Bioshock is 10 years old


Aug 14, 2000
So I just finished replaying Bioshock and really enjoyed it. I played the original as the remastered version is inferior in many respects. The graphics still look good considering it’s a ten year old game:

The FOV auto-adjusts perfectly once you disable FOV lock, but interestingly the second game needs manual tinkering.

My only real gripe was that the Big Daddy helmet at the very end restricted your view too much and negatively impacted gameplay.

Of the three games 1 & 2 are very close, but I give 2 the slight nod given it was a cool mechanic to protect Little Sisters as they harvested Adam. Dropping down electric trip wires, turrets and proximity mines to defend an area was great fun.

Infinite had absolutely beautiful graphics and aesthetics but the level design had almost no depth. Even worse, combat was utterly mediocre, especially the two weapon limit and the weakling weapon upgrades and ammo counts. A combat-heavy game with poor combat mechanics is a write-off for me.

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Dec 15, 2015
So I just finished replaying Bioshock and really enjoyed it. I played the original as the remastered version is inferior in many respects. The graphics still look good considering it’s a ten year old game:

The FOV auto-adjusts perfectly once you disable FOV lock, but interestingly the second game needs manual tinkering.

My only real gripe was that the Big Daddy helmet at the very end restricted your view too much and negatively impacted gameplay.

Of the three games 1 & 2 are very close, but I give 2 the slight nod given it was a cool mechanic to protect Little Sisters as they harvested Adam. Dropping down electric trip wires, turrets and proximity mines to defend an area was great fun.

Infinite had absolutely beautiful graphics and aesthetics but the level design had almost no depth. Even worse, combat was utterly mediocre, especially the two weapon limit and the weakling weapon upgrades and ammo counts. A combat-heavy game with poor combat mechanics is a write-off for me.

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Fun twist, but a shallow and meek follow-up to the System Shock series. Also, wtf was with the picture-taking minigame? I always felt like someone looked a the finished Bioshock project, then said 'shit, we forgot about a way to research to do more damage to enemies! Johnson get something in quick!' and that's what they came up with.


Aug 14, 2000
Also, wtf was with the picture-taking minigame?
It was one of the most original leveling systems I've ever seen. Also getting bonuses for action shots and multiple targets made a whole lot of sense.

There were even combat tonics that increased the damage bonuses from the research.

I liked it.


Dec 15, 2015
It was one of the most original leveling systems I've ever seen. Also getting bonuses for action shots and multiple targets made a whole lot of sense.

There were even combat tonics that increased the damage bonuses from the research.

I liked it.

I like SS2's better, where you researched 'parts' from the things you killed by collecting the bits along with various chemicals from around the station, then doing research utilizing it. I mean, I'm all for alternative/creative leveling systems but 'take a picture in the heat of battle' just seemed really weird for this style of game.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
Now, would you kindly vote and participate in this thread?
B1 will always be my favorite. The plot, the atmosphere, that epic soundtrack, top notch voice acting (even by minor chars). Solid gunplay. Plasmids had "bite" (Telekinesis) and gave you a reason to use them beyond "out of ammo". Ability to backtrack virtually to the start reduced a lot of the "claustrophobic" feel that often comes with linear games. They got so many things right that just meshed together. Also a lot of SS2 easter eggs (the old The First Door Code Is Always 0451 running gag), "Is it someone new?" (the first line spoken by the first splicer that attacks you at the very start) and many other comments are from SS2's hybrids.

B2 was OK. It was over-hated during release due to the retarded DRM at the time (SecuROM + install limits = a mass of down votes at the time). Once that garbage was removed, the game itself isn't bad. Slightly more of a "grindy" feel vs the original and Splicer conversations seem more human and less creepy than original but plenty of great moments. I enjoyed Minerva's Den too.

BI was OK. Top notch plot and a thoroughly enjoyable play, same excellent voice acting, etc, but as you said it was definitely dumbed down (2 weapon limit, shield, checkpoint only saves, gunplay felt weaker (every weapon replicated twice but still no cool chemical thrower equivalent), vigors felt weaker than plasmids, gear felt weaker than tonics, etc). Likewise, being surrounded by dozens of people happily sunbathing took away a lot of tension / feeling of loneliness vs being trapped underneath the sea on your own in the first two. Played both Burial At Sea DLC's, but didn't really enjoy them as much as I thought I would.
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Jan 8, 2010
I've yet to play 1 and 2. I remember when it came out it had some issue where there was no sound on some chipsets so I just never came back to it. I did however absolutely love Inifnite. So much so it made me go back and try to play 1...and I just couldn't get into it. I plan to try again at some point.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2005
I started my first attempt of Bioshock 1 a few months before the remasters were released. Found out about those on this site and decided to wait for them. Glad I did (and still think it's pretty cool that existing owners got them for free). The remasters addressed and solved a lot of issues for me: no audio, cursor acceleration, etc. And the graphics looked nicer (sharper) to my eyes.

