Black male graduation rates


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
It's a sad, but self inflicted and perpetual stat. Graduating High School and being an academic success gets blacks ridiculed, ostracized and made fun of by their peers and even family for "being or acting white".

Keeping it real alright, real dumb.


Feb 15, 2002
Texas as a state is around 50 percent total rate combined, IIRC. Not a good sign for the future of the country.
Nov 30, 2006
It appears that genetics is the prime mover here with cultural aspects being secondary.

"Nisbett summarises the findings of Rushton and Jensen as follows:[22]
  1. Since heritability of intelligence is high in the white population, the probability is high that a large portion of the black-white racial IQ gap is genetic in origin
  2. The gap is not caused by cultural differences, because culture-fair tests only increase the gap
  3. The average IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africans is lower than that of African Americans because 20% of the latters' gene pool is European
  4. Blacks score comparatively lower on questions with high general intelligence loadings, which are more affected by genetics
  5. Questions distinguishing "inbreeding depression" - low scores due to closely related parents - also distinguish the black-white racial gap
  6. Brain size is correlated to IQ and blacks have smaller brains than whites
  7. Speed of reaction is faster for those with higher IQs and whites have a higher speed of reaction to blacks
  8. The IQs of children of black parents with a high IQ regress to a lower mean than children of white parents with the same IQ, supporting a genetic explanation
  9. Interracial adoption studies support a genetic rather than an environmental explanation"


Oct 30, 2000
It appears that genetics is the prime mover here with cultural aspects being secondary.

"Nisbett summarises the findings of Rushton and Jensen as follows:[22]
  1. Since heritability of intelligence is high in the white population, the probability is high that a large portion of the black-white racial IQ gap is genetic in origin
  2. The gap is not caused by cultural differences, because culture-fair tests only increase the gap
  3. The average IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africans is lower than that of African Americans because 20% of the latters' gene pool is European
  4. Blacks score comparatively lower on questions with high general intelligence loadings, which are more affected by genetics
  5. Questions distinguishing "inbreeding depression" - low scores due to closely related parents - also distinguish the black-white racial gap
  6. Brain size is correlated to IQ and blacks have smaller brains than whites
  7. Speed of reaction is faster for those with higher IQs and whites have a higher speed of reaction to blacks
  8. The IQs of children of black parents with a high IQ regress to a lower mean than children of white parents with the same IQ, supporting a genetic explanation
  9. Interracial adoption studies support a genetic rather than an environmental explanation"

Uh no disputing there are genetics involved, but there is a ton of stimulus involved as well. It is both. The brain is just like the rest of our body, if it is not used or "worked out" it goes to waste. Let's me use an anecdotal example to illustrate my point.

Someone could be the child of best female body builder and the best male body builder in the world. If that person sits on the couch all day, eating only candy bars and potato chips, I don't think he's going to have the body of a world leading body builder. However, the child of genetic stock not really known for muscle development and body building could be way more ripped than the couch potato with tons of genetic "potential" going to waste.

Sure their limits would be different if both people in my exampled worked their bodies out to max potential, but only maybe. This brings me to my second point of human genetics.

I hate to point this out to you, but humans are very adaptable while growing. Human genes are within 5 percent or less of each other in totality. Meaning you pick anyone person on the planet and they are going to share 95% or more of the same genes that you have. The difference is what is turned on and what is not. Genes are also not always "on" at birth or during womb development and can be activated later in life or the growth cycle. Meaning the the act of stimulus upon a developing body of a child can activate a gene sequence and their body then develops and adapts to the environmental stimulus.

Just throwing out that black people are typically stupider than white people because of genetics only is a very skewed and narrow stance to take. And it is mostly wrong. Again, all humans have basically the same genes. I posted a story the other day of two Nigerian decent Brits that gave birth to a non albino white child This can only happen because they have the exact same genetics in their system as white people. Neither of them has any "white" or European ancestry in their genealogy either.

