Bigots United . . .

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Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Who would have guessed that the ones to come up with this crap were reps?

When President Johnson helped pass Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s he commented that: "Well, there goes the South." He meant, of course, that now the South would become Republican as they now saw the Democrats as the party standing up for the blacks.

Following the Civil War, the South defeated what little there was of Reconstruction when in a contested presidential election the Republicans under Hayes agreed to pull out Federal troops from the South in exchange for Hayes being president. After the troops wee gone, the whites took back any remaining outstanding power that blacks had and placed blacks in a new type of slavery: this one an economic slavery through the share-cropping system.

Southerners have traditionally dominated American politics to a greater extent than their proportional representation entitled them, because, although they were largely members of the Democratic party (because the South was poor), they could quickly shift their weight to the Republican party to pass conservative legislation or to block liberal legislation. They voted virtually as a block and this ability gave them legislative power. Southern Democrats were pretty solidly racist and voted to keep the racist system in place.

Following the Civil Rights legislation, the South temporarily lost some of its legislative power as its voters and politicians switched inexorably to the Republican party. This, of course, has made the Republican party even more conservative and racist than it had ever been following the death of Reconstruction.

The South also changed its religion. As the former Democratic South changed it allegiances in politics, so did it also start to change its allegiances in religion. In the days of the anti-slavery movement, when the Anglican ministers in the South would not support racism and pro-slavery sentiment, the South changed its religions to the more personal, evangelical religions whose ministers did support racism and slavery. An insistence on maintaining a racist structure leads also to an insistence on racists values and hence racist religions. Similarly, today's Southerners are abandoning the more staid evangelical religions for the highly personalized religions characterized by the phrase "born-again Christians." Whereas, many a Methodist or Baptist preacher would not now condone racism, the Southerners don't have to worry about this with their new preachers of born-again religion.

With the abandonment by the Southern Democrats of the Democratic party, blacks became somewhat more influential in the Democratic party, because the party was now much smaller than it had been. As a result, the Democratic party is somewhat more liberal than it used to be.

So the division between the two parties grew. The Republican party represented the wealthy industrialists and other rich persons, the South, and a good proportion of the working class and middle-class who were concerned that blacks were getting too much privilege in this country. (I watched a lot of coverage of the 2000 elections and I heard no one discuss the obvious: the entire old Confederacy went for the Republicans, plus the more rural parts of the Midwest -- with the exception of Ohio. So Bush won the election with a combination of the two R's: ruralism and racism. The networks are both too biased and/or too afraid of losing ratings by offending the South and Midwest, apparently.)

The Democratic party, although losing the South, did retain some of its traditional base, working class, some of the middle class, and the blacks. But by and large, the Democratic party was much weakened by the overall abandonment of the party by the South.

The end result was that the two parties now grew very far apart from each other ideologically speaking. The Republicans now had a very strong racist backing which made the party take very conservative stances. The Democrats had a cadre of liberals that kept its ideas in the liberal camp.

Since the two parties were so far apart from each other, many Americans, more in the ideological middle, not solidly racist, but certainly not pro-active for Civil Rights legislation, did not trust either of the parties. So the middle areas decided to practice split government. If the Democrats had the legislature, the voters would give the executive to the Republicans. If the voters gave the legislature to the Republicans, they tended to give the presidency to the Democrats. It was and not a perfect pattern, but the general trend is still true. The voters figure that it is better to have political stalemate than to have either party do something "radical," either to the political right or the left.

The new racism of the Republican party has expressed itself in some very ugly ways. Since the voters were not giving the Republicans a clear hand and they wanted to stop any more pro-Civil Rights legislation, they decided to take a strategy that would ultimately prove very destructive of the United States as a whole.

In a sense, they decided to bribe the American public. They took the stance that the government was a bad thing; that government over-taxed the public in order to waste money on destructive progressive legislation to help the blacks and other minorities. The Republicans basically said, vote for us and we will give the money to you. We will put your money back in your pocket instead of in the pockets of bad government. This way the voters would keep more money, and the Republicans would be able to stymie any further hope for a progressive government.

