Blair blames recent crime wave on black culture

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Nice to see someone finally properly address the problem. Tony has definitely grown a large pair to come out and admit what the true problem is, instead of sidestepping it and saying its a income issue or otherwise avoiding the true problem. If only politicians here would be so straightforward and to the point.


Blair blames spate of murders on black culture

· Political correctness not helping, says PM
· Community leaders react angrily to comments

Patrick Wintour and Vikram Dodd
Thursday April 12, 2007
The Guardian

Tony Blair yesterday claimed the spate of knife and gun murders in London was not being caused by poverty, but a distinctive black culture. His remarks angered community leaders, who accused him of ignorance and failing to provide support for black-led efforts to tackle the problem.

One accused him of misunderstanding the advice he had been given on the issue at a Downing Street summit.

Black community leaders reacted after Mr Blair said the recent violence should not be treated as part of a general crime wave, but as specific to black youth. He said people had to drop their political correctness and recognise that the violence would not be stopped "by pretending it is not young black kids doing it".

It needed to be addressed by a tailored counter-attack in the same way as football hooliganism was reined in by producing measures aimed at the specific problem, rather than general lawlessness.

Mr Blair's remarks are at odds with those of the Home Office minister Lady Scotland, who told the home affairs select committee last month that the disproportionate number of black youths in the criminal justice system was a function of their disproportionate poverty, and not to do with a distinctive black culture.

Giving the Callaghan lecture in Cardiff, the prime minister admitted he had been "lurching into total frankness" in the final weeks of his premiership. He called on black people to lead the fight against knife crime. He said that "the black community - the vast majority of whom in these communities are decent, law abiding people horrified at what is happening - need to be mobilised in denunciation of this gang culture that is killing innocent young black kids".

Mr Blair said he had been moved to make his controversial remarks after speaking to a black pastor of a London church at a Downing Street knife crime summit, who said: "When are we going to start saying this is a problem amongst a section of the black community and not, for reasons of political correctness, pretend that this is nothing to do with it?" Mr Blair said there needed to be an "intense police focus" on the minority of young black Britons behind the gun and knife attacks. The laws on knife and gun gangs needed to be toughened and the ringleaders "taken out of circulation".

Last night, British African-Caribbean figures leading the fight against gang culture condemned Mr Blair's speech. The Rev Nims Obunge, chief executive of the Peace Alliance, one of the main organisations working against gang crime, denounced the prime minister.

Mr Obunge, who attended the Downing Street summit chaired by Mr Blair in February, said he had been cited by the prime minister: "He makes it look like I said it's the black community doing it. What I said is it's making the black community more vulnerable and they need more support and funding for the work they're doing. ... He has taken what I said out of context. We came for support and he has failed and has come back with more police powers to use against our black children."

Keith Jarrett, chair of the National Black Police Association, whose members work with vulnerable youngsters, said: "Social deprivation and delinquency go hand in hand and we need to tackle both. It is curious that the prime minister does not mention deprivation in his speech."

Lee Jasper, adviser on policing to London's mayor, said: "For years we have said this is an issue the black community has to deal with. The PM is spectacularly ill-informed if he thinks otherwise.

"Every home secretary from [David] Blunkett onwards has been pressed on tackling the growing phenomenon of gun and gang crime in deprived black communities, and government has failed to respond to what has been a clear demand for additional resources to tackle youth alienation and disaffection".

The Home Office has already announced it is looking at the possibility of banning membership of gangs, tougher enforcement of the supposed mandatory five-year sentences for possession of illegal firearms, and lowering the age from 21 to 18 for this mandatory sentence.

Answering questions later Mr Blair said: "Economic inequality is a factor and we should deal with that, but I don't think it's the thing that is producing the most violent expression of this social alienation.

"I think that is to do with the fact that particular youngsters are being brought up in a setting that has no rules, no discipline, no proper framework around them."

Some people working with children knew at the age of five whether they were going to be in "real trouble" later, he said.

Mr Blair is known to believe the tendency for many black boys to be raised in families without a father leads to a lack of appropriate role models.

He said: "We need to stop thinking of this as a society that has gone wrong - it has not - but of specific groups that for specific reasons have gone outside of the proper lines of respect and good conduct towards others and need by specific measures to be brought back into the fold."

The Commission for Racial Equality broadly backed Mr Blair, saying people "shouldn't be afraid to talk about this issue for fear of sounding prejudiced".

Mr Blair spoke out as a second teenager was due to appear in court charged with the murder of 14-year-old Paul Erhahon, stabbed to death in east London on Friday. He was the seventh Londoner under 16 to be murdered since the end of January, and his 15-year-old friend, who was also stabbed, remains in hospital.

Cleaned up the title to prevent impression of trolling

Anandtech Moderator


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Blair and Imus will make a good pair on Sharpton's next show.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
While its good to see someone in his capacity bring this ugly truth to light it also shows the problem with polticians in general, they don't do the real nasty work until they are no longer worried about getting votes.

