Bigots United . . .

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Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
I have neither the resources or the energy to help them all.

Like it or not they are and have been part of our workforce for years, and your baseless accusation that we cannot assimilate immigrants is wholly unfounded in history.

And just becasue someone sees a problem is not specific.

I see it as a problem also, doesen't mean I want to criminalize them.

I was just out to the farm yesterday and saw a new neighbor planting some ground next to me. He bought the ground a couple of years ago from a friend of mine who lost everything he had paying his wife's medical bills (cancer).

I drove down there to see what was going on and maybe meet the new owner. They had 2 people there and were just fisihing up planting some corn. One of the people came back to the truck and loaded a small front end loader they were using to pick rocks onto the semi and the other guy was about finished planting.

I got to talking with the young fellow and he had quite an accent, though he spoke very good english. After talking a while he warmed up and we were joking around. To make a long story short, he was from South Africa over here on a visa and had been in the country 2 weeks. He and a friend came over and were working for the same guy. The person running the big tractor was also from South Africa and had came over last year.

We have people from all over the world wanting to come to this country, and they even speak English. Why should the Mexicans have more of a right to come here then people who do it legally?? None that I can see?

Then you are obviously not looking at why they came here.

So tell me, you obviously have close ties to agri buisness, what do you think of NAFTA and subsidys?

I think I am starting to see why you are so against these people. Or am I totally off base?


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

IMO you are the Right Wing Whackos favorite kind of Liberal, one who they love to use to sterotype all other Liberals as clueless bleaters.

And you are a clueless troll starting flamefests, go run back under your bridge, I could care less what right-wing haters think and you too.

I get thanked for bringing up valid unpopular points often, if I am hated becasue of it good for me, its not your concern as I can handle myself.

Your opinion, the ones on the klanners side of the immigration issue who hate my opinion and right-wingers in the whiney thread in FI are noted and filed into the apropriate recepticle, #13.

HAHAHAHAHA- the Irony!

Could of sworn someone was talking about you Steeple until I saw who wrote it......


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Wow, now that is sure a good comeback.
Thanks for contributing :roll:
as if you've contribnuted anything beyond namecalling and quick judgements of those who are opposed to you?! bah...

im just happy knowing the Steeple's "side" will lose this one in RL...thank fvckin gawd.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Wow, now that is sure a good comeback.
Thanks for contributing :roll:
as if you've contribnuted anything beyond namecalling and quick judgements of those who are opposed to you?! bah...

im just happy knowing the Steeple's "side" will lose this one in RL...thank fvckin gawd.

Yeah, I am sure they are coming over to have you draft the gestapoos battleplan to round em up any minute now, and yes, I am sure your 3 months of intel work let's you know this tinfoil boi. :roll:


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: palehorse74
im just happy knowing the Steeple's "side" will lose this one in RL...thank fvckin gawd.

what do you mean by lose? that these so-called illegal immigrants will be deported? if business interests want these people as a source of cheap labor, and if the business interests are funding the politicians' election campaigns, then it seems unlikely that changes will occur, I would have thought.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: palehorse74
im just happy knowing the Steeple's "side" will lose this one in RL...thank fvckin gawd.

what do you mean by lose? that these so-called illegal immigrants will be deported? if business interests want these people as a source of cheap labor, and if the business interests are funding the politicians' election campaigns, then it seems unlikely that changes will occur, I would have thought.

He doesent know whos side he is on, it seems whatever right wing blowhard radio host he gets his hate from found out the "illegals" in the station arent going to bring extra cream in his coffee anymore so he has had to change his view.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Would there be this much of an uproar if all the illegals were white?

I don't think so.

Yes theyre would be, thats what you dont understand!


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: smut
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Would there be this much of an uproar if all the illegals were white?

I don't think so.

Yes theyre would be, thats what you dont understand!

I agree. I think the only reason it's been allowed to continue this long is because of the race issue and the fact that it was seen as more of a border state issue.

It's gotten to be a much bigger issue now (since the last amnesty) and more people are paying attention and don't like what they are seeing.


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: exdeath

The point of immigration to this country is that we get the best of the best and get the people who want to become something; we are not here to be the trash bin for all the worlds poor.

Wrong, the point of your post is to point out you blame a lot of generalzations on mexicans who you obviously don't like,

(even though you of course say you dont think ALL of them are like that and then begin to rant about how all they want is welfare for their Escalade and car stereos in the same paragraph) :roll:

This title fits you perfect.

