Big phones are uncomfortable.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2010
Even Apple iphones are moving towards bigger sizes from what I have heard. I feel like bigger phones are more harder to hold. Combine that with putting a case on, it makes it pretty uncomfortable.

Ok, I may be exaggerating since the S4 is comfortable to hold without a case, but really a case is pretty much essential for such an expensive gadget.

I know that phone companies put out Mini versions of some of their flagship phones, but the specs of those phones are horrid compared to their main counterparts.


Aug 8, 2001
I had a Lumia 1520, one of the largest smartphones currently available. I say "had" because I unfortunately dropped the phone and cracked the screen while working on my car . It was a little uncomfortable to use at first, but you get used to it. Obviously a 6" phone wont be as easy to hold in one hand as a smaller phone, but it's still actually manageable if a bit awkward: the glossy finish is too smooth on the back of the phone, and you can't really use your thumb to stretch the span of the display to interact with it, you really need to use your other hand to use it effectively. If you have huge hands (like Shaq size) then a 6" phone seems like a boon and could possibly be a perfect fit. The Verizon flagship Windows Phone, the 5" Lumia Icon, would have been my choice had it been available on AT&T, both for the less glossy finish and for the more manageable size. A 6" display really does add value if you use your smartphone for video, browsing, apps, or reading where even a tiny bit more space can potentially make a big difference. A 6" smartphone might enough to forgo buying or carrying a mini tablet for some people who might otherwise need one. I miss my 1520, it was an excellent phone, but not immune to concrete, unfortunately (my own stupid fault for not getting a case for it).

Before that I had an HTC One (M7) which at 4.7" display size was fairly comfortable to use and close to what I'd say is the ideal size for someone like myself with fairly average sized hands (from what I can tell) for a male, though as others have pointed out in reviews it is a bit tall because of the speakers. The M8 is even larger, but I haven't played with one myself yet.

My current primary phone is the HTC First (the Facebook phone, which I picked up as a cheap replacement at $100... don't even use Facebook on it, funnily enough), which at 4.3" feels like a big step back in terms of size, but again I got used to it and it has the advantage of taking up very little space in my pocket. I carry a Lumia 521 as well which is fairly thick but has only a 4.0" screen and is likewise comfortable to hold and used one-handed.

I think above 6" is where you start leaving "phablet" territory and pretty much have to use two hands in order to use it, and I don't think we'll see many successful smartphones push beyond 6" because of that. Small tablets, on the other hand, are perfectly fine at 7" to ~8" because while they can be pocketed (depending on your pockets, of course ) you don't have the expectation of using them one-handed or holding them up to your face as you would a smartphone. Though I'm sure some users do use them in such a manner.

4" screen size is perfectly adequate for me on OS' like Windows Phone where the tiles and Modern UI ("Metro") apps are cleanly designed and large, though more real estate is usually a good thing. On the other hand, I much prefer having a larger screen and higher resolution when using Android, ideally 4.5" to 4.7", but 5.0 to 5" being acceptable, too, especially for stuff like remote networking (SSH, remote desktop) where fonts can be small and there might be a lot of content on screen. iOS - which I don't use on a daily basis but use often enough - I think would benefit from a similar range of screen sizes without being uncomfortable. Same for Firefox OS, which has an icon grid not unlike iOS or Android.

Anything below 4.3" seems too small on anything but Windows Phone, and above 6" seems extreme. Obviously bezel size, overall device dimensions, the size of your hands, and personal preferences are all factors, but ultimately I think the market will settle on 4.5" to 6" as being the range of smartphone screens, with anything larger falling into tablet territory, and anything smaller being fairly niche or very low end. I don't think there needs to be a "one size fits all" when it comes to device size when a range gives consumers options to suit their needs.

I hope the next generation of "mini" versions of flagship Android phones don't increase above 4.5", though, at least not all of them. I'm considering getting the HTC One Mini 2 soon, though, and hopefully that's the perfect fit for me.
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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Why are people with tiny phones so bored by their own choice all they can think to do is start threads like this?

Show me where anyone with a larger phone wastes their time starting threads like: "Itty Bitty Phones are Useless!"

Why would anyone do that? Apparently, we're too busy enjoying phones that we actually find *ahem* useful, to care that much about someone else's tiny phone.

It always amazes me when people can't realize they're just telegraphing their own boredom and dissatisfaction with their own choice of something, when instead of just enjoy it, all they can seem to find to do is waste time dissing someone else's preference.

It's like the old "Macs suck!" "PC's suck!"

It's always been easy to tell which platform actually sucked worse by the larger number of dissatisfied blowhard zealots that had nothing better to do than constantly go out of their way to bitch about the other side. So the more "Macs suck!" blowhards directly correlated to Wintel sucking that much more than the Mac side, and vica versa.