Really enjoyed #1 and looking forward to playing #2 soon.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2011
Ive played 1 and 2, and i own but have never played infinite. Ive never beaten a single one of them, Bioshock 1 was mediorce at best, ive been playing it since it first came out for the 360 and as recently as 2 months ago im stuck at the same spot ive been stuck at for years. I have no idea where to go, I swear ive tried every single possible hallway, door, obstacle, activator, EVERYTHING. Ive never been able to figure it out, so I just dont bother with it anymore. I havent put too much time in 2 because I wanted to finish 1 before I got too far in 2, but since thats never going to happen, I guess ill never play any of them. Metro is a much better linear FPS series, and homefront is surprisingly good too.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Above everything else, for me, the original Bioshock had an outstanding atmosphere. The whole underwater metropolis concept was fantastic (still is today in my book). I haven't (re)played the game in a very long time though, and I know it might not be as good today as I remember it right now so I'll leave my memories where they were last created when I originally played the game. I normally don't like replaying old(er) games when I know that they probably didn't age well, only to have my embellished thoughts on them be tarnished by the harshness of new standards and the damaging of time. I loved Bioshock at the time, and it's all that matters to me.

The most recent one I played, and finished of course, was Infinite. I liked it, a lot (well overall, it's definitely not 'perfect'), and Elizabeth was (probably still is) the best 'sidekick' / following A.I. character I ever had the (pleasure?) to have at my side in a FPS game (or just in a video game in general). I remember being very hesitant playing the game when I learned via previews and some of the first reviews that we actually had an that A.I. partner following us nearly all the time (well, from a certain point on and then it's for the majority of the game). My first thoughts (before actually playing the game) about that 'follower girl' was things along the lines of "She's gonna get in my way all the damn time", or "She's gonna get stuck in some important scenes and I won't be able to progress anymore", or "Her voice is going to drive me crazy", or "She just won't STFU and I'll want to stop playing after 10 mins", or "I'll probably have to escort her in some inevitably-dumb timed mission where at the last moment a horde of enemies will overwhelm me and she's gonna die cause her A.I. will be equally stupid". Et cetera. I always expect the absolute worst from "followers" in most games, usually due to how generally-speaking A.I. is never clever and always gets stuck trying to walk up stairs or won't have the coding to jump above a stupid rock on their path, etc.

Anyway, long story short Infinite eventually went on sale on Steam and at that time I was actually looking for a 'good old' story-driven, mostly linear FPS game in the veins of Half-Life or indeed the original Bioshock and so on. So I put my hesitations aside and bought it. From the moment the game started I sort of mentality built up a shell, just to make sure that whenever I got to start playing with that girl around me I wouldn't just go bunkers immediately. I played... and played and kept wondering "So... when is that girl I keep seeing in the previews gonna show up...". Then eventually, it happens. And... and... wait. I remember thinking "Wait a second, am I actually... liking this?! Ok, this is getting interesting.". She had personality, good voice acting, and mystery surrounding her too? Hmmmm... ok let's continue on with this. And, as I kept playing... the most unexpected thing happened: I didn't even realize she was there for the longest time. That, in and of itself for me, was the proof that she had been VERY well tested internally. Her A.I. 'pathing' on all the maps and around the player is superb. She NEVER got on my way or blocked my view during action scenes. She never got stuck, she never got on my nerves. What sorcery is this?! You're an A.I. follower, you ARE supposed to be S.T.U.P.I.D. by video gaming LAWS. The ONLY, single other comparison I can make with Elizabeth that serves a very similar role to a main character in a video game is Alyx in Half-Life 2, and that's pretty much it, it just stops there. Anyway... yeah it sort of shocked me. She ended up being so well done that at some point I thought during my playthrough (but before I completed the game) that she'd probably be the main character of a potential sequel (or prequel) to Infinite. In the end, I found her more important and more interesting than Booker... and I don't think that was a bad thing per se anyway.

