Bill Clinton Fires up Democrats at Convention

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Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: bossanov
This is why he is the master.


OH MY GOD IM GOING TO PUKE......LOL We should thank him for 9/11 while we're at it!

9/11 happened under bush, not clinton.

It was the Clinton administrations fault it happened in the 1st place. Clinton is nothing but a joke and all you sheeple believe in his lies. He ruined this country and did nothing but reap the benefits of the Reagan years, Are you people this stupid? w0w!

Thank you for being the voice of reality. :beer::beer::beer::beer:


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
hehe, interesting to see what kinda of people support Kerry and what kinda of people support Bush.

Now on the Bush camp, you got this troll who doesn't understand the difference between a radio jockey trying to make a buck with inflammatory comments, and real political view. (Yeah, I am referring to the troll with Michael Savage in his sig) You got this mod wanna be pretending he is out to bring some order, but only attacks people from the other side. And you got people here and there with the intelligence to write one line comment with nothing to back it up.

On the Kerry camp, you got people who can actually write some thoughtful and intelligent post.

Just like the convention tonight, you got a nobel peace prize winner, and intelligent strong lady senator from New York, and an ex-president who left the country in much better shape then when he first came into the White House. You got a President candidate who fought in a war instead of running away from it. You got a vice President candidate who actually fought for the average Joe against the big corp, instead of the other way around.

I dunno......I think the democrates is better represented this year.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: bossanov
This is why he is the master.


OH MY GOD IM GOING TO PUKE......LOL We should thank him for 9/11 while we're at it!

9/11 happened under bush, not clinton.

It was the Clinton administrations fault it happened in the 1st place. Clinton is nothing but a joke and all you sheeple believe in his lies. He ruined this country and did nothing but reap the benefits of the Reagan years, Are you people this stupid? w0w!

Thank you for being the voice of reality. :beer::beer::beer::beer:

maybe reality on the planet fantasy land.

it was reagan that did nothing when hundreds of our troops were bombed to death by terrorists. it was reagan that stooped to negotiating with terrorists and then lying about it.

that being said, clinton was president during the first trade tower bombing. he had been in office less time then when 9/11 happened to bush. but unlike bush jr, he did not have a previous administration warning him of such terror, no richard clarke practically blowing gaskets. even so, ask yourself this, what happened to the bombers and organizers? ah yes, ramzi yousef, abdul hakim murad, wali khan amin shah are in jail thanks to clinton not to mention it was under clintons admin that the anti terror budgets and agencies started to grow, fbi counterterror budget doubled, it was under clinton that national stockpiles of drugs and vaccines including 40mil doses of smallpox vax were created. all progress halted when bush stepped into office. where is osama? running around somewhere bush was warned by the clinton administration, yet he thought they were just simply nuts and so ignored it. he admitted it himself in interviews. his actions also told the same story, he didn't retaliate for the cole incident they were so huffy about, no... instead he took a long series of vacations and set about promoting his tax cuts for the wealthy. he was asleep at the wheel when 9/11 happened. don't forget, it was sept 10th when his administration decided to cut anti terror funding. oops? and don't even buy into the admins excuse that they were tired of "swatting flies". what flies did they swat to get so tired? didn't even try once. too busy on the ranch choking on the pretzels.

republicans talk tough, but its only to hide their inadequacy. strong on military? oh wait, where were u mr bush and cheney when the country called its citizens to arms? oh? 5 deferments, awol and abuse of fathers power to stay in texas while having another man sent in your place? it was kerry that volunteered? how odd? strong on terrorism? oh wait, what did u do before 9/11? oh, u were tired of swatting those flies u never tried to swat?

where are those wmds? probably destroyed by clinton during the surprise missions of operation desert fox, over 600sorties, with 325cruise missle strikes alone striking production and military facilities. and what did the repubs do while clinton fought to protect us? yes, obsess over a blow job.

values my friend.. republicans are all about values


Mar 29, 2004
Yeah, I stocked up for this exact occasion. I figured Perknose forgot about that little thread but it wasn't my fight - it was Crimson's. I have no real issues with Perknose(except for one we can't talk about ) but I do feel he stepped over the line with his tirade against Crimson. As for the link that showed where Perknose basically was calling me a troll - I just chalk that up to having a bad day and him getting offended for something that was actually a compliment and a sign of trust. Oh well...