Too bad nothing like this could ever come from a politician here in American, the recent flareup over Imus shows just how skewed the environment is.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Shivetya
While its good to see someone in his capacity bring this ugly truth to light it also shows the problem with polticians in general, they don't do the real nasty work until they are no longer worried about getting votes.

Too bad nothing like this could ever come from a politician here in American, the recent flareup over Imus shows just how skewed the environment is.

Nobody here can call a spade a spade, without deep repercussions. We've seen what happened this last week.

If your easter eggs got stolen this past week, by all means, it must have been teh black people. :roll:



Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Mr Obunge, who attended the Downing Street summit chaired by Mr Blair in February, said he had been cited by the prime minister: "He makes it look like I said it's the black community doing it. What I said is it's making the black community more vulnerable and they need more support and funding for the work they're doing. ... He has taken what I said out of context. We came for support and he has failed and has come back with more police powers to use against our black children."

Looks like this guy wants money, if we have anything to teach the Brits on this matter it's that throwing money at the problem isn't the answer. We've spent billions of dollars on these types of programs since the 1960's and it has only made the problem worse.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Well...if its true....

Reminds me of after 9/11. Airports trying so hard to not "profile" would random search more old ladies than anyone of arab appearance.

In fact it was probably that period of time when Arabs could have gotten away with stuff again.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Well...if its true....

Reminds me of after 9/11. Airports trying so hard to not "profile" would random search more old ladies than anyone of arab appearance.

In fact it was probably that period of time when Arabs could have gotten away with stuff again.

Blair is wrong! This is nothing new or recent. These crimes have been going on for decades here. I think now, it's mostly the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Well...if its true....

Reminds me of after 9/11. Airports trying so hard to not "profile" would random search more old ladies than anyone of arab appearance.

In fact it was probably that period of time when Arabs could have gotten away with stuff again.

Blair is wrong! This is nothing new or recent. These crimes have been going on for decades here. I think now, it's mostly the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

In England?


Nov 28, 2004
the obvious problem here is that you are encouraging racism instead of doing something positive. after reading many of your posts i can not help but think that you believe you are superior to other races. the issue is cultural and not racial. i have been to africa and have the utmost respect for the cultures and people i encountered. i also fully support bill cosbys POV and do hope for positive changes in my lifetime. i also realize that the white american culture needs to be more pro-active in helping to resolve the cultural problems, as we were the oppressors not that long ago.

you really need to change your thread title, its racist and you should add 'culture' to the end.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: alien42
the obvious problem here is that you are encouraging racism instead of doing something positive. after reading many of your posts i can not help but think that you believe you are superior to other races. the issue is cultural and not racial. i have been to africa and have the utmost respect for the cultures and people i encountered. i also fully support bill cosbys POV and do hope for positive changes in my lifetime. i also realize that the white american culture needs to be more pro-active in helping to resolve the cultural problems, as we were the oppressors not that long ago.

you really need to change your thread title, its racist and you should add 'culture' to the end.

Oh please! People need to stop walking on egg shells. Grow thicker skin, or don't read these kinds of threads, if they offend you.



Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: alien42
the obvious problem here is that you are encouraging racism instead of doing something positive. after reading many of your posts i can not help but think that you believe you are superior to other races. the issue is cultural and not racial. i have been to africa and have the utmost respect for the cultures and people i encountered. i also fully support bill cosbys POV and do hope for positive changes in my lifetime. i also realize that the white american culture needs to be more pro-active in helping to resolve the cultural problems, as we were the oppressors not that long ago.

you really need to change your thread title, its racist and you should add 'culture' to the end.

Oh please! People need to stop walking on egg shells. Grow thicker skin, or don't read these kinds of threads, if they offend you.
excuse me? do you have a point in that statement? and the thread title is straight up RACIST as it is now. there is a big difference between race and culture.



Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Shivetya
While its good to see someone in his capacity bring this ugly truth to light it also shows the problem with polticians in general, they don't do the real nasty work until they are no longer worried about getting votes.

Too bad nothing like this could ever come from a politician here in American, the recent flareup over Imus shows just how skewed the environment is.

Nobody here can call a spade a spade, without deep repercussions. We've seen what happened this last week.

If your easter eggs got stolen this past week, by all means, it must have been teh black people. :roll:

If my Easter Eggs got stolen this weekend statistics would back that suspicion up, but no one would be allowed to note that


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: alien42
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: alien42
the obvious problem here is that you are encouraging racism instead of doing something positive. after reading many of your posts i can not help but think that you believe you are superior to other races. the issue is cultural and not racial. i have been to africa and have the utmost respect for the cultures and people i encountered. i also fully support bill cosbys POV and do hope for positive changes in my lifetime. i also realize that the white american culture needs to be more pro-active in helping to resolve the cultural problems, as we were the oppressors not that long ago.

you really need to change your thread title, its racist and you should add 'culture' to the end.

Oh please! People need to stop walking on egg shells. Grow thicker skin, or don't read these kinds of threads, if they offend you.
excuse me? do you have a point in that statement? and the thread title is straight up RACIST as it is now. there is a big difference between race and culture.