In a sense, the Republicans made a pact with the devil. They sold their political soul to the hatred of the government devil, in return for dominance in American politics. The Republicans demonized government and the liberals. And no one clearly denounces the Republican Party for being virtual anarchists -- always promising tax cuts and to hell with government functioning. Actually, there is a method to the madness of the Republicans. They claim that government is bad and so taxes have to be cut, then government functioning does indeed become bad in many areas because of the lack of funding, and then the Republican use the damage (that they caused) as evidence that government is no good. It because a destructive cycle with the government getting worse and the public becoming more and more cynical.

The conservative emphasis on hatred of government is very attuned with racism. Racism encourages hatred and hatred of government, especially a pro-Civil Rights government, is very compatible with racism. The forces of Republican, Southern, and born-again Christian racism and moralism reinforces each other in a blend of very nasty, vindictive rhetoric.

Southern racists have always insisted that they were more religious than any other segment of the population. And Southern religion, largely being racist, has an exaggerated sense of moralism. Vernon Johns always used to marvel that the most "religious" part of the country was also the worst violator of Civil Rights.

This attitudinal mixture of racist moralism, so typical of the South and now so typical of the Republicans, was practiced by the Republicans in spades and to excess to paralyze the presidency of the Democratic president, William Jefferson Clinton. The Republicans were able to paralyze the Democrats by their constant misuse of legislative committees and hearings. Somehow the Republicans have been able to substitute their racist moralism for any balanced sense of decency and fair play. Somehow they have decided that anyone in political life that they don't like and who has committed adultery is deserving of being replaced in political office or paralyzed in their exercise of political office.

It has been a long time since the American political culture has experienced such vindictive and hateful rhetoric. The moralists, who are supposed to be more moral than the rest of us, feel that it is justified to describe the president of the United States as a "scumbag," a "stupid, fat bastard," an "adulterer," a "rapist," etc. We became used to "hate" radio, but now with cable we have "hate" TV. Angry white men with a Republican bent now shout their anger and racist moralisms and accusations at the top of their lungs. On cable TV, almost the entire Fox News network is a very conservative, I would even say racist, network.

A great tragedy is that the liberals have not spoken up for themselves. They have not defended Democratic values and beliefs, but rather have either remained silent, or, like Senator Joseph Liebermann, have actually spoken out against President Clinton. (Liebermann wants to compete with the Republicans for moralism -- something which cannot be accomplished.)

The atmosphere these days is somewhat reminiscent of the McCarthy days. McCarthy was going around pretending he was more moral, more loyal, to the United States and that others were "beyond the pale" and had to be stopped, or at least punished. No one spoke up against McCarthyism until McCarthy went too far and took on the United States Army.

One reason for the Democrats silence and weakness against the moral terrorism of the Republicans is that the Democrats have themselves unleashed moralism by their insistence that everyone use "politically correct" speech. Liberals can go so far to the left in some areas that they come to resemble their opponents. The puritanism in the "politically correct" movement is one with the moralism of the racists. It's hard for Democrats to speak out against destructive moralists when they have been acting much the same way -- using moralism to enforce heterodoxy on their followers and others.

Another reason for Democratic weakness is the failure of the liberals to find, maintain, and use some measure of racism and hence a determination of who are the racists. Any charge of racism is easily deflected by conservative racists by them simply saying that they have black friends and have taken pro-black steps such as appointing blacks to political office. When a conservative Republican has virtually never voted for any progress Civil Rights legislation and indeed has actively worked against the passage of any progressive legislation, he ought to be called a "racist." But apparently the liberals, both black and white, are too scared to support some measure of racism so we could get a better handle on the racism of the Republican party.

At the present there is no effective Democratic spokesperson who can defend the party against the destructive moralism of the Republicans. There is no liberal who can effectively come out and expose the Republican party for its pact with the racist-moralist devil. This has left the Democrats pretty defenseless and considerably hopeless.

Americans love to go on witch hunts. The country experienced the Salem witch trials, the McCarthy era, the crazed search for child molesters in our kindergarten systems, and now the witch hunt for moral failings of politicians, and including, people who are even just considered "role models." Witch hunts are only stopped by people standing up to the fanatic hunters and telling them they have gone too far.

