Bigots United . . .

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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Why do you think Bush wants the guest worker program? He aint dumb like liberals portray him I've been saying that for 5 years now. He knows they are hardworking and just want to get them in system, paying taxes, and legit employment opportunities. And yes proverty does equal crime at that level. They have nothing to lose. Give them a stake in the system and illegal crime rates would plummet.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Zebo
Why do you think Bush wants the guest worker program? He aint dumb like liberals portray him I've been saying that for 5 years now. He knows they are hardworking and just want to get them in system, paying taxes, and legit employment opportunities. And yes proverty does equal crime at that level. They have nothing to lose. Give them a stake in the system and illegal crime rates would plummet.


That's a wise man talking.


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2005
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.

Goodness child. What are you on?


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: exdeath
That is just the problem, a lot of them don't want to be equal, and they

You have no idea who "they" are, what their demographics are, what their motivations are, why they are or aren't here. You just have some vague idea of the boogeyman conjured from things you remember reading, from images you might've seen on tv, from things you've heard, maybe a few people you've seen and frankly from things you've made up.

Live in southern Arizona for 26 years fool, then come back and tell me I have no idea.

Speak first hand with some of my English speaking legal migrant Hispanic friends from Mexico who work in the healthcare field who witness services and medical supplies used on illegals who disappear the next morning without a trace; they will never recover those costs. Who is supposed to pay for those supplies or pay those paychecks? I have my own bills to pay.

Meet a English speaking Hispanic woman who is a US citizen married with 2 kids (and no more than 2 gasp!) busting her arse to make ends meet while these illegals come over and drop off anchor babies when they just HAPPEN to be here on the US side at a walmart at 3am and get everything paid for. No wonder they have 10 more kids when they don?t have to take responsibility for anything.

Get rear ended a few times by trucks full of Mexicans with raider?s jackets and gold rims and no insurance and come back here and tell me I have no idea after they take off and run laughing like it?s a ****** game.

Even when they are legally here working they can be a problem (but in these cases no more a problem than white trash). Where I work we have Mexican workers who get paid pretty good ($10 an hour) who turn down excellent insurance benefits (best in the state) that only costs $50 a month out of their pocket because they can get AHCCCS for free; more money for beer and gold rims and ph4t Raiders jackets in our 110 degree weather.

Yes I know its not ALL Mexicans that are like this, that would be a very broad assumption. I have seen plenty of Mexican people who work hard like anyone else and are just trying to get by, but I see a whole lot more who just don?t give a sh1t about anything (save tax return funded Escalades and AHCCCS subsidized income so they can use their rent money on stereos)

The real problem I have is when it goes the other way as well, and people like you and Steeplerot assuming that ALL Mexicans coming across the border are all poor helpless innocent farmers who just want work, etc. The reason we can?t even begin to solve the immigration problems is people like you guys who refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are more than one ?type? of Mexican crossing into this country just like any other group of people.

There are NUMEROUS factions of Hispanics coming across the border and some (more like most) of them are quickly turning the south west USA into a 3rd world ghetto; much in the same way locusts ravage and consume with no regard for anything other than immediate gratification, even if its harmful even to themselves in the long run.

It?s just too easy for the liberal to assume anything against ?brown skinned people? is an assault by the white man. Hmm Vietnamese, Indians, Thais, Pakistanis, all brown skinned people as well, notice nobody is giving them any sh1t? Maybe its because they behave and don?t think it?s acceptable for their children to wander the supermarket sticking their hands in the candy bins and stuffing their faces with things that they have no intention of paying for (and littering when they are done). No because its not about brown skinned people, its about Mexico, period.

The point of immigration to this country is that we get the best of the best and get the people who want to become something; we are not here to be the trash bin for all the worlds poor.


Jul 13, 2005
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.

Talk about ignorance....lololol...


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Mexicans are also founders of the gang system in California that has led to rampant crime and a rapid expansion of the prison system. There's two sides to every coin.

Thats not the way it is at all, is it?




of the 'Big Three', two are Afro Gangs and the really bad Chicano Gang originates from El Salvador in Central America,
South of Mexico, below both Honduras and Guatamala

. . . but why let facts get in the way of blaming Mexico for the problems the US has with it's immigration problems.



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: exdeath

The point of immigration to this country is that we get the best of the best and get the people who want to become something; we are not here to be the trash bin for all the worlds poor.