Congrats you fit 3 days of limbaugh and mike savage ranting and stereotypes of the evil mexican "trash" into one pile of crap post on this forum.

Once again you don't even attempt to counter my observations or justify or disapprove the behavior I described. Hurts to talk about something you have no experience with doesn?t it? You probably went to a school were a bunch of liberal white hippie professors who haven't shaved in 30 years brainwashed you into thinking the white man is responsible for all the evils in the world regardless of the circumstance. :roll:

You seem to be of the opinion that being anything but white skinned is a automatic get out of jail free card that can be used to justify anything and that non white skinned people can't ever do wrong. That makes you the racist here buddy. But you probably believe that there is no such thing as racism when it hate for the white man. The target has to be non white for it to be racism doesn't it, Steeplerot?

The only way to really understand this is to be in the shoes of a working English speaking, tax paying, two kids, white picket fence, American flag waving, fought for our country American-Mexican and deal with people calling you a beautiful ray of sunshine every day knowing full and well you are bearing the hate and resentment that the majority of your own race has earned because they cannot behave in a civilized manner. How would you like to know that your own people are giving you a bad name? It should be no surprise then that a lot of Mexicans in the US ALSO want the border closed as well. They came here from Mexico to get away from the third world, do you think they want to see it creep over the border and catch back up to them? Are they racist Steeplerot?

FYI racism is hate for skin color or genetic makeup alone for no other reason; to dislike someone simply because of their skin color. If you look at what people here are saying before you call them racists, you?ll see that its not skin color that is the issue, but the BEHAVIOR of certain sects of people. The fact that these groups of people happen to have a common ethnicity at this region at this point in time is unfortunate (as it will turn this into a race issue causing people to ignore the real issues; i.e.: like this entire thread) But it is reality.

And for your "Limbaugh and mike savage" comment, my opinions on this subject were formed as an independent thinker and observer over 26 years of living in southern Arizona long before I even heard of Limbaugh and Savage. But I admit it is nice to hear someone else grow the balls to put into words what I've been feeling long before it became a huge political issue.

And Savage is ok, but Limbaugh is too full of his self and needs to STFU.



Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: exdeath
That is just the problem, a lot of them don't want to be equal, and they

You have no idea who "they" are, what their demographics are, what their motivations are, why they are or aren't here. You just have some vague idea of the boogeyman conjured from things you remember reading, from images you might've seen on tv, from things you've heard, maybe a few people you've seen and frankly from things you've made up.

Live in southern Arizona for 26 years fool, then come back and tell me I have no idea.

Speak first hand with some of my English speaking legal migrant Hispanic friends from Mexico who work in the healthcare field who witness services and medical supplies used on illegals who disappear the next morning without a trace; they will never recover those costs. Who is supposed to pay for those supplies or pay those paychecks? I have my own bills to pay.

Meet a English speaking Hispanic woman who is a US citizen married with 2 kids (and no more than 2 gasp!) busting her arse to make ends meet while these illegals come over and drop off anchor babies when they just HAPPEN to be here on the US side at a walmart at 3am and get everything paid for. No wonder they have 10 more kids when they don?t have to take responsibility for anything.

Get rear ended a few times by trucks full of Mexicans with raider?s jackets and gold rims and no insurance and come back here and tell me I have no idea after they take off and run laughing like it?s a ****** game.

Even when they are legally here working they can be a problem (but in these cases no more a problem than white trash). Where I work we have Mexican workers who get paid pretty good ($10 an hour) who turn down excellent insurance benefits (best in the state) that only costs $50 a month out of their pocket because they can get AHCCCS for free; more money for beer and gold rims and ph4t Raiders jackets in our 110 degree weather.

Yes I know its not ALL Mexicans that are like this, that would be a very broad assumption. I have seen plenty of Mexican people who work hard like anyone else and are just trying to get by, but I see a whole lot more who just don?t give a sh1t about anything (save tax return funded Escalades and AHCCCS subsidized income so they can use their rent money on stereos)

The real problem I have is when it goes the other way as well, and people like you and Steeplerot assuming that ALL Mexicans coming across the border are all poor helpless innocent farmers who just want work, etc. The reason we can?t even begin to solve the immigration problems is people like you guys who refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are more than one ?type? of Mexican crossing into this country just like any other group of people.

