Bill Maher Blames PC Movement and Failure to Confront Islam


Nov 20, 2005
"The Democratic party — back me up on this guys — sort of lost of lost the white working man," said Maher. "That's what they used to have. And they made the white working man feel like you're problems aren't real because you're 'mansplaining' and check your privilege. You know, if your life sucks, your problems are real. What should I do? Cut my d*ck off and check my privilege?"

"Democrats, there is a terrorist attack and Democrats reaction is: don't be mean to Muslims instead of how can we solve the problem of sh*t blowing up in America. And, you know, that's note a good way to get votes."

"Democrats have become to a lot of Americans a boutique party of fake outrage and social engineering and they're not entirely wrong about that,"

I think there is something to both points, as I have heard both points be articulated by the Trump voters in my family.
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I'm having a hard time buying his argument since most of the data and interviews I've seen points to economic motivators in large part to voters who flipped. That's backed up by my anecdotal experience too (Trump will give us 4-5% GDP growth somehow and bring back factory jobs). Throw in Hillary's negatives and the pathway for defeat now seems obvious.

Obama was re-elected in 2012 without stooping into the moral abyss that Trump has sunk the nation into so yea, color me unconvinced.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008

I think there is something to both points, as I have heard both points be articulated by the Trump voters in my family.
I agree with much of what he says. It's not all white males though. I believe rhe worst of PC insanity turns off a lot more people than I think is widely recognized.

This is just my suspicion ... not so much to do with the election but just in general... I would imagine that even a lot of members of minority groups seemingly championed by PC, are themselves put off by false charges of racism thrown out constantly by the left. Many simply have to realize it's no good for anyone, LEAST of all them just to constantly cry wolf and alienate people on their behalf.

A lot of liberals totally have this hive mind way of viewing minorities, and are never very introspective about it. Example, Hispanics in this past election.

To some on the left, its nearly 100% inconceivable that Hispanics aren't just a monolith hive-mind who's ONLY issue is "I must protect illegal immigration at all costs!" So all of them are just shoved in a box, stuffed in a corner, and basically told "Great! So we have YOUR ISSUE covered. Now onto others with more complex concerns!"

Never once does it even dawn on some not every Hispanic person is fired up only to flood their own communities with illegal immigrants just because they may share a feature trait or two. That any would actually oppose it (and give a shit about other stuff!) thats like mind-blowing for some.

I'm not saying they lost those people in droves, I'm just saying they probably don't win over quite as many people as they believe because ID politics and PC batshit isn't really effective.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
Microagressions, safe space, have to fucking go, and I still have no clue WTF mansplaining is and IDGAF what it is at this point. Check my white privilege? exactly how the fuck do I do that? Brown shoe polish? It's as bad as if I told someone to stop being brown or black.

Edit, I looked up mansplaining, so my sex is a pejorative term? nice. I guess I fucking deserve it.

Any name that makes something you have little or no control over is a slam to all of us.

I vow to quit telling Sportage to put on his big girl panties, and from now on will ask him to put on his big boy Underoos.
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May 15, 2000
Microagressions, safe space, have to fucking go, and I still have no clue WTF mansplaining is and IDGAF what it is at this point. Check my white privilege? exactly how the fuck do I do that? Brown shoe polish? It's as bad as if I told someone to stop being brown or black.

Aren't you the same poster who was complaining that Hillary supporters were mean and that's why she lost?

Lol fuck off


Jun 9, 2016

I think there is something to both points, as I have heard both points be articulated by the Trump voters in my family.

I'm having a hard time buying his argument since most of the data and interviews I've seen points to economic motivators in large part to voters who flipped. That's backed up by my anecdotal experience too (Trump will give us 4-5% GDP growth somehow and bring back factory jobs). Throw in Hillary's negatives and the pathway for defeat now seems obvious.

Obama was re-elected in 2012 without stooping into the moral abyss that Trump has sunk the nation into so yea, color me unconvinced.

It there's anything this election has made clear it's the shit people claim matters isn't necessarily what actually matters to them.

In other words, the macho alpha sorts getting upset and crying in their corner because someone insinuated they might not like minorities IMO ranks among the most comical excuses of all time.

Seriously, be a man and fess up that some muslim blowing up one of yours makes you angry and want to get them all back.


Nov 20, 2005
I agree with much of what he says. It's not all white males though. I believe rhe worst of PC insanity turns off a lot more people than I think is widely recognized.