Wrong, the point of your post is to point out you blame a lot of generalzations on mexicans who you obviously don't like,

(even though you of course say you dont think ALL of them are like that and then begin to rant about how all they want is welfare for their Escalade and car stereos in the same paragraph) :roll:

This title fits you perfect.

Congrats you fit 3 days of limbaugh and mike savage ranting and stereotypes of the evil mexican "trash" into one pile of crap post on this forum.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
Poverty makes crime, it is just another form of corruption that eats its way all up to our policymakers, corporations and NAFTA..

Unfortunately, the vast majority of illegals are poorly educated. Low education and poor oppotunity go hand in hand. Poverty follows as does crime. It's a nasty cycle that will continue so long as we turn our heads and ignore the illegal influx issues.

You cannot hope to build a stronger country on the backs of ill-educated poor, unless you want to be like Mexico or any other third-world nation. They have poor and rich. There is no middle class to speak of.

If that is the case, then why does everyone from the third-world want to come to the United Staes? It's because there is still hope (for the moment) that they can have a better future. Work is generally available in every thirld-world country that I have visited, as is housing. What is missing is any sort of hope that they will live better next year than the year before. If the united States doesn't stop the illegals, it will be the same here for the underclass.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Zebo

That's thier choice weather to speak english language or not. Many don't need it.I spent some time at a farm in ElCentro and every forman is spanish speaking, every worker was too. so they could co-exist perfectly. Even the business that catered to them spoke spanish. Most Mexican owned but utility companies and general services did too. So it's not really nessesary to wokr and be productive. I do think they may be limiting thier opportunity but that's thier choice too.

I reject you notion they are on welfare. Whites make up the majority of welfare roles followed by blacks. Americans, who were given everything. Most mexicans I see work very hard.

If they are in the US working, they probably have kids that need to learn English to go to school? Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for that.

Another factor is the illegals are spreading out all over the country. Out here we are poor compared to California, New york, etc. We rely on the public education system out here, very few private schools and they cost more then the average blue collar worker can afford to pay anyway.

If we give illegals amnesty, we just as well open the flood gates to illegal immigration. That's going to put too big of a burden on our education system, our health system, and our welfare system.

I personally don't want to create "second class" workers in this country, but I'm totally against amnesty because the last one only made the probelm WORSE!! The way I see it the lesser of two evils is the guest worker program. Perhaps when most of the illegals are documented we can make sure that whoever chooses to employ this cheap source of labor pays ALL of the costs associated with them instead of sticking it to the taxpayer.



Mar 29, 2004
That would be true if this was a third world country, (yet) their children are going to school already and no, not all are uneducated, compared to some americans in here on a whole they seem about the same, got any proof that those that came from so far and figured out how to scrape out a living in a country on the lam are on the whole stupid?

Just becasue one generation is not book smart means nothing, and we are not "building" anything we already have a somewhat educated population here.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Zebo

That's thier choice weather to speak english language or not. Many don't need it.I spent some time at a farm in ElCentro and every forman is spanish speaking, every worker was too. so they could co-exist perfectly. Even the business that catered to them spoke spanish. Most Mexican owned but utility companies and general services did too. So it's not really nessesary to wokr and be productive. I do think they may be limiting thier opportunity but that's thier choice too.

I reject you notion they are on welfare. Whites make up the majority of welfare roles followed by blacks. Americans, who were given everything. Most mexicans I see work very hard.

If they are in the US working, they probably have kids that need to learn English to go to school? Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for that.

Becasue we are americans, why should the taxpayer pay for your sewer system to your house or to school your children if you decide to send them to public school, it benefits all of us not having stupid people running around with dysentary.

You dont have to give a shivering homeless guy a blanket either, but it sure does not hurt to think about something other then yourself.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Zebo

That's thier choice weather to speak english language or not. Many don't need it.I spent some time at a farm in ElCentro and every forman is spanish speaking, every worker was too. so they could co-exist perfectly. Even the business that catered to them spoke spanish. Most Mexican owned but utility companies and general services did too. So it's not really nessesary to wokr and be productive. I do think they may be limiting thier opportunity but that's thier choice too.

I reject you notion they are on welfare. Whites make up the majority of welfare roles followed by blacks. Americans, who were given everything. Most mexicans I see work very hard.

If they are in the US working, they probably have kids that need to learn English to go to school? Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for that.