"Not your fight"? "No real issues with Perknose"? Your FIVE loooooong, insistent pm's to us urging Perknose's banning hint otherwise. Heck, Crimson only sent us three. [/quote][/quote] sent the mods 5 pms to get Perknose banned? Can't recall Perknose having said or done anything that warrants a banning.[/quote]

Damn and to think I actually had respect for him despite his differing views.
Just another partisan republican detracting and spinning just like the corrupt goverment he supports.


Oct 31, 2000
Well the big news here is not Clinton's speech. Apparently, Passions registered a new handle for his parody posting.


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: bossanov
This is why he is the master.


OH MY GOD IM GOING TO PUKE......LOL We should thank him for 9/11 while we're at it!

9/11 happened under bush, not clinton.

It was the Clinton administrations fault it happened in the 1st place. Clinton is nothing but a joke and all you sheeple believe in his lies. He ruined this country and did nothing but reap the benefits of the Reagan years, Are you people this stupid? w0w!

This message authorized by the Bush Apologists of America (BAA): pulling the wool over America's eyes since 1980.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Bill Clinton could be one of the greatest politicians of our era. If you don't agree with his policies, fine. But he was a damn good leader, nonetheless. i absolutely love the point rchui made

ronald reagan on the other hand...


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Perknose
Bill Clinton (from memory): "Now our opponents will tell you that John Kerry and John Edwards lack the strength to stand up to the terrorists.

Don't you believe it!

Strenth and wisdom are NOT mutually opposed qualities."

That was one of my favorite lines. Clinton gave a great speech. Kerry should take lessons.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: Perknose
Wow. Say what you will, that guy can speechify! :thumbsup:

Yep.. thats the important thing.. never mind him getting blowjobs in office, lying under oath, ignoring security threats.. But that boy sure sounds good! WOOOHOOO!

Jealous? Too bad your guy can't speak any where near as well or some of us might actually start to believe his bull$hit.

Maybe next time...

Jealous? No.. I'm glad my President can lead. Don't care how he speaks.
Yeah lead us to hell in a handbasket.


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: HelloDeli
Politics aside, seeing Clinton give a speech just goes to show you how Horrible Dubya is.

A rock is a better speaker than bush is


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: outriding
Originally posted by: HelloDeli
Politics aside, seeing Clinton give a speech just goes to show you how Horrible Dubya is.

A rock is a better speaker than bush is

but at least he's a good leader!!!!

stupid people could be led by rocks.


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Jealous? Too bad your guy can't speak any where near as well or some of us might actually start to believe his bull$hit.

Maybe next time...
Jealous? No.. I'm glad my President can lead. Don't care how he speaks.
Lead? How in the hell has Bush led? He's not been a leader. He's been a follower. He's been a follower of Cheney's direction, the PNAC vision, and the voices in his head he calls God.

Just like how Hillary ran the country for 8 years....LOL

Just like Nancy ran the white house for the 2nd term for her hubby while she was consulting Miss Cleo.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: dragonballgtz
I wish Bill could run for president again. We need to change that rules that says presidents can only serve two terms.

Why so we could have another 9/11 or worse, Yea really smart !

"We must STOP these terrrrrrrist killers...Thank You...NOW WATCH THIS DRIVE!"

That wasn't about 9/11 it was about the Palestinians.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Perknose
Bill Clinton (from memory): "Now our opponents will tell you that John Kerry and John Edwards lack the strength to stand up to the terrorists.

Don't you believe it!

Strenth and wisdom are NOT mutually opposed qualities."

Strength and wisdom aren't opposing values.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: dragonballgtz
I wish Bill could run for president again. We need to change that rules that says presidents can only serve two terms.

Why so we could have another 9/11 or worse, Yea really smart !

Wow, you act like a 12 year old... Seriously.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Willian
Originally posted by: Todd33
Don't feed the troll william, it's time for him to go to bed anyhow.

The truth hurts huh Todd, Clinton is a lying loser who should have been booted out of office !