There are NUMEROUS factions of Hispanics coming across the border and some (more like most) of them are quickly turning the south west USA into a 3rd world ghetto; much in the same way locusts ravage and consume with no regard for anything other than immediate gratification, even if its harmful even to themselves in the long run.

It?s just too easy for the liberal to assume anything against ?brown skinned people? is an assault by the white man. Hmm Vietnamese, Indians, Thais, Pakistanis, all brown skinned people as well, notice nobody is giving them any sh1t? Maybe its because they behave and don?t think it?s acceptable for their children to wander the supermarket sticking their hands in the candy bins and stuffing their faces with things that they have no intention of paying for (and littering when they are done). No because its not about brown skinned people, its about Mexico, period.

The point of immigration to this country is that we get the best of the best and get the people who want to become something; we are not here to be the trash bin for all the worlds poor.

I agree 100%. I only lived in AZ for 5 years, but the effects of illegal immigration and it's drain on the tax system is staggering. Unfortunately Steeplerot has no real world experience with this so he speaks out of his ass. He claims we "cherrypick" statistics for scapegoating, yet cannot counter the facts. I wonder if he realizes he cherrypicks his data as well? I guess not. This country will not grow when the ---> majority <---- (notice I didnt say all) of illegal immigrants simply dont have the capacity to do anything but manual cheap labor, under the table. Thats a great plan you have Steeplerot...lets enlarge the lower class who relies on the tax base to pay their bills. Yeah great idea. /sarcasm off


Mar 29, 2004
I already layed out a solution to that earlier in the thread, it's rather simple actually. And how am I "cherrypicking" and what do you know of my real world experience, I do not see any experience you two have but admitting you all don't like mexicans here, you buy the fearmongering about them sucking up your precious taxmoney, with exdeath admitting he cheers on bigotry and repeating right wing talking points and stereotypes.

If we are going to stereotype anyone lets be up front, you fit the thread title perfectly.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
I already layed out a solution to that earlier in the thread, it's rather simple actually. And how am I "cherrypicking" and what do you know of my real world experience, I do not see any experience you two have but admitting you all don't like mexicans here, you buy the fearmongering about them sucking up your precious taxmoney, with exdeath admitting he cheers on bigotry and repeating right wing talking points and stereotypes.

If we are going to stereotype anyone lets be up front, you fit the thread title perfectly.

Geez you sure are defensive LOL

Oh and go ahead and find and quote where I said I dont like Mexicans and I'll send you $1000. Go ahead. I double dog dare you.

Oops you cant. You were name calling again What an admiral stance of respect!


Senior member
Jan 25, 2000
......fearmongering about them sucking up your precious taxmoney.......

Really, my state is ranked number one in total state & local tax burden and our Mexican
population is a whopping 0.2% of our total state population......


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
I already layed out a solution to that earlier in the thread, it's rather simple actually. And how am I "cherrypicking" and what do you know of my real world experience, I do not see any experience you two have but admitting you all don't like mexicans here, you buy the fearmongering about them sucking up your precious taxmoney, with exdeath admitting he cheers on bigotry and repeating right wing talking points and stereotypes.

If we are going to stereotype anyone lets be up front, you fit the thread title perfectly.

Geez you sure are defensive LOL

Oh and go ahead and find and quote where I said I dont like Mexicans and I'll send you $1000. Go ahead. I double dog dare you.

Oops you cant. You were name calling again What an admiral stance of respect!

I was reffering to exdeath actually, not you. But you sure cuddled up to his right wing radio rant, a fellow savage listener?


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: nergee
......fearmongering about them sucking up your precious taxmoney.......

Really, my state is ranked number one in total state & local tax burden and our Mexican
population is a whopping 0.2% of our total state population......

Of "legal" residents you mean


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
I already layed out a solution to that earlier in the thread, it's rather simple actually. And how am I "cherrypicking" and what do you know of my real world experience, I do not see any experience you two have but admitting you all don't like mexicans here, you buy the fearmongering about them sucking up your precious taxmoney, with exdeath admitting he cheers on bigotry and repeating right wing talking points and stereotypes.

If we are going to stereotype anyone lets be up front, you fit the thread title perfectly.

Geez you sure are defensive LOL

Oh and go ahead and find and quote where I said I dont like Mexicans and I'll send you $1000. Go ahead. I double dog dare you.

Oops you cant. You were name calling again What an admiral stance of respect!

I was reffering to exdeath actually, not you. But you sure cuddled up to his right wing radio rant, a fellow savage listener?

