Black kids getting in trouble three times as often as white kids

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's time to bring back corporal punishment. It's 2014 so let's issue tazers.

Talk back? ZAP with a tazer. Fighting? Taze all of them. Parents come in bitching? ZAP them as well.

I'd love for student's grades to be completely public, complete with guardian's names. Parents are responsible for their children, including their grades. It's time to stop blaming "society" for problems, buck up and be accountable.

The world you live in is truly insane.

Someone throws popcorn in a movie theater? It's okay to shoot them to death. Kid talks back? Time for the taser. Anyone complains about the use of the taser on their kid? They get it too.

You must be a joy to hang out with at parties.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Send 'em back to Africa? Or, send you back to Ireland?

Well I didn't mean either, but I'd be fine with being sent back to Ireland.

What I was referring to was going back to pure freedom of association. Stop busing kids around and agonizing over differences in discipline and other outcomes. Because, imagine that, different types of people are DIFFERENT. Who'd have thought?


Jun 23, 2004
Give up on... multiracial society? Geo you've gone too far.

Typically this sort of thing is addressed as stopping a multicultural society, to promote equality and intermixing. Eventually the unification and elimination of differences. To become a single culture, a single society, a single people. The mixing pot.

I look at our differences as something that must be recognized and faced truthfully, in order for us to overcome them. Not to empower those differences. Not to let them harm us further.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
The elimination of differences can only result from essentially "patching" everyone to receive socially desirable "updates" which currently only some populations have in any significant portion of their members.

This is possible, and desirable, in fact it's probably flat out necessary to our future success as a species. It will, however, require people to stop being afraid of genetic engineering.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Pit bull dogs bite three times as often as Golden Retriever.

Must be pit bull culture.

Dogs have no culture. However humans do have culture and it influences their behavior heavily when growing up. Which is especially true for the culture found within their own family and what lessons (both direct and indirect) they learn as they grow up.
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Feb 6, 2002
We all know the statistical disparities, employment, incarcerations, education, employment began at the invention of rap music in the 70s.


Oct 6, 2009
The elimination of differences can only result from essentially "patching" everyone to receive socially desirable "updates" which currently only some populations have in any significant portion of their members.

This is possible, and desirable, in fact it's probably flat out necessary to our future success as a species. It will, however, require people to stop being afraid of genetic engineering.
So we should engineer a perfect race? Blond hair and blue eyes, maybe?


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
Asians do well in school and in life because of the family structure they come from. They are encouraged to study and compete academically at an early age and there is no excuse for not studying. The fathers are present and they lay down the law. For blacks often there is not father present and the mother is on welfare. There is no encouragement for them and in school academic expectations are low for black students. So they become vulnerable to the street life. But they have made themselves into victims if society and blame others for their collective failures. Asians are not afflicted by the victim hood mentality.

And this is exactly why they deserve more help either via financial aid, affirmative action etc.

This is endemic to their community. Hispanics have a much stronger family structure but since most Hispanics in the US are laborers, their children don't have access to either the educational background that most Asian families provide or the financial background most European-Americans can provide.

To rail against a fabricated support structure that aims to level the playing field somewhat is not only shameful but highly detrimental to the progress of society as a whole.

I have said this many times before and I shall reiterate. People are NOT equal. However, equal opportunity should be provided and the government is solely responsible for that (along with cooperation from the citizens). The sooner people realize that, the sooner these disenfranchised communities can progress.

American society is built on a wholly false premise; 'all men are created equal.' This has in fact created one of the most unequal societies in the world.


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
The elimination of differences can only result from essentially "patching" everyone to receive socially desirable "updates" which currently only some populations have in any significant portion of their members.

This is possible, and desirable, in fact it's probably flat out necessary to our future success as a species. It will, however, require people to stop being afraid of genetic engineering.

This is the nadir of Abrahamic ideology; destroy differences to achieve complete control.

You should really read Being Different to understand why differences must in fact be preserved in order for society to function at its optimum state.

Europeans have committed the largest genocide in the history of the world (along with their Islamic counterparts) in order to destroy difference - the Native Americans' way of life, languages, cultures, religions have all been utterly destroyed because of the kind of thinking you espouse in the post above.

Such dangerous notions arise from the desert cults of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam where each claim to have the monopoly on historical narratives.

