Bigots United . . .


Jul 25, 2002
Red Neck States Not Even Near Mexico Unite!

Paranoid Klan Mentality Sweeps Nation !
Bigots flock in mass to seal Tennesee and Illinois border from the billions of Mexicans that are rushing in to
take usless low pay jobs away from 'Merican Rednecks that won't apply to work on medial jobs that aree
below their social status in the Wheeled Estates of Apalacha.

Ain't no way we'll let Mexicans take jobs the blackies don't want.

God lord, what in the hell is wrong with this country? Pinheads everywhere are embracing the mentality of the Klan,
it's the GOP Southern Strategy at work.


Dec 31, 2005
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.


Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group



Dec 21, 2005
holy trolls batman!

why must you play the race card when the objections are against illegal immigrants, not all immigrants? Why cant you see the difference? I dont care if the offenders are brown, yellow, green, or purple, there is no excuse for commiting the crime of illegal entry into the US.

It's also ironic that you choose to label these supposed racists and biggots with slurs and name-calling of your own.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.
So even if it's true it's racist?


Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.



Mar 29, 2004
Should have seen this airplane trailing one of those long signs at the protest the other day circling over thousands: NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS BEANERS GO HOME.

These are sick people in this country, I can't believe they are americans.
Liberals and jews: We Whites are waking up. We're REALLY angry at the cultural decay, degeneracy and filth you've foist upon American society and we are now going to use force and violence to kick the living sh1t out of (or kill) a whole bunch of you while we clean things up.

We don't give a ****** about your civil rights - you only have them because we gave them to you. We don't have to give a sh1t about the law - most cops are white and agree with us!

So take the hint, liberals and jews: your way of doing things is over. You can accept that reality or have it beaten into you. If the beating doesn't work, all we have to do is kill you; and that's fine with us! Have a nice day.

RIght wing scum will have to be dealt with once again as fascism rears its ugly head once again in america they love to cry about being called racist etc. as they march right down the same path as germans last century.

Poor them, don't give an inch, a racist is a racist although the media always tries to use this "illegal" cop out to try to justify it.

Skinheads, neocons, and corporate apologists and other right wing scum deserve nothing less then the truth told to their face before we wake up in a worse situation.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

what? I can't believe what I?m hearing from you all. What about us minorities who want border enforcement. I'm all for legal immigration. My wife came here legally from El Salvador, but we can?t let anyone that wants to just walk across the border.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.

so rapists are no longer "rapists"? murderers are no longer "murderers"? all criminals, in gerneral, are no longer "criminals"?

what are they then, "legally challenged"?



Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

So even if it's true it's racist?

It's the willing ignorance, the complete lack of humanity, the subjugation and classification of human beings based solely on "law" that is that is wrong. The fact that people are only concerned with the law in terms of ONE specific racial group -- well -- that is racist.



Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.

So...people who jump the border, and disregard the laws of the nation they want to be able to live off, are not here illegally..and to think so is racist....

Ooooook than.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.

So...people who jump the border, and disregard the laws of the nation they want to be able to live off, are not here illegally..and to think so is racist....

Ooooook than.

It is nowhere that simple, to try to cop out with illegal is willful ignorance, and ignorance is #1 sign of racism trying to put on a pretty face.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

So even if it's true it's racist?

It's the willing ignorance, the complete lack of humanity, the subjugation and classification of human beings based solely on "law" that is racist.

Um, k.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

So even if it's true it's racist?

It's the willing ignorance, the complete lack of humanity, the subjugation and classification of human beings based solely on "law" that is racist.
our entire civlity and society is based on the rule of law. would you have us, instead, live in some lawless Utopia without borders and order?

illegal immigrants are criminals. period. It doesnt matter if they are as white as wonderbread, they're still criminals.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

So even if it's true it's racist?

It's the willing ignorance, the complete lack of humanity, the subjugation and classification of human beings based solely on "law" that is racist.
our entire civlity and society is based on the rule of law. would you have us, instead, live in some lawless Utopia without borders and order?

illegal immigrants are criminals. period. It doesnt matter if they are as white as wonderbread, they're still criminals.

Exactly. I feel all illegals, no matter what race they are, should be sent packing.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

So even if it's true it's racist?

It's the willing ignorance, the complete lack of humanity, the subjugation and classification of human beings based solely on "law" that is racist.
our entire civlity and society is based on the rule of law. would you have us, instead, live in some lawless Utopia without borders and order?

illegal immigrants are criminals. period. It doesnt matter if they were as white as wonderbread, they're still criminals.