This is just my suspicion ... not so much to do with the election but just in general... I would imagine that even a lot of members of minority groups seemingly championed by PC, are themselves put off by false charges of racism thrown out constantly by the left. Many simply have to realize it's no good for anyone, LEAST of all them just to constantly cry wolf and alienate people on their behalf.

A lot of liberals totally have this hive mind way of viewing minorities, and are never very introspective about it. Example, Hispanics in this past election.

To some on the left, its nearly 100% inconceivable that Hispanics aren't just a monolith hive-mind who's ONLY issue is "I must protect illegal immigration at all costs!" So all of them are just shoved in a box, stuffed in a corner, and basically told "Great! So we have YOUR ISSUE covered. Now onto others with more complex concerns!"

Never once does it even dawn on some not every Hispanic person is fired up only to flood their own communities with illegal immigrants just because they may share a feature trait or two. That any would actually oppose it (and give a shit about other stuff!) thats like mind-blowing for some.

I'm not saying they lost those people in droves, I'm just saying they probably don't win over quite as many people as they believe because ID politics and PC batshit isn't really effective.

I don't think many people voted for Trump because he wasn't Politically Correct. I mean I do think a backlash against the PC culture helped his victory, but it wasn't a direct relationship.

Where the PC backlash comes in is the left tried to disqualify Trump based on their PC view of him (he said this offensive thing or that offensive thing) with the maximum amount of incredulity they could muster. But by and large half the America voters shrugged off that argument, and the press rewarded Trump every time he smashed the Overton window with even more coverage therefore creating a motivation for him to do it again.

We saw that liberal frustration expressed when Clinton couldn't understand why she wasn't 50 points ahead of Trump in the polls after he said "bad" things. The way the left plays the PC game you are instantly written off as a person if you say offensive things, and she couldn't gasp the concept that the big PC pen that writes people off basically had invisible ink to a huge chunk of America that doesn't live on either coast because they themselves can't live by such strict standards in their locker rooms or bars. That invisible ink in the face of a PC culture that demands to be recognized is a direct backlash to the movement that Trump did benefit from.

Not understanding that PC backlash screwed the entire Democratic strategy from the start. In the primaries some on the left wanted him to win the R nomination because they felt his statements would tear down the whole Republican Party. They didn't understand they were playing with fire and it cost them. Towards the end of her campaign there was agreement across the left that surely everyone had heard their warning about Trump and there was no need to put forth her own vision because Trump being offensive outdid all of Clinton's scandals or even the need for her to put forth her own radical ideas for change. People would pick the lessor evil, which PC rules defined as Clinton. The idea that people would have any other concerns about the election other than that was shrugged off as partisanship.

Why I think the anti-PC part of Trump's victory matters more today compared to some of the other issues that got Trump elected is because with all the other issues (such as people losing factory jobs) the left is having no trouble sympathizing with those people in the postmortem analysis. Yet the PC backlash the left still cannot understand to this day, because they cannot even comprehend how most rational people didn't write off Trump when they did. Rather than trying to understand why some people aren't moving as fast socially in society as people on the left coast do, a huge chunk of people want to write off more than half the electorate as racists. To me that sounds as crazy and reductionist as almost any campaign promise Trump is gonna back off from now that he got elected.


Jun 9, 2016
I don't think many people voted for Trump because he wasn't Politically Correct. I mean I do think a backlash against the PC culture helped his victory, but it wasn't a direct relationship.

Where the PC backlash comes in is the left tried to disqualify Trump based on their PC view of him (he said this offensive thing or that offensive thing) with the maximum amount of incredulity they could muster. But by and large half the America voters shrugged off that argument, and the press rewarded Trump every time he smashed the Overton window with even more coverage therefore creating a motivation for him to do it again.

We saw that liberal frustration expressed when Clinton couldn't understand why she wasn't 50 points ahead of Trump in the polls after he said "bad" things. The way the left plays the PC game you are instantly written off as a person if you say offensive things, and she couldn't gasp the concept that the big PC pen that writes people off basically had invisible ink to a huge chunk of America that doesn't live on either coast because they themselves can't live by such strict standards in their locker rooms or bars. That invisible ink in the face of a PC culture that demands to be recognized is a direct backlash to the movement that Trump did benefit from.