So pretty clearly these days, larger phones are where it's at. The loudest volume of whining is coming from the tiny camp.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2010
Why are people with tiny phones so bored by their own choice all they can think to do is start threads like this?

Show me where anyone with a larger phone wastes their time starting threads like: "Itty Bitty Phones are Useless!"

Why would anyone do that? Apparently, we're too busy enjoying phones that we actually find *ahem* useful, to care that much about someone else's tiny phone.

It always amazes me when people can't realize they're just telegraphing their own boredom and dissatisfaction with their own choice of something, when instead of just enjoy it, all they can seem to find to do is waste time dissing someone else's preference.

It's like the old "Macs suck!" "PC's suck!"

It's always been easy to tell which platform actually sucked worse by the larger number of dissatisfied blowhard zealots that had nothing better to do than constantly go out of their way to bitch about the other side. So the more "Macs suck!" blowhards directly correlated to Wintel sucking that much more than the Mac side, and vica versa.

So pretty clearly these days, larger phones are where it's at. The loudest volume of whining is coming from the tiny camp.

I feel like some people actually do need to complain more about companies shifting towards their attention to the audience that want big phones.

Right now, it seems that people that want bigger phones have a bigger voice than the people that want smaller phones. I don't mind if a phone is 4.5 inches, but any bigger tend to be a slight problem ergonomically. Again, I am factoring a case with the phone since it is pretty essential for protection.

Since companies are so focus on making big flagship phones, the smaller phone audience should complain more to get the phone manufacturer's attention. I feel like it is a pretty valid complaint, and the example of "Itty Bitty Phones are Useless!" doesn't really hold much weight since people that like big phones already have what they want. Of course, they aren't going to complain much.
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Feb 5, 2006
You get used to it. I didn't like my GNex when I first got it, because I thought it was way too big, but now I think I may go even bigger (OnePlus One) so it's better for watching videos at the gym.


Senior member
Nov 11, 2013
I used to hate big phones. My first smartphone was a Droid Incredible (3.7"). I was so hesitant to move to any other phone with 4"+ screens, so I got a HTC Trophy (WP7) at 3.8". I loved Windows Phone, but it wasn't there yet in terms of apps or OS functionality, so I made a huge jump to the Galaxy Nexus (4.6") and I loved it (for the big screen). I moved to a HTC One after that and 1080p display on 4.7" just looked sharp, not to mention the hardware being so much better. I also have a Nexus 5, and it was similarly sized, so it was perfect.

I have since moved to an iPhone 5S, and let me tell you it sucks. Not only does iOS have huge limitations, but the hardware in general just flat out sucks. The battery life is miserable and worst of all, it's not ideal for media consumption. The only nice thing I can say about the iPhone 5S is the fingerprint scanner - it is just so convenient and it just works. I can see why people would like this phone, but it's just not for me. Unfortunately for me, I'm stuck in iOS world thanks to work.


Apr 23, 2004
You get used to it..although my G2 is the biggest phone ive had to still fits in my front pocket...anything bigger im not so sure about


Jan 12, 2005
I feel like some people actually do need to complain more about companies shifting towards their attention to the audience that want big phones.

Right now, it seems that people that want bigger phones have a bigger voice than the people that want smaller phones. I don't mind if a phone is 4.5 inches, but any bigger tend to be a slight problem ergonomically. Again, I am factoring a case with the phone since it is pretty essential for protection.

Since companies are so focus on making big flagship phones, the smaller phone audience should complain more to get the phone manufacturer's attention. I feel like it is a pretty valid complaint, and the example of "Itty Bitty Phones are Useless!" doesn't really hold much weight since people that like big phones already have what they want. Of course, they aren't going to complain much.

Pro tip.

Companies don't really care about you whinging on forums, they care about what you spend money on.

Edit: thats "you" in the general sense not the specific.
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Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
small phones are great for voice.
BUT look around you. people are not using their phones for talking are they?
most of the time they are on facebook, youtube, news, maps, emails, and games...all of which are great on a bigger screen. i wouldnt be surprised if 7inch phones are standard in 2016, or sooner.

i have an HTC one, provided by company. i dont have a case cause i dont care. i love how iphones somehow become a status symbol. yet you can easily spot welfare recipients with their iphones in bulky cases. people really should live within their means/budget.
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Jun 24, 2004
I recently jumped from a Lumia 521 (4" screen) to a Lumia 810 (4.3" screen). Both are fairly chunky with large bezels.

Despite only a minor increase in size, I can definitely tell the difference when I pick up my wife's 521. Sometimes I do kind of like it, the 810 being notoriously chunky.