Differences are here to stay; a society thrives on difference. Hinduism is the paradigm of how so many divergent practices, beliefs, customs, and even languages can coexist not only peacefully, but enrich each other through strong interaction and mutual respect.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
And this is exactly why they deserve more help either via financial aid, affirmative action etc.

This is endemic to their community.
You say this like it's inevitable, while ignoring the fact that it hasn't always been that way, in fact, just the opposite. (Someone else here already pointed this out.)

So of course, what's the soution?More of the very same thing that led to the problems in the first place.

Hispanics have a much stronger family structure but since most Hispanics in the US are laborers, their children don't have access to either the educational background that most Asian families provide or the financial background most European-Americans can provide.
Again, more excuse making, and of course the usual demonstration of complete historic ignorance.

Asians were completely exploited as laborers in this country and yet it didn't stop them from making education a priority, and wanting better for their offspring.

To rail against a fabricated support structure that aims to level the playing field
None of this crap is 'leveling any playing field'. That's a stupid pat phrase people use, usually when they want to take someone else's money and give it away to people they think are 'deserving' and while creating even larger problems than the ones they think they are solving.

Hasn't it been pointed out time and time again now for it to sink in? All the 'war on poverty' bullshit hasn't had much result except for strap taxpayers with trillions in debt, line the pockets of poverty pimps and government fatcats, while the level of poverty ( I use the term loosely in First World society) has barely budged. It's also helped destroy the black family, and now is working on destroying the family structure of other groups as well.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
So we should engineer a perfect race? Blond hair and blue eyes, maybe?

Aesthetics are completely subjective, and nobody is talking about making all of humanity identical. Stop with the childish, stupid straw man bullshit, please.

Using genetic engineering to eliminate deformities, disabilities, disease susceptibilities, congenital defects, and behavioral tendencies which are completely at odds with a civil society is a far cry form trying to make everyone into some sort of "Aryan Übermensch" or whatever it is you're envisioning.

The fact is, current research shows conclusively that some populations are more compatible with living in modern societies than others. Namely, those whose ancestors were still living as hunter-gatherers right up until modern times simply did not undergo the same selection pressures that those whose ancestors lived in settled, agricultural communities for thousands of years did. This is extremely problematic. This has a massive amount of explanatory power with regard to these gaps in achievement and societal health which have persisted despite all our best efforts.

One very quick and non-controversial example is the fact that black women have been shown to gain weight faster and lose weight more slowly than white women and Asian women. Their ancestors did not undergo any of the changes in calorie processing, tolerance for certain foods, etc which Eurasians did. Blacks are at a much higher risk of numerous diseases. This includes obesity and all related ailments, diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

How could anyone argue that it wouldn't be the morally and socially correct thing to do, to update African genetics by using genetic engineering and embryo selection in order to "patch" their genetics to match Eurasians? Unless you don't think humanity intends to continue living in large, settled, industrialized, agricultural ways? Or how about updating Native American genetics to make them less prone to destructive alcoholism?

There are a thousand such examples, ranging from non-controversial to extremely controversial. The ability for people to deny the more controversial ones is going to shrink and shrink as more discoveries are more firmly evidenced.

This is the nadir of Abrahamic ideology; destroy differences to achieve complete control.

Such dangerous notions arise from the desert cults of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

I am not a theist of any stripe, and nothing about what I'm suggesting implies "destroying differences" nor is it connected in any way to any religion.

differences must in fact be preserved in order for society to function at its optimum state.

You're being silly. There would still be plenty of differences in humanity if we used scientific knowledge and embryo selection to drastically cut down or eliminate the number of psychopaths born, or people with Downs syndrome born, people born without limbs, born blind, born with IQs which will severely hamper their prospects in society... born with metabolisms which are just not going to play nice with our modern environment... etc

It's a silly false dichotomy to act like we either let the genetic roll of the dice land anywhere it may, producing many very cruel results for people from their birth, OR we eliminate all differences and make the species a bunch of complete clones.

These are not our two choices. There is a very reasonable middle ground where we use our burgeoning knowledge in this area to eliminate what are unquestionably defects and negative attributes which harm individuals and harm society. I really cannot encourage you strongly enough to watch the video I linked earlier: Genetically Enhance Humanity or Face Extinction

the Native Americans' way of life, languages, cultures, religions have all been utterly destroyed because of the kind of thinking you espouse in the post above.