I mean, other than the fantastic art / visual style of Infinite (absolutely loved the 1912 'sky steampunk' feel and visuals) the one aspect of the game that obviously makes it stand out from the rest of the franchise (and from the rest of many, many other video games in general, but mostly other FPS games) is Elizabeth. But not just as a character for the story-telling portion of the game, but also on a purely technical side; She. Just. Works. It's well-tested, well-coded A.I. that does NOT do any dumb shit like 90% of all the gaming industry's A.I. does. If as a player you happen to be easily immersed in a game's setting / context / environment / story, etc (like me, usually)... then Elizabeth can definitely be not only very likeable (at least at some point, if not the case initially), but she's also acting in a believable way, and in accordance to her personality. I honestly don't think that she was a nuisance (very far from that, as I thought she would end up be), and for me to say that is quite the accomplishment (just speaking for myself, because if it wasn't clear up to this point I normally absolutely loathe followers especially in FPS games usually because they're very uninteresting to start with as characters but because their A.I. always makes a cockroach look extremely intelligent by comparison), so for that I have to applaud the developers. As as I am typing all this I keep getting some flashbacks of Infinite and how much I ended up liking her perhaps more than most of the rest of the game.

Actually, I do think that Infinite's story telling, story pacing and characters were very good. But, I have to say, that Infinite's actual game-play wasn't that engaging. And although I loved Infinite's visual style and presentation... I STILL definitely prefer the original Bioshock's underwater setting and atmosphere. All in all, I really enjoyed both B1 and Infinite pretty much equally I'd say, but for different reasons. As for Bioshock 2... I actually never played it, so I can't really judge that one. I remember reading some reviews, tried to skip as much media as possible at the time to avoid potential spoilers... but I never ended up buying it in the end, dunno, I guess it just escaped my mind. And from what I understand of the franchise Bioshock 2 was sort of a 'spin off', but I'm not sure about that (feel free to give me the info on that, I don't think I'll bother reading the game's Wiki page anyway).


Jan 3, 2006
Infinite's story was amazing. But the gameplay was fun yet generic. Some great atmosphere kind of rescued that.
Bioschock 1 was so inventive for it's time. Tough choice...I'll go with Infinite since the end of Bioschock 1 was kind of meh.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2011
The frame of mind at the time i would say infinite.(no pun intended).Catch games when you are in a gaming mood i in a lull usually passes.
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Senior member
Apr 26, 2015
Both 1 and 2 are good and I played remastered too and had no problems besides some graphics glitch. Nothing to say about Infinite.
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Jan 15, 2018
Started playing BioShock in its third instalment. The game was awesome I can still remember those graphics and fast-paced shooting, It was a hell of a fun.


Senior member
Dec 8, 2005
I enjoyed bioshock infinite the most for its interesting backstory. Time-travel and multi-universe plots are always difficult to keep coherent without plot holes, so I applaud them for trying to make a story around a difficult concept and not going with something more formulaic.

I did prefer the atmosphere of bioshock 1 over infinite.


Feb 8, 2017
Bioshock is my favorite game series ever, and its 2 that i like the most. Its 1 with the faults fixed (bigger levels, more enemy variety, more complex little sister support and better research)

Infinite was obviously an extraordinary game, but i found it to have less replay value than 2. Really looking foward to the rumored new game, hope its set in rapture


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2001
I did okay with 1 and 2. I was eager to get the infinite. Well, it was so crappy and deprived of any cool factor that I did not finish it at all. Have tried twice and stopped after just an hour or so.

Must be one of biggest disappointments I've seen.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Bioshock 1 all day any day. My only regret is that I never finished my FAQ for extra Little Sisters. In some areas you could easily spawn two or three additional Little Sisters but I never got around to putting it all into writing.
May 11, 2008
Bioshock 1. The ambiance was so great. I really felled the need to survive. And the unraveling of the plot was great.
I played infinite as well.
Bioshock 2 i never played. Because i felled that it did not contribute to the story.


Feb 8, 2017
The first time i played 2 i felt the plot was basically "catch the train out of Rapture", but upon replaying it i found it had a superior plot to 1. You should try out the remaster of 2, its awesome.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
How is the original superior to the remastered ? Anyway I prefer the game play of infinite over 1/2. I didn't find 1 as amazing as most folks with regards to the story. Infinite story was pretty straight forward but well presented. To be honest I think I prefer SS2 over b1/b2/infinite but it has been a long time since I played ss2 (i replayed all three bioshocks last summer). Anyway I think some of the newer games are a bit better. They don't have the mystique but they have superior gameplay and pretty decent stories.


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2013
I beat all three Bioshock games and have all three including HD remaster on multiple platforms. I voted for the first game though cause its my favorite and I hope they return to rapture in the up coming game.
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