Now when you combine active genetic statics of typically turned on genes due to parentage with a typical environment stimulus, you are going to get stereo typical trends. But don't go spouting off that it is all genes when it is not.


Jan 12, 2002
Sad. It's a cultural thing obviously. It's really only up to the black community to make something happen. If anyone else suggests inner city black culture has huge issues they tend to be labeled racist.
Nov 30, 2006
Uh no disputing there are genetics involved, but there is a ton of stimulus involved as well. It is both. The brain is just like the rest of our body, if it is not used or "worked out" it goes to waste. Let's me use an anecdotal example to illustrate my point.

Someone could be the child of best female body builder and the best male body builder in the world. If that person sits on the couch all day, eating only candy bars and potato chips, I don't think he's going to have the body of a world leading body builder. However, the child of genetic stock not really known for muscle development and body building could be way more ripped than the couch potato with tons of genetic "potential" going to waste.

Sure their limits would be different if both people in my exampled worked their bodies out to max potential, but only maybe. This brings me to my second point of human genetics.

I hate to point this out to you, but humans are very adaptable while growing. Human genes are within 5 percent or less of each other in totality. Meaning you pick anyone person on the planet and they are going to share 95% or more of the same genes that you have. The difference is what is turned on and what is not. Genes are also not always "on" at birth or during womb development and can be activated later in life or the growth cycle. Meaning the the act of stimulus upon a developing body of a child can activate a gene sequence and their body then develops and adapts to the environmental stimulus.

Just throwing out that black people are typically stupider than white people because of genetics only is a very skewed and narrow stance to take. And it is mostly wrong. Again, all humans have basically the same genes. I posted a story the other day of two Nigerian decent Brits that gave birth to a non albino white child This can only happen because they have the exact same genetics in their system as white people. Neither of them has any "white" or European ancestry in their genealogy either.

Now when you combine active genetic statics of typically turned on genes due to parentage with a typical environment stimulus, you are going to get stereo typical trends. But don't go spouting off that it is all genes when it is not.
I didn't say it was "all genes". Perhaps you should read what I actually said before "spouting off" and then get back to me.


Jul 12, 2000
It is sad that we cannot have mature discussions about this because anyone who brings it up is "racist."


Feb 6, 2002
This is pure baloney. Some people just choose not to go to college. The poorest of the poor could go to school for free if they wanted to. Just Fill out a FAFFSA form. The government gives away gobbs of money every year for people that want to go to school.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
This is pure baloney. Some people just choose not to go to college. The poorest of the poor could go to school for free if they wanted to. Just Fill out a FAFFSA form. The government gives away gobbs of money every year for people that want to go to school.

This is high school graduation rates, not College. And for a large percent of the population to be essentially dumb, since they drop out of HS early...Is definitely a problem.

And this isnt a new problem either...Black men on average have had high dropout rates for decades now. Guess you can say that is why its worse now than it was in the past.

And for anyone blaming it on racism, dont bother...The most well off population in America are Asians. And black people who try to make something of themselves do it all the time [just look at Obama].
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Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
It appears that genetics is the prime mover here with cultural aspects being secondary.

"Nisbett summarises the findings of Rushton and Jensen as follows:[22]
  1. Since heritability of intelligence is high in the white population, the probability is high that a large portion of the black-white racial IQ gap is genetic in origin
  2. The gap is not caused by cultural differences, because culture-fair tests only increase the gap
  3. The average IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africans is lower than that of African Americans because 20% of the latters' gene pool is European
  4. Blacks score comparatively lower on questions with high general intelligence loadings, which are more affected by genetics
  5. Questions distinguishing "inbreeding depression" - low scores due to closely related parents - also distinguish the black-white racial gap
  6. Brain size is correlated to IQ and blacks have smaller brains than whites
  7. Speed of reaction is faster for those with higher IQs and whites have a higher speed of reaction to blacks
  8. The IQs of children of black parents with a high IQ regress to a lower mean than children of white parents with the same IQ, supporting a genetic explanation
  9. Interracial adoption studies support a genetic rather than an environmental explanation"

IQ test really does not mean anything. IQ test is more a device developed to test the ability to learn in a western educational system. The test is actually a poor measure of intelligence. Intelligence itself is not very well defined either and not understood completely. So you can generally disregard IQ tests and notions of intelligence. Not to say that there isn't a correlation between high IQ scores and intelligence, but only within the type of intelligence they measure.