Bullcrap, our society is not based wholly on law, it is based on trust that we will treat once another with decency since we live in a somewhat stable country, laws are a formality and unenforceable if the public chooses not to on a whole. (in some states its is ILLEGAL to go down on your wife in the privacy of your own home) They are a suggestion based on a threat that is flexible, not a moral code to live by.

The law here is situational, if you are rich and white (mostly rich) you are almost always innocent and given slack, if you are poor or minority society WILL find a way to put you to blame for its ills.

To cherrypick laws and use that as a judgement of character when so many laws are not upheld is using the law to justify your bias of another person, this is why I call the "illegal" arguement just a cop-out to scapegoat those who you dont like anyway.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
holy trolls batman!

why must you play the race card when the objections are against illegal immigrants, not all immigrants? Why cant you see the difference? I dont care if the offenders are brown, yellow, green, or purple, there is no excuse for commiting the crime of illegal entry into the US.

It's also ironic that you choose to label these supposed racists and biggots with slurs and name-calling of your own.


The problem is that the objections aren't all the same. Perhaps you have the motivation of simply wanting people to follow the law, but the movement has CLEARLY attracted the racists and bigots that are still alive and well in this country. Is that your fault? Of course not, I'm simply just explaining the problem, you assume everyone on your "side" has the same motivation, and that's simply not the case.


Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by: palehorse74
our entire civlity and society is based on the rule of law. would you have us, instead, live in some lawless Utopia without borders and order?

illegal immigrants are criminals. period. It doesnt matter if they were as white as wonderbread, they're still criminals.

We live in a country where law allows the execution of hundreds every year, the mutilation and destruction of tens of thousands of fetuses every year. A country that allowed the "legal" imprisonment of an entire racial class of people, that "legally" enslaved an entirely different racial class of people, that "legally" destroyed many seperate cultures, forced people to walk hundreds of miles to their deaths, "legally" destroyed entire metropolises with incendiary and nuclear weapons...And you want to say "legality = morality"???? That is really fvcked up. It is not moral to firebomb an entire city filled with civilians, and it most certainly isn't moral to judge the value of a human being solely based on the law.

Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

So even if it's true it's racist?

It's the willing ignorance,
Ignorance of what?
the complete lack of humanity,
Lack of humanity? We put water stations in the desert and hand out maps to keep them alive for crissakes. And then, when caught, rather than send them right back to their country of origin we give them a hearing where they can explain themselves and plead their case. How much more humane could we be?
the subjugation
I don't think that word applies in the context of your statement - although to be honest... I'm really not sure what the context of your statement is.
and classification of human beings based solely on "law" that is racist.
That's the best one. So by your definition, if someone commits a crime and I call them a criminal I'm a racist? Last time I took the census I didn't see "criminal" as an option under the race column.

Look, there are laws and proceedures in place for anyone who wants to move to and live in this country. Those laws are there to protect our security and to ensure that we are not overrun by more immigrants than our infrastructure can support. People who choose to step around the law to enter our country are acting illegally. Stating such is NOT RACIST.



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Gand1
But without law you will have total chaos!

We live in total chaos anyhow. The "law" is always in a state of change and flux and how much it is enforeced, to wave a broad brush over a current law to condemn someone is ignorant.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: palehorse74
holy trolls batman!

why must you play the race card when the objections are against illegal immigrants, not all immigrants? Why cant you see the difference? I dont care if the offenders are brown, yellow, green, or purple, there is no excuse for commiting the crime of illegal entry into the US.

It's also ironic that you choose to label these supposed racists and biggots with slurs and name-calling of your own.


The problem is that the objections aren't all the same. Perhaps you have the motivation of simply wanting people to follow the law, but the movement has CLEARLY attracted the racists and bigots that are still alive and well in this country. Is that your fault? Of course not, I'm simply just explaining the problem, you assume everyone on your "side" has the same motivation, and that's simply not the case.

no, i was basing it off of the article he linked to as his source for this thread. in it, they very clearly state that the demonstrations were against "illegal immigrants," not ones of any particular ethnicity.

yes, racists WILL flock to the same cause, but that should do nothing to diminish the overall point the protesters are trying to make; which is that "illegal" immigration IS a crime.

Just as I am not guilty of racism for meerly being on the same side, the protesters in the link should not be labeled as such for simply being from the south. the OP here went out of his way to insult southerners and others like myself who live(d) in Tennessee or Georgia at one point in their lives. HIS ignorance and biggotry is clear enough in his use of the words "redneck" and "biggot" to decribe any/all of those from certain states.

bah, forget it. I know where I stand, and it has NOTHING to do with race, regardless of how many times Steeplerot says so.
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