Not understanding that PC backlash screwed the entire Democratic strategy from the start. In the primaries some on the left wanted him to win the R nomination because they felt his statements would tear down the whole Republican Party. They didn't understand they were playing with fire and it cost them. Towards the end of her campaign there was agreement across the left that surely everyone had heard their warning about Trump and there was no need to put forth her own vision because Trump being offensive outdid all of Clinton's scandals or even the need for her to put forth her own radical ideas for change. People would pick the lessor evil, which PC rules defined as Clinton. The idea that people would have any other concerns about the election other than that was shrugged off as partisanship.

Why I think the anti-PC part of Trump's victory matters more today compared to some of the other issues that got Trump elected is because with all the other issues (such as people losing factory jobs) the left is having no trouble sympathizing with those people in the postmortem analysis. Yet the PC backlash the left still cannot understand to this day, because they cannot even comprehend how most rational people didn't write off Trump when they did. Rather than trying to understand why some people aren't moving as fast socially in society as people on the left coast do, a huge chunk of people want to write off more than half the electorate as racists. To me that sounds as crazy and reductionist as almost any campaign promise Trump is gonna back off from now that he got elected.

That's why I've mentioned that for the dems to win the next election some minority is going to have to take one for the team.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Bill Maher is a smug liberal atheist brain defective that pontificates like any Pope on the irrational evils of religious faith. He reeks of contempt for average people and makes a living out of it. He divides the world into smart people like us and stupid dupes like you. All those stupid dupes are my family members.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
The guy is a douchebag who sometimes says funny things and has some kind of moderately-racist mental complex with muslims. Not sure why they put him on TV though, you can find funny douchebags at the local Mall pretty easily.


Jun 9, 2016
Bill Maher is a smug liberal atheist brain defective that pontificates like any Pope on the irrational evils of religious faith. He reeks of contempt for average people and makes a living out of it. He divides the world into smart people like us and stupid dupes like you. All those stupid dupes are my family members.

I think you take conservatives at their word a bit too much. Bill Maher is about as smug and all those other things you mention as the macho alpha wannabes here, and they sure aint liberal.


May 15, 2000
I don't think many people voted for Trump because he wasn't Politically Correct. I mean I do think a backlash against the PC culture helped his victory, but it wasn't a direct relationship.

Where the PC backlash comes in is the left tried to disqualify Trump based on their PC view of him (he said this offensive thing or that offensive thing) with the maximum amount of incredulity they could muster. But by and large half the America voters shrugged off that argument, and the press rewarded Trump every time he smashed the Overton window with even more coverage therefore creating a motivation for him to do it again.

We saw that liberal frustration expressed when Clinton couldn't understand why she wasn't 50 points ahead of Trump in the polls after he said "bad" things. The way the left plays the PC game you are instantly written off as a person if you say offensive things, and she couldn't gasp the concept that the big PC pen that writes people off basically had invisible ink to a huge chunk of America that doesn't live on either coast because they themselves can't live by such strict standards in their locker rooms or bars. That invisible ink in the face of a PC culture that demands to be recognized is a direct backlash to the movement that Trump did benefit from.

Not understanding that PC backlash screwed the entire Democratic strategy from the start. In the primaries some on the left wanted him to win the R nomination because they felt his statements would tear down the whole Republican Party. They didn't understand they were playing with fire and it cost them. Towards the end of her campaign there was agreement across the left that surely everyone had heard their warning about Trump and there was no need to put forth her own vision because Trump being offensive outdid all of Clinton's scandals or even the need for her to put forth her own radical ideas for change. People would pick the lessor evil, which PC rules defined as Clinton. The idea that people would have any other concerns about the election other than that was shrugged off as partisanship.

Why I think the anti-PC part of Trump's victory matters more today compared to some of the other issues that got Trump elected is because with all the other issues (such as people losing factory jobs) the left is having no trouble sympathizing with those people in the postmortem analysis. Yet the PC backlash the left still cannot understand to this day, because they cannot even comprehend how most rational people didn't write off Trump when they did. Rather than trying to understand why some people aren't moving as fast socially in society as people on the left coast do, a huge chunk of people want to write off more than half the electorate as racists. To me that sounds as crazy and reductionist as almost any campaign promise Trump is gonna back off from now that he got elected.

Yeah, no. The anti-PC crowd simply want to voice their opinions without criticism from others. They want to speak their bigoted views without being called out on it. The anti PC movement is simply a bunch of pussies that can't handle criticism which is exactly why they latched onto trump, he represents then because he is one of them. A thin skinned, bigoted, douchebag, who wishes he was an alpha.