Aug 23, 2007
It appears that genetics is the prime mover here with cultural aspects being secondary.

"Nisbett summarises the findings of Rushton and Jensen as follows:[22]
  1. Since heritability of intelligence is high in the white population, the probability is high that a large portion of the black-white racial IQ gap is genetic in origin
  2. The gap is not caused by cultural differences, because culture-fair tests only increase the gap
  3. The average IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africans is lower than that of African Americans because 20% of the latters' gene pool is European
  4. Blacks score comparatively lower on questions with high general intelligence loadings, which are more affected by genetics
  5. Questions distinguishing "inbreeding depression" - low scores due to closely related parents - also distinguish the black-white racial gap
  6. Brain size is correlated to IQ and blacks have smaller brains than whites
  7. Speed of reaction is faster for those with higher IQs and whites have a higher speed of reaction to blacks
  8. The IQs of children of black parents with a high IQ regress to a lower mean than children of white parents with the same IQ, supporting a genetic explanation
  9. Interracial adoption studies support a genetic rather than an environmental explanation"

The idea of a genetic IQ gap has been disproven by studies of mixed race children of black US servicemen in Europe. They're equal to their white peers.

It's really clear to me that the most significant factor aside from culture is NUTRITION. Blacks are much less well nourished than other races in this country, and nutrition is extremely important when the brain is developing in the womb and during childhood. That's hardly ever talked about because it's extremely politically incorrect. Just try to tell a family that the fast food or vegan diet they're forcing on their kids will result in lower intelligence, and they'll probably go off about "telling them how to raise their kids".

Edit: And according to this, the IQ gap is closing. Genetics can't possibly explain that. Class and education can.
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Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
It is sad that we cannot have mature discussions about this because anyone who brings it up is "racist."

It has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with not understanding the purpose of certain tools and their limitations.


Jul 12, 2000
Nutrition? Come on.

It has to do with the family structure, and the culture. All you have to do is look at the out-of-wedlock birthrates for AAs. When you only have one parent or are living with grandma, the odds of you turning out a productive member if society are low.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
The idea of a genetic IQ gap has been disproven by studies of mixed race children of black US servicemen in Europe. They're equal to their white peers.

It's really clear to me that the most significant factor aside from culture is NUTRITION. Blacks are much less well nourished than other races in this country, and nutrition is extremely important when the brain is developing in the womb and during childhood. That's hardly ever talked about because it's extremely politically incorrect. Just try to tell a family that the fast food or vegan diet they're forcing on their kids will result in lower intelligence, and they'll probably go off about "telling them how to raise their kids".

I have not heard of the IQ being the same in mixed race kids.

Scroll down to rearing conditions and it contradicts what you are claiming.

The link also goes into the culture aspect some, which I lean more towards...Asians in the past on IQ tests fared decently but not as well as white people. But when raised in the West and raised to value education they're IQ numbers shot up ahead of whites. Black culture in general places little value on education...Gangsta culture is worshipped by many on the other hand.

And dont shoot the messenger for the link, I wasnt the first to bring IQ up.


Aug 23, 2007
Nutrition? Come on.

It has to do with the family structure, and the culture. All you have to do is look at the out-of-wedlock birthrates for AAs. When you only have one parent or are living with grandma, the odds of you turning out a productive member if society are low.