Not even remotely true. I'm talking about embryo selection to REDUCE INEQUALITIES AND CRUEL TWISTS OF FATE WHICH SCREW PEOPLE OVER. All the races would still be present, and none are at a point where they don't still need numerous such improvements including whites and East Asians. Nobody is perfect. Everyone needs genetic engineering.

So please don't act like I'm talking about genocide or manifest destiny or something. There isn't even the slightest connection between the bullshit you're attempting to shovel onto my argument, and my argument itself.

a society thrives on difference.

Well, not really. Though obviously I agree that a society benefits from having people with lots of interests and skills, and people who think in different ways. I would never want to see us become a species of identical clones, and at no time have I come within a thousand light years of suggesting or implying any such thing. That is a concept which has no connection whatsoever to what I'm suggesting, which is the elimination of objectively negative impairments which create inequality and pain.

Wait - I was told that the main stream news never reports anything negative about black people...

Starting with the L.A. Times in 2007, numerous major media outlets have openly admitted to having a standing policy of not reporting the race of black crime offenders, and other related methods of downplaying negative things about blacks. Their stated justification for this? They don't want to "reinforce stereotypes" - so whether that's a noble reason or not, you trying to act like it isn't something the media actually does is a non-starter, because they've admitted to it.

Nobody said the media doesn't report on things which put blacks in a negative light at all - what some have said is that they are loathe to do it and bury it in their newspaper, or frame it as white peoples' fault, or downplay the hell out of it, or otherwise just generally try to obscure the issue and never, ever point the finger of blame at the black community or culture itself. Which is true. This article in this thread is a good example, they make sure to frame it as a systemic problem, discrimination, etc.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
So, how should we go about "genetically engineering" people.

I personally think we should start by growing fetuses in test tubes.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
So, how should we go about "genetically engineering" people.

I personally think we should start by growing fetuses in test tubes.

Embryo selection is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal currently. If we stopped hesitating to explore this field we could have many more (and much more reliable) tools in our box within 10 or 20 years. We will anyway, but if we'd stop being afraid of it it could accelerate much faster.

They can already do embryo selection to avoid a Down syndrome birth, I believe.

The thing is, the black gene pool already has all the traits necessary for being completely compatible with modern society. They just don't exist in the same higher frequency they are present in Eurasians, and we need to increase their market share in that gene pool. Over time, they will become less frequent in Eurasians and in blacks, because we've eliminated the selection pressures which gave rise to them in the first place. The only way to reverse this and make all groups more compatible with civilized society (and keep them that way) is to reintroduce natural selection, which nobody wants to do, or to introduce artificial selection, which is what I'm advocating. That's the point a lot of people don't get: Eurasians are on exactly the same dysgenic path, they just have further to go before reaching crisis. Genetic engineering isn't optional. It is absolutely necessary as a replacement for the natural selection we've so neutered. Selection pressure WILL return one way or another. We're in a very artificial and temporary bubble right now. It will either return in a very chaotic, destructive and painful way when our civilization collapses - or we can bring it back in a controlled, intelligently guided and extremely beneficial way by seizing the reins of our own genome. I have no doubt that all technologically advanced species which advance beyond where we're at now, do so because they embrace such technology.
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Feb 10, 2000
So, how should we go about "genetically engineering" people.

I personally think we should start by growing fetuses in test tubes.

I am prepared to start by ensuring that Geosurface does not breed. Fortunately I am comfortably certain nature has taken care of that for me.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Hold on a second. Am I reading thread responses right? Are people seriously suggesting that "black culture" kicks in as early as pre-school? Or do I need new batteries for my sarcasm meter?

Have you ever seen someone teach a toddler to swear and hit people? I have.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2004
So, how should we go about "genetically engineering" people.

I personally think we should start by growing fetuses in test tubes.

Eugenics was/is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits (positive eugenics), and reduced reproduction of people with less-desired or undesired traits (negative eugenics).

This was common in the united states in the 1920's and 1930's and very much so in nazi germany with more disastrous results. To some extent its still practiced today.

Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
They bother to do the study but not find out why. Agenda much?

Its obvious why. Drive around and meet some of the parents. They pretty much neglect the kids, no interest in education by the parents, peer pressure amongst blacks to "keep it real dumb"
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