What's a savage?


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1

What's a savage?

Maybe you aren't so bad. Don't worry about it.

Seems you caught the end of a long thread and the end of my day and wanting to go home.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: blackangst1

What's a savage?

Maybe you aren't so bad. Don't worry about it.

Seems you caught the end of a long thread and the end of my day and wanting to go home.

No, I am bad. I am an imperialist right wing biggot according to your definitions lol


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: ta8689
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
From here on out, ANYONE who plays the race card needs to dig up some facts before they start spewing crap out of their mouth.

I'm willing to bet most of the people who think it's WONDERFUL that we're marching our country toward 3rd worldism one million people a year.

Does anybody know what assimilating is? Does everyone here realize that since illegal immigrants are entitled to welfare EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD CAN COME HERE AND GET FREE MONEY!?!!

Explain why this is a good thing.

Then end welfare. It's pretty much done as is so I don't know what you're talking about. You can only be on welfare two years before they boot you and only if you have no job, no nothing. I've never seen a welfare person proabably because there are hardly any. Progam is less than 1% of federal budget.

Well that 1% could be used for things a hell of alot better than giving illegal immigrants beer money. Yeah, i know some illegal immigrants. They like it. They like to talk about the "free" money that this country gives them. Oh btw... no jobs, still manage to afford to drive a '98 truck and feed its gastank

edit: OH YEAH, AND THOSE ARE THE 2 OF THE 50 THAT ACTUALLY SPEAK ENGLISH. Why should we adapt thier language when they want to join our society illegally?

That's thier choice weather to speak english language or not. Many don't need it.I spent some time at a farm in ElCentro and every forman is spanish speaking, every worker was too. so they could co-exist perfectly. Even the business that catered to them spoke spanish. Most Mexican owned but utility companies and general services did too. So it's not really nessesary to wokr and be productive. I do think they may be limiting thier opportunity but that's thier choice too.

I reject you notion they are on welfare. Whites make up the majority of welfare roles followed by blacks. Americans, who were given everything. Most mexicans I see work very hard.

Mexicans are also founders of the gang system in California that has led to rampant crime and a rapid expansion of the prison system. There's two sides to every coin.

Normal too. The new immigrants always were the bootleggers and opium runners etc (italians & irish mobs) they intergrated, mexicans will intergrate too. If we did'nt shut them out from economic opportunity wether by racism or having to have employment I9 forms they wouldnt have to result to such measures to support themselves.

I see so according to you it's normal for immigrants to form gangs and commit crimes because they're impoverished and discriminated against yet Muslims protesting against discrimination in France and thus becoming isolated and alienated makes them evil and looking to form Sharia law. You are quite the hypocrite.


Oct 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Would there be this much of an uproar if all the illegals were white?

I don't think so.

Oh, ok. YOU don't *think* so. Well, I guess that means it's set in stone guys!

Noone really cares what you *think*. Trying to make people who are against illegal immigration seem like racists by your speculation is really a bad tactic.

I don't approve of illegal immigration because there are plenty of people I know personally who could really use a low paying job that they have lost to an illegal immigrant. I don't know what race they are and I don't care, but the employer is in West Virginia and I doubt that the illegal is a Mexican. Still, I protest the persons presence.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: ta8689
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
From here on out, ANYONE who plays the race card needs to dig up some facts before they start spewing crap out of their mouth.

I'm willing to bet most of the people who think it's WONDERFUL that we're marching our country toward 3rd worldism one million people a year.

Does anybody know what assimilating is? Does everyone here realize that since illegal immigrants are entitled to welfare EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD CAN COME HERE AND GET FREE MONEY!?!!

Explain why this is a good thing.

Then end welfare. It's pretty much done as is so I don't know what you're talking about. You can only be on welfare two years before they boot you and only if you have no job, no nothing. I've never seen a welfare person proabably because there are hardly any. Progam is less than 1% of federal budget.

Well that 1% could be used for things a hell of alot better than giving illegal immigrants beer money. Yeah, i know some illegal immigrants. They like it. They like to talk about the "free" money that this country gives them. Oh btw... no jobs, still manage to afford to drive a '98 truck and feed its gastank

edit: OH YEAH, AND THOSE ARE THE 2 OF THE 50 THAT ACTUALLY SPEAK ENGLISH. Why should we adapt thier language when they want to join our society illegally?

