matter people feel differently?


Jan 12, 2005

My post was more aimed at your post that I quoted rather than the OP. That's why I added the (admittedly ill phrased) bit about not having a go at the OP.
You seemed to be saying that the OP has an opinion and people shouldn't disagree.

It's a bugbear of mine. People do it in a lot of situations. "It's my opinion, it can't be wrong. Everyones entitled to their opinion." Well yes you're entitled to your opinion, but everyone else doesn't have to agree with it. If you air it on a discussion board then it's open for discussion otherwise why post it?

Saying that some people do seem to be "overly vigorous" in their disagreement.


Senior member
Mar 16, 2013
Larger phones are terrible for one handed use. I have a Galaxy S4 and while I like how much screen they've packed in with minimal bezel, this thing really needs some sort of palm detection because I often end up hitting either the capacitive buttons of the edge of the screen with my palm when trying to use the phone with one hand.

Overall on large Android phones I'd say the back/menu/home buttons should be somewhere else than the bottom of the display or under it. They are awkward to reach in general when you get to large screen sizes.

Very few manufacturers offer proper smaller phones. I was recently in Japan and was extremely impressed by Sharp's Aquos Phone Xx Mini. It was everything I wanted from a phone in terms of size and screen (4.5" 1080p screen with minimal bezels) but alas, didn't have the 3G/LTE bands I would need. I really hope Sharp releases it in the western world as well.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
The optimal max size for a phone can probably best be described by taking the distance between the tip of your middle finger to your wrist and multiplying that number by 2/3. For me that means a 5.5" screen. For most people it probably means something more along the lines of an iphone 5, which is probably why apple stayed at that size for so long... I'm sure they had a whole team of people doing all sorts of ergonomic tests, and I bet they came up with a similar formula to the one above. For those with small hands, even the iphone is probably unconfortably large.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
The optimal max size for a phone can probably best be described by taking the distance between the tip of your middle finger to your wrist and multiplying that number by 2/3. For me that means a 5.5" screen. For most people it probably means something more along the lines of an iphone 5, which is probably why apple stayed at that size for so long... I'm sure they had a whole team of people doing all sorts of ergonomic tests, and I bet they came up with a similar formula to the one above. For those with small hands, even the iphone is probably unconfortably large.

Can't we just let this die and agree there's no optimal size? You can make some argument *if* you value one handed use over anything else, but there's tons of people to whom a larger screen is a happy tradeoff for 2 handed use.

IMO it's like laptops - smartphones no longer have a single target use. Some people want an ultraportable, some people want something in between, and some people want a workhorse with a big screen.

I will agree that Android historically hasn't had very good choices in the 'smaller' category and it's a legitimate complaint if iOS is no longer satisfying. Excluding the one off Z1 Compact which is great, the current gen 'minis' at least look to be decent with 720p screens and fast enough SOCs to not notice any lag.


May 30, 2000
I have a GS4 now, and if I get the chance, will get the 1+1. I need reading glasses now, so as long as it fits in my pants pocket, I'm good.
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