Frankly, the Republicans so misused their racism moralism once they got control over the legislature, that it would be better for the Democratic party to, in an era of divided government, to try to capture the legislature and let the Republicans have the presidency. Nothing much will get done, but that is normal in divided government. At least, we would not have to go through the nonsense we had to go through when Clinton was in office. There is only one president and so he is an easy target. There are too many Democratic legislators for them all to fall to charges raised against their personal morals by the moralistic Republicans.

The Republicans have certainly won this game of "moralism." Hopefully, Democrats will learn that it is impossible to out-moralize the racists. Instead, they should abandon extreme moralism as a destructive force in American life.

Yee-haa dixie will rise again!
Are undocumented aliens breaking the law, or not?


Senior member
Dec 12, 2005
You can find racism on both sides.
You guys think there arent any racist mexicans?

Look up Mecha and Atzlan
These groups have the re-aquisiton of the Western US States as their goal, through any means necessary. They are currently playing a large role in the protests that are going on throught our country. As a matter of fact, the Mayor of Los Angeles was a member of Mecha.

Here is part of a current petition that they are circulating: (Mexica, not mexico, includes Western U.S. States)

All Mexica shall be united through the student union to overthrow the racist White bigots. MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlan. It is the student movement of the indigenous people who have come to reclaim the land for our people. It has bravely fought racist bigot White gringos and White Spanish who do not want us in America. We will force our way in if the racist White gringos and Spanish do not give into are sway. The Southwest shall be remade into the Republic del Norte. We will conquer the racist white boys who took the land from the indigenous people. Then we will oust the outsider races back to where they came from. Spanish would go first, then other Whites, then Blacks, then Asians. This land belongs to the indigenous and if the racist White bigots require us to use force to realize the destiny of our Raza, we will break the laws, shout, rally, and show the bigoted Whites that the spirit of the indigenous Americans will never be smothered by the brutal gingo take over of our land.

I am Hispanic and believe in LEGAL immigration. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Keep dreaming palehorse, people know why and see right through it.

Keep drinking that "illegal" kool-aid to try to cover it up, its you who is drunk and the world shakes its head in pity at the backwardness shown once again by this historiclly very racist country.

This is a age old problem, but it is very sad how it is framed, and shows sooo transparently what is behind it. No one even tried a rational arguement, just a straight out attack on millions of familys rallying the worst of america, its a scapegoat tactic and a modern lynchfest.

Another black mark in american history that few will even bother to read about in reality.

What is your rational argument?
He doesnt have one... Soooo:
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Tactic #8745 in the lefty handbook: When you have no valid argument, pull the race card. If that fails, compare the situation to the holocaust. Repeat with increasing volume and passion until people believe you.
And apparently SR is now employing tactic #8976: "When the chips are down try to relate racial politics from 50 years ago to the present day situation. Tie as many awkward parallels as you can while maintaining the guise that political/racial attitudes/issues are exactly the same now as they were decades ago. If you have to, go all the way back to the civil war."


Sep 10, 2001
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
Originally posted by: JeepinEd
You can find racism on both sides.
You guys think there arent any racist mexicans?

Look up Mecha and Atzlan
These groups have the re-aquisiton of the Western US States as their goal, through any means necessary. They are currently playing a large role in the protests that are going on throught our country. As a matter of fact, the Mayor of Los Angeles was a member of Mecha.

Here is part of a current petition that they are circulating: (Mexica, not mexico, includes Western U.S. States)

All Mexica shall be united through the student union to overthrow the racist White bigots. MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlan. It is the student movement of the indigenous people who have come to reclaim the land for our people. It has bravely fought racist bigot White gringos and White Spanish who do not want us in America. We will force our way in if the racist White gringos and Spanish do not give into are sway. The Southwest shall be remade into the Republic del Norte. We will conquer the racist white boys who took the land from the indigenous people. Then we will oust the outsider races back to where they came from. Spanish would go first, then other Whites, then Blacks, then Asians. This land belongs to the indigenous and if the racist White bigots require us to use force to realize the destiny of our Raza, we will break the laws, shout, rally, and show the bigoted Whites that the spirit of the indigenous Americans will never be smothered by the brutal gingo take over of our land.