Becasue we are americans, why should the taxpayer pay for your sewer system to your house or to school your children if you decide to send them to public school, it benefits all of us not having stupid people running around with dysentary.
So we need educated people? That's what I've been telling you!! Let as many of the educatred ones as we can in first.... legally!!
You dont have to give a shivering homeless guy a blanket either, but it sure does not hurt to think about something other then yourself.

If that blanket has to come from my childs bed, the that poor shivering soul is SOL.


Jul 25, 2002
Would a 'Marshal Plan' type of assistance solve the problem with Mexican immigration?


Immigration issues are always ripe for demagoguery, particularly in an election year. But the solution to the very real problems along the U.S.-Mexican border can be found, ironically, in that other part of the world that American demagogues love to ridicule: old Europe.

Two years ago, the European Union admitted 10 new members. Like Mexico, all of these nations were poor, some of them fairly backward and most recently ravaged by war and communist dictatorship

To deal with the situation, the leaders of the European Union wisely created policies for fostering regional economic and political integration that make efforts such as the North American Free Trade Agreement "look timid and halfhearted by comparison," according to Bernd Westphal, consul general of Germany.

Europe realized it had to prevent a "giant sucking sound" of businesses and jobs relocating from the 15 wealthier nations to the 10 poorer ones. It also had to foster prosperity and the spread of a middle class in these emerging economies and prevent an influx of poor workers to the richer nations.

So for starters it gave the new states massive subsidies -- billions of dollars' worth -- to help construct schools, roads, telecommunications and housing, thus making these nations more attractive for business investment. The idea was to raise up the emerging economies rather than let the advanced economies be dragged down. It was expensive, but the result has been a larger economic union in which a rising tide floats all boats.

In return the 10 poorer nations had to agree to raise their standards on the environment, labor law, health and safety -- and more. The incentive of admission to the European club was used as a carrot to pull the poorer nations toward acceptance of human rights and political democracy. There won't be any border maquiladoras in the European Union.


It could be even more effective with our Southern border - we already have manufacturing facilities
in Mexico built to deliver goods to the US - especially in the automotive industry.
Instead of a wall or a fence being put up, why not put the same amount of energy & investment in
facilities, housing and schools on the Mexican side of the border to provide a way for them to improve their plight there.
It's almost a minimal annexation of the 51st state of Mexico and brings their trade capabilities and
domestic policy in the direction that we have long held with the Canadians, without the damn Hockey. :shocked:


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Red Neck States Not Even Near Mexico Unite!

Paranoid Klan Mentality Sweeps Nation !
Biggots flock in mass to seal Tennesee and Illinois border from the billions of Mexicans that are rushing in to
take usless low pay jobs away from 'Merican Rednecks that won't apply to work on medial jobs that aree
below their social status in the Wheeled Estates of Apalacha.

Ain't no way we'll let Mexicans take jobs the blackies don't want.

God lord, what in the hell is wrong with this country? Pinheads everywhere are embracing the mentality of the Klan,
it's the GOP Southern Strategy at work.

So what's your brilliant solution???

Is there a problem?

Nothing's changed in the past couple of years, yet suddenly it is situation emergency?

edit: it seems like Americans "need" a group to fear and hate. In 2004 it was gay people, in 2006 all that hatred and fear is being directed towards so-called illegal immigrants.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit

If that blanket has to come from my childs bed, the that poor shivering soul is SOL.

It is not, you are american and blessed and privileged in many many ways, so say you are not is foolish.

Your child is not going to freeze, you would go into the closet and get another, we are not a third world country yet. :roll:

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Red Neck States Not Even Near Mexico Unite!

Paranoid Klan Mentality Sweeps Nation !
Biggots flock in mass to seal Tennesee and Illinois border from the billions of Mexicans that are rushing in to
take usless low pay jobs away from 'Merican Rednecks that won't apply to work on medial jobs that aree
below their social status in the Wheeled Estates of Apalacha.

Ain't no way we'll let Mexicans take jobs the blackies don't want.

God lord, what in the hell is wrong with this country? Pinheads everywhere are embracing the mentality of the Klan,
it's the GOP Southern Strategy at work.

So what's your brilliant solution???

Is there a problem?

Nothing's changed in the past couple of years, yet suddenly it is situation emergency?

edit: it seems like Americans "need" a group to fear and hate. In 2004 it was gay people, in 2006 all that hatred and fear is being directed towards so-called illegal immigrants.
Kind of like Australia and the Lebanese immigrants.