You can find plenty of right wingers who post here that fit that profile to a tee. They will give you their opinion on any subject but if they are challenged they either ignore it, never visit the thread again, resort to personal attacks and then claim people only offer insults.


Jun 22, 2001
Yeah, no. The anti-PC crowd simply want to voice their opinions without criticism from others. They want to speak their bigoted views without being called out on it. The anti PC movement is simply a bunch of pussies that can't handle criticism which is exactly why they latched onto trump, he represents then because he is one of them. A thin skinned, bigoted, douchebag, who wishes he was an alpha.

You can find plenty of right wingers who post here that fit that profile to a tee. They will give you their opinion on any subject but if they are challenged they either ignore it, never visit the thread again, resort to personal attacks and then claim people only offer insults.
Look the beta claiming Trump wishes he was an alpha. Oh man, it doesn't get any better than this. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting Trump win the election and triggering all these liberals.


Jun 9, 2016
Look the beta claiming Trump wishes he was an alpha. Oh man, it doesn't get any better than this. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting Trump win the election and triggering all these liberals.

Good thing hugging the nuts of a trust fund brat hard enough and stabbing jesus in the back worked out and made speedy into the proud man he is today.


May 15, 2000
Look the beta claiming Trump wishes he was an alpha. Oh man, it doesn't get any better than this. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting Trump win the election and triggering all these liberals.

I'm not a liberal so...

But hey keep up on those squats, some day you'll be able to lift your head from your ass
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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
The guy is a douchebag who sometimes says funny things and has some kind of moderately-racist mental complex with muslims. Not sure why they put him on TV though, you can find funny douchebags at the local Mall pretty easily.

The guy is a douchebag who sometimes says funny things and has some kind of moderately-racist mental complex with muslims. Not sure why they put him on TV though, you can find funny douchebags at the local Mall pretty easily.
Really, what race do Muslims actually belong to?, and if one decides to convert from Islam to Christian, Buddhism, Scientology, etc. or even call themselves an atheist or agnostic do they magically lose this special racial identity no one seems to be able to actually quantify?

When you equate religion with race, in this case Islam, you elevate that religion above other religions whether you know it or not because one can choose their religion but you can't choose your race no more than you can choose your biological family.

I expect such stupidity from some conservative brain defective from West Virginia but as Bill Maher has pointed out and this election has shown liberals can be worse even though they claim to know better.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
While the "PC culture" in the campus indeed has its issues with intolerance and what not, I have my doubt that those working class voters in the rust belt and rural voters across the country were motivated to vote Trump because of the college PC cultre. My hunch is that they are not even aware of what those controversial incidents in the college were, just like majority of Americans who do not care much about what happens in college campuses. Interesting in this regard is that Trump himself rarely told his audience exactly what "PC" even means. He simply repeated "Political Correctness is killing us!" without what the real world examples of PC were. Angry folks project and denounce anything that pisses them off as PC.

Same goes for the extremist Muslim terrorism. Those rural/rust belt voters live in remarkably homogenous environments. It is unlikely they interact in day-to-day lives with a person of Muslim faith who subscribe to its radical sectarian ideologies. Could it, nonetheless, scare them? Of course. But mostly because of the fanning of Trump and Alt-right, the latter of which has kept pushing false and exaggerated narratives of what is happening in Europe. Domestically we do not even know the exact motive of the Pulse nightclub shooter. Maher beef is a much more liberal one in that he views many of Islam's doctrines incompatible with liberal democracy. (e.g. misogyny) The Trump voters are much more scared of so-called "Sharia Law" being imposed on U.S. citizenry, thanks again to Alt-Right and Trumpian propaganda.

Maher is wrong on both counts. Ask a Trump voter what they think PC means. More often than not you will hear generic rants against the liberals and the lefties. It is not what Maher thinks it is. They might find more common ground in rejecting radical Islamic terrorism, but they get there from very different originating places.

Edit: I missed the last paragraph, where he says:

"Democrats have become to a lot of Americans a boutique party of fake outrage and social engineering and they're not entirely wrong about that,"

That is a credible argument. Maybe I misunderstood the first part of his diagnosis as well. It is a reasonable argument that the liberals neglected the working class voters. But I do not think these voters had a particular animosity against PC. It is a liberal fantasy to think these voters cared about a lunatic PC warrior crying about someone else's Holloween costume.
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