Thing is, a lot of larger screen phones end up being similar in size to ones with smaller screens, they just shrink the non-screen areas. My first Android phone had a 3.2" screen, and my second had a 4", and they had almost the same footprint. I then upgraded to the 4.65" Galaxy Nexus, which was significantly taller, but still the same width as my 4" Galaxy S and also thinner.

Obviously when you're looking at phablets you eventually do get larger, but anything under 5" feels roughly the same to me. This may also be because you don't see a lot of small high end phones. If a company put as much thought and effort into developing a 4" phone with super thin bezels as they did into their 5" flagship, it would actually be significantly smaller.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Nothing beats an iPhone for calls, texting, messaging, and checking email. Unfortunately it makes me want to kill myself if I have to write long emails, surf (especially forums), watch videos, or other visual content heavy functions. However I have no problems understanding why it's so attractive to so many people - we just have different priorities.

Though I do think a slim 4.7" like the Moto X (and likely the iPhone 6) will still be quite easy to one-hand - the Moto X feels like an iPhone after using my Note 3.


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2010
It's not just what people want in a phone that drives development, but what people are willing to pay a premium for. Larger devices allow for larger screens, which means higher resolution and more computing power needed to drive it. If you want a smaller phone, you don't really need nearly as much computing power (or as nice a screen), so you'll happily settle for a lower-cost device. Those interested in larger devices, however, still see benefits to paying $650 for a top-of-the-line phablet.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I kind of agree.

I've always, always always had big phones - but I'm also a tablet user so I don't need a huge phone, so I tried the Moto X and fell in love.

The Moto X feels so good in hand... and I have big hands. It's so comfortable to hold.


Senior member
Aug 25, 2004
I favor smaller phones because I'm into fitness and cycling, but I still think the 4" iPhone 5s is just too small. It's harder to see web content. The keyboard is tiny. I have to squint when watching video on the stairmaster. It's just not for me.

In general I think Apple is moving in the right direction by moving to larger phones. I'm sure that decision was based on market research. There are many people that are on Android just because they prefer a larger screen.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I favor smaller phones because I'm into fitness and cycling, but I still think the 4" iPhone 5s is just too small. It's harder to see web content. The keyboard is tiny. I have to squint when watching video on the stairmaster. It's just not for me.

In general I think Apple is moving in the right direction by moving to larger phones. I'm sure that decision was based on market research. There are many people that are on Android just because they prefer a larger screen.

get a arm strap. I use one for running and never felt like a galaxy sized phone was an issue. Also get a wireless bluetooth strap and you don't even have to worry about snagging the wire on something.

I do have to wipe it off after exercise though, it gets gross.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Pro tip.

Companies don't really care about you whinging on forums, they care about what you spend money on.

Edit: thats "you" in the general sense not the specific.

companies do care and listen.
minis have mediocre specs because...if you wanted to play Need for Speed, most likely you'ld want a big screen hence you'll need more horsepower for games. you are not gonna play games on a puny screen. so why would you ever need quad core with 4gb of ram?


Platinum Member
May 18, 2001
I feel like some people actually do need to complain more about companies shifting towards their attention to the audience that want big phones.

Right now, it seems that people that want bigger phones have a bigger voice than the people that want smaller phones. I don't mind if a phone is 4.5 inches, but any bigger tend to be a slight problem ergonomically. Again, I am factoring a case with the phone since it is pretty essential for protection.

Since companies are so focus on making big flagship phones, the smaller phone audience should complain more to get the phone manufacturer's attention. I feel like it is a pretty valid complaint, and the example of "Itty Bitty Phones are Useless!" doesn't really hold much weight since people that like big phones already have what they want. Of course, they aren't going to complain much.

Companies design to serve the 95%. If the market as a whole wants bigger phones, that's what companies are going to make. They aren't going to waste time and money making a phone for a shrinking minority.


Senior member
Mar 17, 2013
I think 4.7-5 is the perfect size. Anything over is just too big IMO. I loved watching videos on my GS4 compared to my current iPhone.

Same.. I'm a guy so I don't go around carrying a purse or something that I can put a big phone in, so I have to use my pockets. Sometimes I go around with basketball shorts and they have smaller pockets, so big phones are a bother


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Companies design to serve the 95%. If the market as a whole wants bigger phones, that's what companies are going to make. They aren't going to waste time and money making a phone for a shrinking minority.

Customers also want sdcards or larger onboard storage... yet we're still stuck on 16gb phones with disappearing sdcard slots.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
Customers also want sdcards or larger onboard storage... yet we're still stuck on 16gb phones with disappearing sdcard slots.

This isn't true really.

People on Anandtech (AKA the Smart, Spec driven folks) want SD Card Slots

Everyday non techies could care less about it. I've worked around Cell Phone shops enough in the past to honestly say this. (In my opinion). "What do you want in your phone?" SD cards don't come up that often and was very rarely a deciding factor in buying a phone.
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