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: aidanjm

edit: it seems like Americans "need" a group to fear and hate. In 2004 it was gay people, in 2006 all that hatred and fear is being directed towards so-called illegal immigrants.


These people do need to be granted their rights while the issue is on the forefront though so they stop being taken advantage of.

They work they live here, they damn well better should not be starving poor making crime rates go up becase corporations are using them as slaves and they should be paying taxes.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

Kind of like Australia and the Lebanese immigrants.

So how long before Bushco, Rove, & Company use thier 'Evangalistic Conservative Base' to target these
'Ass-trolian and Lesbian Immy-Grunts'?


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Kind of like Australia and the Lebanese immigrants.

Not so much the Lebanese immigrants. We have "the boat people" - refugees from horrendous parts of the world who risk their lives sailing around half the world in tiny boats to get to Australia. John Howard exploited the issue of these "illegal immigrants" in the last few elections here, evoking fears of Australia being over run by illegal immigrants.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Kind of like Australia and the Lebanese immigrants.

Not so much the Lebanese immigrants. We have "the boat people" - refugees from horrendous parts of the world who risk their lives sailing around half the world in tiny boats to get to Australia. John Howard exploited the issue of these "illegal immigrants" in the last few elections here, evoking fears of Australia being over run by illegal immigrants.

I would soooo love to get ahold of emails of them trading talking points of how to screw immigrants for political gain, I bet they did. :evil:


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Red Neck States Not Even Near Mexico Unite!

Paranoid Klan Mentality Sweeps Nation !
Biggots flock in mass to seal Tennesee and Illinois border from the billions of Mexicans that are rushing in to
take usless low pay jobs away from 'Merican Rednecks that won't apply to work on medial jobs that aree
below their social status in the Wheeled Estates of Apalacha.

Ain't no way we'll let Mexicans take jobs the blackies don't want.

God lord, what in the hell is wrong with this country? Pinheads everywhere are embracing the mentality of the Klan,
it's the GOP Southern Strategy at work.

So what's your brilliant solution???

Is there a problem?

Nothing's changed in the past couple of years, yet suddenly it is situation emergency?

edit: it seems like Americans "need" a group to fear and hate. In 2004 it was gay people, in 2006 all that hatred and fear is being directed towards so-called illegal immigrants.
I think there is a problem and have thought so for some time. 75% of Americans think there is a problem, so I guess there is a problem. It's not like we haven't known about this problem since we had the last amnesty, it's just an election year so politicians are making political hay.

The R's have been benifiting rom the cheap labor. The D's have been betting on Amnesty and having a whole bunch of new voters. I think the D's made the wrong bet.

We just can't let all the poor people in the world come across the border because they feel like it. I have neither the resources or the energy to help them all. If you do then I would suggest you invest some money in Mexico.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004
I broke the "law" at least a dozen times yesterday. Jay walking is a heinous act! Should i head down to the local police station to confess my crimes?


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
I have neither the resources or the energy to help them all.

Like it or not they are and have been part of our workforce for years, and your baseless accusation that we cannot assimilate immigrants is wholly unfounded in history, yet what is a fact is that the big money interests have always said we cannot, and been wrong, again and again.

And just becasue someone sees a problem is not specific.

I see it as a problem also, doesen't mean I want to criminalize them for coming to america to work for a better life.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
I have neither the resources or the energy to help them all.

Like it or not they are and have been part of our workforce for years, and your baseless accusation that we cannot assimilate immigrants is wholly unfounded in history.

And just becasue someone sees a problem is not specific.

I see it as a problem also, doesen't mean I want to criminalize them.

I was just out to the farm yesterday and saw a new neighbor planting some ground next to me. He bought the ground a couple of years ago from a friend of mine who lost everything he had paying his wife's medical bills (cancer).

I drove down there to see what was going on and maybe meet the new owner. They had 2 people there and were just fisihing up planting some corn. One of the people came back to the truck and loaded a small front end loader they were using to pick rocks onto the semi and the other guy was about finished planting.

I got to talking with the young fellow and he had quite an accent, though he spoke very good english. After talking a while he warmed up and we were joking around. To make a long story short, he was from South Africa over here on a visa and had been in the country 2 weeks. He and a friend came over and were working for the same guy. The person running the big tractor was also from South Africa and had came over last year.

We have people from all over the world wanting to come to this country, and they even speak English. Why should the Mexicans have more of a right to come here then people who do it legally?? None that I can see?

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