I really think you could use a vacation, you really are a child. :\


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: bozack
it was a very "good" speech that gave the illusion of being centrist while at the same time reinforcing the common democratic mantra of their opposition...not surprising but I was less than impressed with Hillary's speech than Bill's...on a side note I found it somewhat interesting that the most they gave each other on stage was a short hug that appeared to be very business. I think his references to the state of affairs upon his departure were a little far fetched given the IT crash shortly there after, also Hillary's inclusion of peace and prosperity during his eight year term, guess the forgot about Kosavo and or Bosnia...

all in all though it was a good speech for the party that did a wonderful job of putting the spotlight on Kerry, still not as centrist as I thought it would be, but not as partisan as years past. Hopefully for Kerry's sake he can have as much or more of an impact when his turn comes later in the week.

OMG, almost an admission of being wrong from Brainwashed NeoCons, wow. Not quite, but certainly the door cracked open.

"guess the forgot about Kosavo and or Bosnia..."


That's the best Repugs can do, so pathetic, so sad.

"Hillary's inclusion prosperity during his eight year term"

Do all the NeoCons consider the 8 Year Term of Bill Clinton to be a Depression Era???


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2000
Originally posted by: galperi1
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: Perknose
Wow. Say what you will, that guy can speechify! :thumbsup:

Yep.. thats the important thing.. never mind him getting blowjobs in office, lying under oath, ignoring security threats.. But that boy sure sounds good! WOOOHOOO!

sounds like bush, except he couldn't get the blowjob

Yeah, bestiality is a sin. No one would blow a chimp, at least I hope they wouldn't.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: bozack
Originally posted by: daveshel
Actully he could. He is prohibited by constitutional amandment from serving more that two consecutive terms. Party wisdom has historicaly dodged this particular bullet.

But, yes, great speech. I especially likes the jab about strength and wisdom.

wouldn't also his impeachment for lying under oath prevent him from serving yet again?

Who died because of his Lie about getting some extra under the Oval Office Desk other than swimmers?

Who died because of his Lie about WMD???

No comparision, absolutely none. Repugs should be more than ashamed of themselves.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674

"guess the forgot about Kosavo and or Bosnia..."

When first asked about Bosnia the Dub said he thought Bosnia did a good job of portraying Richie Cunningham's Father in "Happy Days" though he liked the Fonz better!


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2000
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: Willian
Gore......That guy is a mental case waiting to explode. He spews anti-social behavior, Very unstable person.
(Willan got so he could spot 'em from three beds away during his long stay at the institution.)

Wait'll the poor bastard who was supposed to be released last week finds out "Wiggy Willan from Ward 3" got mistakenly released in his stead. You'd have thought the drool bucket would have been a dead giveaway. but nooooo . . . :shocked:

I thought attacking members wasn't allowed?

Oh well... here's a cookie
*tosses cookie in the middle of the room*


Pay attention to Willian?


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
OMG, almost an admission of being wrong from Brainwashed NeoCons, wow. Not quite, but certainly the door cracked open.

"guess the forgot about Kosavo and or Bosnia..."


That's the best Repugs can do, so pathetic, so sad.

"Hillary's inclusion prosperity during his eight year term"

Do all the NeoCons consider the 8 Year Term of Bill Clinton to be a Depression Era???

Huh? Dave-o did you remember to take your meds again this morning? I fail to see where I ever hinted at being incorrect? in fact I have no clue whatsoever as to what you are referring to....also since when do I represent all of your so called "Brainwashed NeoCons"? and what does it take to become one, do I just have to disagree with most of your fanatical rants or just a few.

With my two examples, again I just found it interesting how they choose to gloss over certain events and only focus on the percieved good...then again they all do that not just the dems...and as far as the 8 years under Clinton, while working during his term I lived in a less expensive area, made more money and yet still I took home less every week and had less housing options than I do now and my daily expenses were more (which are pretty damn bad here in MA but still better than in VA)...

Who died because of his Lie about getting some extra under the Oval Office Desk other than swimmers?

Who died because of his Lie about WMD???

No comparision, absolutely none. Repugs should be more than ashamed of themselves.

Did you gloss over my use of the phrase "under oath"????? not to dwell but Klinton lied outwright, Bush went off of bad intel, big difference IMHO.
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