It is not RACIST to identify a group of people whose criminal element is causing problems. Learn what the term means before being a parrot of the PC culture.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
We're praising Blare for placing blame?

Politicians are professionals at that.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2004
Just like most pedophilia is commited by White Men. I guess it could be said that it's the white culture that's the blame.


Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: alien42
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: alien42
the obvious problem here is that you are encouraging racism instead of doing something positive. after reading many of your posts i can not help but think that you believe you are superior to other races. the issue is cultural and not racial. i have been to africa and have the utmost respect for the cultures and people i encountered. i also fully support bill cosbys POV and do hope for positive changes in my lifetime. i also realize that the white american culture needs to be more pro-active in helping to resolve the cultural problems, as we were the oppressors not that long ago.

you really need to change your thread title, its racist and you should add 'culture' to the end.

Oh please! People need to stop walking on egg shells. Grow thicker skin, or don't read these kinds of threads, if they offend you.
excuse me? do you have a point in that statement? and the thread title is straight up RACIST as it is now. there is a big difference between race and culture.

It is not RACIST to identify a group of people whose criminal element is causing problems. Learn what the term means before being a parrot of the PC culture.

it is RACIST. the title of the article is "Blair blames spate of murders on black culture" and not "Blair blames spate of murders on blacks". there is a HUGE difference there. one is cultural and one is racial, which are NOT the same. i am not being PC but real, you are showing your ignorance.

the original article should also be "Blair blames spate of murders on british black culture". if you think that black culture is the same everywhere in the world you are ignorant.



Feb 6, 2002
Honesty always hurts the most when it is true. There may be a better approach to such a problem without bringing up race specifically. One large problem among both the white and the black cultures today is that people are displaying or acting in such a way that they are displaying their lack of core traditional values.

Extreme Liberalism without restraint can bring about the decay of societal values. You can get to a point where society eventually breaks down and you are not much better off than the barbarians or our past examples of a Fuedal Society where the strength of your arm and your weapons determines the victor.


Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: piasabird
Honesty always hurts the most when it is true. There may be a better approach to such a problem without bringing up race specifically. One large problem among both the white and the black cultures today is that people are displaying or acting in such a way that they are displaying their lack of core traditional values.

Extreme Liberalism without restraint can bring about the decay of societal values. You can get to a point where society eventually breaks down and you are not much better off than the barbarians or our past examples of a Fuedal Society where the strength of your arm and your weapons determines the victor.

So, it's all the fault of the blacks and liberals?
How come you're not blaming immigrants women and Jews while you're at it?

Lots of true colors showing up in this thread.

/insert barfing emoticon here/


Senior member
Oct 26, 2004
Originally posted by: feralkid
Originally posted by: piasabird
Honesty always hurts the most when it is true. There may be a better approach to such a problem without bringing up race specifically. One large problem among both the white and the black cultures today is that people are displaying or acting in such a way that they are displaying their lack of core traditional values.

Extreme Liberalism without restraint can bring about the decay of societal values. You can get to a point where society eventually breaks down and you are not much better off than the barbarians or our past examples of a Fuedal Society where the strength of your arm and your weapons determines the victor.

So, it's all the fault of the blacks and liberals?
How come you're not blaming immigrants women and Jews while you're at it?

Lots of true colors showing up in this thread.

/insert barfing emoticon here/
I'm sure he doesn't mean good well behaved negroes like Bill Cosby.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Shivetya
While its good to see someone in his capacity bring this ugly truth to light it also shows the problem with polticians in general, they don't do the real nasty work until they are no longer worried about getting votes.

Too bad nothing like this could ever come from a politician here in American, the recent flareup over Imus shows just how skewed the environment is.

Nobody here can call a spade a spade, without deep repercussions.

We've seen what happened this last week.

That's not totally true. Only whites in the U.S. have a muzzle on them.

Other ethnic groups are free to say what they want under Free Speech protection.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick

Do you live in the UK? If not why did you bother posting this?


Because the gang issue and ghetto culture mentality could also apply here.. And it probably does by a much larger percentage.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Damn politicians are just as stupid as the people who vote for them.

There is no "black culture" or "white culture"

There is something called "thug culture", I think that's what blair is trying to speak of, but he's a moron.

I mean, all black people like guns, booty, moonshine and spinners, amirite? No, that would be "thugs", and white people can be "thugs", too.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Originally posted by: LLKOOLJ
Just like most pedophilia is commited by White Men. I guess it could be said that it's the white culture that's the blame.

If you stood a black man and a white man next to eachother, and asked me which one was the pedophile or the child molester, I would say the white man. If you asked which one was the drug dealer, car jacker, or petty thief, I would say the black man. I would most likely be right. I am white.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
If anybody plays on Xbox live I would say a good portion of the players would qualify as white thugs, or at least they think they are, racial epithets included in spades.

But the parents are responsible, they buy the rap cd's, they buy their 13 year olds the M rated games and then they wonder why their suburban lilly cracker children are out beating up homeless people to show how tough they are.
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