I am Hispanic and believe in LEGAL immigration. If that makes me a racist, so be it.

They will just ignore your post like they did to mine. I really think Steeple just hates himself.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

I don't believe all people in this debate are racist, but I DO see elements of racism here and there. With all sorts of races and cultures coming into this country illegally, have you noticed that the only talk about preventing more people from entering is "building a fence on the Mexican border". There are thousands perhaps millions of people being smuggled in by sea and by air from other countries other than Mexico. Where's the plan to combat that? Where's the solution to the other 4 sides of the pentagram in this debate (the corporations, the U.S. Gov't, the foreign gov'ts and the American people). They all have a stake in this, but yet the only "solutions" being brought forth are knee-jerk race-baiting, draconian ones.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Red Neck States Not Even Near Mexico Unite!

Paranoid Klan Mentality Sweeps Nation !
Biggots flock in mass to seal Tennesee and Illinois border from the billions of Mexicans that are rushing in to
take usless low pay jobs away from 'Merican Rednecks that won't apply to work on medial jobs that aree
below their social status in the Wheeled Estates of Apalacha.

Ain't no way we'll let Mexicans take jobs the blackies don't want.

God lord, what in the hell is wrong with this country? Pinheads everywhere are embracing the mentality of the Klan,
it's the GOP Southern Strategy at work.

Ok, first off the Dems and Repubs are the same thing at this point. If you dont get that by now your an a$$hat.
Second though I live in Los Angeles, I did live in Indianapolis for 8 years and the Illegal issue is rather big, even there.
Third, since when are you a racisit, biggot, ect for having an opinion different than yours?

I work construction on occasion, I do have to compete with Illegals, and it has drivin the wages down so low its hardly worth doing anymore. What I dont want the work? BS!!!
You call anyone with an opposing viewpoint a klan member and a racisit.
You sir are a idelogical racisit. What color hoods do you guys wear anyway?

Of course your just a troll, race baiting with your thread title. God knows thats the only rationale you have left to stand on (however faulty it is)



Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: rdubbz420
Originally posted by: JeepinEd
You can find racism on both sides.
You guys think there arent any racist mexicans?

Look up Mecha and Atzlan
These groups have the re-aquisiton of the Western US States as their goal, through any means necessary. They are currently playing a large role in the protests that are going on throught our country. As a matter of fact, the Mayor of Los Angeles was a member of Mecha.

Here is part of a current petition that they are circulating: (Mexica, not mexico, includes Western U.S. States)

All Mexica shall be united through the student union to overthrow the racist White bigots. MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlan. It is the student movement of the indigenous people who have come to reclaim the land for our people. It has bravely fought racist bigot White gringos and White Spanish who do not want us in America. We will force our way in if the racist White gringos and Spanish do not give into are sway. The Southwest shall be remade into the Republic del Norte. We will conquer the racist white boys who took the land from the indigenous people. Then we will oust the outsider races back to where they came from. Spanish would go first, then other Whites, then Blacks, then Asians. This land belongs to the indigenous and if the racist White bigots require us to use force to realize the destiny of our Raza, we will break the laws, shout, rally, and show the bigoted Whites that the spirit of the indigenous Americans will never be smothered by the brutal gingo take over of our land.

I am Hispanic and believe in LEGAL immigration. If that makes me a racist, so be it.

They will just ignore your post like they did to mine. I really think Steeple just hates himself.

Rhetorical question. Why does anyone even read their posts? Worse, why does anyone reply to them?


Dec 21, 2005
I believe that Steeplerot is a "she".. or halfway there perhaps... who knows.

The bottom line is that racism is not the primary issue here. the laws themselves do not name or pertain to any particular race. instead, they make it illegal for anyone to enter the US illegally. period.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends



Senior member
Dec 12, 2005
Originally posted by: rdubbz420
Originally posted by: JeepinEd
You can find racism on both sides.
You guys think there arent any racist mexicans?

Look up Mecha and Atzlan
These groups have the re-aquisiton of the Western US States as their goal, through any means necessary. They are currently playing a large role in the protests that are going on throught our country. As a matter of fact, the Mayor of Los Angeles was a member of Mecha.