That's thier choice weather to speak english language or not. Many don't need it.I spent some time at a farm in ElCentro and every forman is spanish speaking, every worker was too. so they could co-exist perfectly. Even the business that catered to them spoke spanish. Most Mexican owned but utility companies and general services did too. So it's not really nessesary to wokr and be productive. I do think they may be limiting thier opportunity but that's thier choice too.

I reject you notion they are on welfare. Whites make up the majority of welfare roles followed by blacks. Americans, who were given everything. Most mexicans I see work very hard.

Mexicans are also founders of the gang system in California that has led to rampant crime and a rapid expansion of the prison system. There's two sides to every coin.

Normal too. The new immigrants always were the bootleggers and opium runners etc (italians & irish mobs) they intergrated, mexicans will intergrate too. If we did'nt shut them out from economic opportunity wether by racism or having to have employment I9 forms they wouldnt have to result to such measures to support themselves.

I see so according to you it's normal for immigrants to form gangs and commit crimes because they're impoverished and discriminated against yet Muslims protesting against discrimination in France and thus becoming isolated and alienated makes them evil and looking to form Sharia law. You are quite the hypocrite.



Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
the illegals

Name two . . . .
So this is the new argument from the bleeding heart illegal immigration camp? That illegal immigrants don't exist anymore? hahhaha and you wonder why we laugh at you. BTW, the Holocaust never happened either rofl...



Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: exdeath
That is just the problem, a lot of them don't want to be equal, and they

You have no idea who "they" are, what their demographics are, what their motivations are, why they are or aren't here. You just have some vague idea of the boogeyman conjured from things you remember reading, from images you might've seen on tv, from things you've heard, maybe a few people you've seen and frankly from things you've made up.
Read my post above. Weakest argument I've heard in weeks, wow you guys are really grasping for straws now. L-A-M-E argument.

The new Bill that will be passed soon will be including increased funding for borders, if the Repub's get their way. I'm not Republican but think this is a great start. And kudos to Georgia for being the first state to pass tougher penalties for hiring people who aren't citizens of this country.

Bush wants a law that would give temporary guest worker permits to foreigners in low-paying jobs while strengthening border security.


In a gesture to conservative critics of the measure, Republican leadership aides said last week that Frist also will seek roughly $2 billion in immediate additional spending for border protection.

Someone's going to be crying in 6 months.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: ta8689
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
From here on out, ANYONE who plays the race card needs to dig up some facts before they start spewing crap out of their mouth.

I'm willing to bet most of the people who think it's WONDERFUL that we're marching our country toward 3rd worldism one million people a year.

Does anybody know what assimilating is? Does everyone here realize that since illegal immigrants are entitled to welfare EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD CAN COME HERE AND GET FREE MONEY!?!!

Explain why this is a good thing.

Then end welfare. It's pretty much done as is so I don't know what you're talking about. You can only be on welfare two years before they boot you and only if you have no job, no nothing. I've never seen a welfare person proabably because there are hardly any. Progam is less than 1% of federal budget.

Well that 1% could be used for things a hell of alot better than giving illegal immigrants beer money. Yeah, i know some illegal immigrants. They like it. They like to talk about the "free" money that this country gives them. Oh btw... no jobs, still manage to afford to drive a '98 truck and feed its gastank

edit: OH YEAH, AND THOSE ARE THE 2 OF THE 50 THAT ACTUALLY SPEAK ENGLISH. Why should we adapt thier language when they want to join our society illegally?

That's thier choice weather to speak english language or not. Many don't need it.I spent some time at a farm in ElCentro and every forman is spanish speaking, every worker was too. so they could co-exist perfectly. Even the business that catered to them spoke spanish. Most Mexican owned but utility companies and general services did too. So it's not really nessesary to wokr and be productive. I do think they may be limiting thier opportunity but that's thier choice too.

I reject you notion they are on welfare. Whites make up the majority of welfare roles followed by blacks. Americans, who were given everything. Most mexicans I see work very hard.

Mexicans are also founders of the gang system in California that has led to rampant crime and a rapid expansion of the prison system. There's two sides to every coin.

Normal too. The new immigrants always were the bootleggers and opium runners etc (italians & irish mobs) they intergrated, mexicans will intergrate too. If we did'nt shut them out from economic opportunity wether by racism or having to have employment I9 forms they wouldnt have to result to such measures to support themselves.
However you want to justify gang violence. Here's a clue: It has nothing to do with supporting themselves.
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