See what I mean? You think that poor nutrition causing low intelligence is unfathomable-- why? Because no one ever talks about it. The optimal development of a brain depends on proper nutrition. The human mind exists in the brain, not in some kind of mystical soul.

And note that I said "other than culture".


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
Nutrition? Come on.

It has to do with the family structure, and the culture. All you have to do is look at the out-of-wedlock birthrates for AAs. When you only have one parent or are living with grandma, the odds of you turning out a productive member if society are low.

I kno rite, all those fake milk and third world shit being fed to the genius Asian kids while they were in the wombs should have banished the thought.
Nov 30, 2006
Guys...there's a ton of studies on this. I'm not going to argue the obvious...I'll just move along here and leave you to believing what you want to believe while disregarding the rest.


Aug 23, 2007
I have not heard of the IQ being the same in mixed race kids.

Scroll down to rearing conditions and it contradicts what you are claiming.

The link also goes into the culture aspect some, which I lean more towards...Asians in the past on IQ tests fared decently but not as well as white people. But when raised in the West and raised to value education they're IQ numbers shot up ahead of whites. Black culture in general places little value on education...Gangsta culture is worshipped by many on the other hand.

And dont shoot the messenger for the link, I wasnt the first to bring IQ up.

From the Wikipedia article:
^ a b Mackintosh, N.J. (2007). "Book review – Race differences in intelligence: An evolutionary hypothesis". Intelligence 35: 94–96. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2006.08.001 a:"Much labour has gone into this book. But I fear it is the sort of book that gives IQ testing a bad name. As a source of references, it will be useful to some. As a source of information, it should be treated with some suspicion. On the other hand, Lynn's preconceptions are so plain, and so pungently expressed, that many readers will be suspicious from the outset." b:"A more egregious example is provided by his treatment of the Eyferth (1961) study of two groups of illegitimate children fathered by (mostly) American black and white servicemen and brought up by their (carefully matched) German mothers. Eyferth reported an average IQ of 96.5 for the mixed race children and of 97.2 for the whites. Lynn reduces the former number to 94 to compensate for use of an old test, and compares it, not with the score of the white sample, but with an average IQ of 100 for German children. He is thus able to conclude that the IQ of these mixed race children is half way between that of Americans and Africans. He derives the same conclusion from the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992) transracial adoption study since, at the 10-year follow-up, the mixed race children had an average IQ of 94, mid-way between the 102 of the white children and the 89 of the black children. He omits to mention one of the more salient features of this follow-up, namely, that there had been substantial attrition in the white sample—with a loss of those children with lower IQ scores, resulting in an overestimate of the white group's IQ by some 6 points."


Oct 9, 1999
Graduating high school has nothing to do with intelligence, so it's irrelevant in this conversation. We're not talking about graduating with honors or high GPAs and advanced classes. We're simply talking about not dropping out before you finish. The only things that matter are work ethic and priorities.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
From the Wikipedia article:

It could be wrong, but that doesnt fix the obvious which is low black graduation rates and a dumbed down population for black americans [in general]. And it probably wont get better since this is a taboo topic. Even Bill Cosby got verbally beat down when he said the black community is in shambles and should try and improve.


Aug 23, 2007
It could be wrong, but that doesnt fix the obvious which is low black graduation rates and a dumbed down population for black americans [in general]. And it probably wont get better since this is a taboo topic. Even Bill Cosby got verbally beat down when he said the black community is in shambles and should try and improve.

I'm responding to Doc Savage Fan's eagerness to blame the supposed genetic inferiority of blacks.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
all kids are more or less equal regardless of race at birth.

Schools are more or less equal at the public level across the board as well.

What happens though is those with more money have more time to tutor their kids at night, on weekends and over holiday breaks...this tutoring sometimes is not apparent to the parents.

The poorer kids fall behind more and more each year, while those with money push forward a bit each year. At the end of 12 years, the differences are massive.

Unfortunately a lot of minority households are poorer than typical white ones.
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