Here is part of a current petition that they are circulating: (Mexica, not mexico, includes Western U.S. States)

All Mexica shall be united through the student union to overthrow the racist White bigots. MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlan. It is the student movement of the indigenous people who have come to reclaim the land for our people. It has bravely fought racist bigot White gringos and White Spanish who do not want us in America. We will force our way in if the racist White gringos and Spanish do not give into are sway. The Southwest shall be remade into the Republic del Norte. We will conquer the racist white boys who took the land from the indigenous people. Then we will oust the outsider races back to where they came from. Spanish would go first, then other Whites, then Blacks, then Asians. This land belongs to the indigenous and if the racist White bigots require us to use force to realize the destiny of our Raza, we will break the laws, shout, rally, and show the bigoted Whites that the spirit of the indigenous Americans will never be smothered by the brutal gingo take over of our land.

I am Hispanic and believe in LEGAL immigration. If that makes me a racist, so be it.

They will just ignore your post like they did to mine. I really think Steeple just hates himself.

I have noticed that.

Their mottos seems to be: If it doesn't suit your views, it doesn't exist.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends

^^ That is who is framing the arguement you are using, national alliance and minutemen and republican racist lawmakers. You are but a pawn, and a willing one at that.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends

LoL, so let's say we find a single pro-illegal who is a self-proclaimed neo nazi. Could we then say the pro-illegal movement is neo nazi? Please answer this, I'm dying to know what you think.

BTW lookup the word "anecdotal" in the dictionary

You do realize you're digging yourself into a deeper hole, credibility-wise ?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: JeepinEd
Originally posted by: rdubbz420
Originally posted by: JeepinEd
You can find racism on both sides.
You guys think there arent any racist mexicans?

Look up Mecha and Atzlan
These groups have the re-aquisiton of the Western US States as their goal, through any means necessary. They are currently playing a large role in the protests that are going on throught our country. As a matter of fact, the Mayor of Los Angeles was a member of Mecha.

Here is part of a current petition that they are circulating: (Mexica, not mexico, includes Western U.S. States)

All Mexica shall be united through the student union to overthrow the racist White bigots. MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlan. It is the student movement of the indigenous people who have come to reclaim the land for our people. It has bravely fought racist bigot White gringos and White Spanish who do not want us in America. We will force our way in if the racist White gringos and Spanish do not give into are sway. The Southwest shall be remade into the Republic del Norte. We will conquer the racist white boys who took the land from the indigenous people. Then we will oust the outsider races back to where they came from. Spanish would go first, then other Whites, then Blacks, then Asians. This land belongs to the indigenous and if the racist White bigots require us to use force to realize the destiny of our Raza, we will break the laws, shout, rally, and show the bigoted Whites that the spirit of the indigenous Americans will never be smothered by the brutal gingo take over of our land.

I am Hispanic and believe in LEGAL immigration. If that makes me a racist, so be it.

They will just ignore your post like they did to mine. I really think Steeple just hates himself.

I have noticed that.

Their mottos seems to be: If it doesn't suit your views, it doesn't exist.

The problem is, those of use who are against illegal immigration, the majority of us are not racist. I ignore your post not because it does not fit into my view, but because it does not apply to me. You are not labelling me a racist, and I care not if Mexicans are racist.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: lozina

You do realize you're digging yourself into a deeper hole, credibility-wise ?

Sorry, anyone who takes sides in lockstep with nazis and KKK lost credibility from the get-go.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends

^^ That is who is framing the arguement you are using, national alliance and minutemen and republican racist lawmakers. You are but a pawn, and a willing one at that.

Steeple, out of all people I never figured you'd say something like that. The neocons have tried the same tactic whenever there are protests against the Iraq-war for example. They find in those protests fringe elements like people who support terrorism, or pro-communists, or whatever dirt they can dig up. Then they label the entire protest as followers of those ideals, or they claim the entire protest was "secretly organized" by those fringe groups and everyone in the protest are pawns to their causes...

Comon Steeple, snap out of this. Wake up! It is completely irrational


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: lozina

You do realize you're digging yourself into a deeper hole, credibility-wise ?

Sorry, anyone who takes sides in lockstep with nazis and KKK lost credibility from the get-go.

ok, so, since it's true that many of the pro-illegals, such as yourself, belong to Mexican racist movements (Mecha and Atzlan, etc), then it's safe to assume that you've lost all credibility as well?

ok then... now 100% of the population has no credibility. GG.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends

^^ That is who is framing the arguement you are using, national alliance and minutemen and republican racist lawmakers. You are but a pawn, and a willing one at that.


The pot calling the kettle black eh?

You are but a pawn, and a willing one at that



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: lozina
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends

^^ That is who is framing the arguement you are using, national alliance and minutemen and republican racist lawmakers. You are but a pawn, and a willing one at that.

Steeple, out of all people I never figured you'd say something like that. The neocons have tried the same tactic whenever there are protests against the Iraq-war for example. They find in those protests fringe elements like people who support terrorism, or pro-communists, or whatever dirt they can dig up. Then they label the entire protest as followers of those ideals, or they claim the entire protest was "secretly organized" by those fringe groups and everyone in the protest are pawns to their causes...

Comon Steeple, snap out of this. Wake up! It is completely irrational

It still does not change how the issue is layed out, I know many people are just doing what seems is right, but in this country we have a bad problem with going along and taking what seems the easiest route nowdays, we do not have a media to give us the whole picture either. Sorry, but I will always stand firm when it comes to a peoples civil rights. There has to be a voice of reason against the free flowing tides of status quo, for america and americans are wrong a lot, and this issue is framed, fueled, and bought out by racist elements.

I am not saying people are evil but they are taking the easy way out instead of using their heads to tackle such a insanely complicated matter.

This happens every time immigration comes up, happened to most of our ancestors also, luckily there were people like me back then speaking out for all of us, and I will always be here to question the racist status quo and fearmongering "facts" to say no.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: AAjax

Ok, first off the Dems and Repubs are the same thing at this point. If you dont get that by now your an a$$hat.
Second though I live in Los Angeles, I did live in Indianapolis for 8 years and the Illegal issue is rather big, even there.
Third, since when are you a racisit, biggot, ect for having an opinion different than yours?

I work construction on occasion, I do have to compete with Illegals, and it has drivin the wages down so low its hardly worth doing anymore. What I dont want the work? BS!!!
You call anyone with an opposing viewpoint a klan member and a racisit.
You sir are a idelogical racisit. What color hoods do you guys wear anyway?

Of course your just a troll, race baiting with your thread title. God knows thats the only rationale you have left to stand on (however faulty it is)


US immigration policy is NOT an item to be controlled by an underground network of social rejects,
regardless of who much you may sympathize with their cause.
US Immigration Policy is the realm of the US Government, which does include the Senate, the House of Reprehensibles,
the Governors of each individual state, the Supreme Coup, and even the (P)resident of
the Disunited States.

A government by a Democractic Republic shouldn't have the policies that apply to some 300 million residents
dicatated by an organization of some 100,000 fanatics linked by their fear of foregners.



Mar 29, 2004
They are convinced from endless media that they are being stolen from and that undocumented workers are easy prey, thus they smell blood in the water and no arguement at this point will change the idea that they are justified by using "illegal" as an excuse to scapegoat them for societys ills.

All you can say to these people are look at where this information comes from and feel bad for this country. I should stay out of immigration threads as it annoys me to no end watchign them try to spin this to make their real reasons seems snow white pure.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
When I saw the thread title I knew exactly who the OP was. Isn't it against forums rules to blatantly troll and/or name-call?


Senior member
Dec 27, 2005
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: JacobJ
Originally posted by: RichardE
Nothing wrong with protecting your interests against criminals...

Illegals "Are" criminals.
Go fsck off. That what ignorant comments like yours make me want to say.

CaptnKirk is right. The illegal immigration issue if chock full of racism.

but they are, being illegaly in the country is what defines them as a group
I would say the "illegality" of what defines "Them" is only valid from an ignorant perspective. These are people -- they are not defined by laws. Laws are irrelevant in the definition of who they are.

So a murderer should not be defined by the fact that he has killed people, but by the fact that he is a human and should have just as much freedom as the rest of us? So you're saying we shouldn't have prisons because we shouldn't let crime define a persons life...


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: AAjax

Ok, first off the Dems and Repubs are the same thing at this point. If you dont get that by now your an a$$hat.
Second though I live in Los Angeles, I did live in Indianapolis for 8 years and the Illegal issue is rather big, even there.
Third, since when are you a racisit, biggot, ect for having an opinion different than yours?

I work construction on occasion, I do have to compete with Illegals, and it has drivin the wages down so low its hardly worth doing anymore. What I dont want the work? BS!!!
You call anyone with an opposing viewpoint a klan member and a racisit.
You sir are a idelogical racisit. What color hoods do you guys wear anyway?

Of course your just a troll, race baiting with your thread title. God knows thats the only rationale you have left to stand on (however faulty it is)


US immigration policy is NOT an item to be controlled by an underground network of social rejects,
regardless of who much you may sympathize with their cause.
US Immigration Policy is the realm of the US Government, which does include the Senate, the House of Reprehensibles,
the Governors of each individual state, the Supreme Coup, and even the (P)resident of
the Disunited States.

A government by a Democractic Republic shouldn't have the policies that apply to some 300 million residents
dicatated by an organization of some 100,000 fanatics linked by their fear of foregners.

What part of CaptnKirk IS USING THE RACE ISSUE TO PUSH HIS ACTIVIST AGENDA don't you understand.

I would say get it? but obviously you dont.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: lozina
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: lozina
The racism card is worn out in this debate. It is entirely groundless by the mere fact that no one is singling out any specific race. The law is broad and applies to ALL illegal immigrants. It does not say anything about "Only Mexicans...", "Only white Europeans..." or anything like that. THAT would be racist. So would you people please stop bringing up racism like an old broken record? Or produce some clear facts to substantiate your claim.

It seems when some people have no valid argument left they resort to name-calling and or lumping the people they are arguing with with some of the most brutal regimes in history they can think of, in some last ditch effort to try and discredit the other side without actually having to disprove them. "You're racist" "KKK supporter" "Nazi sympethizer" is being thrown around by the pro-illegals like those terms are going out of style. And it's not helping you. Throwing those terms around does nothing to prove your case. All it does is show your desperation and lack of an argument.

Minutemen & friends

^^ That is who is framing the arguement you are using, national alliance and minutemen and republican racist lawmakers. You are but a pawn, and a willing one at that.

Steeple, out of all people I never figured you'd say something like that. The neocons have tried the same tactic whenever there are protests against the Iraq-war for example. They find in those protests fringe elements like people who support terrorism, or pro-communists, or whatever dirt they can dig up. Then they label the entire protest as followers of those ideals, or they claim the entire protest was "secretly organized" by those fringe groups and everyone in the protest are pawns to their causes...

Comon Steeple, snap out of this. Wake up! It is completely irrational

It still does not change how the issue is layed out, I know many people are just doing what seems is right, but in this country we have a bad problem with going along and taking what seems the easiest route nowdays, we do not have a media to give us the whole picture either. Sorry, but I will always stand firm when it comes to a peoples civil rights. There has to be a voice of reason against the free flowing tides of status quo, for america and americans are wrong a lot, and this issue is framed, fueled, and bought out by racist elements.

I am not saying people are evil but they are taking the easy way out instead of using their heads to tackle such a insanely complicated matter.

That may be but all I hear are voices of hysteria.

How can you stand there and accuse people who are arguing against illegal immigrants as racist and only point to some fringe neo nazi groups who happen to join in as proof? (I know you didnt post that but by your reply to it it seems you agreed to that rationale) All while keeping a straight face on?

Are you seriously saying that the people here arguing against illegal immigration like me are incapable of coming up with with our own opinions? That we are somehow brain washed by this mystical neo-nazi racist force? Only you can see through this fog of racism, and will serve as a beacon to us all to guide us out of our ignorance and into the light?

i'm sorry but that's the wrong way to argue your case. It is presumptuous and downright demeaning.

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